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English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 1 04/10/2019 16:01:41

Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX presents the latest version of the Pinnacle series – especially crafted as an accompanying workbook series for the Tamil Nadu state board textbooks. The Pinnacle series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the Tamil Nadu Curriculum Framework, 2017, in conjunction with the content covered and approach adopted in the Samacheer textbooks. The IMAX English workbooks and Grammar & Composition books for the Pinnacle series strive hard to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW). Below are some salient features of the Pinnacle English workbooks series:   Summaries of the Samacheer English textbook lessons   Meanings of difficult words from the lessons provided, along with example sentences  Coverage of all textbook questions that require space for writing along with adequate space for writing  ‘Quick Check’ questions at the start of every workbook lesson to recapitulate details of the textbook lesson  Inclusion of questions based on comprehension, vocabulary, judgement & appreciation and speaking skills Here are some salient features of the Pinnacle Grammar & Composition series:  The grammar concepts covered have a horizontal and vertical progression across grades, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  Inclusion of age-appropriate picture reading for grades 1 & 2, and reading comprehension passages for grades 3, 4 & 5  Inclusion of samples for format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing  Provision of a listening to audio section for honing of listening skills for different purposes for grades 4 & 5 Overall, the IMAX English Pinnacle series aims to generate greater engagement with and enhance fluency in English language communication, while providing students the opportunity to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 2 04/10/2019 16:01:41

GrammarFeaantduCreosmposition Dictation Words from the textbook or sentences with commonly confused spellings for dictation practice PR VoDcicatbautilaorny LisDteicntiangtioAnudio Q Questions based on an audio piece for Practice exercises to help build and listening practice enhance age-appropriate vocabulary GrDaimctmataior n Writing Engaging grammar explanations and Formal Writing inculcates writing skills by well-crafted exercises introducing formal writing styles by providing samples and adequate practice R ReDaicdtiantgioCnomprehension Creative Writing exercises to foster Interesting reading comprehension creative writing by using imagination and passages on varied themes along drawing from real-life experiences with questions that focus on language building English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 3 04/10/2019 16:01:42

Class 4 1 Module 1 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 1 2 Module 2 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 12 R1 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 3 Module 3 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 4 Module 4 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 40 R2 Reading Comprehension �������������������������������������������������������������������� 50 5 Module 5 ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 53 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 4 04/10/2019 16:01:43

Module 1 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Listening Audio Listen and answer Vocabulary Prefixes Grammar Collective nouns Formal Writing Paragraph writing Creative Writing Picture description English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 1 1 04/10/2019 16:01:44

Dictation 3) 6) Exercise 1: Word dictation 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 7) 8) Listening Audio Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and answer the questions. 1) What nickname was given to King Ashoka because of his wickedness? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) Which battle changed Ashoka’s life? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) What policy did Ashoka adopt? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) Write two things that Ashoka did for the welfare of his people. Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 2 04/10/2019 16:01:44

5) How did Ashoka address his people? Ans. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ PR Vocabulary Q Prefixes Prefixes are letters or groups of letters that are added to the beginning of a word to make a new word with a different meaning. Every prefix has its own meaning. Examples: • im- means not • re- means again Prefixes can be used: • to create a new word, sometimes with the opposite meaning of the original word. • to turn a word into its negative form. Base word Prefix + Base word Type of meaning sure un + sure (unsure) opposite in meaning / negative respect dis + respect (disrespect) opposite in meaning / negative order re + order (reorder) to put in order again balance im + balance (imbalance) opposite in meaning / negative complete in + complete (incomplete) opposite in meaning / negative use mis + use (misuse) opposite in meaning / negative English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 3 Module 1 3 04/10/2019 16:01:44

Exercise 3.1: Complete the table by combining the base words with the correct prefixes. One is done for you. Prefix Base word New word 1)   un- fortune misfortune 2)   in- healthy 3)   im- agree 4)   re- patient 5)   mis- formal 6)   dis- act Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks by adding suitable prefixes such as ‘un-’, ‘dis-’, ‘re-’, ‘im-’, ‘in-’ and ‘mis-’ to the base words given in brackets. One is done for you. 1) Razia was upset because of Mohan’s impolite (polite) behaviour. 2) The road was _____________________________________ (even). As a result, my mother fell down and hurt herself. 3) The teacher asked her students not to _____________________________________ (behave). 4) I enjoy reading but _____________________________________ (like) writing. 5) India became an _____________________________________ (dependent) country in 1947. 6) Did Roger _____________________________________ (turn) your pen? 4 04/10/2019 16:01:45 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 4

