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Published by f.burakefe, 2022-05-06 21:03:13

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\"Already, just, yet, hardly/scarcely gibi zarflan \"when\" li bir cümlede kullandığımızda, temel cümle Past Perfect Tense gerektirir. I hadn't yet replied to their letter when they came to visit me. She had hardly entered the classroom when the exam started. (Sınav başladığında, o sınıfa henüz/yenice girmişti.) When we arrived there, the film had already started. Eğer \"when\" in bağlı bulunduğu cümledeki eylem, temel cümledeki eylemden daha önce gerçekleşmişse, \"when\" li cümlede de Past Perfect kullanabiliriz. When I had explained the subject to the class, I gave them a quiz. (First, I explained the subject. Then I gave them a quiz.) When the workers had finished some of their work, they sat down to eat lunch. f) With by the time: By the time + Simple Past, Past Perfect By the time she came back, I had finished my work. The film had already begun by the time we got to the cinema. We had already started to discuss the case by the time the manager came. By the time the guests arrived, my mother had finished all the cooking. (Konuklargelinceye kadar annem yemek pişirme işini bitirmişti.) Konuklar geldiğinde \"By the time\" in Türkçe'ye çevirisine dikkat ediniz. Yukarıdaki örneği \" ...... gelinceye tadar\" ya da \".... geldiğinde\" biçiminde çevirdik. Bu nedenle \"by the time\", \"when\" ile yakın bir anlama sahiptir. \"Geçmişte bir eylem olduğunda/oluncaya kadar, diğer bir eylem olmuştu.\" anlamını verir. By the time they came, I had finished cleaning. By the time I arrived at the station, the train had left. Many people had died of tuberculosis by the time scientists found a cure. Eğer, \"geçmişte bir eylem olduğunda, başka bir eylem zaten oluyordu\" anlamını vermek istiyorsak, temel. cümlede (already) + was/were doing kullanabiliriz. past I left the office now future I It was raining . By the time I left the office, it was already raining. (By the time I left the office, it had already started raining.) By the time we prepared her milk, the baby was already crying. (By the time we prepared her milk, the baby had already started crying.) By the time I arrived at my date, my friends were already waiting f or me. 50

52 ELS 51

Temel cümlede Simple Past kullanılmaz. Ancak, \"be\" fiilinin past biçimi olan \"was/were\" kullanılır. By the time I noticed the leak, the kitchen floor was already full of water. By the time the journey was over, it was already midnight. By the time he retired from his work, he was sixty years old. \"By the time\" ile \"until/till\", Türkçe'ye \".... oluncaya kadar\" biçiminde çevrildiği halde, geçmişteki iki eylem arasında farklı bir ilişkiyi ifade ederler. She came back ' - ^------------------------------------------- 5£------------------------- 1----------------->. past X X X X now future Her plants died By the time she came back from holiday, all her plants at home had died. (When she came back, she found all her plants dead.) Yukandaki örnekte ve diğer örneklerde gördüğümüz gibi, \"by the time\", \"ikinci eylem olduğunda, diğer eylem olup bitmişti' anlamını vurguluyor. She came back \"•/•'. •* ------------------------- ş ----------------- i ----------- >- past ______________________J now future I watered her plants ' I watered her plants until she came back from holiday. Bu örnekte de gördüğümüz gibi, \"until/till\", \"birinci eylemin, ikinci eylemin olduğu noktaya kadar devam ettiğini, tam o noktada bittiğini\" vurguluyor. By the time I got to the airport, my plane had taken off. (The plane departed some time before my arrival, so I missed it.) I went to the airport yesterday to see a friend of mine off. I stayed in the waiting lounge until the plane took off. (I saw the plane take off and then I left the airport.) Bir noktadan diğerine sözü edilen eylemin devam ettiğini vurguladığı için \"until/till\", stay, wait, talk, etc. gibi süreç bildiren fiillerle kullanılır. Finish, leave, arrive, etc. gibi, bir anda olup biten eylemler, \"until/till\" ile sadece olumsuz cümlede kullanılır. He stayed at my house until/till I came back from holiday. The teacher waited until/till the last student left the classroom. He didn't leave me until/till I promised to meet him after work. \"By the time\", zaman açısından bir noktayı vurguladığı için, sadece finish, leave, arrive, etc. gibi, bir anda olup biten eylemlerle, çoğunlukla da Perfect tense'lerle kullanılır. He arrived at the station at 11 o'clock. He watted at the station (from 11 o'clock) until/till 12 o'clock, then he left. I didn't arrive at the station until/till 1 o'clock. By the time I arrived at one o'clock, he had left. ELS Q 53 52

EXERCISE 14: Use the Simple Past or Past Perfect to complete the following sentences. 1. By the time the authorities (warn) ...............................the people against the dangers of drinking the water without boiling it, many children (already, get infected] ................................. 2. He (take) .............................. his family abroad last year. The children (be) .................................really excited, because they (never, be) ................................. abroad before. 3. There was a bad smell when I (get) .............................. home, so I (open) .................................the windows at once to let it out. 4. When a tourist (ask) ............................... the way to the nearest post office in good English, we (give) .............................. her the directions rather excitedly, because we (never, have) .............................. the opportunity to use our English so freely before. 5. When they (offer) ............................... her a minor role in a play, she (accept) without thinking much, because she (consider] ................................ it to be a stepping stone toward much better ones. 6. Two years ago, I (have) ...............................a student in my philology group. She (not, know] ............................... any English at all when she (start) ................................ our course, because she (study) ............................... German in high school. Anyway, she wasn't discouraged by the hard patterns and vocabulary of English. Slowly but patiently, she (improve) ............................... her English throughout the year. By the time our course (end) ............................... in June, she (learn) ...............................more vocabulary than the others. This (help) .................................her during the exam, and she (pass) ................................ it. Her attitude (once again, confirm) ..............................the idea that a person can succeed if he/she wants. 7. As soon as we (see) .............................. how busy the motorway (be) ................................. , we (decide) ............................... to take the country road. 8. The supermarket (close) ............................... by the time I (get) ................................ there, so I (go) ............................... to the local shop instead. 9. Even though I (already, explain) ............................... the problem to her in great detail, she (still, want) .............................. me to go through it with her again. 10. As the worker (never, behave) .............................. like that previously, the manager (decide) overlook the incident. 11. He (scarceTy, finish) ............................... typing the report when the manager (appear) .............................. with two pages of amendments. 12. He (recognize) ............................... me straightaway even though he (not, see) ................................ me since I (be) ................................ a child. 13. As he (nor, arrive) .............................. by the arranged time, we (have to) ................................ leave without him. 14. When I (speak) ............................... to them last, they (still, not, make) ................................ their decision. 15. It was not until she (get) ............................... on the train that she (realize) ................................ that somewhere between home and the station she (lose) ..... , ....................... her train pass. 16. Joe (surprise) ............................... his uncle when he (re/use) ................................ the offer of a cigarette from him. His uncle (not, know) ............................... that he (give up) .............................. smoking three months before. EXERCISE 15: Use the Present Perfect Simple or Past Perfect to complete the sentences. 1. She (only, know) ...............................him for two months, yet she (already, agree) ................................ to marry him and next week they are going to buy the rings. 2. Shortly after they (announce) .............................. the results of the election, it was discovered that there (be) .............................. a number of irregularities during the voting, so it was declared invalid. ....... 54 ELS 53

3. I can't stand that girl. She (only, be) ............................... scuba-diving three times, but to hear her talk, you would think she was an expert. 4. They (never, walk) .............................. such a long distance in one day, so they were completely exhausted when they reached their destination. 5. His manager tried to persuade him to stay, but he (already, make up) ..............................his mind to leave and nothing anybody said could change that. 6. As she (read) .............................. the book twice, she was well prepared for the discussion. 7. The ship's crew (all. drown) ............................... before the helicopter crew spotted them in the Atlantic Ocean. 8. I doubt she will be chosen for the part. She (not, act) a serious play so far. 9. I was surprised that they chose her for the part even though she (not, act) a serious play until then. 10. Oh no! We (give) ............................... him the incorrect price. We had better contact him immediately and correct the situation. 1 -24 THE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative I had been working. You had I had not been working. You Had I been working? Had been sleeping. He/She/It had had not been sleeping. He/She/It you been sleeping? Had had not been eating. been eating. he/she/it been eating? We had been waiting. You We had not been waiting. You Had we been waiting? Had had been dancing. They had had not been dancing. They had you been dancing? Had they not been talking. been talking. been talking? He had been sleeping for two hours when suddenly a noise woke him up in the middle of the night. The two countries had been fighting for almost seven years when a peace treaty was signed between them. The party had been going on for two hours when the lights suddenly went out. When she decided to retire, she had been working as a teacher for fifteen years. ELS 55 54

Örneklerde de görüldüğü gibi, Past Perfect Continuous Tense, tam olarak Present Perfect Continuous Tense'in past biçimidir. Hatırlayacağınız gibi. Present Perfect Continuous, geçmişte başlayıp içinde bulunduğumuz anda da devam eden, ya da içinde bulunduğumuz anda henüz bitmiş ama belirtileri devam eden eylemleri ifade ediyordu. Past Perfect Continuous ise, geçmişte başlayıp yine geçmişte bir noktaya kadar devam eden eylemleri ifade eder. past y (had been fighting) now future They started to fight. | The war ended. They had been fighting for f our years when the war ended in 1994. since 1990 We had been waiting for him for exactly three hours when he finally came. His hands were covered in oil, because he had been repairing the car. The child's eyes were watery, because he had been crying. They were all exhausted, because they had been working hard since the morning. (Hepsi çok yorgundu, çünkü sabahtan beri çok yoğun çalışıyorlardı.) He had been studying English for two hours when I went to see him. (Onu görmeye gittiğimde, iki saattir İngilizce çalışıyordu.) •.v l -25 PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS or PAST CONTINUOUS 1. When I went home, he was studying. (Past Cont.) (Ben eve gittiğimde o ders çalışıyordu.) 2. When I went home, he had been studying for two hours. (Past Perfect Cont.) (Ben eve gittiğimde o iki saattir ders çalışıyordu.) Birinci cümledeki \"was studying', sadece \"Ben gittiğim anda ne yapıyordu?\" sorusuna yanıt olabilir. İkinci cümledeki \"had been studying' ise, \"Ben gittiğimde yapmakta olduğu işi ne zamandan beri yapıyordu?\" sorusunu yanıtlar. The other members were discussing the agenda when I got to the meeting. The other members had been discussing the agenda for the last half hour when I got to the meeting. They were staying at a hotel near the sea when I met them in Bodrum. They had been staying at a hotel for five days when I met them in Bodrum. NOT€ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------— -------, \"Since\", Perfect Tense'lere özgü bir zarftır. Ancak, \"for\", diğer j tense'lerle de kullanılır. I'm going to Ankara for two weeks. (Şimdiki z. Gelecek z. anlamıyla kullanımı) (İki haftalığına Ankara'ya gidiyorum.) l have worked for this company for seven years. (Present Perfect) (Yedi yıldır bu şirkette çalışıyorum.) I have been living here for eight years. (Present Perfect Continuous) (Sekiz yıldır burada yaşıyorum.) When I resigned from my work, I had worked there for ten years. (Past Perfect) (İşimden istifa ettiğimde, on yıldır orada çalışıyordum.) When the guests arrived, I had been working in the kitchen for three hours. (Past Perfect C.) (Konuklar geldiğinde, üç saattir mutfakta çalışıyordum.) Last year, I stayed in İzmir for a month. (Simple Past) (Geçen yıl bir ay İzmir'de kaldım.) 56 ELS 55

Özellikle bağlaçlı cümlelerde \"for\" un bu kullanımlarına dikkat ediniz. Şimdi şu iki cümle arasındaki farkı inceleyelim: 1. When I graduated, I lived in İzmir for five years. (Mezun olunca beş yıl İzmir'de oturdum.) 2. When I graduated, I had been living in İzmir for five years. (Mezun olduğumda beş yıldır İzmir'de oturuyordum.) When I graduated in 1986, I lived in İzmir for five years. (First, I graduated. Then I lived in İzmir.) (Mezun olduktan sonraki beş yılı ifade ediyor.) 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 _ ^ ________ l ----------------------- 1 _____________ l ----------------------- 1 -----------------------1 -----------------------1 past I ______________________________ ^_| now future y (had been living) I started to live in İzmir. I graduated. When I graduated in 1986,1 had been living in İzmir for five years. (First I lived in İzmir. Then I graduated.) (Mezuniyetten önceki beş yılı ifade ediyor.) EXERCISE 16: Use the Past Continuous or Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs In parentheses. 1. They (drive) ................................. for over five hours when they reached the hotel. 2. While they (travel) ................................... they passed through several historic towns. 3. I (hangi ................................. some pictures on the wall when I hit my thumb with the hammer. 4. While we (chat) ................................... we realized that she (work) ................................ for the same company as me last year, but at a different branch. 5. Rumours of a large pay-rise (go) ................................... round the office for weeks, so, when it was announced to be only three percent, everyone was very disappointed. 6. They (already, take) ..................................photographs for an hour by the time they noticed the sign forbidding the use of cameras. 7. Apparently he (stroll] .................................. aimlessly on the beach since about noon when we spotted him. 8. While I (sew) .................................. a button onto my shirt, I pricked myself with the needle. 9. She knew that she had better stop and fill up with petrol soon because the red petrol warning light (Hash) ................................. on the dashboard of her car for the last ten minutes. 10. The manager warned the staff about using the phone because, from the size of the telephone bill, it was obvious that someone (make) ...............................long-distance calls. 56

