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Home Explore The Simple Uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices

The Simple Uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices

Published by dprimic, 2021-02-19 15:48:20

Description: The Simple uses of Herbal Teas and Indian Spices is a well-written and informed book on the many different teas and Indian spices from around the world. Herbs and spices a to heal minor ailments and to prevent ailments from attacking the immune system.
The difference here, you require moderation, the key to consuming herbs in the healthiest of ways. Herbs to help with ailments and to drink herbal teas to feel relaxed. Most herbs have a bitter taste, but are beneficial to you.

Keywords: spices,herbs,teas,herbal teas,indian spices,healing,alternative medicine


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THE SIMPLE USES of HERBAL TEAS and INDIAN SPICES The Many Different Ways of Using Herbal Teas and Indian Spices, including the use of the Best Traditional Medicine DEVIKA PRIMIC Copyright © 2014 by Devika Primic All Rights Reserved ISBN: 1502312905 ISBN-13: 978-1502312907 1


CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................................................8 HERBAL SPICES and TEAS ................................................................................................. 10 Ajowan ................................................................................................................................. 10 Allspice ................................................................................................................................. 11 Amchur................................................................................................................................. 12 Angelica Plant ...................................................................................................................... 14 Annatto................................................................................................................................. 16 Anise Tea .............................................................................................................................. 17 Asafoetida............................................................................................................................. 19 Barberry ............................................................................................................................... 20 Basil ...................................................................................................................................... 21 Bay Leaf ............................................................................................................................... 23 Bee Balm Tea ....................................................................................................................... 25 Black Cumin......................................................................................................................... 26 Black Lime ........................................................................................................................... 27 Boldo..................................................................................................................................... 28 Bush Tomato ........................................................................................................................ 30 Borage................................................................................................................................... 31 Calamus................................................................................................................................ 33 Candlenut ............................................................................................................................. 35 Cardamom............................................................................................................................ 38 Caper .................................................................................................................................... 40 Cassia.................................................................................................................................... 41 Cayenne Pepper ................................................................................................................... 42 3

Celery ................................................................................................................................... 43 Chervil .................................................................................................................................. 44 Chicory ................................................................................................................................. 46 Catnip Tea............................................................................................................................ 47 Cinnamon Tea...................................................................................................................... 49 Chrysanthemum Tea ........................................................................................................... 50 Cloves ................................................................................................................................... 51 Coriander ............................................................................................................................. 52 Cubeb ................................................................................................................................... 53 Curry Leaf............................................................................................................................ 54 Dill Tea ................................................................................................................................. 56 Epazote ................................................................................................................................. 57 Essiac Tea ............................................................................................................................. 58 Fenugreek............................................................................................................................. 59 Galangal ............................................................................................................................... 60 Garlic .................................................................................................................................... 61 Gentian Tea.......................................................................................................................... 62 Ginger Root Tea................................................................................................................... 63 Ginseng Tea.......................................................................................................................... 64 Hawthorn Tea ...................................................................................................................... 65 Hibiscus Tea ......................................................................................................................... 66 Honey Bush Tea ................................................................................................................... 67 Hoja Santa............................................................................................................................ 68 Horehound Tea .................................................................................................................... 69 Horseradish .......................................................................................................................... 70 4

Hydrangea Root Tea ............................................................................................................ 71 Hyssop .................................................................................................................................. 72 Jamaican Sorrel ................................................................................................................... 73 Juniper ................................................................................................................................. 74 Kava Root Tea...................................................................................................................... 75 Kokum.................................................................................................................................. 76 Lapacho Tea......................................................................................................................... 77 Lavender .............................................................................................................................. 78 Lemon Balm Tea .................................................................................................................. 80 Licorice Root Tea................................................................................................................. 81 Lovage .................................................................................................................................. 82 Mahlab ................................................................................................................................. 83 Marjoram ............................................................................................................................. 84 Mastic ................................................................................................................................... 85 Melegueta Pepper................................................................................................................. 86 Mint ...................................................................................................................................... 87 Myrtle ................................................................................................................................... 88 Nettle Leaf Tea ..................................................................................................................... 89 Nigella................................................................................................................................... 90 Nutmeg ................................................................................................................................. 91 Onion .................................................................................................................................... 92 Orris Root ............................................................................................................................ 93 Paprika ................................................................................................................................. 94 Parsley .................................................................................................................................. 95 Poppy Seed ........................................................................................................................... 96 5

