REACHING FOR TOMORROW Annual Report FY 2013-2014
Dear friends,A year ago, the UCP Seguin Foundation was just getting off the ground. Now we’re stretching ourwings and reaching for tomorrow.When UCP of Greater Chicago merged with Seguin Services in July 2013, two great opportunitiesunfolded before us. First, we saw a chance to bring our services together, making our programsbroader and stronger. Today UCP Seguin offers services for every age and every stage of life.Children come to UCP Seguin for education, assistive technology support, and so much more.Foster care and adoption services are now available, along with help to make the transition fromchildhood to adult living.As always, adults can count on UCP Seguin for life-skills training, employment services, andassistive technologies. Now they can also turn to us for residential services—CommunityIntegrated Living Arrangements where adults with special needs get 24-hour care in a single-familyhome. And when they face the needs of aging, UCP Seguin will still be there to give them support.Ramp Up keeps opening new doors for people with mobility issues. By making homes accessiblefor everyone who lives there, Ramp Up ensures that families can stay together and people withdisabilities can be part of their community.Look toward the next horizon, and you’ll see Infinitec pointing the way to infinite potential throughtechnology. This far-reaching program now extends to four states and keeps pace with the ever-quickening pace of change.And let’s not forget our services for educators or our durable medical equipment access, computerrecycling and respite support for caregivers. Yes, UCP Seguin covers a lot of ground, and every daythe reach extends a little farther.The UCP Seguin Foundation helps make all that possible. We provide funding for UCP Seguinprograms and services, reaching out to those who need it most. We do it with vision and vigor—and we do it with the support of our generous donors.Read on to learn more about the goals we have reached this year and the opportunities that lieahead. We’re on our way to a world of life without limits for people with disabilities.Come along, and we’ll reach it together.Sincerely,Paul J. Dulle, Ph.D. Don BarteckiPresident & CEO, UCP Seguin Foundation Chairman, UCP Seguin Foundation Board of Directors
MISSION STATEMENTUCP Seguin of GreaterChicago believes in a worldwhere children and adultswith disabilities achievetheir potential, advancetheir independence andact as full members of thecommunity. We strive tomake this world a reality—in Illinois and beyond, forpeople at every stageof life—by leveraging technology to provide innovative training and education programs, family support, employment and life-skills training, and residential services.
UCP SEGUIN SERVICES:EXTENDING OUR REACHChildren & Families Adult Services Support Services > Employment services> Foster care > Residential services > Educator training > Life-skills training> Adoption > Support for the aging > Durable medical > Assistive technology equipment access> Transition services (childhood to adult) support > Computer/device > Home modification recycling, refurbishment> Educational services > Recreation and redistribution> Assistive technology > Respite support support> Home modification DONATE TODAYTo donate, visit:
The UCP Seguin Foundation was created in July 2013 to raise funds supporting the newly combined operations of UCP and Seguin. This year the foundation made its inaugural grants for three important UCP Seguin projects. DONATE TODAYTo donate, visit:
UCP SEGUIN FOUNDATION:FUNDING OUTREACHTechnology Upgrades Online Classroom iPad CompatibilityMost of UCP Seguin’s computers Infinitec’s educational technology iPads are gaining popularityused an outdated operating program serves schools in everywhere. Apple has sold aboutsystem that left the agency open Illinois Kansas, Minnesota and 225 million of them so far. Forto security risks and unable to Pennsylvania. Naturally, the people with disabilities, the tabletsupdate its software. Costs for schools have different needs and are easy to use and offer a numberreplacing the system totaled goals. To meet them, Infinitec’s of adaptive technologies to meet$90,400. A grant from the online classroom had to become special needs. But, as every iPadfoundation paid for 75 desktop more flexible. It had to allow user knows, the device doesn’tand 10 laptop computers, allowing member school districts to upload work with Flash-based software—the UCP Seguin staff to work their own content and share it with and the Infinitec Coalition websitemore efficiently and effectively. their people. This private content was built with Flash. AdaptingParts from the old machines are lets members use Infinitec’s web to Apple’s operating system isbeing used to refurbish computers systems to offer training they’ve critical for the continued successdonated to school districts custom-tailored to their needs. of Infinitec’s Online Classroom.through UCP Seguin’s ATEN And the added flexibility makes A grant from the UCP Seguinprogram. Infinitec more attractive to more Foundation will help fund that school districts. The new feature project, slated to start early nextGrant amount: $55,000 will roll out by year-end. year. Grant amount: $22,540 Grant amount: $31,420 UCP Seguin is grateful to the foundation for its help with these projects—and the foundation is grateful for the generous donor support that makes it all possible.
