Lesson Explorations, Discoveries 1 and Inventions Remembering Multiple Choice Questions [B] >D] 1) Which among the following inventions made travel and transport faster and easier for humans? (A) ballpoint pen (B) wheel (C) computer (D) paper :KRDPRQJWKHIROORZLQJZDVWKHÀUVWSHUVRQWRWUDYHOWRVSDFH\" (A) (B) Neil Armstrong Edmund Hillary (C) (D) Tenzing Norgay Yuri Gagarin Fill in the Blanks 3) Alexandrine Tinne explored the path followed by the River ___________N_i_le___________ for WKHÀUVWWLPH 1
9DVFRGD*DPDGLVFRYHUHGDZD\\WRUHDFKBBBBBBBBBBIBnBdBiBaBBBBBBBBBBE\\VHD Very Short Answer Questions 5) Who is usually called the ‘Father of Medicine’ in India? Ans. _&_K_D__UD__N_D_____________________________________________________________________________ 6) Which Chinese invention was initially used to wrap delicate materials? Ans. _P_a_p_e__r _______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 'HÀQH¶GLVFRYHU\\·*LYHDQH[DPSOH Ans. _)L_Q_G_L_Q_J__R_U_O_H_D_U_Q_L_Q_J__D_E_R__X_W_V_R_P__H_W_K_L_Q_J__WK__D_W_Q_R__R__Q_H__N_Q_R_Z__V_D_E__R_X_W_L_V_F_D__OO_H_G__G_L_VF__R_Y_H_U_\\__)_LU_H__LV__ _D_Q__H_[_D_P__S_O_H__R_I_D__G_L_V_F_R_Y_H__U\\____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ 'LVFRYHULHVDQGLQYHQWLRQVDUHQRWUHODWHGWRHDFKRWKHU > False ] 7KHGLVFRYHU\\RIÀUHOHGWRWKHLQYHQWLRQRIWKHVWRYH > True ] 7KHPRELOHSKRQHLVDGLVFRYHU\\ > False ] )HUGLQDQG0DJHOODQZDVWKHÀUVWSHUVRQWRWUDYHODURXQGWKHZRUOG > True ] Short Answer Questions 12) Why did people start exploring new routes to Asia and Africa? Give two reasons for \\RXUDQVZHU Ans. _(_D_U_OLH__U_S__H_R_S__OH__IU_R_P___(_X_U_R_S_H__W_UD__Y_H_OO_H_G__W_R__$_V_LD__D_Q__G__$_I_UL_F_D__E_\\__OD__Q_G__0__D_Q__\\_U_X_OH__UV__IU_R_P___WK_H__VH___ _S_OD__F_H_V__E_OR__F_N_H_G__W_K_H__UR__X_W_H_V_S_D__V_VL_Q_J__W_K_UR__X_J_K__W_K_H_LU__OD_Q__G_V__7_K_H_U_H_I_R_U_H__S_H__R_S_O_H_V_W_D_U_WH__G__WR__ _____ _H_[_S_O_R_UH__Q_H__Z__U_R_X_W_H_V_E__\\_V_H_D___7_K_H_\\__D_OV_R__Z__D_Q_W_H_G__W_R__À_Q_G__ID__VW_H_U__Z_D__\\_V_W_R_U_H_D__F_K__WK__H_V_H__S_OD__F_H_V___ 13) :K\\LVÀUHFRQVLGHUHGDGLVFRYHU\\EXWPDWFKVWLFNDQLQYHQWLRQ\" Ans. )_L_UH__L_V_F_R__Q_V_LG_H__UH_G__D__G__LV_F_R_Y_H__U\\__E_H__F_D_X_V_H__Q_R__R_Q__H_N_Q__H_Z__D_E__R_X_W__LW_E_H__IR__UH__L_W_Z_D__V_G_L_V_F_R_Y_H__UH_G____ (__D_UO_\\_K__X_P__D_Q_V__D_OV_R__G_L_V_F_R_Y_H_U_H_G__K_R__Z__W_R_F__UH__D_W_H__D_Q_G__X_V_H__À_UH___$__P__D_W_F_K_V_W_LF_N__Z_D__V_F_U_H_D__WH__G_W_R___ 2
S__UR__G_X_F__H_À_U_H__6_R___D__P_D__W_F_K_V_WL_F_N__LV_D__Q_L_Q_Y_H_Q__WL_R_Q___________________________________________ Long Answer Question *LYHQEHORZLVDWDEOHZLWKDIHZLQYHQWLRQV'HVFULEHKRZSHRSOHZRUNHGEHIRUHWKHVH LQYHQWLRQV$OVRPHQWLRQWKHFKDQJHVLQSHRSOH·VOLYHVDIWHUWKHVHLQYHQWLRQV Ans. Inventions What people did earlier Changes due to the inventions Ballpoint pen People used fountain pens that It made writing easy and KDGWREHGLSSHGLQLQNDJDLQ TXLFNHU DQGDJDLQ Paper People used cloth, parchment, It helped in the development of WDEOHWVDQGOHDYHVIRUZULWLQJ PDVVZULWLQJDQGSULQWLQJ People used to send messages 3HRSOHFDQGLUHFWO\\WDONWRWKHLU Telephone through letters, messengers or relatives and friends at any Calendar SLJHRQV GLVWDQFH People calculated date and &DOHQGDUVKHOSHGRQHWRTXLFNO\\ time with the help of positions NQRZWKHGDWH RIWKH6XQDQGWKH0RRQ Application Multiple Choice Questions [D] 15) Which of the following is not an invention? (B) (A) ÁDVKOLJKW ÁRRGOLJKW (C) (D) light bulb lightning WB: Explorations, Discoveries and Inventions 3
16) Which of these is an example of an invention? [D] (A) (B) VWDUÀVK star tulips (C) (D) stars telescope Short Answer Questions &ODVVLI\\WKHIROORZLQJLQWRLQYHQWLRQVRUGLVFRYHULHV a) b) microwave water Invention Discovery c) d) sewing machine fingerprint Invention Discovery 4
&KULVWRSKHU&ROXPEXVZDVDQH[SORUHUZKRGLVFRYHUHG$PHULFD+RZGLGVRPH H[SORUDWLRQVOHDGWRGLVFRYHULHV\"([SODLQZLWKWKHKHOSRIDQH[DPSOH Ans. L_e__a_r_n_e_r_’s__re__sp__o_n_s_e____________________________________________________________________ S__a_m__p_le__:_$_Q__H_[_S__OR_U_H_U_L_V_D__S_H__UV_R_Q__Z__K_R__WU_D_Y_H__OV_W_R__D__S_O_D_F_H__W_R__N_Q_R_Z__P__R_U_H__D_E__R_X_W_L_W_&__R_O_X_P__E_X_V_ Z__D_Q__WH__G__WR__W_UD__Y_H_O_W_R__,Q_G__LD__L_Q_V_WH__D_G__K_H__G_L_V_F_R_Y_H_U_H_G__W_K_H__%_D_K__D_P__D_V__________________________ Long Answer Question 1DPHDQ\\IRXULQYHQWLRQVWKDW\\RXXVHDWVFKRRO+RZDUHWKHVHLQYHQWLRQVXVHIXO\" Ans. L_e__a_r_n_e_r_’s__re__sp__o_n_s_e____________________________________________________________________ S__a_m__p_le__: _,_X_V_H__S_H_Q_V__W_D_E__OH_V__F__K_D_L_UV_D__Q_G__W_X_E_H_O_LJ__K_WV__3_H__Q_V_K_H__OS__P__H__WR__Z__UL_W_H__7_D_E_O_H_V_D__Q_G_______ F__K_D_L_UV__D_U_H_X__VH__IX_O_W_R__V_LW_D__Q_G__V_WX_G__\\__7_X_E_H__OLJ__K_W_V_S_U_R_Y_L_G_H__OL_J_K_W_L_Q__WK_H__F__OD_V_V_UR__R_P_________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question :KDWZRXOG\\RXOLNHWRLQYHQWRUGLVFRYHU\":K\\\" Ans. _Le__a_r_n_e_r_’_s _re__sp__o_n_s_e____________________________________________________________________ _S_a_m__p_l_e_:_,_Z__R_X_OG__O_LN_H__W_R__G_LV_F_R__Y_H_U_D__Q_X_Q__N_Q_R_Z__Q__S_OD__F_H__E_H_F__D_X_V_H__,_OL_N_H_W_U_D_Y_H_O_OL_Q_J__,_Z__R_X_O_G______ _OLN_H__W_R__J_R__R_Q__D__W_UL_S_D__Q_G__À_Q_G__R_X_W__D_E_R__X_W_D__Q_H__Z__S_OD__F_H__S__H_R_S__OH__OL_Y_LQ_J__L_Q__WK_D__W_S_O_D_F_H__³___WK__H_LU___ _F_X_OW_X_U_H__D_Q_G__O_D_Q_J__X_D_J_H__ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WB: Explorations, Discoveries and Inventions 5
Lesson Continents and Oceans 2 on Earth Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) How many main directions are there? [D] (D) four (A) one (B) two (C) three (C) tropic [A] 2) What is half of the Earth known as? (D) coordinate (A) hemisphere (B) interval Fill in the Blanks 3) The __________A_r_c_t_ic__________ Ocean is the shallowest of the world’s oceans. 4) The axis of the Earth passes through the __________p_o_l_e_s__________. Answer in One Word 5) Name the imaginary lines which connect the North and South Poles. Ans. _Lo__n_g_i_tu__d_e_s___________________________________________________________________________ 6) Name the imaginary lines used to study the different climatic zones of the Earth. Ans. _La__ti_tu__d_e_s_____________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Which longitudes divide the Earth into two equal halves? What are these halves known as? Ans. T_h_e__P_r_im__e__M__e_r_id__ia_n__a_n__d__1_8_0_°_m__e_r_id__ia_n__d_i_v_id__e__th_e__E_a__rt_h__in_t_o__tw__o__e_q__u_a_l_h_a__lv_e_s_._T_h_e__se_______ h__a_lv_e__s_a_r_e__c_a_l_le__d_t_h_e__e_a__s_te_r_n__a_n_d__w__e_s_t_e_r_n_h_e__m__is_p_h_e__re_s_.________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 6
