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Home Explore Marketing Dissertation Topics

Marketing Dissertation Topics

Published by Bachelor Thesis, 2018-04-24 00:15:13

Description: Top 50 Marketing Dissertation topics

Keywords: BachelorThesis


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TOP 50 MARKETING DISSERTATION TOPICS1. Reasons behind the success of the loyal card scheme of Telco whenothers didn’t succeed2. Comparing the marketing strategies of Amazon and eBay3. Loyalty schemes – the expectations and motivations4. Luxury good retailing – how to market the items effectively5. Customer behavior when shopping online and in brick and mortarstores6. Branding and marketing – how related7. How to improve customer loyalty in online stores8. How poor branding affects a business9. How social media change marketing10. Why and how relationship marketing vary among industries 11. Effects of high and low touch products on customer loyalty12. What is reputation management in marketing?13. How celebrity endorsements increase or decrease sales14. Teenager shopping – how they’re influenced by social media15. Why brand marketing matters for a business16. Company brand values – how do companies convey these throughmarketing

17. Differences in marketing for low income and high-income customers18. Commercial designs – how businesses determine the right approach19. How Starbucks market new coffee products to loyal customers20. Do leading brands really have the finest products and services?21. How effective post-sales customer service affect marketing22. How brand image affect customer loyalty23. How to improve customer service in the perspective of marketers24. How the US brands are coping up with mass production of cheapChina-made products25. How poor customer service affect a brand’s image26. How brand image vary from one industry to another27. How marketers build an effective marketing approach acrosschannels28. Social media marketing – the important roles it plays for brandmarketing29. How social media make brands more competitive in marketing theirproducts and services30. Corporate social responsibility – what it has to do with marketing31. In what ways do innovations affect brands32. Corporate social responsibility techniques – the role they play inbranding and marketing33. Customer behavior towards long-term and short-term offers34. Discounts and vouchers – what psychology they play in affectingcustomer brand behavior35. How customers protect themselves from shady marketing tactics

36. Toll-free numbers and direct sales37. Commercial ad length – how does it affect success of delivering brandmessage38. How the accent of customer service professionals affect customerresponse39. Language barrier and marketing in China for international brands40. Direct marketing and social media marketing – comparison andanalysis41. Effective customer relationship building activities42. Offline and online marketing – which to choose43. Prospecting and marketing44. Building effective marketing techniques for the loyal competitorcustomers – how to win them over45. Instagram and marketing for the food industry46. Word-of-mouth marketing   - how important for the ticketingindustries47. Tourism marketing – the latest techniques48. Gaining leads for the real estate industry49. Automotive industry and website marketing50. Cultural differences and marketing for an international brand

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