IN THIS ISSUE ADULT YOUTH K-12 4 Fitness 30 EdVenture Club-Before/After School Childcare 7 Health | Safety 31 EdVenture Club-Non School Days 10 Parenting 32 Swim Lessons 11 Arts 35 Little Learners 11 General Interest 36 Visual & Performing Arts 14 Travel 42 Academics 16 Finance 44 Special Interests 17 Technology | Online Learning 45 Athletics 18 Adult Basic Education & GED 47 High School 19 English as a Second Language (ESL) 48 Driver's Education 20 H.O.P. E. Adults w/ Developmental Disabilities AQUATICS ROGERS RECREATION 32 Swim Lessons 49 Youth 34 Activities 52 All Ages 53 Learn-to-Skate EARLY CHILDHOOD REGISTRATION 21 Early Childhood Family Education 28 ECFE Sliding Fee Scale | Registration Info 25 Parenting 58 Registration | Contact Us 26 Discovery Learning Preschool 59 Facility Locations 27 EdVenture Club-Before/After Preschool Childcare 27 Early Childhood Screening 28 Sliding Fee Scale 32 Swim Lessons 35 Little Learners 2 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
ECFE EARLY CHILDHOOD WHAT ARE THE ACTIVITIES? »» A variety of age-appropriate activities will be set up in the classroom. »» You and your child can choose what you want to try; we encourage you to “take your child’s lead” and enjoy the time together. »» At times we will do group activities with all parents and children. EARLY CHILDHOOD FAMILY EDUCATION (ECFE) WHAT HAPPENS DURING PARENT DISCUSSION TIME? FOR FAMILIES WITH CHILDREN BIRTH TO BEFORE KINDERGARTEN »» While your child participates in the children’s time in the ECFE classroom with the Early Childhood Educator, you’ll meet with »» ECFE is based on the idea that the family provides a child’s first parents and the ECFE Parent Educator. and most significant learning environment and parents are a child’s first and most important teachers. Parents shape a child’s »» Parent discussion will be in the children’s room for parents with development and set the stage for future learning and growth. young children; it will be in another room for parents with older children. »» ECFE offers a variety of classes that provide information, encouragement and support for children AND their parents. »» It’s a comfortable situation where you’ll be able to talk about the joys and concerns of parenting. You’ll be able to take time to look at »» ECFE offers hands-on learning opportunities for you to explore new and consider many ideas. Research tells us that getting information experiences, meet other families, and grow and learn together with and support for our role as parents is one of the most important your child. things we can do for ourselves and our children! »» ECFE serves all families in ISD 728 with children age birth to WHAT HAPPENS DURING THE CHILDREN’S TIME AND Kindergarten. HOW WILL PARENTS BE INVOLVED? »» All ECFE instructing staff have, at minimum, a four-year degree »» The children participate in both teacher-led and child-initiated activities plus teaching licensure in Parent Education, Early Childhood in the classroom when moms, dads or caregivers participate in the Education or Early Childhood Family Education and provide the discussion. quality education parents expect. »» The Early Childhood Educator prepares the room and activities WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE COME TO ECFE PARENT/ gauged for the children’s ages. CHILD ACTIVITIES? »» In some classes, parents take turns working with the teacher in »» Staff will greet you and the room will be set up with age-appropriate the classroom. This provides an opportunity for parents to observe activities. children’s time and how their child responds. It also provides an opportunity to learn more about children’s development and »» Usually there are three parts to the sessions: time together for behavior. It’s a chance to get involved and have fun! parents and children, parent discussion time and children’s activity and exploration time. SEPARATING & NON-SEPARATING CLASSES »» Non-separating classes are classes where the parent discussion is in the room with the children; separating classes are classes where Separating classes are classes where the the parents move to a different room and children remain in their parents move to a different room for classroom for activities. parent discussion and children remain FEES TO0 EXPENSIVE? in their classroom for activities. If you can't participate in a class due to the cost, Non-separating classes are classes please call our office at 763.241.3524. We can where the parent discussion is in arrange to reduce or even waive the fee! the room with the children. ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 21
EARLY CHILDHOOD MULTI-AGE SEPARATING & łłTODDLERS AND PRESCHOOLERS NON-SEPARATING CLASSES ► AGE 12 MONTHS-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY Separating classes are classes where the parents Children learn from one another as they play and interact. Join us in a growth move to a different room for parent discussion opportunity for children to develop social, emotional, physical and cognitive and children remain in their classroom for activities. skills in a mixed-age group setting. Parents will discuss ways to support devel- opmental milestones, ways to make learning fun and discipline techniques. This Non-separating classes are classes where the is a separating class. parent discussion is in the room with the children. Mondays Jan 6-Mar 2* | 6 sessions | 10:45am-12:15pm | $42 INFANTS ► AGE BIRTH-12 MONTHS Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 | #EETODDL01W20 *Not meeting Jan 20, 27, Feb 17 Having a baby can mean major adjustments in every area of your life. We are here to support you in this amazing and exciting transition. These relaxing and Tuesdays Jan 7-Mar 3 | 9 sessions | 10:30am-12:00pm | $63 informative classes are led by a Parent Educator and offer discussions on de- Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | #EETODDL05W20 velopment, schedules and feeding. Come for some uninterrupted time with your infant and an opportunity to meet other parents. This is a non-separating class. Thursdays Jan 9-Mar 5 | 9 sessions | 9:00-10:30am | $63 Class is free, but please register. Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 | #EETODDL02W20 Mondays Jan 6-Mar 2* | 6 sessions | 4:30-5:30pm | $0 Thursdays Jan 9-Mar 5 | 9 sessions | 9:00-10:30am | $63 Handke Center Rm 1 Door 5 | #EEINFAN01W20 Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | #EETODDL06W20 *Not meeting Jan 20, 27, Feb 17 Fridays Jan 10-Mar 6 | 9 sessions | 9:00-10:30am | $63 Tuesdays Jan 7-Mar 3 | 9 sessions | 11:00am-12:00pm | $0 Zimmerman Elem Rm E104 Door 2 | #EETODDL07W20 Handke Center Rm 1 Door 5 | #EEINFAN02W20 Fridays Jan 10-Mar 6 | 9 sessions | 10:30am-12:00pm | $63 łłBIRTH TO THREE ► AGE BIRTH-36 MONTHS Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 | #EETODDL03W20 Enjoy time with your child and be creative, engage in active play and share in łłTWOS ► AGE 24-36 MONTHS circle time activities. Parenting time will be in the child's classroom in a non-sep- arating atmosphere. This class is free for children under 12 months; select Two-year-olds are growing at high speed! They require guidance and limits as waived fee when registering. they try new things in their world. Our classrooms are set up to allow children to engage all of their senses as they sing, dance, create, build, problem solve, com- Tuesdays Jan 7-Mar 3 | 9 sessions | 9:00-10:15am | $63 municate and socialize. Children gain confidence, trust and independence as their Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | #EEBIRTH02W20 parents separate for their facilitator-led parent education that focuses on child development, parenting and parent-child relationships. This is a separating class. Wednesdays Jan 8-Mar 4 | 9 sessions | 9:00-10:30am | $63 Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 | #EEFTWOS01W20 Fridays Jan 10-Mar 6 | 9 sessions | 9:00-10:15am | $63 Handke Center Rm 1 Door 5 | #EEBIRTH01W20 Fridays Jan 10-Mar 6 | 9 sessions | 10:45-12:00pm | $63 PLEASE NOTE: Zimmerman Elem Rm E104 Door 2 | #EEBIRTH04W20 The decision on whether a class will run is made 3-5 days before the class start date. Register Early to insure we don’t cancel a class you are hoping to take. 22 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
MULTI-AGE EARLY CHILDHOOD łłTHREES, FOURS, FIVES SATURDAY MORNING GYM TIME ► AGE 36 MONTHS-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY ► AGE BIRTH-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY This is a time of investigating and experimenting for your child. Explore with Do you have children who need to run off extra energy? Parents and children your preschool-age child and discover the world of math, literacy and social get active together by running, jumping, playing ball and more! First-come, first- play. Parents will discuss topics focused on kindergarten preparation as well as served; space is limited to 25 total (adults and children). topics selected by the group. This is a separating class. Pay at the door: $2.50/child without pass; $10/5-day pass Mondays Jan 6-Mar 2* | 6 sessions | 9:00-10:30am | $42 Pass accepted at any drop-in play location. Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 | #EEPTHRE02W20 *Not meeting Jan 20, 27, Feb 17 Saturdays Jan 11-Mar 28* | 11 sessions | 9:30-11:30am Handke Center Gym Door 5 Thursdays Jan 9-Mar 5 | 9 sessions | 10:45am-12:15pm | $63 *Not meeting Feb 8 Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 | #EEPTHRE01W20 PARTICIPANT/SIBLING Thursdays Jan 9-Mar 5 | 9 sessions | 10:45am-12:00pm | $63 CHILDCARE Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | #EEPTHRE03W20 EDVENTURE CLUB YOGA CALM® ► AGE 3-5 W/ADULT PARTICIPANT/SIBLING CHILDCARE Discover the five principles of Yoga Calm® and the tools needed to help us stay EdVenture Club offers on-site childcare for the children/siblings of calm and regulated in a stressful world! Both children and grown-ups will par- program participants. This program is supervised by EdVenture Club ticipate in the activities that include mindfulness, breath work, and yoga-based staff specifically trained in Early Childhood best practices. Please movement to stay present in the here and now with kindness and curiosity. Yoga note the following important registration changes this year: Calm® is a registered trademark of Still Moving Yoga, LLC. All rights reserved. ►Program Participant Care is pre-pay only; you must pay when Please bring a yoga mat or blanket, if possible, and a comfort item for you and your child. Class may be held outside periodically, so dress for the weather. scheduling care. ►The registration deadline is 5pm the Monday prior to the week Fridays Jan 17-Mar 6* | 6 sessions | 11:00am-12:00pm | $15 Handke Center Rm 1 Door 5 | #EEPYOGA01W20 care is needed. *Not meeting Feb 7, 14 ►Program Participant Care will be offered in blocks of time. These Saturdays Jan 18-Mar 7* | 6 sessions | 9:30-11:00am | $15 times will closely match all ECFE and Preschool class times. Sign Handke Center Rm 1 Door 5 | #EEPYOGA02W20 up for the time block that covers your class time even if there is *Not meeting Feb 8, 15 additional time included before/after your class time. ►Fees are based on block times: Sell your unwanted children’s toys, clothes »» Blocks of time that are 2 hours or less = $3 per block books, movies, furniture and gear! »» Block of time more than 2 hours = $5 per block SATURDAY, APRIL 25 HOW DO I REGISTER? 9 am-1 pm Complete a registration calendar, which may be completed up to Elk River High School 2 months in advance. Deadline for registering is 5pm the Monday before the week care is needed. Registration is not available online; Vendor tags available February 10! however, you can find Participant Care registration calendars at the following locations: Vendor registration & tags will be available ►ECFE office at Handke Center. online or in the ECFE office. ►Hallway entry areas at each of the ECFE/Discovery Learning sites (Rogers Elem, Otsego Elem, Prairie View Elem, Zimmerman Elem and the Handke Center) ►Online at Mail, drop off, fax or email your completed calendar and payment to the EdVenture Club office at the Handke Center. Care is available for classes that have the Program Participant Childcare program icon next to the title or class. ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 23
EARLY CHILDHOOD MULTI-AGE MUSIC MANIA ► AGE 2-5 Everything from \"Baby Shark, doo-doo-doo-doo-doo-doo,\" to shaker eggs! Come learn through music as we sing, create and play instruments based on a theme children and families can relate to. Tuesdays Jan 7-Mar 3 | 9 sessions | 11:00am-12:00pm | $10 Handke Center Rm 10 Door 5 | #EEWMUSI01W20 ECFE VALENTINE'S CARNIVAL ► AGE BIRTH- KINDERGARTEN ENTRY Our ECFE classrooms are intentionally designed to encourage children to explore and play. Free family event with games, prizes and activities for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners to enjoy. Food, a basket raffle and a book fair will also be DROP-IN PLAY ► AGE BIRTH-KINDERGARTEN available for purchase! Cash, check or credit cards welcome. Event is free, but ENTRY please pre-register at Looking for something fun and interactive to do with your child? Drop in at Saturday Feb 8 | 1 session | 11:00am-2:00pm ECFE and play in one of the ECFE rooms, gym or playground (when available). Handke Center Gym Door 5 First-come, first-served; space is limited to 25 total (adults and children). Family childcare providers must meet child-to-adult ratios for the children they bring. Pay at the door: $2.50/child without pass; $10/5-day pass Pass accepted at all drop-in play locations. Mondays Jan 6-Mar 2* | 6 sessions | 9:30-11:00am Valentine’ Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 *Not meeting Jan 20, 27, Feb 17 Tuesdays Jan 7-Mar 3 | 9 sessions | 9:30-11:00am Zimmerman Elem Rm E104 Door 2 COOKING WITH YOUR PRESCHOOLER Saturday, Feb 8 ► AGE 12 MONTHS-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY 11:00am-2:00pm Handke Center EVFERNETE! Cook with your child! This unique class offers a new cooking activity every week using the LANA (Learning About Nutrition through Activities) program. This is a non-separating class for you and your child to build connections and learn skills through cooking. Circle time is included. age 12-36 months Wednesdays Jan 8-Mar 4* | 7 sessions | 9:00-10:00am | $49 Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #EETCO1201W20 *Not meeting Jan 22, Feb 12 age 36 months-Kindergarten entry Food l Games l Prizes l Book Fair Wednesdays Jan 8-Mar 4* | 7 sessions | 10:30-11:30am | $49 Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #EEPCO3601W20 RSVP *Not meeting Jan 22, Feb 12 24 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
