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Home Explore UCP 2015 Annual Report

UCP 2015 Annual Report

Published by jeni, 2015-11-23 16:37:22

Description: UCP 2015 Annual Report


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Banding together tobuild a better foundation2015 ANNUAL REPORT

} Jack, a freshman in high school with Lebers Congenital Amaurosis, can confidently – and comfortably – give a presentation to his class thanks to the use of a variety of assistive technology tools. An above-average student, Jack is a natural leader in the classroom, inspiring his peers and teachers to stay positive and live life with enthusiasm.

Dear friends,For anyone who has ever endured the process of a significant home renovation, you may have had todeal with foundation issues. Questions raised by you and your building team may have likely included:Is it solid?Has it been compromised?Can it support the weight?Can I afford to fix this?Can I afford not to?In 2013, we believed we could do more to provide life without limits for people with disabilities bystrengthening our foundation through the merger of UCP of Greater Chicago and Seguin Services.We believed that shoring up that foundation would allow us to do more. Be more. Serve more.Two years later, on the most solid footing in our history, UCP Seguin Foundation is funding UCPSeguin programs and services to those who need it most at every age and stage of life. Groundedby our mission, we stand side-by-side with our leadership, board members, administrators, staff andgenerous donors, to create life without limits for more people with disabilities than ever. People likeCharlie. And Cameron. And Olga and Jerry.How do we expand our services to help children and adults with disabilities achieve their potentialand advance their independence? Just like the family that is outgrowing its starter home: we addon to what already exists.We build on our signature events like the Great Chefs Tasting Party (which saw an unprecedented50% profit increase this year) and Chip In Fore Hope Golf Classic. We build on our fundraisingefforts by introducing a major gifts program. We build on the relationships that continue to opendoors for our organization and the programs and services we fund.For all of the support you’ve provided to get us to where we are now, thank you.With our solid foundation, we believe everything is possible.Paul J. Dulle, Ph.D., President & CEO Don Bartecki, ChairmanUCP Seguin Foundation UCP Seguin Foundation

Donate Now at }Our mission:The UCP Seguin Foundation is a 501(c)3organization based in Chicago that works toraise, grow, steward and distribute funds toprograms and services — particularly thoseprovided by UCP Seguin — that help childrenand adults with disabilities achieve theirpotential, advance their independence andact as full members of the community.We strive to make this world a reality — inIllinois and beyond, for people at every stageof life — by leveraging technology to provideinnovative training and education programs,family support, employment and life-skillstraining, and residential services.Our vision is that all people, regardless ofability, will be valued, active members oftheir schools, the nation’s workforce and thecommunities where they live.

We support: Children & Families: All families hope their children will find love, acceptance and inclusion in life. The services we support help families of children with disabilities see those hopes come alive. • Assistive technology support connects special-needs students in four states with innovative tools. • Educator training helps teachers nurture the development of children with disabilities. • Infinitec, now active in four states, points the way to infinite potential through technology. • Transition programs build bridges from teenage years to independent adulthood. • Foster care gives children with disabilities a stable and supportive home environment. • Adoption services are available for Illinois wards of the state who are in UCP Seguin foster care.}Seven-year old Charlie, limited in mobility from cerebral palsy, is limitless in motivation and determination. Using an infrared head mouse to access his Dyna Vox T10 communication device, Charlie is tireless when it comes to engaging with his friends at school and his family at home. This year, Charlie used his T10 to speak to the big guy: Santa Claus.

}David spent most of life in an institution. Life changed for thebetter when he moved into one of UCP Seguin’s community-based homes. Now, he has own room, helps plan what he eatsand what he wants to do. Finally, David is home.Adults:Our adult services pick up where many other program leave off — at age 22.• Employment services assist with resumes, job searches and career plans.• Life-skills training promotes independent living at a fraction of the cost of institutionalization.• Residential services include CILAs — Community Independent Living Arrangements — with 24-hour care in a single-family home.• Support for the aging provides a range of specialized care, including a senior center designed for people with disabilities.• Assistive technology support puts tools for better living within reach for people with disabilities.• Recreation services give people with disabilities a chance to enjoy life with their friends. }

Donate Now at Across the Years: Other UCP Seguin programs serve people with disabilities — and the people who care about them — at every stage of life. • Ramp Up makes homes accessible, so families can stay together and everyone can be part of the community — because no one should ever be a few steps away from independence. • The Durable Medical Exchange lets people with temporary or permanent disabilities secure needed equipment, from hospital beds to canes, free of charge. • The Assistive Technology Exchange Network — ATEN — refurbishes and recycles donated computers, and distributes them to students with disabilities. • Respite support offers in-home help for caregivers as well as a weekend getaway for people with disabilities.} Olga and Jerry, married for nearly 20 years, both have severe cerebral palsy requiring wheelchairs to navigate the world. With our support, they have a home adapted to their needs, jobs they love at Seguin Gardens & Gifts and Seguin Auto Center, and most of all, they have each other.


