Look at the pictures of the astronauts. They wear special suits. Do you spacesuit know why? Space has no air to breathe. So, we will need oxygen supply. Moreover, in space, the sunlight will be very sharp and can cause sunburn. So we need to wear spacesuits, that help us to breathe and protect us from the harmful sunlight. The way we have airports for aircrafts to land and take off, there are space stations for spacecrafts. Currently, the International Space Station (ISS) is the largest space station in space. It is an artificial satellite orbiting the Earth. It is made in such a way that it is suitable for living in space. The people who travel into the space alight at the space station and stay there to find out more about space. the International Space Station (ISS) Application What do the astronauts do in space? What do they eat? How do they sleep? Let us find out. Astronauts have to rely on the food they carry with them. These space food items are similar to those eaten every day on the Earth. They include frozen vegetables and desserts, refrigerated food, fruits and dairy products. The menu on the ISS includes more than 100 items. Astronauts choose their daily menus long before they fly into space. There are three meals per day. Snacks can be eaten at any time. Salt and pepper are available only in a liquid form. Drinks range from coffee, tea to fruit punches. At least two hours of a day are spent exercising. This is essential to keep fit and healthy. Astronauts spend some time on spacewalks too. Space Travel 3 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 101 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
space food eating in space Astronauts carry out some experiments and research in space. For example, the experiment to find out what will happen to the growth of plants when there is no gravity. Sleeping is a little different in space. There is no up or down. Astronauts can attach their sleeping bags to a wall or a ceiling. They can sleep anywhere as long as they do not float around and bump into something. spacewalk experiments carried out sleeping in space in space Why do astronauts travel to space and other heavenly bodies? We get to know more about the changes in the Earth’s atmosphere when we look at it from space. Space travel can help us to discover new worlds. We travel to other heavenly bodies to find whether there is life on them. Have you watched any movies that show space travel and the living things which live on other planets (aliens)? view of the Earth from space space and aliens as shown in movies 4 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 102
Amazing Facts A project named ‘Mars One’ aims to set up human colonies on the planet Mars. Mars One will begin to send one person at a time from the year 2024. Three Indians – a man and two women, have been shortlisted for the next round of selection among top 100 people! Indians shortlisted for Mars One design of human colonies for the next round on planet Mars Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) We have learnt that travelling to space is different from any other travel. If you want to be one of the few people to see the Earth from space and float in a spacecraft, how do you go about it? It takes many years of study and work. To be an astronaut, we have to study and get a degree in engineering, science or mathematics. After this, we have to undergo training on flying the spacecraft, lifestyle in space and so on. We must be healthy since astronaut training can be very tiring. Astronauts from different countries may share a astronaut training mission to space. So you should be good at a common language of communication like English. Are you still interested? If so, maybe someday, you can become one of the men and women who orbit the Earth in a spacecraft, walk in space or visit Mars! Space Travel 5 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 103 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
Lesson Wildfire 11 Let Us Learn About R natural disasters – wildfires. u the causes of wildfires. a the effects of wildfires. h avoiding human-made wildfires. Think Samarth was sharing his forest visit story with his friends. Then one of his friends said that on the previous day, he had seen a forest fire on TV. He also said that a lot of people died, when the fire spread to the houses of the people who lived nearby. Sherin, another friend of Samarth, said that she had seen some places getting flooded with water. Samarth wondered how forests caught fire or land got covered with water. Do you know how these disasters happen? Remembering Nature can become harmful at times. Sometimes the ground shakes or heavy rains flood the lands. Some other times, strong winds blow off everything in their way. In some places, a hot boiling liquid flows out of the Earth (lava) burning everything. Fire may break out in forest areas. All these can kill humans, animals and plants and can destroy houses, roads and so on. They are disasters caused by nature. 6 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 104 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
