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5BCMFPG$POUFOUT 6OJU 5IFNF $POUFOU 1BHF/P 3 1PMJUJDBM4ZTUFNTBOE 1 11.FirstEmpires 14 (PWFSOBODF  %FNPDSBUJD(PWFSONFOU 26  7JMMBHF1BODIBZBUT 37 -PDBM4FMG-(PWFSONFOUJO6SCBO 50 \"SFBT 60 4 4PDJBM0SHBOJTBUJPOTBOE 16. Towards Gender Equality *OFRVJUJFT 71 72 5 Culture and 20. Sculptures and Buildings Communication Project Based Questions Additional Map Based Practice Questions

SESSION 1 11.FIRST EMPIRES 1.1 Mind Map FIRST EMPIRES – MAURYAN EMPIRE: SOURCES 1.2 Terminology 1 1. Empire: Large kingdoms. 2. Arthasastra: Book written by kautilya. SESSION 1. MAURYAN EMPIRE: SOURCES

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES 1.3 Improve Your Learning Mapping Skills Q1. Locate the following in the world map: [Refer to TB page 103 Q8] A) Syria B) Egypt C) Greece D) Sri Lanka D) India A. 1.4 Key Concepts 1. The large kingdoms are called Empires and their kings are called Emperors. 2. Chandragupta Maurya was among the earliest Emperors of Indian sub-continent. 3. In the beginning the Magadha Kingdom was confined to Magadha and nearby areas. But later it included all the Mahajanapadas of those times. 4. The Mauryans ruled different parts of the empire differently. The area around Pataliputra was under the direct control of the emperor. 5. There are other areas or provinces which were ruled from provincial capitals like Takshashila, Ujjaini or Suvarnagiri. These were ruled by royal prince who were sent as Governors. 6. The areas of Ganga river valley, Krishna river valley, Malwa plateau, the Godavari valley etc. were fertile lands and hence well populated. SESSION 1. MAURYAN EMPIRE: SOURCES 2

SESSION 2 FIRST EMPIRES – ABOUT ASHOKA 2.1 Mind Map 2.2 Terminology 3 1. Dhamma: Dharma. 2. Yagnas: Puja performed by fire. SESSION 2. ABOUT ASHOKA

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES 2.3 Improve Your Learning Conceptual Understanding Q1. Why do you think Ashoka was an unique ruler?[Refer to [Refer to TB page 103 Q4] A. 1) The most famous Mauryan ruler was Ashoka. He was the first ruler who tried to take his message to the people through inscriptions. 2) Most of Ashoka’s inscriptions were in Prakrit and were written in the Brahmi script 3) He was the only king in the world who gave up wars after getting victory. 4) Ashoka tried to solve all the problems of his subjects. 5) He built roads, dug wells and built rest houses. 6)He was the only king who arranged medical treatment for both human beings and animals. 7) He sought a fierce war against Kalinga,due to which lakhs of people died . 8) He was the only king who believed that winning people over through dharma is better than conquering them through force. 9) He appointed special officials called dharma mahamatras to teach dharma. 10) He arranged for medical treatment for both humans and animals Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Q1. In what way do you think donations to Buddhist monasteries helped the Satavahana and lkshvaka kings? [Refer to [Refer to TB page 103 Q1] A. 1) The Satavahanas tried to bring various clan headmen and small kings under their control, but allowed them to function within their clan areas without any interference. 2) Many of these headmen, women of their families, traders etc. contributed to the Buddhist ‘Monasteries and Stupas built in Amaravati, Bhattiprolu, Vaddlamanu etc. 3) As a result their trade expanded to distant places like Bengal and even to Rome. Q2. Heriditory ruling was prevailed at the time of King Ashoka. How is present ruling different from that time?[Refer to [Refer to TB page 103 Q9] A. Heriditory ruling was prevalent at the time of King Ashoka, but the present ruling is democratic and republic. In present day people choose their own representatives and the head of country is not heriditory but elected for a particular time period. SESSION 2. ABOUT ASHOKA 4

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES Mapping Skills Q1. Identify three rivers and two territorial capitals in map 1.[ Refer to [Refer to TB page 103 Q6] A. Appreciation and Sensitivity Q1. After the war of Kalinga, King Ashoka decided not to fight any more wars. Do you think these types of decisions promote world peace? How? [ Refer to [Refer to TB page 103 Q7] A. Decision of Ashoka to not fight any more wars made a significant impact on society.Ashoka’s empire was wide spread and any decision by emperor broght changes in the socio–economic life of people. This decision of Ashoka diverted people’s attention to world peace, not only in India but in other countries. As Ashoka sent his messengers of peace throughout the world to spread message of peace and harmony. SESSION 2. ABOUT ASHOKA 5

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES 2.4 Key Concepts 1. The most famous Mauryan ruler was Ashoka who tried to take his message to the people through inscrip- tions. 2. Most of Ashoka’s inscriptions were in Prakrit and were written in the Brahmi script. 3. Ashoka fought a war to conquer KaIinga. He was so horrified when he saw the violence and bloodshed, that he decided not to fight any wars any more. 4. Ashoka was inspired by the teachings of the Buddha. 5. Ashoka appointed officials known as Dharmamahamatras who went from place to place teaching people about Dhamma. Maps Map of india showing the important cities and sites of Mauryan empire SESSION 2. ABOUT ASHOKA 6

SESSION 3 FIRST EMPIRES – KINGDOMS AND EMPIRES IN THE DECCAN 3.1 Mind Map 3.2 Terminology 7 1. Monastery: A building on which monks live. 2. Sub–continent: A mass of land consisting of several countries. SESSION 3. KINGDOMS AND EMPIRES IN THE DECCAN

