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Home Explore 2016 Aldar Online Mag_Rev32 copy

2016 Aldar Online Mag_Rev32 copy

Published by dany.entezari, 2016-11-29 08:36:47

Description: 2016 Aldar Online Mag_Rev32 copy


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What’s the differencebetween the English, IB anAmerican Curricula? With so much diversity in Abu ENGLISH NA Dhabi alone, choosing the right INTERNATIO place for your child can seem AND AMERI like a daunting task. What curriculum should I enroll them pursuit of their goals anywh in? What type of learning the world. environment is best suited to their needs and personality? For this reason, and others, Parents in Abu Dhabi are able to seek out English taught consider a range of choices. curriculums – English Natio International Baccalaureate We at Aldar Academies would American, for their children like to touch on a couple of the has resulted in these school most important questions possessing the most diverse regarding the most vibrant and international of student bod academically renowned options addition to the world class available for your child, in order academic education student to assist in making the best receive, they will receive pri decision possible for your child’s life education in a multicultu setting. This prepares them wellbeing. truly global citizens, with th skills and worldview to succIB IS GAINING English is the anywhere.POPULARITY lingua franca of theWORLDWIDE world; whether in That being said, all three curricula possess distinct business, in features that should be government, or considered when deciding simply travelling to new places, which one is the ideal English is the vehicle of learning environment for communication. An English your child. language teaching environment is a vital first step in preparing children to succeed in AN ENGLISH LANGUA in preparing young

ndATIONAL,ONAL BACCALAUREATEICAN here in , parents onal, e and n. This ls e, dies. In ts iceless uralm to be he ceed AGE TEACHING ENVIRONMENT gsters to be truly global citizens

ENGLISH INTERNATIONAL AMERICANNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE CURRICULCURRICULUM The International Baccalaureate, Drawing on a celebraOn demand around the world for or IB, is rapidly gaining tradition of enquiry bits high academic standards, popularity worldwide. The IB is learning, hands-on tefocus on developing confidence renowned for encouraging individualised instrucand individual thought, the students to think critically, American CurriculumEnglish Curriculum offers the challenge assumptions and popular choice, partiadded benefit of being available conventions, and consider both those wishing to contin the same format across the their local and international education in North Aworld. At Aldar Academies, we environments. The IB’s US approach combintailor the English National programmes are known for their centered planning wiCurriculum for an international academic rigor and for the interactive teaching maudience, for example replacing breadth of knowledge that they produce a broad andstudy of specific British history provide, and are unique in being education, supportedwith more general international independent of any national emphasis on co-currhistory. Students end their system allowing it to incorporate extra-curricular purssecondary school with British best practice from a range of foster well rounded sA-Levels, the celebrated international frameworks and Graduates of the Amschool-leaving qualification. curricula. Students complete Curriculum will receEnglish Curriculum schools are their studies with the American High Schooalso notable for their diverse and prestigious IB Diploma which is the standardmulticultural student bodies. Programme, which is accepted qualification for entryAnother benefit of the curriculum in Britain and across the globe. universities and colleis the advantage it gives students Aldar Academies currently increasingly being rewhen applying to British offers the IB Diplomauniversities, which is the Programme at its Al Bateenprinciple standard by which secondary school, and soon atadmission is judged. Aldar its new all girls school in centralAcademies is one of the leading Abu Dhabi inEnglish Curriculum practitioners August the UAE, offering theprogramme at six of ouracademies strategically locatedthroughout Abu Dhabi, as well asone in Al Ain.

N institutions all over the LOOKINGLUM world. The American AHEAD Curriculum pays close ated attention to “whole person” Aldar Academies is based education saturated with opening a new school eaching and extra-curriculars, on Yas Island in August ction, the something that US 2016, that will offer the m is a University admissions also American Curriculum. icularly for emphasise. tinue their America. The Aldar Academies is opening nes student a new school on Yas Island ith in August 2016, that will methods to offer the American Curriculum. balanced d by a robust ricular and suits to students.merican eive the ol Diploma, d y into US eges, and is ecognised by