NEC | PARENTING EARLY CHILDHOOD \"ECFE ON WHEELS” HOME VISITS »» This program features visits to your home, or one-to-one visits at the ECFE center. »» Visits provide ideas for creative, fun, age-appropriate activities, as well as time to discuss children, family, ideas on child development, parenting and community resources. »» Call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524 for more information. »» There is no fee for home visits. WHERE ARE ALL THE MINNESOTANS? BIG... BUILDING BETTER BEHAVIORS FOR ► AGE BIRTH-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY SUCCESS IN SCHOOL, CHILDCARE AND AT HOME Minnesota winters are long! What do we do to enjoy them? Join us in our Na- »» BIG is an intervention and prevention program for preschoolers ture Explore outdoor classroom as we try some of the great outdoor activities a who are at risk of losing their childcare or preschool placement Minnesota winter has to offer: ice fishing, sledding, even flying kites and march- because of negative behaviors. ing in a parade. Dress for the weather! »» BIG works with parents, teachers and childcare providers to build Friday Jan 24 | 1 session | 3:30-5:00pm | $5 positive behavior skills. Handke Center Nature Explore Classroom Door 5 | #EVNMINN01W20 »» BIG is a Behavior Intervention Group including educators, SHAMROCKS AND SHENANIGANS emotional health professionals and specialists to coordinate ► AGE BIRTH-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY expertise and resources for success. Explore the craziness of a Minnesota Spring on the Nature Explore Classroom! »» For more information call the ECFE office at 763-241-3524. Dress for the weather. »» BIG is funded by ISD 728 Family and Children's Collaborative, a Thursday Mar 12 | 1 session | 6:00-7:30pm | $5 part of Wright County Family Service. Handke Center Nature Explore Classroom Door 5 | #EVNSHAM01W20 YOUNG PARENT PROGRAM FOR PREGNANT NATURE PLAY OR PARENTING TEENS ► AGE BIRTH-KINDERGARTEN ENTRY »» This program provides pregnant or parenting teens with Dress for the elements and experience the wonder of nature. Get the full information about pregnancy, birth, parenting and community experience of our certified nature classroom by playing with our natural building resources. materials, tree fort fabric, art materials, sandbox and more! Free admission; no registration necessary. »» It is open to ISD 728 students and area residents who may not be in school. Monday Jan 13 | 1 session | 10:00-11:30am | $0 Handke Center Nature Explore Classroom Door 5 | #EDDNATU01W20 »» For information or to register, contact ECFE at 763-241-3524, your school counselor, school nurse or Ivan Sand Community High School. PARENTING SOLO - THE HARDEST JOB YOU'LL EVER DO ALONE ► AGE BIRTH-12 YEARS »» Home visits are also available. »» This program is co-sponsored by ISD 728, Ivan Sand Community If you're parenting solo for any reason - military duty, work situations (distance, shifts), separation, divorce, loss of spouse or single parenting - High School and ECFE; special events funding provided by Three you're welcome to attend! Bring your children and enjoy a meal together. Rivers Community Foundation. Parents will meet together for parenting support and information while »» Classes are held at the Handke Center and are on-going during young children participate in early childhood activities. School-age children the school year. will meet in another classroom for activities and support. Join at any time! »» Classes are free. Wednesdays Sep 25-Jun 3* | 34 sessions | 5:30-7:30pm | $0 WEATHER CANCELLATIONS Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #ECSPARE01F19 Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT *Not meeting Dec 25, Jan 1 or check online at for possible weather related cancellations and other program updates. ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 25
EARLY CHILDHOOD DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL ► AGES 3-5 Choosing the right preschool program is essential for giving your child the tools needed to be successful in school and in life. Discovery Learning Preschool, offered through ISD 728 Early Childhood Family Education, is a highly recognized and sought-after program with a 4-star rating from Parent Aware, an independent nonprofit organization of Minnesota business and community leaders focused on improving school readiness. A 4-star rating is an indicator a program is using the best practices to prepare children for Kindergarten. ► DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL: »» Is staffed by professionally-trained, caring teachers. »» Offers customized preschool experiences for your child in a safe and fun environment. »» Is part of the school district and has access to the district’s resources. »» Is conveniently offered in Elk River, Otsego, Rogers and Zimmerman with a variety of daytime programming. »» Offers a transportation option to/from school. If your home address is within the ISD 728 boundaries, you can choose transportation for your child to morning or afternoon preschool classes for an additional fee. Transportation is provided by Vision Transportation, the vendor for all district busing. Transportation requests are processed by the Early Childhood office. For additional information, contact the Discovery Learning Preschool office at 763-241-3524. »» Offers childcare services to extend your child’s experience with Discovery Learning Preschool. Childcare is available at all Discovery Learning sites before and after your child’s preschool class. See page 27 for more information about EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Childcare. ► COMPREHENSIVE CURRICULUM AND UNPARALLELED RESULTS Discovery Learning Preschool has revolutionized its curriculum and embedded core fundamentals in all of the classrooms. Overall opportunities for learning are provided through individual and group times. Literacy, mathematics, science, social studies, the arts, technology, and process skills are part of the program curriculum, all while having FUN! ISD 728 Discovery Learning Preschool is seeing unprecedented results with their customized classroom experiences. Four-year-old students are tested and compared to peers across the state. The results speak for themselves; our preschool program is successful and prepares your child for a successful K-12 experience and provides the tools needed to become a fluent reader by grade three. ► PARENT EDUCATION AND INVOLVEMENT Core to our program is parent education. A professional and highly trained Parent Educator is assigned to each classroom. The Parent Ed component focuses not only on the child’s experience in preschool, but the family as a whole. ► REGISTER FOR THE 2019-2020 (CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR) DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL CLASSES If you are interested in applying for Discovery Learning Preschool 2019-2020, please contact the ECFE office at 763-241-3524. A $49 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of registration (or will be waived if requesting fee assistance). You will need to provide family and child information, emergency contact information, medical info (allergies, asthma, etc.) and Early Childhood Screening information when registering. If applying for reduced or waived tuition, income information and verification is required; income guidelines are provided when registering online or on page 28 of this brochure. If you need more information, or would like to visit one of our classrooms to meet a Parent Educator or preschool staff member, contact the ECFE office at 763-241-3524. DISCOVERY LEARNING PRESCHOOL 2020 2021 The 2020-2021 (next school year) Discovery Learning Preschool brochure will be mailed to ISD 728 residents with children age 3-4 in mid-January 2020. 26 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
SCREENING | EDVENTUREECLFUEB EXEPAERRILYENCCEHILDHOOD EARLY CHILDHOOD EDVENTURE CLUB CHILDCARE - DISCOVERY SCREENING LEARNING SCHOOL YEAR Early Childhood Screening is an With over 25 years of successful extended day childcare experience, opportunity for children and their parents EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning provides a quality program that to participate in a free health and complements the Discovery Learning Preschool curriculum and extends developmental screening after their 3rd your child’s preschool experience. Childcare is available at most Discovery birthday. State law requires screening Learning sites before and after your child’s preschool class. for all children entering public school Kindergarten, ideally at age 3. For the 2019-20 school year, your child must be age 3 by September 1, 2019 and they must be participating in the Discovery Learning Preschool WHO NEEDS TO BE SCREENED? Program. When registering for childcare, you choose the times that work best for your schedule. Registration is due on Monday the week prior to All children living in District 728 who are 3, 4, or 5 years old and are not attendance. This program is eligible for county assistance. Sliding fee scale currently enrolled in Kindergarten need to participate in this free screening does not apply to this EdVenture Club program. program before entering Kindergarten, or have an equivalent screening from a doctor. Children who attend Head Start or Early Childhood Special Your child is escorted between our childcare program and the Discovery Education Services programs may not have to participate in Early Learning classroom by our staff. Snacks will be provided in the morning Childhood Screening. and afternoon. Students will need to bring a lunch if they are attending during lunch or the full day. Transportation to and from EdVenture Club- REASONS TO SCREEN AT AGE 3 Discovery Learning Childcare is not available. Families are responsible to transport when using EdVenture Club. »» Screening assists your child to be ready for Kindergarten. »» Health and developmental problems/concerns can be identified If you have additional questions about the EdVenture Club-Discovery Learning Childcare Program, please contact the EdVenture Club earlier and help provided sooner; families may be referred to office at 763-241-3544. Registration for 2019-2020 is open at community health and educational services including School Readiness Preschool and ECFE. »» Screening is free, easy and good for your child. DISCOVERY LEARNING EDVENTURE CLUB RATES Otsego and Prairie View Elementary - 2019-2020 WHAT HAPPENS DURING SCREENING AND WHAT DOES IT INCLUDE? 7:00-9:00am $10 The parent attends the entire screening process with their child. 11:30am-5:30pm $22 The screening appointment includes a speech and developmental progress review by a screening specialist and a review of your child's 7:00-9:00am and 11:30am-5:30pm $28 vision, hearing, height, weight and immunization history with a health professional. The parent/s will participate in a family factors interview 7:00am-5:30pm (non-school days) $38 to review the screening process and talk about any concerns they may have, and finish with a summary interview. DISCOVERY LEARNING EDVENTURE CLUB RATES Elk River, Rogers and Zimmerman - 2019-2020 IS SCREENING REQUIRED? 7:00-9:15am or 3:15-5:30pm $10 Minnesota state law requires that your child must be screened for enrollment in a public school. Children are not permitted to enter 7:00am-1:15pm or 11:15am-5:30pm $22 public school without having Early Childhood Screening and up-to- date immunizations. If you are planning to send your child to private 7:00-9:15am and 11:15am-5:30pm $28 or home school, the screening is not required by law; however, we still encourage you to participate. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to 7:00am-1:15pm and 3:15-5:30pm $28 find out how your child is developing. SCHEDULE A SCREENING APPOINTMENT TODAY! Screenings are done by appointment only. You can schedule an appointment online at, or call 763-241-3525. 7:00am-5:30pm (non-school days) $38 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 27
EARLY CHILDHOOD ECFE REGISTRATION ECFE AND PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION HOW DO I REGISTER? WHAT IF I NEED TO CANCEL? You can register by phone at 763-241-3524, by mail, online at If you need to cancel from a class, we will pro-rate the fee and issue a, or in person at the ECFE Office located refund. There are no refunds for missed classes due to illness or due at the Handke Center. to inclement weather. Credits will be issued, if requested, for classes canceled due to inclement weather.