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES 3.3 Improve Your Learning Conceptual Understanding Q1. What did the lkshvaka rulers do to get acceptance from the various clan headmen?[Refer to [Refer to TB page 103 Q3] A. The kings of lkshvaka tried to bring together the various headmen and small chiefs by intermarrying with their families. Thus they got their acceptance. Q2. What enabled the establishment of kingdoms in the Deccan 2000 years ago? [Refer to [Refer to TB page 103 Q5] A. 1) Around the time the Mauryans conquered the Deccan, large parts of the region had developed village settlements and also small towns in which iron tools were used. 2) However most of the areas must have been under forest with hunter gatherers and herders living in small settlements. 3) Probably each of these areas was inhabited mainly by a group of people closely related to each-other through birth and marriage called clans. 4) Some of the important persons among these clans may have emerged as powerful headmen who led them and settled their internal disputes. 5) They gradually grew wealthy and powerful and rule the clans. 6) Soon after the Mauryan Empire ended, many headmen of such clans emerged as small kings and ruled Deccan for about 2000 years ago. Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Q1. Do you think performance of expensive yagnas and claiming to be the descendants of Rama would have helped the Ikshvakas to establish their claim to rule among all the clans.[Refer to [Refer to TB page 103 Q2] A. Yes, the performance of expensive yagnas and claiming to be descendants of Rama would have helped the lkshvakas to establish their claim to rule among all clans since, the hindu rulers had a great devotion towards lord Sri Rama. 3.4 Key Concepts i. Clan is the group of people closely related to each other through birth and marriage. ii. After the Mauryan Empire ended, many headmen of clans emerged as small kings like Satavahanas or Andhras. iii. Satavahahas build a large kingdom which extended from the banks of the Narmada river to the Krishna — Godavari delta. iv. After the end of Satavahana kingdom a family called themselves as lkshvakas assumed royal titles and established a kingdom with its capital in Vijayapuri. v. Gautamiputra Satakarni, Vashishtiputra Pulumavi and Yajnasri Satakarni were prominent among the Sa- tavahana kings. vi. Chantamula and Virapurushadatha were the important kings of Ikshvka dynasty. SESSION 3. KINGDOMS AND EMPIRES IN THE DECCAN 8

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES Images 2. Sri portrayed on coins 1. Gautamiputra satakarni portayed on coins —— CCE Based Practice Questions —— AS1-Conceptual Understanding Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. Answer the following questions in one sentence. (i) Who was the son of Chandragupta Maurya? (ii) How did the emperor issue the orders to the officials? (iii) Who was Ashoka’s father? (iv) Where were the gold mines situated? (v) What was other name of Kautilya? (vi) Who was the first ruler who took the messages though inscriptions to the people? (vii) Whom did the King appoint to collect the taxes from the people? (viii) Name the script in which Ashoka’s inscriptions were written? (ix) Who were Spies? (x) Whom did Ashoka appoint to teach people about Dhamma? Short Answer Type Questions 2. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) What are the sources through which we know about the Mauryan Empire? CHAPTER 11. FIRST EMPIRES 9

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES Long Answer Type Questions 3. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) What was the necessity for the Mauryan rulers to employ spies within the empire? (ii) Discuss the greatness of the Satavahana kings and how did they encourage trade relations with the other countries? AS2-Reading the Text, Understanding and Interpretation Short Answer Type Questions 4. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) Ashoka’s dhamma did not involve worship of God, or performance of sacrifice. He felt that just as a father tries to teach his children, he had a duty to instruct his subjects. He was also inspired by the teachings of the Buddha. Comment on it. AS4-Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Short Answer Type Questions 5. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) Do you think that excavations help in knowing the economic conditions of the Satavahana Dynasty? Long Answer Type Questions 6. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) In ancient period Monarchy was hereditary. In what ways is it different from the present type of govern- ment? AS6-Appreciation and Sensitivity Short Answer Type Questions 7. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) Why do you think that Ashoka occupied a unique place in the history of India? Long Answer Type Questions 8. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) How did the Kalinga war bring about great change in the mind of Ashoka towards warfare? Do you think his change of attitude helped to maintain peace? CHAPTER 11. FIRST EMPIRES 10

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES Objective Questions AS1-Conceptual Understanding 9. Choose the correct answer. (i) The Mauryan dynasty was established by ___________. (A) Ashoka (B) Chandra Gupta Maurya (C) Bindusara (D) Kanishka (ii) Ashoka conquered Kalinga after _________ years of becoming the King. (A) Two (B) Three (C) Five (D) Eight (iii) The minister of Chandra Gupta Maurya was ____________. (A) Chanakya (B) Tansen (C) Megasthenes (D) Tenali (iv) The word Dhamma is from the _____________ language. (A) Telugu (B) Hindi (C) Prakrit (D) Tamil (v) The most famous Mauryan ruler was ___________ . (A) Bindusara (B) Harsha (C) Ashoka (D) Samudragupta (vi) The most important Satavahana kings made ___________ their capital. (A) Pataliputra (B) Mathura (C) Delhi (D) Dhanyakataka CHAPTER 11. FIRST EMPIRES 11

