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by classklap ENGLISH WORKBOOK - PART 1 Enhanced Edition 1

Preface IMAX partners with schools, supporting them with learning materials and processes that are all crafted to work together as an interconnected system to drive learning. IMAX presents the latest version of the Summit series – specially crafted as an accompanying workbook series for the Maharashtra state board textbooks. The Summit series endeavours to be faithful to the spirit of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) 2005 in conjunction with the content covered and approach adopted in the Maharashtra state board textbooks. The Class 1 workbooks are based on the latest edition of the Class 1 textbooks released for the academic year 2018-19. A close mapping has been undertaken to ensure that the workbooks support and add value to the textbook content. The NCF 2005 asserts: ‘Speech and listening, reading and writing, are all generalised skills, and children’s mastery over them becomes the key factor affecting success at school. In many situations, all of these skills need to be used together.’ The English workbooks and Grammar & Composition books for the Summit series strive hard to provide adequate opportunities for students to practise all the four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW). Below are some salient features of the Summit English workbooks series:  Summaries of the Balbharati English textbook lessons  Inclusion of pictures for word meanings in each lesson to help students with visual clues for new or difficult words for grades 1 & 2  Meanings of difficult words from the lessons provided, along with example sentences for grades 3, 4 & 5  Coverage of all textbook questions, along with adequate space for writing  ‘Quick Check’ questions at the start of every workbook lesson to recapitulate details of the textbook lesson for grades 3, 4 & 5  Inclusion of questions based on comprehension, vocabulary, judgement & appreciation and speaking skills for grades 3, 4 & 5 Here are some salient features of the Summit Grammar & Composition series:  The grammar concepts covered have a horizontal and vertical progression across grades, providing a spiral of cumulative learning  Inclusion of age-appropriate picture reading for grades 1 & 2, and reading comprehension passages for grades 3, 4 & 5  Inclusion of samples for format-based writing to provide for scaffolding of learning of formal writing  Provision of audio pieces for honing listening skills for grades 4 & 5 Overall, the IMAX English Summit series aims to generate greater engagement with the students and enhance fluency in English language communication, while providing them with an opportunity to develop a genuine appreciation of the language and its literature. – The Authors

Workbook Features Lesson Summary PicDtiucrteatGiolonssary Contains a short summary of the Includes pictures of new words from lesson from the textbook the lesson to convey the meanings of words Speak LisDteicntation Contains speaking activities that can be used as Formative Exercises to develop students’ listening Assessments skills ReDaicdtation WDriitcetation Exercises to develop reading skills Exercises to develop writing skills on questions based on the lesson AcDtiicvtitaytion Engaging activities that encourage students to make real-life connections with the lesson

TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson Page No. Unit 1 1 4 1) A Happy Song 9 2) Nature 13 3) Action Time 17 4) Know Each Other 20 5) Let’s Learn Alphabet 22 6) Make Words 25 7) Letters on a Tab and Computer Keyboard 28 8) Sounds in the Middle of Words 32 9) Soham’s Ball 34 10) Things that Go Together 11) Number Song 39 43 Unit 2 46 51 1) Rain 55 2) Things in My Classroom 59 3) Colours 4) Magic Seed 5) Who are you? 6) Be Quick

TABLE OF CONTENTS Lesson Page No. Unit 3 63 69 1) Bow, Wow 73 2) Jungle Safari 80 3) Toto - The Hen 83 4) Let's Know More About Animals 5) Surprise Birthday Party Unit 4 88 92 1) An Action Song 96 2) Sunny and Mini 100 3) Good Habits 104 4) Favourite Things 108 5) The Helpful Girl 111 6) Word House 118 7) Bicycle 8) Where is the cat?

