Preface This Phonics Book (LKG Book – A) is part of the ClassKlap series of books for kindergarten (Nursery, LKG and UKG). The books are student-friendly, contextual and prepare learners for all the skills which are essential to make them ready for school. All the books are based on the internationally recommended pedagogy of MULTIPLE LEARNING PATHWAYS. Phonics is a method for teaching the reading and writing of the English language by developing the learners’ phonemic awareness — the ability to hear, identify and manipulate letter sounds — in order to teach the correspondence between these sounds and the spelling patterns that represent them. Learning phonics helps learners understand the relationship between letters and their sounds. Research shows that learners who are taught by the phonics method display marked improvement with respect to measure of phonemic awareness, spelling and reading as compared to learners who are taught by the traditional methods. This book (LKG Book – A) introduces learners to vowels, consonants, sight words and blends. The unique feature of this book is the introduction of teaching strategies for all concepts as well as the introduction of strategies for improving phonemic awareness and decoding. The book is designed to give learners ample opportunities to practise the letter sounds, phonemic awareness and decoding with the teachers as well as on their own. This is the second of the three books on phonics. The progression across the books is from the easier activities, which are based on listening to the more rigorous activities, which involve the application of knowledge of phonics as well as practice of writing.
Strategies The chart given below lists a few important strategies which the teachers can use to provide ample practice to learners and to make instructions regarding phonics more effective. The chart also provides information on the meaning of the strategies, their uses and some examples. When the teachers use any teaching strategy, they should do the following. (1) Help learners to understand why a strategy is useful (2) D escribe in detail how the strategy can be used Teacher demonstration and follow-up conducted through independent practice is paramount in case of learner outcomes. Strategies for Sound Awareness Targeted Skill Strategy Example Sound Isolation Ask learners to isolate Sammy snake says Sound the individual sounds in ‘_______’. (/s/) Identification a word. Which is the same sound Ask learners to practise in ‘fix’, ‘fall’ and ‘fun’? Sound identifying the same Categorisation sound. Ask learners to practise Which sound is grouping words that common to this set – have the same sound like weed, bead, seed? the others in that set. Sound Blending Ask learners to combine How do we read sounds to form words, /b/ /i/ /g/? that is, by using /b/ /i/ /g/ is ‘big’. dictation where the Let us write the sounds teacher says a word in ‘big’ – /b/ is ‘b’, /i/ is and learners write the ‘i’ and /g/ is ‘g’. sounds either on their Thus, we read the own or as a group. word ‘big’.
Sound Ask learners to break a Which sounds do we hear Segmentation word into parts and say in the word ‘rug’? Sound each sound which Say /r/-/u/-/g/. Deletion they hear. Sound Addition Ask learners to practise Say ‘stop’ without the /s/. Sound recognising a word Which sound do we hear in Substitution when a sound is ‘meat’ that is in ‘eat’? Which removed. word would be left if we remove the /n/ from ‘moon’? Ask learners to add a Which word do we get if sound to an existing word. we add a /s/ to ‘park’? Ask learners to practise The word is ‘bug’. substituting one sound Change the /g/ to a /n/. for another to make Which new word do we new words. get? Targeted Skill Decoding Strategies Sound the Word Out Strategy Start with the first letter and say each individual Look for letter-sound aloud as if you are stretching the word. Chunks in Blend all the sounds together and try to say the the Word word. Does that word make sense in the sentence? Look for familiar letter chunks. They may be sounds, symbols, prefixes, suffixes, endings, whole words or base words. Read each chunk by itself. For example, The three chunks in the word rain are /r/-/ai/-/n/. Use Picture Look at the picture. Are there people, objects or actions Clues in the picture that might make sense in the sentence? Re-read the Read the sentence more than once. Think about Sentence which word might make sense in the sentence. Try that word and see if the sentence makes sense. Keep Reading Read past the unfamiliar word and look for clues. If that word is repeated in another sentence, compare the second sentence to the first one. Which word might make sense in both the sentences?
