ENGLISH 2 LITERATURE – 2 Name: ___________________________________ Section: ________________ Roll No.: _________ School: __________________________________
Preface ClassKlap partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. Our books strive to ensure inclusiveness in terms of gender and diversity in representation, catering to the heterogeneous Indian classroom. ClassKlap presents the Traveller series, designed specifically to meet the requirements of the new curriculum released in November 2016 by the Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations (CISCE). Guiding principles: The 2016 CISCE curriculum states the following as a few of its guiding principles for English language teaching: Connecting learning to life in the outside world Integrating English with other subjects across the curriculum Using meaningful contexts to develop language as a whole Making assessment for learning an integral part of the teaching-learning process Ensuring active participation of children by using a variety of activities and tasks Each of these principles resonates with the spirit in which the ClassKlap textbooks, workbooks and teacher companion books have been designed. The ClassKlap team of pedagogy experts has carried out an intensive mapping exercise to create a framework based on the CISCE curriculum document. Key features of ClassKlap Traveller series: B ooks for English are mapped to the assessment patterns of English-I and English-II in ICSE schools. T he grammar concepts covered in English-I have a horizontal and vertical progression across the grades, providing a spiral of learning. T he writing sections contain a wide variety of topics with a focus on process-based writing in higher grades. T he English-II book also covers all the themes recommended by the CISCE curriculum across classes 1–5. A hallmark of ICSE English is a wide representation of authors – Indian and foreign. The Traveller series includes pieces by writers such as Charles Dickens, Rabindranath Tagore, Sarojini Naidu, Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain among others. Vocabulary building is a key focus area for ClassKlap Pictures for word meanings are included in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words. All in all, the Traveller English books aim to generate greater engagement and enhance fluency in English communication, which spans all the four skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. – The Authors
Textbook Features Warm Up About the Writer/Poet I Read Interesting questions to Brief introduction to the Literature piece (either arouse curiosity about the writer or poet prose, poetry or drama), lesson along with pictures for new/difficult words ? In-text Questions New Words Literature Comprehension Quick check of To practise contextual understanding meanings A variety of questions to ensure the comprehension of the lesson P VocabularyR I Feel I Speak Q Value-based questions Activities to cultivate To help build and based on the lesson that ask speaking skills enhance age-appropriate for opinions and judgement vocabulary Listen and Say Aloud Dictation Language Game P ronunciation practice Words from the lesson or Games to provide based on phonics, difficult sentences with commonly engagement with and words, tongue twisters and confused spellings for enhance fluency in the multi-syllabled words dictation practice language Listening Audio Connect the Dots A Note to Parent Captivating listening Questions that stimulate Constructive activities to audio pieces followed by interdisciplinary thinking be done at home along exercises by connecting English with with parents to reinforce other subjects learning
Contents 9 Oh Nani! Tell Me a Tale! ................... Self, Family, Home, Friends ���������������������� 1 – Manjula Shukla 10 Tiger’s Stripes ..................................... Animals and Plants ���������������������������������� 8 11 The Swift Runner................................. Adventure and Imagination ������������������ 17 12 The Swing ........................................... Physical Activities and Sports ���������������� 23 – R L Stevenson 13 The Travels of Ravi Uncle ................The World Around Us������������������������� 32 14 The Adventures of Mendu ...............Adventure and Imagination ������������� 40 15 The Rainbow ...................................The World Around Us ������������������������ 46 – Christina Rossetti
9Lesson Oh Nani! Tell Me a Tale! Self, Family, Home, Friends Warm Up • Do you meet your grandparents often? • Do you like listening to stories? Who tells you the stories? Let us read a poem about a child asking her Nani or grandmother to tell her a bedtime story. I Read ?Oh Nani, tell me a tale, Who is the child talking Of a friendly dog that wags its tail. to? Of hills and valleys and forests, green, Of little fairies and their queen. valleys Oh Nani, tell me a tale, wars Of lions and tigers and ships that sail. Of heroes who win wars, sail 1