Donate Now at ucpseguinfoundation.orgEvents:We do more than just throw a party! Connecting and engaging with thecommunity through the Great Chefs Tasting Party and Chip In Fore Hope GolfClassic keeps us focused on our mission as we reach out to both long-time andbrand new donors as well as event sponsors to help make each year’s event“the best ever.” And we aren’t the only ones focused on our mission! For morethan two decades, we’ve had the fortune of serving as beneficiary of both theBurke Beverage Golf Outing and the Southside Scramble. This year, Chef DavidDiGregorio sent us the proceeds of Osteria Via Stato’s 10th Anniversary event.And at the suggestion of 11-year old Nolan in the Southwest suburb of LaGrange,Illinois, UCP Seguin Foundation was gifted the proceeds from the HighlandsElementary school’s annual variety show. Thank you to all of our donors and event sponsors and for those who believe in what we do enough to host an event to benefit our work. With your help, everything is possible.} Cameron and his parents were worried what would come next after aging out of special education. Building Bridges to the Future put those worries to rest. Now, Cameron spends his days in UCP Seguin’s adult day services where he is getting vocational training in the Portillo’s Learning Kitchen and washing cars in UCP Seguin’s Auto Center. Most importantly, he is finding his way as an adult in the world.

Corporate donors:$25,000 and over Kendall College TYCO Individual donors: Unified Roof RestorationCole-Crone Family Foundation Inc. Knights of Columbus No. 11091 Venture One Real Estate $25,000 and over The Estate of Morton J. HauslingerCSIG Sheldon L. & Pearl R. $1 - $249 All Guard Auto Alarm $10,000 - $14,999Magnus Charitable Trust Leibowitz Foundation All Sealants, Inc. Ms. Emily L. Barr and Allstate Giving Campaign MacNeal Hospital Allstate Insurance Company Mr. Scott Kane A-One Construction Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle$15,000 - $24,999 Molto Properties AT&T Mr. Thomas Gleitsman ATM Capital Management Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. RyanAnonymous MT Food Service Barone’s of Crestwood Barron Development LLC $5,000 - $9,999Burke Beverage, Inc. North Berwyn Park District Bellman-Melcor, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Z. Koryczan The Cottage Bar & Grill Osteria Via Stato CMTCM Inc. $2,500 to $4,999 Community Health Charities Anonymous$10,000 - $14,999 Ozinga Ready Mix Concrete, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bartecki of Illinois & Indiana Ms. Peggy A. ChildsCBRE Pharmacy Alternative CWU Contractors, LLC Mr. Neil E. Drohan Dan’s Painting, Inc. Mr. James V. GarveyCME Group Community RDV Electric Heart of Chicago Association Mr. John Miniutti Hewlett Packard Mr. Steven V. NapolitanoFoundation Olivia Bea Ross Foundation Irish Times Pub, Inc. Ms. Susan M. O’Donovan Jim’s Appliance ServiceSedge Plitt Charitable Trusts RV Construction Karina’s Bakery and Mr. Richard Rodriguez Knack Trucking Mr. Russell OmuroHerbert C. Wenske Foundation West Town Savings Bank The Craig and Holly LaPlante Mr. Joseph Perrino Mr. Brian RoachPatrick G. and Shirley W. Ryan Winston & Strawn LLP Chritable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Shankar Sanwalani LYNXS Mr. Brian StutzFoundation Wolf Financial Management, LLC McGaffer’s, Inc. Mr. Luke Sundheim McMahon Painting Residential Mr. and Mrs. John Voit WW Grainger, Inc. & Commercial $1,000 - $2,499$5,000 - $9,999 Michael Anthony’s Pizzeria, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ahern Microsoft Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. BehanArgonne National Laboratory $500 - $ 999 Network for Good Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Behrman Nydzco, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. BermanDLA Piper Huizenga Capital Management Palos Electric Company Mr. and Mrs. Kevin R. Burke Petritsch Dental Laboratory, Inc. Mr. Tim CosgroveHackberry Endowment Partners - CenterPoint Properties Sagacious Consultants Mr. Marc Davis The Sanctuary of Brookfield Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. DrewThe Malkin Family Clean Slate Painting Seguin Services, Inc. Ms. Nicole Erickson Sokol & Mazian Dr. and Mrs. Kurt EricksonHighland Parent Teacher Council DickinsonGroup LLC Superior Ambulance Mr. Jordan M. Goodman T.J.S. Enterprises, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas HorwichMB Financial Corporation The Howard Ross Foundation The Benevity Community Fund Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Klimmeck Unipro Graphics Mr. John LeonardRA James Construction South Side Irish-St. Patrick’s Day United Way Employee Mr. Greg McConnell Dr. and Mrs. David J. McElligottSaints Faith, Hope and Charity Parade Giving Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Wallking Enterprizes Mr. and Mrs. James NapolitanSouthwest Orthopedics, SC Warehouse Direct $250 - $499$2,500 to $4,999 A & M Fence CorporationAmerican Utility Management, Inc. Alexander’s RestaurantBellows Fund ASG StaffingCOMCAST Aurelio’s Pizzeria Franchise, Ltd.KTR Capital Partners Byline BankM & O Insulation Cindy Lyn MotelM&M Cleaning Services, Inc. EZ Duz ITRobert R. Andreas & Sons Freddy’s Pizza Hickman, Williams &$1,000 - $2,499 Company Of KentuckyAfter Hours Auto Repair Interstate BatteryThe Allyn Foundation, Inc. Intrepid Plumbing, Inc.Atlas Toyota Material Handling Iwema ExcavatingBlum-Kovler Foundation JPMorgan Chase & Co.Bone Roofing Supply, Inc. Midas MuflerTown of Cicero Ozinga Bros, Inc.Combined Warehouse P&G EngineeringFriends of Jeffrey R. Tobolski PraesidiumHelping Hands Center Proficient Personnel Systems, LTDThe Horwich Family Foundation PrologisJohn Buck Company Riteway Brick Restoration, Inc.Katzenbach & Associates, Ltd Robert G. Lyons & AssociatesKeeley Construction, Inc. Paul J. Skryd

