KwaZulu Natal Issue 2016
There are boundless opportunitieswhen you consider a career in space.However you look at it, there is SPACE for you! NG RESEARCHER SATELLITE OPE RATIONS TECHNICIANNCY ENGINEERRADIO FREQUE R ASSISTANT REMOTE SENSI SPACE WEATHE
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THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION YOU WILLEVER MAKE IN YOUR LIFE.Choosing a university is a huge decision, in what makes or breaks your future. Choose a university that boasts a world-class reputation as a member of the International Association of Universities and the Commonwealth Universities. ADUT qualification is internationally recognised, putting you immediately ahead of the pack in the working world.YOUR FIRST YEAR COULD BE 100% FREE.If you’re a top National Senior Certificate matriculant who has obtained an aggregate of 80% or higher. Or if you arethe number one matriculant in your school, you could qualify for a 100% remission of tuition fees for the first year ofstudy. Furthermore, we offer a 50% remission of tuition fees for B aggregate students for the first year of their study.The NSFAS financial aid package is also available to students who qualify for funding assistance.Contact 0860 067 327 for more information on how to obtain a NSFAS loan.DUT GRADUATES ARE IMMEDIATELY EMPLOYABLE.Graduates are readily employable in a competitive working environment thanks to both a theoretical and experientialcomponents in our qualifications, unique to DUT.We attract top students with the ability to be forward thinkers, progressively challenging accepted trends and carvinginternational niches for themselves in the technological world of today.The Faculties of Sciences offer a wide range of programmes, with qualifications ranging from the healthcare sector toPure and Applied Sciences.Our qualifications range from the under graduate three year National Diploma to post graduate, Bachelor’s, Masters’and Doctoral Degrees in Technology.
5REASONSWHYDUTSHOULDBE YOURFIRSTCHOICE.1. We have six Faculties and deliver 69 academic courses designed to make you employable, delivered across five campuses in Durban, and two in the Midlands.2. We offer internationally recognised undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications, which have consistently produced award-wining students for over a century.3. We offer Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in nearly every course. In many cases, this includes spending time in the industry as an intern.4. We have 3 000 staff members, 1 200 of whom are academic staff members, many with Doctoral qualifications and Professorship. A Masters degree is the minimum standard qualification for a full-time lecturer.5. At DUT it’s about you reaching your full potential. We believe in a student-centred education. Educate students, generate new scientific knowledge and engage communities.
OUR TEAM Publisher: Charlton Peters EdiTOR in ChiEf: lAURA CUPidO ART diRECTOR: DONOVAN VAN ZYL AdVERTisinG: dEsiGn: Science Careers SA (Pty) LTD ACCOUnTs: SABRINA VAN ZYL disTRibUTiOn: Science Careers SA PROdUCTiOn: DONOVAN VAN ZYL Contributors: SANSA, SKA, NSFAS, Northlink College, West Coast Fossil Park, James Hayes, Aslam Mukadam. sCIENCE CAREERs sA • tEll 021 821 8185/95 • CEll 063 240 2997 • FAX: 086 605 4912 • EMAIL [email protected] • WWW. SCIENCECAREERSSA.CO.ZA No article or any part of any article may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publishers. The information provided and opinions expressed in this publication are provided in good faith but do not necessarily represent the opinions of this publication, the publisher or the editor. Neither this magazine, the publisher nor the editor can be held legally liable in any way for damages of any kind whatsoever arising directly or indirectly from any facts or information provided or omitted in these pages, or from any statements made or withheld by this publication. Science Careers SA Magazine is published by Science Careers SA (PTY) LTD. All material contained herein, the concept, the idea and all intellectual rights are the sole ownership and under copy right of Science Careers SA (PTY) LTD, and may not be copied or reproduced in any way.|6 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Xwww.maths .comTop Class Online Maths Tuition R 100 per month for all 364 video lessons! [email protected] ! 6 Demo video lessons illustrating full tutoring system Hosting South Africa’s top online Maths tutoring system developed by South African educators for South African learners The world’s most resourceful Maths websiteResources from Gr 1 to Gr 12 & University MathsPackaged with all 3 grades – Grades 10, 11 & 12• Access to all 364 video lessons • Full solutions to each test• Notes for all lessons • Re-tests to improve mark• Testing after each lesson • Progress reports for all tests• Marking after each test & re-testsNow parents can monitor their children’s progress online !
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Dr ZAMA KATAMZISpace scienceResearcherZama Katamzi sports a ponytail from the University of Cape Town A: I think probably the fear of failure and skinny jeans. She’s not and an Msc from Rhodes University,your average space physicist. won a scholarship to the University is what pushed me the most. I wasThe 28-year-old researcher from of Bath in the United Kingdom. She’ll very determined to get good resultsClermont, Durban, is one of the obtain her doctorate in ionospheric so that I could stand a better chancebrightest stars at the South African physics later this year. of getting a bursary/scholarship.National Space Agency (Sansa) When my self-determination wasn’tSpace Science in the Western Her plan: to become an A-class enough, I had my mom for moralCape. Sansa is one of 13 regional international scientist: “There is no support; when I thought I couldn’t dowarning centres that form part of the limit on how I can grow in my career, something, she always had someInternational Space Environment based on merit and not on gender.” way of talking me into believing IService’s worldwide network could.monitoring the Earth’s magnetic field. Q1: Your first year at University, Q1: If you could sit down with theKatamzi was in Grade 11 when she coming from Clermont, a townshipwatched an episode of Star Trek 20km’s outside of Durban, was it young you as she was about to beginand fell in love with outer space. daunting to face the changes in Matric, what would you say to her.Astronomy is a male-dominated lifestyle and study work?field, but Katamzi seized the A: Focus! You have the mentalchallenge. Today she’s a role model A: At the beginning of my first year,for a new generation of female capability to work harder than youscientists. She laughs at the idea I was very nervous as I came from think. Take advantage of all availablethat she’s anything special. “I am a girls-only boarding school (I did 5 resources (teachers, study groups,just like any other girl. I like shopping years there) and coming to UCT on my holiday programs, etc).and I love shoes!” she says. own with no friends I was worried. At school I had many friends, I was used Q1: Were you prepared forWhen Katamzi isn’t star-gazing, to that life and now I was in a newshe focuses on solving grassroots environment and had to make new how different the type of workproblems. In her spare time, she friends. It was not easy at all, I’m more and workload was at University intalks to youngsters at her church of a reserved person and don’t make comparison to school, and how didand local schools. Many have been friends easy. I was also worried about you cope and adjust to it?inspired to follow her example how I was going to cope with academicand study science. “I’ve had the workload, especially since my matric A: I think university was when Iopportunity to motivate young girls results weren’t that great, how I wasto choose science as a career, and going to make sure I passed and didn’t actually had my wake up call forprove that women can do as good a disappoint myself and my family. serious hard working. I had neverjob as men,” she says. worked so hard before; which is Q1: How did you find it in yourself probably why my university marksKatamzi, who has a BSc in physics were much better than my high to not be intimidated by all that was school marks. During my first 2-3 bigger and new, and not to let self years at university I mainly focused doubt in your abilities, creep in? on my academic work; had very little social life. But as I got used to the work, I had a more balanced life. ■|10 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
21stArtisanWhy study at a public situated, providing accessibility to various provinces flood the gates ofTVET College? satisfy the immediate need for skills these colleges to experience all the and further training. Artisan skills different courses the TVET Colleges“It definitely is cool to be a 21st training are one of the ways that have to offer.Century Artisan” – These words were can improve the socio-economicspoken by the Deputy Minister Manana environment of the community that the Students, who are not able to studyof the Department of Higher Education potential students are a part of. due to financial constraints, now haveand Training (DHET) during the the opportunity to apply for financialopening ceremony of the South African There are 50 TVET Colleges in South assistance, if they meet the criteriaWorldSkills Competition which was Africa and six in the Western Cape as set out by DHET and the bursaryheld in early 2015 in Cape Town. The that assist with the development of funder. Those who wish to apply forTechnical Vocational Education and skills. The DHET’s announcement of a bursary must also adhere to allTraining (TVET) Colleges are seen as the “Decade of the Artisan” has been the criteria to be successful. Oncethe live-blood of artisan skills training, an initiative that gives prospective the application has been approved,not only in South Africa, but the world students the opportunity to discover students can enjoy peace of mindat large. These higher education what the TVET sector is all about. and focus on their studies withoutinstitutions are part and parcel of having any fear of financial concerns.the communities in which they are Annually prospective students from ▶Continued on page 16|14 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Central Office 83 Allen Street, Newcastle.Tel: 034 326 4888
