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Home Explore 2016 Aldar Online Mag_Rev32 copy

2016 Aldar Online Mag_Rev32 copy

Published by dany.entezari, 2016-11-29 08:36:47

Description: 2016 Aldar Online Mag_Rev32 copy


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TABLEOFCONTENTS 04. CEO’s Welcome Message 08. Abu Dhabi’s Homegrown Education Provider Receives Highest Possible R 12. Should I be considering a single-gender school? 18. The Story Behind Our New Brand Identity 26. 2016’s New Academies – Al Mamoura Academy and West Yas Academy 32. New Uniforms 34. New Academies Construction – An Operations Update 44. Nilay Özral In Conversation... 50. Continual Professional Development Update 54. E-Learning in Fusion: Engaging Learners through Technology 58. Athra Majeed – New Director of Human Resources 60. Stories from Our Schools 74. Al Bateen Accreditation: Council of International Schools 76. Celebrating Emirati Culture Every Day

FTSRating 80. Astronaut Robert Curbeam Visits Aldar Academies 84. Al Bateen’s Top IB Students 94. Abu Dhabi Education Council School Inspections 2015-16 100. Choosing a School Curriculum: What’s the Best Choice for my Child? 106. What makes the Massachusetts Curriculum at West Yas so Special? 108. School Governance Established Across Aldar Academies 112. Aldar Academies Celebrates UAE National Day 118. Aldar Academies Jiu- Jitsu Cup 124. Festival of Performing Arts 130. Graduates’ Final Goodbyes 132. Term Calendar

CEO’SWELCOMEMESSAGEAldar Academies has achieved so much students, parents and staff which resulted insince our last issue of the magazine, and we new overarching values that define who weare excited to share a wide range of updates are and what we stand for. While capturing theand developments with you, which we hope true essence of our innovative andyou will find both insightful and enjoyable. future-focused brand journey, which hasEverything we have witnessed recently has through the years, this has raised our profilebeen instrumental in cementing our role as and reputation to become the educator ofone of the UAE’s leading private education choice. We have also redefined our promiseproviders, with pioneering and flagship enabling us to further create a unique,schools in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain. relevant and world class education brand in the region that attracts local, regional andWe at Aldar Academies have raised the bar international students. Furthermore, we havefor education in Abu Dhabi, with three of our redefined our brand purpose to empower ourschools receiving “Outstanding” ratings from next generation to shape our future.ADEC in the most recent inspections, thisachievement is a direct reflection of the hard Our new brand identity, a key operationalwork and dedication of our valued staff and pillar for Aldar Academies to usher in a newstudents across our organisation, which we exciting phase for us, has beenconsider a true testament to our communicated to students and staff and willuncompromising pursuit of excellence and a be launched at the start of the new academicstandard we are ensuring across our entire year 2017/2016 this September, with a phasednetwork of schools. implementation across all our schools. As a dynamic, collaborative and vibrant communityToday, Aldar Academies is growing, as we of staff, students, parents, and supporters, weexpand our network of schools and enter have successfully built a collective strong andnew markets. It has become more important trusted reputation over the years throughto stand out and be seen as one family to improved teaching methods, better practiceskeep the uniqueness that we love. As part of and esteemed Outstanding rankings.these efforts, we invested our time inresearch and obtaining key insights from

Therefore, it was essential for us to reflect school which has doubled in capacity, willthis success through an overarching brand. accommodate students currently attending Al Mushrif, which was recently ratedAs one brand, one family and one reputation, “Outstanding” by Abu Dhabi Educationwe deliver excellence across all our schools, Council (ADEC), an area we are very prouddrawing on our Aldar Academies’ heritage to stronger together. Located in the heart of the picturesque YasThe rebrand has been designed to reinforce Island, our second new school, West Yas, isour unified identity and to offer an identity an American Curriculum school which willthat, whilst maintaining each school’s begin its inaugural term in August 2016.individuality, is also clearly part of AldarAcademies’ leading network of schools and West Yas will offer Massachusetts Statereinforces our reputation. Curriculum, which is internationally renowned as the most highly ranked schoolAmongst the exciting developments, that will curriculum in the United States. Thebe happening this summer are the curriculum draws on a rich history ofinauguration of two new schools. Al academic excellence and rigor, andMamoura and West Yas. Our new schools combines customized student-centeredare envisaged to strengthen and further planning with interactive teaching methodscomplement our growing portfolio of private to produce a broad and balanced educationschools across Abu Dhabi and Al Ain, for our students.through their new educational offerings,highly-tailored academic approach and Graduates of West Yas will receive thebroad range of extra-curricular activities American High School Diploma; thethat offer parents a wider variety of paths to standard qualification for entry into USpursue for their children. universities and colleges. Admissions for both new schools is open and parents whoAl Mamoura is a mixed primary and Aldar’s are interested and have not applied untilAcademies first girls only secondary school, now, should apply online via our website.offerings its students English NationalCurriculum up to year 9 and the IGCSE’s in In line with Aldar Academies ‘Year ofyears 10 and 11 with the International Innovation and Excellence’, we continued toBaccalaureate in years 12 and 13. Al pursue creative teaching methods, andMamoura will open its doors during its debut student and faculty engagement avenues,intake this August 2016. which were reflected across all our schools.Building on recent studies that have This included inspirational training sessions,demonstrated the multitude of benefits of all local and international key note speakinggirls education, Aldar Academies ensured opportunities, exposure to new technologiesthat it was at the forefront of providing and more importantly, the encouragement ofsuperior education in a girls only secondary innovation across all spectrums of Aldarschool by offering the best-in-class teaching Academies.methods and the promotion of criticalthinking, leadership and creative skills In addition, Aldar Academies implementedcombined with building a love of learning, in Harvard University’s ‘Perusall’ concept inorder to contribute to developing efforts to take advantage of its innovativehighly-skilled, empowered and confident research platform. ‘Perusall’ is a new type ofleaders of the future, driven by ambition and collaborative e-book reader that enablesthe aim to excel in all academic fields. student-led debates both inside and outsideFurthermore, Al Mamoura’s co-ed primary the classroom. The concept allows students

