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practice workbook Social Studies Grade 9 Name: Roll No: Section: School Name:

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This practice book is designed to support you in your journey of learning Social Studies for class 9. The contents and topics of this book are entirely in alignment with the NCERT syllabus. For each chapter, a concept map, expected objectives and practice sheets are made available. Questions in practice sheets address different skill buckets and different question types, practicing these sheets will help you gain mastery over the lesson. The practice sheets can be solved with the teacher’s assistance. There is a self-evaluation sheet at the end of every lesson, this will help you in assessing your learning gap.

TABLE OF CONTENT • Assessment Pattern: 40 Marks • Assessment Pattern: 80 Marks • Syllabus & Timeline for Assessment Geography Page 1: 1. India - Size and Location Page 7: 2. Physical Features of India Page 13: 3. Drainage Page 20: 4. Climate Page 27: 5. Natural Vegetation and Wild Life Page 35: 6. Population History Page 43: 1. The French Revolution Page 51: 2. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution Page 58: 3. Nazism and the Rise of Hitler Page 66: 4. Forest Society and Colonialism Page 72: 5. Pastoralists in the Modern World Social and Political Life Page 78: 1. What is Democracy? Why Democracy? Page 84: 2. Constitutional Design Page 90: 3. Electoral Politics Page 97: 4. Working of Institutions Page 103: 5. Democratic Rights Economics Page 108: 1. The Story of Village Palampur Page 114: 2. People as Resources Page 120: 3. Poverty as a Challenge Page 126: 4. Food Security in India

ASSESSMENT PATTERN Marks: 40 Grade 9 / Social Studies Max Internal PAPER: BEGINNER PAPER: PROFICIENT Mark Option Q.No Skill Level Difficulty Level Skill Level Difficulty Level Easy Medium Difficult Easy Medium Difficult Section A (Question Type: VSA) 11 Remembering • Remembering • 21 Understanding • Understanding • 31 Applying • Applying • 41 Remembering • Remembering • 51 Remembering • Remembering • 6 1 • Understanding • Understanding • • Analysing • 71 Analysing 81 Analysing • Analysing • 91 Applying • Applying • 10 1 • Remembering • Remembering • Section B (Question Type: SA) 11 3 • Remembering • Remembering • 12 3 Applying • Applying • 13 3 • Understanding • Understanding • 14 3 Applying • Applying • Section C (Question Type: LA) 15 5 • Remembering • Remembering • 16 5 Understanding • Understanding • 17 5 Analysing • Analysing • 18 3 • Map • Map • Beginner Paper: (Easy: 50%, Medium: 40%, Difficult:10%) Proficient Paper:(Easy: 40%, Medium: 40%, Difficult: 20%) Easy Question: Remembering questions directly from the text or from the given exercises. (Mostly from content of book or end of chapter exercise). Medium Difficulty Question: In-depth understanding of questions, not necessarily from the text. (Slightly modified concepts or end of chapter questions). Difficult Question: Question involving creativity like story writing, analysis question like character analysis, justification of title or extracts (mostly requires creative and thinking skills).

ASSESSMENT PATTERN Marks: 80 Grade 9 / Social Studies Max Internal PAPER: BEGINNER PAPER: PROFICIENT Mark Option Q.No Skill Level Difficulty Level Skill Level Difficulty Level Easy Medium Difficult Easy Medium Difficult Section A (Question Type: VSA) 11 Remembering • Remembering • 21 Remembering • Remembering • 31 Understanding • Understanding • 41 Remembering • Remembering • 51 Remembering • Remembering • 61 Understanding • Understanding • 71 Remembering • Remembering • 81 Applying • Applying • 91 Remembering • Remembering • 10 1 Understanding • Understanding • 11 1 • Remembering • Remembering • 12 1 Understanding • Understanding • 13 1 Applying • Applying • 14 1 • Remembering • Remembering • 15 1 Analysing • Analysing • 16 1 Applying • Applying • 17 1 • Remembering • Remembering • 18 1 Analysing • Analysing • 19 1 Analysing • Analysing • 20 1 Analysing • Analysing • Section B (Question Type: SA) 21 3 • Remembering • Remembering • 22 3 Applying • Applying • 23 3 • Remembering • Remembering • 24 3 Understanding • Understanding • 25 3 • Remembering • Remembering • 26 3 Analysing • Analysing • 27 3 • Understanding • Understanding • 28 3 Analysing • Analysing • Section C (Question Type: LA) 29 5 • Remembering • Remembering • 30 5 Analysing • Analysing • 31 5 Understanding • Understanding • 32 5 • Applying • Applying • 33 5 Applying • Applying • 34 5 Understanding • Understanding • Section D (Question Type: SA) 35 3 • Map • Map • 36 3 Map • Map •

SYLLABUS FOR ASSESSMENT Grade 9 / Social Studies CHAPTERS PT-1 TE-1 PT-2 MOCK Geography: 1. India - Size and Location ✓ ✓ ✓ Geography: 2. Physical Features of India ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Geography: 3. Drainage ✓ ✓ ✓ Geography: 4. Climate ✓ ✓ ✓ Geography: 5. Natural Vegetation and Wild Life ✓ ✓ ✓ Geography: 6. Population ✓ ✓ ✓ History: 1. The French Revolution ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ History: 2. Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution ✓ ✓ History: 3. Nazism and the Rise of Hitler ✓ ✓ ✓ History: 4. Forest Society and Colonialism ✓ ✓ History: 5. Pastoralists in the Modern World ✓ ✓ Social And Political Life: 1. What is Democracy? Why Democracy? ✓ ✓ Social And Political Life: 2. Constitutional Design ✓ ✓ Social And Political Life: 3. Electoral Politics ✓ Social And Political Life: 4. Working of Institutions ✓ ✓ Social And Political Life: 5. Democratic Rights ✓ ✓ Economics: 1. The Story of Village Palampur ✓ ✓ Economics: 2. People as Resources ✓ Economics: 3. Poverty as a Challenge ✓ Economics: 4. Food Security in India ✓ Periodic Test-1 Assessment Timeline Term 1 Exam 1st July to 31st July Periodic Test-2 23rd September to 21 October Term 2 Exam 16th December to 13th January 17th February to 9th March

LESSON WISE PRACTICE SHEETS (This section has a set of practice questions grouped into different sheets based on different concepts. By answering these questions you will strengthen your subject knowledge. A self-evaluation sheet is provided at the end of every lesson.)