▶Continued from page 14 cosmetology, the world truly is their The students oyster. who study at theThe TVET Colleges offerqualifications such as National The students who study at the TVET TVET CollegesDiplomas, National Certificates Colleges also have access to student also have accessas well as National Certificate support services that look after the(Vocational) (NC (V)). To obtain an health / wellness of the students, to studentNC (V) qualification, a grade nine as well as any academic support support servicespass is required and after three years they might need. Should the student that look afterthis qualification will be equivalent to experience any personal challengesa grade 12 senior certificate / N3. NC they can make use of a student the health /(V) courses are vocationally driven support officer’s service. wellness of thein a specialised field and can givethe student access to study other students.National Certificate courses. Apply now at any of the 50Some of the Colleges in the “Education is our core business, and National TVET Colleges todaycountry, such as Northlink TVET with that comes other responsibilities or visit the TVET College websiteCollege, have accredited trade test to help support the students to on that will allow any student become the best at what they setwho wishes to become a qualified out to become,” says Trish van derartisan to attempt their trade test. Merwe, Deputy Principal: InnovationOnce they completed their trade and Development at Northlinktest successfully, they will then be College.awarded a red seal as an indicationof their training and expertise in the So what more do you need?artisan trade. Students have a variety of courses to choose from, many qualifications thatWith so many Colleges and courses will suit their level of education, asto choose from prospective students well as the opportunity to be placedcan realise their dreams. Amongst in the industry. Also they have another courses in the fields of design, opportunity to adjust to College lifeeducation, information technology, with the support of people that arebusiness, hospitality, tourism, safety, centred around their academic andhealth, engineering, hair care and personal well-being. ■|16 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
SKA SA has been crucial in promoting the build-up of the required researchers to lead such an effort. Tests are already being conducted using the KAT-7 system and plans are underway to start tests with MeerKAT in the near future. Mapping of the Universe|18 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Advancing his dreams, and in return for his The SKA telescope will allow scientistsastrophysics dedication and hard work was awarded to look back into the history of thewith the SKA an MSc with distinction by UWC. He Universe and offer insight into how it is currently employed at SKA SA as a has evolved over 14 thousand millionThe SKA telescope as described by telescope operator while doing his PhD years. Information on how stars, galaxies Professor Santos, is like a “physics part time through UWC. and clusters of galaxies were formedlab”, allowing many different experiments and how they have changed since theto be pursued. The 3D mapping survey is His passion has also seen him passing universe was young will be obtained.just one of several surveys taking place on his love for science and the stars to This will allow for the plotting of a three-that will allow scientists to push the limits young learners around South Africa at dimensional (3D) map of the Universe.of our current knowledge of the Universe. various talks and festivals, including theThe papers supporting these surveys Grahamstown National Science Festival. Professor Santos explains: “Usuallyare being published and form part of a a map of the Universe is made usinglarger series covering all the science the With his main area of research galaxies as tiny beacons of the largeSKA is expected to contribute to, such in Cosmology, South African based scale structure of the Universe. Thisas pulsars, cosmic magnetism, the early Associate Professor Mario Santos, is quite demanding as it requires thestages of the Universe and the search for from the University of the Western mapping of large numbers of galaxiesother life in the Universe. Cape (UWC) is studying how the next across the sky. generation of large radio telescopes such These papers were collected in a as the MeerKAT in South Africa, will be “The survey we are proposing willunique science book titled Advancing able to answer fundamental questions in measure the emitted radiation fromAstrophysics with the Square Kilometre cosmology. all the hydrogen atoms spread acrossArray, published earlier this year by the the Universe without actually detectingSKA Organisation. From the nature of dark energy or galaxies. This will make it easier to the physics of the primordial Universe survey all of the sky across cosmic times, The SKA Cosmology Science Working to the process of reionisation when the allowing Phase 1 of the SKA to becomeGroup is an international SKA group, first stars and galaxies of the Universe an extremely competitive cosmology(see the full list of members here: http:// were born, this research will involve machine.” of which both analytical models and large scaleProfessor Santos is the current chair. numerical simulations, as well as a good An intensity mapping experimentProfessor Roy Maartens, who was understanding of the telescopes’ set-up. like this has never been done before.the previous chair, is also the head of The huge volumes of data that will be According to Santos, the largest 3DAstrophysics at UWC). The SKA book provided by these experiments also allow maps of the Universe have used opticalis now available online here: http:// for unique and exciting ways to develop telescopes. The one that the novel statistical analysis techniques. group is proposing will be about 50 timescgi?confid=215 larger and while other future experiments, Scientists from around the world have such as the Euclid satellite, will also “It is rewarding to see all these papers joined forces to lay the foundations for be able to probe a large fraction of thebeing published, thanks to the hard work an experiment of truly astronomical Universe, none will match the SKA input in by all the science working groups. proportions: putting together the biggest terms of size and depth.The wide range of science covered in map of the Universe ever made withthem is testimony to the SKA’s potential scientists from South Africa playing a key When the actual survey with theas a 21st Century facility to revolutionise role in determining how to use the Square SKA comes online, a large team will bemany areas of study in astrophysics, Kilometre Array South Africa (SKA SA) to required to deal with all the data. Oncebut also in physics, astrochemistry and map the history of the Universe as well as Phase 1 of the SKA is built, around 2022,beyond,” says Robert Braun, who is answer many of its other mysteries. it will take about two years to completecoordinating the process as the SKA the survey.Organisation’s Science Director. Researchers from the Cosmology Science Working Group at the SKA SA As Maartens explains: “It will be like Student empowerment have worked out how to use the world’s making a movie of the Universe from a largest telescope for the task. young age, when it was only about two One student, who has benefited from billion years old, until today when it isbeing under the supervision of Professor “The team has produced an exciting about 14 billion years old. The movie willSantos, is Siyambonga Matshawule. collection of cutting-edge ideas that will be in low resolution but enough to test the help shape the future of cosmology,” fundamentals of cosmology.” Originally from Queenstown, says Working Group chair Professor RoyMatshawule studied hard and followed Maartens from UWC. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 19