Grammar Nouns You have learnt about nouns in the previous classes. Let us revise the different types of nouns. Remember • C ommon nouns are general names given to people, places, animals or hospital things of the same kind. They do not begin with a capital letter. Tiggy Examples: lady, hospital, cheetah, duster • P roper nouns are specific names given to people, places, animals or things. They always begin with a capital letter. Examples: Enid Blyton, Amit, Nagpur, Tiggy Gender of nouns Nouns can also be sorted according to their gender • Masculine gender nouns: These are the • N euter gender nouns: These are nouns that names for boys, men and male animals. name non-living things without any gender. Examples: son, uncle, nephew, prince, They are used for objects and places. They horse, gander are also used to name the months of the year and the days of the week. Examples: ruler, box, clothes, library, table, stone, truck, building, ocean, July, Monday • Feminine gender nouns: These are the • Common gender nouns: These refer names for girls, women and female to nouns that can be male or female. animals. Examples: child, singer, coach, engineer, pilot, cousin, referee, parent   Examples: daughter, aunt, niece, princess, mare, goose English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 5 Module 1 5 04/10/2019 16:01:46

Collective nouns Read the passage below. bunch of grapes Kriti’s father took her to her grandfather’s farm brood of hens flock of sheep last Thursday. A few of the students from her class gaggle of geese also went along. For breakfast, her grandfather treated everyone to fresh bunches of bananas and grapes. Then, he took them around the farm where they saw a herd of cows, a flock of sheep, a brood of hens and a gaggle of geese. They also spotted a colony of ants near an ant hill. What do the bold words in the passage refer to? Are they nouns? Which type of nouns are they? They are collective nouns. Collective nouns are words that refer to a group of people or things. Here are a few more examples: Groups Collective noun Groups Collective noun soldiers, ants army hive sheep, birds flock bees fleet bunch ships pack flowers, fruits gaggle wolves, dogs class brood geese students herd hens cows, horses, buffaloes, cattle 6 04/10/2019 16:01:47 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 6

Exercise 4.1: Sort the nouns into the table given below. One is done for you. Prakash   animal   Uma   peahen   man   biscuit Proper noun Common noun Gender Prakash masculine feminine neuter common Exercise 4.2: Complete the sentences using the correct collective nouns. One is done for you. fleet   colony   pride   family   bouquet   troupe 1) I gave my mother a bouquet of flowers. 2) I saw a _____________________________ of ants in my garden. 3) Jack wanted to meet my _____________________________. English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 7 Module 1 7 04/10/2019 16:01:48

4) Kunal saw a _____________________________ of lions on television. 5) The _____________________________ of ships were moored at the shore. 6) The _____________________________ of dancers performed well. Exercise 4.3: Read the passage given below and underline the nouns. Then, answer the given questions. One is done for you. Arsha, Raj and Leena were good friends. They made a great team. They were polite to their parents and helped the other little boys and girls in their school. They always share their books with each other. Recently, they donated a book about sheep to the library. 1) Write a masculine proper noun from the passage. Ans. Raj 2) Write a collective noun from the passage. Ans.  3) Write a common gender noun from the passage. Ans.  4) Write a feminine common noun from the passage. Ans.  5) Write the collective noun for ‘sheep’. Ans.  8 04/10/2019 16:01:49 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 8

6) Write a neuter gender noun from the passage. Ans.  Writing Formal Writing Explanatory paragraph writing Exercise 5: Fill in the gaps to complete the paragraph given below. The paragraph explains ways by which you can be an understanding member of your family. There are different ways in which we can __________________________________________________ _______________________________________________. Firstly, we must ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. We should ________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Also, we can __________________________________ by doing __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. We should respect _______________________________________________ by _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Finally, we can _________________________________________________________________________ by ___________________________________________________ and __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Module 1 9 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 9 04/10/2019 16:01:49

