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1808401_TQF 3

Published by ohsmfu2019, 2021-06-20 17:53:06

Description: 1808401_TQF 3


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TQF 3 Course Specifications The course specifications constitute a syllabus of a given course. The syllabus provides information related to the management of each course according to the teaching/learning plans required by the curriculum. The syllabus shall have a clearly stated set of objectives, contents, means of enhancing various skills and other qualities to be developed in the students based on the course objectives. Moreover, the syllabus provides a detailed description of the teaching schedule, methods, assessment, evaluation and references and/or other materials related to the students’ fulfillment of the course. Finally, the syllabus includes strategies for course evaluation and improvement. Section 1 Six Sections of Course Specifications Section 2 General Information Section 3 Course Syllabus Section 4 Development of Students’ Learning Outcomes Section 5 Lesson Plan and Evaluation Section 6 References Evaluation and Improvement of course operations

1 TQF 3 Name of University Course Specification School Mae Fah Luang University Program Health Science Bachelor of Science (Occupation Health and Safety) Section 1 General Information 1. Course Code and Course Title 1808401 Industrial Health Promotion and First Aid 2. Credit 3 (3-0-6) 3. Program and Type of Course Program  Program (please specify) Bachelor of Science (Occupation Health and Safety)  Many Program Type of Course  General Education  Specific Required Courses / Subject Group  Other Courses (please specify)  Thesis / Dissertation 4. Course Coordinator and Course Instructor Name and Surname Course Coordinator Course Instructor 1. Aj.Nicharuch Panjaphothiwat   2. Asst Prof. Dr Siwarak Kitchanapaiboon   5. Semester/ Student’s Year of Study Academic Year 2020 Semester 1 Year of study 4

2 TQF 3 6. Pre-requisite (if required)  None  Yes, As follows 7. Co-requisite (if required)  None  Yes, As follows 8. Campus  Mae Fah Luang University, Chiang Rai  Other (please specify) 9. Latest Course Modification Date July 20, 2020

3 TQF 3 Section 2 Course Syllabus 1. Course Description Concepts and principles of health promotion in the workplace; models and organization of a basic health care service; principles of first aid for accidents and emergency. 2. Course Objectives By the end of the class, students should be able to appreciate freedom of expression, imbibe right attitudes and ideologies through a carefully integrated curriculum of ethics, understand and describe the concepts of health promotion and first aid in the workplace, Apply principles of health promotion and first aid and consider their implications in their issues and situation, Interact with other respectfully, either as a team member or leader, to create a productive teamwork and use computer and technology to communicate effectively, also for searching, analyzing and interpreting the data. 3. Reasons for Development/ Course Improvement (if required) 1. To develop the alignment of course learning outcomes, 21st century learning skills, and assessment 2. To strengthen course content covering intended learning outcomes 4. Number of Hours Per Semester Lab Self-Study - 90 hours/semester Lecture 45 hours/semester

4 TQF 3 Section 3 Development of Students’ Learning Outcomes 1. Domains of Ethics and Morality Ethics and Morality Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods 1.1 Express discipline, punctuality, 1.1 Orientation and making agreement 1.1 Class participation and responsibility to yourself and 1.2 Case study assignment submission records society. (1.2) 1.3 Group discussion 1.2 Moral and ethics evaluation 2. Domain of Academic Knowledge Academic Knowledge Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods 2.1 Midterm and final examination 2.1 Recognize and understanding 2.1 Lecture 2.2 Game-based 2.3 Practice the principles of ergonomics (2.1) 2.2 Game 2.4 Presentation evaluation 2.5 Self Reflection 2.3 Case study 2.4 Problem-based learning 2.5 Group discussion 3. Domain of Cognitive Skills Cognitive Skills Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods 3.1 Apply ergonomics knowledge 3.1 Lecture 3.1 Midterm and final examination to evaluate health status in the 3.2 Game 3.2 Game-based workplace (3.1) 3.3 Case study 3.3 Practice 3.4 Project-based learning 3.4 Presentation evaluation 3.5 Group discussion 2.5 Self Reflection 4. Domain of Interpersonal Skills and Responsibility Interpersonal Skills and Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods Responsibility 4.1 Peer group evaluation 4.1 Express good human relationship. 4.1 Case study (4.1) 4.2 Project-based learning 4.3 Group discussion

5 TQF 3 5. Domain of Numerical, Communicative and Information Technology Skills Numerical, Communicative and Teaching Methodology Assessment Methods Information Technology Skills 5.1 To use statistics, biostatistics for 5.1 Project-based learning 5.1 Presentation evaluation searching, analyzing, and interpreting the data and communicate efficiently (5.1, 5.2)