ELS a 57 57

EXERCISE 17: Use the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous, the Past Perfect Simple or the Past Perfect Continuous. 1. You really deserve to have a promotion, Mr. Johnson. You (work) .................................successfully for us for ten years, and you (produce) .................................lots of remarkable projects, especially in the past five years. 2. They gave him a promotion last year, because he (work) ................................... for them successfully for ten years, and he (produce) ................................. lots of remarkable projects, especially in the past five years. 3. A: Hello, Pam. We (just, arrange) ................................. to have a picnic next Saturday. Would you like to come with us? B: Sorry, Sally. I (already, make) .................................. some other arrangements with my folks. They'll be sorry if I change my mind. 4. He (be) ................................. out of work for the last two years. He (try) find a new job ever since he was dismissed from his job, but without success so far. 5. I (look) .................................. for a job for a very long time when I finally found this one two months ago. I (be) ................................. better off financially since then, but I still have some debts to pay off. 6. If you (really, paint) .................................. all day as you claim, why is this room not even half-finished? 7. I (count) .................................. on their support for weeks, so when I discovered yesterday that they (back) ................................. someone else, I was really dismayed. 8. Once they (confirm) .................................. the offer in writing, I'll let you know. 9. He could tell someone (smoke) .................................. in the shed because it was full of smoke. 10. Their supervisor was not satisfied until they (remove) ...................................every speck of dirt from the dormitory. 11. Oh! I'm sorry, we (just, sell) .................................. the last one, but we are expecting another shipment soon. 12. So far I (check) .................................. the files from A to M and (update) .................................them, so I'm about halfway through the job. 13. Last week they installed an internal e-mail system at work. Since then our manager (work) .................................. mainly from home. 14. Scientists (monitor) .................................. the activity of Mount Etna carefully for the past few weeks and (announce) ..................................that tourists will no longer be allowed onto its slopes. 15. The prison governor was certain that the prisoners (plan) ................................... an escape for some time because they (make) .................................. a rope ladder and some makeshift knives. EXERCISE 18: Use the Simple Present, Present Continuous, Simple Past, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous of the verbs In parentheses. 1. She (split) .................................. up with her boyfriend two days ago and (cry) ................................ virtually non-stop ever since. 2. While I (hurry) catch the bus, I (trip)..................................... and (twist) ................................. my ankle. 3. The woman (rush) .................................. into the doctor's surgery screaming that a snake (Just, bite) ................................. her son. 4. I (apply) .................................. for the job over three weeks ago, but I (still, not, hear) ................................ anything. ; 5. Generally he (wear) .................................. a suit to work, but today he (wear) ................................. jeans because they (move) ................................... some furniture into a new office. 6. The first time I (meet) ..................................him, he (work) .................................... on his car all afternoon and was covered in oil. So the second time I (see) ................................. him, I (hardly, recognize) .................................... him! 58 ELS 58

7. The problem of pollution in the world (get) .............................. worse day by day, but a lot of those people who (regularly, complain) ............................... about it (not, seem) .............................. willing to do anything personally to alleviate the situation. 8. While the doctors (operate) .............................. on their son last week, the parents (pace) .............................. anxiously up and down in the waiting-room. 9. You (frown) ............................... all afternoon. What's on your mind? 10. That driver (go) ...............................far too fast! He'll crash if he doesn't slow down soon. 11. As he (not, inform) .............................. me in advance of the arrangement, I wasn't able to go. 12. He (only, just, arrive) ...............................! Give him a chance to take his coat off before you (start) ...............................questioning him. 13. The company (look) .............................. into ways to market the product overseas in recent weeks, but, so far, no one (come) ............................... up with a workable suggestion. 14. A: When ............... you (last, hear) ................ from him? B: I (not, hear) .............................. from him for more than two months now. 15. Jerry, a six-year-old boy, is very fond of animals, so his parents (take) ................................ him to the zoo very often. The last time they (be) ................................ there, they (see)................................. the sea lions at feeding time. Jerry was fascinated. All the time while the keepers (feed) .............................. them, they (Jump) .............................. up out of the water. Jerry's mother (take) ................................ him to the zoo next Saturday again, and this time he (want) ................................ to spend more time at the reptile enclosure and examine the animals there in more detail. 16. We (just, finish)................................ our dinner and (watch) ................................ a documentary on TV when we (hear) .............................. a scream from the flat above. I (rush) ...............................upstairs immediately and (find) .................................Mrs. Green, our neighbour, in tears. Everything in her flat (be) a mess. Obviously, someone (break) ................................ into her house. 17. Just as we (enter) ............................... the church, the groom's brother (whisper} me how nervous the groom (feel} ................................ since breakfast time about making a speech in front of so many guests. He must have, indeed, been nervous, because when he (rise) ............................... to make his speech, he (just, mutter) .............................. a quick thank you to everyone and then (sit) .............................. back down again. 18. In her white wedding gown, Judy (look) .............................. more beautiful than I (ever, see) ............................... her before, or (ever, see) ................................. her since the wedding. 19. Three days after they (drop) ............................... an atom bomb on Hiroshima, the Americans (drop) .............................. another one on Nagasaki. These two bombs (cause) of the biggest massacres the world (witness) .................................up to that time. 20. I don't think they (find) ................................ the cause of the problem yet. The last time I (check) ..............................., they (still, test) ............................... the system. ELS 59 59

1-26 FUTURE TIME (will/shall or be going to) FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative I will help you. I will not help you. Will I help you? I am going to help you. I am not going to help you. Am I going to help you? You will come early. You will not come early. Will you come early? You are going to come early. You are not going to come early. Are you going to come early? He/She/It will eat lunch. He/She/It will not eat lunch. Will he/she/it eat lunch? He/She/It is going to eat lunch. He/She/It is not going to eat lunch. Is he/she/it going to eat lunch? We will work. We will not work. Will we work? We are going to work. We are not going to work. Are we going to work? You will leave early. You will not leave early. Will you leave early? You are going to leave early. You are not going to leave early. Are you going to leave early? They will visit us. They will not visit us. Will they visit us? They are going to visit us. They are not going to visit us. Are they going to visit us? Bütün öznelerle \"will\" yardımcı fiili kullanılır. Birinci tekil şahıs \"we\" ve birinci çoğul şahıs \"ive\" için, \"will\" yerine \"shall\" de kullanılır. Ancak \"shall\" in bu kullanımı artık çok eski olarak kabul edilmektedir. We will (shall) Invite them to the party. She will help me with my homework. \"will not\" ve \"shall not\" kısaltılarak \"won't\" ve \"shan't\" biçiminde kullanılır. They will not/won't come tomorrow. We shall not/shan't go to the party. \"will\" ve \"shall\" kısaltılarak \" ll\" biçiminde kullanılır. They'll visit us next week./I'II eat dinner out tonight. 1-27 USE OF THE FUTURE TENSES a) Eğer geleceğe yönelik bir tahminde bulunuyorsak (prediction), \"will\" ya da \"be going to\" kullanabiliriz. There will/is going to be a rise in prices after the elections. According to the weather report, it will/is going to snow tomorrow. He will/is going to have an accident if he doesn't drive more carefully. b) Önceden tasarlanmış, planlanmış bir durumdan söz ediyorsak (prior plan), \"be going to\" kullanmamız gerekir. Bu anlamıyla \"be going to\", cansız varlıklar için genellikle kullanılmaz. - Why have you bought this material? - I'm going to make a skirt for myself. - Why is your dog digging in that corner? - Oh, he is going to bury his bone there. 6O ELS 60

c) Henüz öğrendiğimiz bir konuda yapmaya istekli olduğumuz bir durumu (willingness), \"will\" ile ifade ederiz. - I don't have any money. - Don't worry. I'II lend you some. (Üzülme. Ben sana veririm.) - Some guests are coming in two hours, and nothing is ready yet. - Don't worry, l'II wash the dishes and you can do the cooking. (Ben bulaşıkları yıkarım, sen yemeği pişirirsin.) - I have a headache. - Wait here. I'll bring an aspirin for you. (Bekle sana bir aspirin getireyim.) \"will\" in bu kullanımının Türkçe'ye çevirisine dikkat ediniz. Örneklerde de gördüğünüz gibi, \"will wash, will lend, will bring' ifadelerini \"yıkayacağım, ödünç vereceğim, getireceğim\" biçiminde değil, \"yıkarım, ödünç veririm, getireyim\" biçiminde çevirdik. d) Eğer bir olayın olacağına ilişkin belirtiler varsa, \"going to\" kullanılır. The sky is black. It is going to rain. There's a lot of blossom on the trees this spring. We're going to have a good crop. e) Bu tense'lerle yaygın olarak kullanılan zaman zarflan, tomorrow, next week, next month, next summer, in two days (iki gün sonra), in ten minutes (on dakika sonra), two days from now (iki gün sonra), five years from now (beş yıl sonra), soon (az sonra, yakında) gibi zarflardır. We'll take an exam next week. Tomorrow is a public holiday, so she wont go to work. She will graduate in three years. Two months from now, they'll move into a new flat. Ancak, içinde bulunduğumuz ana göre gelecek zaman ifade eden pek çok zarf, bu tense'lerle kullanılabilir. (In the morning) I'm going to do some shopping today. Do you need anything special? I'm not going to have breakfast this morning. 1) \"am, is, are going to\" nun past biçimi olarak \"was, were going to\" kullanılır. Bu tense ile, geçmişte niyet ettiğimiz, planladığımız, ama çeşitli nedenlerle yapamadığımız eylemleri anlatırız. I was going to visit my parents last night, but just as I was leaving home, some guests arrived, so I couldn't. (Dün akşam ailemi ziyaret edecektim ama ..... ) We were going to have an exam yesterday, but we couldn't finish the unit, so the teacher postponed the exam until next week. (Dün sınav olacaktık ama...... ) EXERCISE 19: Complete the sentences using the Simple Future (wiII) or \"going to\" future. 1. A: Oh, I've just read in the paper that there's a train strike today. How ................................ you (get) ................................ to work? B: It's O.K. We heard about it yesterday and Jake (drive) .............................. me. 2. A: Have you typed that letter for me? B: Oh no. I forgot all about it. I (do) .............................. it now. 3. A: I'm just popping out because I (buy) ................................some sugar. B: We need coffee as well, you know. A: O.K. I (get)............................... that too. ELS 61 61

4. She's very pale. She looks as if she (faint) ..................................... 5. A: Can you type this letter for me, please? B: Sure. I (do) .................................. it as soon as I've finished this report. 6. A: Dad, the kitchen tap doesn't work properly. B: Yes, I noticed that this morning, and I brought a few tools with me from work. I (repair) ................................. it after dinner. 7. Watch out! Those books are leaning against your vase. It (fall} .................................. off the shelf. 8. A: We have a lot of bookings tonight! We (get) .................................. home very late again. B: Don't worry. I've just phoned Greg and Tony. They (come) ..................................... to help us with clearing out the mess. 9. A: Do you like chili and rice? B: I'm not too keen on very spicy food. A: I (make) ................................. some with just a pinch of chili powder for you then. .......................................................................... B: Thank you. 10. A: I don't think I (have) ..................................time to fetch Sally's birthday cake this afternoon. B: Don't worry. I (do) on my way back from work. 1-28 FUTURE TENSE in TIME CLAUSES \"When, after, before, as soon as, etc.\" gibi zaman bağlaçlarının Past Tense ile kullanımını daha önce görmüştük. Şimdi bu bağlaçların Future Tense ile kullanımlarını inceleyelim. First: I will do some shopping tomorrow. , ; Then: I will go to the cinema. After I do some shopping tomorrow, I will go to the cinema. First: She will talk to the teacher. .............. , Then: She will leave school. , . , ; > Before she leaves school tomorrow, she will talk to the teacher. Yukarıdaki örneklerde gördüğünüz gibi, her iki eylem de gelecekte gerçekleşecek olmasına rağmen, yan cümlede \"will\" ya da \"going to\" kullanılmaz. Yan cümlede Simple Present Tense, temel cümlede ise \"'will\" ya da \"going to\" kullanılır. When she comes home, we will study together. I will wait at home until my mother comes back from shopping. We'II leave home as soon as we finish our work. I'll decide what to do after I receive their letter. She is going to phone us before she comes here. Once you .know the details of this software, you'll find it easy to use. 62 ELS 62