Unit 1 H M AT T

Lesson 1: A Happy Song I have read the lesson ‘A Happy Song’. From this poem, we learn the actions we sometimes do to show that we are happy. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word toes hands and feet walk jump together 1 tap A Happy Song

Listen 1) Listen carefully to your teacher. Your teacher will say some action words. Do the actions he or she calls out. Now, tick the pictures that show the actions that you did. sing a song tap your feet wave your hands say hurray! turn around touch the ground touch your nose touch your toes 2 Write 2) Trace these words from the poem. clap hands a) b)

feet walk c) d) around e) f) together Now, trace the capital letters that each of the words begins with. C H a) b) c) F W d) A T e) f) Activity 3) Draw a for the things that you do together with your friends and ✭family members and a for the things that you do alone. 3 brush eat play A Happy Song

Lesson 2: Nature I have read the lesson ‘Nature’. From this poem, we learn that nature or the natural world we see around us has many qualities. Sometimes it is strong and smart. At other times it is moody and beautiful. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word might moody beauty smart 4

Listen (Section 1 – pages 77-86) 1) Listen to the instructions and draw a picture. 5 Nature

Write 2) Read the sentences given below. Write the names of the things described. Join the dots to help you guess the names of the things. a) I fly in the sky. I have a beak. b) I am bright and yellow. 6 I give heat and light.

c) I am big and strong. I have leaves and fruits. Activity 3) L  ook at the pictures given below. Colour those things that are a part of nature. Hint: The things that people make are not a part of nature. 7 Nature


Lesson 3: Action Time I have read the lesson ‘Action Time’. From this lesson, we learn how to do different actions. We can do these actions to relax and take a break from our work. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word raise your close and hand open hop left and 9 right Action Time

Word Meaning Meaning Word stop shake Listen 1) Listen to your teacher carefully. Number the words below as your teacher reads them out. Repeat the words after your teacher. stand turn shake jump Speak 2) Say aloud the actions that you see in the given pictures. Make two sentences with any two action words and share them with the class. 10 wave raise arms and march leap legs

Read 3) Read the words given below. Match the words that go together by colouring them with the same colours. Examples: touch – toes; jump – high raise close touch turn nose around hand eyes Write 4) Read the action words from the box. Write only the action words from the lesson in the space given below. sleep   turn   stand   swim   run   drink 11 Action Time

Activity 5) Make a list of other physical activities with the help of your teacher or your parents. You can do these actions when you are tired of sitting and want to feel fresh! Hints: 12

Lesson 4: Know Each Other I have read the lesson ‘Know Each Other’. From this lesson, we learn how to greet and get to know each other. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word greet doctor Listen 1) Listen to your teacher carefully. Then, match the names of the people to the jobs that they do. Sana Sam Raja Rina 13 Know Each Other

Speak Gr eet in gs Good night Hello Good Good afternoon morning Goodbye Good evening When we meet a friend, we greet each other. If it is morning, we say: Good morning If it is afternoon, we say: Good afternoon If it is evening, we say: Good evening We can also just say: Hello! When we are going away, we say: Goodbye When we are going to sleep, we say: Good night 14 2) Say ‘Hello!’ to the friend sitting next to you. Tell them your name. Ask them their name as well. Then ask the following questions: • Who all are there in your family? • What do you like to eat the most? • What do you like to play?

Read 3) Read this dialogue with your partner. One person can be Vini and the other can be Mini. Vini : Hello Mini! Mini : Hi Vini! Vini : How are you? Mini : I am good, how are you? Vini : I am well, but I have to go to art class now. Mini : All right. Goodbye Vini! Vini : Bye Mini! Write 4) How would you tell others about yourself? Complete the given sentences with information about yourself. Start with a greeting. Also write about one of your family members. Good ! 15 My name is . I am years old. Know Each Other

This is my . His/Her name is . He/She is a . Activity 5) R  ead the greetings. Match the greetings with the pictures and write the correct numbers next to them. 16

Lesson 5: Let’s Learn Alphabet I have read the lesson ‘Let’s Learn Alphabet’. From this lesson, we learn how to read and write the small and capital letters of the alphabet. We learn the order in which letters are written in the English alphabet. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word small capital letters letters 17 Let’s Learn Alphabet

