What is external attack surface management & Why is it important?
EXTERNAL ATTACK SURFACE An attack surface includes all the open or insecure digital getaways that can be used by cyber attackers to gain access to a company’s assets. Today all digital assets are connected so there are numerous entry points available to the attackers. Thus ASM has gained a prominent place in digital defense today.
Attack surface management has a EXTERNAL ATTACK distinctive approach i.e. It looks at SURFACE asset management through the attacker's perspective. The IT MANAGEMENT infrastructure of a company is discovered, classified, and monitored continuously with the help of ASM. Apart from the direct assets of the company, ASM also takes into its purview the assets that are owned by third parties like cloud providers, contractors.
An attack surface includes the following • Assets • Software • IoT devices Secure or insecure • SaaS known or unknown • Cloud assets and services Active or inactive Managed by vendors • Shadow IT • Hardware • Managed and unmanaged devices
Therefore as the attack surfaces increase with the development of IoT, faster networks, and hybrid cloud computing, there is a prominent need for a proactive approach that includes ASM
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