ELS 63 63

EXERCISE 21: Complete the sentences with the Simple Present and/or Present Perfect and Simple Future (will) of the verbs in parentheses. 1. The conference (not, commence) .............................. until all the delegates (arrive) 2. While the delegates are arriving, the authorities (close) ..................................the area to the public. 3. We (not, reserve) ................................. the tickets until we (be) ................................... certain how many people are coming. 4. While you're fetching her from the station, I (check) ..................................that her room is prepared. 5. After she (settle) ................................. in, we (take) ...................................her on a tour of the city. 6. They (not, be) ................................. very happy when they (see) ................................... what a mess we've made. 7. As in all matches, the police (contain) .................................. the crowds tomorrow while the match (be) progress. 8. The doormen (not, let) in until some people (come) ................................ out because, as a rule, they (only, allow) ....................................a certain number of people in the tower at one time. 9. After the young lawyer (familiarize) ................................. himself with similar court cases, I'm sure he (be) ................................. able to handle the case. 10. We (not be ab7e) use our new kitchen before the workmen (check) ................................. all the appliances. 1-29 THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE FORM Negative Interrogative Affirmative I won't be studying. You Will I be studying? Will won't be working. He/She/It you be working? Will I will be studying. You won't be eating. he/she/it be eating? will be working. We won't be talking. You Will we be talking? Will He/She/It will be eating. won't be sleeping. They you be sleeping? Will they We will be talking. You won't be shopping. be shopping? will be sleeping. They will be shopping. 1-30 USE OF THE FUTURE CONTINUOUS TENSE a) Bu tensel, gelecekte bir noktada yapıyor olacağımız eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanırız. Don't call me tomorrow between ten and eleven. I'll be having an interview then. At this time next year, you'll probably be attending university. My plane departs at nine, so I'll be Qying to New York at this hour tomorrow. b) Bu tense'i birinden bir şey rica ederken de kullanabiliriz. - Will you be going past the post office when you go out? - Yes. Why? - If so, can you post this letter for me? - Will you be using your bike tomorrow? - No, I don't think so. - If not, can you lend it to me for the afternoon? c) Future Continuous, özellikle tatil ve seyahatlerle ilgili düzenlemeler hakkında konuşurken, plan ve niyet ifade ederken sıkça kullanılır. Bu anlamda Present Continuous da kullanılabilir. We'lI be staying at the Mediterromaneo Hotel. (=We are staying at the Mediterromaneo Hotel.) 64 ELS 64

EXERCISE 22: Complete the sentences with the Simple Future (will do), Future Continuous (will be doing) or Simple Present (do/does) and/or Present Perfect Simple (have/has done) of the verbs In parentheses. • 1. At the rate he's improving, he (play) .............................. football for the national team by the time he's sixteen! 2. At the end of next week, you (drive) .............................. round Europe, Jane (sail) .............................. across the Mediterranean and I (fee]} .............................. very jealous of you both! 3. Until your grades (improve) ............................... you (have to) .............................. stay at home every evening. 4. At the moment, you think you (never, learn) .............................. to ski, but this time next week you (whiz) .............................. down the slopes like a professional! 5. Do you think you (see) .............................. Mike at any time over the weekend? If so, can you give him a message? 6. I (drop) .............................. you off at the end of your road, but I (not, have) .............................. time to accept your offer of tea, I'm afraid. 7. Contact our agency at the resort as soon as you (get) .............................. there and they (provide) .............................. all the camping equipment you (need) .............................. there immediately. 8. It's more than a little inconvenient, I'm afraid. I (perform) .............................. an operation on a patient at that time, so later in the day would be better. 9. I (work) .............................. night shifts all this week, so it's quite frustrating to think that I (work) .............................. while everybody else is sleeping. 10. After you (undergo) .............................. our expert parachute training, jumping out of an aeroplane (not, bother) .............................. you at all. 11. The police (not, open) .............................. the road until they (clean) .............................. all the debris from the accident away. 12. The mayor (not be able) .............................. to present the prize in person next week because at that time, he (welcome) .............................. the German trade minister. His wife (present) .............................. the prize on his behalf. 65

1-31 THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE FORM Affirmative Negative Interrogative I will have finished. You I won't have finished. You Will I have finished? Will will have left home. won't have left home. you have left home? Will He/She/It will have eaten. He/She/It won't have eaten. he/she/it have eaten? Will We will have left work. We won't have left work. we have left work? Will You will have bought it. You won't have bought it. you have bought it? Will They will have gone out. They won't have gone out. they have gone out? 1-32 USE OF THE FUTURE PERFECT TENSE a) Gelecekte bir noktada yapmış, tamamlamış olacağımız eylemleri bu tense ile ifade ederiz. By, before, in a week (or in a week's time), in ten days (or in ten days' time), in three years (or in three years' time) gibi zarflar, bu tense ile çok sık kullanılan zarflardır. She will have graduated from university in two years. She promises that she will have finished her report by tomorrow. They will have completed the new school building by next year. b) \"By the time\", \"when\" ve \"before\", bu tense ile sık kullanılan zaman bağlaçlarıdır. I will have finished my homework by the time mother comes back. Before this term is finished, we will have studied half of the units. The children will have gone to bed when the guests arrive. We will already have eaten dinner when he comes. 0 geldiğinde biz yemeğimizi yemiş olacağız. c) \"By\" ile \"by the time\" arasındaki farka dikkat ediniz. \"By\" bir preposition olduğu için kendinden sonra bir isim gelir, (by two o'clock, by next month, by tomorrow, by then, etc.) \"By the time\" ise bir bağlaçtır. Kendinden sonra bir cümle gelir. \"By the time\" dan sonra \"that\" kullanılabilir. 1will have finished my work by 5 o'clock. I will have finished my work by the time (that) you come back. I'll call you at 2:00. I hope you'll have finished your work by then. I'll call you at 2:00. I hope you'll have finished your work by the time (that) I call you.. EXERCISE 23: Complete the sentences with the Simple Future (will do), Future Perfect (will have done) or Simple Present (do/does) of the verbs In parentheses. 1. Don't spend too much at the Grand Bazaar, or you (regret) ................................. it when you (run out) ................................. of money before the end of your holiday. 2. By the time the credit card statement with this purchase on it (arrive) .................................. I (receive) ................................... my wages. So don't worry. «, 66 Q ELS 66

3. We (find) .....................................Jenny either happy or very sad when we (return) .................................because she (receive) ................................ her exam results by then. 4. The police anticipate that the thieves (somehow, manage) ...................................... to send a message to their accomplices and, by the time they (reach) .................................their hideout, their accomplices (remove) ....................................... all traces of their criminal activity. 5. About fifty years from now, the Pacific Ocean (rise) a level dangerous to the very existence of some inhabited islands. 6. At last I've found two tickets for the concert, but I (pretend) ............................... that I couldn't, when my sister (ask) 7. If I (put) ............................... a quarter of my salary aside every month, by next June, I (save) .............................. enough money to afford a proper holiday abroad. 8. By the time the government (bring) ............................... down inflation, a lot of companies (a/ready, go) ............................... bankrupt. 9. We (adapt) ............................. the computer program, if necessary, once we've seen how suitable it is in its present form. 10. In about a year's time, this system (become) ............................... obsolete, so we ought to start thinking about changing it before too long. 11. We have decided that when the management (announce) ............................... the new pay scales, we (say) ..................................... that we are not satisfied, no matter what percentage they are. 12. Fortunately, when we (arrive)................................. she (already, break) ................................ the news to him. . 1-33 THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE FORM Affirmative: Subject + will have been doing, + will Subject not have been doing, + Negative: Will subject + have been doing? Interrogative: 1 -34 USE OF THE FUTURE PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE a) Gelecekte bir eylemi ne kadar zamandır yapıyor olacağımızı bu tense ile ifade ederiz. Yani gelecekte süreç bildiririz. By next year, I will have been teaching English for nine years. Tomorrow, I will start work at 9 and finish at 12, so I will have been working for three hours by the time my last lesson is over. will have been studying She will start studying at 2:00. Her mother will come home at 5:00. By the time her mother comes home at 5 o'clock, she will have been studying for three hours. ELS 67 67

She started to work for us last year. Now, she has been working for us for a year. By this time next year, she will have been working for us for two years. The meeting will start at ten, and I will arrive there at eleven. By the time I arrive there, the meeting will have been going on for an hour. By the next elections, this government will have been running the country for four years. b) Bu tense ile kullanacağımız fiilleri seçerken dikkatli olmamız gerekir. Ancak work, write, travel, watch, listen, go on, study gibi sürerlik bildiren fiilleri bu tense ile kullanabiliriz. Finish, complete, arrive gibi bir anda olup biten eylemleri ifade eden fiilleri kullanamayız. \"By 9 o'clock tomorrow, I'll have been arriving in Ankara for six hours.\" ifadesi yanlış bir ifade olur. Çünkü insan, altı saattir bir yere varıyor olamaz. Bu cümleyi ancak şöyle doğru olarak ifade edebiliriz: By 9 o'clock tomorrow, I'll have arrived in Ankara. (.... varmış olacağım.) By the time I arrive in Ankara, Til have been travelling for six hours. ( ... altı saattir yolculuk yapıyor olacağım.) c) \"By the time\" yapısıyla \"be\" fiilinin kullanımına dikkat ediniz. Normalde \"by the time\", temel cümlede Future Perfect gerektirir. By the time they arrive, I will have eaten my dinner. Ancak \"be\" fiili, eğer süreç bildirmiyorsa. Simple Future (will be) ile kullanılır. By the time they arrive, dinner will be over. By the time he retires from his job, he will be sixty. By the time we come back from holiday, they will be married. Eğer \"be\" fiilini, süreç bildiren bir ifadeyle birlikte kullanırsak. Future Perfect gerektirir. By the time he retires from his job, he win have been in this city for twenty years. By the time we come back from holiday, they will have been married for a month. EXERCISE 24: Complete the sentences using an appropriate Future tense: will do, will be doing, will have done or will have been doing. 1. You can almost guarantee that by the time we get to the box-office, they (se/7) ................................. out of tickets. 2. I (drive)'.................................. past your house at about 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, as that's the way I always go, so if you're ready, wait outside and I [give) ................................ you a lift. 3. Agent A: How ................. I (recognize) ..................him? Agent B: Well, he (wear) ................................. grey trousers, a green jacket and a yellow tie! 4. If you arrive at 6 o'clock, we (wait) .................................. outside the cinema, but by quarter past, we (probably, go) ..................................inside. 5. Probably, for the first few days in your new job, you (experience) ............................... one or two problems, but by the end of the week you (settle) 6. We (be) ..................................exhausted when we arrive as, by then, we (travel) ................................ for about two days in total. 68 Q ELS 68

7. At this time tomorrow evening, we (congratulate) .................................. ourselves on having completed an excellent piece of work! 8. Next February, you (work) .................................. for us for ten years, Mr. Wilson, and you (qualify) ................................. for our employee pension scheme. 9. I (take) .................................. the fabric out of the dye at four o'clock because, by then, it (soak) the solution for two hours, and I think that (be) ................................. enough. 10. Fire fighters are confident and believe that, by midnight tomorrow, they (extinguish) ................................. the forest fire. 11. The leader of the rescue operation (inspect) ................................. the area again at 7 p.m. this evening. By then, the task force (dig) ...................................for survivors for three full days. After his inspection, he (make) ................................. a decision about the likelihood of finding anyone else alive in the rubble. 12. I'm sure that by the time my daughter reaches adulthood, the world (look) ................................. very different than it does today. EXERCISE 25: Complete the sentences using \"until1 or \"by the time\". 1. He waited at the arranged place .................................. he realized that she wasn't going to turn up. 2. We'll all have died of hunger.................................. you finish cooking dinner! 3. He's working late this evening, so we won't have dinner.................................... he gets home. 4....................................... she was sixteen, she was already an accomplished musician. 5...................................... he was fourteen, he never went anywhere, apart from to school, without his parents. 6. Jane: I'm not going to eat any cakes ................................... I've lost enough weight to fit into these jeans. Mary: But then, they'll have gone out of fashion ................................... you are thin enough to wear them. 7. I'm sure she'll be sleeping .................................. we get home, because she normally goes to bed around this time. 8. He stayed at the party.................................. the last guest had gone. 9.......................................the last person left, it was after three o'clock in the morning. 10. You won't make any progress .................................. you start taking your studies more seriously. 11.....................................we get an answer from them, it'll be too late. 12.....................................I tried it myself, I'd never thought that jogging could be enjoyable. 13. The fire was already under control ................................... the fire brigade arrived. 14. The plane won't take off .................................. the captain has completed all the safety checks. 15. I didn't know Janice could speak fluent Japanese ...................................she told me about her new job in Tokyo. 1-35 TENSE AGREEMENT in TIME CLAUSES Zaman bağlaçları temel cümle ile yan cümle arasında \"tense\" uyuşması gerektirir. PAST TIME: \"When I got home .......\" cümlesini tamamlarken getireceğimiz yapılar mutlaka Past Time' a ait bir tense olmalıdır. When I got home, I had a bath and then ate my dinner. I slept for three hours and then studied until midnight. my son was sleeping. my parents had eaten their dinner. my son had been sleeping for two hours. ELS Q 69 69