Let us learn about one of the natural disasters – wildfires. We will learn about some other natural disasters in the upcoming lessons. Wildfires are the fires which break out in the forests, grasslands and so on. In India, wildfires are very frequent. Around 20,000 wildfires wildfire occur in India every year. In the state of Uttarakhand, around 1600 wildfires broke out in 2016. Wildfires are common across the world. Understanding Now you know what a wildfire is. Do you know how it is caused? Fuel, oxygen and heat source are the three things that need to be present for a wildfire to happen. Firefighters call it a fire triangle. The dry leaves, branches and grass become the fuel. The heat of the Sun or lightning becomes the heat source. Oxygen is present in the air. Due to the extreme heat of the Sun or lightning, dry patches of grass or fire triangle leaves may catch fire. The fire may then slowly spread to nearby areas. Sparks can also be caused when dry branches rub against each other due to the wind. Sometimes wildfires are also caused by careless activities of humans. For example, people throw burning things like cigarette sticks near the roadsides or they may not put off their camp fires before they leave. In some places, when people burn their fields, the fire may spread to nearby forest areas. campfire burning straws in the fire may spread from a fields burning cigarette stick Application If a forest catches fire, along with all the forest products, wildlife will also be destroyed. Wildfire 7 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 105 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
Also, the people who live in the forest will become homeless, and they will have nothing to eat. This is a great loss. The smoke that comes out of the fire will cause air pollution. This results in breathing problems for the people who live nearby. But the fires are not always bad. The fires that break out in nature have some good effects too. In the forest areas with less rainfall, the leaves shed from the trees pile up on the ground. They do not decay as there is little moisture. Forest fires help to burn the thick layers of dried leaves and branches. When they burn, they form ash. Ash is rich in nutrients. This mixes with the soil and makes it more suitable for plant growth. So during the next rain, new plants can grow better. Uncontrolled wildfires can spread and cause a lot of damage. So, we control wildfires in many ways. We use water to control small fires. But in some places, this may not be possible. Then, helicopters are used to spray carbon dioxide, which can put out the fire. When a wildfire breaks out in a forest controlling wildfire or grassland close to where we live, we have to vacate our houses. We have to move to safer places till the fire settles down. Amazing Facts Wildfires occur on every continent except Antarctica as there are no forests in Antarctica! Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) About nine out of ten wildfires break out due to human activities. Frequent and widespread wildfires are harmful to all living things. How can we ensure that our activities are not causing any wildfire? 1) No burning material should be thrown away. We should put out the fire. 2) After lighting campfire, we should put it out completely before we leave the place. 3) While burning waste materials in fields, we should make sure that the fire does not spread to nearby areas. 8 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 106
Lesson Cyclones and Floods 12 Let Us Learn About R cyclones. u how cyclones may cause floods. a support given to cyclone-affected people. H preparing in advance for cyclones. Think Saif was watching TV when his father said that he needed to watch the news channel, as a cyclone alert was given by a government agency. On the news channel, they were talking about strong winds and heavy rains and showing something on a map. Saif wondered what a cyclone was. Why did the government give cyclone alerts? Remembering Let us do an activity. Take a glass of water. Add a few small sized seeds to it. Now using a spoon, stir the water. Increase the speed of stirring. What do you see in the water? In the centre, there is a depression. Around it, the water spins fast. What happens to the seeds? They are in the centre. Are they going round and round? No. They are not making any fast movements. 9 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 107 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
A cyclone may look like this. It has a calm centre called the eye. Around the eye, winds blow at a high speed. Cyclones are formed over the ocean. They move towards the land. They bring heavy rains along with them. Understanding When cyclones hit land areas, the powerful winds destroy everything in their way. They may uproot or break the trees, blow away the roofs of buildings, displace and damage vehicles and electrical posts and so on. Cyclones push the sea water into the land. They also bring heavy rains with them. Strong rains last for hours or even days. All these lead to floods. A flood a tree uprooted by a cyclone view of a flooded area in is a sudden rise in the water in Andhra Pradesh Odisha after a cyclone level making land areas submerge in water. Application Cyclones affect the lives of all the people living in cyclone-hit areas. Flood water may cover and wash away farms, roads, buildings and so on. It makes all the sources of water unfit for drinking or bathing. Floods may damage crops in the fields as well as stored food grains. Houses and vehicles may be damaged due to the flood waters. People may become homeless. During such disasters people need support. They need food, clean drinking water, clothes, a safe place to stay and so on. So, the government arranges temporary shelters rescue camps or shelters for the affected people. At the rescue camps, these cyclone-affected people are provided with food, water and clothes. Flood water may take days to drain off. By that time, disease-causing mosquitoes, flies and other insects may increase in number. This may lead to the spread of many diseases. Hence, medical camps are also set up to give medical support to people. 10 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 108
