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Home Explore KwaZulu Natal 2017 issue

KwaZulu Natal 2017 issue

Published by Charlton Peters, 2017-04-21 15:45:08

Description: South Africa's Leading Science Careers Magazine.
Distributed to every grade 11 and 12 learner via school principals, life orientation, mathematics and science educators at schools across the entire KwaZulu Natal province.
Quintiles 1-5.

Keywords: science,careers,further education,learning,career options,technology,dst,department,sansa,ska,schools


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KwaZulu Natal Issue 2017 MeerKAT joins the ranks of the world’s great scientific instrumentsThandile Vuntuinspires all...

Why Invest in Space OUR IMPACT is derived from our national capacity, experienceand expertise in space science and technology through six thematic focus areas:• Earth Observation - SANSA collects, assimilates and disseminates navigation systems on Earth and in space. SANSA operates the Earth observation data to support South Africa’s policy making, Space Weather Regional Warning Centre for Africa, providing economic growth and sustainable development initiatives. Earth forecasts and warnings on space weather conditions. Extreme observation data is used for human settlement growth mapping, space weather may impact technological systems such as infrastructure monitoring, as well as disaster and water resource satellites, power grids, avionics and radio communication. management. Earth observation satellite data contributes to • Space Engineering – SANSA aims to provide access to state-of- monitoring environmental variables in the water cycle such as the-art satellite assembly, integration and testing services, as well water quantity, quality, soil erosion and vegetative health which as satellite systems coordination and development, to ensure ensures water safety and security for the country. an environment conducive to industrial participation in satellite programmes.• Space Operations - SANSA provides global competitive space • Human Capital Development - SANSA aims to advance human operations and applications, tracking, telemetry and command capital development to grow the knowledge economy and services while managing ground stations for international clients. create awareness about opportunities in engineering, science and Space Operations provides world class launch support for space technology. This is achieved through scarce skills development, missions (from Earth into our solar system) and ensures satellites summer and winter schools, the supervision of MSc and PhD are continuously monitored when they are travelling over African students, and teaching at partner universities. skies. • Science Advancement and Public Engagement - SANSA promotes science advancement and public engagement through• Space Science - SANSA conducts cutting edge space science participation in national science awareness events and through research, development and magnetic technology innovation. using the fascination of space to drive a greater uptake of studies Space science research is vital for gaining a deeper understanding in science, maths, engineering and technology. of our space environment in order to protect essential infrastructure such as power grids and communication and

SANSA SANSA monitors provides state- the Earth’s magnetic of-the-art ground field and space weather station facilities and services including storms to assist insatellite tracking, launch protecting technology support, mission on Earth and in space. control and space navigation. Satellite imagery helps manage food and water security as well as natural disasters on Earth like floods, droughts and fires.In a country faced with numerous challenges in in space. Government, industry and academia also rely on spacehousing, crime, poverty and the provision of basic data to deliver on their priorities through the creation of appliednecessities, you may ask why invest in space? knowledge, products and services. The answer is clear. SANSA provides value-added products and services that are utilised in both space and non-space applications. Space informationSpace investment is essential enables everyday decision making at all levels of society. SANSA has for economic sustainability contributed towards goals within the National Development Plan (NDP) and the goals of the Department of Science and Technology and development! (DST) by delivering products and services to its stakeholders and the public.Without space applications we would not be able to mitigatedisasters or effectively manage our resources such as water, food, land South Africa’s next earth observation satellite is an example of one ofand housing. Mobile phones, internet, GPS, ATMs, meteorological these deliverables and is also one of the incredible opportunities toforecasting and safe land and sea travel all rely on satellites positioned showcase the importance of investment in space science, engineering and technology and for South Africa to take its place in the global space arena. @SANSA7 South African National Space Agency South African National Space Agency Enterprise Building, Mark Shuttleworth Street, Innovtion Hub, Pretoria, 0087 T: 012 844 0500 | F: 012 844 0396 | [email protected] |

THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DECISION YOU WILLEVER MAKE IN YOUR LIFE.Choosing a university is a huge decision, in what makes or breaks your future. Choose a university that boasts a world-class reputation as a member of the International Association of Universities and the Commonwealth Universities. ADUT qualification is internationally recognised, putting you immediately ahead of the pack in the working world.YOUR FIRST YEAR COULD BE 100% FREE.If you’re a top National Senior Certificate matriculant who has obtained an aggregate of 80% or higher. Or if you arethe number one matriculant in your school, you could qualify for a 100% remission of tuition fees for the first year ofstudy. Furthermore, we offer a 50% remission of tuition fees for B aggregate students for the first year of their study.The NSFAS financial aid package is also available to students who qualify for funding assistance.Contact 0860 067 327 for more information on how to obtain a NSFAS loan.DUT GRADUATES ARE IMMEDIATELY EMPLOYABLE.Graduates are readily employable in a competitive working environment thanks to both a theoretical and experientialcomponents in our qualifications, unique to DUT.We attract top students with the ability to be forward thinkers, progressively challenging accepted trends and carvinginternational niches for themselves in the technological world of today.The Faculties of Sciences offer a wide range of programmes, with qualifications ranging from the healthcare sector toPure and Applied Sciences.Our qualifications range from the under graduate three year National Diploma to post graduate, Bachelor’s, Masters’and Doctoral Degrees in Technology.

5REASONSWHYDUTSHOULDBE YOURFIRSTCHOICE.1. We have six Faculties and deliver 69 academic courses designed to make you employable, delivered across five campuses in Durban, and two in the Midlands.2. We offer internationally recognised undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications, which have consistently produced award-wining students for over a century.3. We offer Work Integrated Learning (WIL) in nearly every course. In many cases, this includes spending time in the industry as an intern.4. We have 3 000 staff members, 1 200 of whom are academic staff members, many with Doctoral qualifications and Professorship. A Masters degree is the minimum standard qualification for a full-time lecturer.5. At DUT it’s about you reaching your full potential. We believe in a student-centred education. Educate students, generate new scientific knowledge and engage communities.


OUR TEAM PUblishER: CHARLTON PETERS EdiTOR in ChiEf: LAURA CUPIDO ART diRECTOR: DONOVAN VAN ZYL ADVERTISING dEsiGn: ACCOUnTs: SABRINA VAN ZYL disTRibUTiOn: PROdUCTiOn: CHARLTON PETERS CONTRIBUTORS: Science Careers SA (Pty) Ltd • Tel 21 821 8185/95 • Cell 063 240 299 • Fax: 086 605 4912 • Email: [email protected] article or any part of any article may be reproduced without prior written permission of the publishers. The informationprovided and opinions expressed in this publication are provided in good faith but do not necessarily represent the opinions of thispublication, the publisher or the editor. Neither this magazine, the publisher nor the editor can be heldlegally liable in any way for damages of any kind whatsoever arisingdirectlyorindirectlyfromanyfactsorinformation providedoromittedinthese pages,orfromanystatementsmadeorwithheldbythispublication.ScienceCareersSA Magazine is published byScience Careers SA (PTY) LTD. All material contained herein, theconcept,theideaandall intellectualrightsarethesoleownershipandunder copy rightofScienceCareersSA(PTY) LTD, andmaynotbecopiedor reproducedinanyway. | SCIENCE CAREERS SA

Get your foundations right! Start building your future now! DID YOU KNOW?Matric Science is a three-year course... it already starts in Grade 10 !!Quick, go download your FREE COPY of Science Clinic’s Grade 10 Smart Prep Book!Each Smart 1 Summaries and breakdowns of core Physics and Chemistry. Prep Book 2 Exam questions and extensive memo’s for Physics and Chemistry. contains: 3 BONUS VIDEOS: tutorials for all the exam questions in the book! 4 BONUS MATHS: essentials to survive your Grade 10 Science!Go to to download a free copy of the Gr10 Smart Prep Book. Grade 11 and 12 webinars coming soon! THE ESSENTIALS