PRESENT TIME: \"When I get home after work, .....\" ifadesini, eğer genelde yaptığımız bir işi anlatmak üzere kullanıyorsak, Present Time'a ait bir yapı ile tamamlayabiliriz. When I get home after work, I usually take a rest for a while. ! first of all, I play with my son for a while. FUTURE TIME: :: \"When I get home after work tomorrow, .....\" ifadesi ise temel cümlede mutlaka Future bir yapı gerektirmektedir. (Yan cümlede Future tense kullanılmadığına dikkat ediniz.) When I get home after work tomorrow, I will take a rest for a while. my son will be sleeping. my son will have been sleeping for two hours. our guests will have arrived. I am going to sleep for two hours. ' EXER CISE 26: Use any appropriat e tense for the verbs in parenthes es. 1. The government (just, take) ................................. a number of measures to bring inflation down and to improve the economic situation. There (be) ................................. a public outcry when they (announce) ...................................the new tax system and other economic decisions two weeks ago. There (be) ................................. several protest demonstrations in many parts of the country since then, and I think they (increase) ................................. in the future if the economy doesn't improve soon. 2. Two weeks ago, we (intend] .................................. to spend a quiet weekend at home, without hurrying to have breakfast or without worrying about the heavy traffic on the roads, but nothing (go) ................................. as we (arrange) before. First, I (cut) ....................................myself badly while I (do) .................................. the dishes after breakfast. We (try) .................................. hard to stop the bleeding and then we (put) ................................. a bandage on the cut. In the meantime, our son (play) .................................. with his friend in his room. Because they (both, be) ................................. very naughty children, they (usually, hurt) ................................. each other while they (play) ................................... together, and it happened so that day. Just as we (sit) ................................... down to watch a good movie on television, after my unfortunate accident, we (hear) ................................. our son crying. We (hurry) ................................... to his room to see what (happen) ....................................What we saw was terrible. The other boy (throw} ..................................a metal toy car at our son's face, and it (hit) .................................him just above his right eye. It was badly bruised, and a line of blood (trickle) ................................. down his cheek. I (nearly, faint) ................................. when I (see) ................................... this scene. Anyway, we (take) ................................. him to the nearest hospital without delay, and our quiet weekend was spent at the hospital. 3. There (be) ..................................great changes in the climates of the world in recent years. One (not, know) ................................. what to expect from one day to another. In the past, people (know) ................................. when spring would start, or when summer would come, but now, all the seasons (seem) ................................... to be mixed together. Just two days ago, we (wear) .................................. thick pullovers because of the unexpected cold, but today, we (wear) .................................. our short-sleeved T-shirts again. Scientists say that the hole in the ozone layer (cause) ................................. these changes. I'm afraid future generations (face) 70

................................. terrible conditions on earth. 70 Q ELS 71

4. I (a/ways, be afraid) ................................. of the idea of an earthquake since I (be) ................................ a child. When I (hear) ................................... that somewhere in the world has been hit, I (immediately, put) ................................. myself in the position of the people there, and then, (not, know] ...................................what to think. 5. Turkey (experience) .................................. several great earthquakes in recent years, and because it (be) ................................. on major earthquake fault lines, it (experience) ................................. more earthquakes in the years to come. 6. As he (not, sleep) ................................. well for weeks, he (go) ................................... to see the doctor, who assured him it was nothing serious. 7. He says that he (exchange) ..................................his car for a cheaper model in a week or so, but I think he (regret) ................................. it after a few months. 8. The fire (blaze) ................................. so fiercely when the fire brigade (come) ................................ that it (take) ...................................them over two hours to put it out, so the building was almost totally destroyed. 9. By the end of this year they (expand) .................................. the company into seven countries. 10. It (turn) ...................................really cold today, and look how grey the sky is. I'm certain that it (snow)..................................... 11. She (lose) ..................................weight very quickly now, so at this rate, in about a month's time, she (Jose) ................................. over 10 kilos. 12. There are five speakers on the list, each of whom (make) hour-long speech, so by the end of today's session, we (sit) our seats for five straight hours, listening to the same topic. 13. When I (last, look) .................................. into the room, the meeting (not, yet, commence) .................................... 14. On close inspection it was obvious that the twenty dollar bill was a forgery, so the cashier (immediately, ring)................................... the police. By the time the man (reach) ................................. the shopping centre entrance, three policemen (already, wait) ..................................there for him. 15. My best friend, Lucy, (expect) .................................. a baby around the middle of August, so by the time I (be) ................................. able to visit her in September, she (have) .................................. the baby. 16. We (hike) .................................. for two hours now, and we (still, have) ................................. around five kilometres to go, so by the time we (join) .................................the other group at the camp, we (walk) ....................................for about four hours. 17. In a wine factory, normally they (store) .................................. the wine in the cellar and, they (bottle) ................................. it after it (ferment) ................................... for two weeks. 18. I (not ignore) .................................. his behaviour any longer. I (say) .................................something to him tomorrow if he (treat) .................................... us in the same way. 19. I (only, drive) ..................................for ten minutes when suddenly the brakes (fail) ................................... Worst of all, perhaps, was that I (come) ................................... down a slope at the time. You can't imagine the difficulty I (have) ................................. until I (stop) .................................. the car! 20. Who was the man you (talk) ................................. to just now? I (not, think) .................................I (see) ................................... him around here before. 21. Everybody in John's family (have) ................................. a cold or flu lately. First Kate (go) ..................................down with the flu, then John (catch) .................................... a cold and now Richard (suffer) ..................................from a cough and cold. He (cough) ................................. continually for a week. His cough (sound) ................................. so ghastly that John and Kate doubt he (get) .............. , .................................better without visiting the doctor. 22. It says in today's newspaper that a man (recently, design) .................................. a car which (run) ................................. on water and petrol. He (think) .................................. that in ten years' time, thousands of people (drive) ................................... around in cars using this environmentally-friendly fuel. ELS 71 72

EXERCISE 27: Complete the following passage using the appropriate forms of the verbs in parentheses. (Mrs. Hopkins in England is writing to her friend in France.) It ( ................................ the worst heat wave in the South of England for the last twenty years, and it (2.not, rain) for six months now. Everybody (3.suffer) ..................................from the heat, and our supply of water (4.only, last)...................................for two or three more weeks. Water (5. be)..................................... so scarce that we (6.keep) .................................. it turned off for seventeen hours a day. We ( ................................. boiled water in bottles in case the situation gets worse. We (8.use) ..................................the hall as storage space, because it ( ................................ the coolest place in our flat. As our flat (lO.face) ................................ south, it (11.develop) ................................... temperatures like a greenhouse. The other day, John ( ................................. me from the living room. \"Look,\" he (I3.say) ...................................pointing out of the window, \"those children (14.have)...................................their own method of keeping cool.\" In the garden our neighbour's children (I5.lie) ................................. under a tree, covered with thick layers of wet sand and earth. Yesterday on the radio, they (16.announce) .................................. a heavy thunderstorm for today. But(17.not, see) .................................... a sign of it yet. You simply cannot rely on the weather forecast in spite of all the research being done with satellites and other modern equipment. EXERCISE 28: Complete the following passage using the appropriate forms of the verbs in parentheses. (Professor Smith, who was kidnapped, and has now been freed by the police, is talking to the reporters.) I (1.arrive) .................................. home from the airport late in the evening, at about 11 o'clock. Just as I ( ..................................the garden gate, a man wearing sunglasses (S.approach) ................................. me. He (4,ask) .................................... for a light. As I (5.light) ..................................his cigarette, the man (6.suddenly, hold) ................................ his hand over my mouth so that I couldn't call out. At the same time, two other men from behind (7. overpower) I (8. try) ................................ to get away, but they (9.push)..................................... me into the car, which ( off.................................... at once. Then they (11.give) .................................. me an injection and I (12.1ose) ..................................consciousness. When I (I3.wake up) ..................................I (14.1ie) ....................................on a bed in a room with no windows. They (I5.tell) ................................. me over a loudspeaker to get up and go over to the table. On the table I (16. find) ................................. a copy of some top secret plans I ( on for quite a long time, but a very important part of them was missing. They (18.offer) ................................. me $ 3 million if I agreed to complete the plans for them. They (19.promise) .................................. that nothing would happen to me if I did as they said. They (20.threaten) ................................. me, saying that if I put in any mistakes, my wife and my children would be killed. They (21.give) ................................ me three hours to think it over. I (22. feel) ................................... too tired and sick from the injection to answer or even to think, so I (23.just, lie) ................................ down on the bed and (24.fall) ...................................asleep again. I can't tell you what (25.happen) ..................................after that or how long I (26.sleep) ...................................When some loud noises (27. wake) up, I (28.see) ................................. Inspector Johnson standing by the bed. He can tell you more, I (29. excuse) ................................... me now, please? I (30.not, feel) ...................................very well. 72 Q ELS 73

EXERCISE 29: I) Complete the following passage using the appropriate forms of the verbs In parentheses. UHU In 1932, a German named August Fischer (1.invent) ................................. the world's first synthetic resin adhesive, UHU. Before then, they (2.make) .................................glues mainly of natural materials and, unlike UHU, they (3.not, be) ..................................waterproof. Fischer ( ................................... his sticky substance UHU, after the German name for the eagle owl, the magnificent bird which (S.inhabit) ................................. the Black Forest near his factory in Buhl, by Germany's border with France. He ( .......................... his glue to stick to any surface, although today UHU (7.come)................................... in a staggering 184 types. By the Second World War the glue (8.gain) .................................such popularity that the firm (9. cease) .........................the production of other office accessories to devote more resources to UHU. UHU glue for public use was originally mixed and filled into tubes and jars by hand, which must have been a messy business, but the German plant is now fully automated. It (lO.produce) .............................................five million kilos of glue a year, which ( ................................. the equivalent weight of 30 Concorde airplanes, or 1,000 elephants. UHU is the leader of the glue market not only in Britain but in eighteen other countries. One in five tubes or jars of glue bought in Britain (12.bear) ..................................... the UHU brand. The shelf-life is between two and three years, providing the tube (13.not, burst) .....................................Collectively, Britain (14. spend) ....................................£ 102 million a year on adhesives of all kinds. II) Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as the following definitions. COLUMN A COLUMN B a) a sticky substance that usually comes ............................................................. from plants ............................................................. b) glue; substance for sticking things c) able to stop water from passing through ............................................................. ............................................................. it ............................................................. d) live in (a place) ............................................................. e) shocking; unbelievable f) stop; come or bring to an end ............................................................. g) give something so it is specially available ............................................................. ............................................................. for a purpose ............................................................. h) factory i) being equal to ............................................................. J) carry; have ............................................................. k) length of time for which a product ............................................................. ............................................................. remains usable 1) on condition that; only if ELS m) break open suddenly; explode n) considered as a group or a whole 74

III) Choose the correct answer according to the passage. 1. It's obvious from the passage that Fischer ........... A) invented the world's first glue B) owned a factory which was partly in Germany and partly in France C) originally mixed the glue and filled the tubes himself D) used to produce office equipment other than UHU E) used to keep an eagle owl, whose name was UHU 2. The passage tells us that UHU ............ A) was used extensively during the Second World War B) was originally made from natural materials \"' C) is able to withstand the weight of thirty Concorde aeroplanes D) is only available in nineteen countries E) is able to resist water 3. Over the years A) £102 million have been spent on UHU t B) the number of different varieties of UHU has increased . C) the shelf-life of UHU has risen to three years D) UHU has been developed from natural materials into a synthetic adhesive E) UHU has been used in offices, wars and aeroplane construction ' IV) Complete the sentences selecting words from Column B In PART ll. 1. That footballer's daily income is.................................. to my monthly salary. 2. The child was very upset when his new balloon suddenly ..................................... 3. You can't wear that jacket in this rain. It isn't ..................................... 4. Until she died, she ................................... her life to helping orphaned children. 5. You can watch that film on TV finish your homework first. 74 ELS 75

EXERCISE 30: I) Complete the following passage using the appropriate forms of the verbs In parentheses. DIABETES At the beginning of the 20th century, diabetes (1. be) ................................. a rare, virtually untreatable disease; its companion disorder, hypoglycemia, had not yet even been identified. Over the past one hundred years, these two metabolic problems (2.burst) .......................upon the populations of modernized societies with all the force of an epidemic. In the thirty-seven years from 1936 to 1973, for example, diabetes (3.rise) ................................. from the twelfth leading cause of death to rank seventh, where it (4.still, stand) Together with cancer, cardiovascular illness and other problems, diabetes ( ............................ part of a widespread degenerative trend pervading modern life. Like diabetes, most such chronic illnesses (6.escalate) ...................................... from relative obscurity to a frightening prominence within the 20th century. In the past several years, this alarming trend (7.prompt) .................... a mood of sober, broad-ranging self-reflection throughout society at large, in the public media, and particularly within the medical and research communities. The dramatic increase of diabetes, in particular, (8.result) ................................. in the most extensive research campaigns in medical history. Since the development of insulin injection therapy in the 1920s, they (9.make) .................................great strides in describing what (10.actually, happen) the course of the disease. Yet there is scarcely any better understanding now of why diabetes (11. develop) ........................... than there was a hundred years ago. And despite the widely heralded new era brought about by insulin therapy and other developments, the incidence and mortality rates from this illness (12.continue) .......................... to climb. At the rate of one death every two minutes, diabetes (13.claim) ..................................over 340,000 lives annually -just over half the death rate of cancer. H) Find words or phrases In the passage which mean the same as the following definitions. COLUMN A COLUMNS a) almost completely b) unable to be helped with medical care c) something which goes, or is found, with something else d) become much greater; increase in extent e) in comparison with something else f) condition of being unknown or not understood g) condition of being well-known or important h) bring about; cause to happen i) reaching a wide area j) very great; sudden; as if in a theatrical production k) celebrated; spoken about 1) rate of occurrence; range or extent of something's effect ELS 75 76

m) Choose the correct answer according to the passage. 1. It is stated In the passage that cancer A) causes two deaths every minute B) claims half as many lives yearly as diabetes C) kills nearly twice as many people each year as diabetes D) results in fifty percent fewer deaths than diabetes E) is responsible for the death of 340,000 people annually 2. It Is clear from the passage that diabetes A) is linked to cancer and cardiovascular illnesses B) has become the leading cause of death in modernized societies C) develops just because of modern eating habits D) was known at the start of the twentieth century, but hypoglycemia was not E) took thirty-seven years to be properly identified 3. According to the passage, insulin therapy A) has not stopped the increase in the occurrence of and deaths from diabetes B) has brought about a greater understanding of why diabetes develops C) has only been available for the last two decades D) has reduced the death rate from diabetes by half E) came about because of an extensive medical research campaign IV) Complete the sentences selecting words from Column B in PART ll. 1. After his wife died, his only .................................. until his own death was his pet dog. 2. As your answers to this test are .................................. the same, I can only assume that one of you copied the other. 3. The police are worried about the .................................. rise in burglaries recently. 4. The recent rise in the crime rate has................................... the police to take stricter measures. 5. For you or me, that computer seems very expensive, but when you consider how high his salary is, for him, the .................................. cost is very low. 77

