ENGLISH MATHS 16 1. Words with Consonant Blends 4 1. Number Names 2. Word Building 10 2. Shapes 19 3. Naming Words 13 3. Comparing Positions 23 4. Numbers 28 5. Patterns 33 6. Sorting and Grouping 35 1. Cleanliness EVS 50 2. Healthy Food 53 3. Well Being 40 6. Colours Around Us 4. Day and Night 42 7. Transportation 5. Calendar 44 45 47
CONTENTS - ENGLISH 1. Words with Consonant Blends 4 2. Word Building 10 3. Naming Words 13
1.Words with Consonant Blends Fill in the Blanks Look at the picture and write the correct consonant blend to complete the word. oe fi ip air one ar tor fi (sh/ch/st) 4
Fill in the Blanks Look at the picture and write the correct consonant blend to complete the word. ush ead ow ab og ock (br/cr/fr) 5
Fill in the Blanks Look at the picture and write the correct consonant blend to complete the word. oke ell irt ip ipper ate (sm/sk/sl) 6
Fill in the Blanks Look at the picture and write the correct consonant blend to complete the word. uck ain ass apes ince awn (tr/gr/pr) 7
Fill in the Blanks Look at the picture and write the correct consonant blend to complete the word. ock y oud ower ate ass um ue (cl/fl/pl/gl) 8
Fill in the Blanks Fill in the blanks with the correct consonant blends. ead ock oud ue y ain ant ince apes ayons 9
2. Word Building Make a New Word Choose the correct letter from the bracket and add it to the words given below to make a new word. Write the new word. (r, t) ice (p, g) ink (p, d) ant (s, m) top (m, c) eat 10
Change a Letter Change the first letter of the words given below to make a new word. Write the new word. map pan hug house van 11
Take a Letter Away Remove the beginning letter of the words given below to make a new word. Write the new word. hil heat wheat rice fox 12
3. Naming Words Match Objects to their Names Match the naming words with the correct objects in the picture by drawing lines. cloud ball sunglasses bucket kite balloon 13
Write the Naming Words Find out the naming words from the given pictures and write them down in the space given below. bus sing fish boy jump car bird hen 14
CONTENTS - MATHS 1. Number Names 16 2. Shapes 19 3. Comparing Positions 23 5. Numbers 28 6. Patterns 33 7. Sorting and Grouping 35
1. Number Names Spot the Numbers Read the number names and circle the correct number in each set. 2 21 2 27Twenty One 2 2 22 2Twenty Four 27 23 2 2Twenty Six 27 30 2 28Twenty Eight 23 22 2 2Twenty Two 28 2 2 2Twenty Five Thirty 30 22 23 21 16
Write Number Names Write number names from 31 to 40. 31 32 33 3 3 3 37 38 3 0 17
Write the Numbers Read the number names and write the correct number in the given box. Forty Seven Forty Three Forty Nine Fifty Forty Eight Forty Four Forty Five 18
2. Shapes Draw the Shape Identify the shape of the objects and draw the shape in the given space. 19
Shade the Cone Shapes Shade all the CONE shapes you see with your pencil. 20
Ball Shape Identify the BALL shapes and shade them with your pencil. 21
Box Shape Identify the BOX shapes and shade them with your pencil. 22
3. Comparing Positions Mark Right and Left Write ‘ L’ for the objects facing LEFT and ‘R’ for the objects facing RIGHT in the given box. 23
Mark Before and After Animals Look at the animals in each row and follow the instructions given. Tick (P) the animal BEFORE the chick and circle (O) the animal AFTER the chick. Tick (P) the animal AFTER the dog and circle (O) the animal BEFORE the dog. Strike (/) the animal AFTER the fish. Circle (O) the animal BEFORE the duck. 24
Write Before and After Numbers Write the answer in the box. 9 10 11 25 What comes BEFORE 10? 41 23 What comes AFTER 10? 24 What comes BEFORE 24? 39 What comes AFTER 24? 40 What comes BEFORE 40? What comes AFTER 40? 25
What Object Comes In Between? Circle (O) the object that is IN BETWEEN in each row given below. 26
