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Published by jay, 2016-08-23 03:49:44

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Based in Macau since 2001, Chessman Macau EVENT PLANNING & PRODUCTION 活動策劃及製作has established itself not only an excellentstage entertainment production house and Chessman Macau consists of talents from production and filming, providing all-artist management company but also a CHANNELCHESS round one-stop service from planning tosuperior provider of film and video production implementation. Besides, we manage artistslater on. Its name has become the equivalent 拍攝 and provide a better platform for talentedof the best entertainment production unit in artists with potential.Macau. 2001年成立於澳門,棋人澳門由娛作製作及藝 人管理開始,業務其後逐漸擴展至影視製作,至 業務範疇For years, Chessman has been doing great 今已是澳門最具規模的娛樂製作單位。on the entertainment stage of Macau with 棋人澳門雲集節目製作及拍攝等各界精英,由our boundless creativity. We are always HAT棋人多年來以無窮的創造力在澳門演藝舞台上大 活動策劃到執行及攝影均一手包辦,致力為客seeing farther forward, realizing the house’s 戶提供一站式娛樂製作服務。另外,我們亦設vision which is to position itself as a premier 放異彩,並一直把目光放得更高更遠,以成為 藝人管理部,矢志為具潛能及才華的藝人提供design and production professional in the 更好的發揮平台。industry. In 2015, Chessman Hong Kong, the W優秀的製作單位為目標。2015年,棋人澳門在branch of Chessman Macau, was launched 香港設立分公司,主力發展廣告設 AWARD– Chessman Hong Kong strives to diversify WE計、項目籌劃及藝人管理,與their business development from advertising, 棋人澳門並駕齊驅。我們 Chessman Macau has been awardedevent management to artist management 務求以更精彩多變和創新 the gold medal of ‘Small and Mediumand many more, aiming to keep abreast DO的舞台及製作,為澳門 Enterprise’ at Business Awards ofwith Chessman Macau. Macau shall keep Macau 2013.on endeavoring to provide excellenceservice and creative solutions to clients 棋人娛樂製作於2013年獲頒澳門商in all sorts, and breathes a new life into 務大獎的「中小企大獎」金獎,為the entertainment industry of Macau 棋人歷史劃下重要一筆。and other regions of Asia. ARTIST MANAGEMENT 以至亞洲其他地方的娛 樂文化鍍上亮麗光芒。 藝人管理

EPLANNINVGENTP&RODUCTIONChessman Macau has been planning 活動策劃及製作various types of stage programmes,being responsible for producing stage 過去十年,棋人為客戶策劃各種舞台演藝節designs, lighting and audio projects for 目,曾負責多項澳門大小盛事的舞台製作及燈events in Macau in the past decade. 光音響工程。我們亦擁有完善的錄音室,為We are also equipped with professional 客戶提供專業配音、廣告錄音、原創音樂的作studios which can provide dubbing, audio 曲、填詞、編曲、錄音及後期混音等歌曲及配advertising production, original music 樂製作服務。production including song composing,lyricizing, arrangement, recording, musicmixing and soundtrack production.

C we wave involved in productions for TVChannelChess, the exclusive film productionteam of Chessman Entertainment Production,carries the mission of bringing a morecomprehensive corporate and productsimage on various media for clients, which ismade possible by the virtue of the team’s richexperience andHANNEL promotional videosexceptional creativity incinematography.C 拍 攝entertainment production.ChannelChess has producedHESSwell as government bodies. Moreover, for various local and foreign commercial organizations asdramas, corporate commercials of variousscales, music videos and visual art events,etc., bringing us an all-round portfolio in棋人拍攝團隊ChannelChess專業影像製作經驗豐富,能以極富創意的手法將客戶的企業及產品形象以更立體的方式呈現於不同媒體之上,曾為本地及國外多個商業機構及政府團體拍攝各類宣傳片,亦曾製作電視劇、各大小企業的廣告片、音樂錄影帶及影像藝術活動等。

MAANAGRETMIST ENTArtist management is one important part of SHORTCUT MACAU HONG KONG Chessman’s attempt to diversify our business development. Chessman Macau has been SIU FAY 小肥 13 BOB 林盛斌 65 striving to promote local music thus netted VIVIAN 陳慧敏 17 STEPHANIE 鄭融 69 many local singers, producers as well as RICO 龍世傑 21 RYAN 劉威煌 73 talents in the past years. KEN 蘇耀光 25 LOLLIPOP@F 棒棒堂 77 KEVIN 程文政 29 藝人管理 VIVIANA 羅凱瑩 33 PRISCILLA 周佩英 37 藝人管理為棋人多元業務中的重要一環。棋人 CHERRY 伍家怡 41 娛樂製作一直矢志推廣本地音樂,故多年來與 KAYAKU 蘇俏慧 45 多位澳門著名歌手及創作人簽約,另外亦將擁 GERMAN 古卓文 49 有不同演藝才華的藝人收歸旗下。 RING 泳倫 53 ELISA 陳倚俐 57