Understanding Circle the Correct Word 8) Seas / Oceans are the largest saltwater bodies. 9) Antarctica is surrounded by the Arctic Ocean / Southern Ocean. 10) The South Pole / North Pole is located in Antarctica. 11) The deepest point in the world is located in the 3DFLÀF2FHDQ/ Indian Ocean. Short Answer Questions 12) What are continents? How many continents are there? Ans. C__o_n__ti_n_e_n_t_s_a__re__t_h_e__v_e_r_y_l_a_r_g_e__la__n_d__m__a_s_s_e_s_o_n__t_h_e__E_a_r_t_h_._T_h_e_r_e__a_r_e_s_e__v_e_n__c_o_n_t_i_n_e_n_t_s_. _____ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Name the continent on which people cannot live. Why? Ans. P_e__o_p_l_e__c_a_n_n__o_t_l_iv_e__in__A__n_ta__rc__ti_c_a__b_e__c_a_u_s_e__it__is_m__o_s_t_ly__c_o__v_e_re__d__in__ic__e_t_h_r_o_u_g__h_o_u_t__th_e__y_e__a_r_. _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Label the following continents and oceans on the map of the world given below. a) Pacific Ocean b) Europe c) Atlantic Ocean d) North America e) Southern Ocean f) Australia g) Indian Ocean h) Asia North Europe Asia America Atlantic 3DFLÀF 3DFLÀF Ocean Ocean Ocean Indian Ocean Australia Southern Ocean WB: Continents and Oceans on Earth 7
Application Multiple Choice Questions 15) A famous geologist spoke about a discovery made in the rocky layer of the Earth. Which layer was he talking about? [C] (A) core (B) atmosphere (C) crust (D) mantle 16) What could be caused by the movements of continents? [A] (A) earthquakes (B) floods (C) famines (D) forest fires Short Answer Questions 17) Suhail’s uncle Iqbal travels a lot for work. At times, he only messages the coordinates of a place and not the name of the city he is visiting. Can Suhail locate the place his uncle is visiting from the coordinates? How can he do so? Ans. _E_v_e_r_y_p_l_a_c_e__i_s _si_t_u_a_t_e_d__o_n__a_l_a_t_it_u_d__e_a__n_d__a_l_o_n_g__it_u_d_e_._T_o__g_e_t_h_e_r_,_t_h_e_y__m_a__k_e_t_h_e__c_o__o_r_d_in_a__t_e_s _o_f_a__p_l_a_c_e__. _T_h_e_r_e_f_o_re__, _th__e_y__c_a_n__b_e__u_s_e_d__t_o__lo__c_a_t_e__a_n_y__p_l_a_c_e__o_n__t_h_e__E_a_r_th__. _S_u_h_a__il_c_a__n_u_s_e_ _th_e__c__o_o_r_d_i_n_a_t_e_s_t_o__lo__c_a_t_e__th__e_p__la__c_e__h_is__u_n_c_l_e__is_v_i_s_it_in_g__o_n__a__g_l_o_b_e__. _____________________ 18) On which layer of the Earth does life mostly exist? Give reasons for your answer. Ans. L_i_fe__m__o_s_t_ly__e_x_is_t_s_o_n__t_h_e__c_r_u_s_t_b_e_c__a_u_s_e__t_h_is_l_a_y_e__r _is_c__o_o_l_e_r_a_n__d_h__a_r_d_e_r c__o_m__p_a__re__d_t_o__t_h_e__E_a_r_t_h_’s__in_t_e_r_io__r._________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Number the pictures to show the correct order of events. In the correct order, which event would the pictures show? What would have happened if the event did not take place? 231 8
Ans. _Th__e_p__ic_t_u_r_e_s__sh_o__w__h_o_w___c_o_n_t_i_n_e_n_t_a_l_d__ri_ft_t_o_o__k_p__la_c__e_._T_h_e__fo__rm__a__ti_o_n__o_f_c_o__n_t_in_e__n_ts__a_s_t_h_e__y__ _a_re__t_o_d__a_y__w_o__u_ld__n_o__t _b_e__p_o__ss_i_b_le__i_f _c_o_n_t_i_n_e_n_t_a_l_d__ri_ft_h__a_d__n_o_t__ta__k_e_n__p_la__c_e_.________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) This is a picture of the Louvre Museum. It is located in France, Europe. Find out its coordinates. Will you be able to reach the museum using only the coordinates? Why do you think so? Ans. _4_8_.8_6__0_6_°_N__, _2_.3_3_7__6_°_E__a_r_e_t_h_e__c_o__o_r_d_in__a_t_e_s_o_f__th__e_L_o__u_v_re__M__u_s_e_u__m_.__Y_e_s_,_I_w__ill_b__e_a__b_l_e_t_o_____ _re_a__c_h__t_h_e__m_u__se__u_m__u__si_n_g__o_n_l_y_t_h_e__c_o__o_rd__in_a__te__s_a_s__th__e_s_e__c_a_n__b_e__u_s_e_d__t_o__lo__c_a_t_e__a_n_y__p_l_a_c_e_ _o_n__th__e_E_a__rt_h_._________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WB: Continents and Oceans on Earth 9
Lesson What Does the Earth 3 Look Like? Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) What is a flat area of land on the surface of the Earth called? [A] [D] (A) plain (B) plateau (C) hill (D) mountain 2) Which landform on Earth is usually V-shaped? (A) hill (B) peninsula (C) plain (D) valley Fill in the Blanks 3) A/An _________p_la__te__a_u_________ is a landform that looks like a table. 4) A/An _________ic_e__b_e_r_g_________LVDODUJHSLHFHRILFHÁRDWLQJLQWKHVHD Answer in One Word 5) Identify the water body shown in the picture. Ans. _*_O_D_F_L_H_U_________________________________________________ 6) Name a water body surrounded by land on all sides. Ans. _La__k_e_/_P_o__n_d__(A__c_c_e__p_t_a__n_y__re_l_e_v_a__n_t_r_e_s_p_o_n__se__.)______________ Short Answer Question 'HÀQH¶SK\\VLFDOIHDWXUHV·*LYHDQH[DPSOH Ans. _P_h_y_s_ic_a__l _fe__a_t_u_re__s_a_r_e__th__e__fo_r_m__a_t_io__n_s_o_f__la_n__d_,_o_r_l_a_n_d__fo__rm__s_,_a_n__d__w_a__te_r__b_o_d__ie_s__o_n__th__e______ _(_D_U_WK___(_[_D_P__S_OH___P__R_X_Q_W_D_L_Q_V____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 10
Understanding Match the Following d Physical feature Colour c a) water b b) hill 8) green a c) plateau 9) yellow d) plain 10) brown 11) blue Short Answer Questions Observe the given map and answer questions 12 and 13. 12) Identify the landform which makes up the southern part of India. How is it different from the landform of Sri Lanka? WB: What Does the Earth Look Like? 11
Ans. _Th__e_l_a_n_d__fo__rm___in__s_o_u_t_h_e_r_n__p_a_r_t_o_f__In_d__ia__is__a__p_e_n_i_n_s_u_la__. _S_ri_L_a__n_k_a__is_a__n__is_la_n__d__n_a_t_io__n_; _it_i_s_____ _su__rr_o_u_n_d__e_d__b_y__w__a_t_e_r_o_n__a__ll _s_id_e__s.__H_o_w__e_v_e_r_,_t_h_e__In__d_ia__n_p__e_n_i_n_s_u_la__i_s _s_u_rr_o_u__n_d_e_d__b__y_w__a_t_e_r__ _o_n__th__re_e__s_id__e_s_._______________________________________________________________________ 13) How can you differentiate between mountains and plains on the map? Ans. _O_n__a__m__a_p__, _m_o__u_n_t_a_i_n_s_a_r_e__s_h_o_w__n__in__li_g_h_t_b__ro__w_n__a_n__d_p__la__in_s_a__re__s_h_o__w_n__in__g_r_e_e__n_.__________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Identify the landform. What shape does it look like? How is it formed? Can you name one place in India that is famous for this landform? Ans. T_h__e_l_a_n_d__fo__rm___sh__o_w__n_i_n__th__e_p__ic_t_u_r_e__is__a_d__e_l_ta__. _It_i_s_t_ri_a_n_g__u_la__r _in__s_h_a_p__e_._I_t _is__fo_r_m__e_d__a__t _th__e__ P__R__X_W_K_R__I_D__UL_Y_H_U_Z__K_H_U_H__LW__Á_R_Z__V_LQ_W_R__D_Q__R_F__H_D_Q__R_U__D__VH__D__6_X_Q__G_D_U_E_D__Q_V_L_Q_,_Q_G_L_D__LV_I_D_P__R__X_V_I_R_U t_h_i_s_la__n_d_f_o_r_m__._______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Application Multiple Choice Questions 0RUDGZHQWWUHNNLQJEH\\RQGWKH+LPDOD\\DV+HWKHQWUHNNHGDFURVVDQH[WUHPHO\\FROG plateau. Can you guess which plateau he crossed? [A] (A) the Tibetan Plateau (B) the Deccan Plateau (C) the Chota Nagpur Plateau (D) the Columbia Plateau 12