Ms. Sandra O’Heir Ms. Rosemary Bresnahan Ms. Julie O’Heir Mr. John BeckerMrs. Mary Procunier Ms. Sarah Bush Mr. Larry Opiela Mr. and Mrs. David N. BeckmanMr. Colin Quinn Ms. Erin Butler Mr. and Mrs. Henry Proesel Ms. Marcella BehrmanMs. Maureen Rurka Mr. Steve Clements Mr. Peter Rhee Mr. and Mrs. Mark BehrmanMr. Kevin Segerson Ms. Jocelyn Cornbleet Mr. Pat Roe Mr. and Mrs. Roland BeneschMr. and Mrs. Mitchell L. Slotnick Ms. Karen A. Crotty Mr. William Russel Mr. and Mrs. John BenzMr. and Mrs. Steven R. Telkamp Mr. John Currier Ms. Lisa Sabres Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. BergerMs. Margaret Zegley Mr. Larry Davis Mr. Paul H. Saenger Mr. Todd BergmannMr. and Mrs. Hao C. H. Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D’Esposito Senator Martin Sandoval Ms. Laura Berliner Mr. David DiGregorio Mr. Bob Schaefer Mr. Bernard Biegel$500 - $ 999 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Diver Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schaller Mr. Lee BieleckiMr. Bob Anderson Ms. Gail Donahue Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Schrickel Mr. and Mrs. James BiesadeckiMr. Chris Balzarini Mr. Mark Efrusy Mr. Don Schwarz Mr. and Mrs. Bernard BiondoMr. Everett A. Bell Mr. Steve Egan Mr. Fred Seeholzer Mr. and Mrs. William BirosMs. Joan Bowen Mr. Gary Fazzio Mr. Jim Shanahan Mr. and Mrs. George M. BlackwellMs. Lisa Damato Ms. Marcia Finton Mr. Rich Sieracki Mr. William BockMs. Amy Fahey Mr. John Flannery Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Mr. Paul BoehlkeMr. and Mrs. Edward R. Gajewski Mr. Kevin Flynn Ms. Dawneen Suriano Mrs. Susan B. BonnarMs. Maureen Geoghegan Mr. Stuart Foler Mr. Nathan Svingen Mr. Jeffrey BonseMr. and Mrs. David Giordano Mr. Dennis Hart Mr. Arvin Talwar Mr. and Mrs. Garrett BosMr. Larry Hackett Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Heim Ms. Nancy Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael BoyceMr. David Hamilton Ms. Julie Henhapl Mr. Brian Townsend Mr. Michael J. BradleyMr. James Haptonstahl Ms Lisa Hernandez Ms. Shari Vass Ms. Helen BrandauMr. Timothy J. Harris Mr. and Mrs. David Hoppe Mr. Josh Voit Ms. Rita M. BrdarMr. Faheem Jesani Ms. Susan Hoppe Mr. Frank Vomacka Ms. Linda BreitbarthMr. Craig Kappel Mr. William Hubbard Ms. Nancy J. Walsh Ms. Colleen BrennanMr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Kenny Mr. James Hughes Mr. Tom Watson Mr. and Mrs. Stephen A. BresciaMr. and Mrs. Leonard Keslin Ms. Kristy Hunt Dr. Thomas Wieland Mrs. Kathleen BresnahanMr. Shahid Khan Ms. June Jacobson Ms. Maria Winn Ms. Margaret M. BresnahanMs. JoAnn Koller Mr. Jim Johnson Mr. James Yi Mr. and Mrs. Daniel P. BroadhurstMr. Daniel Maturo Mr. Jim Johnson, Sr. Ms. Mary E. BroganMr. Les McDonald Mr. Russ Joyce $1 - $249 Mr. and Mrs. Richard BrownMr. and Mrs. Richard Melman Mr. Bob Juris Mr. James Adamitis Mr. Duane BrueggemannMs. Roxanna Meyer Mr. Andrew P. Keefner Mr. Bernard E. Adams Ms. Linda K. BudvitisMr. John Russell Mr. Kevin Key Ms. Shirley M. Adams Mr. Wayne BuergerMr. and Mr. Joseph Saccone, Jr. Mr. Steven Kirby Dr. Marlene Alejos Mrs. Debbie BumberMr. Michael Semenzin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kovacevich Ms. Diane Anderson Mr. Casey BurkeMr. Mike Solheim Ms. Sandra Koziol Ms. Karen L. Annichiarico Mrs. Kathleen A. BurkeMs. Nancy Wilenski Mr. Peter Kroner Ms. Sandra J. Antablian Ms. Mary A. BurkeMr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Witkowski Mr. Mike Lamble Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Ms. Susan R. Burke Mr. John Lazzarrotto Ms. Mary F. Cadigan$250 - $499 Mr. Robert Lovero Auchinleck Jr. Mr. James CaliaendoMr. John Alyo Ms. Beth A. Mannino Mrs. Mary T. Bagniewski Ms. Nancy CallaghanMr. Mark Anderson Ms. Karen Baltrus Mr. Jim CareyMrs. Catherine J. Avena and Mr. Paul Schick Ms. Victoria Baltrus Ms. Korina CarilloMs. Victoria Baltrus Mr. Phil McHenry Ms. Barbara Bara Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. CarneyMr. Craig Bargowski Ms. Barb McKenna Ms. Barbara Barkhoff Mr. David CarpenterMr. Aaron Basch Ms. Pamela A. McNichols Ms. Debbie Baro Ms. Joan M. CarrolMr. Robert Bellaire Mr. Tom Mikrut Ms. Debbie Bartkowski Mr. and Mrs. Bud CartwrightMr. Chris Beyer Mr. Frank Montro Mr. and Mrs. James Bartley Mr. and Mrs. Terry CartwrightMr. John Bishop Mr. Pat Naughton Mr. Frank Bartusiak Ms. Marifrances CaseyMs. Joan Bowen Ms. Linda Neidorf Ms. Margaret Basu Mr. Martin CastroMr. Michael Brassil Mr. Timothy D. Nolan Ms. Valerie Baumgartner Mr. F. O’Donovan Mr. Mark Bava

Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Dvorak Mr. Alex Godinez Ms. Susan Jozefiak Ms. Joyce Golbus Ms. Nora KaiserMs. Karyn Chalem Mr. and Mrs. Richard Earnisse Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Allen Kaplan Ms. Karen Goldsmith Mrs. Geraldine M. KeaneMs. Debbie Chavez Ms. Joyce E. Eddy Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gonsowski Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kenny Ms. Martha Gonzalez Ms. Joan KerklaMr. and Mrs. Jack C. Cholakian Ms. Geraldine Eichman Mrs. Rosemarie Gorski Mr. and Mrs. Joe Keslin Ms. Shelly Gray Mr. Chuck KlickmannMrs. Marlene Christ Ms. Carol Ellsworth Ms. Grace R. Greenberg Ms. Jane E. Klunk Ms. Diana J. Greimann Ms. Patricia KnealeMs. Joyce Christos Mr. and Mrs. John F. Emody Ms. Simi Grevan Ms. Joan T. Knight Ms. Doris Griffin Mr. Joseph KnoppMr. Marc Ciaglia Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. Grill Mr. and Mrs. Albert Koepke Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Grogan Ms. Irena KoszylkoMrs. Vincentia Cink Enzenbacher Ms. Susan Guldan Ms. Joan Kozeluh Mr. Sammy Gutierrez Mr. Kenneth KozlowskiMs. Sally T. Clair Mrs. Susan S. Epich Mr. and Mrs. Rick Guttierrez Mr. George Krach Ms. Virginia Hackett Mrs. Arlene E. KuikenMr. and Mrs. Michael J. Coleman Ms. Lynn Evers Ms. Mary Hanlon Ms. Ethel Kyles Ms. Margaret Hannon Ms. Carolyn A. LaneMs. Betty Collins Ms. Jill L. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. John C. Hanson Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lawlor Mr. Bruce Hasch Ms. Sally A. LaycsakMr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Collins Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heinkel Mr. and Mrs. Charlie LeBrun Ms. Nancy Heitner Ms. Barbara LeeMr. Tommie Collins Mr. Mark Fary and Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hendry Mr. and Mrs. James W. Leib Ms. Mary Hepp Mr. and Mrs. Ted F. LekanMr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Comia Mrs. Rosemarie Andolino Mr. and Mrs. John T. Hickey Mr. Michael Lenart Mr. Dave Hohulin Mr. Jack LeonardMr. Keith Cooper Mr. Ronald Faustich Mr. Jack Horchler Mrs. Claire M. Linnane Ms. Erin Hosty Mr. Thomas J. LonerganMs. Sonja Cotton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feingold Mr. and Mrs. James W. Houston Ms. Cathy Lopez Mr. Dave Howard Ms. Joanne LyonsMr. and Mrs. Lawrence P. Coughlin Mr. Dave Feithen Mr. Robert Huiner Mr. Edward Maalo Mr. Juan Huizar Mr. and Mrs. Thomas MadejaMr. Pete B. Coyne Mr. and Mrs. James Fischer Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Hull Ms. Barbara Magliola Mr. Kevin