WHEN SHOULD I REGISTER? DOES MY CHILD NEED TO HAVE UP-TO-DATE We take registrations until classes fill and take names for a wait list IMMUNIZATIONS BEFORE ATTENDING? when necessary. Per Minnesota law, up-to-date immunizations, medical exemption, or a WHAT ARE THE FEES? notarized objection letter must be submitted with registration and will be kept in the minor child’s record. Fees are based on the number of times the class meets. Full payment is due when you register online. A sliding fee scale is below. No one will WHAT IF MY CHILD HAS SPECIAL NEEDS? be turned away because of inability to pay. Please call our office to ask questions, make other arrangements, or to have fees waived or reduced. We welcome persons of all abilities to participate in our classes and activities. If any special accommodations are needed, please let us know at the time you register. We are not able to provide transportation to classes unless specifically noted. ISD 728 ECFE & Discovery Learning Sliding Fee Scale Household Size Full Fee 80% of Fee 65% of Fee 40% of Fee 15% of Fee Waived Fee 2 37,167 + 32,708 - 37,166 30,106 - 32,707 26,761 - 30,105 21,558 - 26,760 0 - 21,557 3 44,863 + 39,480 - 44,862 36,340 - 39,479 32,302 - 36,339 26,022 - 32,301 0 - 26,021 4 52,559 + 46,253 - 52,558 42,574 - 46,252 37,843 - 42,573 30,485 - 37,842 0 - 30,484 5 60,255 + 53,025 - 60,254 48,808 - 53,024 43,385 - 48,807 34,949 - 43,384 0 - 34,948 6 67,951 + 59,798 - 67,950 55,041 - 59,797 48,926 - 55,040 39,413 - 48,925 0 - 39,412 If more than 6 people, add this amount for 7,696 7,619 6,772 6,234 5,541 4,464 each additional person ▼ ▼▼▼ ▼ ▼ Discover Learning Reduced Tuition Full Fee 80% of Fee 65% of Fee 40% of Fee 15% of Fee Waived Fee 2 day 2 1/2 hour $122/month $98/month $79/month $49/month $18/month $0/month + Parent/Child Night $1,098/year $878/year $714/year $439/year $165/year $0/year 3 day 2 1/2 hour $176/ month $141/month $114/month $70/month $26/month $0/month $1,584/year $1,267/year $1,030/year $634/year $238/year $0/year 4 day 2 1/2 hour $240/ month $192/month $156/month $96/month $36/month $0/month $2,160/year $1,728/year $1,404/year $864/year $324/year $0/year 5 day 2 1/2 hour $298/ month $238/month $194/month $119/month $45/month $0/month $2,682/year $2,146/year $1,743/year $1,073/year $402/year $0/year Please Note: Sibling Care is offered during parent days for siblings of the child attending Discovery Learning Preschool. See page 23 for registration information. 28 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
ECFE CALENDAR EARLY CHILDHOOD WINTER & SPRING ECFE CLASSES AT A GLANCE ECFE SITE MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Handke 9:00-10:00am 9:00-10:30am 9:00-10:00am 9:00-10:30am 9:00-10:15am 9:30-11:00am Center 3s, 4s, 5s Ones Cooking Toddlers & Birth to Three Yoga Calm Preschoolers 10:30am-12:00pm 3-5 Years 10:45am-12:15pm 11:00am-12:00pm 12-36 months Toddlers & Infants 9:00-10:30am 12 months-K Entry Toddlers & 9:30-11:30am 10:45am-12:15pm Preschoolers Saturday Gym Preschoolers 12 Birth-12 Months Twos 12 months-K Entry months-K Entry 11:00am-12:00pm 10:30-11:30am 3s, 4s, 5s 11:00am-12:00pm Time Yoga Calm 4:30-5:30pm Music Mania Cooking Infants 36 months-K Entry 3-5 Years 10:45am-12:15pm Birth-12 Months Twos 5:30-7:30pm Parenting Solo Rogers 9:30-11:00am 9:00-10:15am 9:00-10:30am Elementary Drop In Play Birth to Three Toddlers & Birth-K Entry 10:30am-12:00pm Preschoolers Toddlers & 12 months-K Entry Preschoolers 12 10:45am-12:00pm months-K Entry 3s, 4s, 5s Zimmerman 9:30-11:00am 9:00-10:30am Elementary Drop In Play Toddlers & Preschoolers 12 months-K Entry 10:45am-12:00pm Birth to Three ERCeFaEd our BLOG ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 29
YOUTH EDVENTURE CLUB BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL EDVENTURE CLUB-BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL LOCATIONS MORE THAN CHILDCARE CONVENIENT FUN ELK RIVER EdVenture Club is a unique program that AFFORDABLE Lincoln Elementary combines fun enrichment activities with Meadowvale Elementary extended hours for your convenience! SAFE EdVenture Club provides a quality extended day Parker Elementary experience that complements the school day Twin Lakes Elementary and includes enrichment activities for reading and math, physical education, science, art and OTSEGO more for grades K-5 (also serving grade 6 at Otsego Elementary Prairie View Middle School). Prairie View Elementary/Middle School ► MORNING PROGRAM ROGERS Students attend between 6:00am and school starting time Monday Hassan Elementary through Friday. A variety of games, gym time, playground and other Rogers Elementary choices are available. Enrichment activities are planned up to three ZIMMERMAN times per week. Healthy snacks and juice are provided daily. Westwood Elementary (before school only) ► AFTERNOON PROGRAM Zimmerman Elementary Students attend after school until 6:00pm Monday through Friday. Each (serves Westwood after school) day includes enrichment and recreation activities as well as a healthy snack and juice. Site schedules listing activities by days and grade levels are posted weekly. ► EASY ONLINE REGISTRATION! Secure your child's spot TODAY! Register online using our parent portal at 2019-20 ELK RIVER, OTSEGO & ROGERS 2019-20 ZIMMERMAN AREA & ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS PRAIRIE VIEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS BEFORE SCHOOL 6:00am - school start time BEFORE SCHOOL 6:00am - school start time # of days 1st Child Sibling(s) # of days 1st Child Sibling(s) 1 day/week $16 $13 1 day/week $14 $11 2 days/week $25 $21 2 days/week $21 $18 3 days/week $32 $27 3 days/week $27 $23 4 days/week $38 $32 4 days/week $34 $28 5 days/week $44 $37 5 days/week $38 $34 AFTER SCHOOL school end time - 6:00pm AFTER SCHOOL school end time - 6:00pm # of days 1st Child Sibling(s) # of days 1st Child Sibling(s) 1 day/week $18 $16 1 day/week $18 $16 2 days/week $30 $27 2 days/week $30 $27 3 days/week $36 $32 3 days/week $36 $32 4 days/week $42 $37 4 days/week $42 $37 5 days/week $48 $43 5 days/week $48 $43 30 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
EDVENTURE CLUB NON-SCHOOL DAYS YOUTH EDVENTURE CLUB - NON-SCHOOL DAYS FRIDAY MAR 20 | MARCH WEATHER Fun enrichment activities and outings are offered on days that school is March weather is full of changes, some good and some not-so-good. not in session for grades K-5*. Students are divided by grade levels for Learn why March is a special weather month in the United States. the planned activities, including art or science topics, physical education, games, academic-related activities and more. Students should bring THURSDAY MAR 26 | PAPER TAKES FLIGHT a bag lunch and beverage and wear appropriate clothing for planned activities. These activities, held 9:00am-3:00pm, are planned in a day How many years have people been creating paper airplanes? Learn some camp format; the sites are open 6:00am-6:00pm. Please note: In the history about paper airplanes, then be ready to fold and fly a few of your own. event of low or high enrollment, sites may be combined or additional sites opened. (*Serving grade 6 at Prairie View Middle School). FRIDAY MAR 27 | SATURN MONDAY DEC 23 | CELEBRATIONS! What’s with all those rings? And how many moons does Saturn have, anyway? We will try to answer these questions and more about the Join us as we spend the day thinking of the upcoming holidays and sixth planet from the sun. create a few crafts to go with them. THURSDAY APR 9 | GROWING THURSDAY DEC 26 | CREATIVE HANDS How many things can you think of that grow? Some take a longer time Will there be enough snow to play outside, or will we be indoors playing to grow than others; does a vegetable grow at the same rate as a and creating a sock penguin, or a clay pot or papier maché snowman? flower? Let’s take a look at the things that are growing around us. FRIDAY DEC 27 | SNOW BUSINESS MONDAY APR 13 | TAKE A BATH Christmas is over, and there is still a lot of winter ahead. We will create Do all animals use water to take a bath? What are some different ways snowmen and other winter-themed crafts. animals bathe? Let’s find out! Plus, we’ll discover some other unique habits animals have! MONDAY DEC 30 | DR. SEUSS' THE LORAX NON-SCHOOL Why does the Lorax speak for the trees? Listen to the story read aloud, DAY LOCATIONS then create some fluffy Truffula trees and the Lorax himself. ELK RIVER TUESDAY DEC 31 | CELEBRATE! Meadowvale Elementary It’s New Year’s Eve! What could be better than to celebrate with your Parker Elementary EdVenture Club friends? Twin Lakes Elementary THURSDAY JAN 2 | WINTER BIRDS OTSEGO It’s winter and our feathered friends would enjoy having a few special treats to help keep them warm. Let’s create bird feeders to share with Otsego Elementary the birds near your home. Prairie View Elementary/Middle School FRIDAY JAN 3 | FAIRIES ARE REAL! ROGERS Let your imagination run wild creating your very own fable! We’ll bring it Rogers Elementary to life in a magical fairy or dinosaur land. Hassan Elementary MONDAY JAN 20 | DREAMS AND MLK ZIMMERMAN We’ll take this day to remember Dr. Martin Luther King’s dreams and Zimmerman Elementary create a few of our own through crafts and conversations. REGISTRATION FOR NON-SCHOOL DAYS MONDAY JAN 27 | MERFOLK Secure your child's spot TODAY! Register online for Non-School Days Deep in the ocean lies a mythical creature, or is it creatures? Explore the Childcare at mysterious creatures of the ocean, and create a few Merfolk to take home. Fee: 6:00am-6:00pm | $40/first child; $34 additional child(ren) in family MONDAY FEB 17 | TEAM BUILDING GAMES Learn skills through fun and silly games to help you work and play with other students and adults. ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 1312
AQUATICS LESSONS EXPERIENCE FUN SAFETY LESSONS AMERICAN RED CROSS PRESCHOOL A SWIM LESSONS ► AGE 3-5 The American Red Cross Swimming and Water Safety Preschool A orients participants to the aquatic environment to help them program teaches people how to be safe in, on or around gain rudimentary basic aquatic skills and develop positive attitudes and water and teaches individuals of different ages and safe practices in and around water. No skills prerequisites. abilities how to swim. In a logical progression, the program covers the knowledge and skills needed for aquatic skill Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 3:30-3:55pm | $49 development. As participants develop these skills, they will VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREA01W20 become safer and better swimmers. Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 5:00-5:25pm | $49 Signing up for a level above or below ability will only cause VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREA02W20 frustration for the student and class. Students who are in the incorrect level will not be allowed to participate unless space Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 6:00-6:25pm | $49 is available in an appropriate class. VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREA03W20 PARENT/CHILD 1 SWIM LESSONS ► AGE 6-24 Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 3:30-3:55pm | $49 MONTHS W/PARENT VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREA04W20 *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 Parent/Child Level 1 familiarizes children with the water and teaches swimming readiness skills while providing safety information and Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 5:00-5:25pm | $49 teaching techniques parents can use to orient their children to the water. VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREA05W20 Child must be 6 months old and parents must accompany child in water. *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions| 6:00-6:25pm | $49 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREA06W20 *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 4:00-4:25pm | $49 VANDENBERGE POOL VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLCPC0101W20 Lessons and Pool Activities are held at Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 4:00-4:25pm | $49 VandenBerge MS | 948 Proctor Rd Elk River VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLCPC0102W20 *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 »» Only swim wear may be worn in the pool. »» Spectator seating is open during lessons PARENT/CHILD 2 SWIM LESSONS ► AGE 2-3 W/PARENT and open swim. »» Showers are required by all participants Parent/Child Level 2 improves skills learned in Level 1 and teaches more advanced skills while continuing to build on water safety knowledge. before entering the pool. Must feel comfortable with skills learned in Level 1 and a parent must »» Use of water wings, floating toys, rafts, accompany child in water. inner tubes, life jackets, etc. is not allowed. Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 5:30-5:55pm | $49 »» Shoes MAY NOT be worn on pool deck VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPC0201W20 by participants or spectators. No food or Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 5:30-5:55pm | $49 beverages are allowed. VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPC0202W20 *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 32 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
