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Home Explore Gauteng lssue 2018

Gauteng lssue 2018

Published by Charlton Peters, 2018-04-03 16:33:19

Description: Further Education, Learning and Scientific Career Options Available to Grade 11 & 12 Learners across South Africa...


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with Kentse Thubakgale Metallurgical EngineerWHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS CAREER? WHAT FORMAL QUALIFICATION DID YOU HAVE TO ATTAIN, AND WHERE?During my high school days at Holy Trinity Schoolin Winterveldt, north west of Pretoria, we had I studied Engineering: Metallurgy at the Tshwanevisitors from the Anglo American Mining Company. University of Technology (TUT) where I obtained aThey showed us a video of the daily operations on National Diploma and did the experiential learning,a metallurgical plant. I saw some female operators currently called work integrated learning (WIL), atin laboratory coats and was immediately fascinated, Exxaro Resources – R&D Plant in Pretoria West.the picture would not leave my mind. I later learnt Following that I went back to TUT and obtained thethat the mining industry was South Africa’s Bachelor’s (BTech) and Master’s (MTech) degrees ineconomic backbone. Based on that understanding, I Metallurgy.felt that I wanted to be part of my country’seconomic backbone and I could not imagine doing WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST?anything greater than that for my country. It is imperative that when students leave universityWHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? to work, they contribute to the industry with new ideas and that stems from the knowledge acquiredI am employed as a Lecturer in Metallurgical here. With research comes traveling to conferencesEngineering Department at the Vaal University of to present findings of projects that I work onTechnology (VUT), I am responsible for providing individually and with collaborators. As an avidacademic leadership in the department. This involves traveler, I take pleasure in the trips.teaching and research activities at both under andpost-graduate levels. I also participate in curriculumdevelopment, laboratory management and liaising withthe mining and metallurgical industry.

“I learnt that the mining industry was South Africa’s economic backbone and I felt that I wanted to be part of the industry.”3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES THAT WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED?YOUR POSITION REQUIRES? National Senior Certificate (NSC) CompulsoryBe knowledgeable, enthusiastic and approachable. subjects Minimum English 4, Mathematics 4, Physical Science 4, Any four other subjects 3 x 4WHAT ARE THE LEAST ENJOYABLE Total: 24ASPECTS? TYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT WOULDI get demoralized when students fail. To a certain ENJOY THIS KIND OF CAREER?extent, we take the role of parents when they are oncampus and seeing your children fail is not a nice A critical thinker, resourceful, inquisitive andthing. Learning is a two-way process where students cooperative. Engineers are designers and problemshould take interest in learning and lecturers in solvers. They always look for ways to improve livingpreparing for lessons. When one party does not take standards through iterations, evaluating all aspectsfull responsibility of their role, both suffer as a result. of a problem and proposing solutions.IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE YOUR JOB? WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE YOU HAD TO OVERCOME?A great platform for career and personaldevelopment. Upon completing my theory component in university, I struggled to get placement for WIL We then went backEXPERIENCE VS TRAINING? to TUT and worked on a research project with our while we also applied at external companiesWith training comes experience. Trainingsensitizes an individual of the task ahead DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPEand how it should be correctly approached OF POSITION) THAT YOU ARE IN,and executed. Safety awareness is also of FACE GENDER BIAS?importance, metallurgical laboratories andplants are very hazardous environments. No. The industry is open to all genders although still male dominated, there is a significant numberADVICE FOR GRADE 11 AND 12 of females who are in production plants. On theLEARNERS CONSIDERING THIS CAREER? academic side, the numbers are also growing and this is very exciting. Females are encouraged toMetallurgy is an exciting field where one gets to participate as lecturers and researchers.experience science in its totality. We study thescience of metals and the special properties that IS CONTINUING EDUCATION AND FURTHERmetals possess to separate them from other STUDIES IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPE OFmetals and non-metals in order to make metal CAREER?products such as the utensils we use at home,steel structures used in building houses and alloys As times change so do trends in the mining andused in aerospace manufacturing. metallurgy industries. With further studies comes specialization. There are various fields in metallurgy and they include: Hydrometallurgy, Pyrometallurgy and Physical metallurgy. One may choose to specialize in any of the fields.

with Christopher NgobeniNTeosntiDnegs&trPHuYcSItCiSveW hy did you choose this CAREER HIGHLIGHTS?career?Quality defines my everyday living. Working within the various industriesThis is why when I found out about Non was always my goal, aquiring someDestructive Testing (NDT) offered at Vaal real NDT experience. Achieving myUniversity of Technology, I decided to Baccalaureus Technologiae in Quality.change from my original career choice. I always wanted to share my experienceWhAT TRAININg DID yOu at the NDT workplace with students.uNDERgO, AND WhERE? Being a part of Vaal University ofThis is the career where training and Technology NDT lecturing staff is ancertification is very important, as errors  honour and a dream come true.can have catastrophic consequences;therefore an NDT operator is expect to WHAT IS THE MOST ENJOYABLErefresh skills regularly. I did my National PART OF YOUR JOB?Diploma in NDT at Vaal University of Compared with my previous position, ITechnology (VUT) and further went for my am getting a lot more information bylevel certification at School of Applied Non doing research. My current duties areDestructive Examination (SANDE) for two less physical, but does require moremethods of inspection, namely, Liquid reading. My personal and academicpenetrant inspection and Magnetic particles growth is thus expedited. I also like theinspection. I also did Wall Thickness challenge of managing my own work.Inspection at the Southern African Institute My current duties are also more personalof Welding (SAIW). I have also completed and informative. It projects more to themy Baccalaureus Technologiae (B Tech) in future than a daily repetitive job. It alsoQuality from the University of Johannesburg. motivates me to get more information, by doing more research about NDT and IWhAT DOES yOuR jOB ENTAIl?  am planning to register for an NDT Master’s degree qualification.I am currently working as a junior lecturer,conducting NDT methods both theory and POTENTIAL GROWTH- WHERE CANpracticals. I am also involved in keeping YOUR CURRENT POSITION LEAD?laboratories habitable including ensuringthat the health and safety standards are There is a huge shortage of researchersadhered to; particularly for our students. within South Africa’s engineering andI also make sure that the equipment are technology sectors. My position as a juniorin good working order, inclusive of regular lecturer at the Vaal University of Technologystock taking. I am further involved in can easily prepare me to become one of theresearch work within our department most sort after researchers specialised in NDT.for innovation purposes because NDT isa growing technology. 3 IMpORTANT quAlITIES ThAT yOuR pOSITION REquIRES? Creativity, dedication and patience.|59 SCIENCE CAREERS SA

” This career is for any person who is interested in Applied Sciences, willing to ”travel a lot and work long hours. In 1 sentence, Christopher Ngobeni describe your job? Junior lecturer (NDT)Quality through a boundary of technology. What qualifications do I NEED? EXpERIENCE VS TRAININg? A matric certificate with pass (level 4) in Mathematics, Physical Science andExperience can be accumulated even English for a Diploma in NDT. For a B Techbefore or after training. It is mostly better in Quality, you need to have completedto attend a course with some previous the NDT diploma.knowledge in the application, but thebest candidate for employment must DTyOpEESOTfhpEOINSIDTIuOSNTR) yTh(AANT DyOyOu uARREhave both training and experience. IN, fACE gENDER BIAS? An NDT career is for any gender but it is still ADVICE fOR gRADE 11 AND 12 dominated by men as it was statistically proven lEARNERS CONSIDERINg ThIS that there are few women in the engineering and CAREER? technology sector compared to men. I thinkThere is no shortcut in quality. No matter how recognition must be given to the Vaal Universityhard it is to achieve the results, it must be  of Technology (VUT) due to their big role they aredone correctly. NDT needs dedicated people playing by offering the NDT Diploma.who can tolerate the pressure of working long There is a growing number of womenhours, endure industry conditions and with in NDT field that come from the VUTpatience, strive until they get the good results. and that is adding a percentage inA person who always wants to learn can survive engineering and technology sectorNDT as a career. NDT is a growing technology as a whole..that always has ‘new’ / innovative & advancedmethods of inspection. TYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT WOULD ENJOY THIS KIND IF CAREER?This career is for any person who isinterested in applied sciences, willing to travela lot and working long hours. I can say it is thebest career for an independent person, andalways sober minded person. You are alwayson standby expecting a call to report for duty. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 60

