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Home Explore Body Systems Flipbook

Body Systems Flipbook

Published by colleen.clark.095, 2016-11-03 13:14:21

Description: Colleen Clark


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Body Systems Flip BookColleen Clark

Table of Contents● Integumentary System (4-7)● Musculoskeletal System (8-11)● Nervous System (12-15)● Special Senses System (16-19)● Cardiovascular System (20-23)● Respiratory System (24-27)● Digestive System (28-31)● Urinary System (32-35)● Reproductive System (36-39)

Integumentary System Functions: ● Detection from ultraviolet rays andKey Terms: pathogens ● derm/o, dermat/o-skin ● Sensory perception such as pain, ● kerat/o-cornea; hard, horny tissue temperature, and touch ● xer/o- dry, dryness ● Regulation of body temperature ● xanth/o- yellow through blood vessel dilation and ● erythr/o- red constriction ● pedicul/o- lice, louse ● Absorption of transdermal ● onych/o- nail (of fingers and toes) medicines ● myc/o- fungus ● Storage of fats, sugars, water, ● pil/o- hair vitamins, and salt ● lip/o- fat; lipid ● Excretion of excess water, salt, and ● rhytid/o- wrinkle heat ● albin/o- white ● Production of vitamin D Table of Contents

Integumentary System Continued... UlcersDiseases and Disorders: Dermatitis ● Jaundice- yellowish color of the skin because of bile in the blood.● Ulcers- deep loss of skin surface that may extend into the dermis.● Dermatitis- inflammation of the skin caused by an irritant.● Impetigo- a highly contagious skin infection caused by strep or staph organisms.Healthcare Careers: Impetigo Jaundice● Dermatologist- A doctor who specializes in the diagnosis and cure of skin disorders.● Plastic Surgeon- Surgeons who perform operations that change the appearance or lookof a part of a patient’s body. They perform both cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries. Table of Contents

Integumentary System Continued...Vocabulary:1. Sebum- oil that lubricates the skin and discourages the growth of bacteria on the skin.2. Keratin- A fibrous, water-repellant protein. Soft keratin is found in the epidermis, while hardkeratin can be found in the hair and nails.3. Dermis- a.k.a the corium, the thick layer of living tissue found directly below the epidermis. Hasconnective tissue, blood and lymph vessels, nerve fibers, hair, and sweat and sebaceous glands.4. Epithelial tissue- Tissues that form a protective covering for all internal and external surfaces.5. Heparin- An anticoagulant which is released in response to injury.6. Histamine- Released in response to allergens, causes itching and increased mucus secretion.7. Lipocytes- a.k.a fat cells, predominant in the subcutaneous layer where they manufacture andstore large quantities of fat.8. Hidrosis- The production and excretion of sweat.9. Cuticle- Narrow band of epidermis attached to the surface of the nail just in front of the root.10. Tactile- Pertaining to touch Table of Contents

Diagram: Crash Course Video(s): Part 1: h?v=Orumw-PyNjw Part 2: h?v=EN-x-zXXVwQ Table of Contents

Musculoskeletal SystemKey Terms: Functions: ● my/o- muscle ● Protection of the body's’ internal ● myel/o- spinal cord, bone organs marrow ● Supports the weight of the body ● oste/o- bone ● Main storage system for calcium and ● cost/o- rib ● crani/o- skull phosphorus ● -pexy- fixation, to put in place ● Movement of the body ● chondr/o- cartilage ● Cartilage- prevents bone ends from ● arthr/o- joint ● -plegia- paralysis rubbing directly against each other ● kinesi/o- movement Table of Contents

ArthritisMusculoskeletal System Continued...Diseases and Disorders: Fibromyalgia● Arthritis- Inflammation of the joints, can cause stiffness and pain of the joints. This disease worsens withage, and is commonly found in elderly people.● Talipes- a.k.a flat feet or clubfoot, a congenital/birth disorder where the foot is twisted out of shape orposition. It is a deformity of the foot/ankle that babies are born with, and it means that their achillestendons and tendons on the inside of their legs are tight/shortened.● Osteoporosis- A bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone or makes too little bone.Large holes and spaces in the bone are formed, making it so the bone is very weak in brittle and verysusceptible to breaking.● Fibromyalgia- Widespread pain/tenderness of the musculoskeletal system with the symptoms of fatigue,memory issues, and mood swings/issues. Talipes OsteoporosisHealthcare Careers:● Orthopedic Surgeon- Surgeons who perform surgeries addressing trauma, tumors, injuries, infections,and other conditions involving bones and the musculoskeletal system.● Physical Therapist- People who work with patients to help them regain movement and manage pain ofparts of their bodies after injuries, illness, or surgery. Table of Contents