GREAT CHEFS TASTING PARTY:REACHING NEW HEIGHTSEvery year, UCP Seguin’s Great Chefs TastingParty scales the heights of culinary delights.The 2014 party brought together a mix ofnew names and perennial favorites on thecity’s dining scene. Acadia. Carnivale. HappInn. Howells & Hood. Gibsons. Wood. Nearly600 guests gathered to share the feast andbid on a cornucopia of auction items.SponsorsSheraton Hotel & TowersBurke Beverage (exclusive wine sponsor)MillerCoors (exclusive beer sponsor)Tito’s VodkaMORE CupcakesAmerican AirlinesLaurus StrategiesGESDLA Piper (VIP reception sponsor)
Corporate and Foundation Sponsors Individual Donors$25,000 and over R Place $25,000 and overCole-Crone Family Foundation Inc. Riverwoods Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. RyanPatrick G. and Shirley W. Contribution Committee $10,000 - $14,999 Ryan Foundation The Howard Ross Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Splash Publications LLC$15,000 - $24,999 $5,000 - $9,999Burke Beverage, Inc. $250 - $499 Ms. Emily L. BarrCSIG Foundation Abbott Laboratories EmployeeAnonymous and Mr. Scott Kane Giving Campaign Mrs. Marjorie H. Corrington$10,000 - $14,999 Aurelio’s Pizzeria Franchise, Ltd.Magnus Charitable Trust Bucks Pit Stop $2,500 to $4,999Dr. Scholl Foundation Famous Liquors Ms. Peggy A. ChildsSedge Plitt Charitable Trusts Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. DrewHerbert C. Wenske Foundation Prologis Mr. James V. Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Lester Z. Koryczan$5,000 - $9,999 $1 - $249 Dr. and Mrs. David J. McElligottAileen S. Andrew Foundation Allstate Insurance Company Ms. Susan M. O’DonovanArgonne National Laboratory A-One ConstructionChicago Mercantile Exchange AT & T and Mr. Richard RodriguezDickinsonGroup, LLC AT&T United Way Employee Mr. Russell OmuroDLA Piper Mr. Joseph Perrino Giving Campaign Mr. Herschel L. Seder (Dec’d)$2,500 - $4,999 Computer AssociatesHackberry Endowment Partners - $1,000 - $2,499 International, Inc. Mr. Don Bartecki The Malkin Family G & G Optical Laboratory Mr. Jerry J. BurgdoerferSaints Faith, Hope Heart of Chicago Association Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Burke J&J Carbide & Tool, Inc. Mrs. Phyllis A. Diamond and Charity Church Jiffy Lube Mr. Neil E. DrohanSeder Family Foundation Jim’s Appliance Service Mr. Lawrence EugeneUCP - Washington Just Give Ms. Amy Fahey Kizaric Properties, LLC Mr. and Mrs. David Giordano$1,000 - $2,499 The Craig and Holly LaPlante Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HorwichThe Allyn Foundation, Inc. Mr. John KarfiasBlum-Kovler Foundation Chritable Foundation Mr. John LeonardDiscovery Education Ledo’s Incorporated Mr. and Mrs. Peter MelonasThe Horwich Family Foundation Lyons McCook Business Mr. John MiniuttiKnights of Columbus No. 11091 Mr. and Mrs. Matt MulvihillLaurus Strategies Association Mr. and Mrs. James D. PepperMarlins on Pershing, Inc. McGaffer’s, Inc. Mrs. Mary ProcunierOlivia Bea Ross Foundation Michael Anthony Pizzeria, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell L. SlotnickSouthwest Orthopedics, SC MYO Trucking Company, Inc. Ms. Linda StackWW Grainger, Inc. Nydzco, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tribbett Patio Food Products, Inc. Mr. Ray Vahl$500 - $999 Ramarc Foods, Inc. Ms. Joyce WilkosFront Barnett Associates LLC Stone Park Liquors, Inc. Mr. Paul WilliamsJPMorgan Chase & Co. Superior Ambulance Mr. and Mrs. Hao C. H. ZhangKeeley Construction, Inc. SVS Liquors, Inc.MetLife Tavern On LaGrange $500 - $999MT Food Service Touch of Class Dog Grooming,Inc. Mr. Bob Anderson Wallking Enterprizes Why Are Inc. YourCause Paying Agent for Corporate Giving Program