matheHemxoacwetlitcoins|20 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Generally learners develop a negative HOW DOES THEattitude towards mathematics due to MATHS EXCELLENCEthe lack of general basic mathematical WEBSITE HELP TOknowledge and also due to the lack of ADDRESS THESEa solid foundation in this subject. PROBLEMSThere are various So, in order to excel On the Maths Excellencereasons for this, in mathematics, all website – www. mathsX.some of which are: learners have to go com learners in Grades through the process of: 10, 11 and 12 who lack• Learners do not do their homework the basic background• Learners do not catch up on work • Paying careful attention and knowledge have access to learning the content in class. 364 comprehensive video missed due to absence lessons, notes and tests with • Attempting the homework with full solutions where they can• Learners misunderstand work due all its variations. fill the gaps on topics missed to lack of concentration or focus out on or misunderstood • Making mistakes and learning in class. Parents can also• Learners lack practice – this is the from their mistakes when the monitor their children’s most important reason solutions to the homework are progress online as a provided . progress report is availableWHY PRACTISING MATHS of all the test scores. TheseIS ESSENTIAL • Re-doing all sums that were tests can be repeated until a incorrect while doing the mark close to or above 80%• Learners will come across homework until mastered by is reached. variations in certain topics that using the teacher’s answers won’t necessarily be dealt with in as reference. On this website learners the initial lessons in class. also have access to past The above process must be an exam papers with full• Most variations will only be everyday practice. solutions from 2008 to encountered while attempting the 2015 not only in maths homework and working through Instead of the above process, learners but for all other matric past exam papers. generally leave their ‘studying’ for the subjects as well. last minute and ‘glance over’ their• Variations give the brighter learner work the night before a test or exam the opportunity to express their instead of sitting with pen and paper creativity. and re-doing all the sums especially those they got incorrect while• The average or weaker learner will attempting their homework. encounter the difficulty at home and not face it in the exam room In conclusion, in order to succeed in for the first time. Maths learners need to spend at least 45 minutes everyday attempting MathsThus, when the solutions to the homework and 45 minutes practisingvariations are provided – learning work done earlier in the year ortakes place after the struggle with theexercises at home. However, if the working through past exam papers. ■learner does not attempt the homeworkthen the learning that takes place thefollowing day won’t be embedded andremembered for tests and exams. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 21
SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL DEFENCE FORCE VISION MILITARY A Kraal of intellectual innovation ACADEMY and wise warriors “Arm yourself through knowledge” MISSION An academic-military institution that provides world class military contextualised higher education through teaching and learning, research, community interaction and professional military development. VALUES Transparency Accountability Integrity Respect Fortitude Cohesiveness PatriotismFACULTY OF MILITARY SCIENCE ENQUIRIESUNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH Communication Officer: +27 22 702 3004 Your knowledge partner Faculty Officer: +27 22 702 3085 Fax Number: +27 22 702 3060 Postal Address: Military Academy Private Bag X2, Saldanha, 7395 Republic of South Africa Website:
with Captain Gqwetha Mkhize Why did you What training did you Describe an average day? choose this career? undergo, and where? It is hectic as it involves a lot of When I was still in Studied Maritime Studies at Durban decision making to various aspects high school I attended University of Technology (DUT) which of Maritime industry, attend to the careers expo and was Technikon Natal at the time, have various complaints and finding discovered this career which undergone a lot of practical training solutions, maintaining order withinseemed different, interesting, and that included Survival Training, Fire the shipping community especiallyadventurous and one could make a Fighting, First Aid, etc. The cadetship boating community and ensuringgood living out of it. Everyone else training which took 12 months smooth operations within my areawanted to do something which to me onboard the ship and lead to my first of jurisdiction. I also have to ensurewas normal and I also thought the job qualification as a junior Navigating that the office functions normallymarket may be a bit flooded which Officer. I served a further 36 months and that everyone does what theywould have meant difficulty in finding as a Navigating Officer leading to are supposed to be doing within thea job after studying. qualifying as a Captain. limits of our law.NMAAVIRIGNAETOR|24 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
What do you enjoy most? 3 important qualities ...Spent 10 years that your position sailing in containerI enjoy the challenges it brings on requires? ships as a cadet anda daily basis, most of the issues I navigating officer uphave to deal with are on a case by Understanding the dynamics of the to the rank of secondcase basis. It develops my mental country and the world as whole, mate, in 2010 startedability all the time. discipline and commitment. working for the southCareer highlights? In 1 sentence, describe your job?Undoubtedly is Graduating for myDiploma in Maritime Studies in My job plays a major role in the(DUT), passing my examination development of Maritime industry,as Captain and being promoted to the safety ships and protection ofPrincipal Officer at SAMSA. the marine environment and the wellbeing of the seafarers. Experience vs Training: african maritime safety Hold a National Diploma in Studied authority, in 2013 I Maritime Studies and Qualified as Captain (Master Mariner), spent 10 years sailing in container ships acted in position of as a Cadet and Navigating officer up to the rank of Second Mate, in principal officer and 2010 started working for the South 2015 was promoted African Maritime Safety Authority, in 2013 I Acted in position of Principal Officer and 2015 was promoted to Principal Officer which is the to principal officer position I currently hold. Advice for grade which is the position I11 and 12 learners considering this currently Set your mind straight and aim for Maritime Studies. ”your goals, be prepared to sacrifice what you hold dear, be disciplined What are your career goals? and enjoy life. What challenges have Honestly I think I have achieved more you had to overcome? than I anticipated at this young age, however I think that my best is yet to Not being well off growing up come. I see myself as one of the top mainly due to racial division Executives in the Administrations in the our country went and still going near future, for I still have hunger for through. The racial discrimination in more success. the industry, when we started there weren’t many African people in this Does the Industry (and career, which then lead to tension your type of position) from time to time. that you are in, face What qualifications gender bias? do I need? There have been a lot of changes regarding gender equality therefore it Matric with good Maths and is improving. Perhaps it is more of the numbers issue than bias lately. ■ Science, National Diploma in |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 25
with Dr. Hsin Cynthia ChiangAasntdroCpohsymsioclsogy Why did you choose this career? W hat is the least enjoyable part of your job?Isidor Isaac Rabi is quoted as saying, “I think physicists arethe Peter Pans of the human race. They never grow up As a researcher at a university, much of my joband they keep their curiosity.” I’ve been fascinated by how requires administrative work, grant writing, etc. inthe natural world works for as long as I can remember and order to ensure that more junior members in ourbeing able to carry out these studies in my career now, as group have the necessary resources. This auxiliaryan adult, is truly a childhood dream come true. work unfortunately takes time away from actual research, but it’s a very important part of the job. What training did you undergo, and where? Career highlights?I went to school in the United States. As an undergraduate, Cosmology research is often a struggle: WeI studied at the University of Illinois. I initially majored in spend most of our time incrementally improvingboth physics and art, but physics turned out to be more hardware and software, taking one small step atfun (and easier). I did my PhD in physics at the California a time. I wouldn’t be in this job if this long journeyInstitute of Technology, followed by a postdoctoral weren’t spectacularly fun, but there is somethingfellowship at Princeton University. I additionally spent one uniquely special about that final scientific payoff atyear as a winterover scientist at the South Pole station the end. Words can’t describe the feeling of seeingbefore accepting my current position at the University of something new that nobody else has ever seenKwaZulu-Natal. before. And for a brief moment, it’s yours alone to enjoy. What does your job entail? 3 important qualities that yourI’m an astrophysicist with an emphasis on cosmology, position requires?which means that I study the universe as a whole: how theuniverse began, what it’s made of, and how it’s evolving. Basic mathematics and physics skills are absolutelyTo answer these questions, I build specialised telescopes essential. They build the foundation for cosmologythat take pictures of the sky at radio and microwave research, and that foundation has to be rockwavelengths. solid. Beyond that, the most important things are perseverance and unrelenting curiosity. Describe an average day? In 1 sentence, describe your job?I often tell people that my job is perfect for people whohave short attention spans: Every day is a little different, The sentence I tell other people: I build and useand that’s what makes it so fun. My work encompasses telescopes in order to gain a better understanding ofeverything from hardware development to data analysis. how our universe works. The sentence I tell myself: ISome days involve cutting metal and drilling holes and solve puzzles and play with toys.other days involve computer programming. The varietykeeps it interesting. Experience vs Training? What do you enjoy most? Coursework in mathematics and physics is important, but that’s only the beginning. It’s evenOne of the most wonderful aspects of my job is the more important to develop the independence toadventure component. Our telescopes need to be sited pick up other skills that aren’t necessarily taught inin remote locations, where they can have a clean view of class. Many of us are self-taught in the basics ofthe sky. I’ve been fortunate to have travelled to Antarctica engineering, computer programming, etc. The bestsix times to deploy instruments, and I now work on way to learn is by doing.experiments that are based in the Karoo desert.|26 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