Creative Writing Picture description Exercise 6: Observe the picture given below. Describe the picture by filling the gaps in the paragraph. Hints: • Describe what you see in the picture. • How do you think the animals feel? • F ill in the gaps with reasons for why you think that animals shouldn’t be held captive in zoos. This is _____________________________. There are _____________________________________________ 10 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 10 04/10/2019 16:01:51

___________________________________________________________________________________________ animals in the picture. There is _____________________________________________________________ at the centre. There are two tall __________________________________________________________. A monkey is ______________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________. An alligator is __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. There are many people ___________________________________________________________________. However, looking at this picture has made me sad. The animals look like _____________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. I think we should not hold animals captive in zoos because _________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Their lives should not be ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Baby animals are sometimes removed from their families, when ___________________________ ______________________________________________________. This also affects them in a bad way. Animal rights are important. Even if ________________________________________________________ _________________________________________, they should not become ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. This is why ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________. English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 11 Module 1 11 04/10/2019 16:01:51

Module 2 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Sentence dictation Listening Audio Vocabulary Listen and answer Grammar Formal Writing Antonyms Creative Writing Punctuation Reading Informal letter writing Comprehension Photo-based character sketch Passage 1 Passage 2 12 04/10/2019 16:01:52 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 12

Dictation Exercise 1: Sentence dictation 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Listening Audio Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and answer the questions. 1) What was the fee given by the swans for using the lake? [] a) a golden feather b) a golden coin c) five feathers d) five golden feathers 2) What did the homeless bird plan to do? [] a) go to a faraway land b) make the river its home c) compete with the other birds d) shoo away the other birds from the lake 3) Why did the golden swans refuse to give shelter to the homeless bird? [] a) The bird was new to the lake. b) The golden swans were jealous. c) It did not have golden feathers. d) They were afraid of the bird. 4) What did the homeless bird do after she was insulted by the swans? [] a) She cried. b) She went to the king with her complaint. c) She fought with the swans. d) She flew away and never came back. Module 2 13 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 13 04/10/2019 16:01:52

5) How did the king punish the golden swans? [] a) He ordered them to leave the river. b) He killed all of them. c) He asked them to apologise. d) He made them servants to the homeless bird. PR Vocabulary Q Antonyms Exercise 3.1: Complete the crossword puzzle with the antonyms of the words given in the clues. You can also use the pictures as hints. 1 2 3 4 Clues: Down Across 1) an antonym for ‘beautiful’ 2) an antonym for ‘idle’ 2) an antonym for ‘top’ 3) an antonym for ‘bitter’ 3) an antonym for ‘deep’ 4) an antonym for ‘adult’ 14 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 14 04/10/2019 16:01:53

Exercise 3.2: Fill in the blanks with the correct antonyms of the words in brackets. 1) It is very __________________________ here. (cool) a) cold b) warm c) sleepy d) wet 2) Please meet me __________________________ dinner. (after) a) during b) at c) before d) eating 3) __________________________ to my room. (go) a) Come b) Going c) Look d) Sleep 4) This dress is very __________________________. (cheap) a) light b) cold c) expensive d) inexpensive 5) He came __________________________ in the race. (last) a) middle b) first c) home d) in the end 6) He travels by bus __________________________. (seldom) a) today b) often c) sometimes d) always Grammar Punctuation Rohan received an e-mail from his pen friend in Thiruvananthapuram. He opened the mail in excitement. Here is the e-mail. hi rohan, how are you i want to invite you to the onam celebrations at my house onam is an important harvest festival it is celebrated for ten days yippie i am so excited to think that you may join us for onam this year do tell me about your plans waiting eagerly to hear from you, rajam Module 2 15 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 15 04/10/2019 16:01:54

The e-mail completely puzzled Rohan. Rajam had written it in a hurry. He had missed adding commas, question marks and full stops. He had also not used capital letters where needed. Insert the correct punctuation marks and capital letters. Rewrite the e-mail so that the message is clearer to Rohan.         Punctuation marks are the traffic signals of writing. They help us to pause, stop and start our sentences. They are symbols that make a written message clearer and reduce miscommunication. They are used to structure and organise writing. Punctuation mark Usages Examples It is placed at the end of a sentence or I will travel tomorrow. It is too statement. late to travel today. Full stop It is placed at the end of a question. Where are we going? Question mark 16 04/10/2019 16:01:54 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 16