Listen 1) Y  our teacher will say some letter sounds aloud. Number the capital letters given below in the order in which you hear the letter sounds. Then, match them with the small letters. VJ R YM jmyv r Write 2) Complete the activities on capital and small letters. a) T race the capital and small letters given below. Say the names of the things that you see in the pictures. 18 A a B b C c Dd Ee Ff

b) Write the capital letters for the small letters given below. g: m: v: e: f: i: c) Write the small letters for the capital letters given below. D: B: W: R: N: K: d) Arrange the letters in the correct order. I, K, G, L, H, J r, m, n, q, o, p 19 Let’s Learn Alphabet

H Lesson 6: Make Words MA I have read the lesson ‘Make Words’. T From this poem, we learn how to make T different words that have common sounds. Listen 1) Y  our teacher will say two words together. Raise your hands for word pairs that have the same ending sounds. Clap your hands for word pairs that have the same beginning sounds. T  hen, colour the boxes with the words that have the same ending sounds in purple. C  olour the boxes with the words that have the same starting sounds in green. plant – play gum – yum car – star gate – game 20

Write 2) Complete the activities. a) C olour the odd word in each set that does not start with the same sound as the other words. way – water watch van wax odd – orange octopus one on swing – sweet sway swan sat b) Underline the words that come in the same word groups because of their beginning or ending sounds. W  rite the words with the same starting or ending sounds that you find in each group. A cat sat on a mat. A cat sat on a mat wearing a hat. Ans. We all stand tall. 21 We all stand tall and play with a ball. Ans. Make Words

Lesson 7: Letters on a Tab and Computer Keyboard I have read the lesson ‘Letters on a Tab and Computer Keyboard’. From this lesson, we learn how the letters are arranged on tabs and computer keyboards. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word tab computer keyboard type 22

Listen (Section 1 – pages 77-86) 1) Listen to your teacher carefully. He or she will read out a few simple words. Spell those words by colouring their letters on the given tab. Use different colours for each word. Examples: car, hen, top 23 Letters on a Tab and Computer Keyboard

Write 2) Look at the computer keyboard given below. Colour the letters that make your name on the keyboard. Now, fill in the missing keys on the computer keyboard. 24 Colour the keyboard using colours of your choice.

Lesson 8: Sounds in the Middle of Words I have read the lesson ‘Sounds in the Middle of Words’. From this lesson, we learn about the middle sounds of words. We learn how to group words with the same beginning, middle and ending sounds together. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word vase yell 25 yolk rope Sounds in the Middle of Words

Listen 1) Listen carefully to your teacher. He or she will say the middle sounds of the words given below. Number the words in the order that your teacher says the sounds. Then, read aloud the words. big jam cut set hot Write 2) Complete these activities to practise the middle sounds of words. a) Write the letters ‘a’, ‘e’, ‘i’ and ‘o’ in the correct boxes. Then, read out the words formed. w G bt HW g T 26 w S hs LG n T

b) Look at the pictures and fill in the letters with the correct middle sounds to complete the words. cw ol at ht pn 27 hn Sounds in the Middle of Words

Lesson 9: Soham’s Ball I have read the lesson ‘Soham’s Ball’. From this lesson, we learn how important it is to be polite. We also learn the magic words ‘please’, ‘thank you’, ‘sorry’, ‘may’ and ‘excuse me’. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word football garden Listen 28 1) Listen carefully to the dialogue that your teacher reads out. Number the magic words in the order that you hear them in the dialogue. please excuse me sorry may thank you