1. India - Size and Location Learning Outcomes At the end of this chapter, students will be able to: • Know about the past glory of India and its trade. • Understand the location (latitudes and longitudes) • Locate India’s neighbouring countries in the of India. map. • Understand the size of India in the world. • Understand the strategic location of India, with respect to Equator and Tropic of Cancer. Concept map Size Location INDIA Significance of India’s location India’s neighbours Location map of India Key Points • Indian Standard time is 5 hrs 30 minutes ahead of Greenwich Meridian Time (GMT). • India is one of the ancient civilisations in the world. It has achieved multi-faceted socio-economic • The Indian landmass has a central location between progress during the last five decades. the East and the West Asia. • India is the 7th largest country in the world and • India is a southward extension of the Asian it lies entirely in the Northern Hemisphere. It lies Continent. between latitudes 8°4’N and 37°6’N and longitudes 68°7’E and 97°25’E. • India is the only country in the Indian Ocean that has a very long coastal line and indeed, it is India’s • The Tropic of Cancer (23° 30’N) divides the country eminent position in the Indian Ocean which justifies into almost two equal parts. the naming of an ocean after it. • To the southeast and southwest of the mainland, • India occupies an important strategic position lies the Andaman and Nicobar islands and the in South Asia. India has 29 states and 7 Union Lakshadweep islands in the Bay of Bengal and the Territories. Arabian Sea respectively. • India shares its land boundaries with Pakistan • India is bounded by the young fold mountains in and Afghanistan in the northwest, China (Tibet), the northwest, north and north east. Nepal and Bhutan in the north and Myanmar and Bangladesh in the east. • Indian Standard Time is calculated on the basis of 82.5’ E longitude, in Mirzapur, Uttar Pradesh, which is nearly on the corresponding longitude reference line. 1

1. India - Size and Location Work plan CONCEPT COVERAGE COVERAGE DETAILS PRACTICE SHEET PS-1 Introduction • India- Size • Location PS-2 • Significance of India’s location PS-3 PS-4 India’s Neighbour • India and adjacent countries Self-evaluation Sheet • Outline maps Worksheet for “India - Size and Location” Evaluation with self-check or Peer check* 2

PRACTICE SHEET - 1 (PS-1) 1. What do you mean by Standard Meridian of 6. When was the Suez Canal opened? How has it India? benefitted India? 2. Name the states through which the Tropic of 7. What is the southernmost point of the Indian Cancer passes. Union called and where is it located? 3. What is the latitudinal and the longitudinal 8. Do you think naming the Indian Ocean after a extent of the mainland? country is justified? Why? 4. Why is time along the Standard Meridian of 9. India occupies an important strategic position India passing through Mirzapur taken as the in South Asia. Justify the statement. standard time? 10. The Tropic of Cancer passes half way through 5. Why is there a time difference of almost 2 hours the country. What does this imply? from Arunachal Pradesh to Gujarat? 11. The distance between India and Europe has PRACTICE SHEET - 2 (PS-2) been reduced by 7000 km with the opening of Suez Canal. Give a reason to open Suez Canal. 1. What is the total number of states in India? 2. Which countries share land border with India? 3. Which two island countries are southern neighbours of India? 4. Explain the geographical position of Indian islands. 5. How is Sri Lanka separated from India? 6. Give some reasons why India is called a sub-continent? PRACTICE SHEET - 3 (PS-3) 1. Locate and label the following with appropriate symbols on the outline political map of India: India Political lVIap ',. . 0 • 3

PRACTICE SHEET - 4 (PS-4) I. Choose the correct option: d. 82030’ E longitude is taken as the standard meridian of India 1. Percentage of area occupied by India in the total geographical area of the world is 8. In the question given below there are two a. 3.8 statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason b. 2.7 (R). Read both the statements carefully and c. 4.2 choose the correct option. d. 2.8 Assertion (A): ‘Indira Point’ is the southernmost point of the Indian union. 2. The country which shares longest boundary Reason (B): ‘Indira Point’ got submerged under sea with India is water in2004 during the Tsunami a. Bangladesh a. Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct b. Pakistan and the Reason is the correct explanation of c. Nepal the Assertion. d. China b. The Assertion and the Reason are correct but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the 3. The central longitude of India is Assertion. a. 97ᵒ25’ E c. Our Assertion is true but the Reason is false. b. 68ᵒ7’ E d. The statement of the Assertion is false but the c. 23ᵒ30’ N Reason is true. d. 82ᵒ30’ E Read the following graph and answer the questions 4. Tropic of Cancer passes through which of the 9 & 10 following states? a. Maharastra 9. Rank of India in size among the world countries b. Tripura a. Fifth c. Odisha b. Sixth d. Bihar c. First d. Seventh 5. The state which does not share boundary with Bhutan is 10. How many countries are more than three times a. West Bengal bigger than India in size b. Sikkim a. one c. Bihar b. two d. Assam c. three d. four 6. Find the odd one out of the following. a. Bangladesh II. Short answer Questions: b. Pakistan 1. a. Make a list of countries that share land c. Nepal d. Sri Lanka frontiers with India. b. Name our southern neighbours across the 7. Which of the following is not a correct sea. explanation to the given statement? From Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh there is a time lag of 2 hours, because a. Arunachal Pradesh is the East most state while Gujarat is the West most state b. There is a difference of about 300 longitudes between the two states c. Local time of a place depends on its longitude 4

PRACTICE SHEET - 4 (PS-4) 2. a. Do you think the opening of Suez canal help the British to control India? b. Is the east-west (longitudinal) extent of In- dia smaller than its north-south (latitudinal) extent? Support your answer. 3. On the given outline of India locate and label the following: (Application) i. The strait that separates Sri Lanka from India, ii. The smallest union territory of Indian Union, iii. The state forInmdiaedPoilintica2l 0lV1Iap4. ',. . 0 • III. Long answer questions: 1. Where is India located? What are the locational advantages of India for development of Interna- tional trade and commerce? 2. ‘ India’s relations with the world through the land routes are ageold and very significant.’ Analyze the statement. 5

