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Home Explore Case Managers Checklist-2

Case Managers Checklist-2

Published by Hillary Burris, 2022-02-11 21:02:58

Description: Case Managers Checklist-2


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Department of Special Education Hays Consolidated Independent School District

First 7 Contract Days ❏ Meet with special ed. team lead and/or special ed. instructional coach regarding questions about PLAAFPs, IEP goals, SuccessEd, progress reports, use of Eduphoria, MSB, Odysseyware (high schools) ❏ Create an account for SuccessEd and MSB ❏ Set up schedule in MSB to document student services ❏ Create your Eduphoria Monitor List - email campus administrator to approve list ❏ Obtain list of assigned case students from special ed. team lead ❏ Get list of annual ARD dates from special ed. team lead ❏ Establish contact with caseload parents - explain your role and provide contact information ❏ Establish contact with caseload students - introduce yourself, explain your role, review accommodations, and let students know where/when they can find you ❏ Conference with gen. ed. teachers and related service providers regarding student accommodations, explain your role, and follow up with an email (this is your documentation!) ❏ Prepare substitute information packet for each gen. ed. class you support, include: special student issues, accommodations and/or BIP ❏ Enroll to the SPED Schoology Group & Course Every 3 Weeks ❏ Update Monitor List every time you get a new student and email administrator to approve it again ❏ Collect data and progress monitor IEP goals ❏ Elementary only - keep ES Minutes/Schedule Template updated ❏ Secondary only - keep Secondary Case Manager List updated Every 9 Weeks ❏ Complete progress reports for caseload or … ❏ Run progress report Non-Completion Report to determine which students still need progress noted prior to progress report distribution date ❏ Complete missing progress and/or contact other service providers to update progress ❏ Track students who are failing or in danger of failing. If they are: ❏ Consider scheduling a staffing with case manager and general ed. teacher ❏ Complete AIM action plan and share with student and parent ❏ IF student fails nine week period after implementation of the action plan, consider scheduling an ARD End Of Year ❏ Sign up, register, and attend summer training ❏ Collect all AT devices and prepare for pick up by district special ed. department staff ❏ ECSE and FL only - ensure transportation form is correct for following school year ❏ Summer school spreadsheet and ESY Click For Specialized Unit Resources

First 7 Contract Days ❏ Meet with ARD Facilitator - get list of annual ARD dates ❏ Create and disperse case manager list ❏ Secondary only - complete Secondary Case Manager Template ❏ Elementary only - complete ES Minutes/Schedule Template for case managed students ❏ Update Special Education Campus Staff Roster - include link to case manager list, special ed. master schedule, & school master schedule ❏ Ensure ALL students have a school-based case manager (INCLUDING DHH, VI, and/or OI being served in general ed. classroom or resource setting) ❏ Schedule and facilitate team meetings (at least monthly). Invite special ed. IC to meetings ❏ Print and distribute IEP goals, accommodations, BIPS to paras and general ed. teachers ❏ Verify that new and returning special ed. teachers have a SuccessEd and MSB account ❏ Verify all special ed. teachers and paraprofessionals set up a schedule in MSB to document services and medicaid billing ❏ Access to TEAMS: confer with PEIMS clerk to add resource/inclusion teachers as co-teachers to general ed. teacher(s) TEAMS gradebook ❏ Ensure special ed. staff has created their Eduphoria Monitor List ❏ Share case manager Responsibilities Checklist and Special Education Survival Guide with general ed. teachers, special ed. teachers and paraprofessionals ❏ Distribute AT devices to students Every 3 Weeks ❏ Review list of students failing or in danger of failing the grading period at monthly special ed. Department meetings ❏ Check in with special ed. case managers and paraprofessionals to ensure that MSB documentation is up to date Every 9 Weeks ❏ Run progress report Non-Completion Report in SuccessEd and send completion reminder to special ed. teachers ❏ Beginning of progress report week ❏ Two days before progress report submission date ❏ Day before progress report submission date End Of Year ❏ Plan and schedule Bridge Meetings: 5th and 8th grades ONLY ❏ Collect all AT devices and prepare for pick up by district special ed. staff ❏ Send special ed. teachers and paraprofessionals information about summer PD catalog training Click For Specialized Unit Resources