Jason Slaverse IT Intern Square Kilometre Array| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

“Every problem has a Solution”Jason Slaverse sports a curly Q2: How do you define success? Q5: Were you prepared for how look and t-shirt. different the type of work The 21-year-old IT intern from a: and workload is now in Carnarvon, Northern Cape is part comparison to school, and of the IT department at the Square Success is a result of hard work. how you have had to cope Kilometre Array South Africa (SKA What you put in, you will get out. and adjust to it? SA) based in the Western Cape. If you work hard, then you will a: The Square Kilometre Array (SKA) end up being successful. Prior to this, I was studying is a large multi radio telescope for two years. So at first, everything project aimed to be built in Q3: Far away from family support, seems a bit different and I had to Australia and South Africa. is it daunting to face the adapt to this specific working changes in lifestyle and study environment. In the beginning, I Slaverse attended high school in worik. quickly realised that being an intern Carnarvon. After completing high at SKA SA is hard work. But now I school, he received a bursary from a: am accustomed to it and I find it SKA SA and went on to study for kind of nice working in an IT the next two years. Thereafter, he Yes, it is, but I believe one has to department. received an internship at SKA SA, evolve and embrace your which was a great opportunity and surroundings in order to reach Q6: Advice for grade 11 and 12 he therefore grabbed it with both success in your future. So being far learners considering this hands. Today, he’s really glad that away from my family actually career? he made that decision to go into IT, motivates me to work harder and because this is the type of work he smarter every day. a: really enjoys doing. Q4: How do you find the courage Working in IT is a lot of work. You His plan: to become an A-class within yourself to get through need to have a passion for what international IT expert: “There is the new challenges you face you are doing. IT is an awesome no limit on how I can grow in my daily, and not allow self- career and you always have to be career, based on merit.” doubt to creep in? up to date with the latest technology. If you are considering Q1: What is your greatest a: going into IT, you have to work achievement to date? hard, give it your best and it will Some days you will get challenges all pay off in the end. a: that are hard to overcome, but with every problem there is a solution. Being an intern at SKA SA is one The harder the problem, the better of my greatest achievements to you become at your job. date, because I’ve learned a lot since the first day I started working here. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

InspirationalThandile VuntuThandile Vuntu is 29 years old He hopes to encourage the youth to It is very challenging but I grew up consider pursuing a career in space believing that independence is the and from Hermanus. He is science or engineering. greatest way to grow as a person. currently working at SANSA as From time to time we meet an Educator with the Science \" I am always excited to have different people along the road Advancement team. the opportunity to travel to and those people have different areas where I know that characteristics and also bring He obtained his BSc in Chemical there is a great need for people different influences into your life. It like myself to give guidance to is always important to stay true to Science from the University of the learners, especially in the your values and not be shaken by Western Cape and is currently disadvantaged communities anyone. Our lives are always enrolled for a postgraduate and schools. I enjoy changing but it is important to certificate in Science Communication encouraging learners to work differentiate between right and at Stellenbosch University. He hard and to believe in wrong and to stay focused on your always wanted to be a mentor or themselves. Anything is goals. role model to younger learners possible as long as you put because this is something he had your mind to it and never Q3: IF YOU COULD SIT DOWN wished for while growing up. In his give up! last few years of high school he WITH THE YOUNG YOU AS would visit SANSA, which was then Q1: WHAT IS YOUR GREATEST HE WAS ABOUT TO BEGIN known as the Hermanus Magnetic ACHIEVEMENT TO DATE? MATRIC, WHAT WOULD Observatory, for extra classes in Obtaining my BSc and working for YOU SAY TO HIM? Mathematics and Physical Science. SANSA in Hermanus are my greatest achievement so far. I also really enjoy Make sure you study hard Through his interaction with the being able to go out to schools and at university to ensure you get scientist and engineers who worked be an ambassador for SANSA.There good grades. Put together a plan at SANSA he became very is a saying that charity begins at on what you would like to do once interested in science and technology home, so it always gives me joy you have finished your studies and and thus decided to study Chemical knowing that within my area I am set clear goals for your future. Science. After finishing his degree able to give back to my community he was very fortunate to become a and motivate the future generation. Q4: ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 volunteer at SANSA through the SAASTA program in 2014. Q2: FAR AWAY FROM FAMILY AND 12 LEARNERS Through hard work and dedication SUPPORT, IS IT DAUNTING CONSIDERING THIS he then got a permanent post at TO FACE THE IN CAREER? SANSA in 2015 in the same LIFESTYLE AND STUDY department in which he was a WORK? Space Science is becoming very volunteer. Thandile's current job popular amongst South African entails educating learners about learners.The South African space space science and technology sector is growing quickly so now is through practical activities the perfect time to choose a career linked to the school curriculum. in the space science and technology sector.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA


WHY YOU SHOULD STUDYScience is Here are our top reasons in order to sustain the growing global amazing! It is for getting your nerd on: population. We are running out of fossilalso one of the fuels which are critical to the efficiency oftoughest subjects 1Be a modern-day hero: The single our industry, farming and supply school. greatest reason why we should Fresh water is becoming increasinglyScience-y careers study Science, is to ensure humanity’s scarce, with many of the world’s greatestare diverse and sustainable survival on earth! Ecosystems rivers no longer running into the sea.exciting, but are in crisis mode, the planetary weather Diseases are becoming increasinglyrequire years system is changing rapidly, and humanity resistant to antibiotics. The air in manyof vigorous is failing to coexist in harmony with Indian and Chinese cities are verging onacademic other species. World food production unbreathable. The Great Pacific Garbagecommitment. If has to double in the next thirty years,it’s so hard toget somewherewith Science,why should youstudy it?| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

Patch has become an unfathomable 3Be adventurous: Science gets Visit online crowd funding platformsmass of floating junk that is destroying you places! I can only speak from such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo,our oceans. The use of fossil fuels my experience - my engineering and appraise the exciting Science-yis polluting our air and adding to the background, which is firmly rooted in inventions that are being funded.Greenhouse effect. Science, has opened a door to great The tech scene is mushrooming with adventure and exploration. I have skunkworks and hackathons that areBefore you despair, there is a silver worked on four continents and have creating radical innovations. It is anlining: every one of these problems can been exposed to a diversity of incredible exciting time to be part of Science andbe improved, and even solved, through experiences that a ‘normal’ office job Technology, and if you want to be at theScience! If you are passionately would never allow. Would you like to cusp of making cool things that make aconcerned about this Planet and about work in jungles? Study Natural Sciences. big difference, study Science!a healthy future for Humanity, get stuck A life of studying volcanoes or auroras,into your Science studies and aim for a perhaps? Study geosciences. Would you 6Be a modern-day hero (#2): SouthScience-y career that will equip you to like to ply you mind to solving massive Africa has a growing deficit of expertmake a difference! problems and driving innovation? Study Science teachers. If you are passionate engineering! Would you like to work with about Science, and passionate about2Be smart: The study of Science killer whales? Study zoology! making a difference, teaching is a encourages problem-solving massively rewarding career path thattenacity that helps you to understand Science-y careers and research is becoming increasingly lucrative.the world around you. I have always allow you visit places that would not Remember, supply and demand dictateexplained to my students that Science be accessible through other fields going rates - if there are fewer expertilluminates one’s path, and that going of study. Whether you want to go to Science teachers around, the demandthrough life without Science is similar Antarctica or to outer space, Science for expertise leads to increased driving your car along dark roads - is the way to get there. Become a Science teacher, a thoughtyour headlights might light your way leader and a role model!forward, but they don’t illuminate the 4Diversity and flexibility: Fromworld around you. You travel onwards dentistry to plasma physics, 7Wealth: More than a fifth of thewithout ever understanding the context Science-y careers offer vast planet’s wealthiest people on theof your journey. opportunities for professional career Forbes 2015 list studied an engineering development and diversification. degree, according to a recent survey byStudying Science makes you Engineers are welcomed into the the Approved Index platform. A quartercomfortable with the unknown, and financial sector, due to their problem- of the Forbes top-hundred have Sciencegives you the confidence to say: “I solving ability and analytical way of as a foundation for their work.don’t know the answers, but I will find thinking. Many academic physicistsout!” Science is gracious to naivety teach, perform ground-breaking 8Discovery: Science research isbut does not condone the apathy of research and consult private clients a field that allows you to discoverindifference: it allows you to say “I in the same work week. Medical the unknown. The deep oceans aredon’t know, but I want to find out”, but professionals diversify into the legal field unexplored, nanotechnology anddoes not tolerate the attitude of “I don’t to become patent attorneys or medical photonic crystals have so many secrets,know and I don’t care”. lawyers. However on the flip side, it’s and we’re still not sure whether there is rare for a professional with a ‘non- any form of life outside near-earth space.Science is highly structured, but Science-y’ background to bridge into the Imagine being the person that publisheswelcomes change - it constantly Science-based career fields. a peer-reviewed article to tell the worldadjusts its views based on what is about a brand new discovery, or a newobserved. This approach teaches you 5Inventions: Science-y careers revelation in our understanding, or a life-to evolve your thinking by constantly create an intellectual and business altering breakthrough in technology.testing and investigating information, environment that is conducive towhich makes you a well-rounded problem solving and invention. Look This is a call to action for young history-human being and empowers you at all the exciting inventions of the last makers, and for a new wave of heroes towith an ethical approach to others: it twenty years that have completely save this world and make a difference. Ienables you to discern the difference transformed our lifestyles. The Internet,between your opinions, facts, and the everyday use of GPS, mobile encourage you to become part of it! ■to acknowledge the opinions and phone technology, PC’ and touch-beliefs of others without immediately screen displays are but a few. This James Hayes Founder – Science Clinicaccepting or rejecting them. technological progress was made possible due to Science. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

