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Home Explore 2015 Annual Report

2015 Annual Report

Published by Community Foundation of East Central Illinois, 2017-04-06 16:18:03

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2015 Annual Report 4/15/16 11:50 AMCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 1

For good. OUR VISION: To raise the quality of life throughout east central Illinois Since 1972 when the Community Foundation was established, it has distributed over $15 million in charitable grants to over 400 nonprofit organizations that work to improve the quality of life in communities throughout the area. These charitable distributions include designated gifts from endowments, field of interest funds, donor-advised funds, organizational endowments and scholarships. The success of the Community Foundation is found in the spirit of generosity—and the donors who care about this generation and the next.For ever. ON THE COVER: cU Recreation grant buysOUR MISSION: To be a leader and major catalystfor long-term philanthropic assistance to the secure comfort for kids.residents of east central Illinois amBUcS amtrykes great for kids,Just as John Franklin and the founders envisioned, the Community Foundation has ramps give adults new freedom.been entrusted to serve the long-term philanthropic goals of donors. The CommunityFoundation manages over 125 funds and its total assets have grown from $1,300 in altrusa gives migrant farm workers’1972 to over $27 million in 2015. kids books and path to literacy.This growth is attributed to well-managed endowed funds and other assets. Also Summer construction programincluded are grant dollars administered on behalf of the Marajen Stevick Foundation builds construction and work-life skills.and in cooperation with the Lumpkin Family Foundation. All this has enabled theCommunity Foundation to distribute $1 million annually to nonprofitorganizations that provide vital services to residents.CFECI_2015_Report2.indd 2 4/15/16 11:50 AM

2015 Brought Interesting Times The Community Foundation had another interesting year. In January we received two new funds valued at about $2.7 million— and in December we finalized the purchase of our office building at 307 W. University Avenue. As always, the market kept us guessing throughout most of the year. In the end…Joan Dixon and Brooke Didier StarksIllinois Budget Impasse Hit Local Nonprofits HardWhile there was hope up until the last minute that there would be a budget in 2015, many social service agencies,dependent upon state payments for services or grants, spent the end of 2015 developing plans for staff, operationsand program reductions.The Foundation helped four organizations with Program Related Investment loans in 2015. We anticipateeven more requests for assistance in 2016. Our concern for the long-term effects of the impasse on nonprofitemployees, residents needing services and the state continues to grow.Collective Impact Partners SelectedThe Collective Impact project promises to help senior citizens living in Hope Meadows whose homes desperatelyneed repairs, weatherproofing and accessibility improvements. It will also provide meaningful skill-building forRantoul High School students and the personal satisfaction of knowing their work made a difference. As the thirdpartner, Habitat for Humanity of Champaign County will move ahead with its goal to provide more affordableand safe housing for seniors.Building Better Boards Up and RunningCourage Connection, Hope Meadows and Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center each started the first phaseof the Building Better Boards Grant process. While the three organizations are very different in many ways, all theexecutive directors and board members have been excited about the process. It has been gratifying to watch eachboard evolve into a more cohesive group from month to month. See what participants are saying on pages 4-5.Plans for Our New HomeWe are excited to have a permanent home, demonstrating our commitment to deliveringlong-term benefits to our area. We are excited to begin working with some localentrepreneurs and “philantropreneurs” to use the additional space as a nonprofit incubator,encouraging innovative thinking and fresh ideas for solving complex challenges.Joan Dixon Brooke Didier StarksPresident & CEO Chair, Board of Trustees 2015 Annual Report • 1CFECI_2015_Report2.indd 3 4/15/16 11:50 AM

We bring together people and resources to identify and address present and emerging community needs.2015-2016BOARD OF TRUSTEESBrooke Didier StarkscHaiRtom costelloVice-cHaiRRebecca mcBrideSecRetaRYBradley Uken Young students at Urbana neighborhood connections centertReaSUReR learn to become computer savvy.Jeff DavisPaSt cHaiRKatie Bermingham 2015 CHARITABLE DISTRIBUTIONStom BrownWade Hampton OtherBonnie Kemper 17%Joe lambJeff livesayKathy mundayJoan m. Dixon Youth ArtsPReSiDent & ceo 10% 14%Helen levin Health & CommunityHonoRaRY tRUStee Human Services Development 21% 8% Environment 1% Disabilities Education 1% 28% TM2 • Community Foundation of East Central IllinoisCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 4 4/15/16 11:50 AM