A dvice for grade 11 and 12 Dr. Hsin Cynthia Chiang learners considering this career? If you can’t sleep wellBe sure to build a solid background in mathematics and until you’ve solved a puzzle,physics. In addition, try to find research opportunitiesas early as possible: These can take the form of ”then this job is for you!vacation or reading projects, Honours projects, etc. I s continuing education and T ype of person that would enjoy further studies important in this kind of career? your type of career?If you enjoy solving puzzles, that’s the first step. If you Cosmology research moves at a rapid pace,can’t sleep well until you’ve solved a puzzle, then this so it’s very important to keep learningjob is for you! every day. There are always new developments, so we continuously P otential for growth - Where can educate ourselves about the most your current position lead? recent work that’s being done. ■Cosmology and Astrophysics research is a greatway to develop highly versatile and marketableskills. There are many job opportunities that liebeyond academia and basic research. Many peoplewith Astrophysics PhDs successfully continue on toindustry jobs in data science (Google, Netflix, etc.),aerospace engineering, consulting, finance, and evenmedicine. W hat challenges have you had to overcome?Learning how to do research can be a bit scary at first.Unlike coursework, there are no answers at the backof the book, so it can be difficult to find confidenceand a sense of direction. But with practice and withthe help of mentors, this skill is one that can bedeveloped. What qualifications do I need?Proficiency in mathematics and physics is all that’sneeded for starters. Everything else can be learnedalong the way. What are your career goals?South Africa has a flourishing astrophysics communityand one of my goals is to help establish locally-based experiments that will deliver internationallycompetitive, cutting edge science. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 27
with QDr Deshen Moodley Why di Research Manager: Computer Science/Artificial I grew u Intelligence creative knack fo|0942 SSCCIEINECNECCEARCEEARRS ESAE R S S A artistic s so I wen Ma creativit design w interesti original Ik to be inv enginee Mechatr evolutio What tr where? After hig Grey Hig Enginee NMMU i joined U my Mast Eng) in M Laude. S Doctora What d I am prim towards undergr involved been suc research reading working test. My Intellige product time pro software expected conferen the acad
Q&apdtkrwifsvlooylcesrroikrehtyu,nhabicevcnueehtsteacnoIrineeeoadvnslsstecceoererdibfttsoihUMINtrPSieohAicuiWtuWcnhamudecweidoannoichentnseteaoesndlnaiamilluhh.dauidteensmyitecvimsuhgherdnrstanaptessyapaeariecpiihrmnrgnicreuermetorltaeutclcksneBeaUsestodtNaomerihetiadnttataeaSItnrsmirdariyrergngohplwirr?rtciiyprecn.dtncsduvtanolwzfMteaogdeoo.daceidaai.fnbohtssoryIuyreegsiaeDMegu,sns,rulocgaednrdkeiriuaatsibhrgbb,nsyi?reauetbiio.eIobnahlnnefiodewdaiLtdpRppWTCrwIkpWaMwituaoBtenneoigfCiearmhodeaaerrcseatinrnrtmmtesiaSoegunyehtyetnviopNbomeesrouatgoeshjsp-dheracrnpaeeWoeaaaelsomyendawCmseallalseoiuclrtteylmowpcftdpunonetsHiBBoocti.aptianioefrnscarpttapacrtuTglhaeeeuweryahecoisessdoowmsgfeesdornhglbushw,iida,dorsvtennoecndtwngteoteelIhnt3eiheromvodiepAggw–asieg;asdsdory’ftentCrmraiatrpthruhanbtylrrtnIohkhiaaudhylsaueotcaoetmtadheehtemyewwtniliSeBasorolwmh’ecnthbfiiiaaa’wseten?ogeEiaatgiaou.uarc.licgeavmatemxngrrcwhdoLeuhnteraiTlrddniWcoelgidaa-nrpronyinytieentdhpktmwnstu;tnjlesaogsfhddh.oeidtvedooinc?pceiti.nidyaotpmshm(erseIehwdMe.tlttraiibrvore’pnoIyetsnsieeeec,tiedprmMgcjmhordcsloPnoaeueothrhdniSjsayegincygnofanDsuc?eaiudpantwdynioWeuOlcsvdmnOipm3eWctcrcEneleOvrias,baoatootibaturneDetennntrniurapulaeiroonlflwrurethgtouustswdglhteyktuttdrerdynckiujildjngbuerrricienneey,gnCaeaehnil–yaorosaisaaetnaabgaelcrweyargunsalneGauiromgtai)sumglt-lntnsmsaagy(ainttsnep2ortnaldhaLgbemsasenoaddieaatuisrI-dnn?ult.ns.ahsadaegerdhoyrbtmmtOiwdimtrroeetusaodchpelonlsaateeuehlwmprdeiretnIxoglttleesoleoldosptiojeayaSSwnfWImcgytPTttcsAakoheestraoisleChhoiwntoanbyreomooleaicddfocaiiyoiceswednaulgdrmecieriptpuroitor)nhdttrsavecieinek.odaekphtnemkrecenuktCrmeistdeiiwhhigriekxoImnsnancpeeneeotlohdfcaraadeop+rcouiieeragopeceottgtienasmlnu.otocrseemtnsnofoein+dsgolrruiaoetfaasmsrdrhtdlincucdsttpoprnoostytdtrmatolwaonf,uissghiherat,owdeumreorosasirtiupfjspoieistnineanr?donsneotrfnnctttfwposuitdmrhegeiehttslsaneiytSsdtnroofecuthq3eo…eaeieoldoarnodlbc,eanraagpgigcypfuorrxdnarenunkwctwnns-dkerdoigosrrtemptclmatehedytaheailifoauotisotonasfoiisnlypnheswyiohntforamweafatiagieds3,erwtettricdnnlfatrtoieie.bhiec?rotcDstwtan.eatogtnlouehayhhaupiomhTfragrioni!ongnwrannthegsnbh-IkudsthntdDehgtlalolslW’ere.5syreditnOiisrueats1deaeeatdr.hdNl%oewwnlcedEdsfem’stttxlrcTih?sip,ioprlnashmccsopieopltoeiamdcsdpPWenteawkTrncoohneuormbrnponnuctoosoietgoqociyscmomrseetglpaitijstegmsem.yfemtohhouaeorcrsieettetptgtrnonycppdstihnhnyooiahoaspltaertueieceiiaathdugiierusdavnitsutegncesrgnntinoaeomgelhv.otetclhiieetmnoeipriteeoun(adrtoarnfssfirothawstcoffefiip.eocenafincietlpgnpetatwslsodchohiltolegsniwelteutsnasoiahseyanfrekjrroodianernesooiotpltyaslndocevllenhswasaideoresydooaeicergsomagflgoac?psonsrtrcutrgewpuloninroeodo?hwosrrrosdadtmrnortebatigerihlavcsllecitfolesnnenoeosbatmtguh)trdmweelltyyeamnsyrwptiartneuaiaeraahatknyeleir.itdssnrn-.gattoany people don’t rreeacliosegnhoitwionmuwcahs mhyufgireshtigdheleigpht for me, it’s notCcoommmpuontefrorSciepnrcoefesasnordshAipr.tiTfhiceiaolther optiondisetvheelopers and ai professionals iny goes into researechnganadgenomveelnt with aAdrteifgicreiaeltoInbtee laliwgaerndcede at thaInt lteevlelilgaenndce is pprriovbataebsleycttohre, wmhoerseta Doctor oof ur country and abroad. if youwnrnonoieognnelosrvwgiekifcetastaadpirhsnnacraindehdtntotd..ehtsbyonRoemgoewaibanerslotellaoyhtetiwiicordSawdnsisyi(nefnngneeAoyoewdgtivcdluIrnvahiat)lierktgoadda.rsetehlshtsreoAaapieieInnAnodpwufawtddumrfrUeotsrcaushuirhrnKecskaet5cani.etintonrntdMyyImgaenIyennaipenxtdlraeaepssn3raIpIprsdcenennofroitooettwreioefeemfi1pnsdtbesarlwtisloslrstnipaesgsdituiasenlucmoooletiilnnraedtttnrnmeSiaghtsrto.cyeot.eaonreei-nIlennn,uutvhsDqrgciitaptpnnpeheiurqosgdIea,cia.Asurnldiwpeiaftteolrisliofisnircitkcvneairee,IsiCpsbruetethayitanioaeshrTrlvteaoiuiktelxhtywapbryiwpaoelrlioajilsdnlaunootltyshilirrbisyacsnect?sbca.ndi,oshrFeieeuvauwen,tenrnvbartgtdhsihinrioelenoiedgWIer(B(nlnBsergnonarsaomgsSaihcmgogsnemrfcsdhriiaeoya.tnedueEeeertt,arSeaelnclotnedrofqiesthrgoamiter.rn,lutw)ieciomoenTnEyafoatarfesngobhnrlaoowSrgiseuaeccfnamncpwiniianeiritpceiegnenheate,eacopnlveenliqctco-aparlrtofyidueililuoernnvnticenvdooenoggdaadedussup.slgeeerctilddrnseunteodtchcAe,ayoiclIginimnakynhdoebEpleyeuenBstedWaemhtaaEgnnmtoxdadreniyioechnce?a.vrgeeeedbtapds-aueleneIoutranactassifpnneotltbti-dgrmqcetlrhioosieitumuhsed,tidanept?,hgaltfeonriyofnyowm.iutohcrrwekaooowtinrpknipainoiorngtnrtitfesuaicrnbniairetoliteasdaining did youcuonmdpeargnyo,tahnadt reloIcdaotecduttoingtheedgUeSresearch intofrtohme diverse dBisTecciphlainnedsn.on-engineering BScintelligence is to do a bsc inMnoKehhin(enrZPePcSscgoNhoeschcfDrh(hatyitBSnho)onoEEcesooiDinluctneilluzgau)rn(aIdlM)Ir’cjbvbEidioeenaeenaisbrdtingMbin,ht,ismeez.neEwtbeFniecnpaSaawdalpylneruhmlehtgocnelrunBcraeascaraobimgciyrcddaitrnotstnieufseuucrlieUCegd?oPstnutAhpIrtmeoehKy,snheiecefhrrrnCleZsaiiiwlleotdunecnoeDrugiNimcsfeiobligg/rmsiatmt.AhcahehinoaoIiy(ntnitiMreifoanbaantrrdtinCslglSleefghydicetItcaoeniustcnxilmhtarohpCepneClmapelaolItoilmuransgomleiermettseteoenSpinidfnpMorsligulcoicictunvgiiteunaeteeet,ueeltg.alrxirihynn.ross.IMceSccieSAAinnci.tecnaitocfhrfnaiedbrteeidmwielgetuclsnirnhngepasecaiceictlslaenneraneyeyrrdttance,fomdhdIelpyavnaleaiegnotoelmMTarfmILUaCigwneepvnaneenwaoas2bddncdirelnservita0hmsataAtteoee0hhnedeatrrfron5eoyecstctfsinshehlifhrotISdidteytlecuhlgiweeogirhsgsaoyoUonawte.alfoioiasnsnstgIInnMottnnihtsprvpeghrtthuiehr’e2tprIeWiewatcnrusvel0llsdenasiiC1eigliuMhesstrtgo1oibreayrttigateuamn.nhseIoeLrcetrecsevafdpah)teiut.inlaEkubssisYostnLotiodooGfetea?etlauiingrtnsaebVaiigetbpSrholsrnismatnuesceotarinieearoeggntdtnh2nnehsaiyeec,hgd.ieehttoioanoeiwxrsawcccmsdmDytgefoooiehcollroaoelumsgivnstatrherruniptsnieytacsodueurgenumnstsyedearttioviartrbnhsyoetsiehlucrpicebbctseoyieuioeimtm,Iaiinnanleosdarpdcssotdeuye?ifycrg.toeueesopiuqaroisonsurpsdt,iscmreroreimfiseabyasnytatlheeoccri(ksnmeuaeostitnanoinl.)dtakemarily a researchedr ewpoarkritnmgent at the University of These visits significantly enriched my computer science tends tomy PhD, with somKewaZulu-Natal. highly advanced and automateedxperience asBaacnhealcoar’sdienmoridceratnodsecure a goaodttrpaocst-more men, but we areaduate lecturing t3hroIwMnpinO. I aRmTANTprqoduucAtiolnITenIEviSronTmhenAt Tas a rPehsDesaturcdheentr., angdrapdruoavteidpeodsitaionn with enough fusnedeining.gIfan increasing number ofin unique researcyhOwhuichRhpasOnoStITION REquIRES opportunity to cyooumdpoavreeryowuerlltienaycouhrinMgaster’swyooumcoeunldentering ourccessfully tackled Ibnytealnliygeonthceer, DisciplEinxep, eCrrieeantciveityvsinTraining and research inbeSaoccuetphteAdfariscaaPwhDithstuthdeent. It’suantdoeugrghraduate program. baseder in the world. I sppreonbdlemmy sdoalyvsing. This is a tough one… To be a broeusntdiendthe worrloda.d, but it’s so satisfying and inteornestminyg!experience individuals innronecntseeeorfanorriarcgthaiinodiasnvlaafotnlhcpceueuosdbsrilyIIeaeincddnsoadoowti1nuaochunuiAcrtsstrohttiaemnijIfngiocnacdatieaebtnlde?genrceeonresenfee,segyaeoddiarncureaechrnehsfrieenecyrxlt,odortteu.ritanIhntisbrneiutviehnleyegtnghieseeemnoderoerbrateoilctMiahmlEJW.ebpFOcNaoohHcBrraJktttAOa?ghrnoreTYotn,uAiIycnSosBduTLHE EPDgpeooALnseERidstAiTetoSrhnOebT)FiItanhsYda?Out syUtorRuy (aarnediny,ofuatgtcrheeecetnyhpdpnreeiocrofaeoflsrasebitoihlnintyiac,riretayt.jhuedrgethdaonnon systems, so I spaertnifdiciaalloytionftelligent manadnRaogbeomtiecsntwoofrld, to differeandtiamteinistration Naontdatpaalpl. eThrewsoturdke.nt base for Mechanicalgramming and tehstiginhglyneawdvanced anydoaurusteolfm, yaotuedneed background knowledge Engineering is still predominantly male,. As a post graduaptreosdtuudcteiontn, Ie’mnvironmineonrtdaesr tao PrehaDlly understand some but I believe this is due to interest, not tod to produce journsatul danednt. concepts, but you certainly aren’t very bias. Anyone with the right intellectual useful until you have real-world capability and commitment can make it in ce papers to show my research to academic research. emic world. experience. |S C I E N C E C A R E E R S S A 0 3 SCIENCE CAREERS SA 95