7KHJLYHQPDSVKRZV*UHHQODQG:KDWW\\SHRIODQGIRUPLVLW\" >C] (A) a peninsula (B) a mountain (C) an island (D) a hill Short Answer Questions 17) Study the map of South America. Mention any four physical features on the continent by looking at the colours on the map. Ans. T_h_e__f_o_u_r__p_h_y_s_ic__a_l_f_e_a_t_u_r_e_s_o__n_t_h_e__c_o__n_t_in_e_n__t_o_f_S_o__u_th__A__m__e_ri_c_a__a_r_e__a_s_f_o_l_lo_w__s_._____________ *__U_H_H_Q__²__3_OD__LQ_V__<_H_OO_R_Z__²__3_OD__WH__D_X_V_______________________________________________________ %__UR__Z_Q__²_+__LO_OV_%_O_X_H__²_:__D__WH__U_E_R_G__LH_V_______________________________________________________ *LYHWZRZD\\VWRGLIIHUHQWLDWHEHWZHHQDPRXQWDLQDQGDKLOO Ans. M__o__u_n_t_a_in__s_a_r_e__m__u_c_h__ta__ll_e_r_a_n__d__u_s_u_a_ll_y_s_t_e_e_p__e_r_t_h_a_n__h_i_ll_s.__S_o_m__e_m__o__u_n_t_a_in__s_m__a_y__b_e________ c__o_v_e_r_e_d__i_n_s_n_o__w_._H__il_ls_a__re__lo__w_e__r _in__h_e_i_g_h_t__a_n_d__d_o__n_o__t_r_e_c_e_i_v_e__s_n_o_w__fa__ll.___________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WB: What Does the Earth Look Like? 13
Long Answer Question 19) Read the clues and complete the crossword. Down 1 $ÁRZLQJERG\\RIZDWHU 2. Largest island in the world R 2 G LAC I E R 3. Landform surrounded by water R V on all sides 34 5 Across I S EA P EA K 2. The type of water body which is the main source of water for the S E R ULYHU*DQJD IN 6 4. A large saltwater body smaller than the ocean P LA 5. The pointed top of a mountain AL $ÁDWDUHDRIODQGJRRGIRU 7 growing crops N MA P DN D $ÁDWGUDZLQJRIDSODFHDVVHHQIURPDERYH Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Which is your favourite landform or water body? Why? Ans. /_H__D_U_Q_H_U_·V__UH__VS__R_Q_V_H____________________________________________________________________ S__a_m__p_le__: _S_n_o_w__c_a__p_p_e__d__m_o__u_n_t_a_in__s_a_r_e__m__y_f_a_v_o__u_ri_t_e_t_y_p_e__o__f _la_n__d_f_o_r_m_s_._T_h_e__se__m__o_u__n_ta__in_s___ a__re__c__o_v_e_r_e_d__in__s_n_o_w___fo__r _m__o_s_t_o_f_t_h_e__y_e_a__r._T_h_e__y_l_o_o_k__b_e__a_u_t_if_u_l._M__a__n_y_t_o_u__ri_st_s_v_i_s_it_t_h_e_s_e_____ m__o__u_n_t_a_in__s.___________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 14
Map Practice 1) Mark the following physical features on the map with the colours given in the brackets. a) plains (green) b) mountains (purple) c) plateau (yellow) d) sea (light blue) e) rivers (dark blue) f) hills (brown) g) delta (red) h) island (orange) b) mountains e) rivers a) plains g) delta c) plateau h) island e) rivers d) sea f) hills 15
2) On the world map, mark and colour the following. a) the largest continent (red) __________A__s_ia___________ b) the smallest continent (yellow) ________A__u_s_t_ra__li_a________ c) the largest ocean (blue) ______P_a_c_i_fi_c__O_c__e_a_n______ d) the only ocean to be named after a country (green) ______In__d_ia__n__O_c__e_a_n______ Ans. a) Asia c) c) Pacific Pacific Ocean Ocean d) b) Indian Australia Ocean 16
Lesson 4 Understanding Rivers Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) What are smaller rivers which join the main river called? [B] [C] (A) distributaries (B) tributaries (C) sediments (D) delta 2) Which part of a river falls in low areas? (A) creek (B) peninsula (C) mouth (D) source Fill in the Blanks 3) The place where a river begins its journey is called its _________s_o_u__rc__e_________. 4) Soil brought down from mountains by rivers is called ___________s_i_lt___________. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Where does a river slow down during its journey? Ans. _M_i_d_d_l_e__a_r_e_a_s_________________________________________________________________________ 6) Name the streams that are formed when a main river breaks up. Ans. _D_is_t_ri_b_u_t_a_r_ie__s_________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 'HÀQH¶GHOWD·+RZLVLWIRUPHG\" Ans. _A__d_e_l_ta__i_s_u_s_u_a_l_ly__a__tr_ia__n_g_u_l_a_r_p__ie_c__e__o_f_la__n_d_._A__d__e_lt_a__is__a__la_n__d__m_a__d_e__o_f_s_e_d__im__e_n__ta__ry_______ _G_H_S__R_V_LW_V_OH__IW__E_\\_D__U_LY_H__U_Á_R_Z__LQ_J__L_Q_W_R_D__O_D_U_J_H__Z_D__WH__U_E_R__G_\\__________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 1
Understanding Circle the Correct Word 8) Rivers provide a natural way to travel by boats / cars. 9) Dams / Houses help to hold water and generate electricity. 10) In the high areas, the river is usually fast / slow. 11) Swimming / Farming is a recreational activity done in rivers. Short Answer Questions 0HQWLRQWZRZD\\VLQZKLFKULYHUVDUHKHOSIXOWRSHRSOH+RZGRHVSROOXWLRQRIULYHUV affect these activities? Ans. _R_iv_e__rs__a_re__h__e_lp__fu_l_t_o__p_e_o__p_l_e_a__s_t_h_e_y__p_r_o_v_i_d_e__w_a__te__r_fo__r_a_g__ri_c_u_lt_u_r_e_._T_h_e__y_a__re__a_l_s_o_a__s_o_u__rc_e__ _R_I_I_R_R_G___3_R_O_OX_W_LR__Q_K__D_U_P_V__À_VK__H_V_L_Q_U_LY__H_U_D_Q_G__D__OV_R__F_U_R_S_V____________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ $QFLHQWFLYLOL]DWLRQVOLNHWKH+DUDSSDQ&LYLOL]DWLRQVWDUWHGQHDUULYHUV([SODLQZK\\ULYHUV were important for the growth of such civilizations. Ans. _R_iv_e__rs__p_ro__v_id__e_d__w_a__te__r_f_o_r_d_r_in__k_in_g_,__a_g_r_ic__u_lt_u_r_e_a__n_d__f_o_r_o_t_h_e_r__h_o_u_s_e_h__o_ld__w__o_r_k_s.__M_a__n_y______ _p_la__n_t_s_a_n__d_t_r_e_e_s__g_r_e_w__n_e_a__r_t_h_e__ri_v_e_r_s.__Th__e_re__fo__re__, _m__a_n_y__a_n_c__ie_n_t__c_iv_i_li_za__ti_o_n_s__st_a_r_t_e_d________ _n_e_a__r _ri_v_e_r_s.___________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Guess the activities shown in the given pictures. Identify the purpose for which rivers are used in the pictures. Ans. ______P_a__ra__s_a_il_in__g______ _______Ir_r_ig_a__ti_o_n_______ __R_e_c_r_e_a__ti_o_n_a_l_a__c_t_iv_i_ty__ ______A_g__ri_c_u_l_tu_r_e______ 2
