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New Jersey Christ The King Knanaya Church Bulletin

Published by CTK, 2021-09-01 12:44:33

Description: New Jersey Christ The King Knanaya Church Bulletin


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Issue 17 - Sept 2021 Monthly Bulletin Christ The King Knanaya Catholic Church New Jersey

Issue 17 - Sept 2021 Christ The King Knanaya Catholic Church, New Jersey Inside this Issue 67 Fitch St, Carteret, NJ 07008 v Pastor's Message v Article – My Perpetual Helper v Poem – Exaltation Of The Cross v Family Bible Quiz v Kids Corner v Birthdays & Anniversaries v August Memories v Upcoming Events v Announcements !പിയെ&' ൈദവമ-േള, പരി. അ3യുെട സ7ർ9ാേരാപണ തിരുനാളി>െറ നിറവിലും ഒരുമയുെട ഓണാേഘാഷ അനുഭവGിലും ൈദവം കനിI് നൽകിയ ഒരു മാസം. വLതLM മണവും നിറവും ഗുണവും ഉP പൂ-ൾ ഒരു കളGിൽ അതി>െറ !കമGിൽ അണിേചരുേTാൾ ഒരു അG&U-ളം ഏെറ മേനാഹരമാകുXY. ഈ ഒരു അർ[Gിൽ ന3ുെട കൂ'ാ\\മകള]ം വിവിധ സ7ഭാവഗുണ_ൾ ഉPവരുെട !കമGിലുP ഒGുേചരലായി മാറുേTാൾ എലാa വരും പറയും അതിമേനാഹരമായിരി-ുXു. ആ മേനാഹാരിതയാc ന3ു-് എXും േവdY. െസeതംബർ മാസം എ'് േനാT് ആചരണGിലൂെട പരി. അ3യുെട ജhദിനGിൽ മ-ളായ ന3ൾ ഒരു ജhദിനസ3ാനം ഒരു-ാൻ കരുതിെവj ദിന_ൾ ആc . മ-ളായ ന3ു-് ആ സ7ർ9ീയ അ3യുെട കരം പിടിj് നടX് പഠി-ാം. ഇടവകയുെട ഏnവും വലിയ ദൗതLമാc കുIു_ള]െട വിശ7ാസ പരിശീലനം. ൈദവGിൻെറ അനു!ഗഹGാൽ ഈ വർഷം ൈദവാലയGിൽ െകാd് വX് തെX ന3ുെട കുIു_െള വിശ7ാസ ജീവിതGിൽ ഒരു-ുകയാc. !പിയെ&' മാതാപിതാ-ൾ ഇതി>െറ !പാധാനLം മനqിലാ-ി വിശ7ാസ പരിശീലന കളരിയിേല-് കൂ'ിെകാd് വരണം .കുIു_ള]െട ജീവിതGിൽ നൽകാൻ കഴിയുX ഏnവും വലിയ പുണ$മാ' ഇ). എ+ിെല പുണ$ം പൂ1ു2 ഇടമായി ന6ുെട കുടുംബം മാറുകയു:;. ന6ുെട മേനാഹരമായ ൈദവാലയം മൂ2ാം ജCദിനം ആേഘാഷി1ുകയാ' . െസHതംബർ 19 െല കൃതLതാബലിയർMിN് െകാPു: ആേഘാഷQിൽ എലാS വരുെടയും സാ2ിധ$ം ഉPാവണം. അWെന ന6ുെട സXർYീയ അ6യുെട ജCദിനം െകാPും ഇടവകയാകു2 അ6യുെട ജCദിനം െകാPും വിശXാസ പരിശീലനQി\\ തുട1ം കുറിN് കു]ുകള;െട വിശXാസ ആരവം െകാP് ഇടവക ഉണരു2 ഈ െസHതംബർ മാസം നെ6 ൈദവQി+േല1് കൂടുതൽ അടുMി1െ` . “I will make them and places surrounding my hill a blessing . I will sent down showers in season” Ezekiel 36:24. We can prepare ourselves spiritually for the blessings that God prepared for us. This September should be Special, Excellent, Powerful, Transformational, Empowering, Miraculous, Beautiful, Enriching and Rewarding. These all gifts are packed for you in this month. Let us together make a spiritual gift for the Birthday of our Mother Mary. May God bless you through the intercession of Mother Mary. Binsachan

My Perpetual Helper! By Nimmy Muthalupidy Mother Mary has an important role in all of our lives. From the birth of Jesus till the end, she sets an extraordinary example for us of unwavering faith and trust in God. “Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word”(Luke 1:38). Without any hesitation Mary was always ready to accept God’s will. Jesus entrusted her to us and us to her on Calvary when he told St. John to behold his mother and Mary to behold her son. St. John represented the faithful disciple of the Lord and he represented you and me. After the crucification of Jesus, Mother Mary was the guidance and inspiration to the frightened apostles. She was present with them on Pentecost in the upper room when the Holy Spirit descended upon them in the form of tongues of fire. Mary is the one who leads us to Jesus by interceding for us and teaches us how to get to Jesus. Thus, when facing hopeless and difficult situations, Mother Mary comes for our help as ‘never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided’.

