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Published by IMAX, 2022-01-13 12:37:37

Description: SUMMIT_SA1_QP_2Part_G03_EVS_PROF_A_30_AY2223_AK


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Grade: 3 Time: 60 Minutes Subject: EVS Marks: 30 Teacher's Copy Section – A Multiple Choice Questions 6M Choose the correct answer: 1. Which of these statements about air is NOT correct? [ B ] ___/1M (A) Air has no colour. (B) We cannot feel the air. (C) It has no taste. (D) It has no smell. 2. 'X' is a fermented mixture of oilcake, jaggery and coarse particles of grain in water. It is used as animal feed. Identify 'X'. [ B ] ___/1M (A) hay (B) ambon (C) harbhara (D) nectar 3. The well in Rita's village has dried up, and the animals wander from place to place in search for water. Which season is it in Rita's village now? [ C ] ___/1M (A) winter (B) rainy (C) summer (D) spring 4. A family has four members. The details of the family members are as follows. The child is three years old. The father is 35 years old and is a farmer. The mother is 32 years old and does household work. The grandmother is 75 years old. Who among the four is likely to have the heaviest diet? [ C ] ___/1M (A) grandmother (B) mother (C) father (D) child 5. Which of the following is a man-made source of water? [ D ] ___/1M (A) river (B) stream (C) lake (D) well 6. We can see through a window pane because it is: [ C ] ___/1M (A) solid (B) opaque (C) transparent (D) pure Section - B Very Short Answer Questions 10M Fill in the blanks: ___/1M 7. Mobile phones help us to send and receive information and messages quickly. ___/1M 8. Unwanted waste comes out of our body in liquid form as urine.

9. Letters and telephones are means of communication. ___/1M ___/1M Write True or False: ___/1M ___/1M 10. A person doing sedentary work may need more food. ___/1M A. False ___/1M ___/2M 11. Malvani is a dialect of Marathi spoken in Maharashtra. A. True 12. We eat snacks between meals. A. True Answer the following questions in a word or a sentence: 13. Riya brought an item made in factories. Choose the words from the brackets and write the name of the item which Riya brought. (grains, curd, glass) A. glass 14. Suman did a few things through the day, such as sweeping the floor, reading a book and drawing a picture. After which of these activities is she likely to eat more? A. sweeping the floor Match the following: 15. Write the correct letters in the brackets to match the following. 1. ink [ c ] a. solid state of water 2. mustard seed [ d ] b. dissolves in water 3. sugar [ b ] c. changes the colour of water 4. ice [ a ] d. does not dissolve in water Section - C Short Answer Questions 6M Answer the following questions in two to three sentences: 16. How is a river formed? ___/2M A. When rainwater falls on hills, it flows down the hill to form rivulets. Many rivulets join together and flow downwards to form a river. 17. One man eats five chapatis every day. But one day he has a high fever. Will he eat five chapatis that day? Why? ___/2M A. The man will eat less than five chapatis that day. Due to high fever, people feel less hungry. 18. What will happen if there are no rains? ___/2M A. Rain is the main source of water for rivers, lakes, springs, wells and other water bodies. If there are no rains these sources of water will dry up. They will not get any fresh water.

Section – D Long Answer Questions 8M Answer the following questions in four to five sentences: Answer any ONE of the following questions 19. How does a town form? ___/4M A. As man started to grow crops, he settled in places with suitable land and water. Many houses and farm areas together formed settlements. These settlements grew and merged to form villages. When many villages came together, they formed a town. (OR) 20. What is respiration? Which action causes our chest to rise and which causes it to fall? ___/4M A. Continuous breathing is respiration. Breathing has two parts, inhalation and exhalation. During inhalation, we breathe in air. During exhalation, we breathe out air. Our chest rises during inhalation, and falls during exhalation. Answer any ONE of the following questions 21. How can we keep the water in public sources clean? ___/4M A. We can keep the water in public sources clean in the following ways: a) We should not bathe or wash clothes in the water. b) We should not throw dirt or wash harmful chemicals into the public sources of water. c) We should not bathe cattle and other animals in these sources. d) We should clean these sources regularly. (OR) 22. How do the feeding habits of dogs, cats and cattle differ? ___/4M A. Cats eat mice, sparrows, doves, pigeons and drink milk. Dogs eat fish and also flesh of some animals. But cattle eat only plants or plant products. They eat grass, hay, oil cakes, and ambon.

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