____F_l_o_a_t_in_g__m__a_r_k_e__t ___ ________F_is_h_i_n_g________ _____T_ra__n_s_p_o_r_t_a_ti_o_n_____ ____S_o_u__rc_e__o__f _fo__o_d____ Application [D] Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which of the following is not a reason for river pollution? (A) (B) waste water from industries plastic thrown into rivers (C) (D) immersing idols dolphin playing in the river 16) For which of the following activities do we not use rivers? [D] (A) (B) farming swimming WB: Understanding Rivers 3
(C) (D) ÀVKLQJ trekking Short Answer Questions 2QHRIWKHODUJHVWODNHVLQ%HQJDOXUXWKH%HOODQGXU/DNHKDVVSLOOHGWR[LFIURWKPDQ\\ times since 2015. In 2017, many industries around the lake were shut down. Why do you think that happened? Ans. _Th__e__in_d_u__st_r_ie_s__d_u_m__p__e_d__th__e_ir_w__a_s_t_e_s_d__ir_e_c_t_ly__in__to__t_h_e__la__k_e_w__a_t_e_r_._D__u_e__to__t_h_is_,_t_h_e__w__a_t_e_r_i_s __ _p_o_l_lu_t_e_d__. _T_o_d__e_c_r_e_a__se__p__o_ll_u_ti_o_n_,_t_h_e__i_n_d_u_s_t_ri_e_s_a__ro__u_n_d__t_h_e__la_k_e__w__e_r_e__sh__u_t_d_o__w_n__. _________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) Look at the word splash below. Using terms from the word splash, show the journey of a river. Mouth River bank Tributary Delta Source Distributary Ans. High Areas Middle Areas Low Areas Source Tributary, Mouth, River bank, Delta Distributary 4
Long Answer Question 19) Mention two reasons why we need to look after rivers. Describe two ways in which you can help to look after rivers. Ans. _/H__D_U_Q_H_U_·V__UH__VS__R_Q_V_H____________________________________________________________________ _S_a_m__p_l_e_: _W__e__sh__o_u_l_d_l_o_o_k__a_f_t_e_r_r_iv_e_r_s_a__s_t_h_e__si_lt_b__ro__u_g_h_t__b_y__ri_v_e_r_s _is__g_o_o__d_f_o_r__fa__rm__in__g_._______ _R_iv_e__rs_a__ls_o__p_r_o_v_i_d_e__u_s_w__it_h__d_r_in_k_i_n_g__w_a__te__r_w__it_h_o_u_t__w_h_i_c_h__w_e__c__a_n_n_o__t _li_v_e_._________________ _W_e__c__a_n__h_e_l_p_t_o__lo__o_k__a_ft_e_r__ri_v_e_r_s _b_y__n_o_t__th_r_o_w__in__g_w__a_s_t_e__s_u_c_h__a_s_p__la__st_ic__i_n_to__t_h_e_m__,_n__o_t_____ _im__m__e_r_si_n_g__id__o_ls__o_r_n_o__t _p_o_l_lu_t_in__g__th_e__r_iv_e__r _w_a__te__r._________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Find out the river that is closest to your home. List its length and the states that it passes through. Mention if any dams are built on it. Ans. _/H__D_U_Q_H_U_·V__UH__VS__R_Q_V_H____________________________________________________________________ _S_a_m__p_l_e_:_5_L_Y_H_U_1__D_UP__D__G_D__Á_R_Z__V_F_O_R_V_H_V_W_W_R__P__\\_K_R__P__H__7_K_H__OH_Q__J_W_K_R__I_W_K_LV_U_LY__H_U_LV__D_U_R_X_Q_G__ ______ _1_3_1_2_k_m__._I_t_p_a__s_se__s_t_h_ro__u_g_h__t_h_e__st_a__te_s__o_f_M__a_d__h_y_a__P_r_a_d_e__sh__, _M__a_h_a__ra_s_h_t_r_a__a_n_d__G__u_ja__ra__t._____ _Th__e_S_a__rd__a_r_S_a__ro_v__a_r_D__a_m__i_s_b_u__ilt__o_n__th__is_r_iv_e__r.____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ WB: Understanding Rivers 5
Lesson 5 India’s Rivers Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which is the longest river in India? [A] [D] (A) Ganga (B) Yamuna (C) Indus (D) Godavari 2) In which state does the Indus meet five major tributaries? (A) Nagaland (B) Arunachal Pradesh (C) Maharashtra (D) Punjab* Fill in the Blanks 3) The _______H__o_o_g__h_ly__________ in West Bengal is a major distributary of the Ganga. 4) ______T_u_n_g__a_b_h_a__d_r_a______ is the largest tributary of the river Krishna. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Where does the Brahmaputra meet the Ganga? Ans. _B_a_n_g__la_d__e_s_h__________________________________________________________________________ 6) What are the rivers that have water throughout the year called? Ans. _P_e_r_e_n_n_i_a_l_r_iv_e_r_s_______________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) What are non-perennial rivers? Give an example. Ans. _Th__e__riv__e_rs__w_h__ic_h__d_o__n_o__t_h_a__v_e__a_c__o_n_s_t_a_n_t_f_lo__w__o_f_w__a_t_e_r__th_r_o_u_g__h_o_u__t _th__e_y__e_a_r_a__re__c_a__ll_e_d____ _n_o_n_-_p_e__re__n_n_ia__l _ri_v_e_r_s._E__xa__m__p_le__: _M__a_h_a__n_a_d_i______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ *Note to Teacher: Please tell the learners that this refers to the state of Punjab in Pakistan. 6
Understanding Match the Following Tributary b River 8) Betwa a) Mahanadi 9) Indravati d b) Yamuna 10) Beas c c) Indus 11) Jonk a d) Godavari Short Answer Questions 12) 'HÀQH¶ULYHUEDVLQ·+RZDUHULYHUEDVLQVXVHIXOWRXV\" Ans. _A__ri_v_e_r_b__a_s_in__is__th__e_a__re__a__w_h_i_c_h__g_e__ts__w_a__te__r _a_n_d__s_il_t____ _fr_o_m___th__e_m__a__in__ri_v_e_r_a__n_d__it_s_t_r_ib_u__ta__ri_e_s_. _T_h_e__ri_v_e_r_b__a_s_in__ _m__a_k_e_s__th_e__p__la_i_n_s_v_e__ry__f_e_r_ti_le__fo__r_c_u_l_t_iv_a_t_io__n_.__________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 13) 2XWOLQHDPDMRUGLIIHUHQFHEHWZHHQZHVWZDUGDQGHDVWZDUGÁRZLQJULYHUVRQWKH Indian peninsula. Ans. :HVWZDUGÁRZLQJULYHUV (DVWZDUGÁRZLQJULYHUV D7KHZHVWZDUGÁRZLQJSHQLQVXODU D7KHHDVWZDUGÁRZLQJSHQLQVXODU rivers do not form deltas. rivers form deltas at their mouths. E7KHVHULYHUVÁRZLQWRWKH E7 KHVHULYHUVÁRZLQWRWKH Arabian Sea. Bay of Bengal. (Accept any one response.) (Accept any one response.) WB: India’s Rivers 7
Long Answer Question 14) Complete the diagram by providing information about various uses of rivers. a) Name any two means b) Any two uses of dams. of water transport. ____P_ro__d_u_c__e_e__le_c__tr_ic__it_y_,__ ____p_r_o_v_id__e__w_a__te__r _fo__r____ ____B_o_a__ts_,_s_h_ip__s___________ ____d_o_m__e_s_t_ic__u_s_e_________ _________________________ d) Two uses of rivers for agriculture. c) Names of two water M__a__k_e_l_a_n_d__s_f_e_r_ti_le__f_o_r_g_r_o_w__in__g____ animals. c__ro__p_s_, _p_r_o_v_i_d_e__w_a__t_e_r_f_o_r_ir_r_ig_a__ti_o_n_ ____F_is_h_,_c_r_a_b_____________ ________________________ Application Multiple Choice Questions /DNKDQLVÀVKLQJLQDULYHUWKDWIORZVLQWRWKH$UDELDQ6HD:KLFKULYHULVLW\" > C @ [D] (A) Ganga (B) Godavari (C) Narmada (D) Yamuna 16) The Sardar Sarovar Dam is an important river project. Which of these is not a function of this dam? (A) generating hydroelectricity (B) irrigation (C) storing water during the dry season (D) immersing idols Short Answer Questions 17) In recent times, a lot of water is diverted from the rivers to the industries leaving farmers helpless. Mention any two ways in which the farmers are affected. Ans. _If_r_iv_e__r _w_a__te__r_is__d_iv_e__rt_e_d__t_o__th__e_i_n_d_u__st_r_ie_s_,_t_h_e__f_a_rm__e__rs__w_i_ll_n_o_t__g_e_t_w__a_t_e_r__fo__r _ir_ri_g_a_t_io__n_t_o_____ 8