“ I have been to the industrial part of Shenzhen in China, Hong Kong and even made a tour in Istanbul and Bulgaria – all as part of the wide applications of this field ”.DESCRIBE AN AVERAgE DAy? EXpERIENCE VS TRAININg? WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED?Arrive at work, have a good cup of Through experience I learned thatcoffee, assist all the students projects could work. Through training Matric with languages, mathematicsknocking at the door with their I ensured that projects do work. and science. – AND a keen curiosity toprojects, then start with general Through passion for learning more want to understand the way technologyrepair and maintenance. Should I every day the world have been works!be busy with a project, then that will opened for me.enjoy my focus. . DOES ThE INDuSTRy (AND ADVICE fOR gRADE yOuR TypE Of pOSITION)WhAT ARE ThE MOST 11 AND 12 lEARNERS ThAT yOu ARE IN, fACEENjOyABlE ASpECTS CONSIDERINg ThIS gENDER BIAS?Of yOuR pOSITION? CAREER? Electronics, computers, PLC andI enjoy seeing the theory come to life Use you spare time to learn those systems development is extremelyin a practical project. I love to see skill sets. And keep on having those gender friendly. I have been to Chinamy students succeed in life. I love to wonderful ideas! 2018 is here and and the Eastern countries – womanwalk through industrial shows and the Internet, excellent universities are everywhere at the forefront of allfind my students there representing and thousands of technical people the technologies! And so are the men!their companies. with recourses are literally at your fingertips! IS CONTINuINgWhAT IS ThE lEAST EDuCATION AND fuRThERENjOyABlE pART TypE Of pERSONALITY STuDIES IMpORTANT INOf yOuR jOB? ThAT WOulD ENjOy yOuR TypE Of CAREER? ThIS kIND Of CAREER?Sometimes one is challenged with Remember: It is 2018! The sky isreally cutting edge technologies. Or Persons who are inquisitive, who are not the limit anymore! Studyone is faced with a technology that excited to meet new people, who are formal, and study informal. Trysimply does not seem to want to going to make some mistakes and everything you lay your hands the way it should more still, learn from those mistakes NOTHING stands in your way to will make a success in the field of find the knowledge – and use the3 IMpORTANT quAlITIES electronics, communications and Internet to find more stuff out.ThAT yOuR pOSITION systems engineering. Chances are that there is alreadyREquIRES? another person on the planet with WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE similar project challenges. BecomeBe prepared to fail. Persevere and YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? smarter than just your smartbe prepared to be amazed by what phone! ■you discover! Be prepared to succeed! I had to learn how to bring business ethics, human nature, electronic andIN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE computer technologies together.yOuR jOB? Persevere and keep your eyes on the final product.My job is my part time hobby thatbecame my full time passion. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 56

with Abdul Kareem AbderoofPreharvest Technical AdvisorWhy did you choose this career? What is the least enjoyable part of your job?From a very young age I was fascinated with plants andscience. My parents instilled a culture of passion for Sometimes, you must work with very difficult people whogrowing plants and asking why do they grow that way? As I do not understand you, especially if they want an immediategrew older I started learning the value of agriculture and the solutions to problems. It can be a frustrating to guide themimpact it can have in changing people’s lives. After high when they have a set viewpoint. At other times,school, I then decided that I wanted to study agricultural administrative work can become time consuming.sciences. So, that in the future I can use science andagriculture to develop people in our country. career highlights?What training did you undergo, I am still very young into my career and my highlights areand Where? more personal. To be able to advise and guide older peopleAfter matriculating from high school, I completed a four year who have been in farming for years, when I myself do not come from a farming background.Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture at StellenboschUniversity. I specialised in Soil and Crop Sciences. 3 important qualities that your position requires?What does your job entail? As with any career, you need to have passion for what you areAs a preharvest advisor, my key responsibilities are guiding doing. It determines whether you are willing to add meaning toand assisting growers and farm managers on all aspects what you are doing. When you are passionate, you willregarding growing a blueberry crop. I advise the design and ultimately be successful in any career. Second, is humility. Byplanning of new farms and managing existing farms so that being humble you are patient, can learn and listen even if youthe crop can be sold for the highest profit mainly to the know what you are doing. This will ensure that farmers respectoverseas market. I focus on obtaining the best quality crop you and will naturally listen to you. Being humble makes youby using scientific principles to manipulate the climate, the preferred go to advisor. Lastly, you need to have goodenvironment, nutrition and genetics of crops. This is done communication skills, as you speak to various researching and doing trials and experiments. Another This will ensure efficiency.key responsibility is to develop and sustain goodrelationships between various parties in 1 sentence, describe your job?describe an average day? To assist farmers in obtaining the best crop using technical experience and scientific knowledge.Fortunately, there is no average day for me. Most of mytime is dedicated to grower interaction, either by doing experience vs training?physical farm visits or by constant communication. This iswhen issues for example irrigation, nutrition or pollination You need good training to gain and develop the foundationalis discussed. This is to address any problems the grower is knowledge on which you build by using experience.currently facing like the current drought situation and howdo we work around it.Thereafter, my time is dedicated to advice for grade 11 and 12 learnersresearch, where I will look at new or different methods to considering this career?improve the crop and if it is profitable for the farm. Lastlymy time is spent in company meetings, planning and doing To enter agricultural science, you would have to choose theadmin correct subjects namely; Physical Sciences, Biology, Geography and Mathematics. To give you a betterWhat do you enjoy most? understanding of what you want to study, try to gain experience by doing an internship or vocational workI enjoy being able to advise, guide and learn with my during holidays. Volunteer at a local nursery who will offerfarmer’s new ways to approach not only agricultural you guidance.issues. With this information, I can give back to societynew scientific methods to help others how to farm. Thiswill enable other people to develop themselves and thisis very gratifying for me.|61 SCIENCE CAREERS SA

type of person that Would enjoy AKbAadbreedreoumolfthis kind of career? “I canA person who enjoys working in nature and is give newinquisitive about the world around them. The scientificpersonality needs to be understanding of other people methodsand their backgrounds. Be prepared to travel and at back totimes be for long period of times away from home. society, to help otherspotential for groWth - Where how tocan your current position lead? farm.”At the current company this positions next step is senior |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 62advisor followed by Preharvest technical manager. Thisis when you manage the advisory team and take onlarge scale new farm developments. This position canlead into a more research and development role, inwhich I specialize in researching a specific topic.What challenges have you had toovercome?The greatest challenge I faced was learning and enteringthe agricultural environment since I do not come from anagricultural background. It was essentially like learning anew language and culture very quickly. I had to overcomemy initial fears and prove to everybody that I am capableand knowledgeable about agriculture. This can bedaunting especially if a farmer is not receptive to yourassistance and you need to convince him of what youadvising.What qualifications do i need?To be an advisor you first need to have matriculatedfrom grade 12. Thereafter complete a four-yearagricultural degree. Either specializing in soil or cropsciences.What are your career goals?I would like to be more involved in research and ruraldevelopment. With the knowledge and expertise that Ibuild I would want to be more involved in establishingnew farms for smaller upcoming communities. Thiscould lead me to working with government andorganizations that can create and alter policies thatfocuses on rural development. Ultimately, I would liketo establish my own farming businessIS CONTINUING EDUCATION ANDFURTHER STUDIES IMPORTANT INYOUR TYPE OF CAREER?With any industry, it is important to further your studies. Iparticularly would like to further my studies by either doingan MBA or specializing further in crop sciences. It isimportant to enhance your skill set by obtaining newknowledge regularly and studying further can only help yousucceed.