Q&AComputerEngineer,SKA Shagita GoundenWHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS WHAT IS THE LEAST ENJOYABLE WHERE CAN YOUR CURRENTCAREER? PART OF YOUR JOB? POSITION LEAD?I enjoyed the challenge posed by mathemat- Can’t think of anything that I don’t enjoy. Engineering (irrespective of which disciplineics and science in high school. I also enjoyed you chose) can place you in any industry.the problem solving and logic used in com- CAREER HIGHLIGHTS?puter programming. WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE YOU Working at the CSIR in defence research and HAD TO OVERCOME?WHAT TRAINING DID YOU being employed by the SKA.UNDERGO, AND WHERE? Mostly sacrificing time with friends and fam- THREE IMPORTANT QUALITIES ily to obtain my degree.I studied for my Bachelor of Engineering de- THAT YOUR POSITIONgree at the University of Pretoria. REQUIRES? WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED?WHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? Critical thinking, problem solving and techni- cal skills B.Eng (Computer Engineering).I am mostly involved in system engineering(design processes). IN ONE SENTENCE, DESCRIBE WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER YOUR JOB? GOALS? DESCRIBE AN AVERAGE DAY. Being part of the engineering design team of To always be challenged and to use my skillsI have meetings with the rest of the SKA team the SKA. to make a meaningful contribution. To beto discuss what needs to be done to design proud of the work I do.aspects of the SKA and I carry out those iden- EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING?tified tasks. DOES THE INDUSTRY THAT YOU Both are equally important. You should never ARE IN, FACE GENDER BIAS?WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? stop learning. There seems to be more men in the engineer-I enjoy being involved in a project of this ADVICE FOR PEOPLE ing profession than women but I’ve beenmagnitude and being involved with the de- CONSIDERING THIS CAREER. fortunate enough to not encounter gendersign of this system. inequality. I have worked in environments Love what you do and be willing to work hard and with people who judged me on merit.WHAT ARE THE MOST and persevere to be able to do it.ENJOYABLE ASPECTS OF YOUR IS CONTINUING EDUCATIONPOSITION? TYPE OF PERSON THAT WOULD AND FURTHER STUDIES ENJOY THIS KIND OF CAREER? IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPE OFMeeting interesting people from all over the CAREER?world, working with a team of incredibly in- Someone who likes creative problem solvingtelligent (and fun and friendly) people. and enjoys challenges. Yes, whether it is formal or informal, further training and education is important in most POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH - professions.02 || SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Join SANSA and become a space ambassador! • Engineers • Technicians • Space Science Researchers • Mission Control Specialists• Computer Scientists & Software Developers• Earth Systems & Earth Observation Scientists • Remote Sensing Technologists • Data Administrators • Post Graduate Students • Facilities & Support Personnel Check out our available opportunities at South African National Space Agency In Service of Humanity T- 012 844 0500 F- 012 844 [email protected] .
with Oupa MalahlelaRemote SensingScientist Oupa Malahlela Why did you choose this career?|36 SCIENCE CAREERS SA I chose the career due to the increasing demand of scientists in South Africa. I have always been fascinated by nature and technology alike, and have always sought ways to integrate the two. My field allows for that integration. What training did you undergo, and where? I have obtained my Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Environmental Science from the University of Limpopo in 2008, and went to the University of KwaZulu-Natal to study for a Master degree in Geography specializing in remote sensing. I have accomplished internship training with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s former Satellite Applications Center in 2010 to enable me to be where I am today. What does your job entail? My job entails formulating scientific problems regarding my field, processing satellite images as well as engaging with various government organs such as the Department of Water and Sanitation. I am directly involved in processing satellite images so as to derive information regarding the status of our surface water bodies (rivers, dams, lakes, ponds etc) as regards quantity and the quality of water in them. This is done on a national scale. In addition, I do reach out to school learners to explain what I do to in the office.
“You don’t need to be Einstein to be a ”scientist. The world needs you!Describe an average day? Experience vs Training? Potential for growth - Where can yourDownloading satellite images, Proper training is essential for current position lead?processing them, and manipulating the work I do. Advance coursesthem. My average day involves are critical to keep up with the This position may lead me to beintense data processing. changing global trends. Of course one of the well-known scientists in the more experienced you are the country and in the world. OtherWhat are the most the better chances are for you to than being a manager I can alsoenjoyable aspects accomplish the job with minimal be an ambassador for water issuesof your position? effort. globally.The fact that one does the work Advice for grade What qualifications do I need?equivalent to someone in America, 11 and 12 learners MSc Geography, Geo-Information,Japan, China etc. The second most considering this Remote Sensing, Environmentalimportant thing is that I deal with career? Science or related fields.binary data, which cannot go onstrike on complain beyond what I can Do not be doubtful of yourself. Do Does the Industry (andtolerate. not let your background hinder your type of position) your passion in remote sensing. that you are in, faceWhat is the least You don’t need to be Einstein to gender bias?enjoyable part be a scientist. The world needsof your job? you. Consider studying maths and No, at all. However, we lack science if you want to be a remote females in this industry. There areThe fact that one is expected to do so sensing scientist. a few females than males and wemuch with so little funding available. need females. Type of person that3 important qualities would enjoy this Is continuingthat your position kind of career? education and furtherrequires? studies important in Innovative, honest, hungry, and your type of career?Perseverance, Love, Understanding enthusiastic. If you are merely satisfied by minimum outcomes, Yes it is. If you are static, theIn 1 sentence, describe then you may find it difficult conventional knowledge becomesyour job? surviving in this field. Have an urge to do more. obsolete. ■Using satellites to monitor earth’snatural resources |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 37
WHY YOU SHOULD STUDYScience is Here are our top reasons in order to sustain the growing global amazing! It is for getting your nerd on: population. We are running out of fossilalso one of the fuels which are critical to the efficiency oftoughest subjects 1Be a modern-day hero: The single our industry, farming and supply school. greatest reason why we should Fresh water is becoming increasinglyScience-y careers study Science, is to ensure humanity’s scarce, with many of the world’s greatestare diverse and sustainable survival on earth! Ecosystems rivers no longer running into the sea.exciting, but are in crisis mode, the planetary weather Diseases are becoming increasinglyrequire years system is changing rapidly, and humanity resistant to antibiotics. The air in manyof vigorous is failing to coexist in harmony with Indian and Chinese cities are verging onacademic other species. World food production unbreathable. The Great Pacific Garbagecommitment. If has to double in the next thirty years,it’s so hard toget somewherewith Science,why should youstudy it?