Contents 1) Revision of Letter Sounds: Aa to Zz ..................... 6 2) Vowel and Consonant Sounds ................................. 14 3) Beginning, Middle and End Sounds ........................ 19 A and E CVC Words I and O CVC Words U CVC Words 4) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 1 ........................... 27 5) Long and Short Vowel Sounds ..............................28 6) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 2 ..........................32 7) ‘bl’, ‘cl’, ‘fl’, ‘pl’ and ‘gl’ sounds ................................ 33 8) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 3 ..........................39 9) ‘br’, ‘cr’, and ‘fr’ sounds ..........................................40 10) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 4 ........................44 11) ‘tr’, ‘gr’, and ‘pr’ sounds .......................................45 12) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 5 ........................49 13) ‘sl’, ‘sm’, ‘sk’, and ‘st’ sounds .............................. 50
1) Revision of Letter Sounds: Aa to Zz Sounds the Letters Make Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher and repeat. Aa Bb /a/ apple ant /b/ bag ball I have an apple Bounce, bounce, bounce /a/-/a/ apple the ball /b/-/b/ ball I have an apple Bounce, bounce, bounce /a/-/a/ apple the ball /b/-/b/ ball Cc Dd /c/ cat cake /d/ dog doll Cut, cut, cut the Dig real deep cake /c/-/c/ cake /d/-/d/ deep Cut, cut, cut the Dig real deep cake /c/-/c/ cake /d/-/d/ deep 6♫
Sounds the Letters Make Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher and repeat. Ee Ff /e/ egg elephant /f/ fish fan I have an elbow Fan in my hand /e/-/e/ elbow /f/-/f/ fan I have an elbow Fan in my hand /e/-/e/ elbow /f/-/f/ fan Gg Hh /h/ hen hat /g/ girl goat Hop with a hoop Girl in a gown /h/-/h/ hoop /g/-/g/ gown Hop with a hoop Girl in a gown /h/-/h/ hoop /g/-/g/ gown ♫ ♫7 ♫
Sounds the Letters Make jelly Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher and repeat. Ii Jj /i/ igloo ink /j/ jam There is an igloo Jelly on my plate /i/-/i/ igloo /j/-/j/ jelly There is an igloo Jelly on my plate /i/-/i/ igloo /j/-/j/ jelly Kk Ll /k/ key kite /l/ leaf lion Kick, kick, kick the Lick the lollipop ball /k/-/k/ kick /l/-/l/ lollipop Kick, kick, kick the Lick the lollipop ball /k/-/k/ kick /l/-/l/ lollipop 8♫
Sounds the Letters Make Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher and repeat. Mm Nn nib Milk /n/ net /m/ milk moon Munch the lunch Nod your head /m/-/m/ munch /n/-/n/ nod Munch the lunch Nod your head /m/-/m/ munch /n/-/n/ nod Oo Pp /o/ orange ox /p/ pan pencil Ox has horns /o/-/o/ ox Ox has horns /o/-/o/ ox Play in the park /p/-/p/ park Play in the park /p/-/p/ park ♫ ♫9 ♫
Sounds the Letters Make Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher and repeat. Rr Qq /q/ queen quilt /r/ rat rain Quack like a duck Roar like a lion /q/-/q/ quack /r/-/r/ roar Quack like a duck Roar like a lion /q/-/q/ quack /r/-/r/ roar Ss Tt /s/ Sun sip /t/ tent tap Sun in the sky Water from the tap /s/-/s/ sky /t/-/t/ tap Sun in the sky Water from the tap /s/-/s/ sky /t/-/t/ tap 10 ♫
Sounds the Letters Make Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher and repeat. Vv Uu /u/ umbrella up /v/ vase van Open your umbrella The van is violet /u/-/u/ umbrella /v/-/v/ van Open your umbrella The van is violet /u/-/u/ umbrella /v/-/v/ van Ww Xx /w/ wall watch /x/ x-ray x-mas tree Wiggle your fingers /w/-/w/ wiggle Fix the box /x/-/x/ box Wiggle your fingers Fix the box /x/-/x/ box /w/-/w/ wiggle ♫ ♫ 11 ♫
Sounds the Letters Make Look at the pictures. Listen to your teacher and repeat. Yy Zz zip /y/ yo-yo yak /z/ zebra Jelly is yummy Zebra in the zoo /y/-/y/ yummy /z/-/z/ zoo Jelly is yummy Zebra in the zoo /y/-/y/ yummy /z/-/z/ zoo 12 ♫
Circle and Say Circle (0) the pictures which have the same beginning sound in each row. Write the beginning sound in the space given. One has been done for you. vase Sun hen soap S pin vest pig igloo leaf watch axe lips orange goat gate tap fish dog cup den 13 ♫ ♫ ♫