Humbert Ms. Patricia MajkaMr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Ms. Karen Fischer Mr. Roger Hunter Mr. John Mantsch Ms. Diane M. Hushka Mr. Dave MartinoMr. George Cullina Mr. Raymond Fish Dr. David Iaccino Ms. Kristin Mathis Ms. Susan Ide Ms. Rosemary MathisMr. James D. Dace Ms. Rochelle Fisher Ms. and Mrs. Brian Jackiw Mr. and Mrs. William Matson Ms. Sheila Janotta Ms. Karen MatysMs. Ellen Dalton Mrs. Jean M. Fitzgibbon Mr. Joshua Jennet Ms. Kathleen W. McAlvany Mr. and Mrs. Dale J. Jensen Ms. Nancy McConnellMr. Patrick Daly Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flynn Ms. Deborah Jensen Mr. James McDevitt Mrs. Jean S. Jerabek Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. McFaddenMs. Margery S. Damm Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Foley Ms. Debra A. Johannes-Haskins Mr. and Mrs. Michael McMahon Ms. Alice M. Johnson Mrs. Leah J. McMakenMr. Chigo Danvivatporn Ms. Sandy Forbes Mr. and Mrs. David R. Johnson Mr. Jack McNichols Ms. Donna Johnson Ms. Maripat McNultyMs. Susan F. Darrah Ms. Margaret E. Fortney Ms. Margaret Johnson Ms. Barbara McSweeney Mr. Richard Johnson Ms. Karen L. MendozaMr. and Mrs. John W. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Fox Ms. Teresa Johnson Mr. Joe Mengoni Ms. Joyce D. Josepher Ms. Susan I. MierendorfMrs. Stephanie DeCarlo Mrs. Elizabeth M. Fox Ms. Michelle Joubert Mr. Brian MittelstaedtMr. Matthew Decosola Ms. Miriam FranklinMrs. Martha A. DeGraaf Mack and Ms. Beverly A. FrankovichMr. Jonathan T. Mack Mr. Garry FranksMr. Robert D. Deisinger Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. FranzMr. and Mrs. Robert J. Deiters Ms. Lois L. FrereMr. Jim Denaut Mr. Todd FridrychMrs. Patricia Derrig Ms. Judith A. FriebelMs. Maria Desmond Mr. William J. FrostMr. and Mrs. David B. Devine Mrs. Robert R. FueselMs. Carol DeVos Ms. Linda FurlanMs. Susan Di Cosola Mrs. Marilyn J. GabrysiakMs. Mary Dias Mr. and Mrs. David GaichasMs. Ann Dickett Mr. and Mrs. James GallagherMs. Joan Dietrich Mr. Bill GallaherMs. Maureen Dillon Ms. Carol A. GalliganMs. Mary Doran Mr. and Mrs. Mark GamblaMs. Sally S. Dowdle Mr. Germaine GapsevichMr. Martin Dowling Ms. Alma GarciaMs. Elaine Doyle Mr. Sam GardeakosMr. Dave Dralle Mr. Kevin GarveyMr. Dave Druhan Mr. Tim GarveyMs. Diane Drzymkowski Mr. and Mrs. Richard GaskeyMr. and Mrs. J. Duggan Dr. Guy H. GattoneMr. and Mrs. Jeremy R. Dulle Ms. Joan GeogheganMs. Barbara Dunmore Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth GerdesMr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dunn Ms. Ernestine GibsonMrs. Mary J. Dunne Ms. Patricia A. Glynn

Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Moe Mr. Dan Ragins Mrs. Scott E. Strote Mr. Robert WolffMr. and Mrs. Kenneth Molfese Ms. Marilyn C. Ragland Ms. Patricia Strzembosz Ms. Anita WorthingtonMrs. Patricia Moody Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Ragusi Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert B. Sudd Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. WsolMr. Roger Morales Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ranquist Ms. Catherine Sulo Ms. Kathleen S. ZaleMr. and Mrs. Frank Mores Mr. and Mrs. K. Ransford Ms. Jeanette Sypien Ms. Cathie ZeranteMr. and Mrs. Rick Moskovitz Mr. Steve Rawleigh Mr. Ronald Szabo Ms. Mariellen ZeranteMs. Audrey Munnich Mr. Thomas G. Reger Mr. and Mrs. Steven Szeszycki Mr. and Mrs. Chris ZiolkowskiMr. Denis Murphy Mrs. Sandra L. Reich Ms. Michelle TepperMr. and Mrs. Roger D. Murphy Ms. Kathleen A. Rice Mr. Steven Terhesh In honor of:Ms. Ann Myrna Ms. Patrice A. Riebel Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. ThollMs. Virginia Naglosky Mr. Stephen R. Rinaldi Ms. Ellen Thomas Charlotte BargowskiMr. Thomas Nangle Ms. Irene T. Robbins Mr. T. F. Thomas Mr. Craig Bargowski Ms. Nancy L. Nauheimer Mr. Thomas W. Roe Ms. Jennifer Thompson Mike and Karen BrennanMr. Damen Nelson Mrs. Mary C. Rogulich Mrs. Carol J. Tietz Ms. Colleen Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R. Nelson Ms. Mary Roney Mr. and Mrs. George J. Tighe Tom and Julie BrennanMr. and Mrs. Harvey E. Nelson Ms. Ellen R. Rose Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tinaglia Ms. Colleen Brennan Mr. Randy Nelson Ms. Jean Rovello Mr. Robert Tokoly Jamie ChildsMs. Carol Nesteikis Mrs. Elizabeth Rowan Mr. James Torri Mr. Dave Hohulin Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Nevin Mrs. Judith A. Ryan Ms. Judith Torri Peggy ChildsMr. Jim Nicholl Mr. Frank Rynkar Mr. Donald C. Trieschmann Dr. and Mrs. Paul Dulle Ms. Cira L. Nichols Ms. Marley Sackheim Mrs. Laima M. Trinkunas Mr. Dave Hohulin Ms. Karen O’Brien Mrs. Patricia A. Sager Ms. Carlo Trovato Marlene Christ and FamilyMs. Maureen O’Brien Ms. Michelle Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Mike Trtanj Ms. Peggy A. Childs Ms. Margaret O’Connor Ms. Nora Sandoval Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turner Paul Dulle’s BirthdayMs. Amy C. Ogarek Mr. Alfred Schectman Ms. Sheila S. Uraski Mr. and Mrs. Hao C. H. ZhangMs. Sheila A. Olson Ms. Pam Schibli Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vacca Greg Grill and FamilyMs. Lina M. O’Meara Mrs. Linda M. Schillaci Ms. Cynthia K. Valenciano Ms. Peggy A. Childs Mr. and Mrs. James L. Osborne Ms. Laura Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Mr. and Mrs. Keith E. GrillMr. and Mrs. Gerald J. O’Sullivan Ms. Cynthia Schouten Sue O’Donovan andMr. and Mrs. Al Paliakas Mr. and Mrs. Karl Schramm Van BuskirkMrs. Mark Palmer Ms. Paula Schurla Mr. and Mrs. James Vanryn Rick RodriguezMs. Carmi Paris Mr. and Mrs. Tom Scrivner Ms. Susan Vasquez Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Ms. Patricia Parker Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sebastian Mr. Charles Vietzen Ms. Peggy A. Childs Ms. Pati Parrillo Ms. Laura Shallow Ms. Patrice Vining Steve TelkampMr. Leonard Paruskiewicz Ms. Susan Sheahan Mr. and Mrs. Lee Virtel Mr. and Mrs. Steven R. TelkampMr. Himali Patel Ms. Mary B. Sheehan Mr. and Mrs. James Vlaming John and Judy TorriMr. and Mrs. Steven Pauley Mr. William Sheehan Mrs. Edward C. Wahl Mr. James Torri Mr. Brian Pawlowicz Mr. Ronald Silbert Ms. Barb Wahls Nolan TorriMr. and Mrs. Glenn W. Pedersen Ms. Donna Simon Mr. Walter Walas Mr. Paul Stockbridge Ms. Catherine M. Pekoz Ms. Madge Sindelar Mrs. Mary Ann Walczak Mei Zhang and FamilyMr. James Pendergrass Ms. Judith Sitkowski Ms. Dorothy Walenta Ms. Peggy A. Childs Mr. Nick Perisin Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J. Mrs. William Walker Dr. and Mrs. Paul Dulle Mr. and Mrs. David W. Peterson Dr. and Mrs. James Walter Richard Brown and FamilyMr. and Mrs. John K. Peterson Skoniecke Mrs. Rosa Ware Cheryl Deardorff and FamilyMr. Matt Pfeffer Ms. Marie Slowik Ms. Paulina Watson Paul and Suzi DulleMs. Clare Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Smith Mrs. Willie Weatherly John Voit and FamilyMr. Dominic Piane Ms. Julie Soule Mrs. Bernadette Weber Dave Hohulin and FamilyMs. Andrea Pine Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Sparkowski Ju Wei Deb Jensen and FamilyMrs. Deborah L. Pocius Ms. Rosaria Srednick Mr. and Mrs. Willard Weidner Joyce Koranda’s RetirementMr. and Mrs. Ralph Politano Ms. Kathleen Stahulak Ms. Angela M. Welch Vicki Pray and FamilyMrs. Dorothea Przybycien Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitlock Annivar Salgado and FamilyMs. Christine M. Putlak Ms. Mary Ellen Stark Mr. Chris Whitten Ms. Peggy A. Childs Ms. Christine Rackos Dr. and Mrs. C. Stavrakos Mr. Richard WilsonMr. and Mrs. Terrence Mr. Paul Stockbridge Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wisniewski Mr. and Mrs. James E. Stocker Ms. Loretta Wittenberg Radejewski Ms. Trina Streeter-Kluka Mr. Joseph Wloch