Punctuation mark Usages Examples It is used to separate: •  H e bought vegetables, •  words or items in a list. milk, fruits and cheese from the market. Comma •  the person addressed. •  Rohan, sit down. •  It is placed at the end of sentences •  W hat a beautiful beach! that display emotions (happiness, excitement, frustration, anger and so on). •  It is placed after interjections. An •  Wow! This room is so big. interjection is used to express a Exclamation mark sudden burst of feeling or emotion. An interjection is usually punctuated with an exclamation mark. Many words always start with a capital letter. Remember the acronym M.I.N.T.S. for the correct usage of capital letters. Acronym Examples M : months, names of days • M y birthday is in September. I : the word ‘I’ • I go to church on Sundays. N : names of people, states, cities • I bought a new pencil. and countries – proper nouns • I live in Pune. T : titles of books and movies • M y friend Sandeep lives in Kochi in Kerala. S : start of sentences • I plan to visit Norway next month. • I am going to watch Titanic tonight. • My favourite book is Black Beauty. • I have a new friend. Her name is Fatima. Module 2 17 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 17 04/10/2019 16:01:54

Exercise 4.1: Punctuate and rewrite the given paragraph. Use capital letters wherever needed. One line is done for you. ben was a kind and smart boy he had many pets ben had a dog a few cats fish and even a lizard his latest pet was a guinea pig named martin why do you think ben loved having so many pets Ans. Ben was a kind and smart boy.      Exercise 4.2: Rewrite the following sentences with the correct usage of punctuation and capital letters. One is done for you. 1) why are you going now.  Ans. Why are you going now? 2) i will give you the Key tomorrow Ans.   3) How beautifully she sings. Ans.   4) Do you want to buy the small. medium or large shirt! Ans.   18 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 18 04/10/2019 16:01:58

5) Oops. I dropped the cup, Ans. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6) rajeev usman. and tina went to delhi during their holidays? Ans. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Exercise 4.3: Rewrite the following passage with the correct usage of punctuation and capital letters. One line is done for you. My favourite pastime is reading books? the authors that I like to read are Roald Dahl. JK Rowling and Ruskin Bond. The day my summer holidays began, I found a brown package under my bed! yippie! My mother had gifted me my favourite detective series for the vacation. Can you think and tell me what your favourite pastime is. Ans. My favourite pastime is reading books.           English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 19 Module 2 19 04/10/2019 16:01:58

Writing Formal Writing Informal letter writing We write informal letters to our friends and family members. The tone of such letters is friendly and not formal. Read the given sample of an informal letter carefully. See the different parts that a letter has and study the format. There is no need to H. No. 18 - 421 - 12 Your address include the address Forest Colony of the person to Nagpur Date whom you are writing. 2nd June 2019 Introduction Salutation/Greeting In the first paragraph, You can use a Dear Soham, explain why you person’s first name. are writing. Use How are you? Hope you are friendly language Body enjoying your basketball throughout. This is the part camp. I have come to visit my in between the grandparents for the summer, and Closing paragraph introduction and the I am having a really good time. Ask a question or closing paragraph make a suggestion where you talk My grandparents give me many so that the person about the main idea gifts and let me eat all the things I can send a reply. of the letter. want! They also have big cotton and sugarcane farms where I play with Signature the new friends that I have made Sign your name. How here. You should see how beautiful you sign off shows the cotton fields look when the cotton how you feel about bolls are in full bloom. My mother the person to whom helped me take pictures of the fields – I you are writing. will show them to you when I am back. I wish you and Sneha could have come too. See you soon! Please teach me basketball when I get back! Lots of love, Peeyush 20 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 20 04/10/2019 16:01:59