Rosemary.............................................................................................................................. 97 Saffron .................................................................................................................................. 98 Sage Tea ............................................................................................................................... 99 Sage..................................................................................................................................... 100 Savory................................................................................................................................. 101 Scented Geraniums ............................................................................................................ 102 Screw-Pine Leaf ................................................................................................................. 103 Sesame ................................................................................................................................ 104 Skullcap Tea ....................................................................................................................... 105 Soapwort ............................................................................................................................ 106 Sorrel .................................................................................................................................. 107 Sumac ................................................................................................................................. 108 Stevia Tea ........................................................................................................................... 109 Szechwan Pepper ............................................................................................................... 110 Tamarind............................................................................................................................ 111 Tarragon ............................................................................................................................ 112 Tasmanian Pepper ............................................................................................................. 113 Thyme Tea.......................................................................................................................... 114 Tulsi Tea ............................................................................................................................. 116 Turmeric............................................................................................................................. 117 Vanilla ................................................................................................................................ 118 Wasabi ................................................................................................................................ 119 Watercress.......................................................................................................................... 120 Wattle seed ......................................................................................................................... 121 Zedoary .............................................................................................................................. 122 6

THE TOP CURES FROM AROUND THE WORLD ......................................................... 125 THE BEST TRADITIONAL MEDICINE ........................................................................... 128 THE BEST BEAUTY SECRETS from AROUND THE WORLD...................................... 133 ABOUT THE AUTHOR ....................................................................................................... 135 7

INTRODUCTION The following information is most helpful for many ailments. The herbal spices and unique herbal teas, to the top cures from around the world, of the best traditional medicine, and of the different remedies for a younger looking skin. Read on to find out what can make the many changes in your life, and improve your lifestyle too I have great interest in new herbal treatments, for cures or preventions of rare or the common illnesses. The modern time we live in is often focused on modern technology but what about the traditional herbs which many tribes have used for centuries and are still using these remedies to heal and relieve pain? Don’t you think it is time to try something new if you haven't as yet? Scientists are trying to prove which plants from the Amazon jungle is helpful in the prevention of many illnesses, including the different cancers, so you see, there is nothing to be afraid of. Always speak to your doctor or an herbalist if you are not sure about consuming any herbal product, you need to be reassured by a professional. Living life the natural way does allow people to heal. Side effects are noticed, just like if you were prescribed an antibiotic for instance, don’t you have certain effects afterward? The difference here, you require moderation, the key to consuming herbs in the healthiest way. Any herb can be consumed providing you don't over dose. Most herbs are bitter-tasting but are beneficial to you. 8

In my opinion I am pleased to say herbs are one of the greatest ways of surviving your good health. I started believing, and tried herbal cures when my husband was faced with a challenge of prostate cancer. In 1997 he had to go for the proper examination and wasn't sure what to do when the result were positive. In the doctor's opinion, surgery was the answer to remove the cancerous tumor. We didn't stop there! While at the neurologist we heard of another case same as my husband, after talking to the nurse she gave us the patient's telephone number. We immediately contacted the patient with the prostrate problem we were delighted to move on. The patient was brave and avoided surgery, he went for the last option, he decided to try Stinging Nettle Tea and Willow Tea, which he drank three times daily to avoid surgery and to kill the cancer cells, it worked well for him, and he survived the ordeal. Time wasn't wasted my husband did exactly that and all cancerous cells disappeared. It encouraged me to do the same when I had menstrual problems, excessive bleeding and cervical issues. Herbal teas, including Green tea are some of the best cures or healing herbs, if you try then only would you know.... 9

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS HERBAL SPICES and TEAS Ajowan Ajowan has the same flavor like thyme. You should crush this spice before using, a process of releasing the oils and the flavor. A Blend used in toothpastes and cosmetics. Used as treatment for diarrhea, a home-made remedy for indigestion, colic, and has helped people for other ailments, especially, like the relief of asthma and arthritis. A Plant found in the grounds of India; use three drops of oil ailments experienced. 10