? What does And the Sun, Moon and stars. the child want Oh Nani, I will never forget, to listen to? The tales I hear after sunset. – Manjula Shukla heroes New Words Word Meaning tale valleys Literature Comprehension sail heroes wars A) Direct questions and answers 1) Mention any three things that the child wants to hear about. Ans. 2) Name the three things in the sky that the child wants to hear stories about. Ans. 2
B) Answer the following 3) Read the given sentences. Circle ‘True’ or ‘False’ in red. a) The child is asking Nani to tell a tale. True/False b) Nani’s tales have scary monsters in them. True/False c) Nani tells stories about the Sun, Moon and stars. True/False d) There are stories of heroes too. True/False e) The child will forget the stories that Nani tells her after sunset. True/False P R Vocabulary Q Rhyming words Rhyming words are words that have similar ending sounds. Examples: • ‘tip’ and ‘lip’ • ‘plate’ and ‘eight’ • ‘toffee’ and ‘coffee’ • ‘day’ and ‘play’ Remember, the words may or may not have similar spellings. 4) Read the poem given below. Try to find at least four pairs of rhyming words. Ding, dong, bell, Pussy’s in the well. Who put her in? Little Johnny Thin. Who pulled her out? Little Tommy Stout. What a naughty boy was that, To try to drown poor pussy cat, Who never did him any harm, But killed all the mice in the farmer’s barn. Oh Nani! Tell Me a Tale! 3
Ans. a) b) c) d) I Feel 5) Do you think that the child is close to her grandmother? Why? Ans. I Speak Bring your favourite story. Read it aloud to your partner. Then, tell the class the story in your own words. Many stories are so wonderful that we want to be a part of them. We often wish to be the heroes and heroines in these stories. Choose a story that you have heard, and tell it to your class as if you were the hero or heroine. • Use pronouns such as ‘I’, ‘me’ and ‘we’ to tell the story. • You can act it out in front of your class. 4
Listen and Say Aloud Word Rhyming word Word Rhyming word tale tail, sail green queen Word Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write down the words. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Language Game Word chain Sit in a circle. One of you will say a word. The next student has to say a word with the letter that the first word ends with. For example, tail, lion, nail, and so on. You can use only naming words. Listening Audio Listen to the audio and tick the correct answer. 7) Who was lazy? a) Bruno b) Tiggy c) Bruno and Tiggy Oh Nani! Tell Me a Tale! 5
8) What did Bruno hate to do? a) to go out to play b) to meet Tiggy c) to wake up 9) What did Tiggy do? a) She asked Bruno to get up. b) She called Bruno out to play. c) She hid alarm clocks. 10) How many alarm clocks did Tiggy hide? a) one b) three c) two 11) Why was Tiggy happy? a) because his idea worked b) because Bruno got up c) both a and b Connect the Dots Maths Fun Nani tells her grandchildren 2 stories every night. How many stories do they hear in a week? 6
EVS Fun There are many stories about animals. Many of the most popular animal stories are from the Indian collection of stories, the Panchatantra. These stories are very, very old. Look at the pictures from two such stories. Can you guess which stories they are from? A Note to Parent One way to encourage an active imagination is to hear and tell stories. Encourage your child to spend time and bond with elders in the family. The stories that the older people share will help your child to connect to stories and enhance his or her creativity and imagination. Word meanings tale – story valleys – the land between hills or mountains sail – to travel on water by ship or boat heroes – brave people wars – fights among people, groups or countries Oh Nani! Tell Me a Tale! 7
10Lesson Tiger’s Stripes Animals and Plants Warm Up • Have you seen a tiger? What does it look like? • Imagine a tiger without stripes. Would you be able to recognise it? How? Let us read a story about Tiggy, a tiger cub who helps his father get back his stripes. I Read One day, all the animals in the ? What made the forest were terrified. The tiger was tiger angry? terribly angry. ‘Where are my stripes? Who has stolen them?’ he terrified roared. All had been well the night before. But in the morning, the tiger’s stripes were missing. Tiggy, the little tiger cub, was very upset. ‘Why is Papa so angry?’ he asked his mother. Mama hugged him and said, ‘He is very 8