2015 acHieVementSThanks a Million, Donors! Our VisionThanks to our donors, the Community Foundation was able for the fourth straight year To raise the qualityto distribute over $1 million to 156 nonprofit organizations, which provide vital services of life throughoutto residents of all ages in our nine-county service area. Distributions come from: east central Illinois. • Designated gifts from endowed, non-endowed, donor-advised and scholarship Ten New Funds funds that make up the greatest proportion of the Foundation’s distributions. in 2015 • Annual Community Commitment Grants, funded by the proceeds from ENDOWMENTS unrestricted and field of interest funds, are awarded for durable goods and capital • Community Foundation items not typically funded by other granting sources. In 2015, 25 nonprofits received nearly $81,000. Capacity Building • Children’s Advocacy • On behalf of the Marajen Stevick Foundation, $43,200 was distributed to Don • David C. Eades Moyer Boys & Girls Club, Tap-In Leadership Academy, Senior Resource Center • Elizabeth’s Literacy at Family Service and Champaign Public Library Foundation. As was the wish of • John Michael Kauffman Mrs. Stevick Chinigo, these projects are focused on enhancing the lives of seniors, beautification of Champaign-Urbana and the surrounding area, or promoting (Bequest) excellence in reading and writing. SCHOLARSHIPS • Capacity-building micro-grants, jointly funded by the Community Foundation • Farm Credit Illinois “Bridge of East Central Illinois and the Lumpkin Family Foundation, provide funding for nonprofit staff or board member training. to Significance Family Scholarship Fund” • Four Program Related Investment low-interest loans to organizations whose state and federal grant dollars and payments were held up by the budget impasse. SPECIAL PROJECT FUNDSa grant to Hope meadows paved an Vermilion county Rape crisis center used • Champaign Fireaccessible path to the pavilion. a grant for a soothing sand play station to help kids tell their stories. Department 150th Anniversary Celebration • Upper Sangamon River Conservancy ORGANIZATIONAL FUNDS • Urbana Public Television FISCAL AGENCY • DREAAM 2015 Annual Report • 3CFECI_2015_Report2.indd 5 4/15/16 11:50 AM

Nonprofit Excellence Begins Our Missionwith Boards, Best Practices& Leadership To be a leader and major catalyst for long-termBuilding Better Boards Grant Process philanthropic assistanceMoving Through Phase I to the residents of east central Illinois.In the spring, the first group of organizations named as recipients of theBuilding Better Boards Grants were named. Courage Connection,Urbana Neighborhood Connections Center, and Hope Meadows in Rantoulbegan Board Building, the first phase of the process.Joan Dixon led a series of meetings with eachorganization’s Executive Director and board to reviewbylaws, financial and other documents, as well as toclearly define the separate role of the Board and the staff.Following are brief summaries and participant comments.Urbana Neighborhood Connection CenterFounder and Executive Director of Urbana NeighborhoodConnection Center (UNCC), Janice Mitchell, establishedher “baby” a little over seven years ago. UNCC is acommunity learning center that daily serves 50 to 60youth from K through 12th grade from Urbana public schools during afterschool hours. In addition, 35high school juniors and seniors spend weekends preparing for college and/or career transitions, and 80 to90 youth and teens in summer enrichment camp..Mitchell shared, “I am grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Building Better Boards process.Unlike other seminars, it is local, realistic, practical and tailored to what UNCC needs to do. We all sitaround the table with Joan and I know help and follow-up are always close at hand.”Cloydia Larimore, Urbana Neighborhood Connection Center board member, said “We’ve been a smalland pretty informal board. This process is helping us think through what this board needs to do so thatUNCC achieves its mission. We are focusing much more now as a team on what we need to do to makeour organization stable and a premiere place for kids to be.”Mitchell remembers, “The Community Foundation has been with me every step of the way sinceUNCC was only my idea. We all trust Joan and believe we are learning exactly what we need to do tomove forward. Having a strong, focused board will take a lot of pressure off of me.”Hope MeadowsHope Meadows is an innovative multi-generational residential community; a five-blocksmall-town neighborhood established in Rantoul on 22 acres. Residents belong to oneof three groups often at risk of being marginalized in American society—kids caughtin the child welfare system, families that adopt children with special behavioral andemotional needs, and retirees who are seeking continued purpose in their daily lives.4 • Community Foundation of East Central IllinoisCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 6 4/15/16 11:50 AM