Exercise 5: Given below is the outline of a letter written by a boy, Suraj, to his cousin, Shalu, who lives in another country. He writes about the unity within his country despite its varied cultures and different languages. Fill in the gaps to complete the letter. Lane 33, Bhandari Colony Kalyani Nagar Bengaluru 23rd January 2019 Dear Shalu, How ______________________________________________? I have been waiting to finish my school project on ‘India, the Land of Unity in Diversity’ to write to you about it. The project showed how the people of India ___________________________________________________________ though they speak different languages and have __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. Do you know that there are ______________________________ states and seven ________________ ____________________________? Yet, people unite in the name of _____________________________ __________________________________________. Our cricket, hockey and other sports teams have ___________________________________________________________________________________________ who play together for ____________________________________________________________________. People celebrate ___________________________________________________ and share ___________ ____________________________________ happily. I am very proud of ___________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. I wish you could ______________________________________________________ during Christmas. My neighbour, Susan Aunty, makes _________________________________________________________ for all of us at that time. I told you, ____________________________________________________________ Module 2 21 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 21 04/10/2019 16:01:59

___________________________________________________________ in India. We celebrate together! Do write and let me know _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. With warm regards, Suraj Creative Writing Photo-based character sketch Exercise 6: Look at the photograph. Fill in the gaps to complete the character sketch of the woman in the photograph. This is the photo of a young boy with his ___________________________________________________. She must be ____________________________________________________________________ years old. She looks _________________________________________________________________________________ 22 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 22 04/10/2019 16:01:59

______________________________. Her hair is _________________________________________________. She is wearing ___________________________. The jewellery that she is wearing is _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________. She looks ________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________. It looks like _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________. The grandmother is sitting _________________________________________ __________________________________________. He may be ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________. Both the people in the picture seem to be ____________________________________________________________________________________. English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 23 Module 2 23 04/10/2019 16:01:59

R1 Reading Comprehension Passage 1 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. The national flag went up fluttering in the air. Everyone looked up and applauded loudly. This was followed by the singing of the national anthem, ‘Jana Gana Mana’. A small group of children sang a few patriotic songs, and Mini’s grandmother gave a short speech about India’s freedom struggle. On the occasion of 15th August, the Indian Independence Day, Mini’s grandmother was invited to hoist the national flag. She was the senior-most resident of the colony and had been a freedom fighter as a young girl. Mini stood beside her grandmother throughout. Mini often listened to her detailed descriptions of the freedom struggle of India: her life in an India that was ruled by the British and the history and struggles of her family. All the people who had gathered listened keenly to what the 90-year-old freedom fighter had to say. Their hearts were full of pride as they looked at the flag. Soon, sweets were distributed before everyone dispersed. 1) Who gave a speech about India’s freedom struggle? Ans.   24 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 24 04/10/2019 16:02:00

2) What is special about 15th August? Ans.   3) Rewrite the sentences given below with the correct punctuation and capitalisation. a) minis grandmother gave a short speech about indias freedom struggle Ans.   b) everyone sang the national anthem jana gana mana together Ans.   c) patriots like gandhi nehru bhagat singh and netaji subhash chandra bose fought for freedom from the british rule Ans.    4) The opposite of ‘senior-most’ is  . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) patriotic a) left the area 2) pride b) h aving love and devotion for one’s country 3) dispersed c) a feeling of happiness about something or someone related to you English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 25 Reading Comprehension 25 04/10/2019 16:02:00

Passage 2 Read the passage and answer the questions given below. Once, there was a king who offered a prize to the artist who could paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures. But there were only two that he really liked, and he had to choose between them. One picture was of a calm lake. Overhead was a blue sky with fluffy white clouds. Everyone who saw this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace. The other picture had mountains as well. However, these were rugged and bare. Above was an angry sky from which rain fell. Down the side of the mountain tumbled a foaming waterfall. This did not look peaceful at all. But when the king looked closely, he saw behind the waterfall a tiny bush growing in a crack in the rock. In the bush, a mother bird had built her nest. There, in the midst of the rush of angry water, sat the mother bird on her nest – in perfect peace. Which picture do you think won the prize? The king chose the second picture. To be at peace does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. To be at peace means to be in the midst of all those things and still be calm in your heart. 1) How many paintings did the king need to choose from? Ans.   2) In the second picture, what did the king see in the bush? Ans.   26 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 26 04/10/2019 16:02:01

3) Write the plural forms of the words given below. a) bush – ______________________________ b) waterfall – ______________________________ c) sky – ______________________________ 4) The meaning of ‘tumbled’ is  . 5) Match the words with their correct meanings. Column A Column B 1) foaming a) above 2) overhead b) calmness 3) peace c) bubbling up English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 27 Reading Comprehension 27 04/10/2019 16:02:02