2) Vowel and Consonant Sounds Vowel Sounds There are 5 vowels in the English Alphabet: A, E, I, O, U. Read the words beginning with vowel sounds aloud with the help of your teacher. Aa Ee /a/ /e/ Ant on the wall Elephant in the jungle /a/-/a/ ant /e/-/e/ elephant Ii /i/ Itch on my arm /i/-/i/ itch Oo Uu /o/ /u/ Oranges are orange Uncle with an umbrella /o/-/o/ oranges /u/-/u/ uncle Teaching Strategies: S ound isolation, sound identity and sound categorisation 14 ♫
Consonant Sounds There are 21 consonants in the English Alphabet: B C D F G H J K L M N P Q R S T V W X Y Z. Read the words beginning with consonant sounds aloud with the help of your teacher. Bb - /b/ Cc - /c/ Boat Cat Dd - /d/ Ff - /f/ Dog Fan Gg - /g/ Hh - /h/ Goat Hen Jj - /j/ Kk - /k/ Jug Kite Ll - /l/ Mm - /m/ Lemon Milk Milk Teaching Strategies: Sound isolation, sound identity and sound ♫ categorisation 15 ♫ ♫
Consonant Sounds Nn - /n/ Pp - /p/ Nest Pan Red Qq - /q/ Rr - /r/ Queen Ss - /s/ Tt - /t/ Sun Tap Vv - /v/ Ww - /w/ Van Well Xx - /x/ Yy - /y/ X-ray Yacht Zz - /z/ Zip Teaching Strategies: S ound isolation, sound identity and sound categorisation 16 ♫
♫ Circle the Vowel Sounds ♫ Read the letters aloud. Circle (0) all the vowel sounds. ♫ 17
Colour the Consonant Sounds Read the letters aloud. Colour all the consonant sounds. E Z d m q O G b Ja I Uf R 18 ♫
3) Beginning, Middle and End Sounds Recognise the beginning, middle and ending sounds in a word with the help of your teacher. Consonant Vowel Consonant (C) (V) (C) M A T /M/ /A/ /T/ Beginning Middle Sound Ending Sound Sound The sound or The last sound or The first sound or sounds in the sounds in a word sounds in a word middle of a word Teaching Strategies: Sound blending and segmenting. Breaking a word into beginning, middle, ending sounds helps learners in decoding faster ♫ 19 ♫ ♫
‘A’ and ‘E’ CVC Words Say the beginning, middle and ending sounds of the given words with the help of your teacher. Read the words aloud. AE /B/-/A/-/T/ - BAT /B/-/E/-/D/ - BED /C/-/A/-/T/ - CAT /R/-/E/-/D/ - RED /H/-/A/-/T/ - HAT /L/-/E/-/G/ - LEG /M/-/A/-/P/ - MAP /J/-/E/-/T/ - JET /R/-/A/-/T/ - RAT /P/-/E/-/N/ - PEN Teaching Strategies: Sound isolation, sound identity and sound categorisation. CVC stands for consonant-vowel-consonant 20 ♫
‘I’ and ‘O’ CVC Words Say the beginning, middle and ending sounds of the given words with the help of your teacher. Read the words aloud. IO /L/-/I/-/P/ - LIP /C/-/O/-/T/ - COT /Z/-/I/-/P/ - ZIP /D/-/O/-/G/ - DOG /B/-/I/-/N/ - BIN /T/-/O/-/P/ - TOP /P/-/I/-/N/ - PIN /B/-/O/-/X/ - BOX /P/-/I/-/G/ - PIG /F/-/O/-/X/ - FOX Teaching Strategies: Sound blending and segmenting 21 ♫ ♫ ♫
‘U’ CVC Words Say the beginning, middle and ending sounds of the given words with the help of your teacher. Read the words aloud. U /H/-/U/-/T/ - HUT /T/-/U/-/B/ - TUB /S/-/U/-/N/ - SUN /M/-/U/-/G/ - MUG /C/-/U/-/P/ - CUP Teaching Strategies: S ound isolation, sound identity and sound categorisation 22 ♫
Beginning Sounds Look at the pictures. Recognise and write the beginning sounds in the given spaces. Read the words aloud. B C L P B D OG IN AT UP ♫ IPS ED ♫ ♫ 23
Middle Sounds Look at the pictures. Recognise and write the middle sounds in the given spaces. Read the words aloud. U O A E A I M P R D H T F X Z P H T 24 ♫
♫ Ending Sounds ♫ Look at the pictures. Recognise and write the ending sounds in the given spaces. Read the words aloud. N T N G P T CO MU TO BI RA PE ♫ 25
Word Making Recognise the pictures and join the correct letters to make the words. Write the words in the given spaces. One has been done for you. c h i cat b a t g a b t u m f i o p g k q o v b s x dj t bez 26 ♫
4) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 1 Point at the given words. Repeat them aloud with the help of your teacher. a and away big blue Teaching Strategies: S ight words, are commonly used words that young learners are encouraged to memorise as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognise these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode ♫ 27 ♫ ♫