2015 acHieVementSIn April 2014, Hank Gamel became the fifth executive director of Hope Meadows, the original Generations of Hopeinter-generational community founded by sociologist Brenda Eheart in 1994.Gamel explains, “When I started in my position, our board had been experiencing constant turnover. When we wereselected to be a part of Building Better Boards, we were recruiting several new board members, so the timing wasperfect. The board members have responded well to having a clearer understanding of their roles and responsibilities,as well as the knowledge that their teamwork is crucial to the vitality of our Hope Meadows community.”Board member Diane Michaels agrees. “I have seen our board meetings evolve and our members focusing on theirroles as a team, responsible and excited about how they can help Hope Meadows continue its mission.”Courage ConnectionThe legacy agencies of Courage Connection began as grassroots, volunteer-runresponses to local needs. A Woman’s Place (AWP) opened as the first batteredwomen’s shelter in the country and Women’s Emergency Shelter of ChampaignCounty (WESCC) was an effort to address CU’s lack of homeless facilities forwomen and children (became The Center for Women in Transition-CWT). In2010, The CWT acquired AWP, creating a continuum of services connectingwomen in need to services from emergency shelter to affordable permanenthousing through one agency—Courage Connection.Isak Griffiths was hired as the Executive Director of Courage Connection in June 2014. Board President MichaelUjcich explained that the organization had been without an executive director for some time, and while the decisionto re-brand the merged organizations as Courage Connection had been made, Isak and the board faced the culturalchallenge of bringing everyone together.“Before we started the Building Better Boards process, our board was a little academic and a little social servicesoriented. Now I think we are moving forward as a professional board that no longer feels mystery and uncertaintyabout what they should be doing. I believe that our board-building work will improve our agency in two ways: ourboard members now know and understand their roles and responsibilities, and they are working collaboratively todevelop strategies to take us into the future,” Griffiths said.Ujcich echoed that sentiment, “Joan has encouraged us to bring our individual talents to the board table to contributeto solutions. Doing the SWOT analysis was very interesting and made us mindful of opportunities we hadn’t thoughtabout. We’ve learned a lot about how ‘best practices’ lead to success—and we believe the work we are doing has givenus the chance to put Courage Connection on that path to continued success.”Next StepsMonthly meetings with each organizationcontinue. At the successful conclusionof Phase I, each organization will receivea $5,000 unrestricted grant from theCommunity Foundation. Then, each willhave the opportunity to begin Phases II &III with the focus on the Board’s role infundraising.CFECI_2015_Report2.indd 7 2015 Annual Report • 5 4/15/16 11:50 AM

Promoting Philanthropy is What We DoDonors depend on the Community Foundation to ensure that their gifts are used according to their wishes—and forprojects and programs that truly make a positive difference in the quality of life for residents. Nonprofits depend on usto help them become the best they can be.Leading Commitment toNonprofit ExcellenceUnderstanding the current and future needs of bothresidents and nonprofits in the communities we serve isan essential part of the Community Foundation’s role inthe region. Working closely with nonprofit organizationsto encourage use of best practices in both operations andgovernance enables us to give current information todonors who support them.In 2015, Community Foundation: • Attended nearly 60 nonprofit events in our service area • Facilitated many evening and weekend “Board Roles” and “Responsibilities and Strategic Planning” work sessions • Hosted monthly Executive Director Support Group meetings focused on discussing and developing solutions to shared problems • Hosted “New A,B,C Grant Structure & How a Building Better Boards Grant Can Strengthen Your Organization” for about 45 nonprofits • Selected the organizations and led 15 Building Better Boards training sessions • Co-hosted over 50 executive directors and board members “Financial Responsibilities of Board Members”Supporting Community PrideIronically, it was exciting for the CommunityFoundation in the summer of 2015 to see a big redfire truck pull over on University Avenue in front ofour building. No fires, but Brian Ball, co-chair of theChampaign Fire Department’s 150th AnniversaryCelebration Committee, dropped off envelopes full ofdonations to the special project fund for the event.The Community Foundation frequently holds special projectfunds for groups hoping to accept tax deductible donationsfor community benefit—another way the Foundation helpssupport grass roots efforts to bring worthwhile events andprojects to our area. 6 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois 4/15/16 11:50 AMCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 8

2015 acHieVementSOur Values: Philanthropy Supporting Collaborations that Get Results We are a leader in promoting The Community Foundation participates with community coalitions, philanthropy in an impartial, organizations and institutions to develop efficient and innovative solutions to unbiased, ethical way, with a complex and persistent problems. commitment to inclusiveness. CUC2C We bring together people and resources to identify and Champaign Urbana Cradle 2 Career was started in the fall of 2013 as an address present and emerging effort to bring together a community-wide collaboration that engages all residents in a common vision of a CU community where every child achieves community needs. and every graduate succeeds. The effort is aligning existing community resources with expertise in and passion for each key goal area. • Kindergarten Readiness (KR), the first Goal Team started, includes 20 cross-sector organizations working together to increase the percentage of children who are ready to learn when they enter kindergarten—the first key milestone to future success. The KR team organized pilot readiness summer and fall workshops in 2015 that familiarized about 60 children on the Unit 4 and 116 pre-kindergarten waiting lists and their parents with home-based activities aimed at getting kids ready. • Workforce Development (WD), the second Goal Team, includes 15 cross-sector experts seeking to increase the percentage of workforce-ready students who have “the academic foundation, technical ability, work habits and interpersonal skills to succeed.” A five-year $5 million federal grant pilot program, set to launch in spring 2016, will be administered by ISU professor, Ani Yazedjian and implemented through 15 county sites, including the CUC2C network and coalition. The pilot will come into the community to provide workforce readiness for 15-to 24-year-olds. The Community Foundation has been involved in CUC2C since 2013 and serves as the fiscal agent, and on both the Steering Committee and Leadership Council. Summer Construction In its eighth year, the Summer Construction Program continues to garner support and high school student applicants interested in learning basic building skills. The program promotes understanding of building basics, communication and applied mathematics in construction. It also emphasizes soft skills that employers expect from work-ready employees. The 2015 partnership Education for Employment, Champaign Public Schools and Habitat for Humanity had kids working on two home rehabilitation projects. Photos show the 2015 participants working top to bottom on one of two Habitat for Humanity homes—training future workers by building homes for real families! In 2008, the Community Foundation awarded the new program a $1,000 grant for tools and has awarded an additional $31,000 in grants since that time. 2015 Annual Report • 7CFECI_2015_Report2.indd 9 4/15/16 11:50 AM