Module 3 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Word dictation Listening Audio Listen and answer Vocabulary Compound words Grammar Formal Writing Singular and plural nouns Countable and uncountable nouns Paragraph writing Creative Writing Dialogue writing 28 04/10/2019 16:02:02 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 28

Dictation 3) 6) Exercise 1: Word dictation 9) 1) 2) 4) 5) 7) 8) Listening Audio Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and answer the questions. What is your idea of peace and harmony? Write a few lines on what you understand from the song ‘Imagine’, that you have just heard. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Module 3 29 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 29 04/10/2019 16:02:03

PR Vocabulary Q Compound words += A compound word is formed when two different words are joined to make a new word. jelly fish jellyfish There are three forms of compound words. Closed form Hyphenated form Open form The words are blended or mixed and written as a The words are simply joined The words are closely associated single word. by a hyphen or hyphens. and convey one idea or meaning. However, they are Examples: spelt as separate words. • lifeless • outdoors Examples: Examples: • two-dimensional • wooden dolls • cut-outs • glove puppets Exercise 3.1: Look at the puzzle grid. Pick out the six pairs of compound words and write them below. You can use the pictures as clues. light bee board ball skate foot house hive sea star shore fish 1) ________________________________ 2) ________________________________ 3) ________________________________ 4) ________________________________ 5) ________________________________ 6) ________________________________ 30 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 30 04/10/2019 16:02:04

Exercise 3.2: Tick the boxes that have compound words. Choose any two compound words and make two sentences using those compound words. 1) 2) 3) basketball flower igloo 4) 5) 6) toothbrush raindrops paper 7) 8) 9) dustbin table ladybug 10) 11) 12) crayon fruit pancakes Sentences: 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 31 Module 3 31 04/10/2019 16:02:05

Grammar Singular and plural nouns Read the passage given below. Underline the plural nouns. Write their singular forms in the table provided. My friends and I got a few candies from our teachers. We ate it during recess. We ate our lunches and washed our dishes and glasses. While going home, we tied scarves around our necks. We visited a few churches. We could hear echoes in a few of these churches. Plural Singular Plural Singular Remember • Regular plurals are formed by adding ‘-s’ to the ends of words. Examples: car – cars, pen – pens • M any plurals are formed in different ways and not just by adding ‘-s’ to the ends of words. ♦ T o form the plurals of words that end in ‘-x’, ‘-o’, ‘-s’, ‘-ch’, ‘-sh’ and ‘-ss’, we add ‘-es’ to the ends of the words. Examples: fox – foxes, hero – heroes, bus – buses, bunch – bunches, wish – wishes, address – addresses ♦ To form the plurals of words that end in ‘-y’, we change ‘-y’ to ‘-ies’. E xamples: fly – flies, bunny – bunnies, berry – berries ♦ T o form the plurals of words that end in ‘-f’ or ‘-fe’, we change ‘-f’ or ‘-fe’ to ‘-ve’ and then add ‘-s’. For a few exceptions, we add ‘-s’ to form plurals for such words. Examples: life – lives, wolf – wolves, self – selves, chief – chiefs, roof – roofs 32 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 32 04/10/2019 16:02:05

More on plurals There are a few nouns that do not change at all in the plural. You have to understand from the sentence whether one or many are being spoken about. Examples: There is a sheep in the field. There are two sheep in the meadow. In the first sentence, ‘a’ sheep is spoken about. This means that there is only one sheep. Here, ‘sheep’ is singular. In the second sentence, there are ‘two’ sheep. Here, more than one sheep is mentioned. So, ‘sheep’ is a plural noun in the second sentence. Here are two more examples: There are three fish Eight deer are in the pond. grazing near the river. Exercise 4.1: Fill in the blanks with the correct plural forms from the options given in brackets. One is done for you. 1) The deer are sleeping. (deer/deers) 2) I saw a few ____________________________ playing in the zoo. (leopard/leopards) 3) People say that cats have nine ____________________________. (lifes/lives) 4) I grew two ____________________________ taller over the summer holidays. (inches/inchs) 5) There are many good ____________________________ in the old city. (libraries/librarys) 6) Look at those ____________________________. (aircraft/aircrafts) Module 3 33 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 33 04/10/2019 16:02:06