with Molebogeng MogalanyaneQuantity SurveyORWhy DID yOu ChOOSE ThIS CAREER? 3 IMpORTANT quAlITIES ThAT yOuR pOSITION REquIRES?When I was in grade 9, I had a mammoth task ofdeciding which subjects to choose, which would You must have interpersonal skills because as aultimately determine my career path. A BCom degree Quantity Surveyor, one deals with a lot of peoplewas trending amongst my friends at the time. So being from different spheres – from architects, engineers,a clueless 14-year-old, I followed the trend and contractors, clients to labourers. Another importantselected commercial subjects, which I enjoyed, even qualit one must possess is paying attention to detail.if I felt the need to take physics as an additional Every aspect of the project must be considered bysubject because I loved it so much. Ultimately, I the Quantity Surveyor. One must also be organizeddiscovered that with Quantity Surveying, I could do in keeping all paperwork, figures and data from eachboth accounting and physics in my everyday life. project.WhAT TRAININg DID yOu uNDERgO, IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE yOuR jOB?AND WhERE? I am a construction industry professional who dealsI studied towards a Diploma in Building Sciences with the costs, contracts and measurements of aat Tshwane University of Technology, then went on construction complete a B Tech in Quantity Surveying. I’mcurrently enrolled for my master’s in Building EXpERIENCE VS TRAININg?Sciences with Quantity Surveying (QS) as a major. My heart is definitely torn between experienceWhAT DOES yOuR jOB ENTAIl? and training because I feel they are equally as important. Training enables you to possessAs a Quantity Surveyor, my role is to conduct the tools you need once one enters the workmeasurements and costings for construction environment, therefore the training has toprojects. This includes doing feasibility studies, happen before the experience. However, morecost planning, value engineering, cost benefit often than not, students do not understand theanalysis, life cycle costing, tendering, managing concepts that are being explained in thethe project, cost estimation and conducting cost classroom until they are converted into practice.valuations for each project. ADVICE fOR gRADE 11 AND 12DESCRIBE AN AVERAgE DAy? lEARNERS CONSIDERINg ThIS CAREER?If I would be working from a construction site, Iwould be at the site office by 07:00; that’s usually Start doing your research while still in highthe time when the safety team conducts team talks school. Find a mentor or job shadowingwith the labourers. I would be on site to monitor and opportunity by a quantity surveyor if you can,measure the progress according to our programme. or visit construction sites, just to observe.I also have to ensure that there is sufficient material Prepare yourself for university, so that youto sustain us for the next step of our programme. have a little bit of an understanding of the jargon and processes.WhAT DO yOu ENjOy MOST? TYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT WOULDI enjoy seeing the fruits of my labour, seeing a ENJOY THIS KIND OF CAREER?project that we started literally from the groundup, encountering challenges and serving the If you are an extrovert, enjoy meeting new peopleneeds of the client or the end-users. I also enjoy and spending some days outside of the conventionalbeing in financial control of things, even in my office by being on site, you will enjoy this. You mustpersonal life. Therefore, I am grateful that I can also be hard working. The career also entails workingdo this both at home and at work. for long hours and to be fully focused on the end goal.63 | SCIENCE CAREERS SA

Prepare yourself Molebogeng Mogalanyane “for university, so that you have a |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 64 little bit of an understanding ”of the jargon and processesWHAT CHALLENGES DID YOUHAVE TO OVERCOME?The biggest challenge I faced was finding myvoice. Being in meetings with other professionalswhere I had to deliver the project cost reports wasa challenge not because I did not know my work,but because I wasn’t confident enough. I had agreat mentor, who showed me the ropes andhelped build my confidence within the industry.WhAT quAlIfICATIONSDO I NEED?To become a Quantity Surveyor, one musteither obtain a university degree in quantitysurveying or a B Tech in Quantity Surveying,upon completing a National Diploma in BuildingSciences. After completion of the qualification,one will be eligible to register with the SouthAfrican Council of Quantity Surveyors in orderto become a professional Quantity Surveyor.DOES ThE INDuSTRy (AND yOuRTypE Of pOSITION) ThAT yOu AREIN, fACE gENDER BIAS?The industry does not face gender bias; in factwomen are being encouraged to become part ofthe industry and to acquire the senior positions.However, it is still male dominated; therefore, weneed more females to join and help us make ourmark.IS CONTINuINg EDuCATIONAND fuRThER STuDIESIMpORTANT IN yOuRTypE Of CAREER?Definitely! In the world of construction andproperty development there is always newtechnologies and new ideas beingimplemented, especially with sustainabilitybeing such a high priority in the world. Onemust always be learning and implementingthe most sustainable ideas in the industry. ■