2015 cfeci DonoRSBridge to Significance Family In Memory of Barbara Meek Ann & Michael SullivanScholarship A&R Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Scott & Marian WyattFarm Credit Illinois Carol Aldridge Mark & Ellen Wylie Sherri & Stuart BailinBusiness Emergency Relief Grant Ann & Thomas Baughan Community Foundation of EastProgram David & Jane Bell Central IllinoisChampaign County Chamber of Sandra Braasch Phil & Patricia Abruzzi Stuart & Anita Broeren Bill & Coletta Ackermann Commerce Broeren Russo Builders, Inc. Harold Adams Lloyd & Marlene Brown Richard AdamsChampaign Fire Department James & Mary Jane Brownmiller Steven & Becky Amjad150th Anniversary Mike & Susan Callahan Apollo Hotel ConsultancyThe Carle Foundation Central IL Builders of AGC Don & Suzi ArmstrongCDC Paper & Janitor Supply Custom Service Crane, Inc. Mark BallardChampaign Center Partnership John Dirks Katie BerminghamChampaign Municipal Employees Patrick & Teresa Dorsey Todd & Sara Black Kenneth Engelman Mary Blair Credit Union Michael Gourley Tom & Mary Ann BrownEmergency Vehicle Lighting, LLC Ann & J. Bradley Hanson John & Judith BuseyF. E. Moran Alarm & Monitoring Monica & Bob Heidkamp Roy Van Buskirk David Hess Minas Charalambides Services James & Martha Ingold Willis ColburnFirst Busey Corporation Adrienne Ives Evan & Karen CoobsIllini Contractors Supply, Inc. Gregory Johnson Tom & Rose CostelloIllini Fire Equipment Gordon & Cara Jones Cozad Asset ManagementMunicipal Emergency Services, Inc. J. Steven & Jennifer Jordan Jeffrey & Jodi DavisPre-Pack Machinery, Inc. Barbara & Gary Koritz M.T. & Marlene DavissonTommy House Tires Janet Laudeman Steve & Jayne DeBruynDonna Wiltshire Julia Laudeman Matt & Katherine Deering Charles & Julie Manley Marie & Rudy DesChampsChampaign-Urbana Film Society David Meek Christy & Mike DevocelleFund Jeffrey & Alison Meek Brooke Didier-Starks & Lee StarksFlex-N-Gate John & Barb Meek Bill & Marianne Dixon Richard & Karen Meek John & Lois ElderChildren’s Advocacy Endowment Edgar Moyer Keith & Mary EmmonsFund Dana Olson Ruth Ann & Charles EvansDavid Cahill & Adelaide Aime Poettker Construction Ezra Levin Foundation Joyce Pomrenke Susan & Pat FitzgeraldClif Rocks! Fund Carolyn Redic Rochelle FunderburgBob & Suzanne Aldridge Helen GrandoneCarol AldridgeLois DeputyScott FilkinsSteven & Janet KhachaturianBarbara Meek 8 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois 4/15/16 11:50 AMCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 10