21stArtisanWhy STuDy AT A puBlIC situated, providing accessibility to Annually prospective students fromTVET COllEgE? satisfy the immediate need for skills and further training. Artisan skills various provinces flood the gates of“It definitely is cool to be a 21st training are one of the ways that these colleges to experience all theCentury Artisan” – These words were can improve the socio-economic different courses the TVET Collegesspoken by the Deputy Minister environment of the community that have to offer.Mduduzi Manana of the Department the potential students are a part of.of Higher Education and Training Students, who are not able to study(DHET) during the opening ceremony There are 50 Public TVET Colleges due to financial constraints, now haveof the WorldSkills SA National in South Africa and six in the the opportunity to apply for financialCompetition which was held in early Western Cape that assist with the assistance, if they meet the criteria2017 in Durban. The Technical development of skills. The DHET’s as set out by DHET and the bursaryVocational Education and Training announcement of the “Decade of funder. Those who wish to apply for(TVET) Colleges are seen as the the Artisan” has been an initiative a bursary must also adhere to alllive-blood of artisan skills training, not that gives prospective students the criteria to be successful. Onceonly in South Africa, but the world at the opportunity to discover what the application has been approved,large. These higher education the TVET sector is all about. students can enjoy peace of mindinstitutions are part and parcel of the and focus on their studies withoutcommunities in which they are having any fear of financial concerns.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

The Public TVET Colleges offer cosmetology, the world truly is their The studentsqualifications such as National oyster. who study at theDiplomas, National Certificatesas well as National Certificate The students who study at the TVET Colleges(Vocational) (NC (V)). To obtain an PublicTVET Colleges also have also have accessNC (V) qualification, a grade nine access to student support servicespass is required and after three that look after the health / wellness to studentyears this qualification will be of the students, as well as any support servicesequivalent to a grade 12 senior academic support they might need. that look aftercertificate / N3. NC (V) courses are Should the student experience anyvocationally driven in a specialised personal challenges they can make the health /field and can give the student use of a student support officer ’s wellness of theaccess to study other National service.Certificate courses. students.Some of the Colleges in the “Education is the core business at Apply now at any of the 50country, have accredited trade PublicTVET Colleges and with National TVET Colleges todaytest centres that will allow any that comes other responsibilities or visit the TVET College websitestudent who wishes to become to help support the students to on qualified artisan to attempt become the best at what they settheir trade test. Once they out to become,completed their trade testsuccessfully, they will then be So what more do you need?awarded a red seal as an Students have a variety of courses toindication of their training and choose from, many qualifications thatexpertise in the artisan trade. will suit their level of education, as well as the opportunity to be placedWith so many Colleges and courses in the industry. Also they have anto choose from prospective students opportunity to adjust to College lifecan realise their dreams. Amongst with the support of people that areother courses in the fields of design, centred around their academic andeducation, information technology,business, hospitality, tourism, safety, personal well-being. ■health, engineering, hair care and SCIENCE CAREERS SA |

Above: SKA SA Managing Director, Dr Rob Adam and MeerKATMinister of Science and Technology Naledi Pandor onthe SKA site outside Carnarvon in the Northern Cape joins the ranks of the world’s great scientific instruments through its First Light image A montage of the MeerKAT First Light radio image and four zoomed-in insets. The two panels to the right showdistant galaxies with massive black holes at theircenters. At lower left is a galaxy approximately 200 million light years away, where hydrogen gas is being used up to form stars in large numbers.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

MeerKAT FIRST LIGHT IMAGE OF THE SKY with the sKAThe MeerKAT First Light image of the Through MeerKAT, South Africa is MeerKAT is a precursor to the Squaresky, released by Minister of Science playing a key role in the design and Kilometre Array (SKA) and follows theand Technology, Naledi Pandor, development of technology for the KAT-7 telescope which was anshows unambiguously that MeerKAT SKA. The South African team of engineering test-bed for already the best radio telescope of more than 200 young scientists, MeerKAT is funded by the Southits kind in the Southern Hemisphere. engineers and technicians, in African Government and is a South collaboration with industry, local and African designed telescope with 75%Array Release 1 (AR1) provides 16 of foreign universities and institutions, of its value sourced locally. MeerKATan eventual 64 dishes integrated into has developed the technologies and will be an integral part of SKA Phasea working telescope array. It is the first systems for MeerKAT. These 1. An important aspect of the SKA sitesignificant scientific milestone include cutting edge telescope decision in 2012 was that MeerKATachieved by MeerKAT, the radio antennas and receivers, signal would be part of the sensitive SKAtelescope under construction in the processing, timing, telescope Phase 1 array, which will be the mostKaroo that will eventually be management, computing and data sensitive radio telescope in the world.integrated into the Square Kilometer storage systems, and algorithms for Upon completion at the end of 2017,Array (SKA). data processing.” MeerKAT will consist of 64 dishes and associated instrumentation. SKA1In a small patch of sky covering less In May 2016, more than 150 MID,will include an additional 133than 0.01 percent of the entire researchers and students, two-thirds dishes, bringing the total number forcelestial sphere, the MeerKAT First from South Africa, met in Stellenbosch SKA1 MID to 197.Light image shows more than 1300 to discuss and update the MeerKATgalaxies in the distant Universe, science programme. This will consist The SKA is an international effort tocompared to 70 known in this location of already approved “large survey build the world’s largest radioprior to MeerKAT. “Based on the projects”, plus “open time” available for telescope – one hundred times moreresults being shown, we are confident new projects. An engineering test sensitive than any current radiothat after all 64 dishes are in place, image, produced with only 4 dishes, telescope. The scale of the SKAMeerKAT will be the world’s leading was made available just before that represents a huge leap forward in bothtelescope of its kind until the advent of meeting. engineering, and research andSKA,” says Professor Justin Jonas, development towards building andSKA South Africa Chief Technologist. “The scientists gathered at the May delivering a unique instrument. meeting were impressed to see whatMeerKAT will consist of 64 receptors, four MeerKAT dishes could do,” As one of the largest scientificeach comprising a 13.5-meter says Dr Fernando Camilo, SKA endeavours in history, the SKA willdiameter dish antenna, cryogenic South Africa Chief Scientist. “They bring together a wealth of the world’scoolers, receivers, digitizer, and other are astonished at these exceptionally finest scientists, engineers and policyelectronics. The commissioning of beautiful images, which demonstrate makers to bring the project to fruition.MeerKAT is done in phases to allow that MeerKAT has joined the big SKA will be built in two phases – SKA1for verification of the system, early leagues of world radio astronomy”. and SKA2 – starting in 2018. SKA1 willresolution of any technical issues, and include two components – SKA1 MIDinitial science exploitation. Early Minister Pandor says: “South (to be built in South Africa) and SKA1science can be done with parts of the Africa has already demonstrated its LOW (to be built in Australia); they willarray as they are commissioned, even excellent science and engineering observe the Universe at different radioas construction continues. AR1 skills by designing and building frequencies.consists of 16 receptors, AR2 of 32 MeerKAT. This telescope, which isand AR3 of 64, expected to be in predominantly a locally designed For more information, contact us:place by late 2017. and built instrument, shows the SKA SA world that South Africa can compete 3rd Floor, The Park, Park RoadDr Rob Adam, Square Kilometre in international research, Pinelands, Cape TownArray South Africa (SKA SA) engineering, technology and 7405Managing Director, says: “The science.Government is proud of our of MeerKAT AR1 and its first scientists and engineers forresults is a significant milestone for pioneering a radio telescope that willSouth Africa. lead to groundbreaking research.” |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