Musculoskeletal System Continued...Vocabulary:1. Cartilage- The smooth, rubbery, blue-white connective tissue that acts as a shockabsorber between bones.2. Diaphysis- the shaft of a long bone.3. Synovial Joints- the movable joints of the body (ball and socket, hinge).4. Cranium- the part of the skull that encloses the brain that has the frontal, parietal,occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones.5. Thoracic Cavity- a.k.a the rib cage, made up of the ribs, sternum, and thoracicvertebrae, protects the heart and lungs.6. Cardiac Muscle- a.k.a myocardial muscle, forms the muscular wall of the heart.7. Kinesiology- the study of muscular activity and the resulting movement of body parts.8. Flexion- decreasing the angle between two bones or bending a limb at a joint.9. Extension- increasing the angle between two bones or straightening out a limb.10. Rotation- a circular movement around an axis. Table of Contents

Diagram: Crash Course Video(s): Skeletal System: m/watch?v=RW46rQKW a-g Muscular System: m/watch?v=jqy0i1KXUO 4 Table of Contents

Nervous System Functions: ● Neurons transmit signalsKey Terms: ● neur/o- nerve between different parts of the ● encephal/o- brain body ● myel/o- spinal cord, bone marrow ● Control of the body and it’s ● ambu/o- around, on both sides functions ● -esthesia- nervous sensation ● Communication among the ● mening/o- meninges (membranes different parts of the body ● Transmission of nerve impulses covering the spinal cord and brain) ● psych/o- mind Table of Contents ● concuss/o- shaken together, violently agitated

Nervous System Continued... EpilepsyDiseases and Disorders:● Epilepsy- a disorder in which abnormal electrical discharges from brain cells cause seizures.● Huntington’s disease- an inherited condition that causes the nerve cells in the brain to degenerate.● Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)- a.k.a Lou Gehrig's disease, a motor neuron disease whichweakens the muscles and progressively hampers and worsens physical function.● Stroke- a disorder that occurs when there is bleeding on the brain or blood flow to the brain is obstructed. Huntington’s ALS StrokeHealthcare Careers: Disease● Neurologist- Experts who diagnose and treat disorders of the nervous system. They manage/treatillnesses, injuries, and disorders found in the brain and spinal cord.● Psychiatrist- A doctor who diagnoses and treats mental disorders. They prescribe/administermedical and therapeutic treatments to patients who suffer from disorders of the mind. Table of Contents

Nervous System Continued...Vocabulary: 1. Cerebrum- the largest and uppermost portion of the brain that is responsible for all thought, judgment, memory, association, and discrimination. 2. Medulla oblongata- located at the lowest part of the brainstem, and controls basic life functions including the muscles of respiration, heart rate, and blood pressure. 3. Spinal cord- the pathway for impulses going to and from the brain, it contains all the nerves that affect the limbs and lower half of the body. 4. Frontal lobe- the lobe of the brain that controls motor functions. 5. Parietal lobe- the lobe of the brain that receives and interprets nerve impulses from the sensory receptors. 6. Occipital lobe- the lobe of the brain that controls eyesight. 7. Temporal lobe- the lobe of the brain that controls the senses of hearing and smell. 8. Cerebellum- the second largest part of the brain that is located at the back of the head below the cerebrum. It receives incoming messages regarding movement within joints, muscle tone, and positions of the body. Messages are relayed from here to different parts of the brain that control different skeletal muscles. 9. Cephalalgia- a.k.a cephalodynia, a pain in the head or a headache.10. Lethargy- a lowered level of consciousness marked by listlessness, drowsiness, indifference, and a reduced level of activity. Table of Contents

Diagram: Crash Course Video(s): Part 1: atch?v=qPix_X-9t7E Part 2: atch?v=OZG8M_ldA1M Table of Contents

Special Senses SystemKey Terms: Functions: ● irid/o- iris (colored portion of the ● Ability to hear ● Ability to see eye) ● Ability to taste ● -cusis- hearing ● Ability to smell ● -iopia- condition of having such ● Works with the nervous system vision/visual defect to send impulses to the brain ● ot/o- ear with their sensory receptors ● tympan/o- tympanic membrane ● Warn the body of danger (eardrum), middle ear Table of Contents ● opthalm/o- eye ● -metry- process of measuring