upset because his stripes are missing. Don’t worry. Everything will be well soon.’ Tiggy went out to play with his friend Bruno, the bear. He upset wanted to help his father. ‘What shall I do?’ he asked Bruno. ‘Why don’t you ask the old lady on the hill? She knows magic’, Bruno, the bear, replied. ‘I shall go at once’, said Tiggy and raced off. What did the Climbing up the hill was long and tiring. But old lady on the hill know? ?Tiggy did not stop until he stood outside the old lady’s hut. He knocked on the door softly. ‘Go away’, said the old lady. ‘Please madam, I need your help’, said Tiggy. He heard footsteps coming closer and closer. Then, gown the door opened. He saw a very old lady wearing a tattered tattered gown. She looked angry. ‘Who are you, and why are you here?’ she asked. ‘I am Tiggy, and I want some magic powder. My Papa has lost his stripes’, answered Tiggy. ‘Run away! I am not helping anyone’, she said. Big tears rolled down Tiggy’s cheeks. The old lady’s heart melted. sprinkle She gave him a tiny box. ‘Sprinkle the powder when the tiger is asleep’, she said. ‘Thank you very much’, said Tiggy and ran back home. That night, Tiggy quietly sprinkled the powder on his father as he slept. The next morning, the tiger’s stripes were back. All the animals were overjoyed. There was peace in the forest again. overjoyed Tiger’s Stripes 9
New Words Word Meaning terrified terribly missing upset tattered gown sprinkle overjoyed Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) What did Bruno ask Tiggy to do? Ans. 2) How did the tiger get his stripes back? Ans. 10
B) Answer the following 3) Choose the correct answer from the box and fill in the blanks. terrified tiny tattered overjoyed upset a) All the animals in the forest were ____________________________. b) The tiger was very ____________________________ because of his missing stripes. c) The old lady was wearing a ____________________________ gown. d) The lady on the hill gave Tiggy a ____________________________ box. e) The animals were ____________________________ when the tiger got his stripes back. RP Vocabulary Q Animal sounds Different animals make different sounds. Examples: a frog croaks a duck quacks a cow moos a cat meows Tiger’s Stripes 11
4) Match the animals in Column A with the sounds they make in Column B. Column A Column B a) owl A) brays b) donkey B) neighs c) pig C) hoots d) horse D) oinks I Feel 5) Was Tiggy a good son? Why do you think so? Ans. I Speak Speak about a time when somebody helped you to solve a problem. Who was the person? What was the problem? 12
If you could ask for three wishes from the old lady, what would you ask for? Make pairs and discuss your three wishes with your partner. Listen and Say Aloud Words starting Words starting Words starting Words starting with the ‘fl’ with the ‘gl’ with the ‘sk’ with the ‘sl’ sound sound sound sound fly glass skip slip flag glue skin sleep Sentence Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write the sentences. a) ___________________________________________________________________ b) ___________________________________________________________________ c) ___________________________________________________________________ d) ___________________________________________________________________ e) ___________________________________________________________________ Tiger’s Stripes 13
Language Game Crossword puzzle Can you solve this crossword puzzle using the given clues? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Down 1) The lady wore a ______________________ gown. 3) You have to ______________________ the magic powder. 5) There was ______________________ in the forest again. Across 2) The old lady on the hill knew ______________________. 4) All the animals were ______________________. 6) The long trip was ______________________. 7) The old lady’s heart ______________________ when Tiggy cried. 8) The tiger’s ______________________ were missing. 14
Listening Audio Listen to the audio and tick the correct answer. 7) Who was Jumbo? a) an elephant b) a bird c) a kitten 8) What was strange about Jumbo? c) a kitten c) kitten a) he was very small c) both a and b b) he had very big ears c) he was very heavy 9) Who was Bluey? a) a bird b) a tree 10) Who was stuck in a tree? a) Jumbo b) Bluey 11) Who brought the kitten down? a) Jumbo b) Bluey Connect the Dots Maths Fun There are 12 tigers in a nature park. 4 of them are sent back to the forest, and 2 new tigers are brought to the park. How many tigers are there in the nature park now? Tiger’s Stripes 15
EVS Fun Do you know how one tiger can be told apart from another? By its stripes. Every tiger has its own pattern of stripes, just like our fingerprints. They have patterns not only on their fur but on their skin too! A Note to Parent Ask your child how they feel when they see someone very angry. Try to tone down your anger and discuss problems instead of shouting at your child. Remember that your anger can negatively affect them. Word meanings terrified – very scared terribly – very, very badly missing – not to be found upset – unhappy tattered – torn gown – long dress sprinkle – drop and spread small bits over something overjoyed – very happy 16