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Generally learners develop a negative hOW DOES ThEattitude towards mathematics due to MATHEMATICS WEBSITESthe lack of general basic mathematical HELP LEARNERS TOknowledge and also due to the lack of ADDRESS THESEa solid foundation in this subject. PROBLEMS?There are various So, in order to excel On the Maths Excellencereasons for this, in mathematics, all website –some of which are: learners have to go through the process of: learners in Grades• Learners do not do their homework 10, 11 and 12 who lack• Learners do not catch up on work • Paying careful attention and the basic background learning the content in class. knowledge have access to missed due to absence 364 comprehensive video • Attempting the homework with lessons, notes and tests with• Learners misunderstand work due all its variations. full solutions where they can to lack of concentration or focus fill the gaps on topics missed • Making mistakes and learning out on or misunderstood• Learners lack practice – this is the from their mistakes when the in class. Parents can also most important reason solutions to the homework are monitor their children’s provided . progress online as a progressWHY PRACTISING MATHS report is available of all theIS ESSENTIAL • Re-doing all sums that were test scores. These tests can be incorrect while doing the repeated until a mark close• Learners will come across homework until mastered by to or above 80% is reached. variations in certain topics that using the teacher’s answers won’t necessarily be dealt with in as reference. On this website learners the initial lessons in class. also have access to past The above process must be an exam papers with full• Most variations will only be everyday practice. solutions from 2008 to encountered while attempting the 2015 not only in maths homework and working through Instead of the above process, learners but for all other matric past exam papers. generally leave their ‘studying’ for the subjects as well. last minute and ‘glance over’ their• Variations give the brighter learner work the night before a test or exam the opportunity to express their instead of sitting with pen and paper creativity. and re-doing all the sums especially those they got incorrect while• The average or weaker learner will attempting their homework. encounter the difficulty at home and not face it in the exam room In conclusion, in order to succeed in for the first time. Maths learners need to spend at least 45 minutes everyday attempting MathsThus, when the solutions to the homework and 45 minutes practisingvariations are provided – learning work done earlier in the year ortakes place after the struggle with theexercises at home. However, if the working through past exam papers. ■learner does not attempt the homeworkthen the learning that takes place thefollowing day won’t be embedded andremembered for tests and exams. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

SASSETA has exciting career options for school leavers School leavers who are interested in the exciting career options available within the safety and security sector, including roles within the defence force, navy, medical services recruited to government departments, correctional services, and judicial services etc. should keep reading. Safety and Security Sector is a dynamic and exciting sector to work in. Choosing the right career is one of the most decisions that you will ever make. Most disadvantaged learners tend to choose the field of study that the scares skills are not in demand. There are vital skills that are needed in the safety and security sector and there are two parts to follow to gain a qualification either through Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges or Universities as well as Universities of Technology. SASSETA offers different learning programmes such as bursaries, learnerships, internships, apprenticeships and artisans.Learnerships How long is the Learnership? How will I as the learner benefit from a Learnership?What is a learnership? The duration of a Learnership takes a minimum of one year. • You will have high quality and relevantLearnership is a learning programme education and training;which consists of structured learning What will I get at the end of thecomponent; a Learnership includes Learnership? • You will have developed appliedtheoretical training with an accredited competence required in the workplace;training provider and practical work If the learnership is successfullyexperience of a specified nature and completed you will have a qualification • You will have national recognition ofduration. Learnership should lead to a that is recognised throughout the competence and your learningqualification consisting of unit standards country. To prove that you have the achievements have national recognitionand levels, registered by the South African qualification you will be given a that have wider application toQualification Authority and related to an certificate. workplaces;occupation. Will I get a job after completing • Learnerships improve access to andWho can apply to be on a the Learnership? opportunities for employment;Learnership? If you are unemployed when the • Learners offer access to further learningAnyone can apply for a Learnership. learnership begins, there is no guarantee opportunities;Learnerships are available for both of a job on successful completion of theemployed and unemployed learners learnership. The employer who offers you • You will receive a certificate confirmingand are not restricted to any workplace learning is not obliged to offer the credits obtained when youoccupation or age group. you a job. But with a qualification and a successfully complete a Learnership. minimum one year workplaceHow much will a Learnership cost experience, you will be in a better Bursariesthe learner? position to get a job than before. You might also think of getting more What is a bursary?There is no fee charged for a person to qualifications or starting up your ownbe on a Learnership. The employer must business. Bursary is a financial assistance topay a learner allowance to unemployed study towards a registered and/orlearners selected for a Learnership. recognised qualification with aEmployed learners who already have a registered institution.salary do not qualify for a learnerallowance. The precise amount would Like SASSETA on facebookdepend on the type and level of the and join our learner Community!

Who qualifies to apply for Internship • Apply knowledge gained fromSASSETA bursary? coursework to on-the-job What is an internship? situations;The people who have registered withthe preferred public institution in a An internship is an on-site work • Experience new work environ-field of study which is a scare skill in experience that is either directly ments.the Safety and Security Seta. related to your field of study or your career interest. It is paid and held Can one apply for an internshipWhat is the threshold per throughout the academic year. directly to SASSETA oncelearners and what does it completed their qualification?cover? How long is the programme and what does it cover? No, only candidate attorneysThe threshold is a maximum of are allowed to apply. But forR30 000.00 for Undergraduate The duration of internship takes a other qualifications, thestudies and up to a maximum of minimum of one year and it covers employers apply on behalf ofR35 000.00 for Post Graduate practical learning. the learners.studies per annum which coverstuition fees and the books only. Do we get the certificate Artisan after completion?When can I apply for a What is an artisan?bursary? Yes, the company that appointed you for internship should give you An artisan is a skilled worker in aWhen the application period is the certificate at the end of the skilled trade that involves workingopen and you have registered programme. with their hands e.g. bricklayers,with the preferred public carpenters, electricians, mechanicsinstitution in a field of study Who qualifies for an and plumbers.which is a scare skill in the internship?Safety and Security Seta. Who qualifies to be an Students who have completed artisan?How long are the theory at the tertiary institutionsbursaries for? and are looking for experiential Anyone who has an interest in learning. Or students who have working with their hands can beThe bursaries will be for twelve completed Grade 12 and are trained to become an artisan.months (calendar year) with a looking for work application process each What subjects must one doyear. When can learners apply at high school to be able to for an internship? enrol as an artisan?How do I apply It is best to begin your internship One would be required to studyApplications can be submitted search the semester prior to your mathematics and physical sciencethrough completion of application desired placement. That way, you at high school to be able to enrolform linked to the SASSETA website: will have time to respond to as for artisan The form will be advertised internships positions programs.available online during the and initiate contacts on your ownapplication open period. as well. For further information on career options in the SafetyWhen will applications What are the benefits for and Security Sectoropen? internships? Education and Training Authority, contact the CallThe application process will be An internship gives you the Centre: 011 087 5555conducted twice each calendar opportunity to: or visit with applications opening • Gain valuable work experiencefor 21 days. before you graduate;Do I have to pay back the • Develop new skills and refinemoney once I have completedthe qualification? others;No, you do not pay SASSETAback.