What Number Comes In Between? Circle (O) the number that is IN BETWEEN two numbers. 19 20 21 32 33 34 What number comes IN BETWEEN the two given numbers? Write it in the given box. 19 _____ 21 32 _____ 34 49 _____ 51 27
. Numbers Missing Numbers: 101 to 150 Write the missing numbers from 101 to 150. 101 1 1 1 112221 113321 1 1 1122 103 11 11 127 1133 11 10 12 17 110087 117 1 0 11 0 1 10 11 28
Missing Numbers: 151 to 170 Write the missing numbers from 151 to 170. 151 156 160 161 166 170 29
Missing Numbers: 171 to 200 Write the missing numbers 171 to 200. 171 180 181 190 191 200 30
Join the Dots 181 to 200 Join the numbers 181 to 200. 31
Join the Dots 101 to 200 Join the numbers 101 to 200. 32
5. Patterns What Comes Next? Draw and colour the shape that comes next in the given patterns. Write the letter or number that comes next in the given patterns using crayons. G SK G SK G S 5 16 2 5 16 2 5 16 LDJ LDJ LD 2 8 19 2 8 19 2 8 33
What is the Missing Item? Look at the pattern. Trace and colour the missing shape, number or letter with your crayon in each row. 34
6. Sorting and Grouping Match Objects by Colour Some objects are given below. Draw a line to pair them according to their colour. 35
Match Objects by Colour Combination Sort the objects by their colour combination. Match the objects to the similar colour baskets by drawing lines. 36
Connect Similar Shapes Connect all the similar shaped objects by drawing lines. 37
Sort by Size Sort the objects by their sizes. Match the objects to the correct baskets by drawing lines. Big Small 38
CONTENTS - EVS 40 42 1. Cleanliness 44 2. Healthy Food 45 3. Well Being 47 4. Day and Night 50 5. Calendar 53 6. Colours Around Us 7. Transportation
1. Cleanliness Match Actions to Object Names Match the actions given to the correct object names by drawing lines. I comb my hair Tooth Brush with a I wipe my hand Comb with a I wash my hands Nail Cutter with a Towel I brush my teeth with a I cut my nails Soap with a 40
Mark Correct Actions See the pictures given below. Which one do you think is a good habit? Put a tick (P) on it. h 41
2. Healthy Food Choose Healthy Habits for Your Stomach Your stomach is rumbling for healthy food. Circle the healthy food. Salad Chips Bananas Cola Sandwich Pizza Grapes Donut Apple Burger Carrot 42
Mark Correct Actions In each situation, put a tick (P) on the healthy choice and strike (/) the unhealthy choice. You are coming from school and you are hungry. You are outside and you are thirsty. It is lunch time. 43
3. Well Being Mark the Exercises Here is a list of activities we do. Put a tick (P) on activities that are exercises. Circle (O) the exercises that you do daily. Sleeping Cycling Swimming Playing Watching TV Running 44
. Day and Night Match Activities to Time Draw lines to match day activities to the sun and the night activities to the moon. 45
Match Meals to Times Look at the given situation and identify the time of the day. Match the time of the day to the right meal. I just got up Lunch from sleep. I am feeling hungry….. Morning It is noon. I am hungry... Dinner Noon I am tired Breakfast and I want Night to sleep. But I am feeling 46 hungry…..
5. Calendar What Comes After? Recall the names of the days of the week and write what comes next. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SUNDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY What day comes after Wednesday? What day comes after Sunday? What day comes after Saturday? What day comes after Monday? 47
Months of the Year Which month comes next? Write the name in the empty bogie in each row. January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December MARCH APRIL AUGUST SEPTEMBER APRIL MAY JANUARY FEBRUARY 49
6. Colours Around Us Name the Colours Write the name of the colour of each picture using the word bank given below. Red Yellow Orange Green Blue Purple 50