_g_r_o_w__c_r_o_p__s._A__ls_o_,_t_h_e__d_e__p_o_s_i_ts__o_f_s_il_t _b_r_o_u_g__h_t_b_y__t_h_e__ri_v_e_r_w__il_l _d_e_c__re_a__s_e_w__h_i_c_h__w_o__u_ld_______ _a_f_fe_c__t_t_h_e__fe__rt_il_it_y_o__f _th__e__so__il.___________________________________________________________ 18) On the map of India, mark and label the following. a) a river that does not originate in India – Brahmaputra b) a tributary of the Indus – Ravi c) a distributary of the Ganga – Hooghly G DULYHUWKDWÁRZVWKURXJK7HODQJDQD – Krishna b) Ravi a) Brahmaputra F+RRJKO\\ d) Krishna WB: India’s Rivers 9
Long Answer Question 1I 19) Read the clues and solve the 3B I N crossword about the rivers of India. 4K R D 2S Down UO $+LPDOD\\DQULYHUWKDWÁRZV SHNA through Ladakh 2. A tributary of Ganga A 3. The river which originates in the 5H A S D E O Mansarovar region of India* Across 6N A R M 4. A river which originates in the M ADA Western Ghats 5. A tributary of the Mahanadi P $SHQLQVXODUULYHUWKDWÁRZVIURP east to west 7B E U 7. A tributary of Yamuna TW A R 8K A V E R I $PDMRUVRXWK,QGLDQULYHUZKLFKÁRZVIURP.DUQDWDNDWR7DPLO1DGX Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Use the internet to make a list of two important dams of India, their locations and the rivers they are built on. Write three sentences about the dam that is closest to your town or village. Ans. /_H__D_U_Q_H_U_·V__UH_V_S__R_Q_V_H____________________________________________________________________ S_a__m__p_le__: _T_e_h_r_i _D_a_m___is__lo_c__a_t_e_d__in__t_h_e__st_a_t_e__o_f_U__tt_a_r_a_k_h__a_n_d_.__It_i_s_b_u_i_lt_o__n__ri_v_e_r_B_h_a__g_ir_a_t_h_i_. ____ %__K_D_N_U_D__1_D__Q_J_D_O_G__D_P__V_D__UH__E_X__LOW__R_Q__WK__H_6_X__WO_H_M_UL_Y_H_U_L_Q__+_LP__D_F__K_D_O_3_U_D_G__H_V_K__ __________________ N__a_g__a_rj_u_n_a__S_a__g_a_r_D__a_m___is_b__u_il_t_a_c__ro_s_s_t_h_e__K_r_is_h_n__a_r_iv__e_r.__It_i_s_s_it_u_a_t_e_d__i_n_T_e_l_a_n_g__a_n_a__. _It_i_s_a_____ f_a_m__o__u_s_t_o_u_r_is_t_d__e_s_ti_n_a_t_io__n_. ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ *Note to Teacher: &KDQJH¶,QGLD·WR¶7LEHW·LQWKHOHDUQHUV·FRSLHV 10
Lesson 6 Natural Resources: Forests Remembering [D] Multiple Choice Questions 1) Which of the following is made from wood? (A) (B) glue eraser (C) (D) school bag paper 2) Which of the following is not a natural resource? [B] (A) (B) air plastic (C) (D) water sunlight 11
Fill in the Blanks 3) _______C__o_n_i_fe__ro__u_s_______ forests are found in cold regions. 4) The ___________a_i_r___________ is constantly made fresh by the forests. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Name two things we get from forests that can be used as medicine. Ans. _F_ru_i_t_s_a_n_d__h__e_r_b_s_____________________________________________________________________ 6) Name the type of forest found in hot and dry regions. Ans. _T_h_o_r_n_y__a_n_d__s_c_r_u_b__fo__re__st_s_____________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘forest’. Ans. _A__fo__re__st__is_a__n_a__re__a__c_o_v_e__re__d_w__i_th__m__a_n_y__t_re__e_s_a__n_d__p_l_a_n_t_s_g_r_o_w__in__g__c_lo__se__t_o__e_a_c__h_o__th__e_r_. __ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Circle the Correct Word 8) Reforestation / Afforestation is to plant trees in an area where there was no forest earlier. 9) Rosewood / Teak tree does not shed its leaves completely. 10) Trees such as bamboo and teak have broad leaves to catch snow / sunlight. 11) Eucalyptus trees are called evergreen because they never / always shed their leaves. Short Answer Questions 12) How do the roots of trees growing in tidal forests get air? Give an example of a tidal forest. Ans. _T_h_e__ro__o_ts__o_f_t_r_e_e_s__in__ti_d_a__l f_o_r_e_s_t_s_g_r_o_w___u_p_w__a_r_d_s_t_o__c_o__m__e_o__u_t_o_f__th__e_w__a_t_e_r_._T_h_e_y__d_o__t_h_i_s__ _to__g__e_t_e_n__o_u_g_h__a__ir_. _E_x_a_m__p_l_e_:_S_u_n__d_a_r_b_a__n_s_i_n_W__e__st__B_e_n_g__a_l______________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 12
13) Why do plants in scrub forests have long roots? Where are they found in India? Ans. _P_la__n_t_s_in__s_c_r_u_b__fo__re__st_s_h__a_v_e__lo__n_g__ro__o_t_s_t_o__p_e_n_e__tr_a_t_e__d_e__e_p__in_t_o__t_h_e__s_o_il_t_o__s_e_a_r_c_h__fo__r_____ _w_a__te__r._T_h_e__y_a__re__f_o_u_n__d__in__th__e_d__e_s_e_r_ts__o_f_R__a_ja__st_h_a__n_a__n_d__G__u_ja__ra__t,_p__a_r_ts__o_f_U__tt_a_r_P__ra__d_e_s_h_,__ _M__a_d_h_y__a_P__ra__d_e_s_h__a_n_d__M__a__h_a_r_a_s_h_t_ra__._(_A_c_c__e_p_t__a_n_y__re__le_v_a__n_t_r_e_s_p_o__n_s_e_._) _________________ Long Answer Question 14) Label the given pyramid. Can you explain in your own words what this pyramid shows? Ans. cold grass TEMPERATURE coniferous forests deciduous forests hot evergreen forest tidal forest thorny and scrub forest a lot of rainfall RAIN very little rainfall _T_h_is_p__y_r_a_m__id__s_h_o_w__s_h__o_w__t_e_m__p_e__ra__tu__re__a_n__d_r_a_i_n_f_a_ll_d__e_t_e_r_m__in_e__t_h_e__ty__p_e__o_f_f_o_r_e_s_t_f_o_u_n_d__i_n_ _a__re__g_io__n_. ___________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Application [C] Multiple Choice Questions 15) Which of the following pictures shows deforestation? WB: Natural Resources: Forests 13
(A) (B) (C) (D) 16) What activity is taking place in the given picture? [C] (A) harvesting (B) fishing (C) mining (D) farming Short Answer Questions 17) Meher and Morad were walking through a scrub forest. Suddenly, a thorn pricks Meher’s hand. Meher gets annoyed and says that plants should not have thorns. Do you agree with Meher? Why do you think some plants have thorns? Ans. _L_e_a_r_n_e_r_’_s_r_e_s_p_o_n__se___________________________________________________________________ _S_a_m__p_l_e_:_I_d_o__n__o_t_a_g__re__e__w_i_th__M__e_h_e__r._L_e__a_v_e_s__o_f_p__la_n__ts__tu__rn__in__to__t_h_o_r_n_s_i_n__h_o_t_a__n_d__d_r_y_____ _a_r_e_a_s_._T_h_e__se__t_h_o_r_n_s__h_e_lp__t_o__r_e_d_u_c__e__th_e__l_o_s_s_o_f__w_a__te__r.__________________________________ 18) Rashi went to visit a tyre factory in Chennai. She got to know that there used to be a forest there a long time ago. What kind of trees could have grown in the forest? Why do you think the forest was cleared? Ans. _L_e_a_r_n_e_r_’_s_r_e_s_p_o_n__se___________________________________________________________________ _S_a_m__p_l_e_:_E_v_e__rg__re_e__n_t_r_e_e_s__c_o_u__ld__h_a_v__e_g__ro__w_n__in__t_h_e__f_o_r_e_s_t _in__C__h_e_n_n__a_i._I_t_h_i_n_k__th_e__t_r_e_e_s____ _w_e__re__c_u__t _d_o_w__n__t_o_m__a__k_e__sp__a_c_e__f_o_r_t_h_e__t_y_re__f_a_c__to__ry_.___________________________________ 14
