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Home Explore Setting Up a School Garden

Setting Up a School Garden

Published by Laura.Grindei, 2020-07-20 15:03:18

Description: Tutorial


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SETTING UP SCHOOL GARDENS All you need to know about setting up a school garden and using IoT and dihital tools in classroom • Seeds and Seeding • Compost • Planting • IoT in gardens • Plants and Flowers • Irrigation • Monitoring temperature and Humidity TUTORIALS FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS Agro Tips • Digital Tools & Skills • Inclusive Education

eSGarden – Gardening tutorial - PART I Election about crops and methods of multiplication. We will introduce some aspects related to the choice of crops for the school garden, multiplication methods and the start-up of a seedbed. One of the most important aspects when establishing a school garden is to choose crops properly and one of the main criteria should be consider the length of the school period. Students should be able to see and know all stages of the crop development: sowing, growth, organ formation and harvesting. Another criteria in the choice of crops is to consider those in which there are local varieties, which are part of the local culture, gastronomy or because of their economic importance. For students it will also be important to know the different forms of use of horticultural products: for their fruits, for the leaves, inflorescences, roots, bulbs, etc. At this moment it will be presented different possible crops that could be grow within the period of school. First possibility are cabbages. It is a vegetable of low caloric density, very rich in fiber and vitamins A, E and C. They can be transplanted at first of September and depending on the duration of their cycle, the harvest will take place from December to the months of March, April oy May, depending the variety. Among the cabbages there are some innovations such as the ‘bimi’, considered a superfood. The different shapes and colors in the cabbages, can awaken the interest in students for this type of vegetables. For a normal development of the broccoli plant it is necessary that the temperatures during the growth phase oscillate between 20 and 24ºC; to be able to start the floral induction phase it needs between 10 and 15ºC during several hours of the day. The plant and the skin do not usually freeze at temperatures close to 0 º C, when its duration is a few hours of the day. 1

Transplanting date Harvesting Cauliflowers are somewhat more sensitive to cold than broccoli, as they respond poorly to low temperatures (0ºC), also affecting high temperatures (>26ºC). The optimum temperature for your crop cycle is between 15.5-21.5 º C. Transplanting date Harvesting Cabbage and red cabbage are plants of great climatic adaptability. In general terms they adapt better to humid environments, being very sensitive to drought. In terms of temperatures they vegetate optimally with daytime temperatures of 13-18ºC and night- time temperatures of 10-12ºC. Some varieties can resist until -10ºC, while the varieties of spring harvesting vegetate in good conditions under high temperatures regime. Exposure of young plants to low temperatures during a certain period may lead to premature flower rise. 2

September October November December January February March April May June July Planting Date Harv es tin g Secondly, another interesting crop it will be artichoke. The main production period in the Mediterranean coast is autumn and winter, usually starting in October and it remains almost uninterrupted until the end of May, if frosts are not present. In colder areas, where winter is colder, the harvest is interrupted during the winter months, to take it back in the spring. Artichoke is a vegetable with a high content of vitamin C and B1. It has properties for diabetes, since it is hypoglycemic, it helps to regulate the liver and kidney functions. It is ideal for dietary regimes because of its low fat content, because it is rich in fiber, because of its balance of proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. Multiplication method is usually done by vegetative process, using cuttings, stumps or stalks, and one well-known cultivar (cv) is ‘Blanca de Tudela’. Multiplication by cuttings is the most used system. It is composed of basal pieces, which have produced artichokes, have dried and have been cut, in their period of vegetative rest, about 5 to 10 cm from the ground. 3

Nowadays, there are new artichoke cvs multiplied by seed and it is recommended to carry out the sowings at the end of May or the first of June, to proceed to their transplant when the plants have 4 to 5 leaves in the second half of July. The artichoke is a winter vegetable (cold season) and grows with maximum splendor of daytime temperatures of 24 º C and nighttime temperatures of 13 º C. The appropriate temperature range for a good harvest of artichokes is between 7-29 º C, free of frost. In this way the plant receives the appropriate vernalization (flowering is induced by cold). During the cultivation period should be avoided at all costs that the plants are exposed to temperatures below -3.8 º C. Cold weather easily damages the artichoke, at temperatures near or below the freezing point (0 º C). Effect of temperature on plant: 4