EXERCISE 31: I) Complete the following passage using the appropriate forms of the verbs In parentheses. DEVOTED TO REPTILES Nicole Viloteau, a 50-year-old conservationist, (l.feel) ......................... an intense attraction to nature and its magic spell ever since she (2. be) ............................... a child, and time (3.create) her an unshakeable and determined personality, and this (4.further, strengthen) .................................her taste for the solitary discovery of wild nature. During her adolescence, she (5.also, develop) .................................. a passion for the world of reptiles and amphibians, and since then, she (6.devote) ........................... the better part of her apparently inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm to the study and conservation of these animals worldwide. As soon as she (7.finish) .................................her studies, she (8.organize) .................................... a trip across France for five years, stirring up public interest wherever she (9.go) ................................... After she (10. become) ................................... an expert on snakes, she (11. finally, take) ................................. a major step towards achieving her dream - and (12.begin) travel and explore reptiles in their natural surroundings. Since then, she (13.visit) ................................. a number of countries in Africa, Australia and Latin America, and (14.cross) .................................deserts and jungles in search of nature's rarest reptiles, braving dangers and discomfort all for the satisfaction of finding an unknown species. Ü) Find words or phrases In the passage which mean the same as the following definitions. COLUMN A COLUMN B ELS 77 a) very strong; high in degree b) charm; power; fascination c) firm; not able to be altered d) more than before; to a greater extent e) alone; without company f) period of life between childhood and adulthood; teenage years g) strong feeling or interest h) cold-blooded, egg-laying animals, e.g. snakes and lizards 1) animals able to live on land and in water, e.g. frogs and toads J) seemingly; according to how it appears k) unable to be used up or finished 1) great eagerness to be involved in something m) excite; encourage or provoke interest 78

III) Choose the correct answer according to the passage. 1. When she was In her teens, Nicole Viloteau .......... A) started he r five -yea r-trip ac ross France B) be ga n to s tud y rep tiles in th e ir n a tu ra l s u rro u nd in gs C) beca me pa rtic u la rly ke en o n rep tiles a nd a mph ibians D) tried to get people inte rested in wild na ture E) achieve d what she'd been drea ming of for years 2. Nicole Viloteau's Interest In nature began , A) du rin g a trip in Fra nc e B) in her ch ildho od C) a fte r sh e b ec a me a n e x pe rt o n s na ke s D) when she travelled wo rld wide E) during her adolescence 3. In her Job, Nicole Viloteau mainly deals with A) cross-breeding new species of reptiles B) increasing people's awareness of wildlife C) exploring the natural habitats of wild animals D) travelling across Africa, Australia and Latin America E) examining and conserving reptiles IV) Complete the sentences selecting words from Column B In PART II. 1. The situation was already bad, but he aggravated it ................................... by refusing to discuss his decision with anybody. 2. She lives a very .................................. life, but she seems happy with her own company. 3. Collecting vintage motor cars is his .................................. and he spends every spare , minute searching them out. 4. The new manager...................................looks about forty, but actually she's over sixty. 5. The heat of the sun was so .................................. that none of us da red to venture out in it. 78 ELS 79

EXERCISE 31: I) Complete the following passage using the appropriate forms of the verbs in parentheses. DEVOTED TO REPTILES Nicole Viloteau, a 50-year-old conservationist, (l.feel) ......................... an intense attraction to nature and its magic spell ever since she (2. be) ................................a child, and time (3.create) her an unshakeable and determined personality, and this (4.further, strengthen) .................................her taste for the solitary discovery of wild nature. During her adolescence, she (5.also, develop] ..................................a passion for the world of reptiles and amphibians, and since then, she (6.devote) ........................... the better part of her apparently inexhaustible energy and enthusiasm to the study and conservation of these animals worldwide. As soon as she (7.finish) .................................her studies, she (8.organize) ................................... a trip across France for five years, stirring up public interest wherever she (9.go) ................................... After she (10. become) ................................... an expert on snakes, she (11.finally, take) ................................. a major step towards achieving her dream - and (12.begin) travel and explore reptiles in their natural surroundings. Since then, she (13.visit) ................................. a number of countries in Africa, Australia and Latin America, and (14. cross) .................................deserts and jungles in search of nature's rarest reptiles, braving dangers and discomfort all for the satisfaction of finding an unknown species. II) Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as the following definitions. COLUMNA COLUMNS a) very strong; high in degree ELS 77 b) charm; power; fascination c) firm; not able to be altered d) more than before; to a greater extent e) alone; without company f) period of life between childhood and adulthood; teenage years g) strong feeling or interest h) cold-blooded, egg-laying animals, e.g. snakes and lizards i) animals able to live on land and in water, e.g. frogs and toads j) seemingly; according to how it appears k) unable to be used up or finished 1) great eagerness to be involved in something m) excite; encourage or provoke interest 80

III) Choose the correct answer according to the passage. 1. When she was In her teens, Nicole Viloteau A) started her five-year-trip across France B) began to study reptiles in their natural surroundings C) became particularly keen on reptiles and amphibians D) tried to get people interested in wild nature E) achieved what she'd been dreaming of for years 2. Nicole Viloteau's interest in nature began A) during a trip in France B) in her childhood C) after she became an expert on snakes D) when she travelled worldwide E) during her adolescence 3. In her Job, Nicole Viloteau mainly deals with A) cross-breeding new species of reptiles B) increasing people's awareness of wildlife C) exploring the natural habitats of wild animals D) travelling across Africa, Australia and Latin America E) examining and conserving reptiles IV) Complete the sentences selecting words from Column B in PART H. 1. The situation was already bad, but he aggravated it .................................. by refusing to discuss his decision with anybody. 2. She lives a very .................................. life, but she seems happy with her own company. 3. Collecting vintage motor cars is his ................................... and he spends every spare minute searching them out. 4. The new manager...................................looks about forty, but actually she's over sixty. 5. The heat of the sun was so ..................................that none of us da red to venture out in it. 78 ELS 81

EXERCISE 32: I) Complete the following passage using the appropriate forms of the verbs In parentheses. ABORIGINES From prehistoric times to the present, there ( .......................... many mass migrations of people throughout the world. In a few isolated locations, however, certain tribal or ethnic groups ( without migrating for many thousands of years. Such people are called aborigines, from the Latin phrase ab origine, which (3.mean) ............ \"from the beginning.\" Because the aboriginal peoples ( areas away from other cultures, their existence (5.become).................................... known to the rest of the world only when outsiders (6.intrude) ....................................upon their territories. Some anthropologists in the 20th century (7.doubt) .................................. whether aborigines (8. always, live) .................................. in the locations where modern explorers (9.find) ..................................them. It is possible that some aborigines did migrate, but in a period so remote in time that, today, there ( .................................. no record of their migration. In the case of the American Indians, for instance, it is generally accepted that their ancestors (11. come) ................................. to the Western Hemisphere by way of the Bering Strait between Siberia and Alaska many thousands of years ago. Apparently, the American Indians ( ..................................on the continent for millenia when the first white men (13.set) ..................................foot on their land. In the 20th century there ( ................................. few regions of the world where outsiders (15.not, encroach) .................................. upon aboriginal cultures. Yet, Stone Age cultures (16.still, exist) the jungles of South America and on the island of New Guinea. The Negritos, a pygmy-like people of Malaysia and the Philippines, ( .................................. in the mountainous interiors of those lands, and up to this day, they (18. succeed) ................................. in preserving their primitive ways of life without much interference. On Hokkaido, the large northern island of Japan, ( ...................................a people called the Ainu, who (20. be) .................................. originally distinct physically from the surrounding Mongoloid population. Over the centuries the processes of cultural assimilation and intermarriage (21.almost, eliminate) .................................. their distinctive characteristics. They (, resemble) .................................. the Japanese in appearance and (23.use) ................................. the Japanese language. II) Find words or phrases in the passage which mean the same as the following definitions. COLUMN A COLUMN B a) involving a very large number of people or ...................................................................... '•• things ...................................................................... ...................................................................... b) separated from other people or places ...................................................................... c) the condition of being real, alive or actual ..................................................................... d) disturb people in their private places ..................................................................... e) an area which a group of people regard as .................................... belonging to themselves .................................... f) far away in distance or time .................................... g) people in history from whom a person is .................................... .................................... descended ..................................... h) one half of the earth . 1) clearly seems to be true although it is not .................................... ..................................... certain that it is true .................................... J) thousands of years K) central area farthest from the sea ..................................... 1) protect something from changing or .................................... .................................... stopping .................................... m) of an early stage of social development, belonging to a society who live in a very simple way n) the act of trying to influence something , - without invitation o) recognizably different or separate p) the process of people becoming an accepted part of a community and losing their own identity and individuality q) a marriage between people from different social, racial or religious groups r) to remove completely s) be similar to ELS 79 82

III) Choose the correct answer according to the passage. 1. Modern people were not aware that aboriginal peoples still existed until A) aborigines assimilated and intermarried B) groups from these primitive peoples migrated to civilized parts of the Western Hemisphere C) aborigines began to res emble the Japanese in appeara nce D) modern men met with several attacks from natives E) members of the civilized world went into the native habitats of aborigines 2. The general belief Is that the ancestors of the American Indians.............. A) crossed the Bering Strait from time to time to get to Siberia B) came to the continent across the Bering Strait C) were already known to Westerners , D) had assimilated and intermarried with European Americans E) arrived at the continent around the same time as the first white men to set foot on America 3. It Is implied In the passage that A) outside influence has affected almost every aboriginal group B) the Ainu people themselves wanted to become similar to other Japanese people C) aboriginal peoples have benefited from the interference of outsiders D) most aboriginal peoples migrated from Siberia thousands of years ago E) aboriginal peoples are all pygmy-like, and therefore, much shorter than outsiders IV) Complete the sentences selecting words from Column B in PART . 1. The panda bear is indeed a member of the bear family, but it has several .............................. features, such as its two-tone black and white fur. 2. A nectarine ............................... a peach, to which it is related, but unlike a peach, it has a smooth skin. 3. Winnie is ethnically Chinese, but because she was so young when her family moved to Canada, she has .............................. into Canadian life and excels in English and French while she cannot write very well using Chinese symbols. 4. David Livingstone was one of the first explorers to venture into Africa's ............................... which many people at the time referred to as \"darkest Africa\". 5. The authorities are struggling to............................... the population of wolves in Mongolia, but angry shepherds continue to trap them. 80 ELS 83

6. Th e te mp o ra ry se c re ta ry ................ so poorly since she started that I ................ forward to the day when Miss Clark'll return. 1. Wh en the En g lish .......... to settle In A) ha s b ee n p e rfo rmin g /a m lo o k ing Australia in 1788, other countries already B) will have pe rfo rmed/looked ......... about this big southern island. C) perfo rmed /wou ld look D) wa s pe rfo rming /was loo k in g A) b e g in /k n o w E) ha d pe rforme d/ha ve lo oked B) h a d b e g u n / wo u ld k n o w 7. such a B) had written C) we re b e g in n in g /h a d k n o wn This is the first time I D) write D) wo u ld b eg in /ha ve k no wn formal letter. E) be ga n /kn e w A) have written C) will 2. Ever since the collapse of the Soviet write Union, rapidly changing political E) wrote boundaries in Eastern Europe .......... mapmakers busy. 8. She............... her job three times just in the last three months. I think she ought to A) kept stick to Just one thing. B) were keeping A) wa s cha ng ing C) will have kept B) is cha ng ing D) have b een keep ing C) h a d c h a n ge d E) are keeping D) h as b e en c h a n g in g 3. The entire audience applause 9. E) h as c h an g e d the minute the final curtain ............. It was revealed at the trial that the A) had rise n/was fa lling accused man .......... out on the night of the murder. B) ha s rise n /fa lls A) won't have gone C) was ris in g /ha d fa lle n B) had n't go ne D) rose/fell C) doesn't go E) is ris ing/has fa llen D) hasn' t g on e E) wouldn't have gone 4. The tooth for quite some time when, at last, I .......... to see my dentist. 10. I'm really sorry to have broken your crystal vase. It........... out of my hand as I A) bo th e re d /ha d re so lv ed ......... it into the room. B) wa s bo the ring /re so lv e A) was s lip p ing /was b rin g in g C) ha d b ee n bo th e rin g /res o lve d B) h a d s lip p e d /b ro u g h t D) ha s b ee n b o the rin g /h a ve res o lv e d C) slip ped /was b rin ging E) bothers/will resolve D) wo u ld s lip /b ro u g h t 5. I hope you ...........the accounts by E) has s lippe d/a m bringing midday, because the director general is to 11. He dropped back one semester, so by the arrive then. time he .......... from school in two months, his friends .......... law for about A) have checked five months. B) will have checked A) will g rad ua te /a re p ra c tis ing C) had checked B) ha s g rad u a te d /will be p rac tis in g D) will be checking C) g ra d ua te d /h a v e be e n p ra c tis in g E) have been c hecking D) g ra d ua tes /will ha v e b ee n p ra c tis ing E) h a d g rad u a te d /we re p ra c tis in g ELS ü 81 84