|38 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Patch has become an unfathomable 3Be adventurous: Science gets Visit online crowd funding platformsmass of floating junk that is destroying you places! I can only speak from such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo,our oceans. The use of fossil fuels my experience - my engineering and appraise the exciting Science-yis polluting our air and adding to the background, which is firmly rooted in inventions that are being funded.Greenhouse effect. Science, has opened a door to great The tech scene is mushrooming with adventure and exploration. I have skunkworks and hackathons that areBefore you despair, there is a silver worked on four continents and have creating radical innovations. It is anlining: every one of these problems can been exposed to a diversity of incredible exciting time to be part of Science andbe improved, and even solved, through experiences that a ‘normal’ office job Technology, and if you want to be at theScience! If you are passionately would never allow. Would you like to cusp of making cool things that make aconcerned about this Planet and about work in jungles? Study Natural Sciences. big difference, study Science!a healthy future for Humanity, get stuck A life of studying volcanoes or auroras,into your Science studies and aim for a perhaps? Study geosciences. Would you 6Be a modern-day hero (#2): SouthScience-y career that will equip you to like to ply you mind to solving massive Africa has a growing deficit of expertmake a difference! problems and driving innovation? Study Science teachers. If you are passionate engineering! Would you like to work with about Science, and passionate about2Be smart: The study of Science killer whales? Study zoology! making a difference, teaching is a encourages problem-solving massively rewarding career path thattenacity that helps you to understand Science-y careers and research is becoming increasingly lucrative.the world around you. I have always allow you visit places that would not Remember, supply and demand dictateexplained to my students that Science be accessible through other fields going rates - if there are fewer expertilluminates one’s path, and that going of study. Whether you want to go to Science teachers around, the demandthrough life without Science is similar Antarctica or to outer space, Science for expertise leads to increased driving your car along dark roads - is the way to get there. Become a Science teacher, a thoughtyour headlights might light your way leader and a role model!forward, but they don’t illuminate the 4Diversity and flexibility: Fromworld around you. You travel onwards dentistry to plasma physics, 7Wealth: More than a fifth of thewithout ever understanding the context Science-y careers offer vast planet’s wealthiest people on theof your journey. opportunities for professional career Forbes 2015 list studied an engineering development and diversification. degree, according to a recent survey byStudying Science makes you Engineers are welcomed into the the Approved Index platform. A quartercomfortable with the unknown, and financial sector, due to their problem- of the Forbes top-hundred have Sciencegives you the confidence to say: “I solving ability and analytical way of as a foundation for their work.don’t know the answers, but I will find thinking. Many academic physicistsout!” Science is gracious to naivety teach, perform ground-breaking 8Discovery: Science research isbut does not condone the apathy of research and consult private clients a field that allows you to discoverindifference: it allows you to say “I in the same work week. Medical the unknown. The deep oceans aredon’t know, but I want to find out”, but professionals diversify into the legal field unexplored, nanotechnology anddoes not tolerate the attitude of “I don’t to become patent attorneys or medical photonic crystals have so many secrets,know and I don’t care”. lawyers. However on the flip side, it’s and we’re still not sure whether there is rare for a professional with a ‘non- any form of life outside near-earth space.Science is highly structured, but Science-y’ background to bridge into the Imagine being the person that publisheswelcomes change - it constantly Science-based career fields. a peer-reviewed article to tell the worldadjusts its views based on what is about a brand new discovery, or a newobserved. This approach teaches you 5Inventions: Science-y careers revelation in our understanding, or a life-to evolve your thinking by constantly create an intellectual and business altering breakthrough in technology.testing and investigating information, environment that is conducive towhich makes you a well-rounded problem solving and invention. Look This is a call to action for young history-human being and empowers you at all the exciting inventions of the last makers, and for a new wave of heroes towith an ethical approach to others: it twenty years that have completely save this world and make a difference. Ienables you to discern the difference transformed our lifestyles. The Internet,between your opinions, facts, and the everyday use of GPS, mobile encourage you to become part of it! ■to acknowledge the opinions and phone technology, PC’ and touch-beliefs of others without immediately screen displays are but a few. This James Hayes Founder – Science Clinicaccepting or rejecting them. technological progress was made possible due to Science. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 39
with Why di I grew u|0942 SSCCIEINECNECCEARCEEARRS ESAE R S S A creative knack fo artistic s so I wen Ma creativit design w interesti original What d
aid& kateIsWThnowlnhweofhhatmaIwwasSyynaiesnicCnraDgeedssAsprIhdieDeRioeprarewEve.mydeEoTcOtlpRbhooolye?peumfm’tcRIdaiWrptbspeneoruoaeCseetuesclhyopbmerieinahvt-hinrpaoaeelooteaelnglrttsycrusnesOcisoscttatlhaiitecostslnhrgaw,yoa,wdOveeoveIanngeoIoasdo’fttmdrStypnbhrokhlycevkdeEynaamesolceia’enoednatiuimadatmxgwedntlrcwklinonyidinipnnetItjigshoeittvosnhti.idyomssIMe.ltaiive’nItsneec,iegjmodclPnoahrhnjsyeiyoanDs?aatwyikywICcWEtcrcsbooneobaautNtheonllruetourmhekritdtiidcbtTwtcininafih–ihsAefAgiecyglcimeaes-udTsiaIainesoddnalbreatddrr-Dgni?luveoegeNyeenennOeldtiotntleEywhprtSamoahymtngWcAstitloraremheodeyoeskewuerpednraveteOndkuAeintisitleoIencl,deths.farcoueerTtfedael.sowrusodriaofnosmRtdrfnonoyittitcf,gen,ohdrrrtpjiooikloagetfdwpOsumhfilyttrnet.eoeCieSocrgmiByoranukwikcostpfytilifautic-naoilehynrbetogs,relidotdoebct.nlunyhuoTfi!ogaothgnIuthtDehs’r5srtOiisets1dea.N%wwleEsf’xlrTihsiplpiplteAekwYntakTWrebponunsngnocyieelIsgteoyteNhuOrptgttrooywrooahlugEomuDituuniienettsgghguOgtlhOieoscDhtrifnf,bopgEwpeweCNEphowtAeRopojirllSORileswsinOoEooyagnEnrNkRttTweoa?hwhaTtcormeIhaeSllivrsAptteaolTaaligncoyetergitvrheoeevare,l.nupvyeoryuicnhteoreossteedthihSG2IttWunhhicu0ysreedNoam1hsecnmldt2saDieaAmieurgpmtneEThnanilsteesartRlaeeTortctngeE?slRowlIddesnnuAOadsgMlndIsti,NuifntaohduAmetrIootreNNebiawcrCTppaWkwweigoemhDrrcnairireoIineenifetgrtsjphowraneeeTsreDWtltfaiuchelmapneciBoatfrttreIugsoeicweryhhiDceRnbhidhmitenyoaanlh3Eimnidigw–egtdcspygeeRothayhtnIhamuhsOaoalhEwrfiloBatwhbniiiaewte?E2taggoulavternrclo0euyherddsogdrpr1dte.ktmsi;saonfd1.oi?pen,p(rewdtIrbrooesietdpmhrseuetiagncnfeiudpdnupLcwWEOlera,aaoreneNnirlrelmsftadlhltyynupljebrey,eflanyAOatboerarsrirs)uOnrTneayett2tdaagnsmIAAudbnimnBRpldRelieEloanwpEygtTwOooePtwaStTfahAaoorhdnoyohoikSnwlrdmipSEitrasikdnIaknpeekpevTgrikneleMnodaeaEIaoiecgtnnOsncCfoinpaOewvaadheupomNilTwasorbreoSsfsirofSinioredeorn?tifTkntghssrtdirfct…mvolope,eawagernwnlrregrahmehoinotceneohowatednrnlai.e?tsttIhphawesb-naloWednuetdhlondemtc,reooippWeeTcinnmrnnovehOOqcftjmomehholeuaoTrnsSinyrispcmtEeEiItasatTRioaNivttnsIaEeteOyiTro.gtCfInrNoyAoAortwleualNctrhnfEhoOAnyienwoxDORntlaoh?mugtgeeypRcfR,ilheeOyCnl,odoauWuolnoRcfdTgaRhywnEeN- Twork, but I also foinuntod thaet fIihealdd aof infpoarmtenattsiofonr a high-tech produicnt wfueture.I enjoyyoleuar rcnuinrrgenthteposition lead?have Microsoft which was founded technical part oItf cnoeultdwgoorkininogne of two directiobnys.Bill Gates. The possibilities areor science and critiTcaelcthhinnokilnogg.yM.y developed; Being awarded my MScmEnaginCluymrouter aSntidcksinwgittcohaecasdemia can lead tojuressteaernchdless every day you canskills have never been up to much,nt for the science side. Laude. The Cum Laude recognciotionnfigwuarsaations,cahasirwpeolslitaiosns and a highly respcecreteadte something new that hasany people don’t r3eaIliMse phoOwRmTuAchNThqugeuhAiglhlIiTghIEt fSorTmhe,Ait’sTnotkcnoomwminogn fmorore porfotfhesesonreshtwip.oTrhkeinogther option ins ethveer been created before it is alltwiynreoggsreokitaeairssncihdtno.thoboerweasslelaoatwriy231pscefh...ryOdpoiGManudtnguoounudaopsccRnnutdttouidrbvpvscaeueeoOlelitimanySmtaeITnuaIynmOira3appcefpraodNtwioelmetsaairjgioerytpaRrdniceelooliEtnertsrsnghqttako.eagrnielniuhblvdsqtaee.uIrbqadnRiewur.wEeaaoSsrldirtkeideI psauttththianabstvfctaotituyteyalcvebwlsononovetaueemudrssrlrarseaapitrencebadcduinsluwir.iteeryoAistsryis,skyliwrWIepessoInenrtaneseiemhogverenmriaanakndotjrtniooeeescsnqeohryftsgarutwemiiidonmgnchaotgyabtolaophiieicfnwrwnoa,iaigcwsnrenttat.tlvohalcto-eofniluorvntenenddadsueDciddntoohcAcoitcIgomanhrdpleoyeWDaefmgbanddoaOyihc?.vs.apeAnIodcTsNeto-dqEnEuhDoAw?lfIafrICyoAuTaIOreNwSilling to IyNO1uRSEjNOTBE?NCEpInr,toeDbllliegEmeSnsCcoelR,vDiInBisgcE.ipline, Creativity in graduate Engineering study youMneaetdrica certificate and then you can CAREER hIg(BhBaSclchIEegnloghr)ooTfrSSac?nieenqcueivdaelgernete, in Encgoinneteinriunge with the I.T qualification for like BEanng example nation diploma in I.T In 1 sentence, describe yoHuigr hjoebr?certifica(tseominetSimyesstespmescial cases can be made for cI earmtifiaedstnuedtewnot rsktuaaIdsdrytsoiifonicccguiaitaltClityneisgincteoedlgligeernetsemaarcnhaginetmEIonnetfhongetrimnoefaetiroinngT, eNgBcaTrhtaeindocohunalaaotnelgdsDy).niYapoonlnoud-meanAlsago+iinnneeeerdintgoBeSxcceDl iOn yEoSur ThE INDuSTRy (AND certification (CCNA) specialising in yOuR TypE Of pOSITION) certification. routing and switching. ThAT yOu ARE IN, fACE M Ma ny peoWpHlAeT IdSoTHnE’tLEArSeTalise howgENDER BIAS? are uch cr eatEivNJitOYyABgLoE ePAsRTinOtF oYOrURe searNcothat all, a lot of females n o v e lJOdB?e s i g n now in I.T positions in big and work and howcompanies throughout the satisfyinAgt thaenmodmeinnt ttheererisensotprionblgem it i sworld. that I would state about my to be allocwareeedr, I tamo stpilluenrjosyinugewhoerre iginaldoes your job entail? I amr. esearch. highly advanced and automated Bachelor’s in order to secure a good post- production environment as a PhD student. graduate position with enough funding. If you do very well in your Master’s you could Experience vs Training be accepted as a PhD student. It’s a tough This is a tough one… To be a rounded road, but it’s so satisfying and interesting! engineer you truly need both. For the researcher, training is more important, you Does the Industry (and your type of need an extensive theoretical background position) that you are in, face of your field. In the general Mechatronics gender bias? and Robotics world, to differentiate Not at all. The student base for Mechanical yourself, you need background knowledge Engineering is still predominantly male, in order to really understand some but I believe this is due to interest, not to concepts, but you certainly aren’t very bias. Anyone with the right intellectual useful until you have real-world capability and commitment can make it in experience. academic research. |S C I E N C E C A R E E R S S A 0 3 SCIENCE CAREERS SA 95