Randall & Theresa Green Myron & Sonya Sholem Craig DawsonJennifer Gunji-Ballsrud Melvyn Skvarla Patricia DeveneyC. Kristina Gunsalus & Michael Irma Smith Mary Jo Erickson Cecile Steinberg Luke Finley Walker Richard & Marilyn Thies Karl & Heidi GnadtCharles & Carolyn Haines Lott & SuAnn Thomas Cynthia HoyleRoger & Fran Haughey Art & Shirley Traugott Jan KijowskiJohn & Barbara Hecker Bradley & Christine Uken Ben LeRoyHenry Jackson Tom Ulen Shaabani MandelaLenrose Jahiel Rebecca & Monty Wade Robert MorrisFrancis & Helen Jahn Alice Webber Long Robert & Vicki PattonBonnie & Gordon Kemper Rick & Marsha West Amanda RaklovitsChris & Suzette Kittell WorkSource enterprises Amy SnyderMartin & Doris Koeck Ruth Worner Laura TaylorBarb & Dave Kuhl Patricia VerstratMark Lipton In Memory of Betsy Wong Bill & Sandy VolkJeffrey & Sarah Livesay Betty Littlejohn Schultz & Co. William WilsonJ. Victor & Tracey Malkovich Patricia ChapelDavid Marshall Debbie Day Joan M. Dixon Endowment FundKim & Denise Martin Joan Dixon Joan DixonCarl & Wava Meyer John FineganMeyer Capel, PC Jackie Gladin DoChaDiane Michaels R. Thomas Heinhorst David AllenPerry Morris Mark & Marianne Herriott AnonymousBill & Marsha Muirheid Anna Merritt Kathy AquinoJim Mullady & Robin Douglas Blaine Renfert Garrett ArndtDennis & Barbara Muncy Gretchen Robbins Ken BengoecheaJoseph Murphy Julia & Chris Schmidt Louis BergonziMark Netter & Eve Harwood David & Jan Sholem Charles Boast & Marsha ClinardAlan & Kassandra Nudo Ralph & Carolyn Trimble Alexander Breen & Melissa EdwardsTracy Nugent Stephanie CemanJean Paley Cradle 2 Career Fund John & Terri DodsonJenny & Peter Park David & Patti Hood Joshua DownsMichael Pleasant Windsor Road Christian Church Terry & Barbara EnglandKip & Janet Pope Rhonda FallonMenah Pratt-Clarke CUMTD Bus Pass Program Ed & Kathy FeserEdward & Lois Rath Andrea Antulov Stephen Fiol & Rebecca Nettl-FiolEdra Scofield Drew Bargmann Marcel FrancisonoKen & Joan Sensenbrenner Mary Cecava Michael FuerstDavid & Jan Sholem Darlene Coad Ondine GrossCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 11 22001125AAnnnnuuaall RReepport • 79 4/15/16 11:50 AM

2015 cfeci DonoRSJulie Gunn Marquerite Torrey Gary DanenhowerKathleen Harleman Anne Villamil & Nicholas Yannelis Robert & Micky DeckerPatrick Harness Andrei & Terri Wilke Kyle & Linda GerlachJane Hays Charlie & Sarah Wisseman Shirley GradyBill & Anne Heiles Robert & Jacqueline GrotheJ. Michael Holmes & Joyce Griggs Elizabeth’s Literacy Endowment John & Julie HansenNancy Johnson Barbara Conklin Dan & Camille HarmonElizabeth Jones Anne Conley-Goldstein Dr. Alan HaussermannApril Keaton Michael Curtis Vanessa HorsmanEmily Klose Elizabeth Goldsmith-Conley Dean Lafferty Accountant & E.A.Brenda & Thomas Koester Emile Jorgensen Leslie Lundy & William TiberendStephen Levinson & Diana Sheets Keir & Jane Jorgensen Elizabeth Markstahler from theLaurence & Bernice Lieberman Maura MillerNenad Marjanovic Barbara & Steven Odenkirk Lindell FamilyRobert & Kimberley McQueen Marquette Associates, Inc.Yonghwa Meling Fire & Police Memorial Fund Rebecca McBride & Betsy BachmannAlan Mette Paul Carder Paula & Kenneth MiebachAntonios Michalos & Joannie Stathos James & Dana Clark Joanne & James Miller John Hart L.L. Nuss & J.A. Nuss Michalos Kyle Hayden Richard & Anne OgdonMidstate Collection Solutions D. Ron Kruse David PhillippeArmine Mortimer Kathleen Maus Mr. & Mrs. Carl PrestinJoseph Murphy Mary Beth Norris Donald & Marvis RhodesBruno & Wanda Nettl RM Food Service Champaign LLC Beth SchaferDaniel Noel Rebecca & Mark Rowe Richard & Susan SchnuerGary Olsen & Claudia Reich Charles & Theresa Trader Nancy SchultzHoward & Jean Osborn Deborah Young William & Joan SheridanBrenda Patten & Andrea Patten- David & Karen Taylor In Memory of Jim Cross Richard & Gina Taylor Weerakoon Susan Appel Timothy TaylorRhonda & Dan Proctor Randy Baker UCU Retired FirefightersPursuit Institute, LLC Wendy Bell & Jess Little Kraig WagenechtThomas & Michelle Ramage Omer & Bernice Benn Robert WaltersEdward & Lois Rath George & Lee Blackburn Stephen WattnemDonald & Gay Roberts Susan Bonner & Dena Hasselbring R. Mark WaveringElyse Rosenbaum Chuck Burmeister David WeaverMike Ross & Taya Luderowski-Ross Patrick & Barbara Callaghan Denny WeaverDenise Seif & Robert Laible Maureen Clinton Douglas & Peggy WeaverVaidotas & Birute Simaitis Theresa Cochrane Mary WelbornSarah Spizzirri James & Katie CorraySullivan-Parkhill Automotive 10 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois 4/15/16 11:50 AMCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 12