with Gopolang Motswaiareer?? Architect Career h Lectur&er |65 SCIENCE CAREERS SA

I enjoy being part of a team, working together toproblems that interfere with your ability to do bring bWHY DID YOUtheCtHhiOngOs tShaEt are important to you. It can uilding solutions to my community. I alsoTHIS CAREERa?lso prevent a problem or minimize its effects. enjoy visiting completed buildings that I haveIn 2001, I got anAdopvpicoertfuonriptyetoople considering this travel abroad. Mcyatrreaevre. l to Europe designed. That gives me a great sense of me, at Vaisyitoausnmgaangyed,iftfoerent occupational an advanced antdhevriabpryasnetttciongnstraassptossible, so that you of the built envircoanmexepnetr.ieAnnceidtheeavl ariety of services that tbhuailtdIinagspmiryedhotomtaphneiasocrcpotaipucroeinprettarruyctne,ainStiynootufofteshre. eThifisowccilul paaElstoXiogPniavEleRyoIEu NCE VS TRAINING? WUAfNrHicDAaE.TRTGROAI&NItturtWNehhhnweeedGHrraueearErnpdDagiyRirvrneIaeiDsgEdrmstu?,tll–yhoaautdttehoqesustaeruttecwttuorarweinoyirnokugrhand Practice makes permanent, My high school eydouuchaatvieotnohdaodis think out of twheorbkoxe!xperience in order to therefore, use your time diligently very little, if not any, built maximize the valuable education as you may be indirectly practicing environment relTaytepde of person that wouldyoeunjwoyill receive through experience bad habits which will be difficult to information. So tmhiystkrainindinogf caatreer? while giving an overview of the unlearn in the future. TUT had all the eAsssgeennteiariclsas it sounds, a persocnhwosheon field of study. Find an Architect and visit their needed to lay thgeefnouuinnedlyawtioannt.sIto make a difference. This office for a week during your completed my MmTayecnhotdbeegorenea world scale, bEutxperience – diligent and school holidays. in Architecture ioncc2u0p1a2tio. nal therapists can readlleyligbiveerate experience cements the YsdnteaOriawlytUepfgRueinrescsptoeiorcntpivrtoreav, iiwndihinneggt,hcteehrailcidthriiesnnetttghhhdwcreeuooitucrtphheaginaehtgiolowrnieoisnrkotrcfahyiaonluilnergntrgaaeninsditnpogrot. edsutce TYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT WHAT DOES WOULD ENJOY THIS KIND OF JOB ENTAIL? CAREER? OAAtosrfcffiahicriesltete+-cyctetSu,airItreegrsi+tvauenldediwaidnmecleshnnptpoosuotroisavbrcgreaechtantatoihdtnivcoceaTetlisdalUnsealik.sgscnTisal.doltesIceisscfdoua,rpbwealivetlleiiotnronygdawtlaootyhrwkleifoWYMrienar.OpkyaAhyhUltpisaemAheraHdromTis,tuAoe.lCnddDHeTAxOpLoLOsEuVrNeEGRpErCioSOr HMtoAEmV?yE A technical and creative person with community development ideologies. amlsyospmaareketihmoes.pYWitoahulandteeeqsduigaanlGisfriaicndaeti1o2nwsitdhoscI inenehNFceiionegdtaha?hnneadrcvienidngugmcaaytkisontnouwdsitleeusdd.gieesa. ble WHAT QUALIfICATIONS DO DESCRIBE ANmAatVhsE. TRhAis GmEayDvaAryYa?t differendatunrdinrgelmataybslteudsiuepsp. ort structure I NEED? A normal office day schedule would To be an Architect, you will need an M Tech / M Arch degree in Architecture. DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPE OF POSITION) THAT YOU ARE IN, FACE GENDER BIAS? include design and documentation 3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES Yes. The built environment is time in the office, meetings with THAT YOUR POSITION male dominated. I support and clients and other built environment REQUIRES? appreciate the involvement of consultants, site meetings and different genders in our work project progress inspections. So it’s environment. always handy to keep a formal Talent, patience and attitude are jacket and a hard hat in the car good combination skills and IS CONTINUING EDUCATION boot in order to be flexible between discipline. AND FURTHER STUDIES work spaces. Quality design, IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPE OF communication, CAREER? WHAT DO YOUUniEveNrsJiOtieYs, so it is best to conatancdt etaimche management skills. MOST? University. IN 1 SENTENCE, Yes. After completing your studies, it is advised that you I enjoy sharing mDyoeksnothweleIndgdeustry (and DESCRIBE YOUR JOB? keep on attending short courses and workshops to improve your your type of skills and knowledge systems in and informationpwoistihtitohne) that you are in, fIaacem a chief builder. the built environment industry. ■ students, on andgeonffdcearmbpiauss?. I also enjoy beingMpoarertwoofmaatnetahman, men chooseAtDo bVeIcCoEmeFOR PEOPLEhighlights? CONSIDERING THIS CAREER? working togetheorctcoupbartiinognal therapist. bccdseoouenmmsilisdgmpeinnleuoegtnfdesif.dtouTyllb.hufiIuatlmiaitolldgnseATcsIisisonnthafvurectrgetie.ceodossHnaenimejtemirothsas?iyylaeontihutvmugriIPisrpnsrheitotogaaaifntrevteutsgeaatdsoinuortyncsaibntCoiodyouyonnuaacnrinldYahrteodlioyrtgqfepuifhStquureuoeuirraduiroetrtteehfthmth.sietSaueurtsnndutetd.hywehilmal dridneitamenrudmmainime ymouurch to do continuing education activities every year in order to register yearly. SCIENCE CAREERS SA | 66

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Q&AWHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS Mpho TshisaphungoCAREER? can damage technology on earth and in WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOSTWhile I was doing my undergraduate degree space. Just like you may want to know what ABOUT YOUR JOB?(Bachelor of Science in Mathematics and the weather is going to be like in order toPhysics) at the University of Venda, I did not plan your day, there are others that need It is fascinating to see how dynamic the Sunknow what career opportunities lay ahead to know what the weather is like in space in can be on a day-to-day basis. Every day I learnfor me. It all began when I attended a space order to plan their day. something new in my quest to gain a deeperscience winter school at SANSA in Hermanus understanding of the nature of our Sun. Oneand never really left. Learning about space My job entails constantly monitoring solar thing is for sure, the sun is always full of sur-science and technology opened up a whole activity and preparing space weather fore- prises! As space weather is a fairly new field ofnew world for me, I was fascinated. During casts, warnings and alerts for government research, the work that I am doing is helpingthe winter school I engaged extensively with and private industry users. As Space Weather develop our knowledge of this field in Africathe SANSA researchers who recognised my Practitioner my main responsibility is coor- and the rest of the world. I also enjoy the op-potential and offered me an opportunity to dinating and managing the space weather portunities I get to travel around the globecontinue my studies at SANSA. I accepted centre and its activities as well as developing and learn from international space weatherand that was how my career in space weath- and maintaining relationships with space experts. Sometimes I get to visit places likeer began. weather clients. NASA and that is really amazing!WHAT FORMAL TRAINING DESCRIBE AN AVERAGE DAY WHAT ARE THE MOSTDID YOU UNDERGO, AND AT WORK? ENJOYABLE ASPECTS OFWHERE? YOUR CURRENT POSITION? I begin each day making sure the spaceThere isn’t really any formal training in South weather information display is up and run- Having the responsibility of organizing spaceAfrica in the field of space weather. When I ning and prepare a space weather bulletin weather courses and training programmes asjoined SANSA as a Space Weather Assistant, for the day. I look at various images of the well as meetings with some very interestingthey sent me to the Space Weather Services Sun to check any active regions that have the organisations in SA and around the world. Iin Australia for a month to be trained in this possibility of producing solar flares. The solar also enjoy leading some of the internationalfield. This gave me a lot of insight as to how wind data is also important to look at since project collaborations and making sure thata space weather centre operates and how to it has a direct influence on the Earth’s mag- the work I do contributes towards achievingdo my duties. netic field. I check the measurements of the SANSA’s goals. Earth’s magnetic field to see if there has beenWHAT EXACTLY DOES YOUR any disturbance. I also monitor radio wave WHAT IS THE LEASTJOB ENTAIL? propagation conditions for the use of high ENJOYABLE DUTIES OF frequency (HF) communication. This allows YOUR JOB?Every now and then we experience extreme users of HF communication to know the bestweather here on earth like hurricanes, tor- available time of communication. I enjoy the overall aspect of my job. If therenadoes and floods. In space there is another is anything that I don’t enjoy, it is the paperkind of extreme weather taking place on amuch larger scale known as space weather.Space is a really hostile place! Our Sun is con-stantly active and is the main driver of spaceweather, spewing out charged particles that68 | SCIENCE CAREERS SA

Q&Awork that comes with the responsibilities of Being dedicated to your work plays a vital Statistics or Computer Science. Be passionatethe job. It is very important to have docu- role in this position. about what you do and you will enjoy everyments signed for approval of the work you aspect of it.are implementing in this career. Sometimes Respect: In my career, and many others, youdocuments may have to be approved by sev- are always interacting with different people TYPE OF PERSONALITY THATeral personnel for you to get the job done. from different cultures and you need to treat WOULD SUITE AND ENJOY everyone you meet with equal respect. THIS KIND OF CAREER PATH?CAREER HIGHLIGHTS TO DATE? Team Work: working as a team is what space weather forecasters do on a daily basis. To enjoy working in space weather forecast-I have represented the South African National ing you need to be observant and be able toSpace Agency at the European Space WHAT DO YOU FEEL IS analyse what you see. The skills and qualitiesWeather Week conference for the past four MORE IMPORTANT IN YOUR that you develop within the space weatheryears (2011-2014). This is a great honour to PROFESSION, EXPERIENCE forecasting community include analyticalrepresent South Africa and an opportunity to OR TRAINING? and problem solving skills as well as excellentshowcase our potential and expertise to the communication skills and a deep under-rest of the world. Another highlight was being To progress in my profession it is very im- standing of physics. It is also important toselected as a member of the South African portant to further your studies and have the have a curious and enthusiastic nature!National working group for the Scientific highest qualifications. In this way, you areCommittee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics and able to contribute more to the company’s POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH -the Committee on Space Research. decision making process. WHERE CAN YOUR CURRENT POSITION LEAD ?3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 & 12THAT YOUR POSITION LEARNERS CONSIDERING There are a number of areas for progress asREQUIRES? THIS CAREER? a Space Weather Practitioner. You may want to focus more on space weather research orDedication: Space weather is a natural phe- Hard work always pays off! It is important you could move into a managerial position innomenon and extreme conditions can arise to always give your best and not to be afraid representing the space weather activities toat any time. When this happens, even on a of doing things a little differently as this government and policy makers. You can alsoSunday or during the Christmas holiday, you is how you stand out from the crowd. For become a chief specialist in a broader area ofneed to be ready to deal with the situation. learners who want to follow this career, a Space Science or an advisor. Physics course is required with Mathematics, SCIENCE CAREERS SA | 69

