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Home Explore 60466_ BGM047_ 182010017-Panda-UKG-Integrated-Learnmax-Term2

60466_ BGM047_ 182010017-Panda-UKG-Integrated-Learnmax-Term2

Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-09 09:19:54

Description: 60466_ BGM047_ 182010017-Panda-UKG-Integrated-Learnmax-Term2


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Match Colours to Names Match the objects to their colour names by drawing lines. Green Purple Yellow Orange Red 51

Match the Colours Match the colour with the same colour objects. 52

7. Transportation Write the Names Write the names of the vehicles in the space provided. ship scooter train aeroplane bus cycle 53

Match Vehicles to Transport Modes Draw a line to match the vehicle to its mode of travel. Air Land Water 54

Mark Air Transport Vehicles Circle (O) the vehicles used for air transportation. Ship Fire Truck Aeroplane Bus Boat Truck Ambulance Helicopter Scooter 55

Where Do I Need to Go? Draw a line to match the places Hari, Pema and Alia need to go. I am Hari. I need to catch a bus. Where do I go? I am Pema. I need to catch a train. Where do I go? I am Alia. I need to catch an aeroplane. Where do I go? 56

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