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Published by CLASSKLAP, 2021-05-21 05:18:06

Description: 212210101-UNICORN-STUDENT-BOOK-EVS-UKG-FY


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Mark the Correct Actions Read the sentences. Tick (P) the healthy food habit and cross (X) the unhealthy food habit. You are going home from school and you are hungry. You are outside and you are thirsty. It is lunch time. 52

10) Well Being Exercise is Good for Me Read the sentences. They tell you why you need to exercise. Exercise is good for our body. It keeps us healthy and strong. We need to run, walk, play and jog for at least 30 minutes everyday. 53

Mark the Exercises Here is a list of activities. Put a tick (P) on the activities that are exercises. Sleeping Cycling Swimming Playing Watching television Running 54

11) Day and Night Meals in a Day We eat three meals in a day. Breakfast Morning 8 AM Lunch Afternoon 1 PM Dinner Night 7 PM 55

Match Meals to Times Look at the situations and identify the time of the day. Match the time of the day to the right meal by drawing lines. I just got up Lunch from sleep. I am feeling hungry. Morning It is noon. Noon Dinner I am Night Breakfast hungry. I am tired and I want to sleep. But I am feeling hungry. 56

My Day Here are a few things I do during the day. This is my daily routine. Go to Wake up Brush my bed teeth Eat dinner Have a bath Play time Study Get time dressed Eat Eat breakfast lunch Go back Go to home school 57

Match Activities to Time Draw lines to match the day activities to the Sun and the night activities to the Moon. 58

12) Calendar Days of the Week There are seven days in a week. 59

Missing Days of the Week Help the caterpillar find the missing days of the week and write them in the given space. Sunday Tuesday Thursday Saturday 60

What Comes Next? Recall the names of the days of the week and write what comes next in the lines. SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY THURSDAY What day comes after Wednesday? What day comes after Sunday? What day comes after Saturday? What day comes after Monday? 61

Months of the Year There are twelve months in a year. Point to the months and read them aloud. 1 23 4 678 9 10 11 12 62

Months of the Year Number the months in the given boxes. One is done for you. 1 63

13) Water Uses of Water Water is important for us. Read the sentences to learn about the different uses of water. Watering plants Bathing We all need water to live. Animals Washing need water clothes to drink Drinking Cooking 64

Mark Uses of Water Tick (P) the activities for which we need water. 65

Sources of Water There are different sources of water. We get water from rains, rivers, lakes, streams and wells. Sources of water Rain Well Rivers 66

Match Water Sources to Names Match the sources of water to their names by drawing lines. Rain River Well 67

14) Vehicles Land Vehicles We use different modes of transportation to travel from one place to another. Here are a few vehicles that we use to travel by land. Scooter Auto Cycle Train Truck Bus Car Emergency Vehicles Here are a few of the land vehicles that help people in emergency situations. Ambulance Fire Truck 68

Water Vehicles Here are a few vehicles we use to travel by water. Ship Boat Air Vehicles Here are a few vehicles we use to travel by air. Aeroplane Helicopter 69

Match Vehicles to Transportation Modes Draw lines to match the vehicles to their modes of transportation. Air Land Water 70

Mark Air Vehicles Tick (P) the vehicles used for travel by air. Circle (O) the vehicles used for travel by land. Ship Fire Truck Aeroplane Bus Boat Truck Ambulance Helicopter Scooter 71

Write Vehicle Names Write the names of the pictures of the vehicles in the lines. Ship Scooter Train Aeroplane Bus Cycle 72

Bus, Train and Aeroplane Here are the places from where we get on different vehicles. You can find a bus at the bus stop. You can find a train at the railway station. You can find an aeroplane at the airport. 73

Where Do I Need to Go? Draw lines to match the places to where Hari, Pema and Alia need to go. I need to catch a bus. Where do I go? Railway Station I need to catch a train. Where do I go? Airport I need to catch an aeroplane. Where do I go? Bus Stop 74

15) Colours Around Us Red, Blue and Yellow Here are a few objects that are red, blue and yellow. Red Blue Yellow Tomato Bird Sun Rose Bus Crayon Lemon Sky Bananas 75

Orange, Green and Purple We get more colours when we mix red, blue and yellow. Let us see how. Yellow + Red Blue + Yellow Red + Blue = Orange = Green = Purple Orange Coloured Objects Green Coloured Objects Purple Coloured Objects Orange Leaf Grapes Fish Grasshopper Brinjal Carrot Frog Flower 76

Match the Colours Match the colours to the pictures of the objects of the same colour by drawing lines. 77