6 TQF 3 Section 4 Lesson Plan and Evaluation 1. Lesson Plan Week Topics Number Number Activities and Instructor Number of Lecture of Lecture Material SK 1 Course orientation Hours Hours Activities SK Introduction to course/Introduction of 3 0 - Orientation and Industrial Health Promotion making agreement SK 3 0 - Lecture and 2 Workplace health promotion showing related 3 0 pictures 3 Models and framework for workplace - Cased studies health promotion Material - Powerpoint presentation - Youtube Activities - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies - Video Material - Powerpoint presentation - Youtube Activities - Lecture and showing related pictures - Group work activities -presentation of health promotion model

7 TQF 3 Week Topics Number Number Activities and Instructor Number of Lecture of Lecture Material SK 4 Health protection and disease Hours Hours Material SK prevention at the workplace 3 0 - Powerpoint SK presentation SK 5 The methods of health education 3 0 Activities - Lecture and 6 Health welfare in workplace 3 0 showing related concept pictures 3 0 - Cased studies 7 Models and organization of a basic - Group work health care service activities Material - Powerpoint presentation Activities - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies Material - Powerpoint presentation Activities - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies Material - Powerpoint presentation Activities - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies

8 TQF 3 Week Topics Number Number Activities and Instructor Number of Lecture of Lecture Material SK 8 Health promotion project in Hours Hours Material workplace - Powerpoint 3 0 presentation Activities - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies Material - Powerpoint presentation 9 Midterm examination (Topic 1 - 8) 10 Managing an incident and assessing a 3 0 Activities NP casualty - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies - Practice - Video Material - Powerpoint presentation 11 Wounds and bleeding 3 0 Activities NP - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies - Practice - Video Material - Powerpoint presentation

9 TQF 3 Week Topics Number Number Activities and Instructor Number of Lecture of Lecture Material NP 12 Injuries to Bone, Muscles and Joints Hours Hours Activities NP 3 0 - Lecture and 13 Rescue showing related NP - Lifting and moving casualty 3 0 pictures - Fire evacuation - Cased studies NP - Chemical spillage 3 0 - Practice - Gas leakage - Video - Confined space 3 0 Material - Electric shock - Powerpoint presentation 14 Hazardous chemical Activities - Lecture and 15 Extreme temperatures showing related pictures - Cased studies - Practice - Video Material - Powerpoint presentation Activities - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies - Practice - Video Material - Powerpoint presentation Activities - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies

10 TQF 3 Week Topics Number Number Activities and Instructor Number of Lecture of Lecture Material NP Hours Hours - Practice - Video Material - Powerpoint presentation 16 Emergency first aid 3 0 Activities - Lecture and showing related pictures - Cased studies - Practice - Video Material - Powerpoint presentation 17 Final examination (Topic 9 - 15) 2. Evaluation Plan Assessment Method Assessment Assessment Week Proportion Domain of Learning Midterm examination 35 % 2.1,2.2,3.1,3.2,3.3 Final examination 9 35 % 2.1,2.2,3.1,3.2,3.3 - Practice 17 20 % 2.1,2.2,3.1,3.2,3.3,4.2,5.2 - Presentation evaluation 6-8, 15 Moral and ethics evaluation 1-8, 10-15 5% 1.1,1.2,1.3 Peer group evaluation 1-17 5% 4.2 3-6, 13-15

11 TQF 3 Section 5 References 1. Fertman, I. C. & Allensworth, D. D. (2015). Health Promotion Programs from Theory to Practice. San Franciso: Jossey-Bass 2. Naidoo, J. & Wills, J. (2016). Foundations for Health Promotion. London: Bailliere Tindall. Scriven, A. (2010). Promoting Health: A Practical Guide. London: Bailliere Tindall. 3. Jennie Naidoo, J. W. (2009). Foundations for Health Promotion. Toronto: Elsevier. Section 6 Evaluation and Improvement of Course Operations 1. Assessment Strategy by Students  Teaching Assessment  Course Evaluation  Other (please specify) Reflection 2. Verification of Learning Outcomes  The appointment of the School Verification Committee  The appointment of experts and program committee into the verification committee  The summary of verified examination/test of all courses in each semester will be approved by the School Committee.  Other (please specify) Name of Course Instructor / Course Coordinator Signature.................................................. Date July 20,2020 (Aj.Nicharuch Panjaphothiwat) Date of Submission July20,2020

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