Exercise 4.2: Change the underlined singular nouns to plural. Make other changes to the sentences so that they are grammatically correct. One is done for you. 1) The thief stole my necklace. Ans. The thieves stole my necklaces. 2) Seema is planting a tree. Ans.  3) I took a photograph of the moose. Ans.   4) The member of the winning country will get a prize. Ans.   5) The ship was carrying a cargo of cars. Ans.   6) I attended the birthday party of my friend. Ans.   Countable and uncountable nouns Look around your classroom. Can you name a few things (nouns) in the room that can be counted? Nouns that name things that we can count are called countable nouns. Examples: book – we can count the number of books • a dog, three cats, an animal, one man • many bottles, a few boxes, six pens • a table, three chairs one book three books 34 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 34 04/10/2019 16:02:06

Remember • When a countable noun is singular, we use ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’ or the number ‘one’ before it. • When a countable noun is plural, we use words like ‘many’, ‘a few’ or numbers greater than one (two, three and so on) before it. Now, can you think of things (nouns) that cannot be counted? Nouns that name things that cannot be counted are called uncountable nouns. For example, we cannot say ‘one milk’, ‘two milk’ or ‘three milk’. We can say ‘a milk bottle’, ‘two milk bottles’ or ‘three milk bottles’. Here, we are counting the bottles and not the milk. Here are a few more examples of uncountable nouns. • lots of love, a lot of happiness, a little bit of sadness • s ome furniture or luggage, a lot of homework • a little rice or sugar, a lot of water, some milk some milk two milk bottles Remember • All uncountable nouns are singular. There is no plural form for these words. • We use words like ‘some’, ‘little’, ‘any’ or ‘much’ before uncountable nouns when we do not use any other unit. Exercise 4.3: Look at the given pictures. Write ‘C’ if they are countable nouns. Write ‘U’ if they are uncountable nouns. One is done for you. 1)       2) 3)   honey table rice Ans.      U Ans. __________________ Ans. __________________ Module 3 35 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 35 04/10/2019 16:02:07

4)     5)    6)    cheese bird star Ans. __________________ Ans. __________________ Ans. __________________ Writing Formal Writing Narrative paragraph writing Exercise 5: It is Friendship Day today. You planned something special for your friend. Narrate what you did to make the day special for him or her. Hints: • You may have surprised him or her with a cake, made a special card on your own, planned an outing or anything else that would make them happy. • Write about your plan in detail. • Mention what you did and your thoughts behind each action. • Focus on your feelings for your friend. • A lso write about how your friend felt and how he or she reacted. 36 04/10/2019 16:02:07 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 36

Module 3   37   04/10/2019 16:02:07           English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 37

Creative Writing Dialogue writing Exercise 6: Given below is a picture of seven friends. Read their names and the things that they like or want to do. Choose any two friends and write a conversation between them in which they discuss their likes and desires.  04/10/2019 16:02:07     38 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 38

Module 3   39   04/10/2019 16:02:08              English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 39

Module 4 Section Name What I Will Learn Dictation Sentence dictation Listening Audio Listen and answer Vocabulary Synonyms Grammar Possessive pronouns Formal Writing Informal letter writing Creative Writing Diary entry Reading Passage 1 Comprehension Passage 2 40 04/10/2019 16:02:08 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 40

Dictation Exercise 1: Sentence dictation 1) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 2) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 3) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 4) ____________________________________________________________________________________ 5) ____________________________________________________________________________________ Listening Audio [] [] Exercise 2: Listen to the audio and answer the questions. [] 1) How are feathers arranged on the penguins’ bodies? [] a) in a circular pattern b) in rows c) in columns d) without any pattern 2) How long can penguins be at sea?  a) 7 days b) 15 days c) months d) 2 days 3) What is a penguin’s source of food? a) fish b) leaves c) meat d) shrimp 4) What is the main difference between penguins and other birds? a) their colour b) ability to walk c) ability to swim d) having solid bones English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 41 Module 4 41 04/10/2019 16:02:09