LESSONS AQUATICS PRESCHOOL B SWIM LESSONS ► AGE 3-5 Preschool B builds and improves skills learned in Preschool A while increasing water knowledge and safety topics. Must pass Preschool A to participate. Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 4:30-4:55pm | $49 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREB01W20 Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 6:30-6:55pm | $49 Our swim classes make it easy for kids of all ages to build VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREB02W20 confidence and learn safety in and around the water. Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 4:30-4:55pm | $49 LEVEL 2: FUNDAMENTAL AQUATIC SKILLS ► AGE 6+ VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREB03W20 *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 Level 2 builds on the basic aquatic skills and water safety skills and concepts learned in Level 1. Must pass Level 1 to participate. Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 6:30-6:55pm | $49 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREB04W20 Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 2:00-2:50pm | $75 *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV201W20 PRESCHOOL C SWIM LESSONS ► AGE 3-5 Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 4:00-4:50pm | $75 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV202W20 Preschool C increases proficiency and builds on the basic aquatic skills learned in Preschool A and B while reinforcing water safety skills Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 2:00-2:50pm | $75 learned earlier and introducing additional water safety topics. Must pass VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV203W20 Preschool A and B to participate. *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 7:00-7:25pm | $49 Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 4:00-4:50pm | $75 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREC01W20 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV204W20 *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 7:00-7:25pm | $49 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPREC02W20 LEVEL 3: STROKE DEVELOPMENT ► AGE 6+ *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 Level 3 builds on the skills learned in Levels 1 and 2 to help participants LEVEL 1: INTRO TO WATER SKILLS ► AGE 6+ achieve basic water competency in a pool environment. Must pass Level 2 to participate. Level 1 orients participants to the aquatic environment to help them gain basic aquatic skills and develop positive attitudes and safe practices in Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 3:00-3:50pm | $75 and around water. No skills prerequisites. VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV301W20 Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 3:00-3:25pm | $49 Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 3:00-3:50pm | $75 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV101W20 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV302W20 *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 3:00-3:25pm | $49 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV102W20 LEVEL 4: STROKE IMPROVEMENT ► AGE 6+ *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 Level 4 improves participants' proficiency in performing swimming strokes that were introduced in Level 3. Must pass Level 3 to participate. ALL SWIMMERS MUST SHOWER Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 6:00-6:50pm | $75 BEFORE ENTERING THE POOL VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV401W20 Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 6:00-6:50pm | $75 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV402W20 *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 33
AQUATICS LESSONS | ACTIVITIES LEVEL 5: STROKE REFINEMENT ► AGE 6+ Level 5 helps participants refine their performance of all six swimming strokes. Must pass Level 4 to participate. Sundays Jan 19-Mar 8 | 8 sessions | 5:00-5:50pm | $75 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV501W20 Sundays Mar 15-May 17* | 8 sessions | 5:00-5:50pm | $75 Once they learn to swim, a child has a skill that can be VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLLLEV502W20 used to improve fitness throughout his or her life. *Not meeting Apr 12, May 10 NEW! JUNIOR LIFEGUARD ► AGE 11-14 PRIVATE AND SEMI-PRIVATE SWIM LESSONS ► ALL AGES Want to eventually become a lifeguard? This introductory course is designed to build a foundation of knowledge, attitudes and skills needed These lessons are for students who need more individual attention in for future lifeguards. We will focus on developing swimming skills and order to learn to swim and/or improve their skills to pass to the next level introduce you to lifesaving skills such as in-water rescues, use of a rescue of swim lessons. Focus will be on individual goals. tube, first aid and CPR/AED. Please note: This Junior Lifeguarding course does not certify participants in first aid, CPR/AED, or as a lifeguard. Upon Private completion of this course, Junior Lifeguards will be offered the opportunity Sundays Jan 19-Feb 23 | 6 sessions | 7:00-7:25pm | $175 to assist at the VM pool and shadow pool staff. These volunteer hours VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPRIV02W20 will allow students to earn credit towards a certified Lifeguarding & Water Safety class offered by Community Education. Sundays Jan 19-Feb 23 | 6 sessions | 2:00-2:25pm | $175 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPRIV01W20 Sundays Jan 26-Feb 16 | 4 sessions | 12:00-7:30pm | $125 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | Elsenpeter | #QVJJRLG01W20 Sundays Mar 15-Apr 26* | 6 sessions | 2:00-2:25pm | $175 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPRIV03W20 OPEN SWIM ► ALL AGES *Not meeting Apr 12 Grab your family and friends and head to the pool for some water fun! Play Sundays Mar 15-Apr 26* | 6 sessions | 7:00-7:25pm | $175 games, practice swim skills, or just splash around. Open swim is lifeguard- VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLPPRIV04W20 supervised for all ages. Children 6 and under who cannot swim 20 yards *Not meeting Apr 12 must be accompanied by an adult in the water. One to three children age 6 or under per adult in the water. All children wearing diapers must wear Semi-Private swim diapers. Groups of 10+, please call ahead: (763) 241-3520. Sundays Jan 19-Feb 23 | 6 sessions | 2:30-2:55pm | $125 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLSSEMI01W20 Pay at the door: $5/person; $15/family (max 6 w/adult in water) Sundays Mar 15-Apr 26* | 6 sessions | 2:30-2:55pm | $125 VandenBerge MS Pool Door M | #QLSSEMI02W20 *Not meeting Apr 12 Registering for a level above or below ability Sundays Dec 8-May 10* | 12:00-2:00pm can cause frustration for the student and class. VandenBerge MS Pool Door M *Not meeting Dec 29, Apr 12 Students who are in the incorrect level will not be allowed to participate unless space is LAP SWIM ► AGE 18+ available in an appropriate class. Get a great workout at the pool without having to pay club membership fees! Pay at the door: $5/day or $40/10-day pass Sundays Dec 8-May 10* | 7:30-9:00pm VandenBerge MS Pool Door M *Not meeting Dec 29, Apr 12 34 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
EXPERIENCE LITTLE LEARNERS YOUTH STORIES PUPPETS MUSIC NEW! IT'S A SUPERHERO STORYTIME! ► AGE 2-5 NEW! SHHH…IT'S A SLEEPY STORYTIME! ► AGE BIRTH TO 12 YEARS W/PARENT It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a Superhero Storytime! Put on your costumes and join Ms. Robin as we read about fun battles, silly villains, and Wear your pajamas, grab your teddy bear and join us for an action- how together we can SAVE THE DAY! Through rhymes, finger plays, packed family storytime that's all about bedtime! Ms. Robin will share flannelgraphs, scarves, and shakers we'll fly up, up and away and exciting stories, songs, rhymes, fingerplays, flannelgraphs, scarves and create a sparkly mask to take home. shakers, and you'll even make a take-home craft. This family storytime together will help you build the foundation for a child who loves to read! Wednesday Mar 25 | 1 session | 9:30-10:30am | $9 One Child/$18 Family Handke Center Rm 1 Door 5 | Schaible | #YEESHOS01W20 Thursday Mar 19 | 1 session | 6:00-7:00pm | $6 One Child/$12 Family Zimmerman Elem Rm E104 Door 2 | Schaible | #YEESHST01W20 Thursday Mar 26 | 1 session | 9:30-10:30am | $9 One Child/$18 Family Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | Schaible | #YEESHOS02W20 Thursday Apr 23 | 1 session | 6:00-7:00pm | $6 One Child/$12 Family Handke Center Rm 1 Door 5 | Schaible | #YEESHST01P20 Friday Mar 27 | 1 session | 9:30-10:30am | $9 One Child/$18 Family Zimmerman Elem Rm E104 Door 2 | Schaible | #YEESHOS03W20 Thursday May 7 | 1 session | 6:00-7:00pm | $6 One Child/$12 Family Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | Schaible | #YEESHST02P20 NEW! DINOROARS STORYTIME! ► AGE 2-5 NEW! X MARKS THE SPOT STORYTIME! ► AGE 2-5 Dinosaurs are taking over this storytime! What do they eat? Can they learn to be kind? How can we grow a dinosaur? Join Ms. Robin for Walk the plank to this PIRATE-themed storytime! Ms. Robin will captain this prehistoric STOMP where we'll find answers and more in amazing our ship as we hunt for doubloons, swab the deck, wear eye patches, books, stories, fingerplays and songs! It'll be a ROARing good time and and create a Pirate Hook craft. Discover what happened to the Bubble your student will leave with a dinosaur (craft) of their own! Bath Pirates! Find the true buried treasure -- a love for reading -- through action-packed stories, songs, flannelgraphs, scarves, rhythm Wednesday Apr 15 | 1 session | 9:30-10:30am | $9 One Child/$18 Family sticks, and rollicking pirate activities! Handke Center Rm 1 Door 5 | Schaible | #YEEDRST01P20 Friday Mar 20 | 1 session | 9:30-10:30am | $9 One Child/$18 Family Thursday Apr 16 | 1 session | 9:30-10:30am | $9 One Child/$18 Family Handke Center Rm 1 Door 5 | Schaible | #YEEXMSP01W20 Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | Schaible | #YEEDRST02P20 Thursday Apr 9 | 1 session | 9:30-10:30am | $9 One Child/$18 Family Friday Apr 17 | 1 session | 9:30-10:30am | $9 One Child/$18 Family Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | Schaible | #YEEXMSP01P20 Zimmerman Elem Rm E104 Door 2 | Schaible | #YEEDRST03P20 Friday Apr 10 | 1 session | 9:30-10:30am | $9 One Child/$18 Family MEET ROBIN SCHAIBLE Zimmerman Elem Rm E104 Door 2 | Schaible | #YEEXMSP02P20 With over 13 years of storytelling experience STORY PUPPETS ► AGE 3-6 in the Elk River area, Robin has been bringing her passion for reading and literature to many Puppets have been used in storytelling since ancient times. Help your community events. She can currently be found little one discover how to operate a hand-held puppet and watch it running many different classes at the local library, appear to come to life as they act out a story! homeschool events and her local church. Friday Mar 27 | 1 session | 9:15-10:00am | $15 Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | Homeward Bound Theatre Company #YEAHBST01W20 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 35