SINGER歌手Siu Fay made his debut in Hong Kong in 小SI肥U FAY2007. He was introduced to the manager TALENTPaco Wong by the renowned composer 藝人Chan Fai Young, who is also from Macau.Siu Fay’s first album ‘The Frist Album of Siu 徐智勇於2007年經澳門著名作曲家陳輝揚介Fay’ was highly acclaimed and the songs 紹,獲經理人黃柏高賞識並以藝名小肥於香港including ‘A Pet (寵物)’, ‘Affectionate (有情 出道。小肥首張同名大碟《The First Album Of有義)’and ‘Time Machine (時光機)’ became Siu Fay》廣受好評,收錄多首大熱作品,包括hits. In 2009, Siu Fay became a bigger star 《寵物》、《有情有義》、《時光機》。2009when he released another album ‘Festival 年他再推出大碟《Festival Traveler》,收錄Traveler’ which included songs requiring 《不平安夜》、《六月十三》等高難度歌曲,more singing skills such as ‘Non-Silent 憑出色的歌唱實力獲大眾認同。2014年,小肥Night (不平安晚)’ and ‘13 June (六月十三)’.In 分別於澳門威尼斯人金光綜藝館及香港伊利沙2014, Siu Fay held his first series of solo live 伯體育館舉行首次個人演唱會,亦成為首個踏concerts at Hong Kong’s Queen Elizabeth 上威尼斯人金光綜藝館舉行個唱的澳門歌手。Stadium and Cotai Arena of The Venetian 除音樂外,小肥亦參與電影拍攝工作,曾演出Macao respectively as the first Macau artist 《愛鬥大》、《關人7事》等電影,其中在領銜to perform at the above venues. Apart from 主演的作品《戀夏戀夏戀戀下》中表現突出,singing, Siu Fay has also participated in 獲評為「新一代笑匠」。several film productions such as ‘See You InYou Tube’ and ‘Seven 2 One’. Among thoseSiu Fay first showed his impressive talentas a comedian in ‘Summer Love’. 13

SONGS & MV MAIN AWARDS寵物 七月十四 2015有情有義 紅葉 第十屆勁歌王頒獎禮香港傑出青年獎Sin City 寵物的畢業禮 第十屆勁歌王頒獎禮粵語金曲獎 – 高登歌天使降臨 過埠歌人時光機 黃昏音樂會 2014逼得寵物太緊 眼淚花 新城勁爆頒獎禮2014新城勁爆男歌手不平安夜 日落時讓戀愛終結 新城勁爆頒獎禮2014新城勁爆歌曲 – 高登歌十二年沒有冬天 還未睡六月十三 話別離歌 2013 第一屆粵語歌曲排行榜最受歡迎歌曲 Yahoo! Asia Buzz Awards網上熱爆歌曲And More... 小肥 小肥徐智勇 siufay613 小肥 | Playlist

SINGERSONGWRITER 唱作歌手 VIV陳I慧A敏NFrom ‘Singing Arena’ to ‘Super Voice 2’, 陳慧敏由澳門的《SING擂 TALENTVivian made her name with the song ‘The 台》唱到《超級巨聲2》,Fairy Tale of Memories(歲月的童話 )’. 藝人In 2011, Vivian returned to her home city,Macau, to establish her singing career. 憑《歲月的童話》一曲奪In 2012, she won ‘The Golden Song’ at‘The 10th Teledifusão de Macau’s The 得「我最喜愛巨聲金曲」獎Best of The Pop Music Awards’ andbecame a star of Sun Entertainment 項。2011年,陳慧敏決定回歸原Culture in Hong Kong in the followingyear, when she released an EP titled 點,由澳門樂壇出發,更於2012年憑《始終》after her.Vivian is the Champion of ‘TheVoice of China’ (Macau Station) in 2014. 奪得「第十屆澳廣視至愛新聽力頒獎音樂會」In addition to her singing career, Vivianparticipated in short films and musicals, 的「至愛歌曲金獎」。2013年簽約香港太陽娛including playing in ‘Dreamers Go! Go!for 3 consecutive years’. She was the 樂文化,用好聲音感動香港樂壇,同年推出陳leading actress in her second year ofparticipation. 慧敏同名個人EP。2014年,陳慧敏在《中國好 聲音》澳門站奪冠。除了歌唱事業外,陳慧敏 亦嘗試參與微電影及音樂劇演出,包括連續三 年參與《芝麻 Go Go 音樂劇》,第二年更擔任 該劇女主角。 17

SONGS & MV ALBUM小人物航道排隊自拍自救始終And More...MAIN AWARDS2015 第十屆勁歌王頒獎禮最佳新人獎 第一粵語歌曲排行榜最受歡迎女新人2014 第三屆中國好聲音澳門站冠軍2013 新城勁爆頒獎禮新城勁爆新登場海外歌手 新城勁爆頒獎禮新城勁爆合唱歌曲 – 自拍 第十一屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 航道Vivian Chan 陳慧敏 vivian_陳慧敏CHAN_WAI_MAN Vivian Chan 陳慧敏

R龍I世C傑O SINGER 2005年於「澳廣視至愛新 SONGWRITER 聽力頒獎音樂會」以《傘兵》 一曲連奪「至愛歌曲銅獎」及「最佳 唱作歌手 新聲獎」兩大獎項,憑演唱及創作實力嶄 露頭角。是次得獎為龍世傑開啟其創作生涯的Rico first became 大門,奠定其專業唱作人的奮鬥路向。2011known when he took 年,他憑藉《說不出的》獲頒「澳廣視至愛home ‘The Best Pop Song’ 新聽力頒獎音樂會」的最高榮譽「至愛歌曲金(Bronze) and ‘The Best New Singer’ at 獎」,實力一再受各方肯定,同年更舉行首個‘The Best of The Pop Music Awards’ in 個人演唱會。2014年,龍世傑加入港澳聯手創2005. Rico then strived to become a 辦的「澳滌娛樂」,成為該公司第一位加盟的singer-songwriter and his efforts were 澳門歌手。年底更首度在港推出派台歌《存在paid off when his song ‘Unspeakable(說 感》,邀得殿堂級音樂人倫永亮作曲,填詞則不出的)’ won ‘The Golden Song’ at the 由龍世傑親自負責。same award and successfully held hisfirst solo live concert in 2011. In 2014,Rico expanded his stage by joining ModicRecords, a new record company foundby talents of Macau and Hong Kong. Heis the first Macau singer to join Modic.In the same year, he released a newsong ‘Existence’(存在感)and invitedthe master musician Anthony Lun to bethe composer while Rico was responsiblefor writing the lyrics. His performancein the future is certainly under greatexpectations. 21