Furthermore, potato can be a crop also very illustrative to introduce in the school garden. It is easy to grow, the student can understand another form of multiplication and the use of tubers. It can be planted in January and February to harvest in May or June. In potato, clonal multiplication has been carried out by seed potatoes (tubers). The tubers are endowed with growth buds (eyes) arranged in spiral, the tuber can be planted whole or sliced, depending mainly on the size of the tuber, assigning the small sizes to whole potatoes, the medium ones making two pieces and the large ones practicing a cut longitudinal and transversal to get up to 4 pieces. It is a plant with a temperate-cold climate, the most favourable temperatures for its cultivation being around 13 and 18ºC. Transplanting date Harvesting When planting the soil temperature should be above 7 º C, with relatively cool nighttime temperatures. Subperiods Lenght (months) 4ºC 12ºC 5

Latency 4 1 Apical 2-3 1 Dominance 7 1-2 Normal bud Continuing with other possible crops we now present the pea who is used in biology practices. Mendel used it in his work that laid the foundations for genetic improvement. This vegetable can be used for its seeds or for the pods in a variety known as \"tirabeque\". It is a culture of temperate climate and something humid. The plant freezes with temperatures below -3 or -4ºC. It stops growing when temperatures start to fall below 5 or 7ºC. The vegetative development has its optimum growth with temperatures between 16 and 20 º C, being the minimum between 6 and 10 º C and the maximum in more than 35 º C. If the temperature is very high, the plant will vegetate quite badly. It needs ventilation and luminosity so that it blends well. Tº óptima Tº óptima máximas Tº óptima Ciclo (días) 16-20ºC 21-24ºC mínimas A partir Febrero 7ºC Moreover, it can also be considered as a feasible crop the onion because of it is also well – adapted to the school calendar. It is a clear example of crop to be used for its bulb It has nutritional properties and can be considered as bactericidal. It can be done direct sowing. There are farmers who grow the seed in the field, and then start and plant the seedlings. Lately, seedbeds are also made in professional nurseries. 6

There are many varieties with different types and forms and depending on their use. The earliest varieties are sown at the beginning of September and are harvested in April or May. Others are sown in mid-September to harvest in May and June. Finally, the later ones are sown in November, December and during the course they could be harvested as tender onions. It is possible to grow seeds in trays filled with substrate. There are crops that adapt very well to this type of cultivation, such as radish, leaf crops, seasoning or aromatic plants. It is a plant of temperate climates, although in the early stages of cultivation tolerates temperatures below zero, for the formation and maturation of the bulb, but requires higher temperatures and long days, being fulfilled in spring for early varieties or short day, and in summer-autumn for late or long day. August September October November December January February March April May June July Sowing Planting Green Harvest Dry harvesting Following, it can be chosen the lettuce. the year and the duration of the crop There is a wide range of types and depends on the climatic conditions. varieties, with different shapes and They are also cultivated in tray, leaf colors. They can be planted throughout crops known as baby leaf, which are marketed as cut fresh (4th range). 7

During the growing phase of the crop, temperatures between 14-18ºC during the day and 5-8ºC at night are required, as lettuce requires a temperature difference between day and night. During the sprout temperatures are required around 12 º C during the day and 3-5 º C at night. This culture supports worse the elevated temperatures than the low ones, since as maximum temperature it can support up to 30 ºC and as minimum temperatures of up to -6 ºC. 8

Transplanting date Harvesting Another possibility is the cultivation of chard. It is very easy and has the ability to sprout again. It can be maintained throughout the school year. In the case of chard can be made seedling or direct planting. The plant freezes when temperatures are below -5ºC and stops its development when temperatures fall below 5ºC. In vegetative development temperatures are between a minimum of 6 º C and a maximum of 27 to 33 º C, with an optimal medium between 15 and 25 º C. Germination temperatures are between 5 º C minimum and 30 to 35 º C maximum, with an optimal between 18 and 22 º C. 9