studentfunding | SCIENCE CAREERS SA

APPLY FOR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FROM NSFASAre you in need of fnancial assistance to Applications may also be done online at selectedstudy at a University or Technical Vocational higher education Institutions.Education and Training (TVET) College?The National Student Financial Aid Scheme You may qualify for funding if you are:(NSFAS) can help on the road towards yourdream job. NSFAS is a government student • A South African citizen with fnancial need asloan and bursary scheme. NSFAS provides determined by NSFAS means test. You will have toloans and bursaries to eligible needy and provide proof of your family’s household income.academically deserving students. • Accepted for admission to study your firstNSFAS has funded over 1.5 Million South higher education qualification at a publicAfricans from 1999. The Scheme continues university or TVET grow from R441 million in 1999 to R8,5billion in 2013. NSFAS loans have a really low interest rate and are repayable once you start working. Depending onApply for a NSFAS study loan or bursary your results, up to 40% of your NSFAS loan may bethrough a Financial Aid Offce at a public converted into a bursary, and that amount does notUniversity or TVET College. need to be repaid. for more information please visit Call: 086 00 67 327 Email: [email protected] Website: nsfas is a registered credit provider in terms of the national credit act 34 of 2005 (ncrcp 2655) |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

With Khululwe Twala@ TVET COLLEGESKhululwe Twala Why did you choose to study Quality SCIENCE CAREERS SA at a Public TVET College? education and training Firstly, the trade of my choice was is offered at Public offered at the Public TVET College and TVET Colleges, further to that it wasn’t a difficult choice which the to go to Majuba TVET College because youth of they have been known to produce South Africa excellent artisans throughout the strongly need.” country for many years. Now I am employed at Elinem Construction \"Majuba TVET College which is in Newcastle. has a dedicated(WIL) Work Integrated Learning Unit, which places their top achieving students into Internships and apprenticeships at host companies. \"

What course/courses What are some of the NC(V) Are there any relationshipsdid you choose to study? Programmes offered at between Public TVET Colleges and Public TVET Colleges? Universities or Universities ofEngineering and Related Technology in South Africa? • Civil Engineering and BuildingDesign (Boilermaking) course Construction (Plumbing, Yes, I have seen some students beenin the National Certificate Bricklaying and Carpentry);(Vocational) Programme. accepted at Higher Institutions, if they have • Electrical Infrastructure excelled in their studies at a Public TVETWhat exactly is the National Construction; College.Certificate (Vocational)? • Engineering and Related Design Upon completion of your course /The NC (V) Qualification is a (Boilermaking, Welder, Fitting studies, where can your further and Turning, Motor Mechanics); studies lead?programme designed to provideboth theory and practice, thus • Primary Agriculture; I see myself next moving in the directiongranting students an opportunityto gain work experience during • Safety in Society; of studying at a University. I would like tothe period of study. Practical take up the Metallurgy Engineeringexperience may be gained in • Finance, Economics and programme because I have a strongeither a simulated or real Accounting; background, knowledge and first-handworkshop environment. experience within steel fabrication. • Tourism;Describe an average day Is the job market easily accessibleat a Public TVET College? • Hospitality; with a qualification achieved at a Public TVET College?An average day would entail • Information Technology.attending classes for the 7 different Yes it is very accessible. There are manysubjects offered in the NC (V) For list of all courses offeredProgramme. On an average day, we at Public TVET Colleges, opportunities. Our country requires morewould spend most of our time in the please visit: artisans, especially with the current shortageworkshop doing practicals. We get to of skilled people within South on state-of-the-art machinery equipment in our field of study. Site_C ollegeCourses.aspx What advice would you give to grade 11 and 12 learners,What do you enjoy most? How many subjects are considering further education at required in each level of the a Public TVET College?As challenging as it is, what I enjoy National Certificate (Vocational) qualification? Quality education and training is offeredmost is fusing metals together usingtools that produce high temperatures. 7subjects. at Public TVET Colleges, which we the youthBoilermaking can be a lot of fun. of South Africa strongly need. The practical (3 Fundamental Subjects training and exposure within the workshops isDo students have theopportunity and 4 Vocational something that cannot compare. I firmlyto experience work situations Subjects). believe that you will not acquire as muchduring the period of study? practical training at University, as you would at Are study bursaries at a Public TVET College.The school learnersYes, they do because we are Public TVET Colleges easily would be making a good choice because they attainable and do they have will gain first-hand experience and do theaccommodated with workshops that have to be repaid? same work, as is done wthin industry. My finalall the necessary tools. All the workshops advice is: “Never fail to reach your dreams”.are workplace simulated environments NSFAS Bursaries Schemes areThis means that the equipment andmachines we have in our workshops, available at Public TVET Collegesare similar to those found in within the and most students take this routeindustry. Yes, they do because we are and apply for these bursaries.accommodated with workshops that have According to my experience youall the necessary tools. All the workshops don’t have to pay back the fundsare workplace simulated environments after completing your studies.This means that the equipment andmachines we have in our workshops,are similar to those found in within theindustry. SCIENCE CAREERS SA