Self-Evaluation Sheet Marks: 15 Time: 30 Mins 1. Which Indian states border three countries? India Political lVIap  (1 Mark) 2. Name the imaginary line in India along which time is taken as standard time. (1 Mark) 3. Name the water bodies that separate Sri Lanka from India?  (1 Mark) 4. Which latitudinal line divides India into (1 Mark) approximately two equal parts?  5. Was India’s contact with the world established ',. . 0 first by land routes or sea routes? Remark.  • (3 Marks) 7. Describe the location and the size of India.  (5 Marks) 6. Locate and label the following. (3 Marks) a. The islands groups of India lying in the Arabian Sea and the Bay of Bengal b. Capital of Meghalaya c. Neighbouring country-Nepal 6

2. Physical Features of India Learning Outcomes At the end of this chapter students will be able to: • Understand the significance of the physiography • Understand the major landform features and its of India. geological history of formation. • Understand the various rocks and minerals as • Know the importance of tectonic plate theory in well as nature of soil types. the formation of landforms. • Identify and locate physical features in the • Know the underlying geological structure. outline map of India. • Understand the distinct features of physiographic of India. Concept Map Physical features of India Theory of Tectonic Plate Features Convergent boundary Continental Drift 1. Himalayan mountain Himadri, Himachal, Shiwalik Divergent boundary -Formation of India 2. Peninsular plateau-Western ghat, Eastern ghat Transform boundary 3. Northern plains-Punjab plain, Ganga, Brahmaputra 4. Coastal plains Western coast- Konkan, Malabar Eastern coast- Coramandal, Northern circas 5. Indian desert 6. Indian islands-Andaman & Nicobar, Lakshadweep Key Points • The peninsular plateau is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks with gently rising hills and wide • India is a vast country with varied landforms. valleys. • Our country has practically all major physical • The physical features of India can be grouped features of the Earth, i.e., mountains, plains, under the following physiographic divisions: The deserts, plateaus and islands. Himalayan Mountains, the Northern Plains, the • India is a large landmass formed during different Peninsular Plateau, the Indian Desert, the Coastal geological periods. Plains and the Islands. • The oldest landmass (the Peninsula part), was a part of the Gondwana land. The Gondwana land • The Himalayas, geologically young and structurally included India, Australia, South Africa, South fold mountains, stretch over the northern borders America and Antarctica as one single land mass. of India. • The Himalayan uplift out of the Tethys sea and sub- sidence of the northern flank of the peninsular pla- • The Himalayas represent the loftiest and one of the teau resulted in the formation of a large basin. most rugged mountain barriers of the world. • The Himalayas and the Northern Plains are the most recent landforms. • The Himalayas consists of three parallel ranges • The whole mountain system of Himalayas in its longitudinal extent: the Great or Inner represents a very youthful topography with high Himalayas or the Himadri, Himachal or lesser peaks, deep valleys and fast flowing rivers. Himalaya, Shiwaliks. • The northern plains are formed of alluvial deposits. • The northern plain has been formed by the interplay of the three major river systems, namely — the Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra along with their tributaries. 7

2. Physical Features of India • According to the variations in relief features, the • The Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats mark Northern plains can be divided into four regions: the western and the eastern edges of the Deccan Bhabar, Terai, Bhangar and Khadar. Plateau. • The Peninsular plateau is a tableland, composed • The Indian desert lies towards the western of the old crystalline, igneous and metamorphic margins of the Aravali Hills. It is an undulating rocks. sandy plain covered with sand dunes. • The peninsular plateau consists of two broad • Indian islands groups are generally grouped into divisions, namely, the Central Highlands and the two- The Andaman and Nicobar Islands and The Deccan Plateau. Lakshadweep. Work Plan CONCEPT COVERAGE COVERAGE DETAILS PRACTICE SHEET Introduction • Theory of tectonic plates. PS-1 • Formation of Himalayas, Peninsular Plateau and Northern Plains. Physiographic division of • Features of Himalayas, Northern Plains, PS-2 India Peninsular Plateau, Coastal Plains, Indian desert and the Islands Maps(Location and Labelling) • Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram, PS-3 The Zasker, The Shivalik, The Aravali, The Vindhya, The Satpura, Western & Eastern Ghats • Mountain Peaks – K2, Kanchan Junga, Anai Mudi • Plateau -Deccan Plateau, Chotta Nagpur Plateau, Malwa Plateau • Coastal Plains- Konkan, Malabar, Coromandal & Northern Circar. Worksheet for “Physical Features of India” PS-4 Evaluation with self-check or Self-evaluation Sheet Peer check* 8

PRACTICE SHEET - 1 (PS-1) 1. What is the “Theory of Tectonics Plates”? 2. How many types of plate movements are there? 3. What is Gondwana land? 4. Which plates formed a part of Gondwana Land? 5. What is Tethys Sea? 6. Describe the formation of the Himalayas, peninsular plateaus and Northern plains of India. 7. The Himalayas are called the young fold mountains. Why? PRACTICE SHEET - 2 (PS-2) 1. Which are the major physiographic divisions of 6. State the difference between Lesser Himalayas India? and Shiwaliks. 2. What is the Great or Inner Himalayas or the 7. Differentiate between Bhangar and Khadar. Himadri? 8. What are the main features of the peninsular 3. What do you mean by Duns? Give some plateau? examples. 9. Explain the Purvanchal or the Eastern Hills. 10. Explain the division of Northern Plains. 4. Mention the important characteristics of 11. How many parts the peninsular plateau has Himadri. been divided into? Explain. 5. How were the northern plains formed? 12. Is it true to state that there is no variation in the PRACTICE SHEET - 3 (PS-3) relief features of the Northern Plains? Explain 13. Write a short note on the Indian islands. 1. Locate and label the following on the given outline political map of India. a. Mountain Ranges: The Karakoram b. Mountain Peaks: Anai Mudi c. Plateau: Deccan Plateau d. Coastal Plains: Konkan e. Aravali Range India Political lVIap ',. . 0 • 9