Long Answer Question 19) Look at the two pictures given below. Can you identify the types of forests shown? Discuss three ways in which these forests differ from each other. Ans. Picture A Picture B Picture A: _T_h_o__rn_y__a_n__d__s_c_ru__b__fo__re_s_t_ Picture B: ____D_e__c_id__u_o_u_s__fo__re__s_t ____ a) They are found in hot and dry areas a) They are found in the Peninsular such as deserts. Plateau region and the foothills of b) They require little water. the Himalayas. c) They have thorns to reduce the loss b) They require lots of water. F7KH\\KDYHEURDGÁDWOHDYHV of water. WB: Natural Resources: Forests 15
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Draw a picture to show deforestation. How long will it take to regrow an entire forest? Can you suggest a way to increase the tree cover in your neighbourhood? Ans. Learner’s response Sample: _It__w_i_ll_t_a_k_e__m__a_n_y__y_e_a__rs__to__r_e_g_r_o_w___a_n__e_n_t_ir_e__fo__re__st_._W__e__c_a__n_p__la__n_t_t_re__e_s_i_n_p__u_b_l_ic__p_a__rk_s_,___ _in__s_c_h_o__o_ls__a_n_d__a__ro__u_n_d__t_h_e__m__a_rk_e__t_t_o__in_c_r_e_a__s_e_t_h_e__t_re__e__c_o_v_e__r _in__o_u_r__n_e_i_g_h_b_o__u_r_h_o_o_d__.___ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 16
Lesson 7 Natural Resources: Soil Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) In which type of soil do spices grow? [B] [C] (A) alluvial soil (B) mountain soil (C) laterite soil (D) red soil 2) Red soil is suitable to grow which of the following crops? (A) (B) apple cotton (C) (D) groundnut rice Fill in the Blanks 3) There are __________s_ix_____________ types of soil found in India. 4) ________L_a_t_e_r_it_e__________ soil is found in areas where there is heavy rainfall. Very Short Answer Questions 5) Which soil supports the growth of sugarcane and cotton? Ans. _B_la_c__k_s_o_i_l ___________________________________________________________________________ 17
6) In which region of India is alluvial soil found? Ans. _N_o_r_t_h_e_r_n__P_la__in_______________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘soil’. How many layers does it have? Ans. _S_o_il_i_s_t_h_e__u_p_p__e_r_l_a_y_e_r__o_f_e_a__rt_h__in__w__h_ic__h_p__la_n__ts__g_r_o_w__. _It_h__a_s_f_o_u_r__im__p_o__rt_a_n_t__la_y__e_rs_:________ _to__p_s_o_il_,_s_u_b_s_o_i_l,_b__ro__k_e_n__d_o_w__n__fr_a_g__m__e_n_t_s_a__n_d__p_a_r_e_n__t _ro__c_k_._____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Understanding Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ 8) Topsoil contains decomposed remains of plants and animals. [ True ] 9) Soil contains microorganisms and insects in it. [ True ] 10) The bottom layer of soil is known as subsoil. [ False ] 11) Soil erosion occurs when it becomes very cold. [ False ] Short Answer Questions 12) Mention two ways in which soil erosion takes place. Ans. _S_o_il_e__ro__si_o_n__h_a_p__p_e_n__s_w__h_e_n__s_o_il_i_s_w__a_s_h_e_d__a__w_a__y_b__y_w__a_t_e_r__a_n_d__b_l_o_w__n__a_w__a_y__b_y__w_i_n_d_.____ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) What helps in preserving the soil from erosion in windy regions? How does it do so? Ans. _P_la__n_ti_n_g__t_re__e_s_h_e__lp__in__p__re__se__rv_i_n_g__t_h_e__so__il_f_ro__m__e_r_o_s_io__n__in__w_i_n_d_y__r_e_g_i_o_n_s_._T_r_e_e_s_a__c_t_a__s_____ _sp__e_e_d__-b__re__a_k_e_r_s_i_n_t_h_e__p__a_t_h_o__f_f_a_s_t_b_l_o_w__in_g__w__in__d_s_a__c_ro__s_s_f_la_t__la_n__d_s_. ____________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Draw a mind map to show how soil affects plant and animal life. 18
Hints: How does soil affect plant and animal life? +RZLVDQLPDOOLIHGHSHQGHQWRQRWKHUDQLPDOV\" Ans. Learner’s response Sample: Birds and animals feed on plant material and insects. Animals eat plants. Some animals get their food from meat of other animals. Plants grow in soil naturally; Microorganisms and insects people plant crops in the soil. live in and on the soil. Application Multiple Choice Questions 15) Nalini is a farmer. She stays in a village in coastal Karnataka. Which crop do you think Nalini grows? [A] (A) (B) coffee apple (C) (D) gram groundnut WB: Natural Resources: Soil 19
16) Raman wants to grow a small garden in his school. He and his friends are collecting soil. Which part of the soil should they collect to ensure good plant growth? [A] (A) topsoil (B) subsoil (C) broken down fragments (D) parent rock Short Answer Questions 17) Take a look at these two pictures. Which place do you think is more likely to experience soil erosion? Why? Place A Place B Ans. _P_la__c_e__A__is_m__o__re__l_ik_e_l_y_t_o__e_x_p_e__ri_e_n_c__e_s_o_i_l _e_r_o_s_io__n_b__e_c_a__u_s_e__th_e__re__a__re__n_o__t_re__e_s_._T_re__e_s_h__e_lp__ _to__h_o__ld__t_h_e__s_o_il_f_ro__m__b__e_in_g__b__lo_w__n__o_r_w__a_s_h_e__d__a_w__a_y_.___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 18) In which state of India would it be easy to grow an apple tree? Why? Ans. _Le__a_r_n_e_r_’_s_r_e_s_p_o_n__se___________________________________________________________________ _S_a_m__p_l_e_:_It__w_o__u_ld__b__e_e__a_s_y__to__g_r_o_w___a_n__a_p_p__le__t_re__e__in__J_a_m__m__u__a_n_d__K_a__sh__m__ir_b_e__c_a_u__se__i_t ____ _h_a_s_m__o__u_n_t_a_i_n_s_o_i_l.___________________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 19) Imagine that the soil in your region has been completely eroded. What can be the possible results of this? Discuss any two ways in which this would affect the region. Ans. _H_a_r_m__fu__l _g_a_s_e_s__su__c_h__a_s_c__a_r_b_o_n__d__io_x_i_d_e__w__ill_b__e__re_l_e_a__se__d__fr_o_m___th_e__s_o_i_l _in_t_o__t_h_e____________ _a_t_m_o__s_p_h_e_r_e_._T_h__e_re__w__il_l _b_e__lo__ss__o_f_g__a_s_e_s_s_u_c__h__a_s_n_i_t_ro_g__e_n__w__h_ic_h__a__re__n_e__e_d_e__d_b__y_p__la__n_t_s __ _to__g_r_o_w__._C__ro__p_s_w__il_l _n_o_t__g_r_o_w__w__e_ll_w__it_h_o__u_t_t_o_p_s_o__il._T_h__e_t_o_p__s_o_il_w__il_l _ta__k_e__h_u_n_d__re__d_s_o__f _y_e_a_r_s_ _to__b_e__r_e_p__la_c__e_d_._____________________________________________________________________ 20
____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Where do you live? Find out the kind of soil that is found in your region. What kind of crops can you grow in this region? Find out the same about two of your relatives who live somewhere else and complete the table given below. Ans. Learner’s response Sample: I Relative 1 Relative 2 Name Naina Doss Adarsh Rao Vipul Desai Place Assam Karnataka Gujarat Type of soil Laterite soil Red soil Black soil Crops that Tea Groundnut Cotton can be grown (draw and write) WB: Natural Resources: Soil 21
Map Practice 1) On the map of India, mark and label the following. a) two major tributaries of the Indus b) a rain-fed eastern peninsular river c) the river flowing through Rishikesh which is famous for river rafting Ans. a) Ravi a) Sutlej c) Ganga b) Mahanadi 2) On the map of India, mark and label the following. a) two states through which the Mahanadi flows b) two states through which the Narmada and the Tapi flow c) the state in which Jog Falls is located d) the state in which the Brahmaputra is used for transportation e) the state in which the Hooghly is used for fishing f) the state in which the Krishna meets the Bay of Bengal 22