THE MASSACHWest Yas School will be the first school in As is the case currently with the best schoolsAbu Dhabi to offer the Massachusetts State in the United States, West Yas will offer aCurriculum. The Massachusetts curriculum broad curriculum of Language Arts, Science,draws on a rich history of academic Technology and IT which characterises aexcellence and rigour. It has historically Massachusetts curriculum. The school willbenefitted from proximity to and interaction implement an ICT focus that will include thewith higher educational institutions, such as use of advanced technology to pursue aHarvard University and Massachusetts twenty-first century skills-based approach toInstitute of Technology (MIT). learning. As they progress through the grades, students will learn how to find,The Massachusetts public school system evaluate, and use information; they will learnhas educated countless people, who have how to learn.gone on to achieve great success, such as:NASA Astronaut Janice Voss; Writers and This instructional approach will also allowPoets Jack Kerouac, E.E. Cummings, Ralph students to communicate with educators andWaldo Emerson; Inventors Rachel Fuller fellow students worldwide, and to facilitateBrown and Robert Goddard; Programming sophisticated reasoning skills. Aldar plans topioneer Guy Steele; Composer Leonard develop online materials to deliver blendedBernstein; and New York Mayor Michael face to face / digital instruction. Using thisBloomberg. approach, students will be able to achieve the individualised program of education thatThe curriculum is well organised and is rapidly becoming a highly regardeddemanding, and is one of the oldest and pedagogical approach.most prestigious in the United States. Itbuilds on the Common Core Standards, Students will follow an AP programme, takewhich are followed by many of the US state PSATS and Massachusetts assessments toeducation systems. The best schools in the ensure rigour and validity in examinations,US not only adhere to the Common Core, but preparing the students for collegeuse it as a launch pad to meet and exceed application and access to the bestthese minimum standards. Universities.By identifying clearly at each stage of To receive accreditation from NEASC, theeducation from Kindergarten to Grade 12 the New England Association of Schools andrequired skills and knowledge for every Colleges, West Yas will provide, from itsstudent, the curriculum ensures that higher startup a promise to parents of high qualityachieving students are challenged and American education aligned to nationally andachieve well and all students' learning is internationally reputable standards andsupported effectively. expectations.


Aldar Academies works withcommunity to provide support an order to ensure best pr

h parents and members of the nd leadership for our schools inractices and outcomes

From the beginning of this academic year, Forbes (Director of Special PGovernance groups have been established in each Carpenter (Director of Educof the six Academies. Involving representatives membership of the Governofrom parent and business communities, the three parents and one businBoards of Governors have already met several representative appointed bytimes and are enthusiastically contributing to the Secondary schools can incluongoing work of Al Ain, The Pearl, Al Muna, Al representative from the schBateen, Al Mushrif, and Al Yasmina. system.Speaking about this initiative, Peter Carpenter, Meeting ADEC requirementDirector of Education stated, “Aldar Academies improvementare grateful for the important contributionparents, staff and members of the community In line with ADEC private schave made already to the work of our schools. Aldar Academies GovernancParents bring a unique and valuable perspective remit. They support improveto each school. They help us to understand what contribute to school self evawe do well and what needs to improve. Governors about the recent developmegroups formalise this process and establish Principal, Dr. Tim Hughes saregular opportunities for stakeholders to impressed with the contribucontribute to the strategic direction of the have made already towardsAcademies”. improvement. They are help activities and events for studThe Governance groups have a very specific remit very positive links with localand constitution. In the last term the groups have and organisations which wilmet to discuss the ADEC school inspection enhance the quality and varreports, school improvement plans, examination of learning experiences forresults and practical matters such as car parking students at Yasmina”.and school uniform.MembershipMembership of the group is agreed within theconstitution of the Governors and agreed inadvance. The Principal chairs each meeting withrepresentation from Aldar Academies ExecutiveManagement Group and school staff. TheExecutive Team involves Nilay Ozral (ChiefOperating Officer), Shabraiz Hussain (Director ofFinance), Ashley Dymoke (Director of Marketing),Shaughn Whyte (Director of Operations), Michelle

Projects) and Peter Nilay Özral, CEO noted the contribution of parentscation). In addition, during her attendance at Governors meetings ators group includes Al Bateen and The Pearl. Commenting on theness or community establishment of the groups, she said, “Wey the Principal. welcome the feedback from our parents, staff and ude one student students. Our schools are very high performinghool council or prefect but we are not complacent and we aim to provide the leadership required to steer our schools ts and supporting forward with initiatives, such as Governance, because this helps ensure we are constantlychool requirements, reforming and evolving”. ce groups have a clear ement, but also In the last round of ADEC reports, inspectorsaluation. Speaking evaluated governance in all six Academies to beents at Al Yasmina, ‘Outstanding’. Although it is still early in the aid, “I have been development of governance, it is clear that theution our governors groups have significant expertise and experiences our plans for on offer to support Aldar Academies school ping planning leaders in the future. dents and establishing l businesses ll helpriety all