PRACTICE SHEET - 4 (PS-4) I. Choose the correct option: 8. Which of the following is one of the oldest land- masses on the Earth’s surface? 1. Which of the following is not a hill station of a. The Himalayas South India b. The Rockeys a. Ooty c. The Peninsular Plateau b. Horsely Hills d. The Andes c. Kodaikanal d. Nainital 9. What is the correct order of relief features of northern plains? 2. Majuli,the largest inhabited riverine island in i. Bhangar ii.Terai iii. Khadar iv. Bhabar v. Kankar the world is in the river a. i, ii, iii, iv & v a. Ganga b. iv, ii, v, iii & i b. Brahmaputra c. iv, ii, i v & iii c. Indus d. v, iv, iii, ii & i d. Mahanadi 10. Find the odd one among the following. 3. The highest of Himalayan peaks in India is a. Minicoy a. Kanchanjunga b. Maldives b. Mt. K2 c. Laccadive c. Mt. Everest d. Amindive d. Nanga Parbat II. Short Answer Questions: 4. Which of the following is a correct pair? 1. Distinguish between the Himadri and the Him- a. Anai Mudi- Western Coastal plains b. Udagamandalam-Western Ghats achal. c. The Khasi Hills-Meghalaya 2. On the given outline map of India, locate and d. Mahendragiri-The Aravali Hills label the following. 5. Which of the following is a false statement? i. The largest salt water lake in India a. The Chotanagpur plateau is drained by the ii. The only active volcano of India Damodar river iii. The only large river in the Indian desert b. The Daccan plteau lies to the south of the Narmada river 3. Why are northern plains more ideal for c. The Malwa plateau is the eastward extention of agriculture than the Peninsular Plateau? the Peninsular plateau d. The Western Ghats cause orographic rainfall to India 6. The southern stretch of western coastal plain is called _________ coast. a. Coromandel b. Malabar c. Konkan d. Kannad 7. Which of the following statements is not true about the ‘Theory of Plate Tectonics? a. The crust part of the Earth has been formed out of plates. b. The movement of plates results in folding and faulting of the crust. c. The plains, deltas, deserts and valleys are formed due to divergent plates. d. The Himalayas are formed due to the folding activity of convergent plates. 10

PRACTICE SHEET - 4 (PS-4) III. Long Answer Questions: 1. Describe the physical structure of Peninsular plateau. 2. ‘The diversified relief (physical) features of India, complement with each other in developing the country.’ Explain. 11

Self-Evaluation Sheet Marks: 15 Time: 30 Mins 1. Where are the Western and Eastern Ghats situated?  (1 Mark) 6. Locate and label the following on the given outline political map of India. (3 Marks) Mountain Ranges - The Karakoram 2. What is Bhabar?  (1 Mark) Plateau - Deccan Plateau Coastal Plains - KIndoiankPaolnitical lVIap 3. Name the largest inhabited riverine Island in the world.  (1 Mark) 4. Which area of India has an extensive (1 Mark) alluvial deposit?  5. Explain the characteristics of the Indian Desert.  (3 Marks) ',. . 0 • 7. State five differences between Lesser Himalayas and Shiwaliks.  (5 Marks) 12

3. Drainage Learning Outcomes At the end of this chapter students will be able to: • Know the drainage system in India • Understand the meaning of drainage and drainage • Know about the lakes and its distribution basin in India • Identify water divide • Know the role of rivers in the economy • Understand the various pattern of drainage system • Know the National River Conservation Plan implemented by the government Concept Map Drainage Drainage Pattern Types of rivers Lakes/Rivers • Dendritic Himalayas Peninsular • Importance of lakes drainage • Role of river in the • Indus • Narmada • Trellis drainage • Ganga • Tapi economy • Rectangle • Brahmaputra • Godavari • River Pollution • Mahanadi • NRCP drainage • Krishna • Radial drainage • Kaveri Key Points • Rivers play an important role in the economy of India, especially in the agricultural sector • Drainage describes the river system of an area. • Drainage basin is an area, drained by a single river • Rivers are mainly used for irrigation, navigation, hydro-power generation and for domestic and in- system whereas water divide is an elevated area dustrial purposes. such as a mountain or an upland that separates two drainage basins. • The growing domestic, municipal, industrial and • The Indian River system are divided into two groups agricultural demand for water from rivers naturally : Himalayan rivers and peninsular rivers. affects the quality of water. • The major Himalayan rivers are the Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. These rivers are • National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) is a long and are joined by many large and important centrally funded scheme launched in 1995, aimed tributaries. at preventing the pollution of rivers. • The major rivers of the peninsula such as the Mahanadi, the Godavari, the Krishna and the Kaveri • The Ganga Action Plan (GAP) Phase-II has been flow eastwards and drain into the Bay of Bengal. merged with the NRCP. The expanded NRCP now The Narmada and the Tapi are the only long rivers, covers 152 towns located along 27 interstate rivers which flow west and make esturies. in 16 states. • A lake is a large body of water within a body of land. • A lake helps to regulate the flow of a river during • Under this action plan, pollution abatement works heavy rainfall; it prevents flooding. are being taken up in 57 towns. A total of 215 scheme • Lakes can be used for developing hydel power; of pollution abatement have been sanctioned. moderate the climate of the surroundings; maintain the aquatic ecosystem; enhance natural beauty; develop tourism and provide recreation. 13

3. Drainage Work Plan CONCEPT COVERAGE COVERAGE DETAILS PRACTICE SHEET Drainage • Meaning of drainage • Definition of drainage basin and PS-1 water divide • Types of drainage patterns Drainage river systems in • Himalayan rivers PS-2 India • Peninsular rivers Lakes, Role of river in the • Importance of lakes PS-3 economy • Role of river in the economy • River pollution and NRCP Maps Majors Rivers and Lakes identify and PS-4 mark on the outline map of India Worksheet for “Drainage” PS-5 Evaluation with self-check Self-evaluation or Peer check* Sheet 14