Sowing date Harvesting Finally, a crop that can also be interesting is the carrot, in which it is usually done direct planting in the field. The minimum growth temperature is around 9ºC and an optimum around 16-18ºC. It supports light frosts; in rest the roots are not affected until -5ºC what allows its conservation in the land. The high temperatures (more than 28ºC) cause an acceleration in the processes of aging of the root, loss of coloring, etc.. There are many crops, usable for their fruits such as tomato, pepper, melon, watermelon, but they are not the most suitable for the school calendar, because their harvest period occurs during the holiday season. Once we've chosen the crop we're going to work with it's time to prepare the seedbed. It will be necessary trays of alveolus and there are different sizes depending on the plant. The trays will be filled with substrate based on peat, coconut fiber or a mixture. 10

These substrates do not provide nutrients to plants; so it is recommended, if is possible in school facilities, prepare a compost, and mix that compost in 25% with the peat. The trays could be hand manufactured with recycled materials, such as plastic glass or yogurt cups, or any other container. It is important that the container have a hole in the base to secure drainage. Before sowing, a small hole of 1 to 1.5 cm can be made in the substrate, on which we will drop the seed, which we will subsequently bury with a little vermicutute or with the same leftover substrate. Then we will proceed to water the substrate to ensure the good germination conditions. To improve this germination, these trays can be carried to an enclosure that guarantees good temperature conditions and also enough light. Another possibility, if you do not want to perform this seedling phase, is to acquire the plant in a professional seedbed, in a garden center or in any other trade that is engaged in the sale of these plants. 11

Preparation of the plot, planting, direct sowing or planting of cuttings. In this video we will introduce some aspects related to plot preparation, planting, direct sowing or cutting planting. In the preparation of the soil it is important to ensure good drainage and to crush the soil, in order to achieve a good rootedness of the seeds and plants. Also to be able to adequately form furrows or benches on which to work. Before making the plantation it is convenient to carry out the incorporation of the nutrients. Although there are mineral fertilizers, for the school garden we recommend contributions of organic fertilizers or the manufacture of compost in the school itself. Composting is considered as a technique that allows to take advantage of the organic waste produced by society and that can be used to improve the organic matter content of agricultural soils. Composting is a process that allows the stabilization and sanitization of organic waste, while it can be used to improve agricultural soils, avoiding destruction, incineration or accumulation in land. When the compost is obtained with an adequate combination of residues, it can give rise to an organic product with excellent properties for agricultural use fills. This system in schools would allow students to understand the concept of circular economy. The incorporation of the compost can be done with small machinery, cultivator with milling machine, or if there is no possibility, it can be done manually using implements such as hoe and rake, in order to also leave the floor loose and prepared for its sowing or planting. It is advisable to mark a line on which, although it is not totally necessary but one can make a small groove, in which it will later make that sowing or planting. To establish a plantation, it is important to take into account the distance between plants and between rows, which defines the plantation framework. Although it will have an important limitation the size of the plot, it will be worthwhile, that in the same row we maintain just a crop and the same date of planting. If the plot is very 12

long, we can divide it into 2 halves and the irrigation system become independent in both sides, depending on the crop or date of planting. It will be important to propose a crop programming scheme, planting dates, with a small plan, for proper management of soil availability and also facilitate the installation of irrigation that will be addressed in an upcoming video. Here, it is presented some typical frameworks for several crops. In potato, the tuber is buried between 7 to 8 cm. The furrows are arranged between 0.5 and 0.7 m apart. separating the tubers between 0.3 to 0.4 m. In this case we will make a slightly higher groove, to ensure a good burial of the tuber. A wider bench can also be built, and the pieces of potato can be arranged in staggered rows, to subsequently ensure a better distribution of irrigation. Frameworks for onion it is made in ridges with two rows of plants, sometimes three rows. Also, normally they are used banks with four or more rows, which adapt well to localized irrigation systems. The density of plantation is 35-40 plants / m2. 13

In crops as lettuce or cabbages, rows can be separated between 90 cm to 1 m. In the case of artichoke, the separation between rows should be at least 1.5 -1.75 cm. RIEGO POR SURCOS Lateral riego Distancia entre plantas Distancia entre líneas RIEGO LOCALIZADO Distancia entre plantas Distancia entre bancos Chard is sown in banks of 2 lines of plants separated 0.5 m and the distance between seeds inside line is 3 cm. In carrot, the furrows are arranged as in chard, distance of 0.5 m and plants are separated 4 cm in two staggered rows. Is possible the use of black and white plastics mulching and floating cover system in different crops like potato. Also is possible to use biodegradable plastics, which after a while will be completely decomposed in the soil. 14