SONGS & MV存在感 客套Lovely 回憶回憶說不出的 一心一意生鏽鐵 波比And More...MAIN AWARDS2015 第十屆勁歌王頒獎禮新晉歌手2014 新城勁爆新登場男歌手銀獎2013 MACA 流行歌曲創作大賽季軍 – 回憶回憶(主唱/作曲/作詞)2012 第十屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 生鏽鐵(主唱/作曲/作詞) 第十屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 始終(作詞)2010 第九屆澳廣視至愛新聽力金曲金獎 – 說不出的(主唱/作詞)龍世傑 Rico 龍世傑Rico龍世傑_RICO 龍世傑 Rico Long | Official Channel

SINGER SONGWRITER 唱作歌手In 2010, Ken So started his career as a K蘇E耀N光performer as well as a producer afterbeing awarded ‘The Best Pop Song’ in 2010年憑《唱將》奪得「澳廣視至愛新聽力頒‘The Best of The Pop Music Awards’.He then wrote and produced songs for 獎音樂會」的「至愛歌曲獎」後,his fellow singers. In 2011 one of Ken’sworks ‘Unspeakable(說不出的)’ for the 隨即展開幕前及幕後雙向音樂local singer Rico Long was awarded ‘TheBest Pop Song’ and ‘The Golden Song’ 生涯,並開始為其他歌手創作 MUSICin ‘The Best of The Pop Music Awards’. 及監製歌曲。 2011年,蘇耀 PRODUCERIn 2014, Ken entered the markets of 光憑藉為龍世傑作曲及編曲Mainland China and Hong Kong and 的《說不出的》,奪得「澳廣 音樂was honored as ‘The Best New Comer’ 製作人(Male, Bronze) in ‘Metro Radio HitsMusic Awards’ and ‘The Best New Star 視至愛新聽力頒獎視」的「至in Chinese Music Award’. He certainlybrought a new breeze to the Macau music 愛歌曲獎」及最高榮譽「至愛歌曲industry. Ken is now recognized as anall-round singer-songwriter in Macau. 金獎」。2014年,他往香港及內地發展,獲得 「新城勁爆新登場男歌手銅獎」及「華語金曲 獎優秀新人獎」。創作實力得到業界及樂迷的 廣泛認同,為澳門流行音樂帶來全新的面貌, 同時成為澳門首位全能唱作歌手。 25

SONGS & MVI Just Wanna Say 殘念之書望遠鏡 唱將交給我 中庸之道繁華人生 大寵愛And More...MAIN AWARDS2015 華語金曲獎優秀新人獎2014 新城勁爆新登場男歌手銅獎2012 第十屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 英英(編曲/監製) 第十屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 生鏽鐵(編曲/監製)2011 第九屆澳廣視至愛新聽力金曲金獎 – 說不出的(作曲/編曲/監製)2010 第八屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 唱將(主唱)蘇耀光 Ken 蘇耀光KenSOKUONG 蘇耀光 Ken Sou | Official Channel

SINGER KE程V文IN政SONGWRITER 唱作歌手 In 2008, Kevin’s song‘A Date(約會)’ wasawarded ‘The Best CompositionAward’ at ‘The Best of The Pop Music 2008年,程文政為《約會》作曲、填Awards’. This award served as a huge 詞及主唱,首度奪得「澳廣視至愛新 EMCEEencouragement for Kevin to put more 聽力頒獎音樂會」的「最佳作曲」獎 司儀effort into his works. At ‘The Best of The 項,創作實力受廣泛肯定,並為他日Pop Music Awards 2012’, Kevin won ‘The 後的發展注入信心。程文政於2012年Best Pop Song’, ‘The Best Composition 度「澳廣視至愛新聽力頒獎音樂會」連續Award’ and the highest honour – ‘Golden 以兩首創作《英英》及《始終》奪得「至愛歌Song’ with two of his finest songs, making 曲獎」,其中《始終》一曲更再次為其帶來him the first Macau songwriter who had 「最佳作曲獎」,成位首個兩度奪得「最佳作won ‘The Golden Song’ twice. In 2014, 曲獎」的澳門創作人。2014年,程文政舉行首he held his first solo concert.In addition, 場個人音樂會《政是音樂》。Kevin is actively diversifying his careerby taking part in different productions. 程文政積極參與司儀、主持、短片拍攝、戲劇He had hosted shows as an emcee, 創作及演出,2013年與泳兒及林曉培一同演participated in short film productions, 出大型音樂劇《天狐變》。他亦是澳門首個舉written plays and played as an actor. 行售票的個人楝篤笑的藝人,於2013及2014In 2013, co-starring Vincy Chan and 年創作集合古典音樂及楝篤笑元素的嶄新演出Shin Lin, Kevin joined the large-scale 《鬼馬音樂狂想曲之古典音樂笑賞會》,為棟musical called ‘Myth of The Fox’. Kevin 篤笑重新定義。was the first artist in Macau holding astand-up comedy. In 2013 and 2014, hecreated shows which combined elementsof stand-up comedy and classicalmusic, titled as ‘Wild Rhapsody– Laugh with the Classics’ and TALENTredefined standard stand-upcomedies. 藝人 29