DENEL TECHNICAL ACADEMYINTERNATIONALLY RECOGNISED AND QUALITY CERTIFIED ENGINEERING APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING.Denel Technical Academy (DTA) is a highly recognised and reputable Apprentice Training and Advance Type Training Academy. DTA o erstraining in aircraft maintenance and other general engineering trades. The relationship between Denel Aviation and Denel TechnicalAcademy ensures that apprentices have pro cient experience in the aviation industry. This is done through an integration of experiencein the workplace and the theoretical learning institution. Denel Technical Academy employs experts and highly experienced instructors toproduce artisans who are able to compete on the global stage.AVIATION TECHNICAL TRAINING: ENGINEERING TRADE TRAINING: APPROVALS & ACCREDITATIONS• Aircraft Avionician • Electronics • South African Civil Aviation Authority• Aircraft Electrician • Machine Tool Millwright (SACAA)• Aircraft Instrument Mechanic • Toolmaker & Jigmaker• Aircraft Radiotrician • Turner & Machinist • Approval No. ATTC 004 & AC 002• Aircraft Mechanic • Welder• Aircraft Structural Worker • CNC Training • The local Training Authorities. aMUSEink - ad agency PRO51741 Atlas Road, Kempton Park, 1619, Gauteng, RSAT: +27 11 927 4465 | F: +27 11 927 2361 | E: [email protected] | W:
with REFILWE MAKHOBAAIRACVRIAOFNTICIANWhy did you choose can say it’s doing what I love and Instruments etc.this career? getting paid for it. What does your jobWhen I was still in school and much What training did you entail?younger, I loved opening up things undergo, and where?at home. I was very interested in It entails physically opening upthe operations and functions of After I completed my matric I aircraft electronics and ensuringequipment. Denel was introduced was fortunate enough to get that they still in good condition. Weto me to me in high school when sponsorship from Denel aviation repair or replace electric parts ofthey had a career exhibition. I was to study Aircraft avionics. I studied the aircrafts. This means testing,amazed at what they do and that at the Denel school called Denel repair and physical work on actualthey correlated with my fascination. Technical Academy (DTA). I did a electrics of an aircraft.I took this as an opportunity about a year and a half of theorywhere I can open equipment then practical at Denel. I added What do you enjoyand components without getting to my qualification short trade most?in trouble with my parents. So I related courses i.e. Cat X Electrical, Having to understand and know|44 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
how the components work. We change and so does technology. put in extra effort and work hardget to open them up and see the One should never say “I know and to understand all the concepts ofsystems that make them operate I have the experience”. Times are being an aircraft avionic.the way that they do. I also love the changing and one has to undergopeople that I work with, we are a training to keep up with the times What qualificationsgreat team. They make my work so and changes. do I need?much more fun. The thrill of gettingunserviceable components to their Advice for grade Matric & Avionic trade test.serviceable state. 11 & 12 learners considering this Does the Industry (andWhat is the least career? your type of position)enjoyable part of your that you are in, facejob? Go for it…nothing beats the joy of gender bias? doing what you love and gettingThe pressure that comes with the paid for it. Well, as a female you have to workmeeting targets. extra hard to prove that your gender Type of personality does not define your working and3 important qualities that would enjoy this performing abilities. At the momentthat your position kind of career? I’m the only female in my department.requires In the past I can say it was believed A person with a curious mind and that the aviation industry is a men’s1. Apply theory into the real who loves challenges, would enjoy world but I’ve been with Denelworld. 2. Curiosity about electrical being an aircraft avionic. Aviation since 2011 and I can saycomponents. Denel aviation is a Transformation3. Solve systematic problems. Potential for growth driven company and responds very - Where can your well to females in the industry.In 1 sentence, describe current position lead?your job? Is continuing There is potential for grow in my education and furtherRepair, overhaul and testing of current position where one can studies important inaircraft electrical components. actually head the whole electrical your type of career? and avionic department in future.Experience vs Training? Absolutely, unless as an individual What challenges have you don’t have goals and highWith experience you work better you had to overcome? dreams, just like within any otherand you know how to handle career. If you want to grow andchallenges that comes with doing I had no back ground of aircrafts improve in this career, furtheringyour job. But experience comes and everything was new to mehand in hand with training. Times when I first went to DTA. I had to your studies is very important. ■ |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 45
studentfunding|46 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
CAN’T AFFORD TO STUDY AFTER TVET College. Applications may also be done onlineSCHOOL? APPLY FOR FINANCIAL at selected higher education Institutions.ASSISTANCE FROM NSFAS. You may qualify for funding if you are:Are you in need of financial assistance to study • A South African citizen with financial need asat a University or Technical Vocational Education determined by NSFAS means test. You will haveand Training (TVET) College? The National to provide proof of your family’s household income.Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) can helpon the road towards your dream job. NSFAS is • Accepted for admission to study your first highera government student loan and bursary scheme. education qualification at a public university orNSFAS provides loans and bursaries to eligible TVET College.needy and academically deserving students. NSFAS loans have a really low interest rate and areNSFAS has funded over 1.5 Million South Africans repayable once you start working. Depending onfrom 1999. The Scheme continues to grow from your results, up to 40% of your NSFAS loan may beR441 million in 1999 to R8,5 billion in 2013. converted into a bursary, and that amount does not need to be repaid.Apply for a NSFAS study loan or bursary through For more information please visita Financial Aid Office at a public University or Call: 086 00 67 327 Email: [email protected] Website: NSFAS is a registered credit provider in terms of the national credit act 34 of 2005 (NCRCP 2655) |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 47
withPhumi MCoECommercialDiverWhy did you choose training would be conducted at a staff development programme, sothis career? Seadog Commercial Diving School in part of that includes me diving on a Saldanha Bay. Seadog Commercial regular basis to increase the numberI was at Sharks Board where we Diving School is the KZN Sharks of dives I have so that I can eventuallywere given a presentation about Board MCoE programme collaboration move on to diver supervisor level.commercial diving and after the partner. The training was very intensepresentation and answer session I just but worth it. What do enjoy most?knew that this career was my calling. What does your One of the reasons why I went intoWhat training did you job entail? the diving career field was the fact thatundergo, and where? it is a career that is quiet physically As I am a diver assistant at KZN demanding, and even though thereI was fortunate enough to be chosen Sharks Board Maritime Centre of is a lot of paper work involved youamongst 30 students at KwaZulu- Excellence and I am in charge of get to spent some time in the waterNatal Sharks Board Maritime Centre of equipment maintenance and making which I just love seeing as my starExcellence [KZNSB MCoE] to pursue sure that I do a Hazard Identification sign element is water, and there iscommercial diving where initially you Risk Assessments for all training dive this calm effect the ocean has whichhave to pass a physical test thereafter sites where I go out to various dive is quiet amazing not to mention theundergo intensive swimming. After sites and make sure it is safe enough fact that I love marine life so to workthe intensive swimming programme for students and insure that the in the ocean and to experience it on awe were given a pleasant surprise training rubber ducks are in good sea regular basis is just a blessing.that our class 4 air scuba diving worthy condition. I am also undergoing|48 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