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Allspice Allspice is a combination of spices from cinnamon, cloves, ginger, and nutmeg. It has been mistaken for black pepper in Spain. A unique spice compared to other herbal spices. The Allspice berries are grown in the rainforests of South and Central America where it grows wild of the evergreen tree. This spice comes from Jamaica, with a well-suited climate and soil. It was once used to cure meat in some parts of the world, as believed in the ancient times. 11

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Amchur Amchur is used in a form of powder from unripe dry mangoes, used with turmeric; the whole fruit can be sliced and dried in open spaced areas with direct sunlight. The mango tree is grown in India, and is one of the oldest trees to be cultivated for its fruit; it has spread to most parts of the world including South Africa. A tree that prefers tropical climates is a family of the cashew and pistachio nut. The mango is popular in many foods, now used in chutneys, or pickles and has an acidic taste. It is mostly used in Indian cooking for flavoring curries, and soups, is beige in color when in powder form and with a tangy taste. A taste of satisfaction for grilled foods can be used as a marinade and in most cuisines. In Asian regions the Amchur spice is used as a dye, it was some time ago, the leaves of the mango tree was fed to cows and afterward their urine was used as a yellow dye. Many traditional methods were used for herbs and spices centuries ago. While still green this fleshy fruit is sometimes eaten with curry powder and salt, by most Indians. Add Amchur powder to your required taste. 12


THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Angelica Plant Angelica was first grown in the Northern part of Europe, but was only recognized much later. Thousands of years ago it was used to protect the young from evil. Tobacco was made from the fresh preserved roots and used as snuff to the American Indians. It was discovered in the early times that Angelica was used by Virginian Indians for their beliefs. Fennel, parsley, chervil, carrots and parsnips, are also perennial plants. Angelica has green to white flowers. It has leaf stalks like celery, and grows in damp areas. All the parts of this herb are eaten. The roots and stems contain an essential oil that has a licorice flavor which is used for perfumery, the leaf stalks which look like celery are sometimes used as a vegetable, the seeds are used in cookies and sweets, and the stems can be candied and used in cake decorating. The young leaves are added to fruit or leaf salads. The small flowers are good in fruit salads and cream cheeses, because it reduces acidity, used in orange marmalade, sorbets and fruit syrups. An herb not easily found. The herbal spice is used for increasing a person's appetite; the tea is made from its leaves which is used for the calming of the nerves and is a healing herb for digestion. 14

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS When handling the plant, gloves are required to protect your hands and under no circumstances should pregnant women and anyone who is diabetic use this spice. If the seeds and the stem are used in small amounts, it is safe for an individual, but excessive use of fresh roots is poisonous. 15

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Annatto Annatto is used as a spice and to dye items, and can be utilized in many other ways, like in the coloring of confectionery, butter, smoked fish and cheeses, cosmetics and in textile manufacturing. It has a bright and exotic appearance and is used in many kinds of dishes. A spice used in soups, or other normal daily cooking. The seeds are red with a sweet and peppery taste. Annatto seeds are put into hot water until the actual color is obtained after washing and drying from the pod, thereafter it is used for coloring rice and other stocks. Keep in dark spaces to last longer. Annatto once used for controlling fevers and kidney diseases, but now is mostly used in ointments, and as a dye, is sometimes used as an insect repellent in some places. 16

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Anise Tea Anise Tea is used as a plant and as dried Aniseed spice. A tea which originated from the Middle East, the family of this herb resembles members of the carrot family which includes fennel, dill, coriander, cumin and caraway. The Anise plant is lobed in shape. The leaves helps an individual, to ease coughing, loosens phlegm in the lungs, relieves you from hiccups, treats colic, pneumonia and bronchitis, and it can be used to treat scabies or lice. Anise tea is known as Aniseed, a spice that is used in Indian cooking. Anise Tea is brewed by boiling one and half cups of water, with two teaspoons of dried anise leaves or seeds, and, then to be soaked for ten minutes, with a sweetness of your choice. It is important to note that the Japanese Star Anise is not the same herb, it is poisonous. Use with caution, especially to those who have hypersensitive skin when applying the Anise oil, or with skin problems. Anise tea helps avoid endometrioses and estrogen-dependent cancers. A cup of Anise tea can help you with the problem. 17


THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Asafoetida Asafoetida, is a gum from the sap of the roots and stem of the ferula species, a spice that was used in ancient times, but not rooted and grown in India,though, has been used in India for medicinal reasons and in the flavoring foods for years. Before flavoring your foods this spice has an unpleasant odor and when cooked it has an onion flavor. A good idea is keeping spices in the refrigerator, a cool place, and will last longer. Asafoetida,is used for Indian vegetarian cooking and is best on it is own, you shouldn't use this spice with garlic or other flavorings. A good choice for lentil dishes, pickles, and fish dishes. India grows the Asafoetida plant. A herbal spice used to treat asthma, whooping coughs, and bronchitis, it is grown in the Middle Eastern countries, and is exported to the rest of the world. 19

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Barberry A family of N.O. Berberidaceae The Barberry started growing in Europe, and in the climate ofAsia. The bark and the roots of the herbal plant have been used for medicine, and is a general health tonic, even for good health purposes. The pieces of this wood are used to make toothpicks. The yellow dye made from this bark is used for the coloring of wool, linen and leather. The bright red berries are dried and used in cooking for its good taste. It has a fruity aroma, and from a deciduous bush with bright yellow flowers. Afghans and Iranians use Barberry spice in their rice dishes, with apples, or for an apple pie the red color and tangy taste makes it unique. Barberry is a good eye wash if you are suffering from conjunctivitis, it can help your eyes feel better, and it has strong anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory agents. Eases gallbladder pain, jaundice, hepatitis, and treats diarrhea. Use with caution, as the spice may irritate the stomach and people with stomach ulcers shouldn't use Barberry. To grow well, sunshine and moist soil is required. 20

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Basil An herb worshiped by many people in India, and is recognized as a sacred green herb. In parts ofMexico, Basilis thought to attract money and keep your partner faithful. Traditionally Basil is used as a good luck charm. Amazingly, but true of what people believed in the medieval times, and some still do. The taste and aroma of Basil should be used with caution, when picked freshly. When dried sweet basil leaves don't have their strong fragrance. A choice in many cuisines, a garnish in salads, especially, with tomatoes is a great combination. Fresh Basil, when added to flavoring foods for a few minutes at the end of your cooking is most appropriate just to release the flavors. 21

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Asian cultures use Basil for many kinds of foods, including stir-fry dishes and curries. This herb is used for coughs in the Far East, while in Africa it is used for the expelling of worms and it was believed that some people used it as an essential ingredient for snuff as to ease headaches. An herb used in creams for insect bites, ringworm, tired eyes, as a mouth wash, and, to increase energy after bathing. The essential oils from Basil are used for abdominal pains, and contain camphor. A perennial plant, which is grown in the tropical regions, they are best grown indoors from a seed. It shouldn't be in kept in cold weathers, sunny spots are better. 22

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Bay Leaf The Bay treehas spread from Asia to the Mediterraneanand to other similar climate regions. It is known as Bay, or laurel,and was a symbol of honor during the ancient times, for some these beliefs still is in most traditions. An herb commonly used for its aroma and is with a slight bitterness. The flavor is in the Bay leaf only when fresh, it loses the taste once dried, like most herbs do, when cooking with this leaf, it should be crushed for better flavor, or can be used in whole, and discard at the end of cooking, as you wish. A spice used worldwide, can be used in soups, sauces, stews, for seasoning fish, meat or poultry, and as a pickling spice, in most cuisines. Years ago the Bay leaf was used to induce labor, abortions, and other qualities. To treat migraine headaches, blood sugar levels, bacterial infections, fungal infections, for gastric ulcers, to treat rheumatism, colic and amenorrhea, or menstrual ailments. The Bay Tree isan evergreen tree, it has small fruit and white clustered flowers, the leaves can be harvested in the winter of the European climate. 23


THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Bee Balm Tea Found in the East and Northern America. The tea is prepared by using fresh or dried leaves, prepare BeeBalm flowersin a ball, of a limit of half a cup, and using boiling water, it should be soaked for five minutes, the tea ball should be removed before serving the tea. Sweeten with honey and serve with a sprig of mint as a garnish. Side Effects When you are feeling nausea, vomiting or have a tight chest, for drying mucus, and coughing, you can drink this tea to help calm these effects. It is known for its scent, its color and usefulness. There are other varieties and all are edible.Drink as required. Bee Balm tea is not known as severe, for some who have allergies with plants, maybe a problem. 25

