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Exercise 3: Read the sentences given below. Underline the adverbs that describe how the actions happened. One is done for you. a) The flowers moved merrily in the breeze.   b) He softly walked into his room. c) The children sang loudly. d) I can read this poem fast.     e) The puppy licked me playfully. f) The ducks noisily swam in the water.      Adverbs 13

10 Prepositions – position words Prepositions We have learnt a few position words in Class 1. Now, let us practise using these words. Minnie has a naughty cat and a loving dog. Her cat is playing with a ball of wool. Her dog is walking around his kennel. Now, write the positions of the cat and the dog. Choose the correct position words from the box. in   on   under   between   beside – Remember • P osition words help in connecting two naming words. They tell us the positions of the naming words. • Position words are also called prepositions. 17

Let us learn four new prepositions. Below: It means a position that is at a lower level than someone or something. Rina and Suzy are The dog is sleeping The worm is below the standing below below the table. apple. Amjad. Above: It means a position that is at a higher level than someone or something. The mirror is hanging The aeroplane is flying The boy has raised his above the bathtub. above the clouds. arms above his head. 18

In front of: It means ‘to the front of someone or something’. A ball is in front of the The cat and the dog The clock is box. are sleeping in front of in front of the bag. the fireplace. Behind: It means ‘to the back of someone or something’. The Sun can be seen The bus is behind the The girl is hiding behind behind the hill. tree. the wall. Exercise 1: Underline the prepositions in the sentences. One is done for you. a) The principal was standing in front of the students. b) My sandwich is on the table. c) Bobby is sitting between Tania and Riki. Prepositions – position words 19

d) The hospital is behind the city gardens. e) The fan is hanging above the table. f) The grass is growing under the stone. Exercise 2: Where are the children? Choose the correct preposition for each child from the given box. One is done for you. between  below  beside  in front of   behind  on in front of a) the suitcase _______________________________ b) _______________________________ the suitcase _______________________________ c) _______________________________ the suitcases 20

_______________________________ d) _______________________________ the suitcase _______________________________ e) _______________________________ the suitcase _______________________________ f) _______________________________ the suitcase Exercise 3: Look at the pictures and fil in the blanks. One is done for you. a) The eggs are in the b) The open book is c) The cat is sitting __________________ basket. __________________ the girl. the table. Prepositions – position words 21

d) T  he sea is e) T  he fox is f) T  he Sun was hiding __________________ __________________ __________________ the plane. the dog. the clouds. 22

P5 Picture Reading Picture 1 Look at the picture given below and choose the correct answers. 1) There are __________ girls and __________ boys in the picture. [    ] a) three; three b) two; four c) three; two d) two; three 2) It is __________ Day. [    ] a) Republic b) Teacher’s c) Independence d) Children’s 3) They are sitting __________ a stage. [    ] a) on b) under c) between d) behind 4) The boy on the left is playing a __________. [    ] a) tabla b) flute c) harmonium d) guitar 26

5) A boy is playing a sitar. Arrange the underlined words [   ] in alphabetical order. a) a, boy, is, playing, sitar b) playing, boy, is, sitar, a c) sitar, is, boy, playing, a d) a, boy, sitar, playing, is Picture 2 Look at the picture given below and write what is happening in it. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Picture Reading 5 27

11 Conjunctions – joining words Conjunctions Complete the sentences with suitable joining words. Madhu _____________ You can choose the I like strawberries Priyanka are good books _____________ _____________ friends. chocolate. toys but not both. Remember The words ‘and’ and ‘or’ join words or sentences. They are called joining words or conjunctions. Conjunctions are words that join words or parts of sentences together. Examples: • My dog and cat like to chase each other. • Do you want a lollipop or an ice cream cone? Let us learn about two new conjunctions or joining words. Conjunction Usage Examples but It connects two • I want to play now, but I have to opposite ideas. help my brother. • I want to sleep, but my mother wants me to study. 28

Conjunction Usage Examples It joins two sentences where one sentence • It was late, so she went to sleep. so shows a cause or • Sam was hungry, so he ate the reason and the other whole cake. shows the result. Exercise 1: Match the sentences. One is done for you. Column A Column B a) Lily wrote a E A) so he bakes letter, cakes very often. b) He likes B) b ut she sleeps baking, late. c) They were C) or a pair of going on a jeans? vacation, d) A crow D) so they packed their bags. e) Will you wear E) b ut she did a skirt not post it. f) Swati wakes F) a nd an eagle up early, can both fly. Conjunctions – joining words 29

Exercise 2: Fill in the blanks with the correct conjunctions from the options given in brackets. One is done for you. a) Vivaan is my friend, so (so/or) he always helps me. b) I s Ali going to the market to buy vegetables _________________ (but/ or) milk? c) Does Rita have a brother _________________ (or/so) a sister? d) Rima was not thirsty, _________________ (or/but) she still drank the fruit juice. e) Suman plays the guitar _________________ (but/and) drums. f) Parrots can talk, _________________ (but/so) they cannot draw. Exercise 3: Complete the sentences with the help of the options given in the box below. One is done for you. and bathed in it but healthy or tea so she was very strong but dogs cannot so I ate it a) My Grandpa is old but healthy. b) The food was tasty, _______________________________________________. c) Would you like to have milk ______________________________________? d) Kabir went to the river, ____________________________________________. e) Basira exercised a lot, ____________________________________________. f) Parrots can talk __________________________________________________. 30

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