to learn more, interact, make inquiries and yearly tournament of its kind in the UAE forreinforce knowledge while improving younger age groups, building on the successclassroom teaching and providing better of our inaugural tournament last year in lineefficiency, agility and tracking for teachers by with the UAE’s visionary leadership’sgaining insights into students learning gaps support and interest in Jiu-Jitsu, which hasand assessing their understanding of subject had a significant impact on the developmentmatters. of the sport. The unique event, which enables children as young as six to compete,On the Information Communication will be held in partnership with the UAETechnology front, Aldar Academies Jiu-Jitsu Federation and Palm Sports, at Alcontinued to seek new and creative means Bateen Secondary School in Abu Dhabi, onto offer our valued students and staff body May 23rd.truly unique 21st century classrooms byadopting a range of technologies that have Moving forward, we will continue to seekassisted us in reimagining approaches to new ways of enriching the educationaleducation through advanced teaching process, customer care and academicmethods, as we build and embrace the innovation, as we explore untappedclassrooms of the future. The advent of the operational horizons through new schools,digital platform era has undoubtedly aided continuous progression plans and a vision tothese efforts, by opening up improved ways excel in everything we do. Aldar Academiesof engaging students. Great examples which has, and always will be guided by its valueswe mentioned in our last online magazine of excellence, creativity, passion, respect andedition are 3D glasses and the Flipped collaboration and our promise to deliver theClassroom concept, which we continue to highest standards of education, whileroll out gradually and will be implemented inspiring a love of learning.across all our schools.At Aldar Academies, we are very excited to Yours sincerelybe hosting two large cultural and sportsevents this May. ‘The Festival of Arts’, is acharity initiative that we are organising forthe third consecutive year on May 19th, withproceeds going towards building a library ina Ethiopian school to support the educationof more than 500 orphans and we highlyencourage parents of the studentsperforming to attend. Our support of the Nilay Ozralevent is in light of our commitment to Chief Executive Officerenriching extra-curricular activities on thef individual and team-level, while engagingour communities in important and noblecauses. Performances include music, dance,drama and poetry. With a belief that sports is one of the best ways to ingrain the values of determination,f respect and responsibility while contributing to students health and well-being, we are also proud to be hosting ‘Aldar Academies Jiu-Jitsu Cup’, the very first interschool

ABU DHABI’SHOMEGROWNEDUCATION PROVIDRECEIVES HIGHESTPOSSIBLE RATING“OUTSTANDAldar Academies’ schools are the first inAbu Dhabi to receive top marks since ADECinspections began.


IT’S THE Development; TeachingFIRST TIME Curriculum; ProtectionSINCE ADEC Support; and LeadershBEGAN schools received “OutstINSPECTIONS the highest tier of ADECIN 2009 report highlighted the s across all measures. RFollowing the completion of the recent Private stated: “The design, imSchool Inspection Report, three schools in the adaptation of the curricAldar Academies network have received an The highly effective plaunprecedented “Outstanding” grade from the modifications to succesAbu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC). Al Muna, the learning needs of sas well as Al Bateen and Al Mushrif are the firstout of over 185 private schools in Abu Dhabi to This is in line with Aldareceive this grade – the highest rating possible – academic strategy, whicfrom ADEC. This is the first time any schools world renowned curricuhave been awarded an “Outstanding” rating International Baccalaursince ADEC began inspections in 2009. All three 2016, American – and ainstitutions are constituent schools of Aldar environment in the UAEAcademies, one of the UAE’s largest providers of world class pedagogicaworld-class, private education. Referring to Al Mushrif were inspected jointly, tThe report indicated that in every one of ADEC’s leadership and all staffsix core performance standards – Student’s ambition and determinaAchievement; Student’s Personal and Social highest quality of educa highlight that in the ma schools’ teaching is exc acquire very high qualit The report also highligh students’ technological “Students throughout t language skills in Engli learning skills, and are information and commu