There are other semi- forced systems, which allow to modify or improve the conditions of temperature and humidity in the environment of the plant. They also prevent the arrival of certain pests and reduce diseases. There are the micro tunnel and cover floating using transparent plastic or polypropylene material. After planting it is very important to perform irrigation that ensures the rootness of the plant, that first irrigation should be more important, in order to ensure that the humidity reaches the roots of the plants well. 15

Irrigation Installation. We will introduce some aspects related to the installation of the irrigation system. Once the plot is prepared, knowing well the location of each of the crops, we will proceed to carry out the irrigation system. To do this it is advisable to use the programming plane, which has been mentioned in video number 2, to perform correctly the distribution of irrigation. We choose the drip irrigation system, considering that it can be the most practical and suitable for a correct distribution and efficiency to supply water needs of crop. To do this we will need to have a water intake with enough pressure, about 2 atmospheres. That can be a drinking water tap, which we consider the most practical option, as long as the surface to be watered is small. In the case of considerable area, for example > 500 m2, another source of water supply should have to be considered, including the possibility of collecting rainwater and storing it in a reservoir. In that case, it would be needed to install a drive pump electric. A thread and a polyethylene pipe with a suitable diameter must be connected to this socket, in order to ensure that water supply. At the entrance of the school garden, one or more irrigation programmers can be installed, which can be powered by batteries or if there is a possibility of power outlet. 16

Different secondary pipes for several crops and water tap to close irrigation manually After the programmer, the piping will continue with the secondary pipe, using one or more polyethylene pipes of 25mm diameter and they will be extended in the plot to later connect the pipes carrier, known as lateral line. The pipe line could be of 12 mm diameter, but we recommend the 16 mm pipe. This pipe can be punctured by emitters or sold with the dropper integrated into the same pipe. For a school garden installation, the most suitable is the acquisition of pipe holder with integrated emitters, separated 30 cm. The secondary pipe is drilled with a hole punch of 16mm diameter and a tape-to-lateral connector is inserted to allow connect with the pipe holder. It can also be inserted a tap, which will allow to open and close each of the crop lines individually. At the end of the pipe holder to be able to cut the watering it should be strangle using a polyethylene ring. At the end of the secondary pipe you can also strangle the pipe or install a plug. 17

The branches with inserted drippers can be connected equidistant, with a separation of 1 m or depending on the distance that the different crops are planted. Although as they are to be placed taps, they can subsequently be canceled or activated depending on the needs. Furthermore, at the same time of the irrigation installation, the placement of the moisture probes can be carried out. It is advisable to place it in the crop of longer duration or permanence in the plot in order to be used as a guide for the general management of the plot. Moreover, once the installation is done, it may be convenient to do a series of tests, which will allow you to know more about the characteristics of that installation: The uniformity of irrigation and the actual flow of the drippers can be measured. To do this, a few containers are placed under 10-16 emitters distributed throughout the plot and the installation is switched on for 5 minutes. It be measured the water collected during that time and it will be multiplied by 12, giving us the flow of each dropper in liters /hour. (12X5's = 60'). 18

The average of the emitter´s flows representing the quarter of the lowest flow rate (q25) is calculated. Then it is calculated also the average flow rates measured in all emitters monitored (qm). With these two data it can be evaluated the watering uniformity, as follow: UR q25/qm x 100, That uniformity of water application will be expressed in percentage. If it is > 95 will be excellent. Between 85-95% good, 80-85% acceptable, 70-80% poor and <70% unacceptable. Planting and sowing. We will introduce some aspects related to planting and sowing work. Once the plot has been prepared with the irrigation installation, the planting or sowing can be carried out as appropriate. To establish a plantation, it is important to consider the distance between plants and between rows, which defines the plantation framework. In potato, the tuber is buried between 7 February. In cold areas, this planting will to 8 cm. The furrows are arranged 0.5 have to be delayed avoiding frost. It can and 0.7 m between lines and separating also be planted at the beginning of the tubers between 0.3 to 0.4 m. September, considering that in the area The potato can be planted on dates where it is grown, after 3 months there when there is no frost, in areas of good will be no frost, that is, it is free of frost weather it can be in January or by the end of November. 19