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Black Cumin Black cumin, is a popular spice of Northern India, and is added in cuisines in the Northern Indian regions. It has a nutty and richer flavor, when roasted in oil. Often used in the Middle Eastern dishes, used in meat stews, roasts and enriches the tastes of these cuisines. Black cumin in India is used in whole for yogurts, chutneys, curries, biryanis, and kebabs. Used for treating of upset stomachs, headaches, toothaches, for colds and infections. If you are a tea-drinker, then you should try some, pour hot water over the seeds in a cup and allow soaking for ten minutes. Try a few in your morning coffee, for a different flavor. 26

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Black Lime Black lime sometimes identified as dried lime, is whole and sun dried limes. A citrus plant grown in the Middle East regions from the early times, now the Black lime is widely used and is often confused with lemons. It is used to flavor fish, stews, chicken and other required foods. You should pierce the Black limes before cooking; it gives off juices for a unique taste. 27

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Boldo A tree grown in Chile, the fruit is tasty. Leaves of the Boldo plant is used like you would the Bay leaf. Boldo leaves are used for making tea in South American regions, to treat gallbladder aches, and to calm upset stomachs. In most of the Southern parts of Brazil, the Boldo plant grows easily. Although a slow growing plant it is found in most regions, like in the Mediterranean for the cuisines, and in Africa for its medicinal purposes. The leaves of this plant have qualities of an antiseptic, as anesthetic, and as an antibacterial effect. It helps calm stomach disorders and, digestive problems, also ensures a healthy menstruation, but should not be used when pregnant because of the abortive agents. As a herbal tea it is used to cleanse the liver, and the blood if the kidneys don't work well, removes face blemishes caused by hepatic problems, and improves the complexion of your skin. The flavors of Boldo is like a peppery spice, is a good substitute for Indian Bay leaves, a spice for all foods, including pickling vegetables. 28

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Commonly known as the 'hangover' herb it is used by many South Americans, if you had too many drinks from the night before Boldo helps eases the taste of alcohol from the ‘’after effects, ‘’ on your tongue. Another way to consume Boldo is by crushing it, strain and drink with water, taken before going to bed, for a good night sleep. 29

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Bush Tomato The Bush Tomato is new in Australia, with the mountain pepper. An Aboriginal diet allowed the discovery of the Bush Tomato, the indigenous population used The Bush Tomato as a staple diet and it grows after bush fires. The Bush Tomato is used as a spice in small quantities to Cavour everyday meals it enhances the flavors of many kinds of foods. A perennial shrub, looks like the tomato and potato plant. In the central desert the Bush Tomatoes ripen and dry naturally before being gathered. Some species are not edible, try to have an experienced gatherer to let you know on which can be eaten and of the safety uses too. 30

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Borage Borage, is an annual herb sometimes known as star flower, originate in Syria,has a beautiful flower, and found widely in the Mediterranean regions, self-seeds easily, so is hard to control in your herb garden. Plant in a sunny spot and you will have many seasons of this special spice and tea. A great idea for salads, has a cucumber flavor, you can cut up the leaves for sandwiches, in refreshing drinks, and for a cake decoration. The stems are used like celery, or steamed; leaves can be eaten raw, and are similar to spinach. The flavors of Borage blend well with garlic, dill, and mint. Borage leaves have a hairy texture, which disappears when cooking. For relieving of bronchitis, and is an anti-diarrhea remedy, it can even be ground and used as a cooling agent for fevers, sprains, inflammations and irritations of the skin. An herbal tea and spice, if making tea it can be combined with Hawthorne berries. 31


THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Calamus Calamus Root, is also known as sweet flag, has been used ever since the early days in many cultures. It is a tall perennial green plant with scented flowers, grown in India but is now found in many parts of the world including Southern Russia. The root of this plant is mostly used; the flavor is a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. Calamushas a sweet taste with a sharp aroma. You can use it in custards, as an infusion, and in rice puddings. Used to flavor drinks. For the relief of toothaches, reducing fever, menstrual problems, and for if you want to stop the habit of smoking, try Calamustea. To get rid of ants and fleas in your home, try Calamuspowder, it can be of great help. Remember to control your intake of herbs and spices. 33


THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Candlenut The Candlenut treeis a flowering tree from the spurge family. It is believed by the many people that Candlenut is used for enlightenment, protection and peace. A spice used in Malaysian foods for making thick sauces. A tree found in the tropical Northern rainforests of Australia, and of Malaysia. The first people in the wild to use the Candlenut were the Aborigines; however, it is now used for soap, varnish and paints. The fruit is not eaten by humans. Most parts of the plant are used for medicine, traditionally, in native regions. In Japanit is used as an irritant laxative, castor oil, for hair treatment, and the bark of this plant is used for tumors. In Malaysia,the leaves are boiled and used for the help of headaches, reducing fevers, treating ulcers, and swollen joints, and in Javait is used to treat bloody diarrhea. Most parts of our world have their own beliefs. 35

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Candlenuts are mostly used in Asian foods to thicken sauces, also, can be roasted, though, rarely used for cooking in modern times. 36

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Caraway Caraway is a perennial plant grown in Asia, Europe and North of Africa,and is known as meridian fennel. The fruit is used in whole, with a sharp flavor like the Aniseed. Caraway is used to spice starchy foods, used in curries, liquors, and casseroles. Used as an herb and tea, to treat colic, loss of appetite, and digestive disorders. Used for fresh breath, a flavoring in toothpastes, chewing gums, and in mouthwashes, a seed oil used in soaps, lotions and perfumes. Most of this kind of herbs and spices are rarely used due to modern day living, but interesting to know of how it was used in ancient times. 37

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Cardamom Cardamom is one of the world’s ancient spices. It is grown in the Easterncountries and was first discovered from the forests in south of India, where it’s grown wild. Black and Green Cardamomis used as spices in foods and drinks. It comes from the seeds of the ginger plant and has small brown to black seeds, with a sharp flavor of Eucalyptus. Cardamom is used in whole for flavoring foods, and in baking. The pod with the bitter flavor is not used; mostly the seeds are used for cooking. An herb used for the treatment of many ailments like sore throats, teeth and gum infections, and for digestive problems. Used to break up kidney stones, and is used as an ante-dote for snake and scorpion venom. 38


THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Caper Capermeaning goat, derived from a Latin wordCapra. The strong smell of the goat gives it the name. A plant that grows wild in the Mediterranean climate. A perennial bush, which bears rounded green fruit, it requires a climate with less rainfall, can be grown easily from seeds. Capersare used for pickling and salted to your taste; it is used as a garnish or eaten in pizzas, salads, pasta sauces, and cuisines. The flowers and fruit can be eaten and is used in most European dishes. An herbal tea can be made from the root of the caper plant; it is helpful for rheumatism, a treatment of inflammation. In India it was used for the treatment of scurvy and for the increase of an appetite. 40

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Cassia Cassiahas many references of its species. It is not often regarded as used in medicine or a spice in foods. The fruit pulp is like tamarind, but is not the same; it has an aromatic bark, similar to cinnamon, but is different in strength and quality. Not all species are edible of this plant. Cassia bark is darker, thicker and coarser, and corky. The many varieties of this spice confuse people when using it. The Chinese, Indian, andthe Indonesian Barks are all Cassias, theleaves are used for flavoring foods, with similarities of the cinnamon, tamarind and the buds are also used. Oliver's Bark, and, Mossoia, Bark, can be used as substitutes as cinnamon. It is used for flavoring foods, adding sweetness to baking and puddings. 41

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Cayenne Pepper Cayenne Pepper is grown widely in India, in most tropical and sub-tropical regions. A finely ground spice with various kinds of chili, has a hot taste. You shouldn't use Cayenne pepper as you would paprika, it’s not the same. Sprinkle sparingly when flavoring foods, you won't enjoy the flavor if you add too much, making your meal too hot. Not everyone would like spicy hot foods. Cayenne Pepper can be used in most dishes, pickles, chutneys, ketchup, casseroles, barbecues, marinades, sauces, for vegetables, and in chicken, fish, meat or eggs. 42