PRACTICE SHEET - 1 (PS-1) 1. What is drainage? 2. What is a drainage basin? 3. What is water divide? Give example. 4. What is drainage pattern? 5. Name different types of drainage pattern. 6. How is rectangular drainage pattern formed? 7. Differentiate between dendritic, radial, trellis and rectangular pattern. PRACTICE SHEET - 2 (PS-2) 1. How many groups are Indian rivers divided into? Name them. 2. Name the important rivers in the Himalayan river system? 3. Which is the longest river of peninsular India? 4. What are the common names given to the Brahmaputra River? 5. Which river has the largest basin in India? 6. Why are the Himalayan rivers called perennial rivers? 7. Mention any three main differences between Peninsular and Himalayan rivers. 8. State any five differences between east flowing and west flowing rivers of peninsular India. 9. Explain any three important features of the peninsular rivers. 10. Describe the three important features of Ganga Brahmaputra delta. PRACTICE SHEET - 3 (PS-3) 1. What is river pollution? 2. What is the Sunderban famous for? 3. Briefly explain the National River Conservation Plan (NRCP). 4. Establish the differences between delta and estuaries. 5. State one similarity among the Sambhar, Pulicat and Chilka lakes. 6. ‘Rising pollution in rivers is a major environmental issue in India.’ Mention the causes of this. 15

PRACTICE SHEET - 4 (PS-4) 1. Identify the following rivers on the outline map 2. Locate and label the following on the given out of India. line political map of India. a. Himalayan river system: Ganga, Satluj, Indus b. Peninsular river system: Krishna, Narmada, (1) Chilka Tapi, MahanaIdndii,aKPaovliteicrail, GlVIoapdavari. (2) Sambhar (3) Wular (4) Pulicat (5) Kolleru (6) Vembanad India Political lVIap ',. . 0 0 • • ',. . 16

PRACTICE SHEET - 5 (PS-5) I. Choose the correct option: vi.Bhimtal vii.Loktak a. i, iv& v 1. An elevated area that separates two drainage b. ii,iii,vi&vii basins is called c. ii,iii,vi&vii a. river divide d. None of the above b. water divide 9. Identify the following Drainage pattern. c. drain divide a. Dendritic d. George b. Trellis c. Rectangular 2. Which of the following rivers is known as d. Radial ‘Dakshin Ganga’? 10. In the question given below there are two a. The Mahanadi statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason b. The Krishna (R). Read both the statements carefully and c. The Kaveri choose the correct option: d. The Godavari Assertion (A): The River banks have attracted settlers from ancient times. 3. The largest fresh water lake in India is the Reason (B):Water from the rivers is a natural a. Dal lake resource, essential for various human activities. b. Wular lake a. Both the Assertion and the Reason are correct c. Sambar lake d. Chilka lake and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion. 4. Which of the following is not a tributary of the b. The Assertion and the Reason are correct but Ganga? the Reason is not the correct explanation of the a. Son Assertion. b. Gandak c. Our Assertion is true but the Reason is false. c. Dibang d. The statement of the Assertion is false but the d. Kosi. Reason is true. 5. Oxbow lakes are formed at the _________ of the 17 river. a. Lower course b. Upper course c. middle course d. source 6. Most of the peninsular rivers flow into Bay of Bengal because, a. they originate in the Western Ghats. b. they originate in the Peninsular plateau. c. the Peninsular plateau gently slopes towards the East. d. the Western Ghats are higher tha the Eastern Ghats. 7. Which of the following is an incorrect pair? a. The Narmada-Amarakantak b. The Mahanadi-Chhattisgharh c. The Tapi- Betul d. The Krishna- Nasik 8. Which of the following are Salt water lakes? i. Chilka ii. Wular iii. Dal iv. Sambar v. Pulicat

PRACTICE SHEET - 5 (PS-5) II. Short Answer Questions: 1. Differenciate the Himalayan and Peninsular rivers. 2. Lakes are of great value to Indian economy. Explain. 3. On the given out line map of India locate and lable the following. a. The prominent salt water lake in the north India. b. the river which makes the second biggest waterfall in India. c. The largest river in India. India Political lVIap ',. . 0 • III. Long Answer Questions: 1. Write a note on The Brahmaputra river. 2. a. The quality of water and self cleaning capacity of the river Ganga is decreasing day by day. Give reasons. b. What do you know about ‘Namame Gange’ ? 18

Self-Evaluation Sheet Marks: 15 Time: 30 Mins 1. Which is the largest freshwater lake of India? 7. a) Identify the following rivers on the outline  (1 Mark) map of India.  (3 Marks) i) Himalayan river system: Ganga ii) Peninsular river system: Krishna 2. Why are the peninsular rivers called seasonal?  (1 Mark) b) Locate and label the following on the given outline political map of India. i) Chilka lake India Political lVIap 3. How is Sunderban delta formed?  (1 Mark) 4. Why river Godavari is often referred to as ‘Dakshin Ganga’? (1 Mark) 5. Write three main features of the Indus basin.  (3 Marks) ',. . 0 • 6. Differentiate between the Himalayan rivers and peninsular river. (5 Marks) 19

4. Climate Learning Outcomes At the end of this chapter students will able to: • List out various seasons of India. • Define and differentiate between climate and • Explain the climatic variation of our country and weather. its impact on the life of the people. • Understand the mechanism of Indian monsoon. • Describe the importance and unifying role of • Know the elements of weather. • Identify the various factors influencing the climate. monsoons. Concept Map Introduction 1. Introduction 2. Indian Monsoon 3. Indian Seasons • Meaning of climate • Meaning of monsoon • The hot weather • Distinguish between • Mechanism of Indian season(summer) climate and weather monsoon • Cold weather season • Factors affecting India’s • Onset of the monsoon (winter) climate and withdrawal • Advancing monsoon • Climate controls (rainy season) ― Latitude ― Altitude ― Pressure and wind Key Points • The mechanism of the monsoons are: the differential heating and cooling of land and • Climate refers to the sum total of weather water; the shift of the position of Inter Tropical conditions and variations over a large area, for a Convergence Zone (ITCZ); the presence of the long period of time (more than thirty years). high-pressure area, east of Madagascar; the Tibetan plateau gets intensely heated during • Weather refers to the state of the atmosphere over summer; the presence of the tropical easterly jet an area at any point of time. stream over the Indian peninsula during summer. • The elements of weather and climate are the • The onset and withdrawal of the monsoon are same, i.e. temperature, atmospheric pressure, gradual. wind, humidity and precipitation. • The four distinct seasons of India are: The cold • The climate of India is described as the monsoon weather season (Dec to Feb); the hot weather type. season (March to May); the advancing monsoon and the retreating monsoon. • There are six major controls of the climate of any place. They are: latitude, altitude, pressure and wind system, distance from the sea (continentally), ocean currents and relief features. • The factors affecting India’s climate are: latitude, altitude, pressure and winds. 20