Q&A WithMICROBIOLOGISTWhy did you choose this career? Melendhran PillayI have always been passionate about the • Consult with medical personnel, physiciansdevelopment of scientific methods and and health departments to develop diagnosticmedical diagnostic assays for the programs that improve health outcomesinvestigation of human diseases such as • Apply for funding by writing research grantTB and HIV. A career as a Medical proposalsScientist allows me to be at the forefront of • Ongoing teaching and trainingpreventative care and treatment of human • Supervision of specialised testingdiseases. programmes, TB and HIV resistance testingWhat formal qualification did you Describe an average day?have to attain to enter into thisfield? • Monitoring of the Quality systems for all of the specialised molecular diagnostic tests employed inA minimum Bachelors of Medical Sciences the laboratory i.e both internal and external(Honours) followed by a comprehensive two controls, calibrations, threshold values etcyear internship in the relevant Pathology • Analyse and interpret laboratory data andDiscipline. Pursue a Masters in Science and make a reliable diagnosisa Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Medical • Report results onto Laboratory InformationSciences System (LIS) • Conduct research experimentsWhat does your job entail? • Teaching and training of University students, Registrars, Medical technicians and technologists• Develop new diagnostic tests for the • Present in Academic meetingstreatment and therapeutic management ofinfectious diseases such as TB and HIV. What do you enjoy most?Methods are currently being used routinelyfor disease diagnosis, for example HIV Making an accurate patientGenotyping, Line Probe Assays (TB) at the diagnosis in the shortest possibleNational Health Laboratory Service time.• Ongoing research and development ofnovel anti-TB /HIV drugs, understanding themolecular mechanism of Multi-drugresistance and host microbe interaction|70 SCIENCE CAREERS SA

What are the most enjoyable Is continuing education andaspects of your position? further studies important in this type of career?Teaching and Training YesTranslating research findings into patient What type of personality wouldhealth care suite this career?What is the least enjoyable part of Passion to help sick people. Someoneyour job? with patience and determination.Instrument downtime which places What qualifications do I need?diagnostic testing on hold. Undergraduate and Postgraduate.In 1 sentence, describe your University Degree with majors in pure andjob? medical science.Conduct research to determine the 3 important qualities thatmolecular mechanisms of human diseases your position requires?and implementation of new diagnostic testsaimed at improving overall human health. Perseverance, attention to details and proactive thinking.Career highlights? Advice for grade 11 and 12 learnersI commenced as an Intern Medical considering this career?Scientist in the Department of MedicalMicrobiology, NHLS, Inkosi Albert Luthuli Science is the foundation for humanCentral Hospital (IALCH). Qualified as a existence.Medical Scientist with full registration with Concentrate and excel in science subject.the HPCSA. Involved with the optimisationand development of TB diagnostic tests \"A career as a(LPA) and currently HIV Genotyping Medical Scientistassays (Department of Virology, NHLS, allows me to be atIALCH). Obtained a Masters in Medical the forefront ofScience and completing Doctoral Studies preventative carein medical sciences. and treatment of human diseases\"What challenges have you had toovercome?Financial challenges while studying atUniversity, and time management.Experience Vs Training?On-going training enhances expertise anddevelops experience. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 71

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QA& with Mandlakazi NtoyiWhy did you choose this career? What is the least enjoyable part of your job?In my Grade 11, we had a career exhibition in our school.From the information I got my options filtered down to The nature of the products we make requires that we be ateither do a Biology course or a Chemistry course as I felt I work very early as they are based time (half-life).was better suited for them. I made a decision to go into the Therefore waking up very early for the morning shift thatChemistry field rather than Biology in my Grade 12 year, starts at 6h30am especially in Winter is least enjoyable.biology had a lot of notes to memorise whereas withchemistry I found it more technical and problem solving. career highlights?I loved that about it and chose it. Maintaining a solid performance in my workplace whilstWhat training did you undergo, furthering my studies.and Where? 3 important qualities that yourAfter finishing my matric at Oxford International High position requires?School, I enrolled for National Diploma AnalyticalChemistry at Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Integrity, dedication and be a co-operative person.I have since been trained at Good Manufacturing Processesand Asceptic Processing at the University of Stellenbosch. in 1 sentence, describe your job?What does your job entail? Hands on work that requires concentration and love for science.As a chemical technologist my job entails working withina lab using complex lab instruments in order to quantify EXPERIENCE vs TRAINING?or test the quality of the product. I mainly work in theradio-pharmaceutical dispensing side and also do in Both are very important in this field. The trainingprocess quality tests. I am also involved in improving gives an overview of the whole industry whereas theand optimising of current processes and procedures. experience is very specific to the industry you in.describe an average day? advice for grade 11 and 12 learners considering this career?A day starts early in the morning. Basically checkingorders received and put into planning for manufacturing Do exceptionally well in your Mathematics and Science.and supply in collaboration with the administration work Stay focused; use all available resources to research thegroup and pharmacist. Wear personal protective field of interest as much as possible. Lastly in yourequipment. Prepare and dispense radiopharmaceutical Grade 12 year apply to your desired institution as earlyisotopes in a cleanroom. Performing in-process quality as possible.control tests. Completing all relevant quality assuranceand batch manufacturing records. WHAT ARE THE MOST ENJOYABLE ASPECTS OF YOUR POSIION?What do you enjoy most? I enjoy the satisfaction that comes with type of job I amKnowing the product has been successfully delivered doing. The mere fact that the little part I am involved in,to the hospitals because in essence that means patients in the whole system of production has a big impact onget a chance at being treated. the greater department of health of South Africa.|74 SCIENCE CAREERS SA

type of personALITY that Would enjoy Mandlakazi Ntoyithis kind of career? Chemical TechnologistSomeone with attention to detail, good communication skillsand someone who is able to reason in a pressurised “ Hands on workenvironment. that requires concentrationpotential for groWth - Where can and loveyour current position lead? for science”The potential for growth is endless. One needs to just applythemselves and always be willing to learn. My position canlead to a research and development position, production/qualitycontrol manager, regulatory affairs and many more.What challenges have you had toovercome?As much as I had background knowledge of nuclear chemistry,I had to learn the terminology of the industry (Nuclearindustry).What qualifications do i need?A National diploma Analytical Chemistry is the minimumqualification one can acquire but with the current competitivejob market a Btech Chemistry is much more desirable.What are your career goals?Continue learning the ins and outs of the pharmaceuticalindustry while furthering my studies inorder for me toeventually grow to more superior positions.DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPE OFPOSITION) THAT YOU ARE IN, FACE GENDERBIAS?No it does not. I have met all genders from school andalso in the continuing education and furtherstudies important in your type ofcareer?Very important as the industry keeps developing. The workthat we do keeps changing due to newer research and change inindustry regulations therefore one has to keep relevant bystudying further. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 75