SONGS & MV家裏的餐桌 人情小天才 約會一個人的大時代 彼岸花硬幣 閃光And More...MAIN AWARDS2015 華語金曲獎優秀新人獎2014 第十二屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 家裏的餐桌(主唱/作曲)2013 第十一屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 硬幣(主唱/作曲) 第十屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 英英(作曲/填詞)2012 第十屆澳廣視至愛新聽力最佳作曲獎 – 始終(作曲)2011 第九屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – 背對背(作曲)程文政 Kevin 程文政KevinChengkevin_cmc 程文政 Kevin Cheng | Official Channel

SINGER歌手 VIVI羅A凱N瑩A Viviana first became popular when her 2011年憑甜蜜情歌《Goodnight Baby》於 ballad ‘Goodnight Baby’ was awarded 「澳廣視至愛新聽力頒獎音樂會」奪得「至 ‘The Best Pop Song’ at ‘The Best of The 愛歌曲獎」,從此受廣大樂迷認識。Pop Music Awards’ in 2011.In 2014, sheparticipated in the Macau station of ‘The 2014年參加《中國好聲音》澳門區海選,Voice of China’ and became one of the fifteen 成功進入十五強,決賽當日評判亦為她留finalists. In the final round, judges had shown 燈。2014年,羅凱瑩進軍內地市場,推出全their appreciation towards her beautiful 新主打歌《爽約》,其甜美聲線深得內地電voice. Viviana entered the Mainland market 台DJ及聽眾欣賞,更於2015年在「華語金曲by releasing a Mandarin single ‘Stand Me 獎」奪得「優秀新人獎」。羅凱瑩的聲線獨特Up’. In 2015, she won the ‘Best New Star’ in 多變,能模仿兒童及老人,曾為多段短片聲演‘Chinese Music Awards’. Vivian can mimic 不同角色。voices ranging from kids and the elderly,making her an ideal voice actor for variouscharacters of short films. 33

SONGS & MV MAIN AWARDS爽約 Goodnight Baby 2015透明 邦女郎 華語金曲獎優秀新人獎幸福未來 When I fall in love初試啼聲 愛情元素 2014 MACA原創音樂歌曲比賽八強 – 爽約And More... 2011 第九屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – Goodnight Baby(主唱) 2010 第八屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎 – When I fall in love(主唱) 第八屆澳廣視至愛新聽力最佳新聲獎羅凱瑩 Viviana 羅凱瑩Viviana vivianalo 羅凱瑩 Viviana Lo | Official Channel

SINGER 歌手P周R佩I英SCILLABeing awarded ‘The Best Pop Song’ at 2012年藉《英英》一曲唱出歌唱生涯,此歌更‘The Best of The Pop Music Awards’ in 為她帶來「澳廣視至愛新聽力頒獎音樂會」的2012 was Priscilla’s turning point for her 「至愛歌曲獎」。2013年,周佩英舉行首次個career - since then her music career was 人新碟發佈音樂會,推出首張個人專輯《愛天escalating. In 2013, Priscilla held her 使》,專輯收入全數撥捐予世界宣明會作慈善first solo live concert for the release of 用途,奠定其以音樂行善公益的志向。今後,her first album ‘Love Angel(愛天使)’ and 周佩英將繼續以歌手身份,推動更多以音樂為all profits were donated to World Vision. 主題的公益活動。She was then further inspired and willcontinue to make music for charity. 37

SONGS & MV ALBUM兩小口英英默言櫻花雪淘氣相架And More... Available OnMAIN AWARDS第十屆澳廣視至愛新聽力至愛歌曲獎─英英第一屆澳門流行音樂節流行曲歌唱大賽亞軍全澳大專院校流行曲歌唱大賽冠軍周佩英 Priscilla 周佩英PriscillaCHAO_PUI_IENG 周佩英 Priscilla Chow | Official Channel

TALENT EMCEE藝人 司儀 CHE伍R家R怡Y Cherry is the Miss Macau in 2008 and is now focusing on developing her career as a professional emcee. Being fluent in Cantonese, English and Putonghua, she certainly has the advantage when participating in international beauty pageants as the Macau representative. Cherry is very experienced in program and event hosting - she has hosted over 100 events so far, including the biggest countdown live in Macau. 2008年澳門小姐,目前主要擔任節目主持的 工作。 粵語、普通話及英語均能運用自如的她,名副 其實是世界小姐的澳門代表,曾多次以該身份 到世界各地參與選美活動。伍家怡的主持及司 儀經驗非常豐富,連同澳門最大型的跨年倒數 演唱會在內,已累積過百場的相關經驗。 41

LANGUAGE MAIN AWARDSCantonese粵語 2012Mandarin Chinese國語 2012年國際小姐澳門代表English英語 2011HOSTING 2011年地球小姐澳門代表D100 電台節目《 隨波不遂流 》 2010澳廣視《澳門人澳門事》 2010年世界小姐澳門代表澳廣視《SING擂台3》第九屆至愛新聽力頒獎音樂會 2008華娛衛視 美麗最前線 大美女主義 澳門小姐2008季軍點心衛視 大珠三角新知勢《英之選》非凡電視《台灣真善美 ﹣澳門站》好傳媒 -《睇好文化》伍家怡Cherry 伍家怡Cherry cherryng524 伍家怡 Cherry Ng | Official Channel