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES (vii) The ancient name of Coastal Odisha was ___________ . (A) Kalinga (B) Linga (C) Pataliputra (D) Ujjain (viii) The founder of the Satavahana dynasty was ______________ . (A) Simuka (B) Satakarni (C) Pullewari (D) Yagnari (ix) Ashoka believed that winning people through __________ is much better than conquering through force. (A) Drama (B) Dhamma (C) War (D) Messengers (x) The Ikshvakas had their capital in ______________ . (A) Vishapuri (B) Sainikpuri (C) Vijayapuri (D) Snehapuri (xi) The book Arthasastra was written by ______________. (A) Chandragupta (B) Kautilya (C) Ashoka (D) Akbar (xii) Which of the following statements about the Satavahana kings is not true? (A) The first Satavahana capital was Kotilingala. (B) They encouraged trade with places such as Bengal and Rome. (C) Gautamiputra Satakarni was an important Satavahana king. (D) They only donated tax free land to ... (B) District (xiii) Large kingdoms are called ____________. (A) Mahajanapadas (C) Empires (D) None of the above CHAPTER 11. FIRST EMPIRES 12

CHAPTER 11-FIRST EMPIRES (xiv) Which of the following cities was not part of the inner state if the Gupta Empire? (A) Madurai (B) Pataliputra (C) Prayaga (D) Ujjain (xv) Officials appointed by Ashoka to spread his teachings were called ____________. (A) Dhamma mahamatras (B) Karma mahamatras (C) Mantris (D) Mantra mahamatras CHAPTER 11. FIRST EMPIRES 13

12.DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT SESSION 1 DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT – GOVERNMENT -FUNCTIONS AND TYPES 1.1 Mind Map 1.2 Terminology 14 1. Democracy: Elected representatives rule the country. 2. Monarchy: King or queen rule the country. 3. Constitution: A very big book of laws and rules. SESSION 1. GOVERNMENT -FUNCTIONS AND TYPES

CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT 1.3 Improve Your Learning Conceptual Understanding Q1. Discuss the similarities and differences between the government of the Gond tribe and a modern democ- racy. [Refer to TB page 111 Q1] A. Differences: Gond Tribal Modern Democracy Every village had a headman or patla who People elect their representatives on the was generally hereditary. basis of Universal Adult Franchise. He was from the family of the person who Anyone can contest in the elections and be a had led the formation of the village in the part of the government if wins. beginning. The village gond panch and patla solved In a democracy there is a judiciary which is disputes in the village and people had to separate from the legislature and executive accept their decisions. and has the right to solve judicial matters. The village headmen derive their authority In a democracy, government derive its from the village ‘Panch’ or the council of authority from the people. adult male householders. Similarities: 1) Village headman is answerable to the panch. In democracy too, government answerable to the parlia- ment. 2) The main function of the Patla is to ensure the unity of the villagers and negotiate with the outsiders and government agencies on behalf of the villagers. In the same way government in a democracy ensures the well-being of the people and maintains relations with other countries. Q2. Gopal’s father consulted all members of the family on setting up of a shop but everyone had a different opinion. Finally, he decided to set up the shop. Do you think he was democratic? [Refer to TB page 112 Q5] A. 1) Yes, Gopal’s father was a Democratic. 2) If he was a dictator he would not have consulted all the members of the family. 3) As a democratic he consulted all the members. SESSION 1. GOVERNMENT -FUNCTIONS AND TYPES 15

CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT Appreciation and Sensitivity Q1. How will your school be if it was run by all the students and teachers together? Would you prefer that everyone participates in taking decisions or would you like to elect representatives? Give your reasons. [Refer to TB page 112 Q3] A. 1) It is impossible to run the school by all students and teachers together.It would lead to confusion. 2) No, it is not possible that every one participate directly in taking decisions. 3) I would like to elect representatives for smooth running of the school. 4) If teachers and students participate in taking decisions there is no disciplinary or governing body. Ev- eryone makes haste decisions which may spoil the whole institution.Finally as the head of the institution he takes decisions , the teachers and the student representatives implements it. 1.4 Key Concepts i. The Government has to run schools, colleges,hospital, libraries and build roads. ii. The Government also has the job of protecting the boundaries of the country and maintaining peaceful relations with other countries. iii. The Monarch (The king or queen) has the power to make decisions and to run the Government. iv. India is a democratic country with millions of voter’s. v. In a democracy, the rule is vested in the hands of the people. SESSION 1. GOVERNMENT -FUNCTIONS AND TYPES 16


CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT 2.2 Terminology 1. Elections: Procedure followed to elect the representative. 2. Decision making: Act of deciding after consideration. 3. Representative: On behalf of or consisting of elected deputies. 2.3 Improve Your Learning Reading the Text, Understanding and Interpretation Q1. Mary’s mother asked all children where they wanted to go on Sunday. Two children wanted to go for a film and three wanted to go to the park to play. If you were in Mary’s place what decision would you take? [Refer to TB page 112 Q6] A. If I were in Mary’s mother’s place, I would take the children to the park to play because majority children’s opinion is going to the park. By going to the park and playing, the children will become active as they get some fresh air in the park. Playing is perferable than going to film. Information Skills Q1. Classify the following as per the level of Government (Central, State, Local): MP, MLA, Sarpanch, Mayor, C.M, P.M. [Refer to TB page 112 Q7] A. 1) Central Government: M.P., P.M. 2) State Government: M.L.A., C.M. 3) Local Government: Sarpanch, Mayor. Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Q1. Do you think it is possible to include the minority opinions in taking a decision? Discuss with some exam- ples. [Refer to TB page 112 Q2] A. 1) I think it is possible to include the minority opinions in taking a decision. 2) The leader should allow the minority to consult him individually. 3) He should consider the minority, if their problems are genuine, useful and within the constitution. 4) The government should reserve some constituencies for the minorities, SC &ST’S and for the women so as to get their due share in decision making. SESSION 2. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS 18

CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT Q2. Do you think the decision making in your house is democratic? Does everyone have a say in it? [Refer to TB page 112 Q4] A. 1) Yes, the decision making in our house is democratic. 2) Everyone has the freedom to express their views not in major decisions but in minor decisions (like going to a park or a movie). 3) Whenever we take decisions, my father takes the opinion of each and everyone. 4) After considering all of them, my father takes the decision, which is good for all. Appreciation and Sensitivity Q1. What challenges do dedicated Sarpanch face? [Refer to TB page 120 Q8] A. 1) The Sarpanch is the head of Gram Panchayat. 2) He has the responsibility of implementing all the decisions of the Panchayat and looking after day to day working of the Panchayat. 3) He is also responsible for the income and the expenditure of the Panchayat. 4) The Sarpanch has a lot of responsibility, some active Sarpanch have changed the fate of their villages. 5) The old Sarpanches harass and disturb them causing some hindrances to make their work failure. 2.4 Key Concepts 1. Abraham Lincoln of America once defined Democracy as the Government of the people, by the people and for the people. 2. Free and fair Elections of representatives are the basis of our Democratic system. 3. The Government works at different levels – At the local level, at the level of the state and at the National level. 4. All the residents of a country who are 18 years old or above and who have enrolled their names in the voters list can choose their representatives. This is known as adult franchise. 5. At the centre the parliament which consist of Lok sabha and Rajya sabha makes the laws. 6. At the state, legislative assembly makes laws. 7. In some states like A.P, Karnataka there is the legislative councils also. 8. The president is the constitutional head of the centre but the executive head is the Prime Minister of India. 9. In some countries all the people directly elect the ruler together and it is known as Direct Democracy. 10. The body of all the voters put together is known as electorate. SESSION 2. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENTS 19

CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT —— CCE Based Practice Questions —— AS1-Conceptual Understanding Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. Match the following. Column A Column B i. Supreme Court a. Postal Services ii. Democracy b. Local self–government iii. Government c. Asia iv. Village d. New Delhi v. Largest Continent e. Equality 2. Match the following. Column A Column B i. Societies a. Has a right to elect their representative ii. One person b. Government of the people, by the people and for the people iii. Democracy c. Varying interest iv. Voter’s d. A person who gets the majority votes v. Representative e. One vote 3. Answer the following questions in one sentence. (i) Name some natural disasters. (ii) Who made the laws in ancient times? (iii) Where do people go to settle their disputes? (iv) Who is elected as the head of village panchayats? (v) Who implements the decisions taken by the tribal society? CHAPTER 12. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT 20

CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT (vi) How should elections be conducted? (vii) What did the kings do to expand their kingdoms? (viii) In a democracy can the authority of people who gets elected be regulated? (ix) Which form of government respects the public opinion? (x) How many types of governments are there at different levels? 4. Fill in the blanks. (xi) In the democratic system of India, the representatives are elected for a period of years. (xii) India is a country. (xiii) To check the functioning of different systems, people can use the . (xiv) Democratic governments in our times are usually referred to as . (xv) In a democracy the citizens have the right to without any discrimination and interference. (xvi) The person who gets the largest number of votes become the of the entire group. (xvii) Every country needs a to make decisions. (xviii) The government takes action on many . (xix) The government of a country has to maintain relations with other countries. (xx) are also a part of the government. Short Answer Type Questions 5. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) Why a mark is put on the finger during the election? CHAPTER 12. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT 21

CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT AS2-Reading the Text, Understanding and Interpretation Long Answer Type Questions 6. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) Read the text and answer the following question. There are millions of people living in our country. The participation by all citizens in taking decisions may lead to countless number of options. These processes may consume more time without arriving at any consensus. Moreover, not all citizens are in a position to spend time, money and energy for participating in public affairs. How can people participate in public affairs? AS3-Information Skills Short Answer Type Questions 7. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. . (i) Complete the following table: S.No People’s representatives in your tate Name 1 First person of your state (Governer) 2 Chief minister 3 Education minister 4 M.L.A AS4-Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Short Answer Type Questions 8. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) Who is responsible for maintaining peaceful relations with other countries? (ii) Why do you think that the people should have information about the different candidates who contest in elections? Long Answer Type Questions 9. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) How can we ensure that our government functions according to the wishes of the people of diverse cultures and interests? CHAPTER 12. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT 22

CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT AS5-Mapping Skills Long Answer Type Questions 10. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) Mark the following states level and capital cities on India map. A. Uttarakhand B. Arunachal Pradesh C. odisha D. Tamilnadu E. Bhopal F. Hyderabad G. Gandhinagar H. Shimla CHAPTER 12. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT 23

CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT (ii) Locate the following districts on the map of Andhra Pradesh. A. Srkapikakula B. Vishapatnam C. West godavari E. Chittoor AS6-Appreciation and Sensitivity Long Answer Type Questions 11. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) Do you think decision making in each family should be based on the principles of democracy? Objective Questions AS1-Conceptual Understanding 12. Choose the correct answer. (i) The form of government where kings rule is called ______________ . (A) Democracy (B) Monarchy (C) Aristocracy (D) Autocracy (ii) ____________ described democracy as a government of the people, by the people and for the people. (A) Rousseau (B) Aristotle (C) Abraham Lincoln (D) Isaac Newton CHAPTER 12. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT 24

CHAPTER 12-DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT (iii) All adult citizens above ______________ years of age are eligible to vote. (A) 31 (B) 20 (C) 15 (D) 18 (iv) In ancient times ______________ made the laws to rule the people. (A) Kings and queens (B) People (C) Government (D) Loksabha (v) The ______________ acted as supreme judge in all important cases of disputes during ancient times. (A) Supreme court judge (B) High court judge (C) Monarch (D) Common man (vi) The government that functions at the national level is called ______________ (A) State government (B) Central government (C) Local self–government. (D) District government (vii) Democratic governments are also referred to as ______________ . (A) Parliamentary (B) Presidential (C) Representative (D) Local self–government (viii) India follows ______________ type of government. (A) Monarchy (B) Aristocracy (C) Democratic (D) None of these (ix) India is governed by the ______________ which has a set of rules and regulations. (A) Constitution (B) President (C) Prime Minister (D) Council of Ministers (x) The government that functions at the state level is called ______________ . (A) Panchayat (B) State Government (C) Mandal (D) Samiti CHAPTER 12. DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT 25