Kenneth Freeland Memorial Lierman Neighborhood Action Steve & Esther Portnoy FundScholarship Fund Committee Fund Stephen & Esther PortnoyRusty & Jill Freeland Anonymous Robin Arbiter Robeson Family Benefit FundCynthia Geerdes & Todd Martinez Michael Cain & Jane Gilchrist Cain Kyle & Phyllis RobesonFund First Presbyterian Church of UrbanaCynthea Geerdes & Todd Martinez John & Diane Marlin Rosmarino Fund Richard Ziegler Mary Vita RosmarinoWade Hampton & Andrea RenoFund Mahomet Public Library Rotary District 6490 Grants FundWade Hampton & Andrea Reno Endowment Anonymous Rita Bartholomew LAMU Center of Preventative HealthJane A. Hays Family Charitable Susan Bates Normal Rotary ClubFund Friends of the Mahomet Public Library Bob & Karla WeldonJane Hays Drake Zimmerman & Jan Elfline Anna J. Merritt EndowmentThe Horizon Fund Anna Merritt UNESCO Center for GlobalHorizon Hobby Citizenship Monticello Railway Museum Conservatory of Central IllinoisCharles & Barbara Hundley Fund Endowment Esquire LoungeCharles & Barbara Hundley David Marshall Carole KoppIllinois Futbol Club-Joe Seeley Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club United Way-Tammy LemkeMemorial Fund Endowment Leadership FundBlaise & Lauren Aguirre Don Moyer Jr. Tammy & Eric LemkeScott AhlgrenAndrea Herzog Kathy Murphy Scholarship United Way-Edwin & CarolHuman Kinetics Joseph Murphy Scharlau FundJeff Rubin Edwin & Carol Scharlau Curtis C. Nash Children’sRepresentative Naomi Jakobsson Creativity Fund Upper Sangamon RiverScholarship Fund Barbara Barker ConservancyNaomi Jakobsson Whitson & Cathy Daily Bart & Kristen Duesdieker William & Mary Lou Daniel Scott HaysMary E. Jones Fund Theodore & Linda Frank Nancy SnellerMary Jones Frank & Carol Froeschl III David & Carole Ann Hunter Urbana Park District FoundationAlice & Gene Lamb Fund Nancy & C. Richard Nash FundAlice Lamb Virginia Perucca & Mary Catherine Urbana Parks FoundationBud & Sandra Leister Fund Helleny Gloria Valenti CompassionateBud & Sandra Leister Glenn & JoAnne Stanko Care Award Rebecca Ginsburg & William Sullivan Noel Endowment Noel FoundationCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 13 2015 Annual Report • 11 4/15/16 11:50 AM

Statement of Financial PositionFor the Year Ended December 31, 2015 2015 2014CURRENT ASSETSCash and cash equivalents $ 561,636 $ 488,621 30,000Grantor investment receivable 55,000 3,821 15,078Current portion of accounts receivable 3,821 Cash value life insurance 16,515 Total current assets $ 636,972 $ 537,520Property and Equipment:Land 26,500 --Building 246,500 --Equipment and Furniture 13,384 13,384Accumulated depreciation (13,910) (13,384)Total property and equipment, net $ 272,474 --Other assets:Accounts receivable, net of current position 7,641 11,462Investments 13,369,814 13,707,869Privately held stock, held for investment 1,628,000 --Real estate, held for investment 58,000 58,000Peer farm property, held for investment 800,000 800,000Total non-current assets $ 15,863,455 $ 14,577,331TOTAL ASSETS $ 16,772,901 $ 15,114,851CURRENT LIABILITIESReal estate taxes $ 5,574 $ -- 16,964Grant funds awarded pending disbursement 21,941 Total liabilities $ 27,515 $ 16,964NET ASSETSUnrestricted $ (219,061) $ 467,060Temporarily restricted 1,433,205 1,429,987Permanently restricted 15,531,242 13,200,840Total net assets $ 16,745,386 15,097,887TOTAL LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS $ 16,772,901 $ 15,114,851 12 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois 4/15/16 11:50 AMCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 14

STATEMENT OF SUPPORT, REVENUE AND EXPENSES-MODIFIED CASH BASIS For the Year Ended December 31, 2015 Temporarily Permanently Unrestricted Restricted Restricted TotalREVENUE AND SUPPORTGifts, grants and contributions $ 85,304 $ 381,969 $ 2,328,965 $ 2,796,238Foundation support fee 221,701 - - 221,701Peer farm income - 23,825 - 23,825Condo rental - 7,920 - 7,920Life insurance value increase - - 1,437 1,437Investment loss (9,040) (146,635) - (155,675)Private stock income distribution - 168,630 - 168,630Annual meeting income 250 - - 250Other 3,520 - - 3,520Net assets released from restrictions 432,491 (432,491) - -Total revenue and support $ 734,226 $ 3,218 $ 2,330,402 $ 3,067,846EXPENSESProgram services 1,376,213 - - 1,376,213 - Management and general 39,767 - - 39,767Fundraising 4,367 - 4,367Total expenses 1,420,347 - - 1,420,347CHANGES IN NET ASSETS (686,121) 3,218 2,330,402 1,647,499NET ASSETS – BEGINNING 467,060 1,429,987 13,200,840 15,097,887NET ASSETS – ENDING $ (219,061) $ 1,433,205 $ 15,531,242 $ 16,745,386CFECI_2015_Report2.indd 15 2015 Annual Report • 13 4/15/16 11:50 AM