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Bufalino Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaller Mr. and Mrs. Theodore BulowMr. and Mrs. Kevin Burns Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Schrickel Mrs. Debbie BumberMr. and Mrs. John Fitzpatrick Mr. Kevin Segerson Ms. Julie BurbichMr. Jordan M. Goodman Mrs. Marianne Taepke Ms. Betty BurfeindMr. Peter Harmon Ms. Sara Tyburski Mrs. Mary Ann C. BuricaMr. Timothy J. Harris Mr. and Mrs. Philip R. Utigard Ms. Mary A. BurkeMr. Reagan Hogerty Mr. Bob Vahl Ms. Addie BurnetteMr. David Hough Mr. Christopher Vandenberg Ms. Kelly CainMr. Faheem Jesani Ms. Nancy J. Walsh Mr. James CaliaendoMr. and Mrs. Paul Kovacevich Mr. Greg Wolf Ms. Jelipita CardenasMs. Ethel Kyles Ms. Korina CarilloMr. William Miller $1 - $249 Ms. Bev CarpenterFr. Martin O’Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Adducci Ms. Cheryl L. CarterMr. Jeff Puglielli Ms. Natividad Aguire Ms. Cheryl V. CasperMrs. Mary C. Rogulich Ms. Elizabeth Aguirre-Leazy Mr. Alan CazzatoMr. and Mrs. Steven R. Telkamp Ms. Lori Aimone Dr. Li Fan and Dr. Long Cheng SuMr. Chris Zubel Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Ainge Mr. Nick V. Chiusolo Ms. Margaret Angone Mr. and Mrs. James Chomko$250 - $499 Ms. Karen L. Annichiarico Mr. Joe ChoppMr. Patrick Ahern Mr. and Mrs. Andrew O. Apolon Ms. Nancy CiancioMr. Wayne Basch Mr. and Mrs. John Arizzi Ms. Tiffany CisnerosMr. and Mrs. Paul H. Behrman Mr. Vishidha Balankari Ms. Victoria CiulloMr. Bernard Biegel Ms. Karen Baltrus Ms. Sally T. ClairMr. Mike Burns Ms. Barbara Bara Ms. Patricia ClancyMs. Erin Butler Ms. Mary L. Bareither Sareth ClappMr. Jack Chen Mr. and Mrs. James C. Bartelson Mr. Steve ClementsMrs. Marlene Christ Mr. James Bartley Ms. Marilyn S. ColbyMr. James Clementi Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Baumgartner Ms. Carol CollinsMr. Rocky Daehler Ms. Valerie Baumgartner Mr. and Mrs. Philip ColvinMrs. Stephanie DeCarlo Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A. Becker Mr. and Mrs. Richard ColvinMs. Gail Donahue Ms. Marcella Behrman Ms. Linda K. CondroDr. Kurt Erickson Mr. and Mrs. Mark Behrman Ms. Jennifer ConrickMs. Ernestine Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Roland Benesch Mrs. Catherine CookMr. and Mrs. Alan M. Goldberg Mr. H. P. Berg Mr. Keith CooperMr. David Hamilton Mr. John Bernstein Ms. Sonja CottonMr. James Haptonstahl Ms. Donna L. Bilek Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. CoughlinMs. Sandy Hoffman Ms. Andrea Biondi Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. CoughlinMs. Susan Hoppe Ms. Stacey Birndorf Mrs. Rosemary L. CrainMr. William Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Peter Blaauboer Ms. Susan J. CrosbyMs. Sarah Isaacs Ms. Patricia M. Blazek