First 7 Contract Days ❏ Review support, roles, and responsibilities of best practices in the classroom ❏ Connect with SPED teachers regarding accommodations and/or BIP for in school/virtual learning students ❏ Set up account and schedule in MSB to document services and medicaid billing ❏ Obtain a list of assigned students from special ed. team lead ❏ Use this list to Create your Eduphoria Monitor List. Email administrator once list is created for approval ❏ Organize a student binder with information about each student you serve to include (found in ‘Forms’ in Eduphoria); copy of goals, Accommodations Tracker for each class, and a copy of BIP (if applicable) ❏ Establish contact with general ed. teacher for each one of your assigned students and communicate how your role will support students who receive special ed. services ❏ Prepare a substitute information packet including daily schedule and information about special issues and student accommodations ❏ Request copies of IEP goals progress monitoring sheets for your list of students from special ed. team lead Every 3 Weeks ❏ Meet with special ed. case manager to review data, goal implementation and progress monitoring in general ed. classrooms, and accommodations ❏ Daily - document student services in MSB ❏ After each ARD, special ed. teacher should provide you with a copy of any changes to the IEP, so you can update student binder: update IEP goals progress monitoring sheets and accommodations spreadsheet Every 9 Weeks ❏ Conference with special ed. teachers regarding special issues and/or students, accommodations, and follow up with an email (this is documentation) ❏ Provide IEP goal progress monitoring sheets and accommodations spreadsheets/data sheets to special ed. teacher (they need the data to gather information for progress reports/IEP goals) End Of Year ❏ Assist special ed. teachers in the collection of all AT devices from students ❏ Shred any special ed. paperwork including accommodations and goals from binder ❏ Register for and attend summer training Click For Specialized Unit Resources

First 7 Contract Days ❏ Obtain list of students receiving special ed. services assigned to your class(es) ❏ From Eduphoria \"Forms\", print or save student accommodations and/or BIP for easy reference ❏ Consult with case manager regarding; accommodations (instructional/testing), role of general ed. teacher and/or of special ed. teacher/paraprofessional in the classroom, progress reports, use of Eduphoria ❏ Familiarize yourself with Read Write for Google Chrome Extension ❏ Create sub folder including information about special issues, student accommodations and/or BIP Ongoing Throughout The School Year ❏ Reference Eduphoria for updated accommodations and/or BIP as new students are added to classes - see case manager for guidance ❏ Attend staffings scheduled by special ed. case managers/teachers ❏ Accept Outlook ARD meeting invitations sent from ARD Facilitator ❏ Attend ARD meetings scheduled by ARD Facilitator (FEDERAL AND STATE REQUIREMENTS): general ed. teacher required, CTE/LPAC representative required if applicable ❏ Provide and document student accommodations daily ❏ Follow student Behavior Intervention Plan(s) (BIP) ❏ Collaborate daily/weekly with special ed. teacher and/or paraprofessional to support academic needs ❏ If student is failing or in danger of failing the grading period ❏ Schedule a staffing with special ed. case manager ❏ Develop an AIM Action Plan with student (should we put aim plan in here?) ❏ Contact parent and share action plan Every 9 Weeks ❏ Collaborate with special ed. case manager to discuss/fill out teacher report form: ❏ Students' progress in a general ed. classrooms ❏ Discuss grades, behavior, accommodations, IEP goals ❏ BIP accommodations (if student has one) Prior To Annual ARD ❏ Gather feedback and report to case manager (at least one week prior) ❏ If student is served in coteach/inclusion setting, discuss IEP goals with special ed. teacher, and possible new goals ❏ After ARD, check Eduphoria for student’s updated accommodations and/or BIP End Of Year ❏ Shred any special ed. paperwork for all students ❏ Register for and attend summer PD training Click For Specialized Unit Resources

Ongoing ❏ Ensuring students’ class schedules match the students’ IEP ❏ Ensuring students with disabilities participate, with or without specialized instruction in accordance with their IEPs, in all curricular areas available in the school, including non-academic areas during the school day and ensuring students with disabilities have access to extracurricular activities offered at the school. ❏ Ensuring general education teachers maintain copies of current IEPs for all students with disabilities they teach. ❏ Ensuring special education teachers have copies of teacher’s editions for all subjects and grade levels they teach. ❏ Ensuring specialized program teachers (FL, FLS) are utilizing specialized curriculum resources. ❏ Ensuring students with disabilities have age/grade appropriate general education textbooks and materials. ❏ Ensuring scheduled common planning time for general and special education teachers. ❏ Ensuring necessary systems are in place for staff to attend ARD meetings. ❏ Monitoring the implementation of IEP services. ❏ Ensuring that the SpEd Team Lead is monitoring IEP progress reports completion for each student every 9 week reporting period. ❏ Ensuring that parents have access to school personnel who can answer questions related to their child’s IEP and are involved in IEP development. ❏ Providing professional development opportunities for general and special educators, and paraprofessionals, in collaboration with the district SpEd department staff. Administrative Resources Special Education Administrator Free Course #1: Free Course #2: Resources Region 20 Inclusion: Practices for The ARD Process - What Effective Administrators Need to Administrators Know Suggestions for Elementary Continuum of Behavior Supports SPED Scheduling

New/Returning Teacher Onboarding Handbook Hays CISD Special Education Onboarding Handbook Specific To Specialized Units Behavior Foundational Learning Resource/Inclusion (SLC, Focus, SBI) (FL, FLS, FLA) ECSE RDSPD ARD Preparation How To Write An IEP The ARD Preparation IEP Progress Reports Hays Way Timeline Online Program Support MSB SuccessED TEAMS OdysseyWare

Department of Special Education Hays Consolidated Independent School District

Department of Special Education Hays Consolidated Independent School District

Department of Special Education Hays Consolidated Independent School District

Department of Special Education Hays Consolidated Independent School District

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