YOUTH ARTS Music for infants and preschoolers helps PROP BAG ► AGE 3-6 the body and mind work together. Props, pictures, toys and sensory materials are essential tools for LADYBUG MUSIC CLASS ► AGE INFANT-5 children's learning. Digging through a bag filled with an unusual YEARS W/PARENT combination of household items can lead to a world of fun for their imagination and a gateway to creativity and storytelling. They'll discover This music class exposes families to wonderfully eclectic music in an how a rope can become a magic belt, a slithering snake or an animal environment that encourages participation and silliness through singing, tail, and even take part in short improvisational skits! instruments, dance and more! Little ones will express themselves and discover their creativity using their bodies and voices, linking their joy Monday Feb 17 | 1 session | 9:15-10:00am | $15 and excitement for music to their parents and caregivers. A Ladybug Rogers Elem Rm E106 Door 8 | Homeward Bound Theatre Company Music CD and digital downloads are included with the class. Siblings of #YEAHBPB01W20 registered students who are 6 months and under are free! NEW! CRAZY FAIRY TALES ► GRADES 3-5 Thursdays Jan 16-Feb 20 | 6 sessions | 5:30-6:10pm $99 1 child w/parent; $148.50 2 Children/parent; $198 3 Children/parent What happens when you take well-known fairy tales such as Cinderella, Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Ladybug Music | #YEMLADY01W20 Snow White, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Little Red Riding Hood and mix them up? Act out the characters that have been taken from their Thursdays Feb 27-Apr 2 | 6 sessions | 5:30-6:10pm familiar settings and suddenly placed into new settings, or are now $99 1 child w/parent; $148.50 2 Children/parent; $198 3 Children/parent good instead of evil! These crazy fairy tales will help you think outside Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Ladybug Music | #YEMLADY02W20 of the box and develop your creative side! Thursdays Apr 16-May 21 | 6 sessions | 5:30-6:10pm Wednesdays Jan 15-29 | 3 sessions | 4:15-5:45pm | $55 $99 1 child w/parent; $148.50 2 Children/parent; $198 3 Children/parent Hassan Elem Music Rm Door 1 | Homeward Bound Theatre Company Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Ladybug Music | #YEMLADY01P20 #YATTALE01W20 NEW! IMAGINATION STATION ► AGE 3-6 Thursdays Jan 16-30 | 3 sessions | 3:30-5:00pm | $55 Prairie View E/MS Choir Rm 145 Door 1 | Homeward Bound Theatre Company Does your child like acting and pretending to be someone else by #YATTALE02W20 changing their voice, their facial expression or the way they walk? Join us for some fun theater exercises and games. Students will use their NEW! CREATIVE DRAMATICS ► GRADES K-3 imagination to expand on some of their favorite stories! Kids are natural stars! Young children with vivid imaginations and a Monday Apr 13 | 1 session | 9:15am-10:00am | $15 desire to perform will enjoy this acting class designed just for them! We Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Homeward Bound Theatre Company will work with your child to teach them the basics of acting, mime, and #YEAHBIS01P20 movement on stage. Mondays Mar 9-23 | 3 sessions | 4:15-5:45pm | $55 Meadowvale Elem Music Rm Door 7 | Homeward Bound Theatre Company #YATDRMA01W20 Tuesdays Mar 10-24 | 3 sessions | 4:15-5:45pm | $55 Parker Elem Music Rm Door 3 | Homeward Bound Theatre Company #YATDRMA02W20 PLEASE NOTE: The decision on whether a class will run is made 3-5 days before the class start date. Register Early to help insure we don’t cancel a class you are hoping to take. 36 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
PRAIRIE FIRE THEATRE: PINOCCHIO ARTS YOUTH ► AGE 7-16 EXPERIENCE THIS! From the Enchanted Forest of the Blue Fairy to the Isle of Fun, follow Pinocchio's adventures as he learns what it means to be a real boy. NEW! COOKIE DECORATING SOCIAL ► GRADES 3-5 Mon-Sat Apr 13-18 | 4:30-8:45pm | $79 Elk River HS Little Theater Door H | #YATPNCO01P20 Make art you can eat when you learn the art of cookie decorating! We'll guide you step-by-step through outlining, flooding and adding Rehearsals: simple details as you decorate 6 season-themed cookies. You'll Monday Apr 13 | 4:30-6:30pm* go home with your OWN set of 6 cookies and a special gift. No Tue-Thu Apr 14-16 | 4:30-8:45pm previous decorating skills are necessary. *Parents should plan to stay until 5pm for program information. Winter *Some cast members will stay until 8:30pm for rehearsal. Tuesday Jan 7 | 1 session | 3:30-5:30pm | $45 Westwood Elem Rm A210 Door 1 | Fogelson | #YAUJFWR01W20 Performances*: Wednesday Jan 8 | 1 session | 4:15-6:15pm | $45 Friday Apr 17 | 7:30pm Twin Lakes Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Fogelson | #YAUJFWR02W20 Saturday Apr 18 | 11:00am Thursday Jan 9 | 1 session | 4:15-6:15pm | $45 *A third show may be added depending on the number of participants. Hassan Elem Art Rm Door 1 | Fogelson | #YAUJFWR03W20 Spring CRESCENDO MUSIC LESSONS Tuesday Apr 21 | 1 session | 4:15-6:15pm | $45 Parker Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Fogelson | #YAUJFSP01P20 The Crescendo Music Program provides individual music lessons to Wednesday Apr 22 | 1 session | 3:30-5:30pm | $45 students from Kindergarten through adulthood. Successfully running Prairie View E/MS FACS Rm 218 Door 1 | Fogelson | #YAUJFSP02P20 for over 20 years, we take the hassle and stress out of the student Thursday Apr 23 | 1 session | 4:15-6:15pm | $45 experience by providing all of the necessary tools for high quality Rogers Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Fogelson | #YAUJFSP03P20 lessons at a reasonable price. We offer a well-rounded program for musicians at any level. Our school-year program consists of approximately 30 half-hour private lessons meeting weekly from mid-September through mid-May. Music is purchased for students as lessons progress. Performance opportunities and an end of the year recital are offered to showcase student achievement. Lessons are held in district facilities staffed with trained, background-checked professionals. Private Lessons: $711 per school year payable in monthly installments of $79. Instruments tentatively available: guitar, percussion, piano, strings, voice, and ukulele. For additional program information and to complete an interest form visit https://www.isd728. org/Crescendo_Music. Mon-Thu Sep 12-May 21* | $711 or $79/month Handke Center Music Room Door 5 *Not meeting dates will be shared at registration ATTENTION! If attending an after school class, please send permission to school informing staff that your student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school and should be picked up from EdVenture Club promptly after the class ends. ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 37
YOUTH ARTS Dance provides physical, developmental and artistic benefits to your child. BALLET & TAP ► AGE 3-10 TWINKLE TOES BALLET AND TAP ► AGE 2-5 Explore fundamental classic ballet and tap movement skills in an W/PARENT atmosphere of discovery and fun. Develop confidence, coordination, musicality and classroom etiquette through simple imaginative exercises, Bond with your little one as we explore fundamental classic ballet and creative routines and dance terminology. Classes are planned per age tap movement skills in an atmosphere of discovery and fun. We will group and increase in skill work at each level. Please bring both ballet focus on dance, movement and balance while teaching peer and group and tap shoes. interaction, taking turns and other important life skills. Our instructor will keep the music and curriculum moving, while parents take an active Level 1 | age 3-4 role in encouraging, supporting and guiding their little dancer. Please Mondays Jan 27-May 18* | 15 sessions | 5:15-5:55pm | $75 bring both ballet and tap shoes. Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #YADDBTA01W20 *Not meeting Feb 17, Apr 13 age 2-3 w/parent Fridays Feb 28-May 22* | 10 sessions | 10:00-10:30am | $35 Level 2 | age 5-6 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #YADTOEA01W20 Mondays Jan 27-May 18* | 15 sessions | 6:00-6:40pm | $75 *Not meeting Mar 20, 27, Apr 10 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #YADDBTB01W20 *Not meeting Feb 17, Apr 13 age 4-5 w/parent Fridays Feb 28-May 22* | 10 sessions | 10:35-11:15am | $45 Level 3 | age 7-8 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #YADTOEB01W20 Mondays Jan 27-May 18* | 15 sessions | 6:45-7:25pm | $75 *Not meeting Mar 20, 27, Apr 10 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #YADDBTC01W20 *Not meeting Feb 17, Apr 13 ATTENTION! Level 4 | age 9-10 Dance students should wear proper dance Fridays Jan 31-May 22* | 15 sessions | 5:30-6:30pm | $85 attire: leotard with tights or a fitted top Handke Center Stage Door 5 | Miller | #YADDBTD01W20 and bottom. Hair should be pulled back. *Not meeting Mar 27, Apr 10 JAZZ & HIP HOP ► AGE 3-10 Have FUN while learning the fundamentals of hip hop and jazz! Dance to the latest beats while working on body isolations, bounce, rhythm and movements influenced by some of today's hottest celebrities and dance choreographers. Classes are planned per age group and increase in skill work at each level. Please wear comfortable shoes. Level 1 | age 3-5 Tuesdays Jan 28-May 19* | 15 sessions | 6:30-7:10pm | $79 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | DeMars | #YADHIPA01W20 *Not meeting Feb 25, Apr 14 Level 2 | age 5-7 Tuesdays Jan 28-May 19* | 15 sessions | 7:15-7:50pm | $79 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | DeMars | #YADHIPB01W20 *Not meeting Feb 25, Apr 14 Level 3 | age 8-10 Tuesdays Jan 28-May 19* | 15 sessions | 7:55-8:35pm | $79 Handke Center Stage Door 5 | DeMars | #YADHIPC01W20 *Not meeting Feb 25, Apr 14 38 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
ARTS YOUTH NEW! COZY FLEECE BLANKET ► GRADES 1-5 RENTALS-PARTIES & CELEBRATIONS Everyone loves tied fleece blankets because they are soft, warm and cozy! Why not spend an afternoon creating your own? Discover how USE SPACE AT OUR SCHOOLS to make an easy no-sew tied blanket! The blanket will be double sided FOR AN ULTIMATE PARTY OR and 1.5 yards long. CELEBRATION EXPERIENCE! Wednesday Jan 22 | 1 session | 4:15-5:30pm | $25 »» Choose from Party in the Pool, Artistic Otsego Elem Media Door 4 | #YAFCFLB01W20 Masterpieces, Gym Games or your own idea. Thursday Jan 23 | 1 session | 4:15-5:30pm | $25 »» Cost is $135. Lincoln Elem Music Rm Door 2 | #YAFCFLB02W20 »» We provide the facility and staff and you Tuesday Jan 28 | 1 session | 4:15-5:30pm | $25 bring the food, utensils and decorations. Rogers Elem Art Rm Door 3 | #YAFCFLB03W20 »» To sign up, complete the Party Request Form on Thursday Jan 30 | 1 session | 3:30-4:45pm | $25 our website at Zimmerman Elem Music Rm Door 1 | #YAFCFLB05W20 »» All requests must be submitted at least three Tuesday Feb 4 | 1 session | 4:15-5:30pm | $25 weeks prior to party date. Availability based on Parker Elem Music Rm Door 3 | #YAFCFLB06W20 space and staff availability. »» Party packages are for 2 hours. No latex Wednesday Feb 5 | 1 session | 3:30-4:45pm | $25 balloons allowed. Prairie View E/MS Media Door 1 | #YAFCFLB07W20 QUESTIONS? Tuesday Feb 11 | 1 session | 4:15-5:30pm | $25 Meadowvale Elem Media Door 7 | #YAFCFLB09W20 Call Community Education at 763-241-3520. CERAMICS: CLAY EXPLORATION ► GRADES K-8 NEW! BREAKFAST ANYONE? ► GRADES 3-6 Get the feel of working with clay! Experiment with a variety of methods including hand building, coil, slab and wheel throwing, and finish your Have you heard someone say that breakfast is the most important project using one of many glazing colors or techniques. Projects can be meal of the day? See why food and kitchen safety is so important functional, sculptural or decorative. Wear old clothing to class. Projects while creating tasty breakfast dishes we'll enjoy in class! A variety of will be fired and available for pick-up one week after the last class. ingredients will be used in class, some of which may be associated with food allergies. Please note any food allergies when you register. grades K-4 Wednesdays Mar 4-May 13* | 10 sessions | 5:00-6:00pm | $75 Saturday Apr 18 | 1 session | 9:00-11:00am | $15 Handke Center Art Rm Door 5 | Galinski | #YACCLYA01W20 VandenBerge MS Rm 244 Door N | #YGUBRAN01P20 *Not meeting Mar 25 ATTENTION! grades 4-8 Wednesdays Mar 4-May 13* | 10 sessions | 6:15-7:15pm | $75 If attending an after school class, please Handke Center Art Rm Door 5 | Galinski | #YACCLYB01W20 send permission to school informing staff *Not meeting Mar 25 that your student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school and should be picked up from EdVenture Club promptly after the class ends. ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 39