UAE’S 43RD To celebrate the UAE’s 43rdNATIONAL Day, Aldar Academies in paDAY 2015 with Mubadala, hosted a NaCELEBRATION Day celebration at the ZayeAT THE ZAYED City Football Stadium.SPORTS CITY This event involved the part of all our 4700 students fro all of our schools in an excl performance for parents an 26th November. The hour long staged perfor and firework display brough the six schools to celebrate Identity, culture and heritag homage to all the nationalit live and work in the UAE. Students showcased the long-standing local traditio rich history of the UAE, suc diving, depicting both the p future development of the U an orchestrated and choreo student show to an audienc thousands, this event left la impression on our students diverse community.

National 3artnership ationaled Sports ticipationom across lusive nd VIPs onormance ht togethere Nationalge and paid ties thatons andch as pearlpast and UAE. With ographedce of asting s and our

ALDAR ACADEMIES STUDENT SUMMER PASS!Enjoy unlimited access from June 1st - August 31st 2016Ferrari World Abu Dhabi is offering all Aldar Academies students an exclusive Student SummerPass which allows unlimited access to the Park between June 1st and August 31st 2016.• Pay only AED 299 for three months of unlimited access• Students below 12 years of age can bring a Parent / Guardian for just AED 195 eachCome and try our world of new experiences as many times as you want this Summer!For tickets and information, get in touch with our Contact Center on 02 496 8008or at [email protected] & Conditions apply.

ALDAR ACADEMIESBRAIN TEASERSAldar Academies is pleased to bring you the Brain Teaser page for all those that love to solve puzzles. Aldar Academies isa leading provider of private education in the UAE with over 5000 students across its six schools studying the EnglishNational Curriculum and IB Diploma.WORD SPOT THESEARCH DIFFERENCE !At Aldar Academies we believe sport and fitness Can you spot the twelve differences in the photos ofare important elements of a student's education and Al Yasmina School's library. Al Yasmina School is partwe encourage all our students to participate in a sport of the Aldar Academies leading group of Band A Ratedthat interests them. See if you can find the sports they schools in Abu Dhabi and Al in this wordsearch puzzle.ORGOL FDT AL I KABSV BS GZ VCGL RUJ TE IRJ Y QY ENANRC S HXNA J I S MMB H U I A H L D NB G A A S T N Q F I MB E V EV O L L E Y B A L L A MT R TS Y E KC OHI S DXXI NYO WS U Z E N L M T A I C WUMA L GB GL I K R I Q S R SB H WR WA N C C R I C K E TS L L A B T O O F Y Q WS S IC D U T O T T E B V MJ E U JG P E NI Z UGQ J KDYJ UV N S B Y P U H Y O H WJ F IZ E P I K R V K Y NMG B P JARCHERY CRICKET HOCKEY SAILINGATHLETICS FOOTBALL JIUJITSU SWIMMINGBADMINTON GOLF NETBALL TENNISBASKETBALL GYMNASTICS RUGBY VOLLEYBALL FLEX YOUR ANSWER: 1, 12 CCW | 2,13 CW BRAIN MUSCLES Gear 8 rotates counterclockwise. What is the direction of gears 1,2, 12 and 13?For information on Aldar Academies schools please visit

ALDAR ACAD JIU-JITS With Hold Abu seco of th prov ‘Alda excit tour doub than The Bate May Jiu- Coin Prof prom UAE AcadNilay Özral, Chief Executive Officer at Aldar Academies stated, “We arevery proud to be hosting the Aldar Academies Jiu-Jitsu Cup 2016’ forthe 2nd consecutive year. We do this in support of the UAE leadership’sbid to make Jiu-Jitsu one of the national sports, and as part of our roleto encourage it among the academic youth segment, through thisinterschool tournament.”

