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Published by IMAX, 2021-12-09 14:16:22

Description: 9110707_ALPINE_SA1_QP_2Part_G03_SOCIAL_BEG_A_80_AY1920_AK


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Grade :3 Time :150 Subject :EVS-II (Social Studies) Minutes Marks :80 Teacher's Copy 6M Section - A Multiple Choice Questions [ C ] __ /1M Choose the correct answer: [ D ] __ /1M 1. Mani’s father is a fisherman in the Bay of Bengal. Where [ B ] __ /1M does Mani live? [ D ] __ /1M (A) in the Great Indian Desert (B) in the Northern Mountains (C) in the Coastal Plains (D) in the Northern Plain 2. On which planet do the fast storms blow? (A) Jupiter (B) Earth (C) Mars (D) Neptune 3. Pramila visited several holy cities on the banks of the river Ganga. Which region did she visit? (A) the Islands (B) the Northern Plain (C) the Great Indian Desert (D) the Southern Plateau 4. Which of the following is an example of public transport? (A) (B) (C) (D)

5. A scientist sent a rocket to Uranus. Now, she wants to send it [ B ] __ /1M [ A ] __ /1M to a colder planet. Which among the following planets should she send it to? (A) Jupiter (B) Neptune (C) Earth (D) Mars 6. What would you do to locate your school on a map of the entire city? (A) zoom in (B) top view (C) measure (D) zoom out Section - B Very Short Answer Questions 25 M Answer the following questions in a word or a sentence: __ /1M 7. Based on its physical features, how many regions can India be __ /1M divided into? __ /1M __ /1M A. Six __ /1M 8. What is the capital of Nagaland? __ /1M A. Kohima __ /1M 9. Which water body lies to the south of India? __ /1M A. Indian Ocean __ /1M 10. Which is the largest Indian state? A. Rajasthan 11. What do we call a system where a set of planets continuously moves around a star? A. A planetary system 12. What is the movement of the Earth around its axis called? A. Rotation Fill in the blanks: 13. More than half of the Indian population lives in villages. 14. India is the third-largest country in Asia. 15. Horizon is the line where the sky and the Earth appear to meet.

16. India is the world's seventh-largest country. __ /1M __ /1M 17. The name of our galaxy is the Milky Way. __ /1M Write True or False: __ /1M __ /1M 18. The revolution of the Earth causes different seasons. __ /1M A. True __ /1M 19. The Earth’s axis is slightly tilted. A. True __ /1M 20. Curved lines on a map divide it into equal parts. __ /1M A. False __ /1M 21. A map of India shows my neighbourhood. __ /1M A. False __ /1M 22. The Himalayas are a feature of the Southern Plateau. A. False Name the following: 23. A human-made object orbiting the Earth at a distance of 350 km A. International Space Station 24. The area around one's house A. Neighbourhood 25. The triangle-shaped physical feature to the south of India A. Indian Peninsula 26. The part of a map where the signs used in it are explained A. Key/Legend 27. The physical feature found between India and China A. Northern Mountains

Match the following: __ /2M __ /2M 28. Write the correct letters in the brackets to match the following. 1. Municipal corporation [ d ] a. Looks after a state 2. Gram Panchayat [ c ] b. Local government present in towns 3. Municipal council [ b ] c. Local government present in villages 4. State government [ a ] d. Local government present in cities 29. Write the correct letters in the brackets to match the following. 1. Mars [ b ] a. Sixth planet from the Sun 2. Stars [ d ] b. Fourth planet from the Sun 3. Saturn [ a ] c. Has countless galaxies 4. Universe [ c ] d. Burning, ball-shaped objects in space Section - C Short Answer Questions 14 M Answer the following question(s) in two to three sentences: __ /2M 30. What is meant by revolution? How many days does the Earth take to __ /2M complete one revolution? A. When a planet or satellite travels around a heavenly body in a fixed path, it is called revolution. The Earth takes 365 1/4 days to complete one revolution around the Sun. 31. What is a union territory? Name one union territory. A. A union territory is an area that is directly governed by the central government. Lakshadweep is a union territory.

32. Write any two differences between the movements of the Earth. __ /2M A. Rotation: __ /2M a) The spinning of the Earth around its axis is called rotation. __ /2M b) The Earth takes about 24 hours or one day to complete one __ /2M rotation. c) The rotation of the Earth causes day and night. Revolution: a) The movement of the Earth around the Sun along a fixed path is called revolution. b) The Earth takes 365 1/4 days or one year to complete one revolution around the Sun. c) The revolution of the Earth causes seasons and years. (Accept any two differences.) 33. Write any two differences between landmarks and directions. A. Landmarks: 1) Landmarks are buildings or objects that are easy to locate from a distance. 2) Not all maps show landmarks. 3) Example: a school Directions: 1) Directions are used to find the position or location of a place on a map. 2) All maps show directions. 3) Example: north/south/east/west (Accept any two differences.) 34. Every citizen has some duties towards the country. Similarly, the government also has some duties. Briefly explain any two duties of the government. A. It is the government’s duty to preserve monuments, forests, water bodies and so on. Another duty is to provide aid during bad events such as earthquakes and floods. 35. What did people think about the shape of the Earth in ancient times? Why? A. In ancient times, people thought that the Earth was flat. There was no way to see the curve of the Earth.