g and Assessment, as a learning tool in all subjects.” Aldar n, Care, Guidance and Academies has striven to be at the forefront ofhip and Management – the tech-based education and 21st Century teaching tanding” marks, which is and learning techniques. The report went on to C’s ranking. The ADEC explain that students display outstanding schools’ high performance personal skills and a maturity beyond their age.Referring to Al Muna, itmplementation and His Excellency Mohammed Khalifa Al Mubarak, culum are outstanding. Chairman of Aldar Academies, expressed his prideanning creates in the results, and the importance of the ADEC ssfully engage and meet inspections: “The inspection results are wellstudents of all abilities.” deserved and accurately reflect the achievements of the exceptional students, staff and school ar Academies’ overall leaders at Al Muna, Al Bateen, and Al Mushrif. ch endeavours to take ula – English, “These inspections are a vital part of the reate and, as of August foundation of Abu Dhabi’s education sector,” he adapt them to the local continued. “This rigorous quality control is critical E, while retaining their to maintaining and exceeding high standards. al attributes. Aldar Academies will continue to do our part. We f and Al Bateen, which are currently expanding our portfolio of schools in the report stated: “senior the capital. This will allow us to offer even more f share the vision, choice for parents seeking high quality private ation to provide the education in Abu Dhabi. ation.” It went on to ajority of lessons the Aldar Academies fully supports ADEC in these cellent, and students measures, as they contribute greatly to the ty learning skills. realisation of the future vision of Abu Dhabi, as well as the UAE at large. We look forward to continuing hted the strength of to work with ADEC to build this future together.” l knowledge and skills: the school have excellent ish, well-developede highly proficient in using unication technology (ICT)

SHOULDIBECONSIDERINASINGLEGENDERSCHOOL Peter Carpenter, Aldar Academies’ Director of Education, explores the advantages of girls only education.


Abu Dhabi has over 185 private schools. This fact In recent years, studies have highlialone can make choosing the right one for your benefits of all girls education that hchild seem like a daunting task. What makes a with educators from all backgroundgood school? With so much diversity, how do youbegin to identify which is the best for your child? Research conducted by Ofsted in thUnderstandably, parents struggle with these shown that boys and girls often maquestions. However, the central element in different rates, which has resultedmaking the right decision lies in understanding alternatives to mixed gender schoowhich academic curriculum, and which learning have been shown to thrive more inenvironment, is best suited for your child. environment. Girls sometimes disp open curiosity and participation in aOne option, sometimes overlooked, is a single setting, allowing for increased configender school. As part of its expansion plans, academic environment geared specAldar Academies will be opening an 1,800 towards the specific needs of theircapacity, mixed primary and girls only secondary physical and psychological developschool in August 2016, located in the Al Nahyanarea of Abu Dhabi, just off the East Ring Road. Girls’ schools have a proven track rLike all of Aldar Academies’ schools, this helping their students gain admissinaugural girls only academy will ensure that first choice for University. In fact, aeach and every student thrives to the best of their Independent School Council’s censability in an open and productive learning space, percentage of pupils from Girls’ Scwhere both ingenuity and scholastic discipline Association institutions continue thmeet to create the best environment for your education than in the case of co-edchildren’s personal and academic needs. With a independent schools.myriad of options, the specific benefits of a singlegender school should be properly explored.For some, attending a single gender schoolresults in the most successful and rewardingacademic experience. This may seemcounterintuitive to many parents, who come fromcultures where mixed gender schools are therule. Single gender education, particularly forgirls, has been garnering increasing amounts ofpraise from educators and students alike. Thequestion is: why?At Aldar Academies, we know that the decision tosend a child to an all girls school has largely beenmotivated by culture and values of tradition.However, there are several very importantacademic and developmental factors parentsshould consider before making a decision on amixed or single gender school.

ighted the By creating an environment, has resonated where young girls can be ds. Why is that? inspired alongside their peers to achieve success, Aldarhe UK has Academies aims to cultivateature at future leaders amongst girls. Leaders such as Indra Nooyi, in the need for the current Chairwoman andols. Some girls CEO for the second largest food a single gender and beverage business in theplay greater world, PepsiCo, have benefited a girls only from a girls only education. fidence and an cifically intellectual,pment.record ofsion to students’according to thesus, a greater hoolsheir higherducational