It's about a \"Career in IT\" with: Mark CohenChief Technology Officer of Domain GroupIT SystemsDeveloperWHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS CAREER? CAREER HIGHLIGHTS?I always had a passion for technology – not just using My career highlight is that I have been in thisit but actually breaking things open to see how they industry for 25 years, and I love my job. I haveworked from the inside. In the process of my career never been bored or wished that I had selectedgrowth a few items have been rendered unusable, a different career.and my family had to pay a price for being supportiveof my IT career growth! I am so fortunate that there IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE YOUR JOB?was an avenue for me to properly develop internationalskills, and to forge a career in an industry I am I coordinate technology across 6 differentpassionate about. Being able to continue to grow in IT, businesses and across the country for a 250learn new skills and be part of exciting new products million dollar business.has ensured job satisfaction for me. EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING?WHAT FORMAL QUALIFICATION DIDYOU HAVE TO ATTAIN, AND WHERE? In the early days of a career – experience is great, but you don’t reach higher levels withoutI started off studying engineering, and then after a the training and qualifications. It’s much easier tofew years switched to a degree in IT. This got me a reach higher levels with good quality qualifications.great start into the industry. However, because IT isso fast growing, and always changing, there are ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 AND 12 LEARNERSopportunities to enter the industry without specific CONSIDERING THIS CAREER?formal qualifications. This is an industry where youcan create a career with “building blocks”, ie, you Two IT Diplomas will ensure you get the job of yourcan qualify with individual CompTia and Microsoft dreams. Both are accredited by the CHE (Councilmodules and international exams, and begin on Higher Education). My advice? Follow yourworking in an IT company or department. passion. If you are lucky enough to have a passion for something you can earn a good living out of,WHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? the world is your oyster. Work hard at school. Do as well as possible in Maths, and get loadsSystems developers create, maintain, audit and of practice in order to understand the mathsimprove systems to meet the needs of the company. concepts well.They test both hardware and software systems anddiagnose and resolve system faults. It is a pressurised TYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT WOULDjob that often strays beyond the average 9am – 5pm ENJOY THIS KIND OF CAREER?day. Developers will also create diagnostic programs,and design and write code for business systems. Systems developers’ jobs are generally of a highly complex and technical nature, and itWHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? requires talent in computer science and mathematics.The world of IT is high tech – We get to test andplay with new ‘toys’. We work on the latest POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH - WHERE CANtechnology in order to ensure we meet our client’s YOUR CURRENT POSITION LEAD?needs. We do a lot of problem solving which isalways awesome when you are able to solve an I am currently managing a team – growth at thisissue for your client, and we are involved in high tech stage for me is to keep updated in all IT skills,development that other people will just read about. and to coach and mentor new employees to achieve their full potential.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES THAT YOUR Mark CohenPOSITION REQUIRES? CTO of Domain GroupThinking laterally, creatively and with discipline.Working with teams. Perseverance. & Consultant toWHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED? Boston City CampusAs many of the international IT skills as you can Proudly Sponsored by :gather, A+ and N+ are a great starting point.And moving on to programming for those thathave the mathematical skills.DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPEOF POSITION) THAT YOU ARE IN, FACEGENDER BIAS?I would like to say no – at least not in mycompany. We are a true team. Eachmember is valued equally.IS CONTINUING EDUCATION ANDFURTHER STUDIES IMPORTANT INYOUR TYPE OF CAREER?In this industry? This is a lifelong learningindustry! If you want to do a degree ordiploma and then finish with your studies?– do not enter the IT industry!Describe an average day?\"In an average day I will be involved in all aspects ofrunning a business, managing a team, dealing withclients, sourcing new clients, reviewing product anddevelopment, bookings for out of town companymeetings with head office or new clients, dealingwith unexpected issues which are normal in IT.\" |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

with Captain Neil Chetty\"You will find job satisfaction and be open to a wide varietyof careers both at sea and ashore”Captain Neil Chetty What doe| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

Why did you choose this My current position had exposed Type of personality that would career? me to the upstream oil and gas enjoy this kind of career? The maritime industry offers a unique apart from being a normal Master career that offers you national and Mariner. This is the 4th largest Be open to a variety of experience oilfield in the world and the biggest and be organized and& internationally recognised in the middle east. I enjoy project dependable, show self-discipline, qualifications. In this industry you will development, leading people, to act dutifully, and finally, aim for find jobs with high level of achievement. responsibility and good advancement train and develop people and prospects. Most of all one will find working with a multinational Potential for growth - job satisfaction and be open to a workforce. Where can your current wide variety of careers both at sea position lead? and ashore. What is the least enjoyable part of your job? What formal qualification did Senior management positions in you have to attain to enter into international organizations. this field? Being away from home is never an To start an exciting maritime career you easy thing so one has to make What challenges have will need to register for the Diploma in Nautical Studies at the Durban University adjustments. This is overcome with you had to overcome? of Technology. To qualify as a Master my passion for the maritime industry. Mariner you will need to complete the In the maritime industry you tend prerequisite sea-time and a number of Career highlights? to work with a multi-cultural ancillary short courses. To be eligible for workforce. It takes time to know, the Diploma in Nautical Studies you will Served the maritime industry for 30 understand and respect people’s need to obtain good marks in Grade 12 years that included 10 years sailing culture and belief’s. in English, Physical Science and at sea. Obtained Master Mariner. Mathematics. Spent 18 years in Transnet as Tug Does the Industry (and your master, Senior Pilot, Harbour type of position) that you are What does your job entail? Master, Port Manager and Regional in, face gender bias? Senior Operations Manager. I am currently a Harbour Master Currently working internationally Maritime industry is quite open these working internationally in the middle within the Oil anWdhGataqsuIanldifuicsatrtyio. ns do I nedeady?s and there are many women at east working on Special Projects in sea today. There are women that are the Oil and Gas industry. This is a ships’ captains, and in all marine new concept of building artificial 3 important qualities that ranks in Transnet. The middle east islands with harbours that are used your position requires: has also seen this change and have for drilling oil. I manage the entire offshore Marine Logistics for Passion, Innovation and women in marine. The gender bias this development project. seems to be a thing of the past. Confidence. Internationally, the industry in Describe an average day? In 1 sentence, describe your general are encouraging women to Lead the marine team, engage job? pursue maritime careers. with various contractors, managing traffic entering , Enjoy the Experience. Is continuing education and transiting and leaving the oil further studies important in field, manage the port and Experience vs Training? your type of career? harbour construction. A huge difference. Knowledge + This depends on how motivated an What do you enjoy most? Experience = Competence, so both individual is. There is never an end are extremely vital in the maritime to education and the quest for When I get up eveErxypmeroiernnicnegv, sI Tloroaikning industry. knowledge. Every day we learn forward to going to work. With this something new and we must grasp positive attitude, you day is already Advice for grade 11 and 12 the opportunity to learn with both happy. I look forward to the new learners considering this hands. Maritime industry has seen challenges that we encounter on a career? a lot of technological changes in daily basis. I enjoy transferring my recent years including introduction knowledge to my sub ordinates. Must focus and have passion of mega ships, and all these bring for what you want to do. The new challenges. One needs to What are the most enjoyable maritime industry is an exciting keep in line with industry changes aspects of your position? industry with various job and education plays a vital role. opportunities locally and internationally. Set your goal and work towards it. Maritime industry is a rewarding career. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

with Asavela Sigonya Electronics & Telecommunications Trainee| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS DESCRIBE AN AVERAGE age, therefore it becomes hard toCAREER? DAY? have these skills and qualities which are quite essential in thisGrowing up I did not know that there An average day as a trainee is field of study.were so many careers to choose assisting and learning new thingsfrom. I thought that you could either from my supervisors, receiving ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 AND 12be a doctor, nurse, teacher, lawyer or different tasks to complete, LEARNERS CONSIDERING THISan engineer. I didn’t like medicine ranging from administrative tasks CAREER?because I was afraid of blood, I to testing and designing a project.didn’t go for teaching because I was With doing these tasks I get to My main advice would be totold that it didn’t pay well. I didn’t do know the documentation standards extensively research what the careerlaw because I was told it of the company, the supply chain is all about, look at the key attributescontradicted my religion and so I process and the utilisation of required for this career and honestlywas left with enginCeaererienrgh. Iitgwhlaigshntost? different components, equipment see if you possess them. If you do,hard for me to warm up to the idea and software used in the industry. take part in science expos and otherbecause some of my family platforms that can help you knowmembers took the same path and 3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES THAT more aboutscience and technology;they were very successful. YOUR POSITION REQUIRES ask to do job shadowing at engineering companies; learn aboutWHAT TRAINING DID YOU Analytical and critical thinking, basic electronic components and.UNDERGO, AND WHERE? problem solving skills, how they work; and most importantly creativity. do not choose the field because youI am studying Electrical Engineering want to be wealthy one day; choose(Electronics and Telecommunication) EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING? it because you want it to bea careerat the Mangosuthu University of and not a job, Something you wouldTechnology (MUT) in KwaZulu-Natal in I think that experience is better, do even if you did not have bills toDurban. MUT is a technical /practical because the training is very pay, something you are passionateinstitution and I acquired most of my structured for learning. Experience about.basic training there. I am currently is the utilisation of the training.completing my in-service training at You can then apply what you IS CONTINUING EDUCATIONSquare Kilometre Array South Africa have learned and find better AND FURTHERSTUDIES(SKA SA), which is a platform for ways of executing tasks. IMPORTANT IN YOUR TYPEacquiring advanced training, as a OF CAREER?requirement of the National Diploma. WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED? Yes. Furthering your studies inWHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? this career narrows down your National Diploma: Electrical area of specialisation and youI am part of a control and monitoring Engineering (Electronics and can never be too educated inteam that performs researching, Telecommunications). this field of study as technologydesigning, development, construction, advances each and every day.testing, qualifying and implementing TYPE OF PERSON THAT You have to be up to date withelectronic systems for different WOULD ENJOY THIS KIND the latest developments andfunctions according to the OF CAREER? apply them in our electronicrequirement specifications; system to simplify and amplifyutilising hardware, software, Inquisitive and critical thinking its performance.firmware, theoretical and practical people are best suited for thisconsiderations. career. DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPE OF POSITION)IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE THAT YOU ARE IN, FACEYOUR JOB? YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? GENDER BIAS?My job is a daily learning curve. The main challenge I had was Yes, I do think so because it the lack of exposure to the is a male dominated industry.WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? industry and not knowing where There are still many instances and how to apply the things where it is widely assumedSince this is the early stages of that we studied in high school. that a man would do a bettermy career, learning something I therefore had to learn the job than a builds my passion for fundamentals at tertiary levelengineering and at the same which was hard. Another keytime helps me decide which challenge since being exposedaspect of engineering I want to to the industry is that as studentsfocus on and specialise in. we were taught how to be workers, creative thinking and innovation is not properly exercised at a young academic research.  SCIENCE CAREERS SA