Ans. b) Madhya e) West d) Assam Pradesh Bengal b) Gujarat a) Odisha c) Karnataka a) Chattisgarh f) Andhra Pradesh 3) Solve the clues and mark the answers on the map. a) the second longest river in India ________G__o_d_a__v_a_r_i_______ b) a river which begins in Tibet ________B_ra__h_m__a_p__u_tr_a_____ c) a distributary of the Ganga in West Bengal _________H__o_o_g_h__ly________ d) a river with five major tributaries _________I_n_d_u__s__________ Ans. d) Indus b) Brahmaputra c) Hooghly a) Godavari WB: Map Practice 23
4) On the map of India, colour and label the following. Make a key. a) an area where trees have broad, flat leaves (yellow) b) an area where cotton is grown (purple) c) an area where spices are grown (green) d) an area where a delta has formed (blue) Ans. c) Himachal Pradesh b) Gujarat d) West Bengal 24 a) Telangana KEY a) an area where trees have broad, flat leaves b) an area where cotton is grown c) an area where spices are grown d) an area where a delta has formed
5) On the map of India, colour and label the following. Make a key. a) an area where millets are grown b) an area where alluvial soil is found c) an area where groundnuts are grown d) an area where laterite soil is found Ans. a) Rajasthan b) Bihar d) Meghalaya c) Karnataka KEY a) an area where millets are grown b) an area where alluvial soil is found c) an area where groundnuts are grown d) an area where laterite soil is found 6) On the map of India, colour and label the following. Make a key. 25 WB: Map Practice
a) an area where coniferous forests are found (dark green) b) an area where mangroves are found (purple) c) an area where eucalyptus and rosewood trees grow (pink) d) an area where babul trees grow (brown) Ans. a) Jammu & Kashmir d) Rajasthan b) West Bengal c) Andaman & Nicobar Islands KEY a) an area where coniferous forests are found b) an area where mangroves are found c) an area where eucalyptus and rosewood trees grow d) an area where babul trees grow 26
Lesson 8 Indian History and Culture Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) The rulers of which dynasty originally built the Kallanai dam in Tamil Nadu? [B] (A) Gupta dynasty (B) Chola dynasty (C) Mughal dynasty (D) Kakatiya dynasty 2) Which of the following was the first large united kingdom in India? [A] (A) Mauryan Empire (B) Chola kingdom (C) Gupta Empire (D) Sena kingdom Fill in the Blanks 3) The ______I_n_d__u_s_V__a_l_le_y_______ Civilization was discovered by archaeologists in the 1920s. 4) A _________d_y_n_a__s_ty_________ is formed when a series of rulers or leaders belong to the same family. Very Short Answer Questions 5) What is the other name given to the Indus Valley Civilization? Ans. _H_a_r_a_p__p_a_n__C__iv_i_li_za__ti_o_n________________________________________________________________ 6) Mention any one source that can help us understand the history of a country. Ans. _A_r_ti_c_le__s_u_s_e_d__l_o_n_g__a__g_o_/_m__o_n_u__m__e_n_t_s_(_A_c__c_e_p__t _a_n_y__r_e_le__v_a_n_t__re_s_p__o_n_s_e_._)__________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘timeline’. How are the years on a timeline numbered? Ans. _A__ti_m__e_li_n_e__sh__o_w__s_t_h_e__im__p_o__rt_a_n_t__e_v_e_n__ts__o_f_t_h_e__p_a_s_t_i_n__th_e__o__rd__e_r_in__w__h_ic__h_t_h_e__y_h_a__p_p__e_n_e_d__. _Th__e__y_e_a_r_s_o_n__a__t_im__e_l_in_e__a_r_e__m__a_r_k_e_d__w__it_h_B__C__a_n_d__A__D_._T_h_e__y_e_a__rs__b_e_f_o_r_e__th__e_b__ir_th__o_f_______ 1
J_e__su__s_C_h__ri_st__a_r_e_m__a__rk_e__d_a__s_B_C__._T_h_e__y_e_a__rs_a__ft_e_r__th_e__b__ir_th__o_f_C__h_r_is_t_a__re__m__a_r_k_e_d__a_s__A_D__. _____ Understanding Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ 8) Kalidasa was a famous poet of the Gupta period. [ True ] 9) The Amaravati Stupa was built by Emperor Ashoka. [ False ] 10) The Warangal Fort and the Thousand Pillar Temple were built [ True ] during the rule of the Kakatiyas. [ False ] 11) Babur became the emperor after Akbar. Short Answer Questions 12) Why was the Gupta Empire called the Golden Age of India? Ans. T_h__e_G__u_p__ta__p__e_r_io_d__w__a_s__c_a_l_le_d__t_h_e__G__o_ld__e_n__A_g__e__o_f_I_n_d_i_a_f_o_r__m_a__n_y__a_c_h__ie_v_e__m_e__n_t_s_in__t_h_e___ f_ie__ld__s _o_f_s_c_i_e_n_c__e_,_a_r_t_a__n_d__li_te__ra__tu_r_e_._T_h__e_m__a__th__e_m__a_t_ic_i_a_n_,__A_r_y_a_b_h__a_t_a_,_a__n_d__th__e_p__o_e_t_,_____ K__a_li_d_a__sa__, _w_e__re__o__f _th__is_p__e_r_io_d__. ________________________________________________________ 13) Why did the Mauryan Empire not increase in size after the Battle of Kalinga? Ans. T_h__e_M__a__u_ry_a__n__E_m__p_ir_e__d_i_d_n__o_t_i_n_c_r_e_a_s_e__in__s_iz_e__a_f_t_e_r_t_h_e__B_a__tt_le__o_f__K_a_l_in_g__a_b__e_c_a__u_s_e________ K__in_g__A__sh__o_k_a__g_a__v_e__u_p__fi_g_h_t_in__g_w__a__rs_t_o__c_o__n_q_u_e__r _n_e_w___la_n__d_s_. _H_e__c_h__o_s_e_t_o__s_p_r_e_a_d__t_h_e______ m__e__ss_a__g_e__o_f_p__e_a_c__e_a__ft_e_r__it_. __________________________________________________________ Long Answer Question 14) Name the rulers shown in the pictures. Which kingdoms do they belong to? Compare the major features of the two kingdoms. Picture A Picture B 2
Ans. P__ic_t_u_r_e__A__–_A__k_b_a__r _fr_o_m___th__e_M__u_g__h_a_l_E_m__p__ir_e_;___________________________________________ P__ic_t_u_r_e__B_–__S_h_i_v_a_ji_f_r_o_m__t_h_e__M__a_r_a_t_h_a__c_o__n_f_e_d_e__ra__c_y_____________________________________ T_h__e_M__u_g__h_a_l_k_i_n_g_s__h_a_d__g__re_a__t_m__il_it_a_r_y_t_a_l_e_n_t__a_n_d__e_n__c_o_u_r_a_g__e_d__a_r_t_a__n_d__c_u_l_tu_r_e_._T_h__e_______ M__a__ra__th__a_s_w__e_r_e__p_o_p__u_la__r _fo__r_a__d_i_sc__ip_l_in_e__d__a_r_m__y_a__n_d__a_d_m__i_n_is_t_ra__ti_o_n_._B__o_t_h_t_h_e__M__u_g__h_a_l____ a__n_d__M__a_r_a_t_h_a__k_in__g_d_o__m__s _w__e_re__t_o_l_e_r_a_n_t_t_o_w__a_r_d_s__o_t_h_e_r_r_e_l_ig_i_o_n_s_._________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Application Multiple Choice Questions [B] 15) Which of the following buildings or monuments is the oldest? (A) (B) Taj Mahal Ajanta Caves (C) (D) Brihadeeswarar Temple Sindhudurg Fort 16) Look at the picture. Which dynasty did this ruler belong to? [B] (A) the Satavahanas (B) the Kakatiyas (C) the Mughals (D) the Marathas WB: Indian History and Culture 3