fUnDS of tHecommUnitY foUnDation of eaSt centRal illinoiS(As of December 31, 2015) Bold type indicates New FundsEndowments Robert D. Jones United Way – Edwin A. Wade Hampton & Andrea John Michael Kauffman and Carol A. Scharlau Reno2076 Fund Frances R. Kesler Memorial EndowmentAcademy Memorial Morris Kessler Jane A. Hays FamilyAccess to Recreation Bud & Sandy Leister United Way – CharitableWilda Adams Stephanie Manuel Volunteerism CircleW. Barclay & Frederick C. Anna J. Merritt Horizon Fund August Meyer United Way – Youth Brasch Monticello Railway Museum Circle Bill J. & Karen L.H.R. Bresee Albert D. Mulliken HunsingerMichael J. Carragher Marthena Nonneman Fund Urbana Legacy Tree FundChampaign County CASA Alice & Gene LambChampaign Southwest MTD for Children Urbana Parks FoundationChampaign-Urbana Symphony Dorothy Ozier Fund David George MillerChildren’s Advocacy Hobart L. & Mary K. PeerDavid & Faye Cole Mary K. Peer Administrative Urbana Public Art Curtis C. Nash Children’sCommunity Foundation Mary Vita Rosmarino Commission Creativity Justus Seaman Capacity Building Marajen Stevick Foundation Urbana Public Television Open Road PavingCommunityWorks Linda Nelson StocksPatrick Thomas Costello John P. Trebellas A Woman’s Fund David R. & Katherine D.Joan Dixon Youth Music Appreciation ParkhillDavid C. Eades WGRC – Champaign Rotary Scholarship FundsECIRMAC – Joy Robeson Family BenefitAlbert Eisner Club Bridge to SignificanceElizabeth’s Literacy Family Scholarship Gloria ValentiEmanuel Farms Organizational Funds Compassionate CareMary Alice English Dana Buerkett MemorialJoyce Ettensohn Bottenfield P.T.A. Endowment Endowment Barry & Linda WeinerFounders Champaign Park DistrictGeorgia May Fisher Champaign-Urbana Special Charlie Due Baseball Special Project FundsFranklin Prairie Farm EndowmentMargaret O. Franklin Recreation Business Emergency ReliefFranklin Youth Family Service Endowment Kenneth Freeland Grant ProgramHolly Williams Gallivan Generations of Hope Memorial EndowmentH.I. & Mabry Gelvin Center for CommunityGreen Meadows Endowment Rep. Naomi Jakobsson AdaptationDon Moyer Boys & Girls Club Mahomet Public LibraryIda Haack Rotary District 6490 Kathy Murphy Central Illinois VolunteerismHansen-Peer United Way Endowment EndowmentIllinois Futbol Club-Joe Seeley United Way – Early Champaign Fire Lucien & Christine Department (150th Memorial Childhood Circle Nesbitt Memorial Anniversary)Mary E. Jones Endowment EndowmentJohn K. Jones United Way – Tammy Lemke CU Cradle 2 Career United Way – Carol A. James Sisk Endowment Scharlau Endowment CU Film Society Pearl Sisk Endowment CUMTD Bus Passes Donor-Advised Funds DoCha Clif Rocks! DREAAM Downey Family Fire & Police Memorial Charitable Public Art League – Ebert Jean Driscoll Wheelchair Sculpture Racing UNESCO Center for Cynthea Geerdes-Todd Global Citizenship Martinez Upper Sangamon River Elva Greeson Bell Tower Conservancy14 • Community Foundation of East Central IllinoisCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 16 4/15/16 11:50 AM