Amazing Facts Do you know that cyclones are given names? Some of the recent cyclones which hit India were named as Vardah, Hudhud, Nilam, Laila and so on. They are not named after any people. Naming helps the people to understand and remember the cyclones easily. All the messages related to a cyclone can be sent and received mentioning these names. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) It is not possible to control cyclones. But the damage to life and property can be reduced by preparing for it in advance. For this, we must know about an approaching cyclone in advance. These days, with the help of satellites, the government gives cyclone alerts 48 hours in advance. Then, cyclone warnings are given 24 hours in advance. Thus, the people can prepare in advance. When a cyclone alert or warning is satellites help to predict cyclones given, we should listen to the radio and television to get updates about the situation. Cyclones and Floods 11 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 109 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
Lesson Earthquakes and Tsunami 13 Let Us Learn About R earthquakes. u causes of earthquakes and how a tsunami occurs. a harmful effects of earthquakes and tsunami and responses to them. h precautions to earthquakes and tsunami. Think Pavan was holidaying with his family at a seaside resort. One day, early morning, suddenly the ground started to shake. His father asked them to get out of the room and rush towards the lawn. Pavan could not understand what was happening. Do you know what happened? Remembering Sometimes the ground shakes. It may move up and down and may crack open. This is an earthquake. An earthquake is a shaking of the Earth’s surface. It is a natural disaster. Earthquakes do not last for more than 30 seconds at a time. But, they may repeat. The strength of the quakes is different. Some of them are weak, while others are strong. A device called the seismograph is used to measure the strength of the quake. seismograph 12 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 110 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
Every year, a large number of earthquakes occur in different the Pacific ring of fire places in the world. In some places of the world, the earthquakes happen often. Most earthquakes happen along the edges of the Pacific Ocean. So, this area is called the Pacific ring of fire. Understanding Why do earthquakes happen? Let us find out. Let us do an activity. Take a few cardboard pieces. Arrange them on a table close to one another. Place a few pencils, pens, erasers, sharpeners and so on over it. Now, pull two adjacent cardboard pieces slightly apart. What happens to the things you kept over it? They shake and tumble. Now, push two cardboards against each other. What happens? Their edges may bend, or one of them may slide over the other. All the things over it shake and get displaced. Earthquakes happen in a similar way. The Earth has layers. The upper layers are thin and broken into pieces. They float over the inner part. While floating, these pieces may collide or move apart. This causes earthquakes to occur. Let us do another activity. Take a thin plastic tray. Fill it with water. Lift it holding the edges. broken upper layers Now, ask another person to give a light bang on the lower part of of the Earth the tray. Observe what happens to the water. Bang a little harder. Observe the changes in the water. What do you find? A bang on the tray creates ripples in the water. They start from the point where we bang and move towards the edges. Now, imagine the same situation happening in an ocean. An water ripples earthquake bangs the ocean floor. Then, waves will be formed in the ocean. They travel towards the shores. Sea shores are shallow. So, the waves do not have enough space in the water to move up and down. So, they rise like huge walls of water and lash over the coast. These huge waves are called a tsunami. Tsunami is a Japanese word meaning ‘harbour wave’. tsunami moving towards the shore Earthquakes and Tsunami 13 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 111 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
Application Small earthquakes can topple a few buildings and crack roads. But, big earthquakes can destroy entire cities. Every year, around 10,000 people die due to earthquakes. Deaths happen when people are trapped under fallen buildings. The tsunami formed after an earthquake can destroy entire coastal areas. The waves may travel long distances into the land. On their way, they will sweep away buildings, vehicles, roads, trees and so on. Tsunami leads to the death of many people. tsunami waves wash off buildings and vehicles In 2004, an earthquake happened in the Indian Ocean. The tsunami waves formed due to this earthquake killed 2,27,898 people. It was one of the deadliest natural disasters in the world. When an earthquake and tsunami occur, government and some other agencies help the affected people. They begin the search to find people who may be trapped under toppled buildings. They set up relief camps for rescued people to stay safely. Also, they arrange for food, drinking water and clothes for these people. Doctors are there at the camps to treat injured people. After rescuing people and ensuring they are safe, the government begins the rebuilding process. Schools, roads, hospitals, houses and so on are rebuilt, if damaged, for people to go back to a normal life. Amazing Facts In 2009, an earthquake happened near the Samoan islands in the Pacific Ocean. The wave formed was just 7.6 centimetres high. But, when they reached the New Zealand coast, the height of the waves was 14 metres! 14 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 112 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) We cannot stop or control earthquakes and tsunami. But, we can prepare for them. 1) We can build houses that can withstand earthquakes. Tall buildings fall easily. One or two level houses are safer. We can make houses using light materials. Even if they tumble, they will not cause much harm to the people. 2) We should not build houses near the seashore. They should be at a safe distance from the shore. 3) During an earthquake, if we are in a building, it is important to get out of it quickly. The building may collapse, or heavy objects may fall on us. 4) We should avoid using the lifts and other electrical equipment at such times. 5) It is important to leave everything and vacate the building as quickly as possible. 6) When we get a tsunami alert, we should move out of coastal areas. Earthquakes and Tsunami 15 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 113 2/17/2018 4:26:09 PM