In memory of: Mr. Michael J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. James W. Houston Ms. Ellen Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Brian Jackiw Ms. Nancy Thomas Mr. Dan Brannigan Ms. Deborah Jensen Mr. Peter Tran Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kenny Mr. Donald C. TrieschmannLeslie Adams Ms. Rita M. Brdar Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Keslin Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Ms. Joan T. Knight Ms. Judith Friebel Ms. Kathleen Bresnahan Mr. and Mrs. William J. Lawlor Van Buskirk Mr. Kay Marren Mr. and Ms. John Voit Jerry Burgdoerfer Ms. Margaret M. Bresnahan Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. McFadden Mrs. Rosa Ware Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitlock Ms. Peggy A. Childs Ms. Rosemary Bresnahan Mr. Jack McNichols Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Witkowski Ms. Barbara McSweeney Ms. Anita Worthington Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Ms. Linda K. Budvitis Mr. John Miniutti Mr. and Mrs. Hao C. H. Zhang Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Murphy Seth ReyesCindy Carr Ms. Sarah Bush Mr. Thomas Nangle Mr. Roger Morales Ms. Karen O’Brien Billy Rogers Ms. Peggy A. Childs Ms. Mary F. Cadigan Mr. Brian, John and Mr. Todd Fridrych Dennis O’Donovan Douglas Smith Ms. Nora Kaiser Mr. and Mrs. Terrence J. Carney Mr. John O’Ryan Mr. and Mrs. Bob Heinkel Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. O’Sullivan Ms. Cira L. Nichols Joyce Dwidczyk Ms. Joan M. Carrol Mr. and Mrs. Al Paliakas Natalie Staschke Mr. and Mrs. John K. Peterson Ms. Judith Friebel Ms. Marcia Finton Mr. and Mrs. Bud Cartwright Ms. Clare Phelan Donald Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Henry Proesel Ms. Sandra J. Antablian Louise Lulu Feeney Mr. and Mrs. Terry Cartwright Mr. and Mrs. Terrence Mr. Edward Maalo Radejewski Mr. and Mrs. Brian K. Smith Ms. Ann Myrna Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Cavanaugh Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Ragusi Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. K. Ransford Ms. Debbie Baro Ms. Peggy A. Childs Mr. Thomas G. Reger Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turner Mr. and Mrs. Roger Robbins Ms. Barb Wahls Crystal Fenn Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Coleman Mr. Richard Rodriguez Mr. and Mrs. Willard Weidner Ms. Whitney Russel Doris Clements Ms. Judith Friebel Ms. Betty Collins Mr. Frank Rynkar Darrell Eubanks Mr. and Mr. Joseph Saccone, Jr. Patrick KennyWayne Gajewski Mrs. Joseph A. Collins Saints Faith, Hope and Charity Ella Mae Koranda Mrs. Linda M. Schillaci Kathy Lehnerer Mr. Kevin Humbert Mr. and Mrs. John W. Croghan Ms. Laura Shallow Leila Leming Ms. Mary B. Sheehan Michael MaherTim Hughes Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Deiters Mr. William Sheehan Robert McCarthy South Side Irish- Troy Norris Ms. Peggy A. Childs Ms. Maria Desmond St. Patrick’s Day Parade Arnold Payne St. Christina Holy Name Society Sherry Lynn Petrus Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Mr. and Mrs. Julian C. D’Esposito Dr. and Mrs. C. Stavrakos Gerald Woodrow Mr. and Mrs. Len Stocker Maureen ZydekErnesto Huizar Mr. and Mrs. David B. Devine Ms. Peggy A. Childs Mr. Juan Huizar DickinsonGroup LLC Penny Lisle Ms. Sally S. Dowdle Ms. Judith A. Friebel Ms. Elaine Doyle Brent Ludwig Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D. Drew Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Mr. and Mrs. J. Duggan John Fritz Miniutti Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Ms. Margaret Basu Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Dunn Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Dulle Mr. and Ms. John F. Emody Ms. Susan M. O’Donovan and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fabbi Mr. Richard Rodriguez Mr. Mark Fary and Mrs. Ms. Peggy A. Childs Rosemarie Andolino Margaret “Peggy”O’Donovan Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Flynn Anonymous Mr. William J. Frost Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Auchinleck Jr. Mrs. Rosemarie Gorski Mrs. Catherine J. Avena Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Grogan Mr. Frank Bartusiak Mr. and Mrs. Rick Guttierrez Mr. and Mrs. John Benz Ms. Mary Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Berger Mr. James Haptonstahl Mr. Lee Bielecki Mr. and Mrs. George J. Hendry Mr. and Mrs. William Biros Mr. Dave Hohulin Mr. and Mrs. Michael Boyce Ms. Erin Hosty Progressive degenerative bone disease caused reoccurring paralysis to Doretha’s lower extremities, necessitating her use of a wheelchair at all times. In her mid-80s and unable to exit or enter her Chicago home, Doretha feared her next step would be transitioning to a nursing home. Ramp Up equipped her home with an exterior access ramp so she can go shopping and attend doctor’s appointments and church. Doretha no longer feels trapped.