13.VILLAGE PANCHAYATS SESSION 1 VILLAGE PANCHAYATS – LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT IN RURAL AREAS 1.1 Mind Map 1.2 Terminology 1. Gram sabha: All the voter’s in a village represent gram sabha. 2. Public amenities: Roads, hand pumps or street lights belonging to people of a village. 1.3 Improve Your Learning Conceptual Understanding Q1. Do you think common people are able to participate in the process of decision making in your Panchayat or Municipality? Give some examples to illustrate your answer. [Refer to TB page 120 Q2] A. 1) No, common people are not able to participate in the process of decision–making in Panchayat or Mu- nicipality. 2) Common people have the right only to solve any of their existing personal problem i.e. like applying for ration card, voter card, leakage of drains, water problem etc. SESSION 1. LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT IN RURAL AREAS 26

CHAPTER 13-VILLAGE PANCHAYATS Reading the Text, Understanding and Interpretation Q1. Read the para under the title ‘Panduranga Puram Panchayat’ of page 119 and write your comment. [Refer to TB page 120 Q10] A. Student’s Activity Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Q1. Suppose you are a representative in your local government body, what issues would you raise? [Refer to TB page 120 Q1] A. If I am a representative in our government body, I would raise the following issues: 1) Supply of drinking water to the slums. 2) Construction of concrete roads. 3) Well developed drainage system. 4) Development of Anganwadi schools, Maintenance and facility of mid day meals , free books etc to the poor. 5) Collection of Garbage-disposal. Q2. Find out about the problems being faced by Dalit panchayat members and Sarpanch in your area and write a short essay about it. [Refer to TB page 120 Q5] A. 1 The Dalit panchayat members and Sarpanches elected in SC/ST reservation quota has to face a lot of problems because, a) Other Panchayat members do not co-operate with him because of caste feeling. b) They do not assist him in the matters of Panchayat works. c) Practically these members are facing many hardships because of illiterate , ignorance and age old oppressions. d) They are not trained in the process of democratic decentralisation, resulting in little knowledge in the participation of these activities. Q3. Panchayat members and Sarpanches are not paid any salary by the government. Do you think they should be paid salaries. Give your reasons. [Refer to TB page 120 Q6] A. 1) I think that Panchayat members and Sarpanch should be paid salaries. 2) If they are not paid, it may lead to corruption. 3) They may adopt many other measures to get money. 4) If the government pays the salaries to them, they can fight against corruption and do justice to the innocent villagers and town people. 5) To increase the ratio of lower sections and the poor to the stream of administration. SESSION 1. LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT IN RURAL AREAS 27

CHAPTER 13-VILLAGE PANCHAYATS Q4. Do you think Panchayats should raise more tax from the village to carry out development works or depend upon government funds? [Refer to TB page 120 Q7] A. 1) No, I think Panchayats should not raise more taxes from the village to carry out development works because the people cannot pay the tax. 2) The Panchayats should depend upon government funds for development works. 3) They can also depend on the funds by NRI people, donations by rich people etc. 4) Some funds are made available under the Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MN- REGA). 1.4 Key Concepts 1. Roads, hand pumps or streetlights which belong to people in the village as a whole. They are called as public amenities. 2. Gram panchayats are formed through elections. 3. All residents of a village who are 18 years old or above have to enroll their names in the voters list. 4. The Sarpanch is the head of Gram panchayat. 5. The Upa–Sarpanch acts in the absence of the Sarpanch. 6. The village panchayats are responsible for provision of public amenities like, maintenance of village roads, construction and maintenance of drains, supply of drinking water, street lighting, cleaning streets, running ration shops etc. 7. A meeting of panchayat takes place every month. SESSION 1. LOCAL SELF GOVERNMENT IN RURAL AREAS 28

SESSION 2 VILLAGE PANCHAYATS – MANDAL AND ZILLA PARISHADS 2.1 Mind Map 2.2 Terminology 29 1. Election: Procedure followed to elect a representative. 2. Local self–govt: Self–governing bodies. SESSION 2. MANDAL AND ZILLA PARISHADS

CHAPTER 13-VILLAGE PANCHAYATS 2.3 Improve Your Learning Conceptual Understanding Q1. Why do you think only a few people attend the Gram Sabha meeting? [Refer to TB page 120 Q3] A. 1) Gram Sabha meeting is held between the Sarpanch and the Panchayat members. 2) Only a few people attend the meeting because of the following reasons a) People in village depend mostly on agriculture and so they are busy with farm-work. b) Literacy rate is very low and so they do not show interest in these meetings. c) Villagers do not feel they are the partners of gram sabha. d) People do not get proper information about gram sabha meetings. e) moreover they do not know the importance of gram sabha due to ignorance and illiteracy. Q2. Why BPL lists are read out in the Gram Sabha meetings? [Refer to TB page 120 Q4] A. 1) When the lists of BPL (Below Poverty Line) people are read out all people have to ensure that only genuine poor get the benefits of the schemes. 2) To get the awareness of the schemes released by the government the names of BPL are read out. 3) B.P.L lists are list of very poor. They are eligible for government assistance in various forms. Reading the Text, Understanding and Interpretation Q1. Why did Ganga devipalli panchayat turn to be successful? A. 1) Ganga devipalli panchayat turned to be successful through the gram sabha. 2) 18 different committees were formed which are providing good services to the villages. The villagers are co–operative at gangadevipalli. 2.4 Key Concepts 1. Through the Gram Sabha’s eighteen different committees were formed in Gangadevipalli village. 2. Each panchayat also has a secretary, who is a government employee. SESSION 2. MANDAL AND ZILLA PARISHADS 30