YOUTH ARTS EXPERIENCE CREATIVITY AFTERSCHOOL ART CLUBS FUN PROJECTS NEW! WINTER WONDERLAND ► GRADES K-5 NEW! EXPLORE THE DESERT THROUGH ART ► GRADES K-5 Unleash your inner artist! Paint, draw, and sculpt your way through winter. Have fun learning to draw ice skating penguins and sculpting Paint, draw and sculpt your way through the beauty of the desert while an adorable snowman. Discover new painting techniques while using exploring different art techniques. Draw a succulent garden, paint a watercolors! Bring home a new project each week! desert sunset, sculpt a camel at an oasis, and create a personalized succulent sign. Take home a new project each week. No experience Mondays Feb 3-24* | 3 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $55 necessary. Hassan Elem Art Rm Door 1 | Knight | #YAPWNDR02W20 *Not meeting Feb 17 Mondays Apr 20-May 11 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Rogers Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Knight | #YAPDSRT01P20 Mondays Feb 3-24* | 3 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $55 Rogers Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Knight | #YAPWNDR01W20 Mondays Apr 20-May 11 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 *Not meeting Feb 17 Hassan Elem Art Rm Door 1 | Knight | #YAPDSRT02P20 Tuesdays Feb 4-25 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Tuesdays Apr 21-May 12 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | Knight | #YAPWNDR04W20 Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | Knight | #YAPDSRT04P20 Tuesdays Feb 4-25 | 4 sessions | 3:30-4:45pm | $65 Tuesdays Apr 21-May 12 | 4 sessions | 3:30-4:45pm | $65 Prairie View E/MS Art Rm Door 1 | Knight | #YAPWNDR03W20 Prairie View E/MS Art Rm Door 1 | Knight | #YAPDSRT03P20 Wednesdays Feb 5-26 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Wednesdays Apr 22-May 13 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Lincoln Elem Art Rm Door 2 | Knight | #YAPWNDR05W20 Lincoln Elem Art Rm Door 2 | Knight | #YAPDSRT05P20 Wednesdays Feb 5-26 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Wednesdays Apr 22-May 13 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Parker Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Knight | #YAPWNDR06W20 Parker Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Knight | #YAPDSRT06P20 Thursdays Feb 6-27 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Thursdays Apr 23-May 14 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Meadowvale Elem Art Rm Door 7 | Knight | #YAPWNDR07W20 Meadowvale Elem Art Rm Door 7 | Knight | #YAPDSRT07P20 Thursdays Feb 6-27 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Thursdays Apr 23-May 14 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Twin Lakes Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Knight | #YAPWNDR08W20 Twin Lakes Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Knight | #YAPDSRT08P20 Fridays Feb 7-28 | 4 sessions | 3:45-5:00pm | $65 Fridays Apr 24-May 15 | 4 sessions | 3:45-5:00pm | $65 Zimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 6C | Knight | #YAPWNDR09W20 Zimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 6C | Knight | #YAPDSRT09P20 GUARANTEE We guarantee your satisfaction with our courses and activities. If you are not satisfied with your experience, please contact the Community Education office at 763.241.3520, or the E arly Childhood Family Education office at 763.241.3524. 40 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
Our Spring Bunny painting class is for everyone! We will ARTS YOUTH lead your child step-by-step to create a work of art! NEW! CANVAS FUN: CATS IN LOVE ► GRADES K-5 NEW! THE ART OF NATURE ► GRADES K-5 Love is in the air! And you'll love this project! Paint a sweet silhouette of Let creativity flow and grow as you make spring come to life! Expand two cats with acrylic paint on a 9x12\" stretched canvas. your creative potential and have fun exploring mixed media techniques including drawing, painting, and sculpture! Each artist will bring home a Thursday Jan 16 | 1 session | 4:15-5:15pm | $25 new spring-themed project every week. Rogers Elem Art Rm Door 3 | KidzArt Staff | #YAPCATS01W20 Wednesdays Mar 4-18 | 3 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $55 Wednesday Jan 22 | 1 session | 4:15-5:15pm | $25 Lincoln Elem Art Rm Door 2 | Knight | #YAPGROW05P20 Twin Lakes Elem Art Rm Door 3 | KidzArt Staff | #YAPCATS02W20 Wednesdays Mar 4-18 | 3 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $55 Thursday Jan 23 | 1 session | 3:45-4:45pm | $25 Parker Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Knight | #YAPGROW06P20 Zimmerman Elem Art Rm Door 6C | KidzArt Staff | #YAPCATS03W20 Thursdays Mar 5-19 | 3 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $55 Monday Feb 3 | 1 session | 3:30-4:30pm | $25 Meadowvale Elem Art Rm Door 7 | Knight | #YAPGROW07P20 Prairie View E/MS Art Rm Door 1 | KidzArt Staff | #YAPCATS04W20 Thursdays Mar 5-19 | 3 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $55 CANVAS FUN: SPRING BUNNY ► GRADES K-5 Twin Lakes Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Knight | #YAPGROW08P20 Let's celebrate spring by painting a bunny and daffodils on an 8x20\" Mondays Mar 9-30 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 canvas with acrylic paints! We'll lead you step-by-step through creating a Hassan Elem Art Rm Door 1 | Knight | #YAPGROW02P20 work of art that will remind you of spring all year long! Mondays Mar 9-30 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Monday Apr 6 | 1 session | 4:15-5:15pm | $25 Rogers Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Knight | #YAPGROW01P20 Meadowvale Elem Art Rm Door 7 | KidzArt Staff | #YAPBUNY01P20 Tuesdays Mar 10-31 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:30pm | $65 Thursday Apr 16 | 1 session | 4:15-5:15pm | $25 Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | Knight | #YAPGROW04P20 Hassan Elem Art Rm Door 1 | KidzArt Staff | #YAPBUNY02P20 Tuesdays Mar 10-31 | 4 sessions | 3:30-4:45pm | $65 Monday Apr 20 | 1 session | 4:15-5:15pm | $25 Prairie View E/MS Art Rm Door 1 | Knight | #YAPGROW03P20 Parker Elem Art Rm Door 3 | KidzArt Staff | #YAPBUNY03P20 Wednesday Apr 22 | 1 session | 4:15-5:15pm | $25 Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | KidzArt Staff | #YAPBUNY04P20 ATTENTION! If attending an after school class, please send permission to school informing staff that your student will be staying after. Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school and should be picked up from EdVenture Club promptly after the class ends. ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 41
YOUTH ACADEMICS Robotics programs help to establish science, ENGINEERING FOR KIDS JR STEM CLUB technology, engineering, and math concepts SPRING SESSION ► GRADES K-3 while developing team-building skills. Your student will experience four different areas of engineering and create projects that demonstrate the topic each week. »» Coding Unplugged: My Robotic Friends - Using symbols in place of code, students will design algorithms to instruct a robot to stack cups in different patterns. »» Mechanical Engineering Spinner - Students will create a spinner toy and focus on momentum. »» Industrial Engineering Simple Machines Levers - Students will explore the world of simple machines as tools. »» Chemical Engineering - Lava Lamp - Students will examine density and buoyancy while they create their own lava lamp NON-SCHOOL DAY! EXTREME ROBOTICS Monday Apr 20-May 11 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $99 ► GRADES 3-8 Otsego Elem Media Door 4 | Engineering for Kids STEM #YTSSTP104P20 Experience Extreme Robotics! Working in small teams you will construct and program smart robots! Explore foundational building and discover Wednesdays Apr 22-May 13 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $99 new programming concepts through new sensors, motors and special Rogers Elem Media Door 1 | Engineering for Kids STEM technics components. Please bring a drink and snack. #YTSSTP103P20 Monday Jan 20 | 1 session | 9:00am-12:00pm | $55 Thursdays Apr 23-May 14 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $99 Prairie View E/MS Media Door 1 | #YTSEROB01W20 Hassan Elem Media Door 1 | Engineering for Kids STEM #YTSSTP101P20 ENGINEERING FOR KIDS JR STEM CLUB WINTER SESSION ► GRADES K-3 Fridays Apr 24-May 15 | 4 sessions | 3:30-4:30pm | $99 Prairie View E/MS Media Door 1 | Engineering for Kids STEM Engineering is everywhere! Your student will experience four different #YTSSTP102P20 areas of engineering: CHESS CLUB ► GRADES 1-8 »» Aerospace Engineering: Twirling Helicopters – Students will create a paper flyer that moves like the blades of a helicopter. Amaze your friends and impress your opponents! Increase your IQ while having fun playing chess and competing for prizes. Learn from Twin »» Electrical Engineering: It's Magic! No, It's Static! – Using static Cities Chess Club instructors who have years of teaching experience. electricity, students will make their own magic! This is an excellent opportunity to develop or build your chess skills. »» Environmental Engineering: Anemometer is a study of wind grades 1-5 speed. Saturdays Jan 11-Feb 29 | 8 sessions | 10:00-11:00am | $99 Handke Center Rm 113 Door 5 | Rybakova | #YGCCHS101W20 »» Mechanical Engineering: Ooze Diffuse! – Session will examine the concept of force using a fantastic oozing slime ball that students Saturdays Mar 7-Apr 25 | 8 sessions | 10:00-11:00am | $99 create! Handke Center Rm 113 Door 5 | Rybakova | #YGCCHS102W20 Mondays Feb 3-Mar 2 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $99 grades 6-8 Otsego Elem Media Door 4 | Engineering for Kids STEM | #YTSSTW104W20 Saturdays Jan 11-Feb 29 | 8 sessions | 10:00-11:00am | $99 *Not meeting Feb 17 Handke Center Rm 113 Door 5 | Rybakova | #YGHCHS201W20 Wednesdays Feb 5-26 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $99 Saturdays Mar 7-Apr 25 | 8 sessions | 10:00-11:00am | $99 Rogers Elem Media Door 1 | Engineering for Kids STEM Handke Center Rm 113 Door 5 | Rybakova | #YGCCHS202W20 #YTSSTW103W20 Fridays Feb 7-28 | 4 sessions | 3:30-4:30pm | $99 Prairie View E/MS Media Door 1 | Engineering for Kids STEM #YTSSTW102W20 Thursdays Feb 13-Mar 5 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $99 Hassan Elem Media Door 1 | Engineering for Kids STEM | #YTSSTW101W20 42 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
ACADEMICS YOUTH NEW! JUNIOR ROBOTICS - ROAR! ► GRADES 1-5 Discover the fascinating world of robotics using LEGO® bricks! Create a walking giant, ferocious lion, terrible pterodactyl, and other interesting creatures! Use drag-and-drop icon-based software to program your creations to walk, roar, flap their wings and more! LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO® Group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize, or endorse this site or program. Wednesdays Jan 22-Feb 12 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 Students will design, build, program, test and modify different Meadowvale Elem Media Door 7 | Youth Enrichment League robots to complete assigned tasks and compete in challenges. #YTSROAR01W20 NEW! JUNIOR ROBOTICS - MAKE IT MOVE! Mondays Feb 3-Mar 2* | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 ► GRADES 1-5 Twin Lakes Elem Media Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League #YTSROAR02W20 Make it MOVE! Use LEGO® bricks to construct a soccer goalie, boat, *Not meeting Feb 17 airplane and other cool things that are meant to move! Discover how using basic STEM engineering concepts and drag-and-drop icon-based Tuesdays Feb 4-25 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 software will cause your awesome creations to block shots, weather a Rogers Elem Music Rm Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League fierce storm, spin their propellers and more! LEGO® is a trademark of #YTSROAR05W20 the LEGO® group of companies which does not sponsor, authorize or endorse this site or program. Thursdays Feb 6-27 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 Parker Elem Music Rm Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League Wednesdays Apr 1-22 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 #YTSROAR06W20 Meadowvale Elem Media Door 7 | Youth Enrichment League #YTSMIMO01P20 Fridays Feb 7-28 | 4 sessions | 3:30-4:30pm | $69 Zimmerman Elem Music Rm Door 6C | Youth Enrichment League Thursday Apr 2-30 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 #YTSROAR04W20 Parker Elem Music Rm Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League #YTSMIMO06P20 Wednesday Feb 26-Mar 18 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 *Not meeting Apr 9 Hassan Elem Art Rm Door 1 | Youth Enrichment League #YTSROAR03W20 ATTENTION! Fridays Apr 3-May 1* | 4 sessions | 3:30-4:30pm | $69 Zimmerman Elem Music Rm Door 6C | Youth Enrichment League #YTSMIMO03P20 *Not meeting Apr 10 If attending an after school class, please Monday Apr 6-May 4 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 send permission to school informing staff Twin Lakes Elem Music Rm Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League #YTSMIMO05P20 that your student will be staying after. *Not meeting Apr 13 Students will check in with EdVenture Club after school and should be picked up from Tuesdays Apr 7-28 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 EdVenture Club promptly after the class ends. Rogers Elem Music Rm Door 3 | Youth Enrichment League #YTSMIMO04P20 Wednesdays Apr 29-May 20 | 4 sessions | 4:15-5:15pm | $69 Hassan Elem Art Rm Door 1 | Youth Enrichment League #YTSMIMO02P20 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 43