KAY蘇A俏K慧UAs a singer-songwriter, Kayaku has written anumber of songs during the past years. Beingprolific and ambitious, Kayaku strives to pushher limit further - apart from songwriting, 能唱能作的蘇俏慧多年來寫下不少歌曲作she is also an acclaimed blogger on the SINGER 品。除了歌曲創作外,她更作出多方面Internet. From cosmetology, fashion to SONGWRITER 嘗試,積極於網絡平台上展示不一樣的music, Kayaku shares everything she 自己。從化妝、美容、時裝、模型至音 唱作歌手has in her mind to her readers, letting 樂創作,蘇俏慧都毫不保留地分享,讓them keep in touch with her. Her fashion 觀眾能更深入了解她的最新動態。蘇俏慧sense was commended by the Hong Kong 的時尚觸覺曾獲香港媒體賞識,將其打扮刊media and was recommended in magazines 登於雜誌時裝部落推介內。as well. BLOGGER 博客 45

SONGS & MV FACEBOOK COLUMNStrong Girl夏日祭 《I’m Yours Girlfriend!》結他女 《兩性愛情思考題》Ms. WhyAvailable On 蘇俏慧 Kayaku 蘇俏慧Kayaku Kayakusou 蘇俏慧 Kayaku Sou | Official Channel See More On

Thanks to his Chinese, Portuguese and Brazilian ancestry, German can speak fluent Cantonese, Mandarin Chinese, English as well as Portuguese. He sung for ‘Lusophony Games’ in 2006, ‘The Asian Indoor Games’ in 2007 and the opening ceremony song of ‘The 11th National Games of the People’s Republic of China’ with renowned stars such as Kelly Chan, A-Mei and Sun Nan. In 2009, German became a household name during his participation in ‘Asian Millionstar’. At the end of the competition, he won the fifth place and the ‘Best Showmanship Award’ because of his unique stage fashion. In 2014, he became an artist under the management of Chessman Entertainment Production which marked a fresh start of his music career in Macau.GERM古卓A文NSINGER 中、葡、巴混血兒古卓文能操流利粵語、國 語、英語及葡萄牙語。過往曾演唱2006年葡歌手 語系運動會主題曲、2007年亞洲室內運動會 會歌以及與天王天后級人物陳慧琳、張惠妹及 孫楠合唱中華人民共和國第十一屆運動會開 幕典禮主題曲。2009年,古卓文參加第一屆 亞洲星光大道而獲廣泛認知,綽號「星光混血 兒」,更憑突出表現獲「最佳台風獎」及全場 第五名。2014年正式簽約棋人娛樂製作,在 澳門樂壇出發。 49

LANGUAGEPortuguese葡語、Cantonese粵語、English英語、Mandarin Chinese國語EXPERIENCE1415 除夕倒數演唱會澳門回歸祖國十四周年 - 澳門拉丁城區幻彩大巡遊第 56 屆亞太影展頒獎典禮澳門母親會慈善晚會三個女人一個墟 2013 紅館Yes Magazine School Tour 2012ASIAN MILLIONSTAR AWARDSBest Showmanship Award 最佳台風獎Fourth Runner-up 第五名古卓文 German German古卓文germanku 古卓文 German Ku | Official Channel

Gifted with an extremely recognizable voice,Ring is currently in her third year of university.Ring made her debut in 2010 and in the nextyear, one of her first songs won’ The GoldenSong’ in ‘Teledifusão de Macau’s The Best ofThe Pop Music Awards’. In 2013, her effortwas professionally recognized by winning the‘Outstanding Breakthrough Performance’ in thesame award.RI泳N倫G SINGER 歌手現就讀大學三年級的 泳倫,憑著極具辨識度的聲音於2010年在澳門樂壇出道,作品包括《活到幾歲才能驕傲》、《秒針停了》及《是你的錯》等,《是你的錯》更奪得2011年「澳廣視至愛新聽力頒獎音樂會」的「至愛歌曲獎」,2013年更於「澳廣視至愛新聽力頒獎音樂會」奪得「飛躍表現獎」,努力成果獲業界肯定。 53

SONGS & MV明日雨Available OnMAIN AWARDS2013 第十一屆澳廣視至愛新聽力 - 飛躍表現獎2011 第九屆澳廣視至愛新聽力 至愛歌曲獎 - 是你的錯Ring Hun ������泳倫RingHunRING0211 ������泳倫 Ring Hun | Official Channel

Being well-known for her unique voice among E陳L倚I俐SAuniversity students, Elisa, who is now in herfirst year of University, had been a frequent SINGERjudge and guest for various student singingcompetitions. In 2014, she joined the Macau 歌手station of ‘The Voice of China’ and becameone of the fifteen finalists. In the same year,she joined the music course organized byDream Project Association and her song‘Give A Try’ was included in the graduatecollection album. Driven by her love in music,Elisa participated in musical productions towiden her performance career. In 2014, sheparticipated in ‘Dreamers Go! Go! III’ and aimsat further developing her entertainment careerin various fields.現就讀大學一年級的陳倚俐擁有獨特聲線,深受學界歡迎,經常獲邀擔任學界歌唱比賽的評判及嘉賓。2014年參加《中國好聲音》澳門站海選,得到評審們的欣賞並成功入圍最後十五強。同年參與《夢想計劃協會》舉辦的《愛夢‧愛音樂》課程,當中主唱的作品《Give AT r y 》被收錄在《愛夢‧愛音樂作品集》。熱愛音樂的陳倚俐亦嘗試參演音樂劇,2014年參演出《芝麻 Go Go 音樂劇Ⅲ》,誓要發展多方面演藝事業。 57

EXPERIENCE廣州番禺奧園廣場 關注殘疾人士的快閃活動芝麻GOGO歌劇團3偵探音樂劇場:D之殺人事件愛上巡校唱─中葡職業技術中學站愛夢‧愛音樂分享會陽光少年閉幕音樂會芝麻GOGO歌劇團2搖滾音樂劇場:我們的光榮路夢想巡校唱─聖若瑟站Elisa Chan 陳倚俐 陳倚俐ELISAELISACHAN Elisa Chan