with Lieutenant (SAN) Lindeka Lebea WHY DID YOU WHAT TRAINING DID YOU WHAT EXACTLY DOES YOUR CHOOSE THIS CAREER? UNDERGO, AND WHERE? JOB ENTAIL? Growing up, I used to watch I obtained a National Diploma in As an Assistant Marine Engineer on my father when he would fix Mechanical Engineering through board, my duties include being in his car at home. I enjoyed CPUT and have recently completed charge of the maintenance teams of being there to pass him the my BTech in Mechanical Engineering both the auxiliary and propulsion tools as he was busy. through UNISA and will be graduating machinery, maintenance planning,My love for mechanics developed at that in June 2018. After joining the SA Navy Damage Control Evolutions duringtime. While still at high school, we would in 2010, I integrated to being Marine fire-fighting or flood on board,hear that South Africa had a shortage of Engineering, as I work on board a ship. divisional duties, general engineeringfemale engineers. This fact encouraged I then obtained training in Occupational duties as detailed by the MEO, actingme. Being a girl, my family expected me Health & Safety (OHS) from the Military as the Engineering Officer’sto study Nursing however, for me my Health Services, completed both my Storekeeper and ensuring that theinterests were with the spanners, dirty Auxiliary and Engine-room Watch - ship adheres to the OHS Act andoveralls and oily hands. keeping qualifications. Regulations 85 of 1993.Assistant Marine Engineering OfficerSAS DRAKENSBERG |76 SCIENCE CAREERS SA

WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? 3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES \" We would hear THAT YOUR POSITION that SouthNothing gives me more satisfaction about REQUIRES? Africa had amy work than the part when we have shortage ofsuccessfully completed or repaired a major Eagerness to learn, femaledefect or breakdown in the Engine-room. hard-working and one must engineers.It just gives me a sense of accomplishment, be open minded This facta moment of pride. The teamwork that actually encouraged me”leads to such a moment, is the one that makes IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBEme prouder. This is because each breakdown YOUR JOB? WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DOor defect has its own merits, we hardly get I NEED?the same defect, it is always a new learning A dirty, exhausting but verycurve. I can proudly say that the best of the rewarding experience of a lifetime. One requires at least a Nationalbenefits is that I am surrounded by a team of Diploma in Mechanical/ Marineexperienced hard workers and that makes EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING: Engineering.working and learning easier because thetransfer of skills and knowledge is continuous. With experience, training becomes WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER easier and so it is actually helps GOALS? when you have a bit of an experience however, internal Yes, it is essential to further your training is provided within the studies when in this career because organization. some of the practices, like maintenance planning, environmental ADVICE FOR GRADE management and project 11 AND 12 LEARNERS management, only make sense once CONSIDERING THIS CAREER? you know the philosophy behind. I strongly encourage further studies. It is a very interesting career, rewarding with experience DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR however it is not for people TYPE OF POSITION) THAT YOU looking for handouts, it is for hard ARE IN, FACE GENDER BIAS? workers, inquisitive people who take initiative. When I first joined the ship I did come across such challenges however for WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE me, the only way to overcome such YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? was just by doing my work the correct way and not looking for favors or even The stereotypes against women validation from others. It is important to in engineering are the ones that stand your ground and work with your take the first place. That is hands to prove that you are capable followed by people thinking that and suitable. Women can do the job because I am a woman, I will not just like the men counterparts can. be willing to take charge and We may not be as physically strong as swing a spanner. they are but now we have power bars, cranes, hoisting equipment to help TYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT WOULD ENJOY THIS KIND OF where we cannot reach or carry. ■ CAREER? SCIENCE CAREERS SA | 77 A normal inquisitive and hard working person, will do. One must just be grounded and be willing to learn however not expect an office environment that is isolated but a person that knows that his/ her working environment is full of oil and exhaust gas fumes. A normal working day would be less spent in the office but most on your feet and in overalls, swinging a spanner and looking for effective ways to maintain machinery and keep the ship afloat.

with Dr Paul Franklyn Chemist Energy MaterialsWhy did you choose this career? Academic citizenship involves told me “It will not be possible completing administrative duties. because others have tried it, orI grew up in a house where my father was This includes science outreach something similar, before”. I alsoa scientist and so from a young age I learnt to the community, popularization enjoy the Eureka moment duringabout science, as it applies to all aspects of of science and designing or my teaching. This is when I seelife. Selecting a combination of Physics and maintaining the content of the the lights come on in a student,Chemistry came naturally to me when the courses I teach, to keep them as the work suddenly makeschoice needed to be made. It was then that topical and at the cutting edge. sense to them.I realised that Chemistry simply made Research is my favourite area.sense to me and that I relished the idea of It involves working with 3 important qualities thatworking on new materials. My choice of students from undergraduate your position requires?academia was a result of wanting to pursue through to doctoral. It alsomy own research interests. Not being involves me getting into the lab - Enthusiasm for science.bounded by the financial imperatives of and attempting to solve new - Imagination.a company. Essentially, I spent my youth problems. - Intellect – meaning bothdreaming of the impossible and wanting to I workuse my science background to make it a primarily intelligence and intellectualreality. Lecturing and researching gives me on energy curiosity.the opportunity to do just that, but also toattempt to inspire young students to realise materials “Science is alltheir dreams. Of course, having a healthy (those around you,dose of pyromania helped me make my materials all the time”choice. involved in collecting,What formal qualification did you creating orhave to attain? storing energy)Although I was able to take up a positionin the School of Chemistry at the and in myUniversity of the Witwatersrand with an lab, weMSc in Chemistry, I needed to obtain myPhD to be able to become a lecturer. I attemptobtained my MSc at Wits and my PhDfrom Cambridge University in England. to find materialsWhat does your job entail? that others Dr Paul FranklynThere are 3 aspects: lecturing, have notresearching and academic citizenship.During lecturing, I see my role as tried yet.teaching students to see beyond thebounds of the knowledge they have and What do you enjoy Experience vs Training?to learn to expect more of themselves. most?Through this process, they will hopefully Training gives the background fordevelop a hunger for investigating the I enjoy the Eureka moment! this work. Without adequateworld they live in. My greatest success is When I have an idea for a new education, you simply do not havewhen a student can see past the obvious research topic, seeing that idea the language (Scientific English orand starts to question and seek grow when a student “runs with it” Mathematics) to be able to explainunderstanding of the world around them. in the lab and positive results what you are seeing. However, start emanating. The pinnacle of experience gives you the insight this for me is the moment when to understand the work. Without an idea I have had works out, experience, your knowledge is of despite all the people who have... little use.|78 SCIENCE CAREERS SA