11Lesson The Swift Runner Adventure and Imagination Warm Up • Have you ever participated in a race? If yes, where and when? • What qualities do you think a fast runner needs to have? Let us read a story about how the deer got its antlers. I Read antlers Once upon a time, the animals planned a woods race. The prize for the fastest runner was a judge pair of antlers. Each animal was to carry the antlers on its head while running the race. The animal that won would keep the antlers. A path through the woods was chosen for the race. gathered There were many bushes along the way. All the animals gathered at the starting point. They chose the bear to be the judge. 17
It was decided that the rabbit and the deer ? Which two alone should try for the animals tried for prize. the prize? ‘They are the best runners and can match each other’, agreed the other animals. The rabbit was given the first chance. However, he said, disappeared ‘First, I would like to look at the ground where I have to run.’ So, the rabbit disappeared into the woods. He didn’t return for a long time. The fox was sent to look for him. The rabbit had forgotten all about the race. The fox found munching the rabbit busily munching on fresh carrots. The fox went back and told the others what the rabbit was doing. Soon, the rabbit returned. He was ready to put on the antlers and begin the race. ‘Oh no’, said the bear. ‘You cannot enter the race. You are too fond of munching carrots. You may keep on eating.’ So, the rabbit was not allowed to run the race. The fox placed the antlers upon the head of the deer and said, ‘It is now your turn to try to win the race.’ The animals gave three loud cheers. The deer ran swiftly along the path. He carried the What will the antlers so well that they were not caught in deer always be called? ?the bushes even once. When the deer returned to the starting point, the bear declared him as the winner. As the bear gave the prize to the deer, he said, ‘Well done! You shall wear the antlers on your head and will always be called the “Swift Runner”’. 18
New Words Meaning Word antlers woods gathered judge disappeared munching fond swiftly declared I Speak Form groups of three. Each member of a group must pick a picture of an animal and tell the class what the animal did in the story, ‘The Swift Runner’. The Swift Runner 19
Make groups. Act out the story, ‘The Swift Runner’, in your class. You can add a few more characters to the story. Make your own dialogues. Take help from your teacher to make correct sentences. Listen and Say Aloud Words starting Words starting Words starting Words starting with the ‘sm’ with the ‘sn’ with the ‘st’ with the ‘sw’ sound sound sound sound snow step small swing snake stop smile swift Word Dictation 1) Listen to your teacher and write the words. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Language Game Spot the differences These mice are racing. Get into groups of four. Look at the given pictures and spot five differences between them. The team that can make five correct sentences and tell their teacher what the differences are will win. 20
Listening Audio Listen to the audio and colour the correct box. True False 2) Tina found a shiny coin. True False 3) She saw her friend, Tommy. True False 4) ‘Have you lost a silver ring?’ she asked. True False 5) She saw old Mrs Singh. True False 6) Tina got a pen as reward. Connect the Dots Maths Fun The deer ran past 15 bushes. While returning, it ran past the same number of bushes. How many bushes did the deer cross in total? The Swift Runner 21
EVS Fun • Antlers are also called horns. They are made up of a hair-like thing over a bony part. • Deer use antlers for fighting, clearing snow and looking for food. A Note to Parent This story shows how the deer won the race while the rabbit got distracted. Encourage your child to put their mind into whatever they do. Support your child and let them engage in activities that they are genuinely interested in. Word meanings horns land covered with growing trees, smaller than a antlers – forest woods – came together the person who decides the winner gathered – went out of sight; could not be seen anymore judge – eating something noisily disappeared – strong liking munching – very fast fond – announced swiftly – declared – 22
12Lesson The Swing Physical Activities and Sports Warm Up • Do you like to swing? • What do you see when you are high up in the swing? Describe it. About the Poet Robert Louis Stevenson (1850–1894) was a Scottish poet, novelist and travel writer. A few of his famous works are A Child’s Garden of Verses and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. You have read his poem ‘The Cow’ in a previous lesson. Let us now read a poem about a child who has a lot of fun playing on a swing. 23