- ARTISTS - BOB LAM STEPHANIE CHENG RYAN LAU LOLLIPOP@F(Sole Agent in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Region)

Bob Lam is a well-known Hong Kong MC, EMCEEactor and DJ. He has been the DJ of the HongKong radio station Metro Info since 2003 and 司儀is noted for his sense of humor and quickwits. He became familiar to the audience by As a popular MC with extraordinary wittiness,hosting New Banana Club and Happy Family. apart from large-scale TV shows, Bob oftenBob joined TVB in 2012 and had even more hosts events, press conferences, banquetsopportunities to reach the audience since then. and award presentations of differentBesides hosting different variety shows, he companies. His friendly and funny image hasparticipated in various TV dramas and films. also attracted a number of brands to scout himHis hilarious and unreserved performance for advertisements. This super dad with threeenjoyed the immense praise of the audience daughters even developed his own businesswhich further increased the public awareness. in recent years – he is now one of the bossHis deep and attractive voice recommended of Chessman HK, proving that he is truly anhim to the film producers and brought him a all-round talent.series of chances to show his talents, includingto dub for foreign films.BOB LAM林盛斌 TALENT 藝人林盛斌Bob為香港著名主持、演員及DJ。2003年 妙語連珠的Bob乃司儀界紅人,除了電視大型節起擔任香港新城知訊台DJ,憑藉幽默的主持風格 目之外,亦忙於擔任各品牌活動、記者會、晚宴和急智逐漸走紅,並以節目《新香蕉俱樂部》及 及頒獎禮等場合的司儀。加上其形象親切精靈,《開心家天下》為人熟悉。Bob於2012年加盟無 許多廣告也少不了其蹤影。已為三女之父的Bob線電視後獲更多機會接觸廣大觀眾,主持多個節 近年更涉足商界,現為棋人香港股東之一,堪稱目,其後更挑戰拍攝電視劇,又演出多部電影, 全能藝人。毫無保留地演活不同角色,惹笑生鬼的表現獲觀眾一致好評,進一步打響知名度。其極富磁性的 65聲線更得製片商青睞,獲邀為電影配音,發揮機會不絕。

RECENT PROGRAMS Happy Family 《開心家天下》 (Metro Radio, Mon-Fri 11:00~13:00 新城知訊台,逢星期一至五11:00至13:00) Big Boys Club《兄弟幫》 (J2, Mon-Fri 23:30~00:00 J2台,逢星期一至五23:30至00:00)PAST PROGRAMSMetro Info 新城知訊台 ‘Mum and Dad, How are you?’《爸爸媽媽你好嗎》 (Mon-Fri 13:30~15:00, guest host since 2012 每逢星期一至五13:30至15:00播放,2012年起只客串主持)TVB 無綫電視2015 Good Dogtor 《絕世好狗》 Street Sorcerers (Sr. 3) 《至尊街頭魔法王》2014 Where Are We Going, Dad? (Sr. 2) 《爸B也Upgrade 2》 Street Sorcerers (Sr. 2) 《街頭魔法王2》 Bet Your Remember 《年代大激鬥》2013 Street Sorcerers 《街頭魔法王》 Where Are We Going, Dad? 《爸B也Upgrade》FILMOGRAPHYTelevision 電視劇2014 Gilded Chopsticks 《食為奴》飾 蔡鶴亭 Come On, Cousin《老表,你好hea!》飾 郭寶2013 Inbound Troubles 《老表,你好嘢!》飾 程少山Film 電影2015 S for Sex, S for Secret 《小姐誘心》飾 寶(劉心悠飾)之表姐夫2014 Black Comedy《黑色喜劇》飾 殺手 Lan Kwai Fong 3《喜愛夜蒲3》2013 Young and Dangerous: Reloaded 《古惑仔:江湖新秩序》飾 洪興社堂主肥佬黎Advertisements 廣告2014 Citibank 花旗銀行2013 Nippon Paint Gold Formaldehyde-Buster Odour-Less All-In-12011 立邦金裝抗甲醛淨味全效乳膠漆 Beacon College 遵理學校Bob Lam 林盛斌 Bob_lamshingbun Bob林盛斌 Chessman HK

SINGER 歌手 STEPHANIE CHEN鄭G融Stephanie Cheng isa Hong Kong Canto-Popsinger, model, and actress. Hersinging talent was discovered at the age of16. Her debut single was released in 2003and this earned her the Best New FemaleArtist in 2 of the 4 Annual Music Award 鄭融Stephanie為香港人氣歌Presentations in Hong Kong. The song ‘紅 TALENT 手、模特兒及演員。16歲綠燈’ in 2006, which then became one of 被發掘並於2003年正式出her masterpieces, scored a big hit. 2013 藝人 道,同年即憑三首作品獲was her 10th anniversary since debut and 「叱吒樂壇生力軍女歌手her first individual concert ‘Stephanie 2013 金獎」及十大中文金曲「最Live Like 18’ was also held to celebrate 有前途新人獎(女)銅獎」嶄露her 10th anniversary. Stephanie is well- 頭角。2006年,新作品《紅綠燈》甫面世即廣受known for her active involvement in charity 歡迎,更於年尾樂壇頒獎禮橫掃四台金曲獎,成works throughout her career - she has 為其代表作之一。2013年為鄭融踏入樂壇的十週long-term partnerships with organizations 年,憑《爆》及《非凡人生》大獲好評,兩首作such as SAA and Oxfam Trailer Walk. 品均高踞各大流行榜超過十星期,更於年底舉行 《Live Like 18演唱會》,與歌迷重溫十年來的Stephanie joined Chessman HK in 2014 音樂作品。鄭融能歌善舞,實力受廣泛肯定,除and added a milestone to her music career 個人演唱會外亦不時獲邀獻唱,例如2009年曾為by releasing new songs. Lady Gaga澳門演唱會擔任開場演出嘉賓。另外她 亦熱心公益,長期與保護遺棄動物協會及樂施毅 行者等團體合作行善。 2014年,鄭融加盟 C h e s s m a n H K 並推出新歌, 為其音樂路上豎立新的里程碑。 69