Gift-in-kind donors: Board of Directors:312 Chicago Four Corners Tavern Group Prosecco Don Bartecki – ChairmanAnonymous Frankie’s Scaloppine Roy’s Restaurant Roger Hughes – Chairman EmeritusAnthony’s Own GES Rural Society Emily Barr – Vice ChairmanMs. Catherine Avena Mr. Greg Grill Ms. Justin Salomon Paul Dulle - PresidentBittersweet Pastry Shop Mrs. Carol Haehnel Sam’s Club Jim Napolitan – SecretaryBoka Ms. Joyce Haney Ms. Michelle Sanders Lester Koryczan - TreasurerBridgehouse Tavern Ivy Room Seguin Auto CenterThe Bristol Ms. Debbie Jensen Seguin Gardens & Gifts DirectorsBurke Beverage Kama Bistro Seguin Services Patrick AhernCapannari Ice Cream Katherine Anne Confections Shaw’s Crab House Kevin BurkeMs. Ashley Casati Lockwood Restaurant Sheraton Chicago Patrick CrottyChicago Blackhawks Mr. George Macek Dan Drew Maxwell’s Hotel and Towers Laura Durudogan Hockey Team, Inc. The Meatloaf Bakery Shula’s Steak House John FitzpatrickChicago Burger Company Mr. Joe Mengoni Mr. Matthew Smith Jim GarveyMs. Peggy Childs Mercat a la Planxa South Water Kitchen Dan HughesMs. Kelley Currier Miller Coors Ms. Dawneen Suriano John MiniuttiCushing More Cupcakes Tippling Hall Matt MulvihillDark Matter Coffee Nacional 27 Tito’s Handmade Vodka Shirley RyanDeLux Bar One North Kitchen Travelle Michael SemenzinChef James DeWan Osteria La Madia Vanille Patisserie Howard StoneDia De Los Tamales Osteria Via Stato Wines for Humanity Phil UtigardEd Lines Photography Ms. Andrea Palm Wildflower John VoitFew Spirits Pelago Ms. Erika WinstonMs. Kathy Fiore Mr. Terry Porter Ms. Cheryl WitkowskiFirecakes Portillo’ Learning Kitchen Wood RestaurantForethought Marketing Group Zed 451

Donate Today547 W. Jackson Blvd., Suite 225Chicago, IL

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