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Celery Celeryis from the parsley family. The seed is grown in East ofEurope,it has been grown in Indiaand in other parts of the world, and every part of this plant is eaten. This plant has tiny seeds, green leaves and is healthy to eat. Celery is used in salads, soups, pickles, tomato juices and salads. Most Indians use celery in curries, and in most of other Indian spices, like turmeric, ginger and cumin of which it blends well with taste. The roots are not spices but it adds flavor to many foods and beverages. It was used in ancient times as an aphrodisiac, for nervousness, sleeping problems, gout, and arthritis, in India people used it for rheumatism. Celery is used daily by most people for their own purposes, and is commonly used worldwide. 43

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Chervil A spice traditionally used in many French cuisines has a soft flavor, is from the carrot family and these plants are gathered before it loses its tastes. They are preserved in vinegar; it has an aroma of the Anise herb and has green leaves like the leaves of carrot plants. A warm herb that has two common varieties, one is plain the other curly, and is grown in Eastern Europe. Chervil is used in salads, eggs, in cheese and herb sandwiches, and in aromatic seasoning, even in mashed potatoes. Chervil was used to relieve hiccups, and still is practiced by some people, used for refreshing the eyes, and when cool, brewed as tea to reduce blood pressure. Allow to brew for twenty minutes after adding boiling water in a cup with one tablespoon of Chervil herbs. Use only the young leaves of the Chervil plant for tea and as a spice. 44


THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Chicory Chicory is a family of endive; it can be eaten raw or cooked like greens, and has a bitter taste. A coffee for aroma and flavor, and, used in New Orleans too. Chicory plants have similar leaves to spinach leaves; it is a perennial plant with a long tap root and is often called the Belgian endive. Often used in salads finely chopped, and works well in creamy mixtures. Added in daily cooking and can be added in chunks to casseroles. It is rich in Vitamin A for the eyes, works well for the vision. The juice of carrots, celery and parsley is used for the muscular system. The herb is used for the treatment of liver disorders, jaundice and the enlargement of the spleen. A natural laxative for most people, and is worth trying for constipation, the chicory seeds are used for obstructed menstruation. The celery and parsley combination helps for anemia and is an effective blood tonic and treats asthma, if necessary. 46

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Catnip Tea A tea cultivated in Europe, used as a relaxant, a sedative, for the calming of the nerves, control colds, reducing fevers, headaches, stress, indigestion, constipation and most of other ailments. The aerial parts of this plant are used. It is prepared with a cup of boiling water, add one to two teaspoons of the herb, cover and allow for soaking for fifteen minutes. You can drink this tea two or three times daily. Children with coughs and colds are able to recover from drinking Catnip tea. Avoid Catnip Tea; if you are pregnant, it has effects on urine contraction. Side Effects There are diuretic actions; it may heighten the frequency and the amount of urination, and for some people an upset stomach. Drink in moderation. 47


THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Cinnamon Tea An interesting tea and is known from theAsian countries, used for improving the blood circulation in your body, as a menstrual aid, and, eases cold symptoms, and for stomach upsets too. When preparing this tea, place the cinnamon stick in a cup, add the boiling water and cover and soak for ten minutes, add the teabag and soak an additional three minutes. You can have Cinnamon tea to your required taste, with or without a sweetener. Cinnamon is used as a traditional medicine in Chinaand is great for special desserts like when sprinkled on apple slices, as a natural sweetener, or on pancakes. The Side Effects Cinnamon tea is rare with side effects, but people with ulcers shouldn't consume too much of cinnamon tea. 49

THE SIMPLE USES OF HERBAL SPICES AND TEAS Chrysanthemum Tea A tea, most popular in Eastern Asia, and is used when flowers are dried, it is popular with Chinese as Dim Sum, with a citrus peel and includes Bérgamot, or with lemon. Dried flowers are added to boiling water and soak for a while. Thereafter you can sweeten according to your taste. Soak for the second time to give it the milder flavor, and had with a spoon of honey. Side Effects Chrysanthemum for some people who can’t contact dermatitis, an itchiness of the skin and the appearance of red patches too, only, if allergic. 50

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