YOUTH ACADEMICS | SPECIAL INTEREST TUTORING ► GRADES K-8 ISD 728 Community Education partners with Academic All-Star Tutoring (AAST) to provide one-on-one tutoring sessions that are tailored to fit individual needs. Individual lessons encourage interactive learning and student success. Help your student gain confidence and take control of their academic performance in a fun, encouraging environment with trained and highly-skilled professionals. Please complete the online Tutoring Information Form at Slime 2017 sales of liquid glue more than doubled $349-6 Sessions and in some states a glue shortage was reported. $495-9 Sessions $649-12 Sessions NEW! SCIENCE EXPLORERS' THE SCIENCE OF $939-18 Sessions SLIME ► GRADES K-5 BABYSITTER TRAINING ► AGE 11+ Explore the science behind slime! Investigate why slime is delightfully bouncy, stretchy, sticky and moldable while you discover the science Are you new to babysitting or looking for ways to polish your skills? side of STEM. Explore polymers and activators while making Glow Slime Gain the knowledge every prepared babysitter should have. Develop and Silly Putty. This class is more than's hands IN! Come safe, fun and educational activities while focusing on preventing prepared to have fun and get messy. accidents, learning to care for children of various ages and taking care of yourself. Please bring a bag lunch. Parents are encouraged to participate in the last 15 minutes of this class. NON-SCHOOL DAY! Monday Jan 27 | 1 session | 9:00am-4:00pm | $59 Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #YHBBBST02W20 Thursday Feb 27 | 1 session | 4:15-5:30pm | $19 Saturday Feb 15 | 1 session | 9:00am-4:00pm | $59 Otsego Elem Art Rm Door 4 | Science Explorers | #YTSSESL01P20 Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #YHBBBST03W20 Thursday Mar 12 | 1 session | 4:15-5:30pm | $19 Saturday Feb 29 | 1 session | 9:00am-4:00pm | $59 Rogers Elem Art Rm Door 3 | Science Explorers | #YTSSESL01W20 Rogers MS FACS Rm Door A | #YHBBBST04W20 INTRO TO CODING WITH SUPER HEROES Saturday Mar 21 | 1 session | 9:00am-4:00pm | $59 ► GRADES 1-3 Zimmerman Elem Lounge Door 1 | #YHBBBST01P20 Create your own platform video games! Choose your own storyline Saturday Mar 28 | 1 session | 9:00am-4:00pm | $59 starring your favorite superheroes, add challenges and difficulty, then Handke Center Blesener Cmty Rm Door 5 | #YHBBBST02P20 share by email or post on the web to challenge your family and friends. You'll practice math, logic, and programming and put your video HOME ALONE ► AGE 8+ game talents to work! The game will be in an animated Flash format, viewable in most internet browsers. Bring a jump drive, or files can be Is your child ready to be left home alone? It's a parent's responsibility to emailed to parents. make sure children are prepared for emergency situations such as severe weather, injuries, strangers at the door, etc. This class will spend time Saturday Feb 15 | 1 session | 9:00am-12:00pm | $55 asking \"what if\" questions, coming up with ideas for activities to avoid Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | #YTVCOSH01W20 boredom and discussing things all home-alone children should be aware of. NON-SCHOOL DAY! Thursday Apr 9 | 1 session | 9:00am-12:00pm | $55 NON-SCHOOL DAY! Monday Feb 17 | 1 session | 9:00am-12:00pm | $29 Hassan Elem Art Rm Door 1 | #YTVCOSH01P20 Handke Center Rm 111 Door 5 | #YHHASHA01W20 Saturday Mar 14 | 1 session | 9:00am-12:00pm | $29 Rogers Elem Media Door 1 | #YHHASHA02W20 Saturday May 2 | 1 session | 9:00am-12:00pm | $29 Westwood Elem Media Door 1 | #YHHASHA02P20 44 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
SPECIAL INTEREST | ATHLETICS YOUTH HORSEBACK RIDING DAY CAMP ► GRADES K-12 MS Track is an opportunity for Middle School students to particpate in a team sport representing their school! Spend the day riding, caring for and learning about horses! Learn balance and control in the saddle, how to groom, tack-up, lead, feed, do in-hand work and more! Attend more than once and learn more each time. Proper attire includes sneakers or boots (closed toe and heel), long pants and layers depending on weather. Bring a water bottle, a nut-free bag lunch, and snacks. ASTM/SEI certified helmets provided. Please complete and submit the online Liability and Emergency Contact Form listed under \"Course Resources\" prior to the class. Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center is located at 6612 189th Lane NW, Nowthen. Thursday Jan 2 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $99 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHDAYC01W20 Friday Jan 3 | 1 session | 9:00am-3:00pm | $99 MIDDLE SCHOOL TRACK ► GRADES 6-8 Boulder Pointe Equestrian Center Nowthen | Keacher | #YGHDAYC02W20 Track offers something for everyone! You can race, hurdle, jump or KARATE ► AGE 4-11 throw as part of the team. Schedule includes up to three meets per season with transportation provided for the away meets. Meets are Karate is a great way for students to increase their sense of weather-permitting and may or may not be rescheduled. Schedule will responsibility, build self-esteem and decrease their willingness to take be available the first week of practice. foolish risks. Choose martial arts to supplement your student's education and see how they benefit. Mon-Thu Apr 20-May 20 | 19 sessions | 3:00-5:00pm | $139 Rogers MS Gym Door A | #YMTMSTR01P20 age 4-6 Tue/Thu Jan 14-Jan 30 | 6 sessions | 6:15-6:45pm | $49 Mon-Thu Apr 20-May 20 | 19 sessions | 3:00-5:00pm | $139 Twin Lakes Elem Cafeteria Door 3 | Cornelius | #YMKKT4601W20 Salk MS Commons Door S | #YMTMSTR03P20 Tue/Thu Mar 5-24 | 6 sessions | 6:15-6:45pm | $49 Mon-Thu Apr 20-May 20 | 19 sessions | 3:00-5:00pm | $139 Twin Lakes Elem Cafeteria Door 3 | Cornelius | #YMKKT4602W20 VandenBerge MS Gym Door N | #YMTMSTR02P20 Tue/Thu Apr 14-30 | 6 sessions | 6:15-6:45pm | $49 SPRING FLING BASH ► GRADES 5-6 Twin Lakes Elem Cafeteria Door 3 | Cornelius | #YMKKT4601P20 Join your friends for a night of games, dancing or just hanging out! age 7-11 Concessions are available, so bring some spending money. Student ID Tue/Thu Jan 14-30 | 6 sessions | 6:50-7:20pm | $49 required at check-in. Parents, please do not drop off your child before Twin Lakes Elem Cafeteria Door 3 | Cornelius | #YMKKT7101W20 6:00pm, and be at the school by 8:00pm for pick-up. Drop off and pick up at Door T. VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED! Contact Gary Pioske at Tue/Thu Mar 5-24 | 6 sessions | 6:50-7:20pm | $49 [email protected]. Free admission and concession item for your Twin Lakes Elem Cafeteria Door 3 | Cornelius | #YMKKT7103W20 student when you volunteer! Pre-registration required; registration deadline is Monday, Mar 30. Tue/Thu Apr 14-30 | 6 sessions | 6:50-7:20pm | $49 Twin Lakes Elem Cafeteria Door 3 | Cornelius | #YMKKT7101P20 Friday, Apr 3 | 1 session | 6:00-8:00pm | $5 Salk MS Commons Door T | #YVPFLNG01P20 JETS SPRING CHEER CLINIC ► ENTERING GRADES 2-12 JETS CHEER TRYOUT CLINIC ► GRADES 2-11 What's it like to be on a competition cheer team? Give it a try! Learn Don't miss the chance to try out for the Jets Competition Cheer Team! tumbling, motions, stunts and more at the Jets Spring Cheer Clinic. Mon-Fri Apr 13-17* | 4 sessions | 5:00-7:00pm | $59 Tuesday Mar 24 | 1 session | 5:00-8:00pm | $25 Handke Center Gym Door 5 | #YMCJETS01P20 Handke Center Gym Door 5 | #YMCCHER01P20 *Not meeting Apr 15 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 45
YOUTH ATHLETICS BLIZZARD SKI & SNOWBOARD INSTRUCTION ► GRADES K-12 Experience the ultimate in skiing, snowboarding and racing instruction from beginners to experts! At seven local snowsports areas, top quality adult instructors will teach you to improve your skiing or boarding on groomed runs and terrain parks! You provide your own food and gear (season-long discounts and rentals are available), they provide the rest! Jan-Feb | 8 sessions Bus Pick-up Location: Target (87th St NE, Otsego); times to be Blizzard Ski & Snowboard School gives students a determined. chance to try multiple different local ski areas. Mites | grades K-1 NON-SCHOOL DAY! PLAY HOOKY DAY Saturdays Jan 4-Feb 22 or Sundays Jan 5-Feb 23 | 8 sessions | $449 ► GRADES K-12 W/ADULT Make new friends with your same two instructors and small group of six friends all day long each week on exciting terrain. \"AM I AS BORED AS YOU ARE?\" (Now read that backwards.) Play Hooky days are designed for you and your kids to spend quality time SuperMites | grades 2-3 together on the slopes at Powder Ridge! No gear? No problem! Want Sundays Jan 5-Feb 23 | 8 sessions | $449 to save a few bucks? We've got you covered! Your registration fee Make new friends with your same two instructors and small group of eight includes lift ticket, helmet, skis, poles and boot rentals. Each child must friends all day long. Learn more and more skills to conquer the hill! be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Transportation is not provided. Registration deadline is Jan 13 for the Jan 20 trip, and Feb SuperKyds | grades 4-5 10 for the Feb 17 trip. Sundays Jan 5-Feb 23 | 8 sessions | $449 Make new friends with your same instructor and small group of ten Monday Jan 20 | 1 session | 10:00am-9:00pm | $49 friends all day long. Develop skills at your own level and master speed Powder Ridge Ski Resort Kimball MN | Pioske | #RVTHOOK01W20 control, bumps, and jumps! Monday Feb 17 | 1 session | 10:00am-9:00pm | $49 Classic | grades 5-12 Powder Ridge Ski Resort Kimball MN | Pioske | #RVTHOOK02W20 Sundays Jan 5-Feb 23 | 8 sessions | $299 Explore cool trails and terrain parks with experienced instructors during RHS MUSIC LESSONS ► RHS STUDENTS, 4.5 hours of instruction with plenty of time to free ski or ride, too! GRADES 9-12 Team Blizzard | grades 5-12 Music lessons are available to Rogers High School music students in Sundays Jan 5-Feb 23 | $449 band or choir before school, during band or choir, and after school. Ski Racing or Snowboard Team instruction. Intermediate to expert skiers stir Please complete an interest form at up some friendly competition as you learn strategies and tactics for racing. to indicate your preferred schedule and a representative from ISD 728 Community Education will be in touch with you to schedule your private, Apprentice Program | grades 8-12 semi-private, or one-time lesson with a qualified instructor. If you have Sundays | $549 any questions, please contact the RHS band or choir directors, or the Have you thought about teaching? Completing this program could take Community Education office at 763-241-3520. Lessons tentatively you to famous ski sites around the world! available for woodwinds (flute, clarinet, saxophone), brass (trumpet, trombone, tuba, French horn), percussion and voice. FEES: Thursdays Jan 30-Mar 19 | 8 sessions | 7:30am-2:00pm Fees noted above are for weekly instruction and are due at time of $240 Private/$120 Semi-Private/ $35 One-Time registration. In addition, there is a weekly trip fee of approximately $70 Rogers HS Choir Rm Door 10 | Palmquist | #YAMRHAMKPP20 to cover round-trip bus transportation and lift ticket. This fee is due when you confirm your attendance for the week. Thursdays Apr 2-May 28* | 8 sessions | 7:30am-2:00pm $240 Private/$120 Semi-Private/ $35 One-Time TO REGISTER: Rogers HS Choir Rm Door 10 | Palmquist | #YAMRHAMKPS20 *Not meeting Apr 9 Online at or 763-559-EDGE (3343). Mention code: EKR19. 46 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