“My job is to makediscoveries that canchange the world.”In 1 sentence, describe your Dr Paul Franklynjob? Potential for growth - What are your career goals?My job is to train, educate and Where can your currentprepare the next generation of position lead? I have two broad goals. One is toMaterials Chemists and to use develop technologies and materialsmy research to make discoveries My future promotions would lead that will radically change thethat can change the world. to Associate Professor and then availability of energy and clean water Full Professor. After that and if I within Africa. My lifetime career goalWhat are the most enjoyable choose to go into management, is to prepare enough materials andaspects of your position? there are options of becoming a study them sufficiently, that I may be deputy dean of faculty or able to contribute an understandingI love the opportunity to work on ultimately of becoming a deputy of why mixed metal oxide materialsthings where I know that I am vice chancellor. If you choose to form in the way they of the first people ever to stay within science and not goget to see something. We are into management, the future can Does the industry (and yourliterally the first people ever to lead to development of type of position) that you arefind some of the materials we partnerships with companies in, face gender bias?make. This is a humbling both locally and internationallyexperience. Another is the or even lead to creating spin-off There are many females who workchance to be the “mad scientist” companies, based upon the in the Chemistry department.during outreach activities and to research that is happening However, due to health and safetycarry out demonstrations within my group. considerations, pregnant women areinvolving flashes and bangs and not allowed within the laboratory duealmost turn science into wizardry. What qualifications do I to potential risks to the baby. This need? intrinsically can hinder their career.Advice for grade 11 and 12 That been said, there is nothing inlearners considering this Depending on how far you want the career path that will hinder thecareer? to go, you can stop at a BSc with progression of any gender. Chemistry or BSc Honours.ThisWork hard at all your subjects will allow you to work as a Is continuing education andand remain diverse. You have to technician in the laboratories. further studies important incultivate a sincere interest and a Adding an MSc allows you to your type of career?passion for the work. It will become a Junior Lecturer,whilerequire many years of study and you continue to head towards your Absolutely and your continuingdedicated work. In addition, you PhD. Only once you have a PhD or education does not end when youneed to develop a passion for a DSc, can you become a lecturer get your degree. Virtually every dayscience, which means you need in full. I am learning something new. ■to realize that science is allaround you, all the time.Type of personality thatwould enjoy this kind ofcareer?Someone who is curious andwants to find answers. A personwho is self-driven and notmotivated by an external rewardor their paycheck. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 79

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w with KSeelgeofmeottsswoe ti hCivilEngineer

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE describe An AverAge dAyTHIS CAREER? • EARLY MORNING: ADMINISTRATION WITH EMAIL CATCH-UPA career in Civil Engineering • TWICE PER WEEK I DO A CLINIC WHERE I SEE PATIENTS FOR THEcenters on many aspects ofservice delivery, like provision MORNINGof infrastructure, water, roads, • TEACHING OF MEDICAL STUDENTS: TUTORIALSetc. I chose the career because • TEACHING WARD ROUNDS WITH THE POSTGRADUATE PAEDIATRICI am more interested in makinga difference in society by serving TRAINEESothers. When I see people’s • MEETINGS: ONE OR TWO PER DAYlives improved, I get fulfilled. • ONCE PER MONTH I VISIT ONE OF THE HOSPITALS IN THE PROVINCESecondly, I get to see the finishedproject and the purpose it was TO MEET WITH THE STAFF AND DISCUSS ISSUES AROUND: SERVICES,initiated. This confirms that TEACHING AND AREAS THAT NEED IMPROVEMENT.needs are being met. • AFTERNOON: MORE ADMINISTRATION AND RESEARCH AFTERNOON TWICE PER WEEK.WHAT TRAINING DIDYOU UNDERGO, AND CAREER HIGHLIGHTS? POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH-WHERE? WHERE CAN YOUR I started my professional career CURRENT POSITION LEAD?I obtained my Bachelors in 2002 at the then DepartmentDegree, BSc Eng (Civil), at of Water Affairs and Forestry My advice is for the learner to beWits University in 2002; and where my department undertook intimate with their career choice.I am further registered as a a betterment project internally You must start researching andProfessional Engineer with and not through external knowing more about the field ofthe Engineering Council of consultants. It was initially your choice before completingSouth Africa. doubted that our team would Grade 11. Do not leave any stone complete the project, especially unturned in pursuit of theWHAT DOES YOUR JOB as the government department, knowledge of your career choice.ENTAIL? but because we were determined Where possible interact with and willing to work hard we professionals in that field. When inI currently work as a Project completed the project within cost, Grade 12, you must then be sureEngineer, and my job entails : on time and with the right what the profession of your choice1) Managing implementation quality. I was fortunate to entails in detail, and start being that complete the section I was engineer or professional whilst of engineering of projects assigned to quicker and ended up you’re about to embark on an in accordance to defined helping other colleagues with their academic journey to collect the scope of services and projects. official certification or degree specifications. through varsity training.2) Managing professional ADVICE FOR PEOPLE service provider to ensure CONSIDERING THIS WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER delivery of the project on CAREER? GOALS? time and within budget.3) During construction, I am My advice is for the learner to My career goals is to start my based full time on site to be intimate with their career own company where I could monitor construction and choice. You must start employ young people and act as the Employer’s researching and knowing more contribute towards affording representative, to ensure about the field of your choice opportunities to train learners successful implementation before completing Grade 11. Do who need experiential training. of the project. not leave any stone unturned in pursuit of the knowledge of EXPERIENCE VS. TRAINING?WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? your career choice. WhereI enjoy the outdoor nature of my possible interact with Yes, I think I will always be awork as I do not like to spend professionals in that field. student. The nice thing aboutmuch time in the office; I like to When in Grade 12, you must medicine is there are changesbe where activities are taking then be sure what the profession all the time so you areplace. I have lots of fun when of your choice entails in detail, continuously learning and beingdoing inspections on the project and start being that engineer or introduced to new techniquesor the site walks with professional whilst you’re about and knowledge. ■management. The joy is more to embark on an academicon seeing the development of journey to collect the officiala project right from the beginning certification or degreewhere there’s nothing, up to its throughvarsity training.completion. It’s the refreshingside of the profession. \"As this is one of the fields classified as “scarce skills\",IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBEYOUR JOB? you could be employed inManagement of Projects to ensure many sectors”the project is completed on time,within the budget(cost), with theright quality and is fit for purpose.

Prowith Prof Yusuf Osman Why DID yOu WhAT TRAININg DID yOu DESCRIBE AN AVERAgE DAy? ChOOSE ThIS CAREER? uNDERgO, AND WhERE? To ensure all the patients have been Prosthodontics is a specialty of The basic training after matric is screened and to attend to staff/ Dentistry. You first have to be a Dentistry and the degree is a B. ChD patient inquiries or problems which dentist with some general practice and takes five years followed by a may arise on the day. Treat patient's experience before you specialize. year of Community service. It was main complaints which areThere are six specialties in Dentistry but preferable for me to then do some extractions, draining of abscess,Prosthodontics was the most appealing to me. general dentistry for at least 2 years. treatment of dry sockets, emergencyThe name means \"false teeth\" and the specialty I then qualified as a Dentist at UWC root canal treatment, and immediateinvolves replacing parts of a tooth, the whole tooth, and was among the first class that denture treatment.and even all the teeth. The reason I choose this graduated. Thereafter, four years’specialty is because I saw how people's lives are full time (UWC) specialist trainingchanged by just \"fixing\" their smiles. (M. ChD) as a Prosthodontist.Prosthodontist tre |84 SCIENCE CAREERS SA83

oudly Sponsored byWhAT DO yOu ENjOy MOST? Responsiveness: This type of work Sometimes is expensive and out of the reach of especially forBeing able to help people Often when most patients and therefore you need young people ifpeople come to a Prosthodontist, they to use service as many people as you can offerare desperate and have had numerous much of the time. them the optionattempts at saving their teeth. Being Team player: Prosthodontics is to keep theirable to help these patients is very especially reliant on a team own teeth rathergratifying. approach. You need the Oral than go to false Hygienist, the Dental Technician teeth they are3 IMpORTANT quAlITIES and Dental Assistant and the general even gratefulThAT yOuR pOSITION dentist to provide the optimal care because there isREquIRES? for the patient. nothing betterEmpathy: You are the last resort for IN 1 SENTENCE, ”than your ownmost patients and therefore need to DESCRIBE yOuR jOB? teeth.understand their predicament. A natural smile for life. IS CONTINUING EDUCATION AND FURTHER STUDIES IMPORTANT EXpERIENCE VS TRAININg: IN YOUR TYPE OF CAREER? Training is the cornerstone of the Yes. Life would be boring if you stopped profession. This is the fall back learning. You have to challenge yourself. position whenever challenged in President Mandela once said \"I have practice. Experience is gained over climbed this mountain, now I have to climb time and builds on the training that the next one\".Also for on-going registration you received. with the Health Professions Council of South Africa you have to get at least 30 ADVICE fOR gRADE points of on-going learning per year. 11AND 12 lEARNERS CONSIDERINg ThIS DOES ThE INDuSTRy (AND yOuR CAREER? TypE Of pOSITION) ThAT yOu ARE IN, fACE gENDER BIAS? Work hard. In life whatever you do you need the right attitude and if Yes, previously the whole Dentistry you are committed to assisting profession was dominated by White, males people work at it and you will however over the years this has changed. receive the rewards. The saying is Our classes now are 50/50 or even more \"Attitude will give you Altitude\". females. ■ WhAT ChAllENgES hAVE yOu hAD TO OVERCOME? |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 85 Sometimes people expect the impossible. With aging comes certain natural changes and some people expect you to restore them to what they looked like when they were 20 years old. However, with good explanations they understand the limitations of the specialty. WhAT quAlIfICATIONS DO I NEED? The same as the qualification to enter Dentistry as that is the only way to become a Prosthodontist.