DISCOGRAPHY2014 Live Like 18 Concert 20132013 Live Like 182012 EVO2011 Spring/Summer 20112009 鄭.融精選2008 232007 Super Girl2006 Honey2005 Beat Beat2004 Step By Step2003 成人對待FILMOGRAPHY2012 The Bounty《懸紅》飾 高妹2011 Lan Kwai Fong《喜愛夜蒲》2009 Seven 2 One《關人7事》飾 女同性戀者(融)2008 Happy Funeral《六樓后座2家屬謝禮》飾 死神2007 Trivial Matters《破事兒》飾 的士高女TV DRAMA2009 ICAC Investigators 2009 Episode 5 《廉政行動2009之公.私.車》飾 李雅惠(阿V)2004 Sunshine Heartbeat 《赤沙印記@四葉草.2》飾 學生DUBBING2007 Bee Movie《蜜蜂電影》聲演 雲妮沙2005 The Incredibles《超人特工隊》 聲演 小麗PHOTO ALBUM2004 Secret GardenStephanie Cheng Yung 鄭融 Stephanie_cheng 鄭融Steph Chessman HK

Ryan Lau Wai Wong is a Hong Kong Canto- the audience. Scoring two full marks fromPop singer. He participated in the firstseason of the Hong Kong TV show The the media also earned him the honour toVoice and ranked the fifth (the Second inHong Kong region). He was then signed enter the Top 8 final. Ryan has performedto TVB, made his officially debut and sangthe theme songs for dramas such as ‘When in the Super Voice Concert and sang forLanes Merge’, ‘The Other Truth’ and GunMetal Grey. In 2010, he was linked with The Voice of China Live in Hong Kong asAuston Lam, Alfred Hui and Victor Chento form the Cantopop group Super 4. Ryan a guest singer. Besides, hetook part in ‘直通春晚’ – 36 singers fromthe most iconic singing competitions from also participated in shows12 regions of China went over a seriesof keen battle. Ryan’s performance of the for different occasions. SINGERsong ‘Under a Rast Sky(海闊天空)’ was Apart from singing,highly commended by the presenters and 歌手 Ryan has made an attempt to be one of the TV hosts of the programme Solid Goldies Challenge. He has also proven his acting skills by playing a role in the stage drama Beyond Therapy, and guested on several TV dramas.R劉Y威A煌N LAU劉威煌Ryan為香港男歌手,於2009年參加第一屆 TALENT《超級巨聲》獲得第五名(香港區第二名),簽約無線電視並正式入行,曾為多套電視劇演唱主 藝人題曲。2010年,他與林師傑、許廷鏗和陳鴻碩合組「Super 4」。2012年,Ryan代表香港超級巨聲 分,最終成功進入八強。Ryan曾參加中央電視台特約節目《直通春晚》,與來自 在《超級巨聲Super Voice演唱會》全國12個最具代表性歌唱節目的36組選手經歷連 演唱及擔任《中國好聲音演唱會》香場激烈選拔,更曾憑《海闊天空》一曲獲評判高 港站表演嘉賓,又不時參與各界演出。度評價,感動全場,在媒體評分方面獲得兩個滿 除了歌唱事業方面的發展,Ryan亦於節目《金 曲擂台》初次嘗試擔任主持。其後更挑戰演 技,2012年及2013年分別擔演舞台劇男主角,並 客串多套劇集。 73

SONG2015 為了愛2013 海賊戰隊 不棄也不離2011 潛伏 (Title song of TVB Drama The Other Truth) (TVB電視劇《真相》主題曲)2010 《不離不棄》 (Title song of TVB Drama When Lanes Merge) (TVB電視劇《情越雙白線》主題曲)CONCERT2014 The Voice of China Concert in Hong Kong – Guest Singer 《中國好聲音演唱會》香港站(表演嘉賓)2010 Super Voice Concert 《超級巨聲進軍紅館Super Voice演唱會》AWARDS2011 J.S.G. Awards Presentation 2010 Outstanding Performance Silver (Participants of The Voice) 2010年度十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮 傑出表現獎 - 銅獎(超級巨聲群星)2010 The Voice - Fifth 超級巨聲 第五名 J.S.G. Selections 2010 (Part 2) Winning Song ‘Supervoice’ 2010勁歌金曲優秀選第二回 得獎歌曲SupervoiceTV DRAMA2012 Daddy Good Deeds《當旺爸爸》飾 超音巨聲 Witness Insecurity《護花危情》飾 源STAGE DRAMA2013 Beyond Therapy 2 《笑愛治療重演》2012 Beyond Therapy 《笑愛治療》HOSTING2010 Solid Goldies Challenge《金曲擂台》劉威煌 lauwaiwong 劉威煌 Chessman HK