ATHLETICS | HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH OPEN GYM Open gym is a supervised recreation time for individuals to work on their skills in various sports, get a great workout and socialize with others who share an interest in athletics. Changes may be made to the schedule, so always check before dropping a child off at the school. Youth under 11 must have a responsible adult in attendance. Open Gym is offered in partnership with Rogers Parks & Recreation and the City of Zimmerman. Pay at the door: Career Exploration Fair: FREE for grades 9-12! Adult: $5/day, $40/10-day pass or $75/20-day pass Please RSVP at Student: $4/day, $30/10-day pass or $55/20-day pass Family: $12/day, $79/10-day pass or $150/20-day pass CAREER EXPLORATION FAIR ► GRADES 9-12 all ages** Have you ever wondered what the future holds for you? This Career Sundays Sep 29-May 10* | 4:00-6:00pm Exploration Fair can help you discover career options and point you in Rogers MS Gym Door A the right direction! Gather information and talk with professionals in a *Not meeting Dec 22, 29, Apr 12 variety of fields including education, science and engineering, parks and **Note: Youth under 11 must have a responsible adult in attendance. recreation, public services, health care, large and small businesses, military, technology, law enforcement, marketing and communication, Sundays Sep 29-May 10* | 4:00-6:00pm finance, accounting, law, transportation and more. You can also get Zimmerman HS Gym Door 12 information about job shadowing opportunities. Admission is free, but *Not meeting Dec 22, 29, Apr 12 please RSVP at **Note: Youth under 11 must have a responsible adult in attendance. Monday Feb 24 | 1 session | 4:30-6:30pm ages 11-15 and families w/children of all ages Handke Center Gym Door 5 Wednesdays Oct 2-May 13* | 7:00-8:30pm Zimmerman HS Gym Door 12 Now Looking For Career Vendors! If you are interested in sharing your *Not meeting Dec 25, Jan 1 career path, contact us at 763.241.3520 or [email protected]. grades 9-12 and adult ZAP THE ACT ► GRADES 10-12 Wednesdays Oct 2-May 13* | 7:00-9:00pm Rogers HS Gym Door I ACT test scores are widely used in college admissions and scholarship *Not meeting Dec 11, 25, Jan 1, Feb 12 decisions. In this workshop, students will learn strategies for improving in all four sub-tests, take shortened practice tests that mirror the Wednesdays Oct 2-May 13* | 8:30-10:00pm actual testing experience and get suggestions for individualized study. Zimmerman HS Gym Door 12 Seminars are designed to help students do their personal best on the *Not meeting Dec 25, Jan 1 ACT. A study guide and practice test workouts are included. Students should bring a calculator and two pencils. NEW! PREPSTAR ACT MATH MANIA ► GRADES 10-12 Mon/Tue Mar 9 & 10 | 2 sessions | 3:00-5:30pm | $94 Rogers HS Media Door 10 | Doorway To College | #YTCZACT01W20 The ACT math section can be very intimidating if you have not excelled in math classes. Review the most important concepts covered on the ACT test in a small group setting, and discover specific ways to better utilize calculators to improve efficiency and accuracy. Thursdays Jan 9-23 | 3 sessions | 6:00-8:00pm | $269 Wed/Thu Mar 11 & 12 | 2 sessions | 3:00-5:30pm | $94 Rogers HS Rm C101 Door 10 | Academic All-Star Tutoring | #YTCSTMT01W20 Zimmerman HS Rm 119 Door 1 | Doorway To College | #YTCZACT02W20 Wed/Thu Mar 11 & 12 | 2 sessions | 6:30-9:00pm | $94 Elk River HS Rm 105 Door A | Doorway To College | #YTCZACT03W20 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 47
YOUTH HIGH SCHOOL DRIVER EDUCATION POINT OF IMPACT INFORMATION NIGHT Do you have a teenager that will soon finish their driver education class, or has recently received their permit? Join us for a 2-hour parent course to learn more about driving laws and the process of licensure, as well as lessons to help YOU be the best driving mentor you can be. Class is free, but please register. Thursday Dec 19 | 1 session | 7:30-9:00pm | $0 The best driver education programs not only teach driving Elk River HS Rm 135 Door A | Willenbring | #YHPPOIN05F19 skills to teens, but also provide specific guidance to Wednesday Jan 22 | 1 session | 4:30-6:00pm | $0 parents on how to practice those skills with their teens. Rogers HS Rm B102 Door 10 | Willenbring | #YHPPOIN01W20 Complete Training Package: $339 Wednesday Apr 1 | 1 session | 4:30-6:00pm | $0 Payment plan available: $139 due at registration, $200 by last class Zimmerman HS Media Door 1 | Willenbring | #YHPPOIN01P20 Classroom instruction only: $100 Behind-the-Wheel training only: $280 (Call 763-241-3520 to register) Wednesday May 6 | 1 session | 4:30-6:00pm | $0 Elk River HS Rm 135 Door A | Willenbring | #YHPPOIN02P20 DRIVER'S EDUCATION ► AGE 15+ Tue-Fri Jan 14-31* | 10 sessions | 3:00-6:00pm Rogers HS Rm B103 Door 10 | Hudson | #YHDDRIV01W20 Are you ready to earn your driver’s permit and learn to drive? Start by *Not meeting Jan 17, 24 completing the 30 hours of classroom instruction required by the State of Minnesota in our interactive, engaging classroom. Once you have your Mon-Fri Jan 30-Feb 12* | 10 sessions | 3:00-6:00pm permit, schedule Behind the Wheel training from our State-licensed and Zimmerman HS Rm 119 Door 1 | O'Connell | #YHDDRIV02W20 certified instructors. Students must be 15 years old by the last day of *Please note: This class starts on a Thursday classroom instruction. Mon-Fri Feb 18-Mar 2 | 10 sessions | 2:30-5:30pm WHY CHOOSE DRIVER’S EDUCATION THROUGH Elk River HS Rm 105 Door A | Waggoner | #YHDDRIV03W20 COMMUNITY EDUCATION? *Please note: This class starts on a Tuesday »» Knowledgeable instructors who are licensed teachers with years Mon-Fri Mar 9-23* | 10 sessions | 2:30-5:30pm of experience and training. They know the most effective ways to Elk River HS Rm 105 Door A | Hudson | #YHDDRIV04W20 teach students and will help meet the learning needs of individual *Not meeting Mar 13 students. Mon-Fri Mar 23-Apr 8* | 10 sessions | 6:00-9:00pm »» Multiple locations, dates and times that fit busy schedules. Zimmerman HS Rm 119 Door 1 | Waggoner | #YHDDRIV05W20 »» Flexible registration and payment plan. (Please note: State law *Not meeting Mar 25-27 requires students be registered for Behind the Wheel before they Mon-Fri Apr 14-28* | 10 sessions | 3:00-6:00pm can take the permit test. To be fully registered, full payment for Rogers HS Rm B103 Door 10 | O'Connell | #YHDDRIV01P20 Behind the Wheel must be received by the last classroom day.) *Please note: This class starts on a Tuesday »» Supportive and educational Parent Class offered multiple times and *Not meeting Apr 16 locations throughout the year. Mon-Fri Apr 28-May 13* | 10 sessions | 2:30-5:30pm Drivers under the age of 18 who complete Behind the Wheel instruction Elk River HS Rm 105 Door A | Hudson | #YHDDRIV02P20 and are testing for a provisional driver’s license must submit a *Please note: This class starts on a Tuesday supervised driving log. The driving log must show that the teen has *Not meeting Apr 30, May 8 completed at least 50 hours of supervised driving, 15 of which are nighttime hours. If a parent attends a parent class, the required number of supervised driving hours decreases to 40, 15 of which are nighttime hours. Also, watch your email, along with information sent home with your student, for important information regarding the Driving Log, the parent class and Behind the Wheel scheduling. 48 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |
EXPERIENCE YOUTHYOURTHOGERS RECREATION FAMILY FUN EVENTS LEARN-TO-SKATE AMAZING TOTS ► AGE 18-30 MONTHS INTRODUCTION TO SPORTS ► AGE 2-3 W/PARENT Physical activity and learning go hand-in-hand for the littlest of athletes. Introduce your little one to the sports of soccer and T-ball. Your little Each class combines fitness, learning and fun centered around one athlete will learn the basics of the sports while playing fun and active of four sports. Structured physical challenges and fitness activities will games. Parent participation is required. help your little athlete learn colors, shapes, letters and action words while taking their first steps toward a healthy lifestyle. Thursdays Jan 16-Feb 6 | 4 sessions | 5:30-6:00pm | $29 Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #RYAINSP01W20 Mondays Jan 13-Feb 10 | 5 sessions | 5:45-6:10pm | $59 Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Hurrie | #RYMAT1201W20 Thursdays Jan 16-Feb 6 | 4 sessions | 6:05-6:35pm | $29 Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #RYAINSP02W20 Wednesdays Feb 12-Mar 11 | 5 sessions | 5:45-6:10pm | $59 Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Hurrie | #RYMAT1202W20 AMAZING ATHLETES ► AGE 3-4 Wednesdays Apr 1-29 | 5 sessions | 5:45-6:15pm | $59 Utilize the movements of sports to help your little athlete meet, master Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Hurrie | #RYMAT1201P20 and exceed their motor development milestones. By allowing children to build skills at their own pace, they become accustomed to sports and EXPERIENCE THIS! fitness in a way that will benefit them throughout adolescence and stick with them into adulthood. Mondays Jan 13-Feb 10 | 5 sessions | 6:15-6:50pm | $59 Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Hurrie | #RYMAA3601W20 NON-SCHOOL DAYS! PLAY HOOKY DAY Wednesdays Feb 12-Mar 11 | 5 sessions | 6:15-6:50pm | $59 ► GRADES K-12 W/ADULT Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Hurrie | #RYMAA3602W20 \"AM I AS BORED AS YOU ARE?\" (Now read that backwards.) Wednesdays Apr 1-29 | 5 sessions | 6:15-6:50pm | $59 Play Hooky days are designed for you and your kids to spend Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Hurrie | #RYMAA3602P20 quality time together on the slopes at Powder Ridge! No gear? No problem! Want to save a few bucks? We've got you covered! Your registration fee includes lift ticket, helmet, skis, poles and boot rentals. Each child must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Transportation is not provided. Registration deadline is Jan 13 for the Jan 20 trip, and Feb 10 for the Feb 17 trip. Monday Jan 20 | 1 session | 10:00am-9:00pm | $49 WEATHER CANCELLATIONS Powder Ridge Ski Resort Kimball MN | Pioske Follow our Twitter Feed @CE728ALERT #RVTHOOK01W20 or check online at for possible weather related cancellations Monday Feb 17 | 1 session | 10:00am-9:00pm | $49 and other program updates. Powder Ridge Ski Resort Kimball MN | Pioske #RVTHOOK02W20 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 | 49
ROGERS RECREATION YOUTH SKYHAWKS FLAG FOOTBALL | AGE 5-7 Your young athlete will learn the core components of passing, catching, defense and more in a fun and positive environment. Each week is a balance of skill-building and scrimmage-related activities. Participants should bring appropriate athletic wear and a water bottle. Mondays Jan 13-Feb 3 | 4 sessions | 5:45-6:45pm | $69 Rogers MS Gym Door A | Skyhawks Staff | #RYFHKF801W20 Did you was invented in 1891 and the first SKYHAWKS VOLLEYBALL ► AGE 4-12 game was played with a soccer ball and two peach baskets? All aspects of volleyball are taught through drills and exercises that BASKETBALL BASICS ► AGE 3-8 focus on bumping, setting, hitting and serving. This co-ed program is designed for the beginning player. Skyhawks staff will assist your young Introduce your young athlete to the basics of dribbling, passing, and athlete in developing fundamental skills through game-speed drills and shooting in a fun and non-competitive environment. Mini-games, with scrimmages. Bring appropriate athletic wear and a water bottle. 4-foot mini-backboards for younger students and 8-foot backboards for the older group, will help them be successful as they learn new skills. age 4-5 Saturdays Feb 22-Mar 14 | 4 sessions | 8:45-9:15am | $49 age 3-4 Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Skyhawks Staff | #RYVHKV401W20 Thursdays Feb 27-Mar 19 | 4 sessions | 5:30-6:00pm | $29 Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #RYBBBB301W20 age 6-8 Saturdays Feb 22-Mar 14 | 4 sessions | 9:25-10:25am | $69 age 5-6 Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Skyhawks Staff | #RYVHKV801W20 Thursdays Feb 27-Mar 19 | 4 sessions | 6:05-6:50pm | $35 Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #RYBBBB502W20 age 9-12 Saturdays Feb 22-Mar 14 | 4 sessions | 10:35-11:35am | $69 age 7-8 Hassan Elem Gym Door 1 | Skyhawks Staff | #RYVHKV901W20 Thursdays Feb 27-Mar 19 | 4 sessions | 6:55-7:40pm | $35 Rogers Elem Gym Door 1 | #RYBBBB703W20 EXPERIENCE THIS! SKYHAWKS BASKETBALL ► AGE 8-10 NON-SCHOOL DAYS! SKYHAWKS MULTI-SPORTS CAMP ► AGE 6-12 Work on your basketball skills! Building on progression, you will practice passing, shooting, dribbling, and defense, and learn teamwork, respect and This camp is designed for young athletes who love a variety of responsibility. Bring appropriate clothing, a water bottle, and gym shoes. sports and activities. While the focus is on teaching skills in soccer, basketball, and flag football, we'll include camp games throughout Mondays Jan 13-Feb 3 | 4 sessions | 7:00-8:00pm | $69 the day such as Capture the Flag, Ultimate Frisbee and more! Each Rogers MS Gym Door A | Skyhawks Staff | #RYBHKB801W20 camper will receive a sport ball, t-shirt and merit award. Please bring two snacks, lunch, water bottle, and appropriate athletic wear. SKYHAWKS BASEBALL AND SOFTBALL CLINIC ►AGE 8-11 Monday Jan 20 | 1 session | 9:00am-4:00pm | $59 Rogers MS Gym Door A | Skyhawks Staff | #RYMHKMS01W20 Want to get ready for the spring sports season? This tune-up class will focus on fielding and throwing. With help from the Skyhawks coaching Monday Jan 27 | 1 session | 9:00am-4:00pm | $59 staff, you will work on fundamental skills in preparation for the upcoming Rogers MS Gym Door A | Skyhawks Staff | #RYMHKMS02W20 ball season. Bring appropriate athletic wear, glove and a water bottle. Monday Feb 17 | 1 session | 9:00am-4:00pm | $59 Mondays Feb 10-Mar 2 | 4 sessions | 7:00-8:00pm | $69 Rogers MS Gym Door A | Skyhawks Staff | #RYMHKMS03W20 Rogers MS Gym Door A | Skyhawks Staff | #RYEHKE901W20 50 ISD 728 COMMUNITY EDUCATION | 763.241.3520 |