12. Have you decided In which sector you 18. Until the disaster, no one huge that the ........ for a job when you........... ? oceanliner Titanic ... A) loo k ed /g rad ua te d A) h a d th o u g h t / wo u ld s i n k ... B) will loo k/ha ve gra dua ted B) t h o u g h t / s a n k C) hav e bee n loo k ing /g rad ua te C) wa s t h in k i n g /c a n s i n k D) loo k /a re g ra d ua tin g D) h as th o u g h t/wil l s in k E) ha d looke d/would gradua te E) will think/has sunk - 13. When the police arrived, the diver .......... 19. I didn't notice as I ...........the car in the already .......... the body out of the river garage that fuel ...........fro m undernea th and it...........on the ground. it. A) has/pulled/lay A) hav e le ft/d rip pe d B) is/pulling/has been lying B) was leaving /will drip C) would/pull/were lying C) leave /is d rip ping D) was/pulling/had lain D) left/was d ripp ing E) had/pulled/was lying E) would lea ve /had drippe d 14. \"How long ............ you Ankara?\" 20. He still can't sleep properly because of \"For a few days only. I expect to be back here before the weekend.\" the bad memories of the war, although it ......... nearly a year since he .......... home. A) did/sta y ' : A) is /wo u ld re tu rn B) we re /s ta y ing ' B) h a s b e e n / r e t u rn e d C) ha ve /b ee n s ta y in g C) will b e /re tu rn s D) d o /s ta y D) w a s / h a d r e t u r n e d E) will/stay E) ha d be e n / wa s re tu rn in g 15. \"How long ........... you ............for that 21. The population of the city ........... so company?\" \"For more than ten years now.\" rapidly in recent years that the municipality......... difficulty supplying infrastructure services for all the people. A) will/be wo rking A) h as in c re as e d /is h a v in g B) hav e/bee n wo rking B) inc rea se d /will ha ve h ad C) h a d /wo rk e d C) is in c re a s i n g /h a s h a d D) a re /wo rk ing D) wa s in c re a s in g / h a d E) did/work E) woul d ha ve inc re a s e d/ha d ha d 16. They .......... three meetings on this 22. Can you hear what Alan and Jack . subject in the last two months, but still about so intimately in that corner? ........ an agreement. A) h e ld /d o n' t re a c h A) were talking B) h a d h e ld / d id n ' t re a c h B) ha d b ee n ta lk in g C) will ha v e h e ld /h ad n' t rea ch e d C) have talked D) a re ho ld ing /ca n' t rea c h D) talked E) ha ve he ld/ha ve n't re a che d E) are ta lking at the 23. After the accident, the taxi driver ...... the bicyclist of not looking where he 17. Do you know how fast he time of the accident? A) has been d riving A) ac c u se d /wa s g o in g B) drove B) will ha v e a cc us ed /we n t C) was driving C) h a d a c c us e d /wo u ld b e g o in g D) will have driven D) wa s a c c u s in g / h a s g o n e E) had driven E) would ac c use /has bee n going 82 ELS 85

24. When the thieves .......... Into our house, 30. The children playing noisily in the garden they ...........£ 5,000 and all my jewellery. a few seconds when the old man on the second floor .......... at them A) we re b rea k ing /ha d s to len angrily. B) b rok e /s to le C) are bre aking /will stea l A) v a n is h e d /s h o u te d D) ha ve b ro ke n /h a ve s to le n B) will v a n is h /h a d s h o u te d E) ha d broke n/wou ld s te a l C) h a v e v a n is h e d /s h o u ts D) a re v a n is h in g /h a s s h o u te d E) ha d va n is he d / wa s s ho ut ing 25. I recognized the boy at once, because I 31. Despite the sluggishness of world trade, ........ him In our neighbourhood several the volume of Latin American exports times before. 9 % In each of the past two years. At would meet C) had B) met met D) have met E) meet A) will have grown B) grows 26. They...........something so Intently that C) has g ro wn D) used to gro w E) would grow A) a re d is c u s s in g /h a d n ' t h e a rd 32. The workmen ........... a valuable old coin B) we re d is c us s in g /d id n' t h e a r while they .......... the foundation of the C) d is c u s s e d /h a v e n ' t h e a rd house. D) h a ve d is c us se d /wo u ld n ' t h e a r E) would be dis c uss ing/won't hea r A) hav e fou nd /a re digg ing B) h a d f o u n d / d u g 27. Look at those children running barefoot! C) fin d/ha ve be en d igg in g mind that they ............ D) fou nd/we re d igg ing shoes. E) c ould find/ha d dug A) didn' t see m/we re n o t wea rin g 33. With the memory of a painful defeat In B) wo n ' t se e m/d o n ' t we a r mind, the ex-champion .......... that he C) do n' t s ee m/a re no t we a ring ......... his revenge. D) wouldn't seem/didn't wear E) hadn't seemed/wouldn't be wearing A) would swear/took B) will swear/has taken 28. Never drive your car before you........... the C) swore/is taking tires. D) has sworn/will take E) had sworn/was ta king A} had checked 34. You should cut down on your smoking. B) checked This is the sixth cigarette you...........In C) are c heck ing the last two hours. D) will check E) have c hecked A) smoked B) have smoked 29. On the way to work yesterday, one of the C) had smoked tires of the minibus burst suddenly. D) are smoking Obviously, the driver........... them E) will smoke properly before he ........... off. in five 35. It was the first time they years of marriage. A) didn't check/had set A) quarrelled B) hasn't checked/has set B) have quarrelled C) wouldn't check/was setting C) are quarrelling D) doesn't check/has been setting D) were quarrelling E) hadn't checked/set E) had quarrelled ELS Q 83 86

36. It's only a fortnight since he, 42. The president ..........for over an hour so he...........much sightseeing yet. when we finally .......... on the television to watch. A) h as c o me /d id n ' t d o B) is co ming /can' t d o A) will be sp eak ing /will tu rn C) c a m e /h a s n ' t d o n e B) will h a v e b e e n sp e a k in g /a re tu rn in g D) will c o me/doesn't d o C) h a s b e e n s p e a k in g /h a v e tu rn e d E) ha d c o me /ha d n't do ne D) h a d b e e n s p e a k in g / tu rn e d E) will ha ve s poken/turne d 37. We ..........almost half of the book so far, a n d I th in k th e o th e r h a lf 43. When the teacher suddenly .......... the another two days. topic of our term paper, we........... material for it for days already. A) read/can take B) have read/will take A) changes/have been compiling C) wi ll re a d /h a s ta k e n B) will change/will have compiled D) h a d re a d / wo u ld ta k e C) changed/had been compiling E) a re re a ding/s hould ta ke D) has changed/will be compiling E) had changed/would have compiled 38. The professor ...........monotonously and most of the students ............. 44. It was the first time I ...........that dish, so it ......... as delicious as I thought it A) ta lk e d /ha v e s lep t would. B) us e d to ta lk /h a d b e en s le e p in g C) had been talking/had slept A) c o ok e d /wa s n' t ta s tin g D) was talking/were sleeping B) wa s c oo k in g /wo u ld n ' t ta s te E) has been talking/would be sleeping C) h a d c o o k e d /d id n ' t ta s te D) wo u l d c o o k /h a d n ' t ta s te d 39. While we........... down the path, we E) ha ve c ooke d/doe s n't ta s te unexpectedly.......... a deer. 45. We ...........relatively few problems since A) were cycling/saw we .......... over this job. B) cycled/were seeing C) h a d be e n c yc lin g /h a d s ee n A) h a d h a d / we re ta k in g D) had c yc le d/wou ld see B) h a d / h a v e ta k e n E) have bee n cycling/se e C) a re h a v in g /ta k e D) will ha v e /a re ta k ing 40. The abandoned ship .......... at sea for E) ha ve ha d /t ook weeks when a passing ship ........... it by chance. 46. So far In our discussion, I must confess, we .......... our attention on the trivial A) d rifte d /h a d s p o tte d problems rather than on the major ones. B) was d rifting /wa s s po ttin g C) h as b e en d rif tin g /s p o ts A) ha ve co n ce n tra te d D) wo u ld h a v e d rifte d /h a s sp o tte d B) co nc e n tra ted E) ha d bee n drifting/spotted C) a re co nc e n tra tin g D) con cen tra te 41. Make sure that everybody ...........the E) ha d be e n c onc e ntra ting building before you ..........the main door. 47. I .......... a day off tomorrow, but A) leaves/locked unfortunately, I .......... my chance by B) has left/lock coming late today. C) left/had locked D) was leaving/would lock A) a m re q u e s tin g /a m g o in g to mis s E) is leaving/have locked B) re q u e s te d / wa s mis s in g C) h a ve b e e n re q ue s tin g /mis s 84 ELS D) h a d re q u e s te d /h a d b e e n m is s in g E) wa s going to re ques t/m is se d 87

48. By the end of November, the television 54. She promised to fax me the document company ........... this soap opera for twelve ........she got to the office. years. A) at present C) no B) currently A) has been broadcasting sooner D) the more B) is broadcasting C) will have been broadcasting E) the D) was broadcasting E) will be broadcasting moment 49. Can't you do anything about that tap in 55. Our new partner was unwilling to sign the kitchen? It ........... constantly for over the agreement ......... he was completely a week and the s ound ........... me crazy. satisfied with all the conditions. A) had been dripping/will be driving A) because B) by the time B) will be dripping/has driven C) nevertheless D) until C) was dripping/had driven D) has been dripping/is driving E) after E) is dripping/will have driven 56. The director is glad he chose her for the 50. A friend of mine believes that they ............ position, for the profits have been rising a way to stop aging before she............too steadily ............she was put in charge. old. A) as soon as C) even B) since A) have found/got though D) during B) will have found/gets C) have been finding/was getting E) by the D) were finding/has got E) are finding/will get time 57. The police took strict preventive measures in order not to allow any incidents ............ the demonstration. A) while B) besides D) during C) where E) when 58. In Europe and America, young people often start to live on their own ........... they reach the age of 18. 51. He had always been quite fond of meat A) so that B) while . .........he witnessed, in disgust, the C) by the time D) as if slaughter of a sheep. E) once A) as soon as C) during B) afterwards 59 .............I tried Indian food was on my last E) until D) when birthday. I've been to the same restaurant many times .............. 52. He has been a vegetarian......... he A) W hen/up to then witnessed the slaughter of a sheep. B) At last/afterwards C) The first time/since A) B) since D) as D) At first/so far '. . after C) E) while E) The last time/before for 60. We had great difficulty sending magazines 53. Students usually find it really difficult to to our subscribers ............the postal understand the grammar, but.......... workers' strike. they've grasped the principles, they begin to enjoy it. A) for B) as C) while D) despite A) once B) by the time D) hardly E) during C) until E) no sooner 61 ............. I go to that restaurant, I'll try a dish I've never tasted before. A) The last time B) Wherever C) Besides D) The next time E) The sooner ELS 85 88

62. The burglars stole the old lady's most 69........... he was told about the cancellation treasured possessions, and she became of the design, the architect was well very distressed..........she described them advanced on it. to the police. B) After A) as B) since A) Hardly D) By the time C) owing to D) despite C) As soon as E) As E) by the time 70 .......... the beginning of history, hunger has never been far from people's lives. 63. He had already lost confidence in himself a long time ......... his wife abandoned A) When B) For him. C) Since D) While A) ago B) before C) after D) immediately E) Despite E) earlier 64........... civilization began, gold has been regarded as a symbol of power and wealth. A) Since B) After 71. As the plane flew across the Atlantic, C) When D) As soon as A) the cabin c rew will serve re fresh ments B) we a re un ab le to se e v e ry muc h E) The sooner C) be ca us e o f th e a ir-tu rbu le nc e D) a h ija cke r th rea ten ed to b lo w it u p 65. The student worked..........four o'clock in E) th e p ilo t has to ld us to fas ten o u r the morning trying to finish the project, but he still had to hand it in incomplete. seat-belts A) until B) before 72. When I was sitting by the stream all alone the other day ........... C) during D) since E) as long as 66. My father decided to take up jogging A) the dark shade of the trees had .........his doctor warned him that he was sheltered me from the glaring terribly unfit. afternoon sun A) even if B) by the time B) the sound of the flowing water will have taken me into the world of C) owing to D) in contrast with dreams E) after C) I found the deep silence really 67. It was ..........less than 500 years ago that soothing D) I'm really fascinated by the scenery astronomers were able to show that our there world, together with the other planets, E) I've been trying to be able to do it revolves around the Sun. again ever since A) even B) only when D) no 73. He's been strictly observing the principles then C) not sooner of a healthy diet......... until E) immediately after A) so that he wou ld be a ble to reco ver 68 .......... the people of an area cut down his good health to some extent trees and turn the land over to grazing or farming, they reduce the local animals' B) wh en h is do c to r wa rn e d h im a b ou t a food supply and destroy their natural probable heart attack habitat. C) after he received severe criticism from A) Although C) Thus B) When his doctor about his eating habits D) Whereas E) By the time D) un til he h as lo s t a s ma n y k ilo s as h is doctor advised E) sin ce he wen t to see h is doc tor a bo u t the pains in his chest 86 Q ELS 89