I Read ? What is the pleasantest How do you like to go up in a swing, thing for a child Up in the air so blue? to do? Oh, I do think it the pleasantest thing Ever a child can do! cattle swing What does the poet look Up in the air and over the wall, down on? Till I can see so wide, River and trees and cattle and all Over the countryside – countryside Till I look down on the garden green, ? Down on the roof so brown – Up in the air I go flying again, Up in the air and down! roof – Robert Louis Stevenson New Words Word Meaning swing pleasantest wide cattle countryside roof 24
Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) W hat colours are mentioned in the poem? What do these colours describe? Ans. 2) What could the poet see over the countryside? Ans. B) Answer the following 3) G iven below are a few sentences related to the poem. Choose the right word from the box to fill in the blanks. garden flying pleasantest countryside roof a) It is the ________________________ thing to go up in the air on a swing. b) While swinging, the child sees all over the ________________________. c) The ________________________ looks green in colour. d) The ________________________ of a house is brown in colour. e) On the swing, the child goes up ________________________ in the air. The Swing 25
P R Vocabulary Q Opposites An opposite is a word that has a completely different meaning from that of another word. Examples: loud hot cold soft high low heavy light 4) Rewrite the sentences with the opposites of the underlined words. a) The road to her house was wide. Ans. b) We were requested to write long answers in the notebook. Ans. c) The children sailed up the stream. Ans. 26
d) In our library, dictionaries are kept at the bottom of the shelf. Ans. I Feel 5) What is your favourite plaything? Why do you like it the most? Ans. I Speak Sing along with your teacher. SWING, swing, swing, Through the drowsy afternoon; Swing, swing, swing, Up I go to meet the Moon. Swing, swing, swing, I can see as I go high Far along the crimson sky; I can see as I come down The tops of houses in the town; High and low, Fast and slow, Swing, swing, swing. The Swing 27
Swing, swing, swing, See! the Sun has gone away; Swing, swing, swing, Gone to make a bright new day. Swing, swing, swing. I can see as up I go The poplars waving to and fro, I can see as I come down. The lights are twinkling in the town, High and low, Fast and slow, Swing, swing, swing. Ask your partner these questions. Then, answer them yourself. What games do you like With whom do you to play? like to play? When and where do you play? Listen and Say Aloud Word Rhyming word Word Rhyming word swing thing wide countryside blue do brown down 28
Word Rhyming word Word Rhyming word wall all – – Sentence Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write down the sentences. a) b) c) d) e) Language Game Bouncing rhyme Stand in a circle with your teacher in the middle. Your teacher will say a word and throw the ball to one of you. The student who gets the ball will give a rhyming word for the word given by the teacher and throw the ball back. If a student is unable to give a rhyming word, he or she gets out of the game or starts throwing the ball from the centre. Listening Audio Listen to the audio and number the sentences in the order that you heard them. 7) He runs around all day. 8) His needs are few. The Swing 29
9) I share my secrets with him. 10) Flash is my pet dog. 11) Flash can be naughty too. Connect the Dots Maths Fun Maya is sitting on a swing and counting the trees that she can see. Every time she goes up, she sees 4 different trees. If she swings 6 times, how many trees does she see in all? EVS Fun Swings can be made from many things: curved branches, old tyres, plastic or metal. Look at the pictures of different kinds of swings. A Note to Parent Rediscover the joys of childhood. Spend time outdoors and play your childhood games with your child. 30
Word meanings swing – a seat tied with ropes or metal chains that moves forwards and backwards pleasantest – most pleasant wide – broad cattle – cows and bulls kept in a farm countryside – open lands outside the cities and towns roof – the cover or top of a house The Swing 31
13Lesson The Travels of Ravi Uncle The World Around Us Warm Up • Have you heard stories about travel from your family? • Do you enjoy listening to such stories? Why? Let us read a story about the different places that Ravi Uncle travelled to. I Read jumped with joy ‘Ravi Uncle is coming this evening’, said magazine Mummy. Priti and Priya jumped with joy. He was their favourite uncle. He had many interesting tales to tell. He worked for a magazine and travelled a lot. Ravi Uncle reached at five o’clock. ‘Hello, my favourite girls’, he said. ‘Come in, Uncle’, said Priya. ‘We were waiting to hear your stories.’ ‘Yes. I do have many stories to share’, said Uncle. ‘Uncle, where have you come from?’ asked Priti. 32