DEMIESSU CUP 2016h the participation of more than 80 players from 11 Abu Dhabi Schools Aldar Academiesds Jiu-Jitsu Cup 2016 in Partnership with the UAE Jiu-Jitsu Federation and Palm Sports.u Dhabi – UAE: 23rd May 2016: For the allows male and female students as youngond year running, Aldar Academies, one as four years old to compete in ahe UAE’s leading private education professionally organised competition.viders, hosted the second edition of ar Academies Jiu-Jitsu Cup 2016’; an Aldar Academies’ hosting of the event isiting national interschool yearly also in support for the bid by the UAErnament for younger age groups, which leadership to make Jiu-Jitsu one of the bled in size this year to include more national sports of the UAE.n 80 players from 11 Abu Dhabi schools. event was held at Aldar Academies’ Al een Secondary School on Monday, 23rdy 2016, in partnership with the UAE-Jitsu Federation and Palm Sports.nciding with the Abu Dhabi World fessional Jiu-Jitsu Championships; aminent global sports event held in theE’s capital earlier this month, Aldar demies created this unique event, which

ALDAR ACAD JIU-JITS“At Aldar Academies, we have a deep Özral went on to say, “this year’sbelief in the profound impact that sports Tournament is a testament to the greatcan have in instilling the core life values of success we had during our inauguraldetermination, sportsmanship, discipline, event in 2015 and I would like to take thisrespect and responsibility, while opportunity to thank the UAE Jiu-Jitsucontributing to health and well being Federation and Palm sports. Thethrough fun and engaging success of our student Cup and itsextra-curricular activities and we are notable expansion to include additionalproud to have hosted another schools, would not be possible withoutphenomenal event. Since adding the sport the support of the Federation, who haveto our portfolio of extra-circular activities, been instrumental in terms of theirwe have seen a dramatic uptake by our expertise and logistical support, andstudents. We are confident that this year’s Palm Sport’s role in teaching ourevent will boost interest even further.” students this exciting sport.” Aldar Academies Jiu-Jitsu Cup was comprised of 33 preliminary fights with over 80 players from Aldar Academies, ADNEC and ADNOC Schools, aged

DEMIESSU CUP 2016between 4 and 15 years old, many of School, Al Muna Primary School, Alwhom have students, who contested in Yasmina School, Al Ittihad School, Alnational and international sporting Samalia School, Al Mutanabi, Al Hosn, Alevents such as the Emirates Cup and Falahyia School, Al Rwad School andAbu Dhabi Cup. ADNOC School.There was a total of 5 super fights with Originating in Asia more than 250 yearsthe UAE Junior National Team players ago as a form of self-defense, Jiu-Jitsufrom 14 to 17 years old, in addition to a focuses on both the physical andthrilling demonstration fight by Emirati interpersonal development of an athleteMaster Yahya Alhammadi - Member of and is one of the fastest growing martialUAE National Team and 4 times Gold arts in the world through its focus onMedalist at the World Professional advanced techniques, self-disciplineJiu-Jitsu Championship and World and mental health.Jiu-Jitsu Grand Slam 2016.Participating schools included Al BateenSecondary School, Al Mushrif Primary


ALDARACADEMIESFESTIVAL OFPERFORMINGARTS 500 Students from Aldar Academies’ pioneering private schools entertain parents and friends raised funds for building a school library for 500 Ethiopian Orphans.

In line with its efforts to foster young earthquake in Nepal. The events also raisedtalent, while actively engaging funds for the Children’s Special Care Centre incommunities, Aldar Academies Abu Dhabi the year prior, having raised overOrganises Festival of Performing Arts, AED 230,000.”at Emirates Palace, for the ThirdConsecutive Year. “At Aldar Academies, we have a deep belief in the need to engage our schools communitiesAbu Dhabi, UAE, 16th May 2016: Aldar by inspiring the next generation of responsibleAcademies, one of the UAE’s largest providers global citizens. Our students recognise theof private education, recently organised ‘The impact of stewarding noble causes, that canAldar Academies – Festival of Performing Arts’, contribute to improving the lives and well beingfor the third consecutive year, at the Emirates of people around the world. We are pleased toPalace Theatre, on May 19th from 6pm – support SmallWorld, as they have a proven8.30pm. The “Festival of Performing Arts” is track record of reaching thousands of childrenan annual charity fund raising event, that has across the globe.”become a flagship student communityengagement initiative for Aldar Academies,parents and friends.The exciting show featured over 500 talentedchildren from Aldar Academies’ schools in soloand group performances in music, dance,drama and poetry. All proceeds from the eventwent towards building a library in a school inEthiopia, to support the education of more than500 orphans through SmallWorld, a leadingNGO committed to lending a helping hand tothose who are less fortunate, from differentparts of the globe, specifically children.Commenting on the occasion, Nilay Özral, CEOof Aldar Academies said, “We are very excitedand honored to be hosting ‘Aldar AcademiesFestival of Performing Arts’ for the thirdconsecutive year, as it builds on the success ofprevious themes, such as the ‘We’ve GotTalent’ Show, and the ‘Aldar AcademiesMusical Celebration’, which combined drewmore than 1000 performing students to raisefunds for the victims of last year’s devastating