Onion crop, it is made in ridges with two rows of plants, sometimes three rows. Banks with four or more rows, which adapt well to localized irrigation systems. The density of plantation is 35- 40 plants / m2. Densities can be established, with separate furrow of 60 cm and with 2 rows of plant separating the plants within the same row 8 to 11 cm. In cauliflower, we will distance the rows 1 m and the plants arranged in staggered rows separating 0.5 m between plants of the same row. That same arrangement can be used in a Brussels sprout. For brocculi, 1 m between rows and 30 cm between plants, within the same row separated 30 cm, also arranged staggered rows. In the culture of lettuce, it can be separated between rows 90 cm to 1 m, with 2 staggered rows of plant separating 30 cm between plants. 20

In the case of chard is recommended direct sowing, and the design could be 2 rows of planting separated 50cm and 4-5 cm between seeds. Similar case for carrots, doing direct sowing and same arrangement to the chard culture is also recommended. 21

Funded by: 22

PART I: ORGANIZE YOUR GARDEN A garden is not a simple mesh of vegetables. A garden has several components which intervene in the daily gardening processes. A school garden has different spaces and we must plan them. To organize our garden, we consider four spaces: a nursery area for seedbeds, a compost area, a weather station and the cultivation plots. Each of these spaces will also be organized in the same way in our virtual garden: the APP. First, we should consider to prepare a suitable space for seeds and seedbeds. Some crops need a nursery time and the temperature and humidity requirements for seeding differ from their growth cycle after transplanting. Thus, look for a space in a classroom near a window, or in a greenhouse, where students can observe and care the process from seeds to plants in addition to maintaining adequate temperature, humidity and lighting conditions. It will be your seed nursery. Other space you should consider will house the compost which has a double objective. On the one hand, will provide nutrients to plants by an organic process. On the other hand, composting process is related with physical and chemical principles that connects with curricular learning. Moreover, you can also introduce compost as part of school’s recycling actions to care your environment. Thirdly, physics and mathematics competences can be experimented and learned by gathering data from your garden. There are many ambient parameters that you can measure with a weather station. These parameters affect to both the growth cycle of crops and the human health. Consider to build a weather station. Moreover, this activity can also be connected with technology and informatics by introducing a “made-by-yourselves” with your students. Finally, the most important in your garden are the plots. You must divide your garden in plots depending on the space of land dedicated to each crop. Take into account that some crops can share water requirements but not all. Thus, divide the garden into plot. We assume that each plot presents different hydric requirements. In summary, project your garden attending to the future digital visualization of data. Each set of data or dataset is implied in a specific process: seeding, growth, irrigation, compost, storage, etc. Try to maintain a logic and clear division. It will help you in the developing of your “virtual garden”. The seed nursery Once we've chosen the crop we're going to work with it's time to prepare the seedbed. It will be necessary trays of alveolus and there are different sizes depending on the plant.

Crop selection and seedbeds: One of the most important aspects when establishing a school garden is to choose crops properly. Some criteria should be to consider the length of the school lecture period, local gastronomy and biodiversity. Students should be able to see and know all stages of the crop development: sowing, growth, organ formation and harvesting. Besides, local varieties are part of the local culture and gastronomy. For students it will also be important to know the different forms of use of horticultural products: for their fruits, for the leaves, inflorescences, roots, bulbs, etc. Ambient temperature and humidity requirements differs from seedbed phase and growing phase. Thus, we should look for a suitable seedbed space or nursery to keep optimal germination conditions. Recycled material as briks Commercial seedbeds Paper-made pots The trays will be filled with substrate based on peat, coconut fibre or a mixture. These substrates do not provide nutrients to plants; so it is recommended, if is possible in school facilities, prepare a compost, and mix that compost in 25% with the peat. The trays could be hand manufactured with recycled materials, such as plastic glass or yogurt cups, or any other container. It is important that the container have a hole in the base to secure drainage. Before sowing, a small hole of 1 to 1.5 cm can be made in the substrate, on which we will drop the seed, which we will subsequently bury with a little vermicutute or with the same leftover substrate. Then we will proceed to water the substrate to ensure the good germination conditions. To improve this germination, these trays can be carried to an enclosure that guarantees good temperature conditions and also enough light.