‘I had gone to a desert. I went there with my friend. He is a photographer. He wanted to click photographs of the rising and the setting Sun. Why did Ravi Uncle have to It was very hot in the day travel on a camel and cold at night. We ?had to travel on a camel as the cars woulddesert get stuck in the sand.’ in the desert? ‘Before that, I was in the mountains’, said Uncle. ‘What a different place, from a desert to the mountains!’ said everyone. ‘Yes, at that time, my friend had to click pictures of a mountain lion. The villagers had seen the lion. Luckily, it was not snowing. But it was very cold with a lot of wind.’ ‘Were you able to click the pictures?’ asked Priya. ‘Yes. We set up a lookout point and covered it with leaves and branches. No one could see us. My friend had his camera ready. We had to wait for hours before the lion came. We were able to click just a few pictures before the lion ran away on hearing some sounds.’ ‘What a story!’ said Priti. ‘I am going to travel ? What does Priti when I grow up.’ want to do when she grows up? ‘Me too’, said Priya. New Words Word Meaning jumped with joy magazine desert lookout point The Travels of Ravi Uncle 33
Literature Comprehension A) Direct questions and answers 1) Why were the girls excited to meet Ravi Uncle? Ans. 2) What did Ravi Uncle and his friend do to take photos of a mountain lion? Ans. B) Answer the following 3) Read the sentences about the story. Write ‘T’ for true and ‘F’ for false. a) Ravi Uncle came at five o’clock. [ ] b) Ravi Uncle was travelling by horse in the desert. [ ] c) Ravi Uncle’s friend is a photographer. [ ] d) Ravi Uncle went to a beach and a forest. [ ] e) R avi Uncle and his friend had to wait for hours before the [ ] lion came. 34
PR Vocabulary Q Vocabulary in context When we read something, we do not always know the meanings of all the words. However, sometimes we can guess the meaning of a new word with the help of other words in the sentence. For example: I was in the desert. It was very hot in the day and cold at night. DIFFICULT WORD CLUE • Desert is the difficult word. It is hot in the day and cold at night there. So, the meaning of ‘desert’ would be (make a guess): a) a place b) a sweet dish c) to leave someone 4) Circle the correct meanings of the underlined words based on the other helping words in the sentences. a) The tiny mouse went into the hole. A) small B) big b) Sam woke up late. He had to hurry to school. A) walk fast B) walk slowly c) We had a feast of biryani and curd. A) dinner B) dance d) I was so parched. I drank a whole bottle of water. A) thirsty B) hungry The Travels of Ravi Uncle 35
I Feel 5) Do you like to travel? Why or why not? Ans. I Speak Think about one person who is your favourite in the family. Your partner will do the same. Ask and answer the following questions about your favourite person and your partner’s. What is the name of your When was the last time favourite person? you saw your favourite person? What does your Why do you love favourite person do? them so much? 36
Sit in a circle with your classmates and your teacher. Take turns to talk about one of your travel tales. Mention where you went, what you did and why it is a trip that you will never forget. Listen and Say Aloud Words with the letters 'ee' feet heel peel meet sheep feel keep seen Word Dictation 6) Listen to your teacher and write down the words. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Language Game Travel words Let us play a word game. With your partner, write down words related to travel in two minutes. Then, read out the words. The pair that has the maximum number of words wins. The Travels of Ravi Uncle 37
Hint: ‘Bus’, ‘backpack’ and ‘water bottle’ are examples of travel words. Listening Audio Listen to the audio and write the answers in the correct boxes. 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) Connect the Dots Maths Fun Ravi Uncle travelled by car for 6 hours. He then travelled on a camel for 14 hours in the desert. For how many hours did he travel in all? 38
EVS Fun • M ountain lions hide the prey (food) that they have caught under dry leaves and soil. They do this so that they can come back and eat it for many days. • Mountain lions do not roar. A Note to Parent The best form of learning is the first-hand experience of things. By encouraging travel, you are opening new doors of knowledge and wisdom to your child. Travelling together is also a great way to bond with them. Word meanings jumped with joy – jumped with happiness magazine – a book with articles and pictures desert – a land covered by sand lookout point – a safe place from where one can watch something The Travels of Ravi Uncle 39
14Lesson The of Adventures Mendu Adventure and Imagination Warm Up • Would you like to travel the world? • Where would you like to go? What would you do? Let us read a story about Mendu, a frog who travels to learn about the world. I Read Mendu was a frog who was ? Where was born in a well. As he was Mendu born? growing up, he used to hear noises from the outside. He well was very curious. He wanted to see the world. So, one day, he packed his little green bag, wore his new shoes and set out! He leaped out of the well, and for packed leaped the first time, he landed on dry land. Mendu 40