Mr. and Mrs. John W. CrossMr. Craig Kappel Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bolek Mr. and Mrs. John A. CushingMs. Claire Kasamis Mr. and Mrs. Jamie Bonham Mr. James D. DaceMs. Jessica Land Mr. Marcus Bradshaw Mr. Patrick DalyMr. Jeffrey Lehmer Ms. Angela Brady Ms. Sara A. DavisMr. Matt McElligott Mrs. Karen Brady Mrs. Janice De MaatMr. Ed Meil Ms. Nancy Brannigan Mrs. Martha A. DeGraaf MackMs. Maureen O’Brien Ms. Denise BrayMr. and Mrs. Mario Paez Ms. Mary E. Brogan and Mr. Jonathan T. MackMr. Brian Pawlowicz Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Brown Mr. Robert D. DeisingerMs. Patrice A. Riebel Ms. Cynthia Bukowski Ms. Donna Dernulc Ms. Susan M. Desanto
Ms. Carol DeVos Ms. Susan H. Grandys Mr. Alan P. KimmelMs. Anne DiCarlo Ms. Connie Gratti Mrs. Mary KleinMrs. Arlene Dill Ms. Shelly Gray Mrs. Therese KmettyMs. Maureen Dillon Ms. Grace R. Greenberg Mr. Joseph KnoppMs. Mary Dixon Ms. Diana J. Greimann Mr. Michael R. KochMrs. Vita G. Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gribnitz Ms. Angela KollerMs. Linda Douville Mr. Greg Grill Ms. Sharon KomarckMs. Sharon Dovick Ms. Tillie Grimberg Ms. Laura KozickiMr. Martin Dowling Mr. and Mrs. Faustino Guerrero Ms. Patricia L. KraaiMr. Dave Druhan Ms. Therese B. Guest Mr. George KrachDr. and Mrs. Harun Durudogan Ms. Nancy A. Hacker Mr. David W. KubiakDr. and Mrs. P. H. Durudogan Ms. Virginia Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Mark KumicichMr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Dvorak Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Hallgren Ms. Melissa LabrashMs. Loretta K. Edlund Ms. Kathleen Hamill Ms. Carolyn A. LaneMs. Geraldine Eichman Ms. Christine Harrell Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. LarsonDr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Emmering Mr. and Mrs. Charles Henson Ms. Sally A. LaycsakMr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Enzenbacher Mr. Rick Herbst Mr. Hoang LeMrs. Susan S. Epich Mr. Luis Herrera Mr. and Mrs. Charlie LeBrunMs. Frances Evers Mr. Ken Hinrichs Ms. Kuanhui LeeMr. and Mrs. Tomas Farrell Mrs. Merlin J. Hoare Mr. and Mrs. James W. LeibMr. Dante Fauci Ms. Frances Hofbauer Mr. Michael LenartMr. and Mrs. Robert Faxel Mr. Dave Hohulin Mrs. Janet K. LenceMr. Dave Feithen Ms. Audrey Hollow Ms. Mary LesniewskMr. and Mrs. Robert Fischer Mr. Thomas Horenkamp Mr. and Mrs. John C. LindstromMr. and Mrs. James Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Hull Mr. Tom LogsdonMs. Rochelle Fisher Dr. David Iaccino Mr. William LogsdonMr. Kevin B. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Iammarino Mr. Thomas J. LonerganMr. Stuart Foler Ms. Nathan Ida Mr. and Mrs. John LubinskiMr. and Mrs. Thomas Foley Mr. Carl Ivanelli Ms. Nancy LukasikMs. Margaret E. Fortney Ms. Sheila Janotta Ms. Carol A. MabusMrs. Elizabeth M. Fox Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Jensen Ms. Tami M. MadayMs. Miriam Franklin Ms. Deborah Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MadejaMs. Beverly A. Frankovich Ms. Karen Johnson Ms. Barbara MagahaMr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Franz Ms. Mary C. Johnson Ms. Barbara MagliolaMr. David Frunk Ms. Roberta Jorik Ms. Karen