You can develop your own sensor device to control the temperature and humidity of your nursery. You can design your module with the following material: - A box to protect the electronic devices. - An electronic kit based on a microcontroller. For example, ARDUINO offers you a great variety of kits. But there is more on the market. Find a resource that allows you to send the data to a cloud supported by a third party. This will avoid having to install and maintain a server to store the data at school. - A set of “easy-to-use” sensors. For example, look for analogic sensors of 3 pins (Positive, Negative, Analog data). There exist more sophisticated digital sensors. You should balance between the effort and the expected learning result. - Wires and a proto-board to connect sensors to the microcontroller. - A power bank to avoid electric wires for power supply. However, in case your nursery is in a classroom, probably you can use electric plugging. The weather station Include a rich variety of sensors: A weather station is an ideal activity to introduce students to the world of sensors. You will find very different types, with different measures and magnitudes, such as temperature, humidity, air quality, noise, rainfall, wind, brightness, etc. Take advantage of this variety to connect the garden with subjects such as math and science. In addition to the electronics, you can build the box and an enclosure to protect it. Figure courtesy of TBAgrosensors and CajaMar CV research agro-center. You can design your own weather station from zero. Thus, the materials you will organize are the following: - A box to protect the electronic devices and a stake to stuck it near of your plots. - An electronic kit based on a microcontroller. For example, ARDUINO offers you a great variety of kits. But there is more on the market. Find a resource that allows you to send the data to a cloud supported by a third party. This will avoid having to install and maintain a server to store the data at school. - A set of “easy-to-use” sensors. For example, look for analogic sensors of 3 pins (Positive, Negative, Analog data). There exist more sophisticated digital

sensors. You should balance between the effort and the expected learning result. - Wires and a proto-board to connect sensors to the microcontroller. - A power bank to avoid electric wires for power supply. There are many option in the market. Look for some that fix inside your box. Better with solar energy harvesting. The compost machine Organic gardens need of a compost machine: Composting is considered as a technique that allows to take advantage of the organic waste produced by schools and that can be used to improve the organic matter content of agricultural soils. Composting is a process that allows the stabilization and sanitization of organic waste, while it can be used to improve agricultural soils, avoiding destruction, incineration or accumulation in land. When the compost is obtained with an adequate combination of residues, it can give rise to an organic product with excellent properties for agricultural use fills. This system in schools would allow students to understand the concept of circular economy. A homemade compost machine done with recycled wood panels. You can use manual thermometers or make a sensor reading device, similar that a weather station. The materials you will organize are the following: - A box to protect the electronic devices form dust. - An electronic kit based on a microcontroller. For example, ARDUINO offers you a great variety of kits. But there is more on the market. Find a resource that allows you to send the data to a cloud supported by a third party. This will avoid having to install and maintain a server to store the data at school. - A set of “easy-to-use” sensors: humidity and temperature to control the process. For example, look for analogic sensors of 3 pins (Positive, Negative, Analog data). There exist more sophisticated digital sensors. You should balance between the effort and the expected learning result. - Wires and a proto-board to connect sensors to the microcontroller. - A power bank to avoid electric wires for power supply. There are many option in the market. Look for some that fix inside your box. Better with solar energy harvesting.

The plots Divide your space into plots: Each crop has different soil humidity and temperature requirements. Thus, we can observe each plot separately. There exists specific sensor for soil humidity and professional probes to measure at different soil profiles. A profile infers a vertical depth. Imagine a stake stuck in the ground that measures a value every 10 centimetres deep. We can differ between top-soil humidity, indicating a depth of about 20 centimetres, and bottom-soil humidity, indicating a depth till 50 centimetres. Make fun rules with your students. For example: • The top-soil humidity should be down to 20%1. A low percentage indicates that the soil is drying. • The bottom-soil humidity should be higher that 10%. A higher percentage indicated an excess of water that is lost. Percentage will depend on your type of land and use. There are many interesting material in the FAO website (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) useful for school activities. About the sensors, we recommend agro-sensor moisture and temperature probes instead of homemade sensors. ACTIVITY 1) Take a look on your school’ outdoor spaces and decide how to divide your future garden in different spaces. Which sensors you need to control each space? 2) Now, choose your favourite space and focus your activities in “technologic” around this space: the seed-nursery, the plots, the compost or a weather station. 1 These percentages are just an example. Don’t use them as a real rule.

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