4. Climate Work Plan CONCEPT COVERAGE COVERAGE DETAILS PRACTICE SHEET Introduction • Meaning- Climate, Distinguish between Climate and Weather PS-1 • Climatic Controls • Factors affecting India’s climate Indian Monsoon • Meaning-Monsoon • Mechanism of Indian Monsoon • Onset of the monsoon and PS-2 withdrawal Indian Seasons and • Four distinct seasons- Cold season, PS-3 Maps(Identification, locate Hot season, advancing monsoon PS-4 and labelling) and Retreating monsoon • Distribution of rainfall • Monsoon as a unifying bond. • Outline maps- i. Cities to locate: Thiruvananthapuram, Chennai, Jodhpur, Bangalore, Mumbai, Kolkata, Leh, Shillong, Delhi, Nagpur (Location and Labelling) ii. Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cm and over 400 cm (Identification only) Worksheet for “Climate” PS-5 Evaluation with self-check Self-evaluation or Peer check* Sheet 21

PRACTICE SHEET - 1 (PS-1) 1. What are the factors affecting India’s climate? 2. What are the elements of weather and climate? 3. How does variation in temperature and rainfall affect the life of people? Explain with examples. 4. What are western cyclonic disturbances? What are their affects? 5. What is Coriolis force? How does it affect India’s climate? 6. How does latitude affect India’s climate? 7. Explain the affect of altitude on the climate of India? 8. Give a reason why houses in Rajasthan have thick walls and flat roofs. 9. India has a diverse climatic condition. Explain by giving examples. PRACTICE SHEET - 2 (PS-2) 1. What do you mean by monsoon? 2. What is Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ)? 3. What happens when the Tibetan plateau gets intensely heated during summer? PRACTICE SHEET - 3 (PS-3) 1. What is loo? a. What do you understand by annual range of 2. What is Kaal Baisakhi? temperature? 3. What are ‘mango showers’? 4. What do you mean by ‘Burst of Monsoon’? b. Calculate the annual range of temperature of 5. Mention the important characteristics of the this station. cold weather season? c. Which month receives less rainfall and how 6. How does relief play a major role in determining much? the climate of a place? 7. Why is monsoon known for uncertainties? 8. Give reason why Delhi receives more rainfall than Jodhpur. 9. Give an account of characteristics of hot weather season. 10. Study the climate data of a station given below and answer the following questions. Months Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Temperature 20.5 22.7 25.2 22.1 26.7 24.2 in °C Rainfall in 7 9 11 45 106 21 cm July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 23.0 23.0 23.1 22.9 10.9 20.2 111 137 164 159 51 13 22

PRACTICE SHEET - 4 (PS-4) 1. Why is the monsoon considered a unifying bond? 2. Rainfall is unevenly distributed in India. Explain the statement. Maps 1. Identify the following Isohyets (Rainfall line) on the outline map of India. a. Areas receiving rainfall over 400 cm. b. Areas receiving rainfall less than 20 cm. 2. Locate and label the following on the given outline political map of India. a. Two areas that get the highest levels of rainfall (Shillong and Mumbai) b. Two areas that get the lowest levels of rainfall (Leh and Jodhpur) India Political lVIap ',. . 0 • 23

PRACTICE SHEET - 5 (PS-5) I. Choose the correct option: during summer and creates low pressure over the plateau. 1. Seasonal reversal of Wind direction in a year is 7. Find the odd one out of the following Climate called controls. a. jet stream a. Latitude b. ITCZ b. altitude c. monsoon c. longitude d. cyclone d. Ocean currents 8. The western cyclonic disturbances, which 2. The strong, gusty, hot and dry winds blowing originate over the Mediterranean sea during during the day over the north and North west- the winter are very useful to our northern plains ern India during the Summer are called because, they a. ‘Kaal Baisakhi’ a. help in early ripening of mangoes. b. ‘mango showers’ b. moderate the temperature of plains. c. ‘mahawat’ c. cause much needed winter rainfall. d. ‘loo’ d. protect the plains from severe cold winds. Study the following map and answer the questions 3. The first people to notice the seasonal reversal 9&10. wind system in the Indian Ocean were the a. Egyptians 9. Which of the following states is not in the b. Arabs regions receiving more than 200 cms of annual c. Portuguese rainfall ? d. British a. kerala b. Assam 4. The coastal areas do not experience much c. Arunachal Pradesh variation in temperature because of the d. Megalaya a. moderate influence of the sea b. extreme influence 10. Annual rainfall of Delhi (in cms.) is c. altitude of the coast a. 20-40 d. continentality of the coast b. 40- 60 c. 60-100 5. The state first to receive south-west monsoons d. 200-400 is a. Tamilnadu b. Madhya Pradesh c. kerala d. Gujarat 6. Which of the following is an incorrect statement? a. The monsoons are pulsating in nature. b. El Nino is a Latin word meaning ‘the child’, and refers to the baby Christ. c. El Nino is a temporary warm ocean current along the Peru coast replacing the cold Peruvian current. d. The Tibetan Plateau gets intensely heated 24

PRACTICE SHEET - 5 (PS-5) II. Short Answer Questions: 1. India lies in the region of north easterly dry winds, originating from subtropical high-pres- sure belt of the northern hemisphere. Hence, India should have been an arid land , but it is not so. Give reasons. 2. Study the following climate map of Mumbai and answer the questions that follow. i. Name the three rainiest months of Mumbai. ii. What does the temperature graph of Mumbai indicate? iii. What are the factors influencing the climate of Mumbai? 3. Distinguish between Advancing monsoons and retreating monsoons. III. Long Answer Questions: 1. Describe the important features of the Hot Weather Seasons. 2. The monsoons influence the socio economic life of Indians. 25

