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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2021-05-21 05:18:06

Description: 212210101-UNICORN-STUDENT-BOOK-EVS-UKG-FY


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Match Pictures to Description Read the sentences and match to the correct helper by drawing lines. I guard buildings. Plumber I mend your shoes. Carpenter I fix leaking taps. Cobbler Watchman I sweep roads. I make Sweeper furniture. 102

Identify the Helpers Read the sentences and help the children go to the right helper. Plumber Doctor Cobbler Policeman 1) Neha is ill. She needs to go to a 2) Mohan’s shoe is torn. He needs to go to a 3) Mrs. Das’s purse got stolen. She needs to go to a 4) Minnie’s kitchen pipe is leaking. She needs to call a 103

21) Good Manners Good Manners Do not talk when you eat. Take small bites. Do not spill food. Use a napkin to wipe your mouth. Wait for your turn in a Say ‘thank you’ when queue. you get a gift. Listen when Cover your mouth when you somebody talks. sneeze or cough. Say ‘excuse me’ right after. 104

Choose the Correct Answers Tick (P) the correct statements and cross (X) the incorrect statements. 1) We should use a napkin while we eat. 2) We should not share food with our friends. 3) We should not spill food while we eat. 4) We should chew food with our mouths closed. 105

Understanding Values Care and respect people around us. Respect and help elders. Share and care. I am Tina, we hungry. can share this sandwich. 106

Practising Values Help and do your chores. Siya helps her teachers in Manu helps his dad in class. household chores. Anam helps her mom in Sammy helps his friends. the kitchen. 107

Mark the Good Values Picture Tick (P) the picture which shows the good value. 108

Identify Good Values Tick (P) the picture in each row which shows the child with good values. Johnny, Johnny, did you finish did you finish the chocolate? the chocolate? No! Yes, Papa. I am sorry. I did not share. 109

Choose Good Values See the pictures. Tick (P) the picture that shows a good value. This is Tanuj. He wants Zoya too got less marks in to hide something from the unit test. But she goes his mom and tell a lie. to her mom and is honest. I got less marks Mom, I got less in my test. I will not marks in the test. tell my mom about this. Next time, I will I will say that we did study hard and get not get the marks. good marks. Who do you think is correct? 110

22) Save Our Planet I Take Care of the Earth We live on planet Earth. We need to take care of the Earth. Here are a few things we can do to protect it. Do not waste Recycle and reuse paper Plant trees. paper. and plastic. Do not waste Turn off the lights Reduce the use of water. and fans when motor vehicles. Walk not needed. and cycle whenever you can. 111

Mark the Choices to Save the Earth Tick (P) the choices that will help to save the earth. 112

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