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3) buzz – 4) cluck – Module 5 47 NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 51 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM

5) mew – 6) hoot – 48 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 52

Exercise 2.2: Match the pictures with the animal sounds. Column A Column B 1) a) moo duck 2) b) oink snake 3) c) quack frog 4) d) hiss cow 5) e) bark pig 6) f) croak dog Module 5 49 NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 53 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM

Grammar Describing words We went to a beautiful beach on Sunday. It was a bright day, and there were big waves in the sea. My parents had carried five sandwiches and juicy apples for us. After playing in the water, we spent time counting the boats and ships on the water. There were eight ships! The beach also had yellow sand. We made a tall sandcastle with the sand. It was a fun day. The words ‘beautiful’, ‘bright’, ‘big’, ‘five’, ‘juicy’, ’eight’, ‘yellow’, ‘tall’ and ‘fun’ tell us more about the naming words. They are describing words. Describing words usually come before naming words. Describing words can be of many kinds. They answer questions about naming words such as ‘what kind?’ and ‘how many?’. 50 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 54

Read the paragraph on the previous page again and then read the table given below. What kind of? How many? beautiful beach five sandwiches bright day eight ships big waves juicy apples yellow sand tall sandcastle fun day Can you think of describing words for the following naming words? kitten tree ice cream Exercise 3.1: Draw pictures using the labels. 1)  2)    yellow Sun   three bananas NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 55 Module 5 51 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM

3)  4)    small mouse   sad boy 5)  6)    big house   red ball Exercise 3.2: Underline the naming words. Then, draw a star on top of each describing word in these sentences. One is done for you.  1) The sweet apples are on the floor. 2) The fluffy kitten is sleeping. 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM 52 NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 56

3) She has long hair. 4) There are five birds in the sky. 5) The grass is tall. 6) This flag has three colours. Exercise 3.3: Complete the following paragraph with describing words of your choice. One is done for you. I like eating sweet ice cream in summer. I had ice cream cones once! In winters, I drink tea or milk. I wear a sweater too. When it NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 57 Module 5 53 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM

rains, I use a umbrella. I also wear a raincoat. Exercise 3.4: Draw or paste a picture of yourself in the box given below. 54 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 58

Now, fill in the blanks with words that describe you. Add a full stop when you complete a sentence. 1) I am years old. 2) I have hair. 3) My eyes are 4) My clothes are in colour. 5) My voice is 6) My handwriting is Module 5 55 NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 59 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM

Writing Jumbled sentences Exercise 4.1: The words in the given sentences are mixed up. Put the words in the correct order and rewrite each sentence. Remember that each sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a full stop. One is done for you. 1) cat mat. The sat the on Ans. The cat sat on the mat. 2) have dress. new a I Ans. 3) going Tina to is school. Ans. . 56 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 60

4) to am beach. going I the Ans. . 5) lives My uncle Deoli. in Ans. . Stretch a sentence When you stretch out a sentence, you give more details and make the sentence sound much better. You can add all kinds of details. Read the questions and answers below to find out. Who? My dog is doing what? is sleeping Where? on her mat When? all day Why? because she is lazy. Now, join the answers and your sentence is ready! My dog is sleeping on her mat all day because she is lazy. Module 5 57 NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 61 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM

Exercise 4.2: Answer the following questions and make sentences. 1) Who? The bus is doing what? where? when? why? Ans. . 2) Who? The cat is doing what? where? when? 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM why? 58 NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 62

Ans. . 3) Who? My friend . is doing what? where? Module 5 59 when? why? 12/24/2018 2:17:41 PM Ans. 4) Who? I is doing what? where? NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 63

when? . why? Ans. . 5) Who? The boy 12/24/2018 2:17:42 PM is doing what? where? when? why? Ans. 60 NR_BGM_9789388700078 ALPINE G01 ENGLISH WORKBOOK PART 1_Text.pdf 64

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