74............for some time after the chairman 78. Ever since the government banned closed the session. smoking In public places, ......... A) The members went on discussing A) there were protests every week for the among themselves next 5 years B) The decision won't have been made B) suppliers were furious and demanded public a change C) He has sat in his office, reflecting on C) nobod y knew what the outcome for the outcome the tobacco industry would be D) We all agree that there should be D) the plan for which was drawn up b y another meeting the Minister of Health E) They have been informing all the E) smokers have felt that their freedom workers concerned is restricted 79. In the explosion at the mine last week, 75............ when the police took action to A) the own er has decided to sack most of break up the demonstration. the old workers A) More and more demonstrators are B) that might have been caused b y a now crowding into the area fault in the hydraulic lift system B) The crowd began to disperse rapidly C) the trade union had alread y warned in all directions the authorities of the danger C) The rioters have formed a chain D) being similar to past underground around the furious crowd disasters D) The media is to blame for printing E) eight miners lost their lives and a lot provocative headlines of machinery was damaged E) The uncontrollable crowd seems to be 80 ........... , but now I realize that we couldn't marching towards the city centre cope without it. 76. You'll certainly lose your prejudices about A) Th e new secretary seemed rather Mr. Jamison............. incompetent at first A) unless you liked him immediately B) I can't decide whether we really need B) despite your previously favourable a burglar alarm opinion C) For a long time I thought electrical C) once you've got to know him better appliances were unnecessary D) because he's alwa ys so inconsiderate E) after you realized that he wasn't as D) I was absolutely against our bu ying a second computer bad as you thought E) I don't know how I'd survive without my washing-machine < 77. He had been riding horseback for many 81. It's more than a couple of years since I hours ............ last went there. A) and had many more before him until A) I have never stayed there for longer he reached his destination than two years. B) otherwise, another mode of B) I have visited them twice over the last transportation would be available two years. C) that has been his biggest dream ever C) It was only after two years that I went since he was a boy there again. D) without the horse it would have taken D) I had nev er be en th ere u ntil the yea r days to come so far before last. E) where he could stop and have a good E) I haven't been there s ince my v isit rest over two years ago. ELS Q 87 90

82. I get the impression that it will take some C) All that coup le have d one since they time for the family to overcome their grief. arrived at this hotel is complain. A) It appears to me that the fa mily will D) They've only made a couple of take some time before they are able to complaints about this hotel so far. cope with their sorrow. E) Since they go t to th is ho tel, n oth ing B) Noth ing I could say a t the time co uld has caused that couple to complain. have helped the family through their sorrow. 85. He never sings except when he's taking a shower in the morning. C) As far as I can see, the family have been suffering now for quite some A) It is very rare to hear him sing ing ou t time. of the shower in the morning. D) The on ly thing that will hea l this B) He th in k s tha t s in g ing wh e n y o u tak e family's suffering, as we can all see, is a shower is a very common occurrence. time. C) Whenev er h e goes in to the ba th roo m E) Apparently, the fa mily have taken a for a shower, he starts to sing. very long time to deal with their sorrow. D) Un less he is ta k in g a s ho we r, in th e morning, it is impossible to hear him 83. In spite of the recent improvements in the singing. political situation, Nigeria still has a long way to go before it returns to full E) In or out of the showe r, a t any time of democracy. day, he hardly ever sings. A) Although the political situation in 86. It was only after she had overcome her Nigeria has never appeared more shyness that she started to make some hopeless, there are still some people friends. who long for a return to full democracy. A) As he r s hy nes s g ra du a lly dec reas ed , more people wanted to be friends with B) Nigeria's government has changed for her. the better recently, but they still have a lot to do before complete democracy B) Befo re beco ming less shy, nobody had is achieved. wanted to be friends with her. C) Following recent developments for the C) She felt much mo re co n fiden t when better, Nigeria now looks poised for a she had a few friends. return to democracy in the near future. D) Her ability to make friends he lped he r to overcome her shyness. D) The political situation in Nigeria has been so bad recently that a return to E) Until she overcame it, her shyness full democracy appears to be had prevented her from making hopeless. friends with anyone. E) If only the re were a n improve ment in 87. Since the 1960s, water pollution has Nigeria's political situation, people increased, leading to a reduction in the there could look forward to a return to number of fish species. full democracy. A) Desp ite sea po llu tion da ting ba ck to 84. So far during their stay at this hotel, that the 1960s, the number of fish in the couple have done nothing but complain. seas has increased. A) Th rou gh ou t the ir time a t th is ho te l, B) Sea wa te r was c lea ne r an d the re we re that couple have had no complaints. more varieties of fish before the 1960s. B) Up un til no w, tha t cou p le haven 't ha d anything to complain about at this C) It was a t the beg in ning o f th e 1960 s hotel. that fishing was limited. 88 a ELS D) Th e re was a sh a rp de c rea se in th e number of fish because of a sudden rise in sea pollution in the 1960s. E) The drop in the numbe r of fish in the sea is directly connected with the increase in sea pollution. 91

88. He allowed his garden to become overrun C) Tile-making as a craft grew in İznik with weeds during the time that he was and Kütahya, but later it declined in focusing on growing his business. both towns for unknown reasons. A) While concentrating on expanding his D) While fewer and fewer craftsmen were company, he let his garden become producing tiles in İznik, more and overgrown with weeds. more people were taking up the business in Kütahya. B) His garden got flooded because he wasn't watching what he was doing E) Both İznik and Kütahya are famous when he was working in it. as tile-making centres, but the craft became popular in Kütahya much C) When building a business up, it is later than in İznik. easy to become tied down with work and neglect domestic chores such as 91. The French artist Rodin had an influence weeding the garden. on almost every sculptor who came after him. D) He shouldn't have left his garden unattended while he tried to expand A) Fra ns ız s ana tç ısı Rod in' in his company. kendisinden sonra gelen hemen her heykeltraş üzerinde etkisi olmuştur. E) He didn't notice that his garden needed weeding because he was too B) Ke nd is in den s on ra g e len bü tün busy concentrating on his business. Fransız heykeltraşları üzerinde Rodin'in etkileri vardır. 89. Throughout history, people have helped the needy, but social work didn't begin In C) Ke n d is ind e n s o n ra g e len b ü tün an organized fashion until the 19th heykeltraşlan etkilemeyi başarmış tek century. Fransız sanatçısı Rodin'dir. A) When people started helping the D) Rodin'in en büyük özelliği needy during the 19th century, social kendisinden sonra yetişen tüm work began to be organized. Fransız heykeltraşları etkilemiş olmasıdır. B) Since history began, the needy have been helped by others, yet not until E) Fra ns ız s ana tç ı Rodin, ke ndinde n the 19th century was social work sonra gelen tüm heykeltraşlar için bir organized. esin kaynağı olmuştur. C) The beginning of organized social 92. In our rapidly-changing society, we see work came in the 19th century, that our dependence on our traditions is shortly after the rich started helping gradually decreasing. the poor. A) To p lu mu mu zd a en h ız lı g e rç ek le şen D) Social work organizations, which help değişimlerden biri de geleneklerimize look after the poor, were badly olan bağlılığımızın azalmasıdır. organized before the beginning of the 19th century. B) Toplu mu muz büyük b ir hız la değ işir ken, geleneklerimizdeki değişimin E) Historians believe that poor people daha yavaş seyrettiğini görüyoruz. began being helped by organized social workers during the 19th C) To p lu mu mu zu n h ız lı b ir şe k ild e century. değişmesiyle birlikte geleneklerimize verdiğimiz önemin de azaldığı 90. At the same time as tile-making In İznik görülmektedir. was declining, the trade In Kütahya was growing. D) Gö rü le n o k i, to p lu mu mu zu n h ız la değişmesi giderek geleneklerimize olan A) Demand for tiles has fallen in İznik, bağlılığımızın azalmasına neden but has at the same time increased in olacak. Kütahya. E) Hız la değ işmek te o lan top lumu muzda , B) Once the trade of tile-making in İznik geleneklerimize olan bağlılığımızın had disappeared, some tile craftsmen giderek azaldığını görmekteyiz. moved to Kütahya. ELS Q 89 92

93. It's feared that the hard economic 96. Curiosity has always been the driving conditions In the country will increase force behind man's need to invent. the suicide rate. A) İnsanoğlunun icatlar yapması hep A) Ülkenin içinde bulunduğu güç merakı sayesinde mümkün olmuştur. ekonomik koşulların, intihar oranını artırdığı görülmektedir. B) İnsanoğlunun icat etme ihtiyacının arkasında merak her zaman itici güç B) İntihar olaylarının artmasına neden olmuştur. olarak ülkede yaşanan zor ekonomik koşullar gösterilmektedir. C) Yapısında var olan merak, insanoğlunu hep icatlar yapmaya C) Ülkedeki ağır ekonomik koşulların itmiştir. intihar oranını artırmasından korkulmaktadır. D) İnsanoğlunun yaptığı tüm icatların temelinde, çevresine karşı duyduğu D) Ülkede yaşanan ağır ekonomik merak yatmaktadır. koşullar devam ederse, intihar olaylarının artacağı tahmin E) İnsanoğlunun icatlar yapmasında edilmektedir. sadece ihtiyaç değil merak da önemli bir itici güç olmuştur. E) İntihar oranının artmasının ülkedeki ağır ekonomik koşullarla yakından 97. I was really glad that I'd seen and ilgili olduğu ileri sürülmektedir. rectified my mistake before anyone noticed. 94. Until the late 1940s, control of the entire film industry was in the hands of a few A) Hiç kimse farketmeden yanlışımı major Hollywood producers. görüp düzelttiğim için çok memnundum. A) 1940'ların sonlarından itibaren, tüm film endüstrisini yönlendiren birkaç B) Kimse farketmeden yanlışımı görüp büyük Hollywood yapımcısı olmuştur. düzeltebilseydim çok memnun olurdum. B) 1940'larda, tüm film endüstrisinin kontrolü hala birkaç büyük Hollywood C) Neyseki yanlışımı önce kendim yapımcısının elindeydi. farkettim ve hiç kimse görmeden düzelttim. C) 1940'ların sonlarına doğru, birkaç büyük Hollywood yapımcısı tüm film D) Hiç kimsenin yanlışımı farketmemiş endüstrisinin kontrolünü ele geçirdi. olması çok sevindiriciydi. D) 1940'ların sonlarına kadar, bütün film E) Herkesten önce yanlışı benim endüstrisinin kontrolü birkaç büyük farketmiş olmama gerçekten çok Hollywood yapımcısının elindeydi. sevindim. E) 1940'lardan sonra, film endüstrisinin 98. Very often, the products we purchase kontrolünü ellerinde tutan birkaç don't have all of the features claimed in Hollywood yapımcısının yerini yenileri the advertisements. almaya başladı. A) Aldığımız ürünlerde reklamlarda 95. Even with our current level of technology, belirtilen özelliklerin tümünü we still do not have the power to respond bulabileceğimizi ummamalıyız. to every human need. B) Çoğunlukla reklamlar satışa sunulan A) İnsanların bütün ihtiyaçlarına yanıt ürünlerin özelliklerim abartırlar. verebilmesi için teknoloji şu anda bulunduğu düzeyden çok daha ileride C) Alışveriş yaparken çoğu zaman olmalıdır. reklamlarda ileri sürülen iddiaların etkisinde kalırız. B) Bugün gelinen noktada teknoloji henüz insanoğlunun tüm ihtiyaçlarını D) Çoğumuz, aldığımız ürünün karşılayacak kadar güçlü değildir. reklamlarda iddia edilen özelliklerin hepsine sahip olmadığını biliriz. C) Şu anda sahip olduğumuz teknoloji, ne kadar gelişmiş olsa da, insanın her E) Çoğu zaman, aldığımız ürünler türlü ihtiyacını karşılayacak güçte reklamlarda iddia edilen özelliklerin değildir. tümünü taşımamaktadır. D) Bugün sahip olduğu teknolojiyle insanoğlu, her türlü ihtiyacını karşılayacak güce sahip değildir. E) Şu anki teknoloji düzeyimizle bile, insanın her türlü ihtiyacına yanıt verecek güce sahip değiliz. 90 ELS 93