Self-Evaluation Sheet Marks: 15 Time: 30 Mins 1. What is a jet stream?  (1 Mark) India Political lVIap 2. What is climate and what is the climate of India?  (1 Mark) 3. Identify the four main seasons in India. (1 Mark) ',. . 0 4. Why does air temperature generally decrease • from the equator towards the poles? (1 Mark) 7. Differentiate between Climate and Weather.  (5 marks) 5. Explain any three major climatic controls of the world.  (3 Marks) 6. Locate and label the following on the given outline political map of India. (3 Marks) i. Bangalore   ii. Thiruvanantapuram   iii. Delhi 26

5. Natural Vegetation and Wild Life Learning Outcomes • Discuss the wealth of wildlife in India. • Recognise the importance of flora and fauna in an At the end of this chapter, students will be able to: • Define the terms of natural vegetation and wildlife. ecosystem. • Identify the factors that determine the huge • Understand the need to protect the biodiversity diversity in flora and fauna kingdom in India. of our country. • Highlight the major types of natural vegetation in • Analyse the steps taken by the government to India. protect the flora and fauna of the country. • Find out the nature of diverse flora and fauna in India. • Know about the distribution of such types of vegetation in India. Concept Map Key Points • Plant community which grows naturally with no human help and is not disturbed by humans for a • With over 47,000 plant species, India occupies long time is termed as natural vegetation. tenth place in the world and fourth in Asia in plant diversity. It includes 15000 or 6% of the world’s • The term flora denotes plants and fauna denotes total flowering plants. species of animals in a specific region. • India is one of the twelve megadiverse countries of • The natural vegetation which has been left the world. undisturbed by humans for a long time is called virgin vegetation. • India has 89,000 species of animals as well as a rich variety of fish in its fresh and salt waters. 27

5. Natural Vegetation and Wild Life • Vegetation which is purely of Indian origin are species of fish and between 5% to 8% of the known as endemic plants and those which have world’s amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. come from outside India are termed as exotic • India is the only country in the world that has both plants. tigers and lions. • The Himalayas have a large range of animals that • Factors determining flora and fauna in a region survive the bitter cold. are relief i.e. land and soil, climate, temperature, • Every species of animal has a role to play in the sunlight and precipitation. ecosystem; hence conservation is essential. • Hunting and pollution are causing a threat to • All the plants and animals in an area are animal species. interdependent and interrelated to each other • Steps taken by the government of India to protect in their physical environment, thus forming an the flora and fauna of the country are: ecosystem.  Fourteen biosphere reserves have been set up • Human beings are integral part of the ecosystem. in the country to protect flora and fauna. • The greed of human beings leads to overutilization  Financial and technical assistance is provided of resources. to many botanical gardens by the government • A very large ecosystem on land having distinct since 1992.  Project Tiger, Project Rhino, Project Great Indian type of vegetation and animal life is called a Bustard and many other eco-developmental biome. projects have been introduced. • The major types of vegetation in India are tropical  89 national parks, 490 wildlife sanctuaries and rainforests, tropical deciduous forests, tropical zoological gardens are set up to take care of thorn forests and scrubs, montane forests and natural heritage. mangrove forests. • India has more than 1200 species of birds, 2500 28

5. Natural Vegetation and Wild Life Work Plan CONCEPT COVERAGE COVERAGE DETAILS PRACTICE SHEET Introduction and • Meaning- Natural vegetation, virgin Ecosystem vegetation • Differentiate between flora and PS – 1 fauna • Factors affecting diversity of flora and fauna in India • Meaning- Ecosystem, Biome • Reason for ecology depletion Types of vegetation • Identify the various types of vegetation in India PS – 2 • Characteristics and distribution of all types of vegetation Wildlife of India • Variation of India’s fauna • Meaning of Bio-reserves • Main causes for the depletion of PS – 3 fauna in India • Steps taken by the government for the protection of wildlife in India Maps • Vegetation Type: tropical evergreen forest, tropical deciduous forest, thorn forest, montane forests and PS – 4 mangrove-for identification only • National Parks: Corbett, Kaziranga, Ranthambor, Shivpuri, Kanha, Simlipal & Manas • Bird Sanctuaries: Bharatpur and Ranganthitto • Wild life Sanctuaries : Sariska, Mudumalai, Rajaji, Dachigam (Location and Labelling) Worksheet for “Natural Vegetation and Wild Life” PS – 5 Evaluation with self-check Self-evaluation or Peer check* Sheet 29

PRACTICE SHEET - 1 (PS-1) 1. What is natural vegetation? 9. Differentiate between flora and fauna. 2. Define the term virgin vegetation. 10. Explain the relief factors which affect the 3. What is the position of India in the world in diversity of flora and fauna. terms of plant diversity? 11. Explain with examples how temperature can 4. Name the state having maximum area under affect the type of vegetation. forest cover. 12. ‘Forests are renewable resources which 5. How many species of plants and animals are play a major role in enhancing the quality of found in India? environment.’ Explain this statement. 6. How many medicinal plants are endangered 13. Why has India’s natural vegetation undergone many changes? and threatened in India? 14. Human beings influence the ecology of a region.’ 7. Define an ecosystem. Explain this statement. 8. What is a biome? On what basis are biomes 15. Why is conservation of ecosystem very essential in India? identified? 16. ‘Every species has a role to play in the ecosystem.’ Explain this statement. PRACTICE SHEET - 2 (PS-2) 1. Who are the Gujjars and Bakarwals? 6. What are the important flora and fauna found in 2. Identify the major types of vegetation found in the mangrove forests? India. 7. Mention the characteristics and distribution of 3. What are monsoon forests? tropical evergreen forest in India. 4. Divide the tropical deciduous forests on the 8. Differentiate between tropical moist deciduous basis of water. forest and tropical dry deciduous forest. 5. Which are the animals found in the montane 9. Mention the characteristics of thorn forests and forests? scrubs and its distribution in India. PRACTICE SHEET - 3 (PS-3) 10. Give the altitudinal distribution of montane forests. 1. What are migratory birds? 2. In which year was the Wildlife Protection Act 11. Mention any three medicinal plants of India and mention for what they are used. implemented in India? 3. Name five important bio-reserves of India. 4. How is India rich in its fauna? Explain. 5. Mention the causes for the depletion of the wildlife in India. 6. What are biosphere reserves? And what are their uses? 7. Mention the important steps taken by the government for the protection of wildlife in India. 30