Lesson Simple Machines 14 Let Us Learn About r what simple machines are. u types of simple machines. a uses of simple machines. H the simple machines in the human body. Think Have you ever played on a see-saw with your friend? How can it lift you up and bring you down? Remembering Have you seen people loading or unloading heavy loads from a truck? How do they do it? They use a sloping surface for this purpose, so that they can roll the load on it. Have you seen your dad or a carpenter putting a nail in the wall? What do they use? Why do they need a hammer? using a slope to unload using a hammer to put in a nail 16 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 114 2/17/2018 4:26:10 PM
Have you seen people drawing water from a well? They use a wheel and rope to pull it out easily. What do the carpenters use drawing water from a well using joining wooden planks together to put the wooden planks a wheel and rope together while making furniture? We see many examples in our day-to-day life where we use some simple devices that make our work easy. These are simple machines. Simple machines are the devices that make the work easier. These machines have few or no moving parts. They are used to apply force to move objects. We need less effort to move the objects because of them. They can do the work with less force. Following are the six simple machines: simple machines inclined plane, wedge, pulley, screw, lever, wheel and axle Understanding Let us now understand how these simple slope wedge machines work and make things easier. inclined plane cutting wood using 1) Inclined plane: A sloping or slanting surface a wedge (axe) makes an inclined plane. The slant of the inclined plane can move an object from one level to another. 2) Wedge: A wedge is a simple machine. It is used to separate any two objects by pushing them away from each other. Wedge is also like an inclined plane. It has a slanting edge which is sharp. It can be used to lift things. Most of the times, it helps us in cutting something. Example: an axe used to cut wood Simple Machines 17 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 115 2/17/2018 4:26:10 PM
3) Screw: A screw is a type of inclined plane. In a screw, an inclined plane is twisted (swirled) around a rod like a road around the hill. Screws are useful for putting things together tightly. Example: screw is used to connect two wooden or metal blocks together screw twisted roads 4) Pulley: A pulley is a wheel with a rope around it. Pulleys make lifting objects easier. For example, cranes use pulleys to lift heavy vehicles and building materials. 5) Wheel and axle: Wheel and axle make work easier by reducing friction. A wheel helps things to move. The axle helps the wheel turn. Example: wheels of a bicycle and other vehicles axle wheel pulley crane using the pulley wheel and axle bicycle wheel with axle 6) Lever: Lever is a bar, rod or a platform that can move about a fixed point. The fixed point is called a fulcrum. Fulcrum is a fulcrum point where the lever touches the support. A lever makes it easier to move a large load with little effort. Example: see-saw lever kids playing on a see-saw Application Simple machines are useful in many ways. We see them being used every day. Let us look at some examples in our day-to-day life. 18 2/17/2018 4:26:10 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 116
Inclined plane: The staircase we use to climb and the ramp used to carry loads are inclined planes. Wedge: Axe, knife and needle are a few examples of a wedge. Inclined planes Wedges staircase ramp knife axe Screw: We use so many screws in wooden furniture. The bottle caps are also a type of screw. Pulley: The rope and wheel used to draw water from a well and a crane used to lift heavy objects are a few examples of a pulley. Screws Pulleys bottle cap screws used pulley used pulley used in crane in furniture to draw water Wheel and axle Wheel and axle: Door knobs and steering wheels of the cars are a few examples of wheel and axle. Lever: We use scissors to cut so many things in our house. door knob steering wheel How do you open a cold drink bottle? When we use a bottle opener, it takes less effort to open. The stapler we use to staple papers is a lever. Levers scissors bottle opener stapler Simple Machines 19 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 117 2/17/2018 4:26:10 PM
Amazing Facts Bicycle is a complex machine that uses simple machines like two wheels and an axle. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) bones and muscles act like levers Do you know our body parts also work as simple machines? Let us find out how. • Our teeth help us to cut with the edge; they act like a wedge. • Our knee and shoulder joints act like wheel and axle. • Our bones and muscles act like levers. The joints where the bones meet becomes the fulcrum. Muscles provide with the effort. A load is anything that we lift, push or pull. Mark the effort, fulcrum and load in the given picture. 20 2/17/2018 4:26:10 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 118