with Oupa MalahlelaRemote SensingScientist Oupa Malahlela Why did you choose this career?|86 SCIENCE CAREERS SA I chose the career due to the increasing demand of scientists in South Africa. I have always been fascinated by nature and technology alike, and have always sought ways to integrate the two. My field allows for that integration. What training did you undergo, and where? I have obtained my Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree in Environmental Science from the University of Limpopo in 2008, and went to the University of KwaZulu-Natal to study for a Master degree in Geography specializing in remote sensing. I have accomplished internship training with the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research’s former Satellite Applications Center in 2010 to enable me to be where I am today. What does your job entail? My job entails formulating scientific problems regarding my field, processing satellite images as well as engaging with various government organs such as the Department of Water and Sanitation. I am directly involved in processing satellite images so as to derive information regarding the status of our surface water bodies (rivers, dams, lakes, ponds etc) as regards quantity and the quality of water in them. This is done on a national scale. In addition, I do reach out to school learners to explain what I do to in the office.

“You don’t need to be Einstein to be a ”scientist. The world needs you!Describe an average day? Experience vs Training? Potential for growth - Where can yourDownloading satellite images, Proper training is essential for current position lead?processing them, and manipulating the work I do. Advance coursesthem. My average day involves are critical to keep up with the This position may lead me to beintense data processing. changing global trends. Of course one of the well-known scientists in the more experienced you are the country and in the world. OtherWhat are the most the better chances are for you to than being a manager I can alsoenjoyable aspects accomplish the job with minimal be an ambassador for water issuesof your position? effort. globally.The fact that one does the work Advice for grade What qualifications do I need?equivalent to someone in America, 11 and 12 learners MSc Geography, Geo-Information,Japan, China etc. The second most considering this Remote Sensing, Environmentalimportant thing is that I deal with career? Science or related fields.binary data, which cannot go onstrike on complain beyond what I can Do not be doubtful of yourself. Do Does the Industry (andtolerate. not let your background hinder your type of position) your passion in remote sensing. that you are in, faceWhat is the least You don’t need to be Einstein to gender bias?enjoyable part be a scientist. The world needsof your job? you. Consider studying maths and No, at all. However, we lack science if you want to be a remote females in this industry. There areThe fact that one is expected to do so sensing scientist. a few females than males and wemuch with so little funding available. need females. Type of person that3 important qualities would enjoy this Is continuingthat your position kind of career? education and furtherrequires? studies important in Innovative, honest, hungry, and your type of career?Perseverance, Love, Understanding enthusiastic. If you are merely satisfied by minimum outcomes, Yes it is. If you are static, theIn 1 sentence, describe then you may find it difficult conventional knowledge becomesyour job? surviving in this field. Have an urge to do more. obsolete. ■Using satellites to monitor earth’snatural resources |SCIENCE CAREERS SA 87

The»South»African»MeerKAT»radio» SOUTH AFRICA’S telescope,»currently»being»built» MeerKATsome»90»km»north-west»of»the»small»Northern»Cape»town»of»Carnarvon,»is» RADIO TELESCOPEa»precursor»to»the»Square»Kilometre» Array»(SKA)»telescope»and»will»be» integrated»into»the»mid-frequency» component»of»SKA»Phase»1.»The» SKA»Project»is»an»international» enterprise»to»build»the»largest»and»most»sensitive»radio»telescope»in»the» world,»and»will»be»located»in»Africa» and»Australia.TIMELINE FOR MeerKAT CONSTRUCTION March QUOTATION June End 2014 2016 2017First antenna 16 antenna 64 antenna array installed array ready ready to do scienceLOCAL PARTICIPATION IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF MeerKAT »»The antenna positioner is made up of the 13.5 m effective diameter main reflector, and a 3.8 m diameter sub-reflector. In this design,Stratosat Datacom (Pty) Ltd, the contractor for the design, referred to as an ‘Offset Gregorian’ optical layout, there are nomanufacturing and acceptance of the MeerKAT Antenna struts in the way to block or interrupt incoming electromagneticPositioner, leads a technology consortium including international signals. This ensures excellent optical performance, sensitivitypartners General Dynamics Satcom (GDSatcom, USA) and Vertex and imaging quality, as well as good rejection of unwanted radioAntennentechnik (Germany). frequency interference from orbiting satellites and terrestrial radio transmitters. It also enables the installation of multipleAt least 75% of the contract value will be spent in South Africa receiver systems in the primary and secondary focal areas, andresulting in most of the MeerKAT antenna components being provides a number of other operational advantages. »»The combined surface accuracy of the two reflectors is extremelymanufactured in South Africa. high with a deviation from the ideal shape being no more than 0.6Key local suppliers include Efficient Engineering (pedestals and mm RMS (root mean square). The main reflector surface is madeyokes); Titanus slew Rings (azimuth bearing), Tricom Structures and up of 40 aluminium panels mounted on a steel support framework.Namaqua Engineering (back-up structure), Westarcor Engineering »»This framework is mounted on top of a yoke, which is in turnProfiling (receiver indexer); and Stratosat (reflectors). mounted on top of a pedestal. The combined height of theMeerKAT’s MAKE-UP pedestal and yoke is just over 8 m. The height of the total structure is 19.5 m, and it weighs 42 tons. »»The pedestal houses the antenna’s pointing control system.»»The MeerKAT telescope will be an array of 64 interlinked »»Mounted at the top of the pedestal, beneath the yoke, are an receptors (a receptor is the complete antenna structure, withthe main reflector, sub-reflector and all receivers, digitisers and azimuth drive and a geared azimuth bearing, which allow theother electronics installed). main and sub-reflectors, together with the receiver indexer, to»»The configuration (placement) of the receptors is determined by be rotated horizontally. The yoke houses the azimuth wrap, which guides all the cables when the antenna is rotated, and preventsthe science objectives of the telescope.»»48 of the receptors are concentrated in the core area which is them from becoming entangled or damaged. The structure allows an observation elevation range from 15 to 88 degrees, and an approximately 1 km in diameter. azimuth range from -185 degrees to +275 degrees, where north is at zero degrees.»»The longest distance between any two receptors (the so-called maximum baseline) is 8 km. »»The steerable antenna positioner can point the main reflector»»Each MeerKAT receptor consists of three main components: very accurately, to within 5 arcseconds (1.4 thousandths of a1. The antenna positioner, which is a steerable dish on a pedestal; degree) under low-wind and night-time observing conditions,2. A set of radio receivers; and to within 25 arcseconds (7 thousandths of a degree) during3. A set of associated digitisers. normal operational conditions.CONTACT US:SKA SA, 3rd Floor, The Park, Park RoadPinelands, Cape Town, 7405Tel: +27 (0) 21

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