with Wessel DippenaarSport ScienceTrainerWHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS CAREER? CAREER HIGHLIGHTS?I have always enjoyed being involved in The numerous satisfied clients oversport and going to the gym. Therefore, it the years that I have helped achievewas a natural choice to seek a study success with their training programmes.option that would allow me to be involvedin a work environment where I could IN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE YOUR JOB?earn a living, while following my passion. My job is to help people from a point ofWHAT FORMAL QUALIFICATION DID YOU chaos in their health and wellness journey,HAVE TO ATTAIN, AND WHERE? to a point of order and success.I studied a degree in Human Movement EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING?Science at university, but while in my secondyear, I was introduced to personal training. Training is vitally important. WithoutI subsequently did a part time course which the underpinning knowledge of Anatomy,equipped me with skills to work within this Physiology and Training Methods, you will notindustry. In the early 1990’s, personal training be able to give the correct advice and trainingwas frowned upon. But as the fitness industry programmes specifically tailored for individualsgrew, so did the needs of the members within to achieve their goals. Experience is what youthese clubs. get over time while working with many types of clients and personalities.WHAT DOES YOUR JOB ENTAIL? ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 AND 12 LEARNERSBeing a trainer requires you to assess the CONSIDERING THIS CAREER?needs of your client. These needs are bothphysical and mental. Physical needs pertain Spend some time with a trainer and seeto the assessments you conduct before what they do each day. The career pathdesigning the programme for your client. might seem very glamorous, but it is hardOnce completed you design an appropriate work and requires long hours from time toprogramme to achieve the goals the client time. You will have to manage your time veryhave set for him or herself. The mental side well and be an example your clients canof things is the inspiration and motivation you aspire to.give the client on a daily basis to assist themin achieving their goals. TYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT WOULD ENJOY THIS KIND OF CAREER?WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST? Outgoing, friendly, supportive, empathetic.The difference you have made in people’slives when they start seeing success. This POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH - WHERE CANsuccess is not always on the scale. The YOUR CURRENT POSITION LEAD?creation of new routines and habits to ahealthier lifestyle is sometimes more As you will be working for yourself most of therewarding than chasing that cover model time in a club, the potential for growth willfigure. depend on your ability to grow your skill set as a trainer. You can also enter the corporate wellness market or even open your own facility one day.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES THAT YOUR Wessel DippenaarPOSITION REQUIRES? Sport Science / TrainerDedication, Punctuality and Love for People.WHAT QUALIFICATIONS DO I NEED?You can complete a degree in HumanMovement Science or Sport Science or one ofthe many full time and part time programmesoffered by private providers within the sector.DOES THE INDUSTRY (AND YOUR TYPE OF \" My job is toPOSITION) THAT YOU ARE IN, FACE help people fromGENDER BIAS? a point of chaos in their healthFrom time to time, you will find that clientsare more comfortable with either a male or afemale trainer, but in my career, I have neverpersonally faced these challenges.IS CONTINUING EDUCATION ANDFURTHER STUDIES IMPORTANT INYOUR TYPE OF CAREER?You can never stop learning in the fitnessand sport industry. If you do then the nexttrainer to you will pass you by.Describe an average day? and wellness journey, to aFor most trainers your day will start early in the morning point of orderdepending on when your first client has booked their and success.\"session with you. Your mornings and evenings are thebusiest times, because people are most likely to train withyou before or after work. As you build up your clientelebase, you will find yourself busy over lunchtime as well. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

with ABAGAIL GOUNDEN Abagail Gounden Why DID yOu ChOOSE ThIS CAREER?| SCIENCE CAREERS SA The funny story is that I wanted to be Pilot, but was awarded a scholarship for my first year in Aeronautical Engineering at Wits. I only pursued the opportunity because it sounded close enough to aviation to me at the time. I ended up not enjoying Aero Eng half as much as I thought I would. I therefore cannot stress how important it is to fully research and chat to people in industry before taking on a career path. Luckily for me, year 1 at Wits is a shared year one between the class of Aeronautical, Mechanical and Industrial engineering. I could gain exposure to what Industrial was all about, and could switch to Industrial Engineering. WhAT TRAININg DID yOu uNDERgO, AND WhERE? You need either a : • Bachelor of Science (Industrial Engineering) • Bachelor of Engineering (Industrial Engineering) • Bachelor of Technology (Industrial Engineering) The qualification you end up with is determined by the institute you attend. WhAT DOES yOuR jOB ENTAIl? In my current role, I am involved in the development and implementation of the Supply chain strategies for all foods sites that form part of the supply network in West Africa. I look after everything from the implementation of innovation projects, long term capacity planning, strategic sourcing studies and site strategies. DESCRIBE AN AVERAgE DAy? The scope of work that my role entails can be quite broad, so it really depends on what I’m busy with at the time. It can be anything from building project networks on Microsoft project for new product launches, to engaging with Factory teams to understand OEE’s, line speeds and run strategies to model capacity at a factory,

\" There is no place that an Industrial Engineer would not fit into, adapt to and thrive in.\" - Abagail Goundento working with Local and Global EXpERIENCE VS TRAININg? pOTENTIAl fOR gROWThengineering teams to align on the - WhERE CAN yOuRcorrect technology platform to I believe the two are inter-dependant. CuRRENT pOSITION lEAD?implement in a factory in Africa. Experience would count for nothing without training and vice versa. Industrial engineering degrees canWhAT ARE ThE MOST Engineering is specifically one of those really hold you in good stead inENjOyABlE ASpECTS fields where both experience and industry. I have seen many individualsOf yOuR pOSITION? training are equally important, and play pair this qualification with an MBA, an integral role in a successful career. and become Directors, VP’s and even• Being an integral part of exciting CEO’s. This degree has no ceiling product launches such as Magnum ADVICE fOR gRADE 11 AND 12 with respect to where you can take Crème Brule, or Lipton Flavoured lEARNERS CONSIDERING THIS things. teas. CAREER? DOES ThE INDuSTRy (AND• Making long term strategic decisions Do’s yOuR TypE Of pOSITION) that impact the way in which • Take the time to fully research your ThAT yOu ARE IN, fACE factories will operate for years to gENDER BIAS? come career of choice, and chat to people already in the industry. It does. Especially when working inWhAT IS ThE lEAST • Try to understand quite early on, what the factory space. Which is why IENjOyABlE pART Of yOuR requirements for entry into your field would encourage both boys and girlsjOB? are, so that you can work toward it. alike, to step up to the challenge. • Try to understand from people already Boys to be a new, and strong voiceCan often involve inputs from in industry what the job market for which supports gender equality in thevarious stakeholders, which can your field of choice looks like. workplace, and girls to break glassbe painstaking at times • Select a career based on your ceilings and stereotypes in industry. strengths, and your passions.3 IMPORTANT QUALITIES ThAT Don’t’s IS CONTINuINgyOuR pOSITION REquIRES? • Select a career based on what you EDuCATION AND fuRThER may have seen on TV, social media, STuDIES IMpORTANT IN• Analytical or based on what you perceive it to be. yOuR TypE Of CAREER?• Problem solver• Ability to manage Stakeholders TYPE OF PERSONALITY THAT Extremely important. It is a career WOulD ENjOy ThIS kIND linked to developments in Industry effectively. Of CAREER? and Technology, and further studies are always required to keep abreastIN 1 SENTENCE, DESCRIBE Innovative, honest, hungry, and of changes or developments withinyOuR jOB? enthusiastic. If you are merely your field of interest. satisfied by minimum outcomes,Catering to the Strategic supply then you may find it difficultchain needs of Foods Factories surviving in this field. Have an urgeacross West Africa. to do more. |SCIENCE CAREERS SA