MajorDr. Deborah Gaebler-Spira Ms. Joyce D. Josepher Ms. Debra A. MalacinaMr. and Mrs. David Gaichas Ms. Michelle Joubert Mrs. Siobhan M. MalinowskiMr. and Mrs. James Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jurlow Mr. John MantschMr. and Mrs. Martin J. Gallagher Mr. James Kalabokis Mr. Munaswamy MarathiMr. and Mrs. Kevin Gallagher Mr. and Mrs. Leonard M. Kamp Ms. Molly MarinoMs. Carol A. Galligan Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Kamradt Mr. and Mrs. Paul MarrMs. Tommie Galloway Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kaplan Mr. Larry MartinezMr. and Mrs. Walter P. Gannon Mrs. Geraldine M. Keane Mr. Dave MartinoGermaine Gapsevich Ms. Mary Keegan Mr. and Mrs. William MatsonMs. Alma Garcia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kelly Ms. Kathleen W. McAlvanyMr. Sam Gardeakos Mrs. John P. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCarthyMr. and Mrs. Harold Garvine Mr. and Mrs. John L. Kenton Mr. James McDevittMs. Lisa Gill Mr. Patrick Kerr Ms. Lois McDonaldMr. Thomas Gillis Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keslin Mr. Drew McElligottMr. Gerard Golak Mr. Naufal Khan Mrs. Terese McFarlandMr. and Mrs. Gary Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Kimel Mr. and Mrs. Kirk McGregor
Mrs. Leah J. McMaken Ms. Janet A. Rice Mr. Steven TerheshMs. Pamela A. McNichols Mr. James R. Riedel Ms. April ThigpenMr. Ellis Merlin Ms. Linda Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. ThollMs. Trudi Meyers Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rohan Ms. Lucille ThomaMr. and Mrs. Ralph Miller Ms. Mary Roney Mrs. Leona M. ThomasMs. Susan K. Mish Ms. Ellen R. Rose Ms. Margaret ThomasMs. Susan Mistretta Ms. Barbara Rosiello Mr. T. F. ThomasMr. Brian Mittelstaedt Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Roth Mrs. Carol J. TietzMr. and Mrs. Vincent Mlcuch Mrs. Elizabeth Rowan Mr. and Mrs. Arthur TinagliaMr. and Mrs. Harold J. Moe Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Rowell Mr. David ToaffMs. Claire Mohler Mr. and Mrs. George Roy Ms. Judith TorriMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Molfese Mrs. Judith A. Ryan Mr. Michael A. TriggsMr. and Mrs. Rick Moskovitz Mr. Kevin J. Ryan Mr. Kevin TroyMr. Lee Muchnikoff Ms. Marley Sackheim Mr. and Mrs. Mike TrtanjMs. Audrey Munnich Mrs. Patricia A. Sager Mr. Ken Hauff and Mrs. CricketMr. and Mrs. Frank Murphy Ms. Brenda SandersMr. James Napolitan Mr. Alfred Schectman Trutter HauffMs. Nancy L. Nauheimer Mr. Charles Scheffel Ms. Catherine UhrichMr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Nelson Mrs. Amelia Schettler Mr. and Mrs. Frank VaccaMr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Nelson Ms. Katherine J. Schneegas Ms. Cynthia K. ValencianoMr. and Mrs. Brian Nosbusch Mrs. Sharon L. Schussler Ms. Donna VasicekMs. Carol O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schwartz Mrs. Karen B. VernamMrs. Marilyn O’Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scrivner Mr. Julio R. VicencioMs. Tara Oosterbaan Ms. Susan Sheahan Ms. Patrice ViningMr. and Mrs. Michael D. O’Ryan Mrs. Janice Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. John VoitMs. Elaine S. Pagels Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Shemanski