99. It's planned that the dam will be C) If the scientists were on the right completed and will have started track, they would have found a producing electricity by the end of July. solution to this problem by now. A) Plana göre baraj, temmuz sonunda D) Scientists are sure to find a solution tamamlanıp elektrik üretmeye once they've clearly identified the başlayacak. problem. B) Baraj en geç temmuz sonunda E) This problem hasn't caught the elektrik üretmeye başlayacak şekilde attention of the scientists yet, but it planlandı. definitely calls for an immediate solution. C) Planları tamamlanan barajın, temmuz sonunda elektrik üretmeye başlaması 102. Kuzey Kutbu'nun üzerinde uçarken, beklenmektedir. hepimiz aşağıda kilometrelerce uzanan buzulların güzelliğine hayran kaldık. D) Barajın temmuz sonuna kadar tamamlanıp elektrik üretmeye A) The view of the North Pole from the başlaması planlanmaktadır. plane was spectacular owing to the E) Herşey planlandığı gibi giderse, baraj temmuz sonunda elektrik üretmeye beauty of the glaciers spreading over başlayacak. many kilometres. 100. Interest In fuel conservation In recent years has stimulated the development of B) While we were flying over the North modern wind machines for generating electricity. Pole, we were all amazed at the A) Son yıllarda yakıt tasarrufuna olan beauty of the glaciers below, ilgi, elektrik üretimi için modern rüzgar makinalarının geliştirilmesini stretching for many kilometres. teşvik etmiştir. C) We were flying over the North Pole, B) Yakıt sıkıntısının baş göstermesiyle birlikte tüm ilgi, rüzgarla çalışan admiring the beauty of the glaciers modern elektrik üretme makinalannın geliştirilmesine yönelmiştir. which covered an area of many C) Son yıllarda yaşanan yakıt kilometres. ' sıkıntısından sonra rüzgarla çalışan modern elektrik üretme makinaları D) The sight from the plane of the North daha çok ilgi görmeye başlamıştır. Pole, with many kilometres of D) Yakıt tasarrufuna gösterilen ilgi son yıllarda o kadar artmıştır ki elektrik stretching glaciers, impressed us all. üretimi için rüzgarla çalışan makinaların kullanılması kaçınılmaz E) During our flight over the North Pole, olmuştur. we all admired the beauty of the E) Elektrik üretiminde kullanılan makinalar, son yıllarda artan yakıt glaciers stretching as far as the eye tasarrufu bilinci sayesinde daha da modernleştirilmiştir. could see. 101. Bilim adamları bu soruna henüz tam bir 103. Osmanlı Padişahları, I. Abdülmecid çözüm bulamadılar, ama doğru iz devrine kadar yaklaşık dört yüzyıl üzerinde olduklarından eminler. boyunca Topkapı Sarayı'nda yaşadılar. A) Although scientists have not found a A) Except for Abdülmecid I, Topkapı solution to this problem yet, they will Palace was inhabited by the Ottoman probably work it out in a short time. Sultans for more than four hundred years. B) Scientists have not yet found an exact solution to this problem, but they are B) Until the reign of Abdülmecid I, confident that they are on the right Topkapı Palace had been the regular track. residence of the Ottoman Sultans for over four centuries. C) Until the reign of Abdülmecid I, the Ottoman Sultans lived in Topkapı Palace for a period of nearly four centuries. D) For four hundred years, until the reign of Abdülmecid I, Topkapı Palace had been the residence of all the Ottoman Sultans. E) Topkapı Palace, which the Ottoman Sultans inhabited for almost four centuries, was not used during the reign of Abdülmecid I. ELS Q 91 94

104. Turizm sektörünün gelişmesiyle, B) None of the machines that man has bölgenin ülke ekonomisine katkısı her created works as perfectly as the geçen gün artmaktadır. human body does. A) The more the tourism sector grows in C) No machine that man has created has the region, the bigger its contribution yet reached the perfection of the to the economy of the country will be. human body. B) The growth of the tourism sector in D) Whatever man does, he cannot create the region has contributed greatly to a machine that will match the the improvement of the country's perfection of his own body. econ om y. E) Of all the machines that man has C) After the growth of the tourism sector created so far, none of them is as there, the region was able to perfect as the human body. contribute greatly to the country's econ om y. 107. Şiddetti tipi yüzünden bölgedeki birkaç köy bir haftadır ulaşılamaz olmuştur. D) As the tourism sector grows, the contribution of the region to the A) Most of the villages couldn't be economy of the country will increase reached for a week due to the severe c on s i d er a b l y. blizzards in the region. E) With the growth of the tourism sector, B) It was s uch a s evere blizz ar d that the region's contribution to the some village roads were blocked for a economy of the country is rising with week. each day. C) Owing to the severe blizzards in the 105. Araba ithaliyle ilgili yasadaki son region, it took us a week to get to the değişikliklerden sonra, yeril üreticiler village. kaliteyi yükseltmek zorunda kalacaklar. D) The severe blizzards, which have cut A) After the recent changes in the car off several villages for a week, are still importing laws, domestic continuing. manufacturers will have to improve quality. E) Because of the severe blizzard, several villages in the region have not been B) The recent changes in the law have reached for a week. made it easier to import cars, so domestic manufacturers are trying to 108. Mağaranın içine doğru biraz daha produce better quality cars. ilerleyince suyun açık havaya değil içeriye doğru akmakta olduğunu C) Domestic car manufacturers could fark ettik. better cope with the recent changes in the laws on car imports if they were to A) It was only after we had advanced for produce better quality products. a little while in the cave that we realized the water was not flowing D) With the recent changes in the laws towards the open air, but inwards. on car imports, domestic manufacturers have been left with no B) We were astonished, as we proceeded choice but to improve quality. into the cave, to see that the water was moving in the direction of the E) The only way for domestic car open air. manufacturers to compete with imported cars is to raise quality. C) To our astonishment, the water was flowing from the open air into the 106. İnsanoğlunun yarattığı hiçbir makine cave, not vice versa as we had henüz insan vücudunun mükemmelliğine expected. ulaşamamıştır. D) As we moved a little farther into the A) No machine that man creates can be cave, we noticed that the water was as perfect as the human body. moving inwards and not towards the open air. 92 Q ELS E) We advanced a little further in the cave to see whether the water was flowing inwards or towards the open air. 95

109. Eski çağlardan beri Çin übbının önemli 110. Akciğer kanserinin erken bir aşamada bir parçasını oluşturan akupunktur tespit edilmesi çok zor çünkü genellikle Batı'da, ancak 1970'lerden sonra ilgi belirtiler hastalık çok ilerleyene kadar görmeye başlamıştır. görünmüyor. A) Ac up u nc tu re , wh ic h h as fo rme d a A) The reason why lung cancer is significant part of Chinese medicine difficult to notice at an early stage is since ancient times, began to receive that the symptoms are not detectable interest in the West only after the before the disease is well-advanced. 1970s. B) Lung cancer is often detected at a B) Although acupuncture has been very well-advanced stage, when symptoms important in Chinese medicine since appear clearly; otherwise, the disease ancient times, it gained recognition in is difficult to notice at an early stage. the West only in the 1970s. C) When lung cancer is at an early stage, C) Physicians in the West became the symptoms are not apparent interested in acupuncture, an ancient enough to detect the disease with Chinese medical treatment, in the ease. 1970s. D) The symptoms of lung cancer are not D) An ancient Chinese method of apparent until the disease is well- treatment, acupuncture has been advanced, so it's not easy to detect it receiving great interest in the West at an early stage. since the 1970s. E) Lung cancer is very difficult to detect E) In ancient times, acupuncture was of at an early stage because the great significance in Chinese symptoms often do not appear until medicine, but since the 1970s, it has the disease is well-advanced. had an important part in the West as well. ELS a 93 96

UNIT 2 Modals and Similar Expressions INTRODUCTION İngilizce'de modal yardımcı fiilleri: can, could, will, would, shall, should, ought to, had better, may, might ve must gibi sözcüklerdir. Modal yardımcı fiilleri, genellikle konuşmacının duygularım yansıtır. Yani, gereklilik, zorunluluk, olasılık gibi kipleri ifade ederler. Örneğin, birine sigarayı bırakması gerektiğini söylemek istiyorsak, bunu İngilizce'de şöyle ifade ederiz: You should stop smoking. (Sigarayı bırakman gerekir.) Ya da, birine bir konuda izin verdiğimizi ifade etmek istiyorsak: : You may/can leave work early today. (Bugün işten erken çıkabilirsin.) Bir modal, kullanılan özneye göre değişiklik göstermez. He/We/I/They should leave early. Bir modal, kendinden sonra yalın fiil alır. He can sing well. /We may come late. /They must phone us. \"ought to\" bu kuralın dışındadır. I ought to phone my parents./He ought to study hard. Bir modal ile belirttiğimiz duyguyu, genellikle, benzer bir başka yapı ile de ifade edebiliriz. He can sing very well./He is able to sing very well. We must walk faster./We have to walk faster. 94 ;J ELS 97

a) MODAL AUXILIARIES can I do it. Bir modal'dan sonra gelen fiil yalın could do it. gelir. You may - do it. You must speak slowly. He wight do it. Sadece \"ought\", kendinden sonra She will do it. gelen fiili \"to do\" biçiminde alır. It would do it, shall We do it, He ought to eat less. We should do it. ought to walk faster. You ought to do it. They .had better do it, Bir modal'ın cümleye kattığı anlamı must do it bir başka ifade ile de verebiliriz. He can speak three languages. He Is b) SIMILAR EXPRESSIONS able to speak three languages. be able to do have to do have got to do used to do be to do be supposed to do Bir modal, birden fazla anlam ifade edebilir. Şimdi modal yardımcı fiillerinin bu anlamlarını inceleyelim. 2-1 REQUESTS Birinden bir şey rica ederken kullanabileceğimiz çeşitli ifade biçimleri vardır. Bunlardan yaygın olarak kullanabileceğimiz iki yapı, özne olarak \"I\" ya da \"you\" kullanarak oluşturabileceğimiz ifadelerdir. Can J borrow your dictionary for a moment? (Sözlüğünü bir süre için alabilir miyim?) Can you lend me your dictionary for a moment? (Sözlüğünü bir süre için bana verebilir misin?) 2-2 POLITE REQUESTS with the SUBJECT \"I\" MAY I May I (please) borrow your book? \"May I\" ve \"Could I\" nazik bir COULD I Could I borrow your book (please)? isteme ifadesidir, (formal) CAN I Can I borrow your book? \"Can I\" daha samimi ortamlarda izin isterken kul- lanılır. (informal) TYPICAL RESPONSES : Certainly. Yes, certainly. Of course/Of course, you may./Sure. (Informal} Brother: Will you be using your bike tomorrow? Sister: I don't think so. Why? Brother: Can / borrow it for the afternoon? Sister: What happened to yours? Brother: Mine has a flat tyre. Sister: Well, in that case, you can. ELS a 95 98

(In a train compartment) Woman: May I have a look at your newspaper? Man: Yes, certainly. Here you are. (Tabii ki. Buyrunuz.) (On the phone) Man: Could/May I speak to Mr. Jones, please? Secretary: Sorry, he is busy on the other line at the moment. Can you wait for a moment? Man: That's alright, I'll call again later. 2-3 POLITE REQUESTS with the SUBJECT 'YOU\" \"could\" ve \"would\" COULD YOU Could you give me some information, please? resmiyet /nezaket gerektiren ortamlarda WOULD YOU Would you open the door for me, please? kullanabileceğimiz Could you please tell me the way yapılardır. to the station? \"will\" de resmi ortam- WILL YOU Will you lend me your book (please)? Will you (please) lend me your book? larda kullanılır, ancak diğerlerine göre daha CAN YOU Will you be quiet, please? doğrudan bir ifade biçimidir. Can you lend me your dictionary? \"will\", öfke /sabırsızlık Can you open the door, please? vb. gösteren ricalarda da kullanılır. TYPICAL RESPONSES: \"can\" daha samimi Yes, I'd (/ would) be happy to. Yes, certainly. I'd be glad to. ortamlarda kullanılır. Sure. (Informal) Eğer olumsuz yanıt vereceksek, yine nazik bir şekilde nedenini açıklamamız gerekir. (At a breakfast table) Son: Mum, can you pass me the butter? Mother: Sure, here you are. (At a Travel Agent's) Customer: Would you give us some information about your package tours, please? Travel Agent: Certainly, Madam. I'd be happy to. (On the street) Stranger: Could you please direct me to the Immigration Department? You: Sorry, I don't know where it is either. (At work) Jane: Could you give me a lift home after work, Jack? Jack: Sorry, I wish I could, but my mother will be waiting for me at the doctor's, and I am going to pick her up right after work. NOTE: \"I'd be happy to, I'd be glad to\" yanıtlarını, \"I\" öznesi ile sorulmuş sorularda kullanamayız. - May I take your dictionary for a moment? - Of course, here you are./Yes, of course you may./Sorry, I'm using it myself. - Can you lend me your dictionary for a moment? - Yes, of course. Here you are./I'm afraid I can't. I'm using it myself. - Yes, I'd be happy to. (I'd be happy to lend you my dictionary. - Memnuniyetle veririm.) 96 D ELS 99

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