with Nhlakanipho MtamboMedHiceaallthTSceicenhcneician Nhlakanipho Mtambo SCIENCE CAREERS SA

WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS DESCRIBE AN AVERAGE CAREER HIGHLIGHTS TOCAREER? DAY AT WORK? DATE?I chose this career I started as a Laboratorybecause of my passion to I perform quality control, Assistant, enrolled as abe involved in diagnostic calibration and trouble medical Technician andtesting that assists clinicians shooting of instruments. attained the certificate. I amin the management of Performing Quality control currently registered as apatients. and processing of all types student medical technologist. of specimen and updatingWHAT FORMAL TRAINING results on the Laboratory IMPORTANT QUALITIES THATDID YOU UNDERGO, AND Information System(LIS). YOUR POSITION REQUIRES?WHERE? WHAT ARE YOUR CAREER Commitment, attention toI completed my Grade GOALS? detail and proactive mind12 at Zwelibanzi High / analytical thinking.School in Umlazi, After achieving a Bachelorspecialising in of Science, I hope it will EXPERIENCE VS TRAINING:science subjects. lead me into research fields. Training is crucial in acquiringWHAT EXACTLY DOES experience.YOUR JOB ENTAIL? WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOSTMy job entails ensuring MOST ABOUT YOUR JOB? DOES THE INDUSTRY (ANDfunction of analysers YOUR TYPE OF POSITION)(maintenance, calibration Seeing the final output of THAT YOU ARE IN, FACEand trouble shooting). In my processes in patients' GENDER BIAS?addition, i also perform samples.both internal and external No, it doesn't face gender bias.controls and related WHAT ARE THE MOSTdocumentation. I also ENJOYABLE ASPECTS TYPE OF PERSONALITY THATprocess all types of samples OF YOUR CURRENT WOULD SUITE AND ENJOYin a clinical pathology POSITION? THIS KIND OF CAREER PATH?laboratory. A person who is passionate Trouble shooting about helping ill people.WHAT CHALLENGES HAVE (instruments/IQC) and POTENTIAL FOR GROWTH -YOU HAD TO OVERCOME? issuing out final reports. WHERE CAN YOUR CURRENT POSITION LEAD?Financial challenges forced WHAT ARE THE LEASTme to drop out from the ENJOYABLE DUTIES? Executive manager of auniversity. When my troubleshooting Laboratory institution. ■ capabilities have failedWHAT QUALIFICATIONS and the waiting period forDO I NEED? external help frustrates me.Bachelor of Science in ADVICE FOR GRADE 11 &Biomedical Technology. 12 LEARNERS CONSIDERING THIS CAREER? Concentrate and put more effort in science subjects.|SCIENCE CAREERS SA

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WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE?Conserving the environment, supplying food for rapidly growing populations and ensuring that food and food sourcesare unpolluted and safe for consumption – these are topical issues on the agendas of the highest levels of governmentsall around the world. You can be at the forefront of the solutions to benefit the human race and the earth for genera-tions to come.DIVERSE CAREER OPTIONS!Careers in food production, conservation, processing and marketing, research, teaching, consultation, guidance, farmmanagement, environmental management and plant management eg.ANIMAL NUTRITION FRUIT INDUSTRY AGRI-BUSINESSCONSERVATION MANAGEMENT FOOD INDUSTRYFORESTRY AND WOOD PRODUCTS BIOTECHNOLOGY FARMING – CROPS, ANIMALS, VINEYARDSPLANT, ANIMAL AND HUMAN GENETICS WINEMAKING MARKETINGEXCITING PROGRAMMES IN: GENETICS PLANT PATHOLOGY AQUACULTURE (plant diseases)VITICULTURE AND OENOLOGY (fish and shellfish) SOIL SCIENCEANIMAL SCIENCES AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AGRONOMYFOOD SCIENCE CONSERVATION ECOLOGY (crops eg wheat and canola)HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE FORESTRY AND WOOD SCIENCE(fruit, vegetables, flowers) AND ENTOMOLOGYCONTACT US ASK YOUR QUESTIONS :tel: 021 808 2978 | fax: 021 808 2001 | email: [email protected] | website:

QA& with Mandlakazi NtoyiWhy did you choose this career? What is the least enjoyable part of your job?In my Grade 11, we had a career exhibition in our school.From the information I got my options filtered down to The nature of the products we make requires that we be ateither do a Biology course or a Chemistry course as I felt I work very early as they are based time (half-life).was better suited for them. I made a decision to go into the Therefore waking up very early for the morning shift thatChemistry field rather than Biology in my Grade 12 year, starts at 6h30am especially in Winter is least enjoyable.biology had a lot of notes to memorise whereas withchemistry I found it more technical and problem solving. career highlights?I loved that about it and chose it. Maintaining a solid performance in my workplace whilstWhat training did you undergo, furthering my studies.and Where? 3 important qualities that yourAfter finishing my matric at Oxford International High position requires?School, I enrolled for National Diploma AnalyticalChemistry at Cape Peninsula University of Technology. Integrity, dedication and be a co-operative person.I have since been trained at Good Manufacturing Processesand Asceptic Processing at the University of Stellenbosch. in 1 sentence, describe your job?What does your job entail? Hands on work that requires concentration and love for science.As a chemical technologist my job entails working withina lab using complex lab instruments in order to quantify EXPERIENCE vs TRAINING?or test the quality of the product. I mainly work in theradiopharmaceutical dispensing side and also do in Both are very important in this field. The trainingprocess quality tests. I am also involved in improving gives an overview of the whole industry whereas theand optimising of current processes and procedures. experience is very specific to the industry you in.describe an average day? advice for grade 11 and 12 learners considering this career?A day starts early in the morning. Basically checkingorders received and put into planning for manufacturing Do exceptionally well in your Mathematics and Science.and supply in collaboration with the administration work Stay focused; use all available resources to research thegroup and pharmacist. Wear personal protective field of interest as much as possible. Lastly in yourequipment. Prepare and dispense radiopharmaceutical Grade 12 year apply to your desired institution as earlyisotopes in a cleanroom. Performing in-process quality as possible.control tests. Completing all relevant quality assuranceand batch manufacturing records. WHAT ARE THE MOST ENJOYABLE ASPECTS OF YOUR POSIION?What do you enjoy most? I enjoy the satisfaction that comes with type of job I amKnowing the product has been successfully delivered doing. The mere fact that the little part I am involved in,to the hospitals because in essence that means patients in the whole system of production has a big impact onget a chance at being treated. the greater department of health of South Africa.| SCIENCE CAREERS SA

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