This is not to say that girls do not thrive in mixed curriculums will contain an enhagender environments, it is quite the contrary. In studies institutions, boys and girls learn “Our aim is to create a world clastogether, interact together and develop together. girls in Abu Dhabi right from theThis has immense lifelong value for both girls and years, until they go to college,” sboys. Socially, they become comfortable with one CEO of Aldar Academies. “With oanother and all of their peers. amongst Fortune 1000 companie is important for educators to helThis prepares girls for the mixed gender shape their dreams at an early aenvironments of University, the workforce, andindeed the world at large. Aldar Academies’ new mixed prim only secondary will exclusively foUltimately, each child is different, and there is no National Curriculum during the pdefinitive metric to determine which educational secondary school, Years 10 and 1format is superior – different environments are IGCSE (International General Cerbetter for different students. What matters is that, Secondary Education) qualificatioas parents, you have the best choices available in courses are similar to GCSE courorder to make the right decision regarding what is for international for your child. In Years 12 and 13, the school wiConsidering this, the all girls’ option has a proven pathways: pursuing British A-Levrecord of maximising performance and offering in the International Baccalaureatstudents with a nurturing and engaging Programme. In addition, studentenvironment, that will cater to their individual enhanced Arabic and Islamic Stuneeds, whereas the co-educational environment preparing them for the unified Mfosters valuable social experience and intuition, Education examinations.and often serves as an instigator for thedevelopment of individual character. It comes The school, like all Aldar Academdown to assessing where your child will best possess a staff that is internationthrive. globally aware, while at the same impart the importance of the UAETo this end, in addition to the multiple mixed Identity, local values, heritage angender curriculum options we offer (English, IB, addition to state-of-the-art scienand as of August 2015, American), Aldar technology rooms and a senior sAcademies will be opening a girls only secondary school will provide students acceschool, offering the English National Curriculum ECAs, utilising a world class spoand the International Baccalaureate Diploma swimming pools, an outdoor runProgramme curriculum. As with all Aldar basketball and netball courts.Academies curriculums, both the English and IB

anced Arabic “By providing them with an education based on ss education for best-in-class teaching ir formative methods, a range of said Nilay Ozral, extra-curricular only 4.8% of CEOs activities and teaching es being women, it of leadership skills, we lp young girls hope to prepare youngage.” girls for a future that does not yet exist and be mary and girls role models wherever ollow the English they go in the world.” primary years. In 11 will follow Peter Carpenter, rtificate of Aldar Academies’ Director ons. IGCSE of Education rses, but adapted ill offer two vels, or engaging te Diploma ts will take our udies syllabi,Ministry of mies’ schools, will nally minded and e time striving to E National nd culture. In nce labs, designschool centre, the ess to a range oforts hall,nning track and

THESTORYBEHINOURNEWBRANDIDENTITYWe are very excited to introduce all our students and CLICK TO WATCH THEparents to the Aldar Academies’ new brand identity,which will be implemented in phases throughout therest of 2016. We would like to take this opportunity toexplain the rationale for our new brand and how wedeveloped it.Why the new brand?As we expand our network of schools, it has becomeimportant that we are seen as one family, whilstmaintaining the individuality of each of our schools. Weidentified the opportunity to create a uniquehomegrown education brand in the region that attractslocal, regional and international students and staff.Since 2007 Aldar Academies has become a core part ofthe communities to which it belongs and has developeda reputation for delivering excellence in educationthrough leadership, innovation, enriched learningexperiences, creativity and respect across all schools.To strengthen that reputation, it was important that wedeveloped a brand that would align with theorganisation as it stands today.How, one might ask, did we develop our new brand? Wetalked to our parents, our students, our stakeholdersand other education providers to find out what AldarAcademies meant to them. This direct feedback helpedidentify our brand values, what we stand for, ourpurpose and our promise to you. They are thefundamental beliefs of our organisation. They guide ouractions and behaviour. They influence the way we workwith each other and the way we serve our students,parents, suppliers, shareholders and the way weengage with our communities.


OUR PURPOSEEMPOWERINGOUR NEXTGENERATIONTO SHAPEOUR FUTURE. This is our “big idea”. It is what we are determined to achieve and the legacy we wish to leave. It is our intention and what we want to ensure happens.

OUR PROMISEDELIVERINGTHE HIGHESTSTANDARDS OFEDUCATIONAND INSPIRINGA LOVE OFLEARNING. This is our commitment. This is what we do as a team every day. This is what others can expect from us and what we can expect in return. This is the way we do things.