Speak 2) When we speak to people, we must be polite. ‘Excuse me’, ‘please’, ‘may’, Thank you Please Excuse me ‘thank you’ and ‘sorry’ are words that we should use often. Let us see how to use these words while I’m sorry speaking. Bobby  :  Excuse me, may I know May where Pinaki is? Tia   : Yes, he is with Bina. Bobby   : Thank you. Tia      : You are welcome. N ow, form pairs and act this dialogue out with your partner. Add one or two more lines in which you use the remaining polite words. Read 3 ) Read the sentences and match them to the correct polite words. Column A Column B a) Take this chocolate. A) please b) I want to ask a question. B) may I 29 c) I want to go out of the classroom. C) sorry d) I pushed Amir while playing football. D) thank you e) I want to take Meena’s book. E) excuse me Soham’s Ball

Write 4) Fill in the blanks with the correct polite words. a)  eat some cake? b)  , where is the pet shop? c)  for the gift pass Mummy! for d) Can you 30 me the bottle? e) I am so hurting you.

Activity 5) Make a card for a friend or a family member and write down three things that you like about him or her. Say ‘thank you’ to them for being nice to you. You will need: • an A4 size sheet of paper • a pencil • crayons or colour pencils F  old the paper in half. Draw a nice picture and write a loving message. Examples: I like to share things with you, my friend! I like it when you hug me, Mama! 31 Soham’s Ball

Lesson 10: Things that Go Together I have read the lesson ‘Things that Go Together’. From this lesson, we learn about pairs of things that go together. Listen 1) Listen carefully to your teacher and match the word pairs in Columns A and B. Colour the boxes of each word pair with the same colour to show that the words go together. Column A Column B lock bat pencil egg chair key ball umbrella 32 table hen rain notebook

Write 2) Complete the activities on word pairs. a) Read the names of the things from your textbook. Match the words that go together. List A List B a) cup A) notebook b) ball B) key c) table C) chair d) pencil D) bat e) lock E) saucer b) Now, look at the pictures and complete the new word pairs given below. butter  thread  shoes socks and bread and 33 needle and Things that Go Together

Lesson 11: Number Song I have read the lesson ‘Number Song’. From this poem we learn number names till ten. We also learn that we should plant many trees. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word plant gate 34 double number names

Listen 1) Listen to your teacher carefully. Complete the drawing and colour the picture as your teacher says. Write 35 2 ) Complete the activities on numbers and number names. a) Rewrite the number names in the correct order. five, one, six, three, four, two Number Song

b) Complete each series by writing the correct number names. three seven three nine two five c) Fill in the blanks with the correct numbers or number names.   36

Activity 3) Read the instructions and draw pictures. three ice cream cones five balls one tree six flowers 37 Number Song

Unit 2

Lesson 1: Rain I have read the lesson ‘Rain’. From this poem, we learn what happens when it rains. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word sea field umbrella ships 39 Rain

Listen 1) Listen carefully to your teacher. Number the lines of the poem in the order that your teacher reads them out. Rain is falling on everything I see, It is green all around. Rain is falling on everything but me! Rain is on the dog and cow, Rain falls on the ground, Oh, how it rains, how! Write 2) Complete the sentences. Take help from the word box below. You can also use the pictures as hints. 40 umbrella  milk  gumboots  boats  raincoat  puddles a) I wear a when it rains.

b) I put on to save my feet from muddy water. c) I carry an so that water does not fall on my head. d) I like to drink warm when it rains. e) I like making paper and float them in the rainwater. f) I splash in the after it stops raining. 41 Rain

Activity 3) Your teacher will give you some coloured paper. Take your teacher’s help and make a paper boat. Do you know how to make anything else with paper? Show your partner how. 42

Lesson 2: Things in My Classroom I have read the lesson ‘Things in My Classroom’. From this lesson, we learn about different things around us in the classroom. Picture Glossary Word Meaning Meaning Word window projector screen board 43 Things in My Classroom

Listen . . 1) L  isten to your teacher and fill in the blanks. a) My teacher sits at her b) I put my books in my school c) My teacher corrects my test with a red . d) We sometimes write on the blackboard with . Write 2) Look at the pictures of things we find in a classroom. Complete the 44 names of the things in the space given below. a) c a o n

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