What is the least Advice Phumi MCoEenjoyable part for gradeof your job? 11 and 12 learners a physically demanding job, so you considering this will find that a lot of people mightAlthough I am into physical fitness kind of career? doubt your capabilities as a femaleseeing as I was an athlete growing commercial diver, but if you areup and was involved in several sports What I would advise anyone to do dedicated, hardworking and knowareas such running, volleyball, netball before they go into any career is how to face challenges head on thenand a bit of hockey I however don’t to first do a self-evaluation then it doesn’t matter that you’re a female,particularly enjoy the carrying of once you know your strengths and all that matters is that you’ll be ableheavy equipment constantly as it can weaknesses then you can try to to do the job just as well if not betterget quiet strenuous when moving dive align them with your career in mind, than the males from our premises to a and if you are passionate aboutcertain dive sites. diving then you should be swimming Is continuing further on a daily basis as well as doing studies important in3 important qualities physical training. It also a good idea your type of career?that your position to familiarise yourself with physicsrequires? and physiology as you have to deal It is very important that you with pressure and gas and safety continue to further your studies inTo be a commercial diver you need to management and the potential effects this career field especially if yoube hard worker, have a strong desire on one’s body on a regular basis. want to move on to supervisor orto take on difficult challenges, and instructor or managerial or offshorebe a team player as this job requires What qualification oil and gas positions. I wouldsomeone who is very enthusiastic do I need? personally recommend that oneand is willing to go the extra mile. You also does a degree programme,should also be the type of person who You need to have done mathematics, such as a science degree in marineenjoys the outside environment more physical science as well as life environment or in commercial divingthan being indoors all the time, you science in matric, because you deal technology (MDT) or specialise inget to work with a lot people so if you a lot with pressure, gas, volume, underwater wet welding (Weld-Tech)can adapt to different personalities density and physiology, so that way and you could also do advanced divethen that will be a bonus. you will have better understanding as medicine (Med-Tech) amongst other to what happens to your body duringIn one sentence, diving operations as well as what is studies. ■describe your job? happening with your dive equipment and your air supply in your cylinder.It is a very adventurous, exciting, Beyond the basic requirementschallenging, physically demanding but applicants must pass a clearvery rewarding job. chest x-ray and a diving physical examination as well as have goodExperience vs Training? swimming skills.I think with many things in life, if you Does the industry (anddon’t know something you will find it type of position) thatdifficult, or even think it’s impossible you are in, face anybut once you’ve learned how to gender bias?do something it becomes easierand it can even turn into an area of Commercial Diving is extremelyexpertise and that is exactly what has male dominated seeing as it’s suchhappened with me. The day I did myvery first dive I was terrified but nowI can’t wait to get into the water, sowhat I can say from experience, isthat comfort and confidence is borneout of knowledge, because now I am100% comfortable in the water andmy skills as a diver are improving bythe day. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 49
with PROFESSOR REFILOE MASEKELA PAEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGIST (Paediatrician) “I enjoy seeing and interacting with patients and thinking of research projects that can have ”impact directly on the patients that I am treating.|50 SCIENCE CAREERS SA
Why did you choose Describe an average daythis career? • Early Morning: administration with email catch-upI have always known that I wanted tobe a doctor since the age of around 4 • Twice per week I do a clinic where I see patients for the morningyears. I wanted to have a career whereI could make people better and I really • Teaching of medical students: tutorialsenjoy interacting with children. • Teaching ward rounds with the postgraduate paediatric traineesWhat training did youundergo, and where? • Meetings: one or two per dayI had to do my undergraduate training • Once per month I visit one of the hospitals in the province to meet withto become a doctor at Witwatersrand the staff and discuss issues around: services, teaching and areas thatUniversity. After the six years of training need improvementI worked as an Intern and CommunityService doctor at the Mankweng/ • Afternoon: more administration and research afternoon twice per week.Polokwane Hospital Complex inPolokwane, Limpopo. I took a gap year Albert Luthuli Hospital, but I am also children and does not struggle withto travel and work in the UK, and then responsible for a very large paediatrics studying large volumes of work!I returned to complete my specialist department and I have to look aftertraining in Paediatrics (4 years) at the undergraduate and post graduate Potential for growthUniversity of Pretoria. Thereafter, I medical students at the University of - Where can yourdecided to sub-specialize in the field of KwaZulu-Natal, so I also spend a large current position lead?Paediatric Pulmonology (children’s lung majority of my time with administrativediseases) for a further 2 years. I did work, teaching and taking care of issues The sky is the limit.part of my Pulmonology training at the relating to paediatrics in the province. ICatholic University Leuven in Belgium still do research as part of my job which What qualificationsand part of the training at the University I enjoy very much. do I need?of Pretoria. On completion of this, Ithen went on further to do my PhD in What do you enjoy At least an undergraduate degreePaediatric Pulmonology in 2012 also most? in medicine which is 6 years and 4at the University of Pretoria. In total I years to be a paediatricianstudied for 16 years after school! I have I enjoy seeing and interacting withenjoyed it very much because it’s in a patients and thinking of research What are your careerfield that I enjoy. projects that can have impact directly goals? on the patients that I am treating.What does your job I always have 3 year goals andentail? Career highlights? at the moment I am still going according to plan, I never planMy role has changed being a head of The day I received my PhD more than that, you never knowdepartment at the Nelson R Mandela qualification was probably the best day what opportunities may comeSchool of Medicine. I am now still doing ever, it had been 4 years of hard work! along.clinical work looking after children withlung diseases and those admitted 3 important qualities Does the Industryto intensive care unit at the Inkosi that your position (and your type of requires position) that you are in, face gender bias? Patience... Listening... Not taking anything personally but Yes, as a young doctor I was called trying to find solutions even when nurse numerous times and people times are tough. would not accept me as a doctor at the beginning. This has improved In 1 sentence, describe the older I have become! your job? Is continuing I get to enjoy seeing children get better education and and get their smiles back further studies important in your Advice for people type of career? considering this career. Yes, I think I will always be a Its hard work but very rewarding. student. The nice thing about medicine is there are changes all Type of person that the time so you are continuously would enjoy this kind learning and being introduced to of career? new techniques and knowledge. ■ A person who loves interacting with |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 51
withMaria Mabyalwa MudauHumMaen dGeicneatilcSs cientistWhy did you choose this Undertaking Paternity tests, What are the mostcareer? performing Aneuploidy screening, enjoyable aspects Training new Scientists, Doing of your position?Honestly speaking, this career chose research on single gene disordersme. After I qualified as a scientist, The most enjoyable aspects isI actually fell in love with Human What do you the environment I work under, theGenetics and I am planning to study enjoy most? people in my section are amazingfurther and know more. and we have such a strong team I usually enjoy when I realise the work and we work very wellWhat training did you difference I am actually making in together. Also being a mother of two,undergo, and where? people’s lives, when they get closure the flexible hours are also something as to whether they are related to that I enjoy a lotUpon my MSc completion, I underwent particular person or not. Then theyHealth Professional Council, Medical are able to go on with life and apply What is the leastScientist internship training at the for ID documents and so on. And enjoyable partNational Health Laboratory Service, also when we can be able to identify of your job?Division of Human Genetics. the cause of genetics abnormalities in the new born babies so that they What I enjoy least is when weWhat does your can get a proper medical care. receive still birth and products ofjob entail? conception samples, those means someone just lost their baby and it is|52 SCIENCE CAREERS SA ▶Continued on page 54