Ms. Francis WaddellMr. Charles V. Parker Ms. Joan Shepherd Mrs. Edward C. WahlMr. Leonard Parusczkiewicz Mrs. Janet Shinstine Mr. William G. WalkerMs. Lynn Patinkin Ms. Frances Shizas Ms. Angela M. WelchMr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Pedersen Mrs. Rose L. Shure Ms. Christine WhiteMs. Catherine M. Pekoz Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sims Mr. Chris WhittenMs. Krystina Pelc Ms. Rosemarie Skopec Mr. Patricia WilliamsMr. and Mrs. David W. Peterson Ms. Zoe Skopec Mrs. David A. WinchellMr. Matt Pfeffer Ms. Grace Slack Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. WitkowskiMr. Robert Phifer Ms. Christina E. Slowik Mr. Joseph WlochMr. John Picken Ms. Marie Slowik Mr. Doug WoesteMr. and Mrs. Joseph Pierce Ms. Anne Smart Mr. Robert WolffDr. Burton G. Pinchuk Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sparkowski Ms. Terry WoodMs. Lisa Pollard Ms. Mary Stefanatos Ms. Jane WrayMs. Deborah Pope Mr. Chris Stefanes Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. WsolMrs. Betty J. Post Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stein Ms. Kathleen S. ZaleMs. Bobbi Post Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stennet Mr. and Mrs. Steven ZerlentesMr. John Prkut Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stocker Mr. Bruce ZiemerMs. Christine Rackos Mr. and Mrs. Wayne H. Strombom Ms. Camille ZiomekMr. Dan Ragins Mrs. Scott E. StroteMs. Marilyn C. Ragland Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert B. SuddMr. John Rank Mr. Kadir SunardioMr. and Mrs. Edward Ranquist Ms. Diana M. SwiderMr. and Mrs. Norbert Rediger Ms. Nancy TeclawMs. Lillian Reed Ms. Patricia TellanoMs. Sandra Reiner Ms. Nancy Temple
In honor of: In memory of: Hank Svoboda Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. EnzenbacherMichelle Acevedo Kratzer and Seder John Trutter’s 94th Birthday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stein Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Mr. Ken Hauff and Andrew Behrman Lucille F. behof Ms. Tommie Galloway Mr. James Kalabokis Mrs. Cricket Trutter HauffRichard Brown Doris Clements Vernice Wighte Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Ms. Peggy A. Childs Mrs. Marilyn O’Keefe Ms. Peggy A. Childs Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Mahala CampbellGreg Grill Ms. Deborah Jensen Maria Castillo Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Mr. and Mrs. Hao C. H. Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Joe Childs Mrs. Sharon Grill Annetta Cross Miriam Anderson Ms. Peggy A. Childs Mr. and Ms. Vincent Mlcuch Jerome BrockhausDave Hohulin Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cross Donald Cora Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle George Finlay Nichols Jr. Larry Crotty Ms. Peggy A. Childs Mr. Ken Hauff and Thomas DinaroDeb Jensen Melissa Feebus Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Mrs. Cricket Trutter Hauff Margaret Ferreira Ms. Peggy A. Childs Maurice Garland Debra HooksThe Krawchuk Family Mr. Ken Hauff and Kayla Koranda Ms. Christine Harrell Kathleen LehnererKatie McGee Mrs. Cricket Trutter Hauff Ann Leman Ms. Sara Tyburski Helen P. O’Donnell Haptonstahl