OUR VALUES Our values define who we are and what we stand for. They are our fundamental beliefs. They guide our act behaviour. They influence the way we work with each other; the way we serve our students, parents, teach staff, suppliers, shareholders; and the way we engage with our communities.EXCELLENCE CREATIVITYWhat we do, we do very well. We dream big!We all help students learn and achieve the highest We believe that imagination, creativity and bigstandards. We employ the best quality people. We dreams can change our world! We are focused ondeliver value and quality beyond expectations. We improvements and solutions. We empower ourachieve peak performance by investing in the best staff and students to be innovative, unconstrainedtechniques, creating and sharing exceptional and change our world. We celebrate thinkers andfacilities and using the latest technologies. We doers. We celebrate new ideas and nurture them.encourage and actively support personal andprofessional development. We act with integrityand continually learn and improve.RESPECT COLLABORATIONWe care. We do things better, together.We are welcoming. We listen. We care for all people We value teamwork and doing things together. Weand our environment. We promote understanding help each other. We achieve our goals together. Weand learning. We do what is right, rather than what share ideas, best practices, resources, processesis easy. We know it takes people with different and opportunities. We understand the importanceideas, strengths, interests and cultural and values of others. We communicate well. Webackgrounds to help us all succeed. We are each share the love of learning and empowering the nextimportant and unique. generation. We know the power of collective genius.

tions andhers, PASSION We have fun and energy. Passion is at the heart of who we are. We want to shape a better future. We are committed in our hearts and in our minds. We feel strongly about things. We inspire. We are driven, enthusiastic, positive and ambitious. We are excited about the future. We are continuously moving forward, innovating and improving things.

OUR NEW BRAND REFLOUR HARD WORK ANDONGOING COMMITMENTTO OUR STUDENTS’ FUT Our new school logos will provide students, teachers and staff with a visual identity that honours our heritage, celebrates our uniqueness and reinforces our reputation collectively. It is strong and distinctive. It will be easily recognised locally, regionally and globally. As a first step, we will start to install our core values not only into school life but throughout our organisation. This will be followed by a phased implementation of the new identity across all Aldar Academies environments. For our parents a key milestone will be just prior the start of the new Academic year when a completely new style of uniform will become available bearing the new brand. We are very excited to begin this new phase of Aldar Academies development with our parents and students. Aldar Academies will continue to pursue the empowerment of our children to shape our future by delivering the highest standards of education, and by inspiring an enduring love of learning. Please be aware that his does not affect parents or students in any way. There is nothing you need to do as part of the brand identity rollout. Aldar Academies school operations will continue to function as normal. For any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]


2016’SNEWACADEMIESALMAMOURAACADEMY&WESTYASACADEMY In case you haven’t heard already, Aldar Academies is launching two incredible new schools in August 2016: Al Mamoura and West Yas. We would now like to take the time to introduce you to these new andexciting academies in more detail.


ALDAR ACADEMIES, AL MAMOURA(English National Curriculum, International Baccalaureate)Al Mamoura is a mixed primary and girls only secondary school located near the Sea Palace off theEast Ring Road, in Abu Dhabi, which will have its inaugural intake of students in August 2016.Al Mamoura’s mixed primary school is the new site of the students currently attending Al Mushrif,which was recently rated “Outstanding” by Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC). The primary schoolendeavours to enable pupils to reach their full potential and develop them into motivated, ambitiousand confident lifelong learners. Male students attending Al Mamoura’s primary school will receiveautomatic placement to Al Bateen when they progress to secondary school.Al Mamoura’s girls only secondary school is an exciting first for Aldar Academies. In recent years,studies have highlighted the benefits of all girls education that has resonated with educators from allbackgrounds. Our aim is to provide every girl an education based on best-in-class teaching methods, arange of extra-curricular activities and the promotion of leadership skills, in order to prepare them tobe effective contributors and confident leaders of the future.Al Mamoura will exclusively follow the English National Curriculum during the primary years, and offeone of two pathways in secondary school. Al Mamoura employs an English National Curriculumtailored for international students.Where appropriate, students can take our enhanced Arabic and Islamic Studies syllabi, preparing themfor the unified Ministry of Education examinations.In years 12 and 13, the school offers two pathways: British A-Levels and the InternationalBaccalaureate Diploma Programme. Students who remain on the English Curriculum pathway endtheir secondary school with British A-Levels, the celebrated school-leaving qualification. Students whochose the IB will complete their studies with the prestigious IB Diploma, which is accepted in Britainand across the globe.


ALDAR ACADEMIES, WEST YAS AC(American Massachusetts Curriculum)West Yas is an American Curriculum school located on Yas Island, which will begin itsinaugural term in August 2016. The school is a part of Aldar Academies, one of the UAE’slargest providers of world class private education, with schools in Abu Dhabi and Al Ain.West Yas will be the first Massachusetts State Curriculum school in Abu Dhabi, which is themost highly regarded and successful public school curriculum in the United States. TheMassachusetts Curriculum draws on a rich history of academic excellence and rigor and hashistorically benefited from proximity to and interaction with higher education institutions suchas Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.The US approach combines student centred planning with interactive teaching methods toproduce a broad and balanced education. The curriculum is supported by a robust emphasison co-curricular and extra-curricular pursuits which helps foster well rounded students.West Yas will offer AP (advanced placement) classes during the high school years, which arecourses taught using university-level syllabi that can later be accredited to a degreeprogramme in US and Canadian universities (as per the liberal arts tradition). The curriculumwill provide students with guidance and preparation for taking the SAT (the standardizedexamination required by US university admissions).Where appropriate, students can take our enhanced Arabic and Islamic Studies syllabi,preparing them for the unified Ministry of Education examinations.Graduates of West Yas will receive the American High School Diploma, which is the standardqualification for entry into US universities and colleges. This qualification is recognized byinstitutions all over the world.