OWODOG FABIEN L棒O棒L堂LIPOP@F 敖犬 小煜 SINGER 歌手 Lollipop@F is a Taiwanese TALENT Apart from their music career, the four Mandopop boy band. The members’ achievements in the fields of 藝人 film, TV and MC are also well-known. Lollipop@F is also active as a TV show group Lollipop debuted in host and had hosted programmes such as 100% Entertainment and University. 2006 with 6 members and Being energetic and young, they are always in great demand as the advertising in 2010, four of the members - endorsers. Owodog, William, Fabien and Wayne, L o l l i p o p @ F 於 2 0 1 0 年 由 敖 犬 、威廉、小煜及阿緯 組成。他們於2007年發行首張專輯《哪裡怕》,2008 were regrouped to form Lollipop@F. 年於小巨蛋舉行首場演唱會,此舉亦創下該館紀 錄,成為首個以出道第一張專輯在小巨蛋開唱的 They released their first EP “Gyashan“ in 偶像團體,並先後於香港紅磡體育館、廣州、 長沙、澳洲等地舉辦演唱會。Lollipop@F的歌 January 2007 and a year after, the group 曲中多首作品的詞曲均由團員創作,盡顯其音樂 才華。2011年他們更獲韓國SBS電視台邀請,與 held its debut concert at the Taipei Arena. Super Junior切磋舞技及歌藝,成為台灣演藝圈 史上首組在韓國節目中亮相的歌手。 They were the first idol group holding 現時四位成員除了音樂上的發展外,於電影、電 concert at the Taipei Arena with their first 視劇及主持方面亦各自取得佳績。除此之外,各 成員自出道以來在電視界一直表現活躍,曾主持 EP. A concert tour in Asia commenced in 《娛樂百分百》和《大學生了沒》等多個節目發 揮口才,可謂真正的歌影視三棲藝人。充滿活力 Hong Kong Coliseum and then continued 的形象亦為他們帶來不少代言及廣告機會。 in Guangzhou, Changsha and Australia.WAYNE WILLIAM Many of their songs are actually written by 阿緯 威廉 the members and their bring music talent is proven. They were invited by the Korean TV Station SBS in 2011 to participate in the dancing and singing battle with Super Junior. This has been the first time for a Taiwanese group to appear on a Korean Show and it allowed them to be further established as the Asian super dancing group. 77

DISCOGRAPHY TV SERIES2014 Big Shot《那麼厲害》 2013 Love For All The Moments 《愛情ATM》2011 《DANCE》 (Fabien 小煜)2010 Four Dimensions《四度空間》2009 I Am Legend《我是傳奇》 2011 Love Keeps Going 《美樂。加油》2007 GyaShan《哪裡怕》 (Owodog 敖犬、William 威廉、Fabien 小煜) 2009 Mace 《狼牙棒》 (Owodog 敖犬、 William 威廉、 Wayne 阿緯) The Great Escape 《廖問之越V風雲》 (William 威廉、 Wayne 阿緯)FILMOGRAPHY 2008 The Legend of Brown Sugar Chivalries 《黑糖群俠傳》(All members 全員)2014 Yes, Sir!7 《報告班長7勇往直前》 2007 Brown Sugar Macchiato 《黑糖瑪奇朵》 (All members 全員) (William 威廉) The Sister Has Come 《姊姊來了》 (Wayne 阿緯)2013 Kung Fu (Teaser) 《功夫》前導片 (Fabien 小煜) Unbeatable 《激戰》 RECENT ADVERTISEMENTS (Wayne 阿緯) ENDORSEMENTS2011 You Are the Apple of My Eye 2014 愛好音樂力量演唱會 Music Tour 《那些年,我們一起追的女孩》 Guangzhou 深圳站 (Owodog 敖犬)2008 Truth or Dare: 6th Floor Rear Flat 2 Marie Claire FH Award 《六樓后座2家屬謝禮》 (All members 全員) 2013 Lush ‘Say No to Shark Fin Soup’ Event Ambassador LushRECENT AWARDS 護鯊,我拒翅活動代言人2013 TVB 2012 Top 10 Hits Awards Asia-Pacific Region Best Male Popularity Award, (Owodog 敖犬、 Fabien 小煜、 Wayne 阿緯) Most Popular Chinese Song (Silver) 2012年度十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮 (Taiwan 台灣) 亞太區最受歡迎男歌星、最受歡迎華語歌曲獎 銀獎 56th APFF Performing Guest 56th APFF亞太影展表演嘉賓2012 Beijing Pop Music Awards Best Popularity Group of the Year 2012 Levi’s Slim Look Denims 北京流行音樂典禮(中歌榜)- 年度最受歡迎組 合獎(港台) Levi’s 勁量彈Slim Look 丹寧牛仔褲 (Lollipop F)(Taiwan 台灣) Taipei Tourism event ambassador 臺北,遊你真好活動大使 (Lollipop F)(Taiwan 台灣) Metro Radio Mandarin Music Awards 2011 7-Eleven Beer Festival TVC - Kaohsiung Best Metro Dance Music (DANCE) 新城國語力頒獎禮-新城國語力跳舞歌曲 7-Eleven 啤酒節廣告-高雄篇 《Dance》 (Lollipop F)(Taiwan 台灣)2011 Metro Radio Mandarin Music Awards 2010 CHEVIGNON(Winter 冬季) Best Popularity Group, (Owodog with Michelle Chen 敖犬與陳妍希合作) Asia’s Best Sing-Dance Group (Hong Kong & Mainland China 香港及中國) 新城國語力全國最受歡迎跳舞組合 NEWAY KTV (Lollipop F)(Hong Kong 香港) PFI Hong Kong Album Sales Awards Top Ten Selling Mandarin Albums 小煜:奇煜記 LOLLIPOP_F敖犬 (Four Dimensions) 阿緯:Lollipop-阿緯 LOLLIPOP_F小煜 IFPI香港唱片銷量大獎 威廉:廖威廉 LOLLIPOP_F威廉 十大銷量國語唱片獎 《四度空間》 敖犬:敖小犬小敖 LOLLIPOP_F阿緯

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