Special Systems Continued... TinnitusDiseases and Disorders: Monochromatism● Cataracts- the lens of the eye becomes clouded, preventing light from entering. This makes itdifficult to see clearly, and it is commonly associated with aging.● Monochromatism- a.k.a color blindness, the inability to distinguish colors.● Tinnitus- a ringing, roaring, buzzing, or hissing in the ears.● Anosmia- the complete inability to detect/smell odors. A person can be born with this disorder,rarely, a condition called congenital anosmia. Anosmia CataractsHealthcare Careers:● Otolaryngologists- a.k.a an ENT, and ear, nose, and throat doctor. They are medically trained inthe treatment and surgical management of people with diseases and disorders involving the ears,nose, and throat, and related structures of the head and neck.● Audiologist- provides care to individuals with hearing problems, testing, diagnosing, andprescribing treatment. They also conduct noise-level testing in workplaces and work to preventhearing loss. Table of Contents

Special Senses System Continued...Vocabulary:1. Cortex- a.k.a the eye socket, the bony cavity of the skull that contains and protects the eyeball and its associatedmuscles, blood vessels, and nerves.2. Eyeball- a.k.a the globe, a one-inch sphere with walls made up of three layers, the sclera, choroid, and retina.3. Iris- the pigmented (colored) muscular layer that surrounds the pupil.4. Pupil- the black circular opening in the center of the iris that permits light to enter the eye.5. Snellen chart- a chart used to measure visual acuity and accuracy. The results are recorded as two numbers infraction form. The first number indicates the distance from the chart, normally 20 feet, and the second numberindicates the deviation from the norm based on the ability to read the lines of letters on the chart.6. Pinna- a.k.a the auricle, the external portion of the ear. It catches sound waves and and transmits them into theexternal auditory canal.7. Eustachian tubes- a.k.a auditory tubes, narrow tubes that lead from the middle ear to the nasopharynx andequalize the air pressure in the middle ear with the pressure of the outside atmosphere.8. Vertigo- a symptom of severe conditions that is described as a sense of whirling, dizziness, and loss of balance.9. Deafness- the complete or partial loss of the ability to hear. It can range from the inability to hear sounds of acertain pitch or intensity or a complete loss of hearing.10. Presbycusis- a progressive hearing loss occurring in old age. Table of Contents

Diagram: Crash Course Video(s): Taste and Smell: m/watch?v=mFm3yA1nsl E Vision: m/watch?v=o0DYP-u1rN M Hearing and Balance: m/watch?v=o0DYP-u1rN M Table of Contents

Cardiovascular SystemKey Terms: Functions: ● cardi/o- heart ● Transport of oxygen and carbon ● angi/o- vessel dioxide ● hem/o, hemat/o- blood ● Nutrient and waste product ● brady- slow transport ● Tachy- fast, rapid ● Disease protection and healing ● thromb/o- clot ● Hormone delivery ● -emia- blood condition ● Body temperature regulation ● leuk/o- white ● Blood supply to the body ● erythr/o- red ● arteri/o- artery Table of Contents

Cardiovascular System Continued... CHFDiseases and Disorders:● Congestive Heart Failure (CHF)- a condition where the heart is not able to pump enough blood to meet thebody’s need for oxygen and nutrients. Because of this, the kidneys retain more fluid in the body, whichaccumulates in the lungs, ankles, and legs.● Valvulitis- an inflammatory condition of a heart valve. Aneurysm● Flutter- a cardiac arrhythmia in which the atrial contractions are rapid but regular.● Aneurysm- a localized weak spot or balloon-like enlargement of the wall of an artery. They mainly occurin large blood vessels, and are usually named after those blood vessels (ex. Aortic aneurysm). They areoften fatal because of the rapid loss of blood. Valvulitis FlutterHealthcare Careers:● Electrocardiograph (ECG or EKG) Technician- a cardiovascular technologist who operateselectrocardiograph machines and and Holter monitors and performs other specialized cardiovasculartests.● Cardiovascular Surgeon- Surgeons who have been trained to perform surgery on the heart, lungs,esophagus, blood vessels, and other organs located inside of the thoracic cavity. They conduct manydifferent tests on patients to determine if they have a heart disorder or need treatment.Table of Contents