NEWUNIFORMSWith help from our parents, students, staff and Uniform - Important dates:stakeholders we have developed an exciting newbrand; a brand that truly represents Aldar Academies From August 15th 2016: Uniforms will be apromise to empower the next generation well into the sale in Zaks stores in Abu Dhabi and Al Ainfuture. Each of our schools will commence the newacademic year with a shared set of five brand values. From September 21st 2016: The house (gamThese are Excellence, Creativity, Passion, Respect and swim caps will be available to purchase in sCollaboration. Our Principals’ and their leadershipteams will be installing these key values into everyday From September 16th 2016: Online orderinschool life. Our new identity will run consistently Uniforms and Sports Kits will become avaiacross our schools; an identity that represents onebrand, one family, and a reputation for delivering August 7th 2016: The New Aldar Academieexcellence in everything we do. Policy will be circulated.(Click here if you have yet to see the new brand). We look forward to our students wearing t school uniform with pride and a strong senThe new uniform will mark the first step in the roll belonging as they continue their educationout of the new Aldar Academies brand. Our modern Academies and you can look forward to recontemporary uniforms and specialist sports kits are to your school on August 28th 2016 to see fdesigned for comfort, longevity and the Abu Dhabi evidence of the new brand on display.climate using carefully selected fabrics, cottons andorganic dyes CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD OUR NEW UNIFORM CATALOGUEFor your information, the uniforms and P.E. sportskits will be available at Zaks Stores from August CLICK HERE TO SEE THE UNIFORM15th 2016. Please visit their website and select your STYLE BOARDschool at to find locations,uniform prices and services such as in-store tailoring,made-to-measure uniforms and home delivery options.Zaks Uniforms assures quality clothing, effectivecustomer service, competitive pricing as well as beingfully compliant within UAE Law and ADEC regulations.

S available for n. mes) kit and schools. ng option for ilable. es Uniform their new nse of n with Aldar eturning further Tristan Fletcher from Al Yasmina School modeling our new Al Mamoura Academy primary uniform.



AL MAMOURA ACADEMYGIRLS ONLY SECONDARY, MIXED PRIMARYAl Mamoura Academy, Aldar Academies first Furthermore, convenience and smooth reachgirls only secondary school, which also offers was a key planning factor when we developedmixed gender primary education, is one of our our Master Plan, with an abundance of parkingmost exciting projects to date, and is expected to spaces and two main access points to thevisibly complement our growing portfolio of school that will offer students, parents andleading private schools in Abu Dhabi. faculty easy access to Al Mamoura Academy, atConstruction has been witnessing excellent all times.progress with more than 75% completed, to date. Providing 21st century classroom experiencesAl Mamoura Academy is expected to open its through a modern learning environment, Aldoor to students for the new academic year Mamoura Academy will be equipped with the2016/2017 in August 2016 (subject to ADEC latest Information Communication Technologyapproval), and staff members will have access to (ICT), to continually enrich the learningthe school on 20th August to prepare for essential experiences. ICT requirements are expected toacademic groundwork and inductions ahead of be completed soon.student arrivals. Buses will be available for students and interestAl Mamoura Academy’s mixed primary school is by parents can be easily communicated throughthe new site for students currently attending the registrar.Aldar Academies’ Al Mushrif School, which wasrecently rated “Outstanding” by the Abu Dhabi In terms of operations and support staff, AlEducation Council (ADEC). Mamoura Academy has contracted both male and female security personnel and the schoolStrategically located near the Sea Palace off the will be equipped with CCTV in line with theEast Ring Road, in Abu Dhabi, Al Mamoura Ministry of Interior’s guidelines for educationalAcademy will offer it student body a range of institutions in Abu Dhabi. Highly qualifiedstate-of the-art facilities and amenities, including Nurses have been secured and are complianta 850-seat auditorium, extensive music, drama with the Health Authority Abu Dhabi’s (HAAD)and art facilities, research laborites, graphic regulations, in order to provide reliable anddesign areas, a music recording studio and a efficient first aid and medical services torecital hall, all of which are currently making students. The multi-specialist NMC Hospitalnotable progress. Abu Dhabi has been appointed to handle healthcare.In addition, Al Mamoura Academy is equippedwith a spacious girls only 25m swimming pool Over the years, Aldar Academies has firmlyconveniently housed at the multi-purpose girls positioned itself as a leading provider of privatesports hall, which also features a dance studio, education in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, offeringbasketball and netball courts, two astro turf unmatched inspiring learning environmentsplaying fields and soft playing areas. Externally, that combine the very best academic, arts anddesigns for the outdoor play areas throughout sporting facilities with the highest standards ofthe school’s premises have been approved and teaching. Aldar Academies is very proud to addconstruction work is going smoothly, in addition West Yas Academy and Al Mamoura Academy toto the science labs, kitchen, and dedicated its growing portfolio of outstanding schoolscatering areas. across the UAE’s capital.