CHAPTER 13-VILLAGE PANCHAYATS —— CCE Based Practice Questions —— AS1-Conceptual Understanding Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. Match the following. Column A Column B i. Sarpanch a. Major panchayats with high income ii. Gram Sabha iii. Secretary b. Maintains accounts iv. Executive officer c. Responsible for income and expenditure of pan- v. Ward members chayat d. Propose new work for their wards e. All the voters in a village 2. Match the following. Column A Column B i. Minor taxes a. Executive officer ii. Grants to panchayats b. house tax, land cess etc. iii. Sanction of funds c. no development of the villages iv. Checks the availability of funds d. State and Central governments v. Insufficient funds e. Mandal and Zilla panchayats 3. Answer the following questions in one sentence. (i) In which district is Anakapur village? (ii) Upon whom do the Gram panchayats depend for a bulk of their resources? (iii) What are the services provided to the villages through the Gram Sabha? (iv) How much income does the Gram Panchayat get by levying minor taxes? (v) How many families were enrolled in bank saving schemes in Gangadevipalli Panchayat? CHAPTER 13. VILLAGE PANCHAYATS 31

CHAPTER 13-VILLAGE PANCHAYATS (vi) Who prepares plans in many panchayats for developmental aspects? (vii) Where are all the issues of development of the village discussed? (viii) Where is the annual plan of the Panchayat prepared and discussed? (ix) What was the award received by the Hazipally village from the state Government in the year 2008? (x) Who approves the finalized plan and sanctions fund for the panchayat? 4. Fill in the blanks. (xi) If the number of members present for the panchayat meetings is less than half of the members, the meeting will be . (xii) About gram Panchayats come under Mandal Parishad. (xiii) The Annual plan of the Panchayats is finalized and submitted to for their approval and sanction of funds. (xiv) Nirmala Grama Puraskar award was presented in December 2008 to the sarpanch of Hazipally by who was then the president of India. (xv) Gram Panchayats levy some minor taxes in the villages including and . (xvi) Through the Gram sabhas different committees were formed to provide good services to the villagers. (xvii) All the Mandal Parishads in the district come under the . (xviii) Many villages have succeeded in involving the people in programmes through the gram sabha. (xix) Hazipally is a small village in a district. (xx) The acts in the absence of the Sarpanch. Short Answer Type Questions 5. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) What are the functions of village panchayat? CHAPTER 13. VILLAGE PANCHAYATS 32

CHAPTER 13-VILLAGE PANCHAYATS (ii) What are the public amenities available in your locality? Suggest some of the amenities that should be improved. AS2-Reading the Text, Understanding and Interpretation Short Answer Type Questions 6. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) Read the text and comment on it: It is often seen that in many panchayats the sarpanches prepare plans on their own and get them approved without much discussion. Then the funds allocated for the work may be misappropriated. For this reason, it is necessary that all members of the panchayat should participate in the planning. AS3-Information Skills Short Answer Type Questions 7. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) Complete the following table with the names: S.No Peoples representative in your Village Their name 1 Your sarpanch/Mayor 2 Your Upa Sarpanch 3 Ward member 4 Secretary officer AS4-Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Short Answer Type Questions 8. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) Do you think that it is correct for the village Panchayats to only depend upon funds from the government? Why? Long Answer Type Questions 9. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) Do you think that active participation of all the villages are necessary for the successful functioning of Democracy? CHAPTER 13. VILLAGE PANCHAYATS 33

CHAPTER 13-VILLAGE PANCHAYATS AS5-Mapping Skills Long Answer Type Questions 10. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) Locate the following on Andhra Pradesh map. a) Nellore b) Kurnool c) Tirupathi d) Vijayanagaram AS6-Appreciation and Sensitivity Long Answer Type Questions 11. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) There are many changes being done in the voter’s list. Can you identify the main reasons why this is being done? CHAPTER 13. VILLAGE PANCHAYATS 34

CHAPTER 13-VILLAGE PANCHAYATS Objective Questions AS1-Conceptual Understanding 12. Choose the correct answer. (i) In urban areas, the __________ takes care of providing public amenities to the people. (A) Panchayats (B) Municipalities (C) Panchayat Samithi (D) Zilla Parishad (ii) __________ reviews the functioning of the Gram panchayat. (A) lokh sabha (B) Chairman (C) Gram sabha (D) President (iii) All the residents who are __________ years old are enrolled in the voter’s list. (A) 20 years (B) 17 years (C) 28 years (D) 18 years (iv) A village is usually divided into __________ . (B) Mandals (A) Wards (C) Gram panchayats (D) Samithis (v) The share of seats reserved for women in Gram panchayat is __________ . (A) Two-thirds (B) Half (C) One-third (D) One-fouth (vi) Elections to Gram Panchayats take place once in every __________ . (A) two years (B) six years (C) three years (D) five years (vii) During the elections to Gram Panchayat, every voter casts __________. (A) three votes (B) two votes (C) one votes (D) nil CHAPTER 13. VILLAGE PANCHAYATS 35

CHAPTER 13-VILLAGE PANCHAYATS (viii) Each Panchayat has a__________ to maintain accounts and minutes of the meeting. (A) Officer (B) Registrar (C) Secretary (D) Group of members (ix) Major Panchayats, which have high income, also have __________ appointed by the government. (A) An executive officer (B) A legislative officer (C) A chief officer (D) A judicial officer (x) Meeting of the Panchayat takes place __________ . (A) Quarterly (B) Half yearly (C) Monthly (D) Annually CHAPTER 13. VILLAGE PANCHAYATS 36