Cardiovascular System Continued...Vocabulary: 1. Pericardium- The double-walled membranous sac that encloses the heart. 2. Atria- The two upper/receiving chambers of the heart. All of the blood vessels coming into the heart enter here. 3. Systemic Circulation- Includes blood flow to all parts of the body except the lungs. 4. Pulmonary Circulation- The flow of blood between the heart and lungs. 5. Venae Cavae- The two large veins that enter the heart. 6. Pulse- The rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery produced by the pressure of the blood moving through the artery. 7. Blood pressure- The measurement of the amount of blood exerted against the walls of the vessels. 8. Systolic Pressure- Occurs when the ventricles contract, is the highest pressure on the walls of the blood vessels. 9. Diastolic Pressure- Occurs when the ventricles are relaxed, is the lowest pressure against the walls of the blood vessels.10. Ventricles- The lowest chambers of the heart; all vessels leaving the heart emerge from here. Table of Contents

Diagram: Crash Course Video(s): The Heart: Part 1: watch?v=X9ZZ6tcxArI Part 2: watch?v=FLBMwcvOaEo Blood Vessels: Part 1: watch?v=v43ej5lCeBo Part 2: watch?v=ZVklPwGALpI Table of Contents

Respiratory System Functions: ● Breathing- Inhalation andKey Terms: ● bronch/o- bronchial tube Exhalation ● cyan/o- blue ● External respiration- ● laryng/o- larynx ● -oxia- oxygen exchange of gases between the ● Oxy- swift, sharp; acid lungs and the bloodstream ● pleur/o- pleura ● Internal respiration- ● pneum/o- lung; air, gas exchange of gases between the ● pulmon/o- lung bloodstream and body tissues ● thorac/o- chest ● Creating sound (air vibrating ● trache/o- trachea (windpipe) against the vocal cords) Table of Contents

Respiratory System Continued... CroupDiseases and Disorders: Pharyngitis● Croup- An acute respiratory syndrome in children and infants characterized by obstruction of thelarynx, hoarseness, and a barking cough.● Pertussis- a.k.a whooping cough, a contagious bacterial infection of the upper respiratory tract that is characterized by paroxysmal (sudden or spasm like) cough. Hemoptysis● Pharyngitis- a.k.a a sore throat, inflammation of the pharynx.\● Hemoptysis- The spitting of blood or blood-stained sputum derived from the lungs or thebronchial tubes as the result of pulmonary or bronchial hemorrhage. PertussisHealthcare Careers:● Respiratory Therapist (RT)- Treats patients with heart or lungs problems by administering oxygen,gases, or aerosol medications under a physician’s orders. They also use exercises to to improvepatient breathing, perform diagnostic tests, and to connect and monitor ventilators.● Pulmonologist- A physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating diseases and disorders ofthe lungs and associated tissues. Table of Contents

Respiratory System Continued..Vocabulary:1. Larynx- a.k.a the voice box, a triangular chamber located between the pharynx and the trachea.2. Trachea- a.k.a the wind-pipe, a tube that extends from the neck to the chest directly in front of the esophagus that isheld open by a series of C-shaped cartilage rings.3. Mediastinum- a.k.a the interpleural space, the space located between the lungs. The space contains the thoracicviscera, including the heart, aorta, esophagus, trachea, bronchial tubes, and thymus gland.4. Pleura- A multilayered membrane that surrounds each lung with its blood vessels and nerves.5. Diaphragm- The muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdomen, and the contraction and relaxation ofthis muscle is what makes breathing possible.6. Inhalation- a.k.a inhaling, the act of taking in air as the diaphragm contracts and pulls downward, causing thethoracic cavity to expand. This expansion produces a vacuum within the thoracic cavity that draws air into the lungs.7. Exhalation- a.k.a exhaling, the act of breathing out. As the diaphragm relaxes, it moves upward, causing the thoraciccavity to become narrower, forcing air out of the lungs.8. Alveoli- a.k.a air sacs, very small grapelike clusters found at the end of each bronchiole. During respiration, the gasexchange between the alveolar air and the pulmonary capillary blood occurs through the walls of the alveoli.9. Pleural space- a.k.a the pleural cavity, the airtight space between the fold of the pleural membranes. It contains awatery, lubricating fluid that prevents friction when the membranes rub together during respiration.10. Breathing- the act of bringing air into and out of the lungs. Table of Contents

Diagram: Crash Course Video(s): Part 1: UC2I Part 2: MEA Table of Contents

Digestive System Functions: ● Breakdown of food into smallerKey Terms: ● cholecyst/o- gallbladder molecules ● enter/o- intestines (small ● Absorption of nutrients into the intestine) body ● col/o, colon/o- colon (large ● Converting food into nutrients ● Elimination of unused waste intestine) ● hepat/o- liver materials ● gastr/o- stomach ● oro/o- mouth Table of Contents ● -pepsia- digestion ● chol/e- bile; gall ● proct/o- anus and rectum