Short Answer Questions 17) If you were to choose a dynasty to rule India today, which one would you pick? Why? Ans. L_e__a_r_n_e_r_’s__re__sp__o_n_s_e___________________________________________________________________ S_a__m__p_le__: _I _w_o__u_ld__c__h_o_o_s_e__t_h_e__G__u_p_t_a__d_y_n_a__s_ty__t_o_r_u_l_e__In_d__ia__t_o_d_a__y_b__e_c_a__u_s_e_g__re__a_t_________ a__c_h_i_e_v_e_m__e__n_ts__w_e__re__m__a_d__e__in__t_h_e__fi_e_ld__s_o_f__a_rt_,_s_c_i_e_n_c__e_a__n_d__li_te__ra__tu__re__d_u__ri_n_g__th__e_ir_r_u_l_e_.___ 18) Manav sees Jyoti scribbling on the walls of the Red Fort. Is Jyoti doing the right thing? What should Manav do? Ans. L_e__a_r_n_e_r_’s__re__sp__o_n_s_e___________________________________________________________________ S_a__m__p_le__: _J_y_o_t_i’_s_a__c_t_io_n__s_a_r_e__w_r_o_n__g_._S_c_r_ib__b_li_n_g__w__ill_d__a_m__a_g__e_t_h_e__R_e__d__F_o_r_t._M__a__n_a_v__s_h_o_u_l_d__ r_e_q__u_e_s_t_J_y_o__ti_t_o__st_o_p__. _If__sh__e_d__o_e_s__n_o_t__h_e__c_a_n__in__fo__rm___a_n__a_d_u__lt_. __________________________ Long Answer Question 23 1 19) Read the clues and solve the crossword. AK BAR W Across A 2. This Mughal emperor was tolerant towards N R all religions. A 4 6. It was built in the memory of Mumtaz Mahal. CN 7. The ruins of the ancient city of Vijayanagara are present here. HO N Down O 5 G 1. It was the ancient capital of DA the Kakatiyas. LO S A 6 T A J MAH AL IO 3. It is the full form of AD. N K 4. Brihadeeswarar Temple was built by A 7 H A MP I this dynasty. I 5. The national emblem of India was built S under the rule of this ruler. T O 7. It is the study of the past. R Y 4
Higher Order Thinking Skills (H.O.T.S.) Long Answer Question 20) Monuments are an important source of history. Why do you think it is important to study history and learn about culture? Hints: :KDWFDQWKHVWXG\\RIKLVWRU\\WHOOXVDERXWKXPDQEHLQJV\" :K\\LVLWLPSRUWDQWWROHDUQDERXWGLIIHUHQWFXOWXUHV\" $UHFXOWXUHVVLPLODUWRRUGLIIHUHQWIURPHDFKRWKHU\" Ans. L_e__a_r_n_e_r_’_s _re__s_p_o_n_s_e___________________________________________________________________ S__a_m__p_l_e_: _L_e_a__rn_i_n_g__a_b__o_u_t_c__u_lt_u_r_e_s_h__e_lp__s_u_s__u_n_d_e__rs_t_a_n_d__o__u_r _o_w__n__p_e_o__p_le__a__n_d__th__e_________ s_i_m__ila__ri_ti_e_s_a__n_d__d_i_ff_e_r_e_n_c__e_s_b__e_t_w_e__e_n__th__e_m__. _H_i_st_o_r_y__is_t_h_e__s_t_u_d_y__o_f_t_h_e__p_a__s_t._T_h_e__re__fo__re_,____ s_t_u_d__y_in_g__h_i_s_to__ry__h_e_l_p_s_u__s _c_o__m_p__a_r_e__th_e__c__u_lt_u_r_e_s_a__n_d__p_r_a_c_t_i_c_e_s_o__f_p_e__o_p_l_e__to__d_a_y__w__it_h_t_h_e__ p__ra__c_t_ic_e__s_i_n_t_h_e__p_a__s_t.________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ WB: Indian History and Culture 5
Lesson 9 The Indian Constitution Remembering Multiple Choice Questions 1) When did the Constitution of India come into force? [B] [A] (A) 26 January 1930 (B) 26 January 1950 (C) 15 August 1947 (D) 15 August 1950 2) What is the national song of India? (A) Vande mataram (B) Jana gana mana (C) Saare jahan se achha (D) Ae mere watan ke logon Fill in the Blanks 3) The Constitution of India is the _________lo__n_g_e__st_________ written constitution in the world. 4) The Indian Constitution was written by ____D_r__B_R__A__m__b_e_d__k_a_r____ and a team of very educated leaders of India. Very Short Answer Questions 5) What do we call the symbols that represent India? Ans. N__a_t_io__n_a_l_s_y_m__b_o__ls____________________________________________________________________ 6) Which is the national fruit of India? Ans. M__a__n_g_o______________________________________________________________________________ Short Answer Question 7) Define ‘constitution’. Mention one thing that a constitution tells us. Ans. A___c_o_n_s_t_it_u_t_io_n__i_s _a__re__c_o_r_d__o_f_r_u_le__s_f_o_r_t_h_e__g_o_v_e__rn__m_e__n_t_a_n__d__th_e__c__it_iz_e_n_s__o_f_a__c_o__u_n_t_ry_.______ A___c_o_n_s_t_it_u_t_io_n__t_e_ll_s_u_s__a_b_o__u_t_t_h_e__ri_g_h_t_s_a__n_d__d_u_t_ie__s_o_f__th_e__c__it_iz_e_n_s_.________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 6
Understanding Write ‘True’ or ‘False’ 8) Our Fundamental Right is to follow the Constitution and respect it. [ False ] 9) According to the Right to Equality, we are all equal, no matter what our [ True ] religion, gender or place of birth is. 10) National symbols say that everybody is equal. [ False ] 11) The Indian Constitution states that children up to the age of 10 have the right to receive free education. [ False ] Short Answer Questions 12) Why is the Preamble important? Can you think of a value that it stands for? Ans. T_h__e_P__re_a__m__b_le__i_s_im__p__o_rt_a__n_t_b_e__c_a_u_s_e__it__te__lls__u_s_a__b_o_u_t__th__e_a__im__s_o__f _th__e__c_o_n_s_t_it_u_t_io_n__i_n_b__ri_e_f_. _ _Th__e_p__re__a_m__b_l_e_s_t_a_n_d__s_f_o_r_e_q__u_a_l_it_y_.____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ 13) Explain the meaning of ‘Fundamental Duties’. Mention any one such duty that you Ans. think is important. F_u__n_d_a__m_e__n_t_a_l_d_u_t_i_e_s_a__re__t_h_e__d_u_t_ie__s_o_f_e__v_e_r_y_c__it_iz_e_n__o_f_I_n_d_i_a_._P_r_o_t_e_c__ti_n_g__p_u_b__lic__p__ro__p_e_r_ty___ _a_n_d__n_e_v__e_r_d_a__m__a_g_i_n_g__it_i_s_o_n__e_s_u_c__h_d__u_t_y_t_h_a__t _I _th__in_k__is__im__p_o_r_t_a_n_t_._______________________ _(A__c_c_e__p_t_a_n__y_r_e_l_e_v_a_n__t _re__sp__o_n_s_e_._)_____________________________________________________ WB: The Indian Constitution 7
Long Answer Question 14) Look at the given word search puzzle. Find and circle eight words related to the Constitution of India. B R AMB E D K A R EQUA L I T YD J HU TOJ E L NUU NW L WGMG F T S B Z BBUXRX I T F R E E DOMX E I R E PUB L I CSC P L UW L Z H R B E P R E AMB L E NA U H R R I GH T SM Application Multiple Choice Questions 15) Mayura’s parents are doctors. But she wants to become a fashion designer. [B] According to you, which fundamental right allows Mayura to become a [D] fashion designer? (A) Right to Equality (B) Right to Freedom (C) Right to Education (D) Right against Exploitation 16) Why should we stand up when we sing ‘Jana gana mana’? (A) It is a holy song. (B) It is our national song. (C) It was written by (D) It is our national anthem. Rabindranath Tagore. 8