5) Long and Short Vowel Sounds When a vowel sounds like its name, this is called a long sound. For example as in the word ‘acorn’. A vowel letter can also have a short sound depending on its position in a word. For example as in ‘pan’. Short Vowel Sounds Long Vowel Sounds a apple cat acorn cake e eagle leaf elephant net i igloo pig ice cream kite o octopus dog ocean soap u umbrella Sun unicorn glue Teaching Strategies: S ound isolation, sound identity and sound categorisation 28 ♫
Match the Vowel Sounds Match the vowel sounds to the words by drawing lines. Short A Igloo Long A Elephant Short E Umbrella Long E Ocean Short I Apple Long I Ice cream Short O Eagle Long O Octopus Short U Acorn Long U Unicorn ♫ ♫ 29 ♫
Short Vowel Sounds Read the words in each row. Which words have short vowel sounds? Colour the bubbles given below the correct answers. 1) act snail snake whale 2) cute bed puma blue 3) comb goat dig geese 4) cop deer eel sheep 5) eagle bug maid fail 6) bat leap heal seam 7) reap cap goat deer 8) cute tiger green pen 30 ♫
Long and Short Vowel Sounds Read each word and write them in the long or short vowel sounds columns given below. Glue Cake Pig Sun Cat Kite Soap Dog Leaf Net Long Vowel Sounds Short Vowel Sounds ♫ ♫ 31 ♫
6) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 2 Point at the given words. Repeat them aloud with the help of your teacher. can come down find for Teaching Strategies: Sight words, are commonly used words that young learners are encouraged to memorise as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognise these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode 32 ♫
7) ‘bl’, ‘cl’, ‘fl’, ‘pl’ and ‘gl’ sounds Words with /bl/ Sound When you read the sounds of /b/ and /l/ together, you get the sound /bl/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /b/ and /l/ make together. /b/ + /l/ = /bl/ Read the words which have the /bl/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Black Blocks 1 Blue /bl/ 23 Blow Blanket ♫ Can you think of more words with the /bl/ sound? ♫ ♫ 33
Words with /cl/ Sound When you read the sounds of /c/ and /l/ together, you get the sound /cl/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /c/ and /l/ make together. /c/ + /l/ = /cl/ Read the words which have the /cl/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Clock Clip /cl/ Clouds Clown Clap Can you think of more words with the /cl/ sound? 34 ♫
Words with /fl/ Sound When you read the sounds of /f/ and /l/ together, you get the sound /fl/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /f/ and /l/ make together. /f/ + /l/ = /fl/ Read the words which have the /fl/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Flask Flame Fly /fl/ Flower Flute Can you think of more words with the /fl/ sound? ♫ ♫ 35 ♫
Words with /pl/ Sound When you read the sounds of /p/ and /l/ together, you get the sound /pl/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /p/ and /l/ make together. /p/ + /l/ = /pl/ Read the words which have the /pl/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Plate Planet Plug /pl/ Play Plums Can you think of more words with the /pl/ sound? 36 ♫
Words with /gl/ Sound When you read the sounds of /g/ and /l/ together, you get the sound /gl/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /g/ and /l/ make together. /g/ + /l/ = /gl/ Read the words which have the /gl/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Glue Glitter Gloves /gl/ Glass Globe ♫Can you think of more words with the /gl/ sound? ♫ ♫ 37
Recognise and Circle Look at the pictures and say the names aloud. Circle the correct beginning blends. st cl pl sk pr gl gl sm gr pr tr bl fr br st fl bl gr 38 ♫
8) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 3 Point at the given words. Repeat them aloud with the help of your teacher. funny go help here I Teaching Strategies: S ight words, are commonly used words that young learners are encouraged to memorise as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognise these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode ♫ 39 ♫ ♫