Digestive System Continued... GingivitisDiseases and Disorders: Malnutrition● Gingivitis- Inflammation of the gums, the earliest stage of periodontal disease.● Malnutrition- Lack of proper food or nutrients in the body, either due to a shortage of food or theimproper absorption or distribution of nutrients.● Eructation- The act of belching or raising gas orally from the stomach.● Constipation- A decrease in frequency of the passage of stools, or difficulty in passing hard, drystools. Eructation ConstipationHealthcare Careers:● Dentist- Examines teeth, gums, x-rays of teeth, and the surrounding areas for any possibleproblems, like cavities. They also make models and measurements for dental appliances and teachpatients about diet, use of fluoride, flossing, and other aspects of dental care.● Gastroenterologist- Diagnose and treat diseases, disorders, and irregularities of the digestivetract. They do consultations, perform tests, and prescribe medications/treatment plans for theirpatients. Table of Contents

Digestive System Continued...Vocabulary:1. Palate- a.k.a the roof of the mouth, consists of the hard and soft palate.2. Dentition- The natural teeth arrangement in the maxillary (upper) and the mandibular (lower) arches.3. Edentulous- a.k.a without teeth, term is used after the natural teeth have been lost.4. Pharynx- a.k.a the throat, the common passageway for both digestion and respiration.5. Pylorus- The narrow passage connecting the stomach and the small intestine.6. Small intestine- A coiled intestine that stretches from pyloric sphincter to the first part of the large intestine, which isabout 20 feet in length. Nutrients from food are absorbed into the bloodstream here. It consists of three parts, theduodenum, jejunum, and ileum.7. Large intestine- An intestine that stretches from the end of the small intestine to the anus. The waste products ofdigestion are processed here, and then excreted through the anus. The major parts of this intestine are the cecum, colon,rectum, and anus.8. Liver- An organ located in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen. It removes excess glucose, also known as bloodsugar, from the bloodstream and stores it as glycogen (a type of starch). When the blood sugar level is low, it converts theglycogen back to glucose to release it for use by the body to higher it.9. Nutrient- A substance, usually from food, that is necessary for normal functioning of the body.10. Mastication- a.k.a chewing, which breaks down food into smaller pieces and mixes it with saliva. Saliva contains anenzyme that helps to further break down food, and begins the process by which sugar is converted to starch (glucose to Table of Contentsglycogen).

Diagram: Crash Course Video(s): Part 1: Part 2: Table of Contents

Urinary System Functions: ● Removal of waste products from theKey Terms: body ● -cele- hernia ● Regulation of electrolyte balance ● -lysis- breakdown, separation, ● Producing, storing, and eliminating destruction urine ● cyst/o- urinary bladder; cyst; sac of ● Remove liquid waste from the blood in fluid the form of urine ● nephr/o- kidney ● Remove urea from the blood through ● ren/o- kidney tiny filtering units called nephrons ● -uria- urination; condition of urine ● -pexy- surgical fixation Table of Contents ● -ecstasis- dilation, widening ● pyel/o- renal pelvis

Urinary System Continued... Renal FailureDiseases and Disorders:● Renal failure- a.k.a kidney failure, the inability of the kidneys or kidney to perform their functions.The body cannot replace damaged nephrons. When too many nephrons have been destroyed, theresult is kidney failure.● Anuria- a.k.a anuresis, the complete suppression (stopping) of urine formation by the kidneys.● Dysuria- difficult or painful urination, commonly associated with UTIs.● Diuresis- the increased excretion of urine. Anuria DiuresisHealthcare Careers:● Nephrologist- A doctor who specializes in kidney care and diseases of the kidneys. They treatmany different diseases having to do with the kidneys, renal failure, kidney stones, high bloodpressure, and are educated on nearly all aspects of kidney transplantation and dialysis.● Urologist- A doctor who specializes in treating diseases and maintaining the health of the malereproductive system and the urinary tract in both males and females. They offer consult andprovide treatment to problems and diseases in the kidneys, adrenal glands, and bladder. Table of Contents