was very happy, and he croaked loudly. As he was jumping around, he saw another frog. The frog had big, red eyes and a green body. ‘Hello, I am Mendu. I am from the well. I am out to see the croaked world.’ ‘I am Greenie, and I live here.’ ‘Can you tell me which road I should take to see the world?’ asked Mendu. ‘Come, hop onto that big branch of the tree with me.’ Mendu followed Greenie’s directions. He kept hopping till he reached the highest branch of the nearest tree. He could hear the birds, leaves, plants and flowers all talking to one another. They were saying, ‘Oh, see that big, red bus. It has all that smoke coming from its tail.’ As the bus passed by, all the trees started to shake. ‘Why did you shake when the bus passed?’ Mendu asked, coughing. ‘So that the smoke doesn’t stay on our leaves’, said the tree. coughing Mendu thought that was a good idea. Mendu really enjoyed himself. He had What were the quite an adventure. He decided to return to the well. He was tired but excited to ? birds, plants, trees tell everyone about the new things that and flowers talking he had seen. about? He reached the well and washed off the smoke in the cool water of the well. He soon found all his cousins, aunts and uncles around him. ‘Welcome home, Mendu! We are waiting to hear about all that you have seen.’ ‘The world outside is very different from our well. We don’t meet any red The Adventures of Mendu 41
buses. We don’t have to shake to blow the smoke away.’ explore ‘So, was it a bad place?’ his uncle asked. ‘Oh no, there were a few things I did not like. But I saw many things. I will explore every day as I want to see the world. But I will be careful.’ New Words Word Meaning well packed leaped croaked coughing adventure excited explore I Speak Make up an adventure story with your partner. You and your partner are part of the story. Use the questions below and discuss your adventures together in pairs. • Where did you go? • What did you do? • Whom did you meet? • What did you eat? • Did you enjoy your adventure? Why? 42
Sit in a circle with your teacher and friends. One by one, do the following activities: • Your teacher will mention a thing that you need to carry while travelling. The next student adds to the list until all the students have added to it. • In the next round, the teacher talks about the things that one needs to keep in mind while travelling. For example, researching about the place that one is about to travel to, or carrying first aid. Each student then adds to the list. Listen and Say Aloud Long sound made by the letters ‘oo’ Short sound made by the letters ‘oo ’ Moon food good foot roof tooth look wool Sentence Dictation 1) Listen to your teacher and write the sentences. a) b) c) d) e) The Adventures of Mendu 43
Language Game Word search Hidden below are a few words from the lesson. Can you find them? X E X P L O R E B J Words that you have to F L O W E R S Y X F look for: D K S S MO K E N Y BIRDS O L N I J R DGD J PLANTS E Z O J Q E QVWP FLOWERS P F Y L J Z F LOL LEAVES ADV E N T U R E A J K R L EAV E S N BUS AN VW T E QP D T SMOKE PYBUS B I RDS ADVENTURE EXPLORE Listening Audio Listen to the questions and write the answers under the correct pictures. 2) 3) 4) _________________ _________________ _________________ 5) 6) _________________ _________________ 44
Connect the Dots Maths Fun A frog has to jump 5 times to cross a bridge. How many times will it have to jump to cross 3 such bridges? EVS Fun Tree frogs can even hold on to very smooth surfaces. Do you know how? They have special sticky pads on the tips of their fingers that help them stick to flat surfaces. A Note to Parent Talk to your child about the sources of pollution. A few ways by which you can reduce pollution are by carpooling, recycling plastic bags and reducing the use of plastic. Word meanings well – a deep hole in the ground filled with water filled packed – jumped the sound made by a frog leaped – making a loud noise through the mouth when sick an exciting trip croaked – very happy about something travel to find something coughing – adventure – excited – explore – The Adventures of Mendu 45
15Lesson The Rainbow The World Around Us Warm Up • H ave you ever observed the sky? What are the things that you see in the sky? • How many colours do you think a rainbow has? About the Poet Christina Rossetti (1830–1894) was born in England. She wrote many poems for children. ‘Clouds’, ‘Caterpillar’ and ‘Jewels’ are a few of her famous poems. Let us read a poem about something pretty that we can see in the sky. I Read ? Where do the Boats sail on the rivers, boats sail? And ships sail on the seas; 46