Recent research has shown that girls thrive in singlegender schools and gain greater confidence whenthey’re in a learning environment geared specificallytowards them.Now you can have all the benefits of an AldarAcademies education at our new Al MamouraAcademy, girls-only secondary school. Girls can enjoya unique academic environment tailored towards theneeds of their intellectual, physical and psychologicaldevelopment.Our totally new and purpose-built school will includestate-of-the-art facilities and the latest teachingtechnologies, ensuring our students will be at thecutting edge of modern education. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION & TO APPLYA FUTURE SHAPED BY OUR CHILDREN School opening in August 2016 is subject to final ADEC approval

WEST YAS ACADEMYWest Yas Academy, one of two new state-of-the-art schools being builtby Aldar Academies has been witnessing exceptional progress withconstruction 95% completed, to date. West Yas Academy, an Americancurriculum school, is expected to open its door to students for the newacademic year 2016/2017 in August 2016 (subject to ADEC approval), andstaff members will have access to the school on 15th August to preparefor essential academic groundwork and inductions ahead of studentarrivals.Interior development is progressing at a rapid pace, as furniture andclass room resources including books, stationary and other keyeducational amenities have been ordered and will arrive prior toopening. In addition, the science labs, kitchen, catering areas, an850-seat auditorium, music, drama and art facilities have beencompleted.External construction works and supporting recreational facilities havealso witnessed excellent progress recently, and include two indoor 25mswimming pools, a fully fledged strategically located sports complexequipped with spacious basketball and netball courts, two astro turfplaying fields and soft playing areas.The school’s grounds are surrounded by lush landscaping to enrichstudents experience at this unique location in the heart of the vibrant YasIsland. All key recreational features have been carefully designed in linewith Aldar Academies’ commitment to providing students with the mostsought-after learning experience in the capital, and will be managed bytrusted and highly experienced 3rd parties.Furthermore, convenience and smooth reach was a key factor in ourMaster Plan, with an abundance of parking spaces and two main accesspoints to the school that will offer students, parents and faculty easyaccess to West Yas Academy, at all times.In line with Aldar’s Academies ongoing pursuit of academic excellenceand its deep belief in providing the best possible 21st century classroomexperiences, we have invested heavily in Information CommunicationTechnology (ICT), to continually enhance the learning experience for ourvalued students. ICT requirements are expected to be completed in thenext two weeks.Buses will be available for students and interest by parents and can beeasily communicated through the registrar.In terms of operations and support staff, West Yas Academy hascontracted both male and female security personnel and the school willbe equipped with CCTV in line with the Ministry of Interior’s guidelinesfor all educational institutions in Abu Dhabi. Highly qualified nurses havebeen secured and are compliant with the Health Authority Abu Dhabi’s(HAAD) regulations, in order to provide reliable and efficient first aid andvarious medical services to students. The leading multi-specialist NMCHospital Abu Dhabi, has been appointed to handle healthcare.


S Aldar Academies is proud to announce the opening of our first American Curriculum School in August 2016 on Yas Island, Abu Dhabi. Our curriculum is based on the world-renowned Massachusetts State Curriculum – the highest ranked school system in the United States. West Yas Academy has been created to give your children a first class American education and put them firmly on the path to a successful college application. Our totally new and purpose-built school will include state-of-the-art facilities and the latest teaching technologies, ensuring our students will be at the cutting edge of modern education. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION & TO APPLY A FUTURE SHAPED BY OUR CHILDREN School opening in August 2016 is subject to final ADEC approval


ALSATION... Nilay Özral talks to Dazzle Magazine, The National Supplement.

