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Home Explore 10041 - SFT - UKG - TB FunMax - Integrated - Term 2

10041 - SFT - UKG - TB FunMax - Integrated - Term 2

Published by IMAX, 2020-11-26 02:26:44

Description: 10041 - SFT - UKG - TB FunMax - Integrated - Term 2


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JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___51 / 64 04 Natural Resources Moon and Stars Here are the pictures of the Moon and the stars. Do you know the Moon is also a source of light? The Moon and the stars give light in the night. UKG - EVS 51 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d05411-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___51 / 64 17-02-16 PM 6:44:12

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___52 / 64 05 Neighbourhood Places in the Neighbourhood What do you see in the neighbourhood? Look and learn from these pictures. We go to many places and meet many people every day in our neighbourhood. This is Preeti’s school. Rajan is playing in the park. Sagar is sick. He goes to a Our parents go to the market hospital. to buy vegetables, fruits and groceries. We also have a church, a 17-02-16 PM 6:44:14 mosque and a temple where we go and pray. 52 UKG - EVS LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d05421-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___52 / 64

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___53 / 64 06 Plants Plant and Its Parts Look at the picture of a plant. Point to each part and say its name. A plant is made up of leaves, stem, roots, flowers and fruits. Fruit Flower Leaf Stem Roots UKG - EVS 53 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d05431-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___53 / 64 17-02-16 PM 6:44:23

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___54 / 64 06 Plants Different Types of Plants Plants are of different types - trees, creepers, climbers, herbs and shrubs. Look at the pictures of each type of plant and read their names aloud. 1. Trees Mango Guava Neem 2. Creepers Pumpkin Watermelon 54 UKG - EVS 17-02-16 PM 6:44:25 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d05441-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___54 / 64

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___55 / 64 06 Plants Different Types of Plants Let us look at some of the climbers and herbs. 3. Cimbers Money Plant Grapevine 4. Herbs Mint Grass UKG - EVS 55 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d05451-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___55 / 64 17-02-16 PM 6:44:26

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___56 / 64 06 Plants Different Types of Plants Let us look at some of the shrubs. 5. Shrubs Rose Plant Tulsi Plant 56 UKG - EVS 17-02-16 PM 6:44:27 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d05461-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___56 / 64

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___57 / 64 06 Plants Plants and their Importance Let’s learn about the importance of plants. Plants and trees protect us from heat. They provide food and can be used to make medicines. Some plants like rose, lotus and lily add beauty to our neighbourhood. UKG - EVS 57 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d05491-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___57 / 64 17-02-16 PM 6:44:58

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___58 / 64 07 Animals Domestic and Wild Animals Animals can be of different types. Animals which live in the forest are called wild animals. Animals which are not wild and can be found in our neighbourhood are called as domestic animals. Can you guess which of these animals are wild and which are domestic? Lion Cat Horse Dog Zebra Cow Tiger Rabbit Elephant 58 UKG - EVS LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d05481-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___58 / 64 17-02-16 PM 6:44:56

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___59 / 64 07 Animals Animals and Their Young Ones Here are some of the animals and their babies. Point to them and learn their names. Cow Calf Dog Puppy Cat Kitten Lion Sheep Cub Pig Lamb Horse Piglet Colt UKG - EVS 59 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d05491-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___59 / 64 17-02-16 PM 6:44:58

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___60 / 64 08 Insects Names of Different Insects Some pictures of insects are given here. Point to each one and learn their names. Honeybee Butterfly Grasshopper Ant Ladybug Spider Caterpillar Cockroach 60 UKG - EVS 17-02-16 PM 6:45:00 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d06401-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___60 / 64

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___61 / 64 09 Rhyme We’re Going to…. Listen to the rhyme and repeat after your teacher. We’re going to…. Reach, reach, reach for the sky We’re going to stretch, stretch, stretch really high Upon our toes, toes, toes if we try Reaching for the sky! We’re going to…. Crawl, crawl, crawl on the ground Where all the ant, ants, ants creep around And dig their way, way, way through the town Down here on the ground! We’re going to…. Jump, jump, jump in the air We’re going to wave, wave, wave our arms there And feel the wind, wind, wind in our hair Up here in the air! UKG - EVS 61 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d06411-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___61 / 64 17-02-16 PM 6:45:01

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___62 / 64 10 Story The Thirsty Crow Once, there was a thirsty crow. He looked for water everywhere. He got tired, but he couldn’t find water. At last he saw a pot with a little water in it. He put his beak inside, but could not reach the water. 62 UKG - EVS 17-02-16 PM 6:45:07 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d06421-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___62 / 64

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___63 / 64 10 Story He looked around and saw some pebbles. He had an idea. He picked some pebbles with his beak and dropped them into the pot one by one. As he dropped more pebbles into the pot, the water level rose higher and higher. His plan worked. The crow drank the water and flew away happily. Moral: Where there is a will, there is a way. UKG - EVS 63 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d06431-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___63 / 64 17-02-16 PM 6:45:20

JSNR_BGM_Kit19_10041-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___64 / 64 notes: 64 17-02-16 PM 6:45:21 LPJPS_TNerRm2__BFuGnMMax__VK2i_tF1in9a_l.i1nd0d06441-SFT-UKG-TB FunMax-Integrated-Term 2_Text.pdf___64 / 64

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