CFECI Donors Make$1,000,000 Impact—Again! for the fourth straight year, the community foundation of east central illinois has distributed over $1,000,000 on behalf of our donors! as a result, 156 nonprofitorganizations and causes, primarily in our nine-county regional service area, have been able to improve, expand or enhance the vital services they provide to residents.40 North/88 West Champaign Park District - Prairie Farm DoChaALS, Greater Chicago Chapter - Page’s Champaign Park District - Virginia Don Moyer Boys & Girls Club Eastern Illinois Foodbank Challenge Theatre Effingham Noon RotaryAmerican Cancer Society Champaign Parks Foundation Effingham Sunrise RotaryArcola Sunrise Rotary Champaign Public Library empty tombArizona State University - Kathy Champaign Public Library Foundation Environmental Education Association Champaign Urbana Ballet Murphy Scholarship Champaign Urbana Cradle 2 Careers of IllinoisAUL - Parkhill Champaign Urbana Jewish Eureka Rotary ClubBloomington-Normal Sunrise Family Advocacy of Champaign Federation Rotary Champaign Urbana One-to-One CountyBloomington-Normal Sunset Family Service of Champaign County Mentoring Fellowship of Christian Athletes Rotary Champaign Urbana Schools Foundation Fire & Police MemorialBoys & Girls Club of Danville Champaign Urbana Special Recreation First Methodist Church of RantoulBradley University - Horizon Champaign Urbana Symphony First Presbyterian Church of Champaign Urbana Symphony - Youth Scholarship ChampaignBridgewater-Sullivan Community Life Music First Presbyterian Church of Tolono Children’s Advocacy Center First United Methodist Church of Center Chorale, TheCalifornia State University Fullerton - Community Center for the Arts Champaign Community Elements Forest Preserve Friends Foundation Horizon Scholarship Community Resource & Counseling Friends of PEB, Inc.Calvin College Gibson City RotaryCanaan Baptist Church Safe House Center Gloria Valenti Compassionate CareCASA of Vermilion County Courage ConnectionCelebration Company, The Crisis Nursery AwardCentral Illinois Volunteerism Cunningham Children’s Home Green Meadows, Girl Scouts of Daily Bread Soup Kitchen Conference Danville YMCA Central IllinoisChampaign County CASA DePaul University - James Sisk Griot ArtsChampaign County Farm Bureau Habitat for Humanity Scholarship Hillel UIUC Foundation Developmental Services Center Holy Cross SchoolChampaign County BelltowerChampaign County Nursing HomeChampaign Fire Department 150th Anniversary Continued 2015 Annual Report • 15CFECI_2015_Report2.indd 17 4/15/16 11:50 AM

2015 cHaRitaBle DiStRiBUtionS (continued)Hope Chest - Pekin Piatt County Mental Health Center U of I Dept of Recreation - SummerIllinois State University - Farm Credit Planned Parenthood of East Central Youth Program Illinois Scholarship Illinois U of I Foundation - Allerton ParkIllinois State University - Nesbitt Prairielands Council, Boy Scouts of U of I Foundation - Applied Health Scholarship America SciencesIndianapolis Downtown Rotary Promise Healthcare U of I Foundation - EnglishKirby Medical Center Promise Healthcare - Frances NelsonLand of Lincoln Legal Assistance Department Community Health Center U of I Foundation - Friends of the Foundation Promise Healthcare - SmileHealthyLierman Neighborhood Action Prosperity Gardens Library Public Art League U of I Foundation - Krannert Art Committee Public Art League - Ebert SculptureLittle Theatre on the Square Randolph County YMCA MuseumLoyola University of New Orleans - Rantoul Public Library U of I Foundation - Renaissance Arena Restoration Urban Ministries U of I Foundation - School of Music Kathy Murphy Scholarship Rotary Club of Charleston U of I Foundation - WILL AM-FM-TVMahomet Boy Scout Troup 25 Rotary Club of Danville U of I Foundation - School of Art +Mahomet-Seymour Schools Rotary Club of Decatur Rotary Club of Fairbury Design Foundation Rotary Club of Marshall UNESCO Jazz FestivalMartin Luther King Scholarship Rotary Club of Mattoon United Way of Champaign County Rotary Club of Paris University High School Fund Rotary District 6490 University of Illinois - Clif Rocks!Monticello Railway Museum Rotary Foundation, TheMuseum of the Grand Prairie Salt & Light ScholarshipNational Parks Foundation Salvation Army University of Illinois - Farm CreditNature Conservancy, The Save the Bays AssociationNew Covenant Christian Sioux YMCA Illinois Scholarship Skin of Steel University of Illinois - Freeland Fellowship Southern Illinois University - Farm CreditNew Piasa Chautauqua Church Scholarship Illinois Scholarship University of Illinois - Horizon Assembly Special Olympics of IllinoisNokomis Rotary Club Stephens Family YMCA ScholarshipNorthwestern University - James Sisk Tap In Leadership Academy University of Illinois - Nesbitt The Reading Group Scholarship Three Hierarchs Greek Orthodox Church ScholarshipOrthopterists’ Society U of I Dept of Intercollegiate Athletics University of Illinois YMCAParkland College - Charlie Due Vermilion County Rape Crisis Center WEFT Scholarship Wesley Food PantryParkland College - Clif Rocks! YMCA of the USA World Service YMCA Southwest Scholarship Young Life Champaign CountyParkland College - Pearl Sisk ScholarshipPeacemeal Senior Nutrition ProgramPhi Delta Theta Foundation 16 • Community Foundation of East Central Illinois 4/15/16 11:50 AMCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 18

Each generation improved the community so as to make life less harsh and richer for future generations. We should not assume that no more needs to be done. We must continue helping our neighbors and we must continue to improve and add to the humanitarian resources of our area for the benefit of present and future generations. Community Foundation of East Central Illinois, May 1972CFECI_2015_Report2.indd 19 4/15/16 11:50 AM

TM Community Foundation of East Central Illinois 307 W. University Avenue Champaign, Illinois 61820 217-359-0125 • www.cfeci.orgCFECI_2015_Report2.indd 20 4/15/16 11:50 AM

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