AED 80,340 RAISED FOR BUILDING A SCHOOL LIBRARY FOR 500 ETHIOPIAN ORPHANS.Nilay Özral went on to say that Aldar Academiescontinually strives to enrich extra-curricularactivities, personal progression andencouragement of artistic expression as they arekey elements that form the building blocks ofyouth development, on the individual and teamlevel, while giving our students a chance to showoff their creative talents to their loved onesthrough a wonderful showcase of music, dance,drama and poetry.Nilay Özral concluded, “We trust that AldarAcademies Festival of Performing Arts will play arole in enhancing cultural awareness between ourstudents through the Festival’s colorful and richsegments, in light of our vibrant multi-nationalenvironment, which prides itself for its diversity andappreciation of all forms of art.”


GRADFINABoy Mohamed Al Hashmi, HBoy Kareem Farah and Depustudents celebrated the endguest speaker, DR. Toma, homarking of the end came wifollowed by an outstanding bmoment with a professionalMiss L WhitmoreAssociate Assistant PrincipaHead of Post-16Teacher of Drama and Danc

DUATES’ALGOODBYES On Wednesday 1st June, Al Bateen’s first Senior School graduation Ceremony 50 students took part in took place on Thursday 26th May. In attendance were 47 their final ‘Senior graduating students and around 500 guests, including family Graduation’ ceremony at members, school staff and representatives of the Aldar Al Yasmina School. The Academies leadership team. The ceremony was beautifully event hosted 300 guests, led by our Head Girl, Gianna Kruse, and our Deputy Head including guests Girl, Zena Younes. It included formal speeches from the speakers, parents, Aldar Principal, Mr Hutson, the Head of Senior School, Dr Tabet, representatives and of and the graduates Alia Yasin, Seif Wadi and Hamed Al course the students Seyabi. Amer Al Fraih (Year 12) inspired the audience with themselves. The evening his reading of selected passages from the Qu’ran, while was a huge success with Luka Powell and Amanda Baldwin introduced the graduates students receiving their on stage with a lovely musical performance, followed by certificate to complete another beautiful performance by Alexandra Kiel (Y 12). their time with Al The ceremony ended with the award of the end of senior Yasmina and to mark the school certificates, handed to each student by Mr Hutson exciting new chapter of and Dr Tabet, and with the graduates throwing their hats in their lives. Each student celebration. At the end of the ceremony, families, staff and received a small gift as a graduates enjoyed some lovely canapes before heading home sign of our thanks and to continue celebrating with friends and family. wishes for the future followed by inspirational Our proud students and families very much enjoyed this speeches from our Head ceremony, which marked the end of a memorable academicHead Girl Alex McMillan, Deputy Head and personal journey and the beginning of many more to uty Head Girl Suma Al Bayatee. As come.d of an era they were reminded by our ow important family is. The official Dr Chiara Tabet ith the traditional throwing of the hats Head of Senior School – Al Bateen Secondary School buffet and a chance to capture the IB DP Coordinator l family photograph. al – Al Yasmina Schoolce

TER20 AUTUMN TERM1620 Sunday17 Saturday/Tuesday Sunday Friday/Saturday Monday Thursday SPRING TERM [ Sunday Thursday SUMMER TERM Sunday Sunday Thursday Please note that d

RM DATESM [AUG 28th - DEC 15th] First day for students Start of Term 1 School Closed Eid Al Adha* 28 August School Closed Hirja New Year 10 – 13 September School Closed National Day Holiday* 2 October School Closed Prophet’s Birthday 2 & 3 December End of Term 1 Normal finish time 12 December 15 December [JAN 8th - MAR 23rd] 8 January First day for students Start of Term 2 23 March End of Term 1 Normal finish timeM [APR 9th - JUN 22nd] First day for students Start of Term 3 School Closed Isra’ Wal Miraj 9 April End of Term 3 Normal finish time 23 April 22 Junedates marked with *circa may be subject to change by the Ministry of Education


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