Match Objects to Colours Match the pictures of the objects to their colour names by drawing lines. Green Purple Yellow Orange Red 78

Name the Colours Write the names of the colour of each picture. Use the word bank. Red Yellow Orange Green Blue Purple 79

16) Plants and Trees Plants in My World You have seen different plants and trees around you. Do they look the same? Trees A few trees are big and tall with hard bodies and branches such as these. Mango Coconut Pine Plants A few plants grow by spreading on the ground. They have stems that are thin and not strong enough to stand straight such as these. Pumpkin Watermelon 80

Uses of Plants A few thin stemmed plants climb up with the support of sticks or other trees such as these. They are called climbers. Money Plant Grape Vine A few very small plants are used for cooking or as medicinal plants such as these. Mint Coriander A few plants are short and bushy such as these. Rose Marigold 81

Match Similar Plants and Trees Match the similar types of plants and trees by drawing lines. Coconut Marigold Coriander Rose Pumpkin Mint Oak Watermelon 82

Uses of Trees Let us learn about the uses of trees. Trees give us shade. Trees give shelter to birds. Trees give us medicine Trees give us flowers, and clean air. fruits and vegetables. 83

Mark Uses of Plants and Trees Tick (P) the pictures that show the uses of plants and trees. Shade and Clean Air Milk Plastic Toy Car Flowers Egg Flower Garlands Medicines Fruits and Vegetables 84

Parts of a Plant Look at the picture of a plant. Point to each part and say its name. A plant has leaves, stem, roots, flowers and fruits. Fruit Flower Leaf Stem Roots 85

Match Plant Parts to Names Match the parts of a plant to their names by drawing lines. Fruit Stem Flower Roots Leaf 86

17) Animals Types of Animals Animals can be of different types. Animals which live in the forest are called wild animals. Animals which can be found in our neighbourhood are called domestic animals. Can you guess which of these animals are wild and which are domestic? Horse Cat Lion Cow Zebra Dog Elephant Rabbit Tiger 87

Mark the Wild Animals Circle (0) the wild animal in each row. 88

Mark the Animals Look at the pictures of the animals. Write ‘D’ for domestic animals and ‘W’ for wild animals. Horse Cat Lion Cow Zebra Dog Elephant Rabbit Tiger 89

Young Ones Here are some animals and their young ones. Point to them and learn their names. Cow Calf Dog Puppy Cat Kitten Lion Cub Sheep Lamb Piglet Pig 90

Match Animals to Young Ones Match the animals to their young ones by drawing lines. Lion Calf Dog Kitten Cow Cub Cat Piglet Pig Puppy 91

Uses of Animals Animals help us in different ways. We get wool from sheep. Donkeys carry loads. We get eggs from hens. We get milk from animals like Dogs guards our buffaloes, goats and cows. houses. 92

Match Animals to the Help Provided Draw lines and match the animals to the help provided by them. Sheep Eggs Dog Milk Cow Safety Hen Wool 93

18) Birds Types of Birds Here are a few birds that can fly. Point to each picture and say the name aloud. Eagle Crow Parrot Pigeon Here are a few birds that cannot fly. Point to each picture and say the name aloud. Hen Ostrich Kiwi Here are a few birds that can swim. Point to each picture and say the name aloud. Duck Swan Penguin 94

Match Birds to Names Match the pictures of the birds to their names by drawing lines. Hen Parrot Ostrich Crow Duck Penguin 95

19) Insects and Reptiles Types of Insects and Reptiles Here are a few insects that live around us. Point to each picture and say the name aloud. Honey Bee Grasshopper Butterfly Ant Spider Ladybug Cockroach Mosquito Here are some reptiles that we see around us and in a zoo. Snake Turtle Crocodile Lizard 96

Mark Insects and Reptiles Cross (X) the insects and tick (P) the reptiles. Snake Grasshopper Butterfly Cockroach Spider Crocodile Turtle Ladybug Mosquito Ant Lizard Honey Bee 97

20) People Who Help Us Helping Hands Here are a few people in our community who help us with their work. Let us see how each of them help us. A carpenter makes furniture. A cobbler mends shoes. A farmer grows grains and A sweeper sweeps roads. vegetables. 98

Helping Hands Here are a few more people in our community who help us with their work. Let us see how each of them help us. A fireman puts fires out. A driver drives cars. A watchman guards A plumber fixes leaking buildings. taps. 99

Match Helpers to Tools Match the people with the tools they use by drawing lines. Doctor Carpenter Sweeper Cobbler 100

Mark Incorrect Tools A carpenter is at work. Among these tools, there are a few which he does not need. Can you cross (X) them out? 101

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