Urinary System Continued...Vocabulary: 1. Nephrons- the functional units of the kidneys that form urine by the processes of filtration, reabsorption, and secretion that consist of a glomerulus. 2. Glomerulus- a cluster of capillaries surrounded by a membrane called the Bowman’s capsule. 3. Kidney- Organs that constantly filter the blood to remove waste products and excess water. These waste products are excreted as urine, which is 95% water and 5% waste products. Each kidney consists of two layers that surround the renal pelvis, the renal cortex (outer layer) and the medulla (inner layer). 4. Ureters- narrow tubes which are each about 10-12 inches long. Each ureter carries urine from a kidney to the urinary bladder. 5. Urethra- the tube extending from the bladder to the outside of the body. Urine flows out of the urethra through the urethral meatus, a.k.a the external opening of the urethra. Two urinary sphincters are located on either side of the urethra, and control the flow of urine from the bladder into and out of the urethra. 6. Urination- a.k.a micturition or voiding, the normal process of excreting urine. It requires the coordinated contraction of the bladder muscles and relaxation of the sphincters, forcing the urine through the urethra and out the urethral meatus. 7. Urochrome- the pigment that gives urine its normal yellow-amber or straw color. 8. Stone- a.k.a calculus, an abnormal mineral deposit that varies in size from small sand like granules to the size of marbles. They are named for the organ or tissue where they are located. 9. Renal cortex- the outer layer of the kidney that contains over one million microscopic units called nephrons. 10. Medulla- the inner layer of the kidney that contains most of the urine- collecting tubules (small tubes). Table of Contents

Diagram: Crash Course Video(s): Part 1: W1H5a8 Part 2: yyvTI3k Table of Contents

Reproductive SystemKey Terms: Functions: ● cervic/o- cervix; neck (of uterus) ● To produce egg cells ● salping/o- fallopian tubes ● To protect and nourish the ● ov/o- egg ● orchid/o- testis offspring until birth ● oophor/o- ovary ● Males- to produce and deposit ● men/o- menses; menstruation ● mamm/o- breast sperm ● gynec/o- woman; female ● Female- produce egg cells ● colp/o- vagina ● prostat/o- prostate gland necessary for reproduction and after birth to produce milk from the breasts Table of Contents

Reproductive System Continued... PMSDiseases and Disorders: Anovulation● Anorchism- the congenital absence of one or both testicles● Anovulation- the failure to ovulate, menstruation may continue although ovulation does not occur.● Premenstrual Syndrome- a.k.a PMS, includes symptoms occurring within the two-week periodbefore menstruation such as bloating, edema, headaches, mood swings, and breast discomfort.● Prolapse- of the uterus, a falling or sinking down of the uterus until it protrudes through thevaginal opening. ProlapseHealthcare Careers:● Midwife- assists in labor and delivery. A certified nurse midwife (CNM) is a RN with specializedtraining in obstetrics and gynecology who provides primary care in normal pregnancies anddeliveries.● Fertility Specialist- diagnoses and treats problems associated with conception and maintainingpregnancy. Table of Contents

Reproductive System Continued...Vocabulary:1. Genitalia- a.k.a reproductive organs. The external genitalia are the reproductive organs located outside ofthe body cavity.2. Testicles- a.k.a testes, the two small egg-shaped glands that produce the spermatozoa.3. Gamete- a.k.a a reproductive cell such as the male sperm.4. Ova- a.k.a eggs, the female gametes/reproductive cells (singular:ovum). Normally, each month one ovummatures and is released.5. Fallopian tubes- a.k.a uterine tubes, carry the ovum downward from the ovary to the uterus. These tubesalso carry sperm upward from the vagina and uterus.6. Menstruation- a.k.a menses, the normal periodic discharge of a bodily fluid from the nonpregnant uterus.7. Menopause- the normal stopping of the monthly menstrual periods. It officially begins 12 months after awoman's final menstrual period, occurring at the average age of 52.8. Castration- a.k.a bilateral orchiectomy, the surgical removal or destruction of both testicles.9. Azoospermia- the absence of sperm in the semen.10. Follicle- a fluid-filled sac containing a single ovum (egg). There are thousands of them along the surface ofthe ovaries. Table of Contents

Diagram:Crash Course Video(s): Part 4 (Pregnancy and Development): 1 (Female): Table of ContentsPart 2 (Male): 3 (Sex and Fertilization):

I hope to get 10 extra points of this project because I worked very diligently throughout this project,turning in all of the research parts on time. Also, I added extra aspects to my flipbook, such as pictures ofeach of the diseases and links to Crash Course videos going over each of the body systems talked about inthe flipbook.

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