PRACTICE SHEET - 4 (PS-4) 1. Locate and label the following with appropriate symbols on the given outline political map of India. i. Wildlife Sanctuaries: Dachigam ii. National parks: Corbett, Kaziranga, RanthamboIrn,dMia aPnoalitsical lVIap ',. . 0 • 31

PRACTICE SHEET - 5 (PS-5) I. Choose the correct option: 8. Match the following. 1. The only country in the world that has both i. Tigers a. Rann of Kachchh tigers and lions is ii. Yak b. Karnataka a. China iii. Elephants c. Madhya Pradesh b. Malasia iv. wild ass d. Ladakh c. Cango a. i-c, ii-d, iii-b, iv-a d. India b. i-c, ii-b, iii-a, iv-d 2. The medicinal plant Sarpagandha is used to treat c. i-d, ii-c, iii-b, iv-a a. blood pressure b. eyesores d. i-a, ii-b, iii-c, iv-d c. cough & cold d. asthma Study the following graph and answer the questions 9 & 10 3. Neem and Peapul trees grow mainly in _______ forests. 9. In which year the loss of forest cover was very a. dry deciduous less? b. moist deciduous a. 2011 c. montane b. 2013 d. tropical evergreen c. 2016 d. 2017 4. The percentage of area under forest in India, according to State of Forest 2011 is. 10. How many million hectares of forest area were a. 19.05 lost between 2015-16? b. 21.05 a. 19.8 c. 33.3 b. 29.7 d. 23.5 c. o.3 d. 9.9 5. Which of the following states has more percentage of its area under forests? II. Short Answer Questions: a. Mizoram 1. How are forests useful to us? b. Assam 2. Distinguish between Thon forests and Mangrove c. Madhya Pradesh d. Arunachal Pradesh forests. 3. Three places A, B and C have been marked on 6. Which of the following do not influence the natural vegetation of a place? 32 a. soil b. photoperiod c. longitude d. climate 7. Which of the following does not cause a major threat to natural vegetation? a. Pollution b. Growing population c. Deforestation d. Bio diversity

PRACTICE SHEET - 5 (PS-5) the given outline map of India. Identify them III. Long Answer Questions: and write their correct names on the lines 1. How does climate influence natural vegetation drawn near them. A. A National park, world famous for rhinoceroses. of a place? B. The habitat of Asiatic Lion. 2. a. Flora and Fauna of an area are C. Oldest national Park in India interdependent and interrelated to each India Political lVIap other in their physical environment. Analyse the statement. b. Animals, big or small have a role to play in the eco system. Explain. C. __________________ B. __________________ A. __________________ ',. . 0 • 33

Self-Evaluation Sheet Marks: 15 Time: 30 Mins 1. Where are mangrove forests found in India? 7. How does soil play an important role in the (1 Mark) distribution of plants and animals in India? (5 Marks) 2. What are the uses of tulsi plant? (1 Mark) 3. In which regions of India are elephants mostly found? (1 Mark) 4. Name any two national parks in India. (1 Mark) 5. Mention the common animal species found in the tropical evergreen forests. (3 Marks) 6. Explain how sunlight, precipitation and temperature can affect the type of vegetation. (3 Marks) 34

6. Population Learning Outcomes • Understand the needs of adolescents as an under-served group. At the end of this chapter, students will able to: • Analyse the uneven nature of population • Identify the factors due to which there is uneven distribution of population. distribution. • Explain the various factors of population change. • Discuss the various dimension of national policy. • Highlight the importance of population in social studies. Concept Map 35

6. Population Key Points • The age composition of a population refers to the number of people in different age groups in a • People are resources with varying qualities. country. • Population is the point of reference from which all • The population of a nation is generally grouped other elements are observed and from which they into three broad categories, namely children derive significance and meaning like resources, (generally below 15 years), working age (15 – 59) calamities, disasters etc. years) and aged (above 59 years). • The census of India provides us with information regarding the population of our country. • Sex ratio is defined as the number of females per • Census is an official enumeration of population thousand males in the population. done periodically. In India, census is held every 10th year. • The sex ratio in India has always remained • Uttar Pradesh accounts for about 16% of the unfavourable to females. country’s population. • India’s population as in March 2001 stood at • Kerala has the highest sex ratio whereas Delhi and 1,028 million accounting for 16.7% of the world’s Haryana are amongst lowest. population. • Almost half of the India’s population lives in just • A person of seven years of age or above five states. These are Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, who is able to read and write with a certain Bihar, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh. understanding is called a literate. • Population density is calculated as the number of persons per unit area. • Males have more literacy than females. • Population density is affected by relief of the area. • The distribution of the population according to • The numbers, distribution and composition of the population are constantly changing. Hence different types of occupation is referred to as the population is a dynamic phenomenon. occupational structure. • Growth of population refers to the change in • Primary activities include agriculture, animal the number of inhabitants of a country/territory husbandry, forestry, fishing, mining and during a specific period of time. quarrying etc. Secondary activities include • Since 1982, India’s population growth rate is manufacturing industry, building and construction declining. work etc. Tertiary activities include transport, • When more than a billion people increase even at communications, commerce, administration and lower rate, the total numbers added becomes very other services. large. • Sustained efforts of government programmes • The declining trend of the growth rate is indeed a have registered significant improvements in the positive indicator of the efforts of birth control. health conditions of the Indian population. Death • The natural increase of population is the rate is considerably reduced. difference between birth rates and death rates. • It is a matter of concern that the per capita calorie • The number of death per thousand persons in a consumption is much below the recommended year is the Death Rate. level in India. • Migration is the movement of people across • Adolescent population constitutes one-fifth of the regions and territories. total population of India. • Migration can be internal and international. • Adolescents in India face the problem of • Migration changes not only population size malnutrition that can be dealt with by spreading but also the population composition of urban awareness, literacy and education among them. and rural populations in terms of age and sex • The Family Welfare Programme has sought to composition. promote responsible and planned parenthood on • Pull and push are the factors responsible for a voluntary basis. migration. • National Population Policy 2000 aims at improving conditions of adolescents, encourages delayed marriages and child bearing, educating about risks of unprotected sex and provisions for nutritional needs. 36

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