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Home Explore 63546_BGM050_9789387969643-GOLDFISH-LKG-INTEGRATED-ACTIVITY-BOOK-FY


Published by CLASSKLAP, 2020-04-01 04:04:57

Description: 63546_BGM050_9789387969643-GOLDFISH-LKG-INTEGRATED-ACTIVITY-BOOK-FY


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Contents ENGLISH MATHS 1) Strokes��������������������������������������������3 1) Comparing Qualities�������������������13 2) Letters of the Alphabet������������������4 2) Numbers: 1 to 100����������������������15 3) Revise Aa to Zz�������������������������������6 3) Comparing Quantities�����������������18 4) Vowels and Consonants�����������������8 4) Shapes����������������������������������������19 5) Three Letter Words�������������������������9 5) Sorting and Grouping�����������������20 6) Common Words���������������������������� 10 6) Positions�������������������������������������21 7) Sentences�������������������������������������� 11 7) Patterns��������������������������������������25 8) Addition��������������������������������������26 9) Take Away����������������������������������27 10) Number Names: 1 to 20�����������28 EVS 1) Myself�����������������������������������������30 11) Water����������������������������������������40 2) My Family�����������������������������������31 12) Vehicles�������������������������������������41 3) My Body�������������������������������������32 13) Colours�������������������������������������42 4) My School�����������������������������������33 14) Plants and Trees������������������������43 5) Places Around Us������������������������34 15) Animals�������������������������������������44 6) My Country���������������������������������35 16) Birds�����������������������������������������46 7) Cleanliness����������������������������������36 17) Insects���������������������������������������47 8) Healthy Food������������������������������37 18) People Who Help Us�����������������48 9) Day and Night����������������������������38 19) Seasons�������������������������������������49 10) Good Manners���������������������������39 20) Save Our Planet������������������������50

1) Strokes English Trace the Strokes Trace the lines and the curves to complete the house and colour it. 3

2) Letters of the Alphabet Colour the Pictures Colour the picture that begins with the letter ‘b’ in red and the picture that begins with the letter ‘m’ in yellow. 4

Find and Colour Beginning Letters Circle (O) the beginning letters in each box and colour the pictures. xl j ca pf u h eb d t c mp ha eyd s n kh ia 5

3) Revise Aa to Zz Join the Capital Letters Join the letters to complete the picture and colour it. A X W B C Y V D Z U T E S F P Q R G O H N IJ L K M 6

Join the Small Letters Join the letters to complete the picture and colour it. 7

4) Vowels and Consonants Colour the Castle Colour the vowel spaces in red and consonant spaces in blue. s gp f i a m b e o d c u j l 8

5) Three Letter Words Colour the Word Balloons Identify the vowels in the word balloons. Follow the colour code and colour the balloons. ‘a’ = Yellow ‘e’ = Green ‘i’ = Blue ‘o’ = Red ‘u’ = Orange ten cot pin sun hat 9

6) Common Words Cut and Paste Pictures Cut the pictures of the objects from the page at the end of the book and paste them in the boxes. Bag Sun Jam Shirt 10

7) Sentences Colour the Child Colour the picture of the child who uses the word ‘this’ correctly. This is a cycle. This is a ball. 11

Stick Pictures for He and She Collect pictures of your family members and paste them in the correct boxes for ‘he’ and ‘she’. He She 12

1) Comparing Qualities Maths Big and Small Use paint to make blue coloured thumbprints on the BIG balloons and red coloured thumbprints on the SMALL balloons. Full and Empty Colour one of the glasses in orange to make it FULL of orange juice. Write ‘F’ for the glass that is FULL and ‘E’ for the glass that is EMPTY in the boxes. 13

Colour Thick and Thin Objects Colour the THICK objects in yellow and the THIN objects in green. 14

2) Numbers: 1 to 100 Missing Numbers: 1 to 50 Write the missing numbers in the ladders. 1 11   21  3   14  6      17     10 20     15

DOTS Join the Numbers: 51 to 100 8T)hJeroeinarethsoemDeothtisngs hidden in the garden. Join the numbers to find out. 51 48 16 LKG Numbers Book.indd 48

Draw and Colour Draw and colour the fruits in the basket that has ZERO fruits in it. Colour both the baskets. 17

3) Comparing Quantities More, Less and Equal Colour the sack that has more number of gold coins. Count the dots on the ladybug and draw an equal number of dots on the other ladybug to make it look the same. 18

4) Shapes Colour and Sort by Shape Cut and paste the shapes in the correct boxes from the end of the book� Circle Square Triangle Rectangle 19

5) Sorting and Grouping Sort by Colour Tick (P) the red fruits and cross (X) the yellow fruits. Sort by Shapes Trace and colour the shapes as per the colour code and write the number of each shape in the correct boxes. Square Triangle Rectangle Circle 20