9) ‘br’, ‘cr’, and ‘fr’ sounds Words with /br/ Sound When you read the sounds of /b/ and /r/ together, you get the sound /br/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /b/ and /r/ make together. /b/ + /r/ = /br/ Read the words which have the /br/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Bread Broom Brinjal /br/ Brush Branch Can you think of more words with the /br/ sound? 40 ♫
Words with /cr/ Sound When you read the sounds of /c/ and /r/ together, you get the sound /cr/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /c/ and /r/ make together. /c/ + /r/ = /cr/ Read the words which have the /cr/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Crow Crab Crib /cr/ Crayons Crown Can you think of more words with the /cr/ sound? ♫ ♫ 41 ♫
Words with /fr/ Sound When you read the sounds of /f/ and /r/ together, you get the sound /fr/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /f/ and /r/ make together. /f/ + /r/ = /fr/ Read the words which have the /fr/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Frock Friends Frame /fr/ Frog Fruit Can you think of more words with the /fr/ sound? 42 ♫
♫ Recognise and Circle ♫ Look at the pictures and say the names aloud. Circle the correct beginning blends. sl sk cr br fl fr br sm pl cr gl gr fr cr pr br br gr ♫ 43
10) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 4 Point at the given words. Repeat them aloud with the help of your teacher. in is it jump little Teaching Strategies: S ight words, are commonly used words that young learners are encouraged to memorise as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognise these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode 44 ♫
11) ‘tr’, ‘gr’, and ‘pr’ sounds Words with /tr/ Sound When you read the sounds of /t/ and /r/ together, you get the sound /tr/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /t/ and /r/ make together. /t/ + /r/ = /tr/ Read the words which have the /tr/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Truck Treasure Train /tr/ ♫ Tree Trunk ♫ Can you think of more words with the /tr/ sound? ♫ 45
Words with /gr/ Sound When you read the sounds of /g/ and /r/ together, you get the sound /gr/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /g/ and /r/ make together. /g/ + /r/ = /gr/ Read the words which have the /gr/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Greet Group Grass /gr/ Grains Grapes Can you think of more words with the /gr/ sound? 46 ♫
Words with /pr/ Sound When you read the sounds of /p/ and /r/ together, you get the sound /pr/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /p/ and /r/ make together. /p/ + /r/ = /pr/ Read the words which have the /pr/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Prize Princess Pram /pr/ Present Prince Can you think of more words with the /pr/ sound? ♫ ♫ 47 ♫
Recognise and Circle Look at the pictures and say the names aloud. Circle the correct beginning blends. cr pr gl cl gr bl gl tr pr pl br sl tr cl sm fl br gr 48 ♫
12) Sight Words Pre-Primer List: 5 Point at the given words. Repeat them aloud with the help of your teacher. look make me my not Teaching Strategies: Sight words, are commonly used words that young learners are encouraged to memorise as a whole by sight, so that they can automatically recognise these words in print without having to use any strategies to decode ♫ 49 ♫ ♫
13) ‘sl’, ‘sm’, ‘sk’, and ‘st’ sounds Words with /sl/ Sound When you read the sounds of /s/ and /l/ together, you get the sound /sl/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /s/ and /l/ make together. /s/ + /l/ = /sl/ Read the words which have the /sl/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Slate Slice Slide /sl/ Slow Sleep Can you think of more words with the /sl/ sound? 50 ♫
Words with /sm/ Sound When you read the sounds of /s/ and /m/ together, you get the sound /sm/. With the help of your teacher, repeat the sound which /s/ and /m/ make together. /s/ + /m/ = /sm/ Read the words which have the /sm/ sound aloud with the help of your teacher. Small Smart Smell /sm/ Smile Smoke Can you think of more words with the /sm/ sound? ♫ ♫ 51 ♫