Mike LiszeoVeronica Ortiz Mr. James Haptonstahl Denise Maggio Ms. Korina Carillo Ayala Hinda Lev John MaharJo and Kim Sydello Mr. David Toaff Jacqui Milano Ms. Elaine S. Pagels Jack Hughes Susan MoronSteve Telkamp Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Richard O’Heir Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. Telkamp Ms. Peggy A. Childs Mary Ellen RyanChristopher Thigpen Vince and Victoria Iaccino Ms. Peggy A. Childs Ms. April Thigpen Dr. David IaccinoNolan Torri Billy Jensen Ms. Judith Torri Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. JensenMei Zhang Carol Kainrath Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Ms. Stacey Birndorf Ms. Peggy A. Childs John “Jack” KotenPaul Dulle’s Birthday Mr. Ken Hauff and Paul and Suzi DulleLori Opiela Mrs. Cricket Trutter HauffVicki Pray Ulrich KruseSue and Rick Rodriguez Mr. Ken Hauff and John Voit Ms. Peggy A. Childs Mrs. Cricket Trutter HauffPeggy Childs Ann LemanMatina Davis Mr. and Mrs. Hao C. H. ZhangCheryl Deardorf Robert (Bobo) MertzDebra Eubanks Ms. Trudi MeyersRoger Hughes Nancy Louise MoloneyJohn Leonard Mr. Ken Hauff and Mrs. CricketSue O’Donovan Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Trutter Hauff Roger Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Nelson William Sutter Mr. Ken Hauff and Mrs. Cricket Trutter Hauff
Gift-in-kind donors:AnonymousAcadiaAmerican AirlinesAnthony’s OwnAurelio’s Pizzeria Franchise, Ltd.Ms. Catherine J. AvenaCapannari Ice CreamCarnivaleCourtyard by Marriott Magnificent MileThe Culinary School of Kendall CollegeDePaul Univesity Merle Reskin TheatreMr. Jerry DruhanGibson’s Bar & SteakhouseFarmhouse Tavernfreestyle food and drinkMs. Lisa GillMr. Jason HammellHapp Inn Bar & Grill/Taco NanoHeaven on SevenHowell’s & HoodKatherine Anne ConfectionsMORE CupcakesOne North Kitchen & BarOsteria Via StatoPiccolo SognoProsecco RistoranteThe RadlerRed DoorRM Champagne SalonRoy’s Hawaian Fusion RestaurantRoyal Cup CoffeeSheraton Chicago Hotel & TowersShula’s Steak HouseSilver Lake Country Club, IncorporatedSouthwater KitchenSunda New AsianTito’sTrellisThe Westin Michigan Avenue HotelVanille PatisserieWildfireWoodZanies Comedy Nite ClubZED451
UCP Seguin Foundation UCP Seguin Foundation/ Board of Directors UCP Seguin 547 W. Jackson Blvd., Ste 225 Don Bartecki, Chairman Chicago, IL 60661 Roger Hughes, Chairman Emeritus 312-765-0419 phone Emily Barr, Vice Chairman 312-765-0503 fax Jim Napolitan, Secretary Lester Koryczan, Treasurer UCP Seguin Arthur & Mary Rubloff Building Directors 7550 W. 183rd St. Kevin Burke Tinley Park, IL 60477 Dan Drew 708-444-8460 phone Laura Durudogan 708-429-3981 fax John Fitzpatrick Jim Garvey Arthur & Mary Rubloff Building John Miniutti 776 Red Oak Lane Matt Mulvihill Highland Park, IL 60035 Shirley Ryan 847-861-9284 phone Howard Stone 847-861-9291 fax Phil Utigard John Voit Arthur & Mary Rubloff Building 826 South Addison Ave.DONATE Villa Park, IL 60181 TODAY 708-444-8460 phone 708-429-3981 fax Julius & Betty Levinson Center 332 W. Harrison Street Oak Park, IL 60304 708-383-8887 phone 708-383-9025 fax 3100 South Central Ave. Cicero, Il 60804 708-863-1186 phone 708-863-1189 faxTo donate, visit:
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