From Shame to Glory By: Betsy Kizhakkepuram Glory to the cross that stands tall and proud Of which Jesus hung for three hours To save the people He had created From His death When He bore the shame of the cross In the middle of two sinners The cross that people dread Is filled with honor and glory People look at the cross and bow their heads To the God that came down to earth as man To save us from sin And grant us eternal life Saint Helena, how blessed is she To find the true cross of Jesus With just her strong faith to guide her Rosaries with crosses at the end Are worn around necks of believers To protect them from evil And to remember the sacrifice of our Lord Exalt the cross that Jesus died on Exalt it for Jesus had died for us Exalt it for it is holy Exalt it for it became a symbol of shame to glory

Family Bible Quiz - Gospel of Luke Chapters 17 - 18 Across 1 How many lepers asked Jesus for mercy? 2 Who did the widow continually go to asking to, avenge her of her adversary? 3 Whoever seeks to preserve his life will ____it. 5 If you have faith the size of a______, you would say to the mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you. 8 Jesus told his disciples to allow them to come to me? 9 He that humbles himself will be ________. 10 Who stood and prayed in the temple telling God the good things he had done? 13 What nationality was the leper that was cured? 14 The day Lot left Sodom, fire and _____rained from the sky to destroy them all. Down 1 The prediction of the passion was told to the ________ however they understood nothing. 4 Jesus told the Pharisees , the kingdom of God is _____you. 6 Who stood off at a distance and prayed, ‘O God, be merciful to me a sinner.’? 7 How many leper came back and gave thanks? 11 The apostles asked Jesus to increase their _____ 12 Jesus said, it is easier for a _____ to pass through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. 13 Gospel of Luke says that If a brother sins to you ______times in one day and returns to you that many times saying, ‘I am sorry,’ you should forgive him.” Read Gospel of Luke chapters 17 - 18 as a family and send in your answers to [email protected] by 25Sep21. Families that submit the correct answers for the next 12months ( from Jan2021 - Dec2021 ) will be awarded.

Infant Ministry Coloring Activity Ciona Parappallil Sarah Pattarakuzhy Neil Poozhikunnel Gerard Vaniyakunnel Eleazer Polaprayil Anjali Vazhakattu Evana Kadiampallil Gianna Kadiampallil Vismaya Vazhakattu Hannah Vazhakattu

HA PP Y B I RT H DA Y May you have all the love yotuhrehbelaerstscinagnshaolldif,eaUcllatnheunhfaopldpiness a day can bring, and all Neethu Muthalupidiyil Tomy Attumalil Milan Kuryala Kasper Kadiampallil Leonna Polaprayil Sept 01 Sept 04 Sept 10 Sept 16 Sept 18 Neethu Kunjumon Jaimy Valiyanilam Sept 23 Sept 25 Ja Happy Anniversary ! hWapisphyoindfgabyea.inpCgehrgefereecrtastptotaoiargneaothptheeerr!freycetlayr Simon & Tessy Attumalil T.U. Kuryala & Aliyamma Thadathil Shaji & Selvi Vemmelil Sept 02 Sept 08 Sept 17 In Loving Memory Jose Chummar Vazhakattu N.K. Joseph Nedumthuruthil Marykutty Thomas Ottakattil Joby John Vazhakattu 41th ചരമദിനം 1st Death Anniversary 10th Death Anniversary 41th ചരമദിനം Sept 12 Sept 11 Sept 30th Sept 11


Annual Picnic

Onam Celebrations


Upcoming Events Mass Schedule - Friday • St. Joseph Koodarayogam – Sept 04 Confessions @ 7:00 PM Mal Mass @ 7:30 PM • SFCetCAS.aJDicsumtcdoPooeTufnAnKSttoA.MnoTatdehtnaeuettrrima2ney0sgaoa2g–l0oialSfmeCpa–tlc0Sue5pttta1–1Sept 05 - Sunday • • Mal Mass @ 11:00 AM • Grandparents Day – Sept 12 Season of Kaitha • CCD starting Date/First Day of CCD – Sept 12 First Readings 05 Sept - Deut 7:7-11 • 25th priestly ordination celebration of Fr. Jose Adopalil – Sept 12 12 Sept - Deut 7:12-16 19 Sept - Deut 8:11-20 • Parish 3rd Anniversary – Sep 19 26 Sept - Deut 9:1-6 • Feast of St. Vincet de Paul – Sept 26 Second Readings 05 Sept - 2 Thess 2:14-3:3 12 Sept - Phil 1 12-25 19 Sept - Phil 2:1-11 26 Sept - Phil 3:1-11 Gospel Readings 05 Sept - Mt 13:1-19,18-23 12 Sept - Mt 13:24-30 19 Sept - Mt 4:12-17 26 Sept - Mt 17:14-21 Bible Quote Matthew 6:31-33 “Your heavenly Father knows that you need them all. But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. ~ Matthew 6:31-33 August 2021 - Collections $5,887 Trustees Josekunju Chamakalayil @ +1 732 512 7964 Lumon Manthuruthil @ +1 779 771 1550 For feedback, email us @[email protected] Bulletin Editorial Board - Fr. Bins Chethalil - Alex Nedumthuruthil - Fini Manthuruthil - Joby Thadathil - Jaimy Valiyanilam - Jomy Chembanpara

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