Inside the Lab – C Make sure you do these activities only with the help of a teacher or an adult. Activity C1: Simple Machine We have learnt that simple machines help us to do different types of work easily. Let us make a simple machine using some pencils. Let us also find out how they make the work easy. You will need: one brick per group, 10 pencils per group You need to: 1) divide the class into groups of four. 2) ask a student from each group to push a brick across the floor or a stone slab. Is it an easy task? 3) ask each group to take 10 pencils. How could you move the brick more easily using the pencils? Take group members’ suggestions. 4) put the pencils under the brick and roll it across the pencils. Was it easier this time? 5) move other things such as books in the same manner. See if there is a difference. Find out how people in the olden times may have used this simple machine to move big objects. Activity C2: Catapult A catapult is a simple machine used to throw stones or any object. Let us make a simple catapult using some easily available materials. Let us also find out how they help us to throw stones easily. You will need: nine craft sticks or ice cream sticks, six good quality rubber bands, one plastic spoon NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 119 21 2/17/2018 4:26:10 PM
You need to: 1) take seven craft sticks, and tie one rubber band each tightly around two ends to bound them all together. 2) take two sticks, and tie a rubber band on one of the ends. Try to tie the rubber band close to the edge of the sticks. 3) insert the stack of seven sticks through the two stick bundle. 4) tie these two pieces with a rubber band in a cross fashion as shown in the given image. 5) use few rubber bands, and attach the plastic spoon at the open end of the two sticks. 6) try catapulting pebbles or other small objects. 22 2/17/2018 4:26:10 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 120
EVS - II (SOCIAL STUDIES) TERM - 3 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 121 TERM 1 2/17/2018 4:26:10 PM
Contents 5Class 6 Local Administration 6.1 Local Administration����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 1 7 People with Physical Disabilities 7.1 People with Physical Disabilities���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 6 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 122 2/17/2018 4:26:10 PM
Lesson Local Administration 6 I Will Learn About 6.1 R What is local administration? U Why do we need local administration? A Some examples of local administration and their functions h Write a letter to the local administration Concept 6.1: Local Administration Think Meher called Rashi over the phone one late evening. Meher: Dadaji fell down sometime back on the street near our house. He hurt himself. Luckily it’s a small injury. Rashi: How is Dadaji now? Meher: He has a few cuts and a sprain in his ankle. Rashi: Thank God. How did it happen? Meher: The street lights in our lane are not working. It is dark at night. He stepped onto a stone and slipped and fell. Papa is very upset. He went to complain to the Municipal Corporation. Rashi: What is Municipal Corporation? Meher: Papa says it is an office which has our local representatives who take care of the public facilities. QQ. Where did Rashi's father go to complain? (A) Doctor (B) Grandfather (C) Office (D) Municipal Corporation NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 123 1 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM
Remembering Local Self-Government: The people of a certain locality understand their problems very well. Usually they also have an idea as to what developmental activities are necessary in the area. For this very purpose, a Panchayati Raj Act has been implemented. Under this act, Panchayats are established in both rural and urban areas. They are provided with funds for the following main purposes: 1) To establish self-governance in villages. 2) Empower Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and women by providing reservations of seats in the panchayats. 3) Implement developmental programmes with the help of local population. As per this system, there are Gram Panchayats at the village level; Taluk Panchayats at the Taluk level and Zilla Panchayat at the district level. Understanding Let us understand the different administrations and how they are formed. Election Term of Offic They are appointed in It consists of elected office for a period of five members of each years. Panchayat. There is reservation of seats Gram and Taluk for Sheduled Castes, Panchayats Scheduled Tribes, women and other backward community members. Members Heads People who reside within The elected members the Panchayat limits elect President or the Vice are the members of the President as their leader. Panchayat. 2 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 124
Election Zilla Panchayat Term of Offic Zilla panchayat consists They are appointed in of elected members from Urban office for a period of five every taluk of the district. Administration years. There is reservation of seats for Sheduled Castes, Heads Scheduled Tribes, women Zilla panchayats have and other backward many standing community members. committees. One of the members will be the Members chairman for each The Lok Sabha, Rajya committee. Sabha, Legislative Assembly and Legislative Term of Offic Council Members They are elected in office belonging to the district for a period of five years. are also members. All Presidents of the Taluk Heads Panchayats are also its Members elect one members. among them as the President and another Election person as the Vice There is reservation of President. The municipality seats for Sheduled Castes, will be administered by a Scheduled Tribes, women Chief Officer called the and other backward Commissioner. community members. Members It consists of three local bodies – Town Panchayat, Corporations and the City Council. The members are called councillors. Local Administration 3 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 125 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM
Election Term of Offic There is reservation of They are elected in office seats for Sheduled Castes, for a period of five years Scheduled Tribes, women and other backward C ity community members. C orporations Members Heads People who reside within the City Council limits are Corporators will elect one the members. Respective among them as the Mayor members of the Lok and a Deputy Sabha, Rajya Saha, Mayor. Legislative Assembly and Legislative Council are also the members. Members are called Corporators. Application We shall now look into the functions performed by each of these administrations. We shall also look at their sources of income. Gr am and T aluk Panc hayats Function: The main function of a panchayat is to undertake developmental activities. We also have something known as the Gram Sabha which forms the lowest level at the panchayati system. The Panchayati Raj system aims at strengthening the administration activities of the Gram Sabha. The members meet at least two times in a year and all of them are aged above 18. Sources of Income: Grants received from the Government and Zilla Panchayats along with the taxes and rent from the people of the locality. Also, Gram Sabha identifies beneficiaries for its welfare schemes. Zilla Panchayat Function: They prepare annual plan for the development of Zilla Panchayat area. They provide relief to victims of natural calamities. They monitor the developmen- tal programmes and government schools in the district. 4 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 126
Sources of Income: It comprises of grants from the Government, loans raised and lastly income from the taxes, rent and fees collected. What work do the town panchayats, municipalities and corporations do? Function: Municipalities and corporations look after the developmental works. Developmental works like health, street lights, sanitation, sewage, water supply, road building and so on are undertaken. For City planning and development, there is a separate body called Development Authority. Sources of Income: Government grants and property tax are the major sources. Water cess, health cess, education cess, beggary cess, fire cess and rents are other sources. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) What role does the citizen play in a local administration organisation? Find out information about this from the newspaper, library or the internet. Amazing Facts India has nearly 1.5 million elected women representatives at the local level — in terms of numbers, this is the highest globally! N ew Words 1) Empower – giving support to politically, financially and socially weaker people 2) Reservation 3) Grants – keeping certain seats for some special groups 4) Term – money given by government for a specific purpose 5) Cess – a set period of time during which something happens – a tax for a specific purpose Local Administration 5 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 127 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM
Lesson People with Physical 7 Disabilities I Will Learn About 7.1 R what is a physical disability? U what are the challenges of people with physical disabilities? A How to be respectful to people with physical disabilities? h People who overcame physical disability – ordinary and extraordinary. Concept 7.1: People with Physical Disabilities Think Rashi was watching a live speech, named ‘On the top of the world’, on television with her mother. Rashi: Ma, what is the name of the lady? What did she do? Ma: She is Arunima Sinha. She climbed the Mount Everest. Rashi: Ma, She must be really courageous to climb the highest peak. During the break, Rashi continued. Rashi: Ma, she told us that we should be brave and set high goals to be successful. As the program came to an end, Rashi noticed that Arunima was having a prosthetic leg. 6 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 128
Q. Rashi was excitedly speaking about: (A) school (B) teacher (C) Arunima Sinha ( D) Mount Everest Remembering A disability is a condition that a person has which limits them in some way. A physical disability limits the way the body works. Example: a physical disability may limit the way a part of the body grows, moves, or does what it is supposed to do.It may limit a person for seeing or hearing or speaking or walking. It may interfere with a person’s Srikanth Bolla is CEO and founder ability to walk, hear, talk, see, think or learn. It does not of Bollant Industries. He is the affect each person in the same way. In addition, some first international blind student people might have multiple disabilities. at the Massachusetts Institute of P eople with a disability Technology. or disabilities may need to use special equipment to aid them. This can include using a wheelchair, a cane or walking stick, hearing aids, a teletypewriter or specially designed software and hardware for their personal computers. Stephen Hawking is one of the We often see people greatest scientists of this century. with disabilities around us. Perhaps, you have Due to his paralysis he cannot also helped them move or talk well. sometimes. You may have helped a person who has a visual disability to cross the road. You may have pushed a wheelchair for a person. They are normal people like all of us. People with disabilities can do many of the Shekar Naik: The blind cricketer from Karnataka who won India the World things you do, but it might take them a little longer. They Cup in 2014. He is the former captain of the India national blind cricket team. may need assistance or supporting equipment to help them. People with Physical Disabilities 7 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 129 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM
We should understand that differences are normal, but people have many similarities too. By focusing on what people have in common, we can bond with each other over common interests. No matter what differences people with disabilities may possess, they like to have fun and laugh. People with disabilities also have different strengths. Example: a boy who uses a wheelchair may be fluent in both English and paint very well. A girl with a visual disability may be a great singer. Understanding As you saw, people with physical disabilities are like any other people. However, their limitations sometimes, put some challenges in front of them. Let us understand them and find out how we can support them. Phys ic al C hallenges A lot of people don’t consider them as ‘normal.’ It could be because some people that are physically disabled cannot walk, see, hear, talk, think or learn. Challenge of boarding a train Some challenges that they face are that not all places are easy to enter for them. Example: buildings without wheel chair ramps are difficult for them to move. Challenges for a person Wheelchair ramp who can’t see would be the signs outside of doors that Challenge of crossing a road don’t always have the braille underneath the writing. So, that would make it difficult for them to move themselves around a building or find the place that they need to be. Another challenge is adjusting to their surroundings and becoming familiar with all the places they go. If they go to a new place there would be a great chance them to collide with something. 8 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 130
A challenge for a person who cannot speak would be to get a job since most jobs require talking. Also, if they go somewhere alone there might not be knows sign language. So, that would make it difficult for them communicate and tell them what they want. Child asking using sign language Emot ion al C hallenges The local government looks after the needs of people at the village, town or city level. It has two levels – urban and village local governments. Sometimes people with physical disabilities are not respected. They are ill-treated or not given the support necessary. At other times, people pass comments at them or make fun of them, call them names. It could be either at home, at school, at work or in public. This might become an emotional challenge for them. Application As you read earlier, people with physical disabilities might face emotional challenges just like anyone else. Just as no human is like another, no person with disability is the same. People with same disabilities are also different. When speaking or associating with a person with a physical disability: - Smile; be yourself. - Focus on what a person can do. - T alk to a person with disability about how you can include the person in activities or what the person is comfortable with. - Be respectful. Offer assistance if asked or if the need is obvious. Move wheelchairs or other mobility aids with permission from the owner. - Speak slowly and directly when talking to a person with a hearing impairment. People with Physical Disabilities 9 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 131 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM
- Be patient. - Be considerate of that people’s feelings when talking to others. Would you want what you are about to say being said about you? - Remember that a person with a disability is not a ‘disable woman’ or ‘handicapped man’. Refer to them by their name and not by these words. All human beings like to be respected. Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Once we learn to appreciate that no two people are alike and that some differences are just more noticeable, we begin to respect people with disabilities. Let us read about two of them who did not allow the disabilities to limit them and discuss two questions with your class. Rajinder Singh Rahelu was only eight months old, when he was affected by polio. Since then he has not been able to walk. He was motivated by his friend to pursue a career in weight lifting. He started by lifting a weight of 75 kg. But rigorous training and motivation made him strong enough to lift a weight of 115 kgs within six months. He has made history after winning a silver medal in power lifting at the Commonwealth Games 2014. Sheela Sharma was only four when she lost both her arms in a train accident. Sheela’s interest in art was clear right from childhood when she would use her mouth and feet to write and paint. She is today one of India’s most well-known foot and mouth artists. She has exhibited at many prestigious art galleries, including the Jehangir Art Gallery in Mumbai. Questions to discuss: 1) How did you feel when you read about them? 2) What questions would you ask them if they came to your class? 10 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 132
Amazing Facts There are more than 26 million people in India who have some or the other kind of disability. This is more than the population of Mumbai, Bengaluru and Hyderabad combined together! We should ensure society has more public facilities for people with physical disabilities. N ew Words 1) assistance – the action of helping someone by sharing work People with Physical Disabilities 11 NR_BGM_181910060_Maple G5_Textbook Integrated_Term3_text.pdf 133 2/17/2018 4:26:11 PM
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