36. Number the following events in the order they happened. __ /2M A. Section - D Graphic Organisers 4M 37. __ /2M A.

38. Complete the following. __ /2M A. Section - E Long Answer Questions 16 M Answer the following question(s) in four to five sentences: __ /4M Answer any ONE of the following questions __ /4M 39. Kalpana Chawla, an astronaut of Indian origin, met with an accident on her way back from a space journey. Do you think space explorations should be well planned? Write any three points to support your answer. A. Learner’s response Sample: Yes, space explorations should be well planned. They cost a lot of money. If they are not planned properly, they can lead to accidents in space, loss of life and loss of equipment. (OR) 40. Describe a comet. Name a famous comet. A. A comet is a bright, speeding heavenly body that travels around the Sun. It is made up of ice, gas and dust. It forms a bright tail when it is close to the Sun. A famous comet is the Halley’s Comet.

Answer any ONE of the following questions __ /4M __ /4M 41. Describe how the Northern Plain affects the lives of the people living there. A. The Northern Plain is flat and has many rivers. The rivers have made the soil here good for growing crops. So, many people practise farming in this region. They grow crops such as rice, wheat and sugarcane. The river Ganga flows through this region. Many holy cities are located on its banks. (OR) 42. Describe the Great Indian Desert. Mention two cities which are part of it. A. The Great Indian Desert region is also known as the Thar Desert. It is covered with sand dunes. Here, the summers are very hot and the winters are very cold. This region receives very little rainfall. Jaisalmer and Bikaner are two cities which are part of this region. Answer any ONE of the following questions 43. Give four differences between a city and a village. __ /4M Village City A. Village City a) It is smaller in size. a) It is larger in size. b) It is less polluted. b) It is more polluted. c) It does not have an c) It can have an airport. airport. d) It has more greenery d) It has less greenery and open space. and open space. (OR)

44. Can a desert and a rice field be part of the same region? Why or __ /4M why not? Explain. A. In India, deserts are found in the Great Indian Desert region. The Great Indian Desert has less rain and is not fertile. So, rice is not grown in a desert. The Northern Plain has many rivers and is very fertile. Rice farming is mostly done in the Northern Plain. Hence, the two places cannot be part of the same region. Answer any ONE of the following questions __ /4M __ /4M 45. Explain why some planets are hotter than other planets. Why is Venus the hottest planet? A. Planets that are closer to the Sun are hotter. Planets like Neptune, which are farther away from the Sun are cooler than planets like Mercury, which are closer to the Sun. Venus is the hottest planet because its atmosphere traps heat from the Sun, making its surface very hot. (OR) 46. Why are measurements important in a map? Describe with an example how a map of a large area can be fitted on a small page. A. Correct measurements are important because they help to mark the correct positions of things on a map. They also help measure the space between two objects or places on a map. A scale can be used to change larger distances into smaller ones. For example, if the distance from the bookshop to the park is 1 kilometre, on a map it can be shown as 1 centimetre. Now the entire distance between different places can be easily fitted onto a page.

Section - F Map/Picture Based Questions 15 M 47. This is a map showing facilities provided by the government at __ /5M Rahimpur. Complete the table on the names and types of facilities provided by the government. Which facility is missing? Is the missing facility an important one? Name of Facility Type of Facility A. Type of Facility Name of Facility School, college Educational facility Park Entertainment facility Bus depot Public transport facility Healthcare facilities are missing. These are an important facility because the government is responsible for looking after the health of the people.

48. On the map of India, colour and label the following. __ /5M a) a state in the Northern Plain (green) b) a state in the Peninsular Plateau (blue) c) a state in the Great Indian Desert (yellow) d) a state that has the Eastern Coastal Plains (brown) e) a state that has the Western Coastal Plains (orange)

A. (Accept any relevant response. If a learner has not brought colours they may label and write the name of the colour for each state.)

49. On the given map, mark the following neighbouring countries of __ /5M India. a) China b) Myanmar c) Nepal d) Sri Lanka e) Bangladesh


Section - G Surprise Question 5M Try this! __ /5M 50. Solve the given puzzle. Put the number for each strip in the correct box. Guess what is shown when the numbers are put in the correct order. Two have been done for you. A. The Earth

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