5) How are penguins’ feet? [   ] a) webbed feet c) flat feet with toes b) flippers, not feet d) scaly feet with claws PR Vocabulary Q Synonyms Synonyms are words that mean the same or nearly the same as another word or phrase. Exercise 3.1: Match the words with their correct synonyms. Words Synonyms 1) wealthy a) truthful 2) mighty b) answer 3) honest c) huge 4) intelligent d) strong 5) respond e) smart 6) enormous f) rich Exercise 3.2: Write a synonym for each of the words that have been underlined in the sentences. Use a dictionary if required. One is done for you. 1) Our school team won the cricket match with ease. – comfort 2) This book is amazing. – ______________________________ 3) The weather in the morning was pleasant. – ______________________________ 4) Helping people in need is a good deed. – ______________________________ 5) I was eager to go to school the next day. – ______________________________ 6) I am a little afraid to enter that dark room. – ______________________________ 42 04/10/2019 16:02:09 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 42

Grammar Pronouns Read the paragraph given below and underline the pronouns. Identify the types of pronouns. When Anya came into the classroom, she thought to herself, ‘Is there a test today? Why did Sheetal not tell me about it?’ Anya sat down next to Vishal and prepared for the test with him. Anya had Vishal’s pen. She returned the pen to him. Ans. _________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________  Remember • Pronouns are words that take the place of nouns. • S ubject pronouns perform the action in a sentence. (I, we, you, he, she, it, they) Example: I am a singer. • Object pronouns receive the action in a sentence. (me, us, you, him, her, it, them) Example: Give that cup to me. • R eflexive pronouns are used when we refer to the subject of the sentence again. In other words, these pronouns are used when the object of a sentence is the same as its subject. In a reflexive pronoun the subject is the receiver of the action. When reflexive pronouns are used to put emphasis on the subject, they are called emphatic pronouns. (myself, yourself/yourselves, himself, herself, themselves, itself, ourselves) Example: Ramiz gifted himself a sweater. We finished the project by ourselves. English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 43 Module 4 43 04/10/2019 16:02:09

Possessive pronouns – whose is it? Read the following sentences: These books are mine. This class is ours. The dog is his. That cycle is hers. The pretty parcel is yours. That house is theirs. The words in bold are possessive pronouns. They tell us that something belongs to someone. They show belonging. Here is a list of subject pronouns and the related possessive pronouns. Subject pronoun Possessive Subject pronoun Possessive pronoun pronoun I he we mine she his you – ours it hers they yours its – theirs Exercise 4.1: Underline the pronouns in the sentences. Write the types of pronouns as well. One is done for you. 1) She is a good singer. – subject pronoun 2) Rahul was waiting for me. – 3) The green book is his. – 4) I cooked her a delicious meal. –  5) I bought myself a new book. –  6) The big dog is theirs. – 44 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 44 04/10/2019 16:02:10

Exercise 4.2: Fill in the blanks with the types of pronouns mentioned in brackets. One is done for you. 1) What is she doing in the park? (subject pronoun) 2) The doctor gave medicines to __________________________________. (object pronoun) 3) This pen is __________________________________. Please return it to them. (possessive pronoun) 4) This is your job, Chris. Can you complete it by __________________________________? (reflexive pronoun) 5) This is an apple. It is __________________________________. (possessive pronoun) 6) They hid __________________________________ inside the castle. (reflexive pronoun) Exercise 4.3: Complete the sentences using possessive pronouns (mine, yours, ours, his, hers, its, theirs). One is done for you. 1) This is our house. The house is ours. 2) That is your dog. That dog is _____________________. 3) These rabbits belong to her. These rabbits are __________________. Module 4 45 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 45 04/10/2019 16:02:12

4) That is my bus. The bus is _____________________. 5) Those are his toys. Those toys are _____________________. 6) That car belongs to them. It is _____________________. Writing Formal Writing Informal letter writing Exercise 5: Imagine that you have just fought with your friend over a pen that she broke by mistake. You lost your temper and shouted at her. Now, she does not want to talk to you. Write an apology letter, asking her to forgive you for your behaviour. Hints: • Write how important the pen was to you. • Apologise for getting angry suddenly. • Mention how important her friendship is to you.       46 English_Pinnacle_G4.indb 46 04/10/2019 16:02:12

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