14.LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS SESSION 1 LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS – MUNICIPALITIES AND MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS 1.1 Mind Map 1.2 Terminology 1. Self Government : Government of a country by its own people, especially after having been a colony. 2. Municipal council: A municipal council is the local government of a municipality. SESSION 1. MUNICIPALITIES AND MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS 37

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS 1.3 Improve Your Learning Conceptual Understanding Q1. How is garbage collected in your locality ? What happens to it? [Refer to TB page 127 Q1] A. 1) Sweeping the street is one part of the work of Municipal workers. 2) They also collect all the house-hold wastes from door to door. 3) After piling the waste, they have to load them into the truck. 4) All the waste from different parts of the city is dumped at the allocated places. 5) The helpers throw the garbage into truck and return the bins. Q2. What are the public amenities which a Municipality provides but are not provided by a Panchayat? [Refer to TB page 127 Q2] A. 1) Garbage disposal is provided by a Municipality but it is not provided by a Panchayat. 2) In order to serve better, several Municipalities across the country are hiring contractors to collect and process the garbage which is called sub-contracting. 3) Underground drainage system. 4) Arranging market places. 5) Controlling the traffic. 6) Supplying water. Reading the Text, Understanding and Interpretation Q1. Read the first para of page 123 and comment on it. [Refer to TB page 127 Q12] A. Student’s Activity Information Skills Q1. If you live in a town prepare a list of works done by the Municipality in your ward during the last two years. [Refer to TB page 127 Q3] A. 1) Water supply 2) Street lighting 3) Maintaining and widening roads 4) Drainage and Garbage disposal 5) Running schools 6) Ration shops 7) Hospitals 8) New developmental works etc. 9) Trees are planted on the sides of the roads to protect the environment. SESSION 1. MUNICIPALITIES AND MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS 38

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Q1. Frame a few questions to ask the local Corporator/Councillor to know the details of work done by the Municipality. [Refer to TB page 127 Q11] A. Student’s activity Mapping Skills Q1. Locate the different Municipalities in your district map. [Refer to TB page 127 Q10] A. Student’s activity (Hint- Reference link: hra_Pradesh.htm)l SESSION 1. MUNICIPALITIES AND MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS 39

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS 1.4 Key Concepts 1. A major problem in cities is the disposal of waste materials or garbage and drainage. 2. Providing public amenities in towns and cities is a very complex job and it needs a large organization. This organization is called Municipality. 3. There are three kinds of Municipal bodies depending upon the size of the population: • Nagar Panchayat: 20,000 to 40,000 people • Municipal Council: 40,000 to 3,00,000 • Municipal Corporation: More than 3,00,000 people 4. Urban areas are also divided into wards and people are elected as Representatives. These representatives are called Councillors in Municipal Towns and Corporators in Corporation in Cities. 5. Bhimunipatnam or Bhimili is the oldest muncipality. SESSION 1. MUNICIPALITIES AND MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS 40

SESSION 2 LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS – MUNICIPALITIES - ITS FUNCTIONS 2.1 Mind Map 2.2 Terminology 1. Municipal Corporation: A Municipal Corporation is the legal term for a local governing body, including (but not necessarily limited to) cities, counties, towns, townships, charter townships and boroughs. 2. Bio – degradable material : Biodegradation is the chemical dissolution of materials by bacteria, fungi, or other biological means. Although often conflated, biodegradable is distinct in meaning from compostable. SESSION 2. MUNICIPALITIES - ITS FUNCTIONS 41

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS 2.3 Improve Your Learning Conceptual Understanding Q1. What are the services of Corporation in helping the poor? [Refer to TB page 127 Q7] A. Many of the colonies are in the form of slums in which a large number of poor people live and work. All these people are assured water and electricity supply, transport, schools, hospitals, etc. by the Corporation. Through self employment schemes it has helped the poor to establish small service centers etc. Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Q1. Pochamma says that water does not come in her street tap for more than half an hour and several people queue up to fill their buckets. What would you advise her to do to solve this problem? [Refer to TB page 127 Q4] A. 1) First she should go and meet the Municipal Councillor and explain the problem. 2) Then she has to go to Municipality and meet Municipal Commissioner. 3) Then she has to file a petition against the problem and get it signed by all the adults in the colony. 4) After submitting it in the Municipal office, the problem will be solved. Q2. Xavier repairs street lights. He is employed by an electricity contractor who has been engaged by the Municipality. Xavier was injured due to electric shock while at work and his hand got burnt. He could not work for two months. He did not get any wages for this period and was also dismissed by his contractor. What would you advise him to do? [Refer to TB page 127 Q5] A. 1. We know that Xaiver was employed by the contractor and was injured at work, due to electric shock. 2. As he was on duty, the contractor should provide him medical aid and some compensation to maintain his family. 3. He should personally meet the commissioner and tell him about his problem with proper evidence. 4. Thus he may get justice and come out of his difficulties. Q3. Some people think that the job of the Municipality is to provide public amenities at the least cost while others think that the Municipality should also provide dignified working conditions for those who work for it. What do you think? Give your arguments. [Refer to TB page 127 Q6] A. 1) The Municipality should provide dignified working conditions for those who work for it. 2) The Municipality can levy higher taxes for sanitation and garbage disposal. 3) Water supply, street lighting, ration shops can be levied lower taxes. So, the muncipalities should try to provide good working conditions and the public amenities at the least cost. SESSION 2. MUNICIPALITIES - ITS FUNCTIONS 42