6) Positions Colour Left and Right Objects Colour the clock to the LEFT of the blue clock in green. Colour the clock to the RIGHT of the blue clock in yellow. Colour the cat to the LEFT of the tree in red. Colour the cat to the RIGHT of the tree in blue. 21

Colour Before and After Objects Colour the ball that is BEFORE the cat. Colour the hat that is AFTER the rabbit. Colour the apple that is AFTER the dog. 22

Colour the Bees Colour the bees that are flying ABOVE the tree. 23

Draw and Colour Balloons Draw some balloons FAR from the boys and colour them. 24

7) Patterns Complete the Pattern Identify the shape that comes next in the pattern in each row. Draw the shape and colour it. 25

8) Addition Draw, Colour and Add Draw 3 red balls and 4 blue balls. Write the total number of balls in the box. 3 balls + 4 balls = total number of balls Draw 2 blue erasers and 3 red erasers. Write the total number of erasers in the box. 2 erasers + 3 erasers = total number of erasers 26

9) Take Away Colour and Take Away Colour the bird sitting on the tree in red. Colour the birds flying away in blue. Answer the questions. How many How many How many birds are birds are birds are left there in the flying away? on the tree? picture? -= 27

10) Number Names: 1 to 20 Practise Number Names: 1 to 10 Trace the number names. 1 One 2 Two 3 Three Four Five Six 7 Seven 8 Eight Nine 10 Ten 28

Match Number Names: 11 to 20 Match the numbers to their correct number names by drawing lines. 1 1 Sixteen 1 2 Eleven 1 3 Seventeen 1 4 Twelve 1 5 Eighteen 1 6 Thirteen 1 7 Nineteen 1 8 Fourteen 1 9 Twenty 20 Fifteen 29

1) Myself EVS All About Me Paste your picture and fill in the blanks with the help of your teacher or parent. I am years old. I am a . (girl/boy) 30

2) My Family Cut and Paste Matching Family Members Look at the picture of the family. Cut the pictures of the people who match the family members from the page at the end of the book. Paste them in the boxes. 31

3) My Body Match the Body Part to Actions Match the parts of the body to the actions by drawing lines. Draw clothes on the boy and colour them. 32

) My School Colour the Classroom Objects Look at the pictures and colour the objects that you see in your classroom. 33

5) Places Around Us Colour the Answer Each set has two objects. Look at the questions for each set and colour the answer. Which one is available in the market? Whom do you see in a school? Where do you go if you are hurt? 34

6) My Country Complete the National Flag Cut and paste the coloured strips and wheel from the page at the end of the book to complete the National flag. 35

77). CClleeaannliinneessss CCoolloouur rthteheGoGoododHaHbaitbit CCoolloouurrththeecchhilidldwwithhothyeoguotohdinhkahbaits. good habits. 36 71

8) Healthy Food Colour the Healthy Plate Look at the plate to know what you should eat for a healthy meal. Colour each part as per the colour code. MilkMilk Fruits Grains and Starch Vegetables Meat and Fish Fruits = Red 37 Dairy = Blue Meat and Fish = Purple Vegetables = Green Grains and Starch = Orange

9) Day and Night Colour and Sort Activities Colour the box in yellow for the pictures related to day. Colour the box in black for the pictures related to night. 38

10) Good Manners Colour and Mark the Golden Word Look at the situation. Colour the golden word to be used in this situation. You have broken your friend’s toy. Thank Please You Excuse Sorry Me 39

11) Water Collect and Paste Pictures Paste any four pictures that show the uses of water. 40

12) Vehicles Make a Boat Follow the steps to make a boat. Use the coloured paper at the end of the book. Paste the boat you made in the box. 12 AB 34 5 AB 41

13) Colours Colour the Objects Colour the objects as per the colours mentioned. Green Orange Purple Red Yellow Blue 42

14) Plants and Trees Draw and Colour the Flowers Draw and colour the flowers of your choice in the box. 43

15) Animals Furry Rabbit Paste cotton on the rabbit’s body to give it fur. 44

Colour the Ocean Colour the ocean using cotton dipped in blue paint. Colour the water animals. 45

16) Birds Complete the Bird Decorate the bird’s nest with dried grass or brown tissue paper. Paste coloured tissue paper on the bird’s body to make feathers. Colour the rest of the picture. 46

17) Insects Find the Way Help the spider reach the fly. 47

18) People Who Help Us Stick Pictures of Helpers Collect pictures of helpers and paste them in the correct boxes. Doctor Nurse Police Officer Tailor 48

19) Seasons Draw Seasonal Things Draw one object related to each season in the boxes. Winter Summer Rainy 49

20) Save Our Planet Colour the Earth Let us colour the Earth and promise to take care of it. 50

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