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS Q4. Will you differentiate the village from the city? [Refer to TB page 127 Q8] A. VILLAGE CITY 1) In a village, there are houses far 1) In a city, the houses are mainly from one another. (Spacious apartments and Multi–storeyed buildings houses) linked with one another. 2) There is less pollution in a village. 2) There is a lot of pollution in over–crowded cities. 3) Village Panchayats work for the 3) Municipal Corporations work for the welfare welfare of the people. of the people. 4) The standard of living is low. 4) The standard of living is high. Appreciation and Sensitivity Q1. What do you like most in cities and villages? [Refer to TB page 127 Q9] A. 1) In cities, we have multi–storeyed buildings. Multiplex theatres, big recreation parks, museum, well–advanced hospitals (Super–specialty), nice schools with fully equipped technique etc. 2) In villages, the atmosphere is very pleasant. There is no pollution in streets, large and spacious houses with good garden, large green fields, coconut trees etc. 3) I like most of these things in cities and villages. 2.4 Key Concepts 1. The municipality has a lot of tasks to perform like water supply, street lighting, maintaining and building roads, drainage and garbage disposal, running schools, ration shops, hospitals etc. besides taking up new developmental works. 2. Municipalities levy a number of taxes – like tax on houses, water and street light taxes, taxes on shops, film tickets etc. 3. In order to serve better, several Municipalities across the country are hiring contractors to collect and process garbage. This is called sub-contracting. SESSION 2. MUNICIPALITIES - ITS FUNCTIONS 43

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS —— CCE Based Practice Questions —— AS1-Conceptual Understanding Very Short Answer Type Questions 1. Match the following. Column A Column B i. Garbage a. Lighting ii. Bhimili b. Municipal workers iii. Sanitation work c. Power generation iv. Segregation of waste d. Oldest Municipality v. Festive season e. Wheel carts and gloves 2. Match the following. Column A Column B i. Tenali Municipality a. Councillors ii. Road construction b. Corporators iii. Municipal Corporation c. Guntur iv. Representatives of People in towns d. Government funds v. Corporation cities e. Commissioner 3. Answer the following questions in one sentence. (i) What is the major problem in cities? (ii) How the sanitation workers collect garbage in Tenali Municipality? (iii) Where do we find large number of people living in? (iv) Where is Tenali municipality situated? (v) What are the women sanitation workers of Tenali Municipality known as? (vi) What is sub – contracting? CHAPTER 14. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS 44

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS (vii) What are the men sanitation workers of Tenali Municipality known as? (viii) Is the income from the taxes collected by the municipalities sufficient to carry out their work? (ix) What is the success mantra of Tenali model of garbage disposal? (x) How does the government help in the regular work of the Municipalities? 4. Fill in the blanks. (xi) More people are shifting to towns in search of . (xii) Nagar Panchayats are formed with population between people. (xiii) Providing public amenities in towns needs a large . (xiv) The representatives of the municipalities are called in municipal towns. (xv) The representatives of municipalities are elected through . (xvi) To ensure that different kinds of work are properly planned, the municipalityhas a number of . (xvii) To vote in elections, the voter should have completed years of age. (xviii) The government allots for different projects of the municipalities. (xix) The names of the voters are listed in the list. (xx) Apart from sweepers, there are truck drivers and helpers who are employed bythe . Short Answer Type Questions 5. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) What are the sources of funds for municipalities? CHAPTER 14. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS 45

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS AS2-Reading the Text, Understanding and Interpretation Short Answer Type Questions 6. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) Read the text and comment on it. It was Monday morning 5 a.m. Chinna did not want to get up and go for work. Yesterday, he had no work because it was Sunday. But that means there will be more sweeping and more bins to clean. The streets will have more wrappers and plastic bags. The more waste people throw, the harder it becomes for Chinna to clean them out. AS4-Reflection on Contemporary Issues and Questioning Short Answer Type Questions 7. Answer the following questions in 3-4 sentences. (i) In what ways do you think that the ward councillors should work for the development of their village? (ii) In case an electrician gets injured or loses his life while carrying out the repairs, in what ways he should be helped? Long Answer Type Questions 8. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) Suppose the villagers complaint of water shortage in their villages, what remedial measures can be taken to solve the water problem? CHAPTER 14. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS 46

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS AS5-Mapping Skills Long Answer Type Questions 9. Answer the following questions in 6-8 sentences. (i) Locate the following on the outline map of India: A. Patna B. Delhi C. Indian Ocean D. Mumbai E. River Godavari CHAPTER 14. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS 47

CHAPTER 14-LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS Objective Questions AS1-Conceptual Understanding 10. Choose the correct answer. (i) The size of the cities is __________ day by day. (A) Decreasing (B) Growing (C) Constant (D) Falling (ii) Providing public amenities in towns is a very __________ job. (A) Complex (B) Simple (C) Simple (D) Tedious (iii) Several municipalities are hiring __________ to collect garbage. (A) Commissioners (B) Officers (C) Contractors (D) Peons (iv) A Municipal Corporation will have more than __________. (A) 20,000 people (B) 3,00,000 people (C) 40,000 people (D) 60,000 people (v) The rules of elections with regard to the municipalities are similar to that of __________ . (A) Assembly elections (B) Panchayats (C) Lok Sabha (D) Rajya Sabha (vi) The woman sanitation workers in Tenali have been renamed __________ (A) Street Decorators (B) Akash Ganga (C) Nagara Deepika (D) Gagandeepika (vii) Tenali Municipality is in __________ district. (B) East godavari (A) Vishakapatnam (D) Guntur (C) Kurnool CHAPTER 14. LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT IN URBAN AREAS 48

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