When were your first that you would be in th education business?Describe your first job and what essential for preparing me for my Well, I’ve always had aprepared you for today? responsibilities now. Those years education. Academics were like completing another first love. During my unI was originally trained as a MBA, on the job. studies I was always achemical engineer. This focused on teaching asmathematical, scientific mindset How did your early career in learning. This passion,instilled in me a sense of healthcare help to prepare you never leaves you. Durinsystems and process that I think for your current role? at Proctor & Gamble, Istill serves me well today. variety of training progAfterwards, I completed an MBA I was lucky to have a lot of that allowed me to conin Canada, which is where I first experience prior to joining Aldar satisfy my desire to eddeveloped the foundation of my Academies. As I said, my time atbusiness skills. P&G was an education in the So education has neve fundamentals of business. After I me. I’ve always had a pMy first position after completing joined a company that it, and that lifelong passtudies in Canada was for immediately underwent a something that informProctor & Gamble. Like my merger, which meant that all the motivates me every daacademics, my work at P&G on sudden I had to manage logistics, and beauty, and supply chain management, portpharmaceuticals, was very management, the edible oil What inspiration do yodifferent than what I do now in business, and even grain and from your own educatthe education sector. However it carbon trading! Needless to say,is more about the skills and this was intense and demanding, I think my education haperspective than the trade itself. but taught me adaptability. I contributed to the deveWhile at P&G, I learned the learned how to focus on effective qualities I think are esfundamentals of business very process, maintain high quality my success today. I conquickly, at a very young age. It customer service, and the myself a pretty logicalalso taught me how to be importance of getting the value rounded person. My edincredibly disciplined, productive equation right. Because in the was a big part in shapiand efficient. This education, end, the number one goal is to characteristics. In addcombined with my understanding add value to whatever you do. core skills I’ve mentionof the importance of process, was logic and process, the music education also s greatly growing up. It w a part of my life, and ta that the arts are as mu

inklings of education as the sciences. This I loved school so much, and he is a perspective that I bring to almost all of my teachers were Aldar Academies. inspirations. They were key a passion for motivators in my life and gave me were my Moreover, being educated initially the encouragement to succeed, niversity in Turkey, I understood very encouragement that has stuck TA, always important the balance between with me in spirit to this day. s well as internationalism and national , I think, identity. In Turkey, our education Abu Dhabi has been ng my time system tends to reinforce our experiencing tremendous I lead a national identity, while still advancement in the educational grammes encouraging venturing out into sector and is rapidly adopting ntinue to the world to receive a truly global world class standards. In what worldview. This has stuck with way do you see yourself playingducate. me, and helps me understand the a pivotal role in contributing to importance of, for instance, the Abu Dhabi Vision 2030?er really left National Day here in the UAE. In passion for our schools we embrace this First and foremost, we want to ssion is balance – one that instills global deliver the best curriculams and citizenship in our students while available, and to work to make ay at Aldar still promoting the importance of them the standard for Abu Dhabi retaining their culture and and the UAE. Standardisation is ou take national identity. I can relate to essential in making a qualitative tion? that. change that lasts forever. A large part of delivering the best for our as greatly And what inspiration do you take students is our focus on elopment of from the important people in innovation. Both in how we teachssential to your life? and what we teach, innovation is nsider a part of everything we do in our and well That’s a good question. I would schools. ducation have to say my grandmother was ing those incredibly important to me in this To truly embrace this mantra, it isdition to regard. She taught me that no not simply about having a new ned, like question was stupid – always ask tech gadget for the kids to use in focus on and you’ll always learn. This basic class, but to be dynamic and shaped me principle has served me my entire fearless in what is taught and was always life. She also instilled in me the how. What we need to constantly aught me simple truth that if you want be focused on is looking for and uch a part something, just take the initiative providing the next generation’s and go get it. skill sets. Education is often a slow-moving environment; how My father was also an inspiration. it’s been done is often the metric He was always focused on the by which you measure how you value addition of anything he did. should do it in the future. But we In his world, the question was find this counterintuitive and always, “how do I make 1 plus 1 inimical to true innovation. equal 3?” In the midst of this, we want to Also, every teacher I’ve ever had! continue to adapt to the culture in

the UAE. We are devoted to our focused on parental involvement. ambulance or waEmirati students learning within We need them to be active, emergency rooman international context, but still because we are partners in their think, “What wouhaving a firm grasp of who they children’s development and doing that right nare. By the same token, we are education. We are alreadydedicated to educating our engaged in initiatives to get For other buddininternational students to both parents directly involved in their entrepreneurs olearn and embrace local customs children’s education, and will are the challengewhile maintaining a strong sense continue to develop these overcome?of who they are and where they activities.come from. Again, it is about In my first career,creating a good balance between What is the role that Aldar track for promotiglobal and local. Academies wants to play in the management pos economy? the challenge wasAmongst your responsibilities every general maare the goals of improving UAE That’s simple – we are a tool that promote a womannational talent for the modern ensures both local and global went for promotioworld and improving parent economies are saturated with the worked, I was leftpartnership and active best educated talent possible. A being promoted bengagement by Aldar good deal of our students will go merit, or becauseAcademies’ schools. What are on to university all over the world, This is an issue, asome of the important steps and go on to make an impact in all ambitious womyou've been taking recently? Europe, in America, in Asia. Many with. So in this co of our students will remain in the important to undeWe want to make sure we develop UAE, bringing their talent and criteria you’re carthe right skills to equip our intelligence to the local economy, based.Emirati students for the future. where they will assist inAgain, it is about balanced, well developing a technology driven More bluntly, as arounded students. We want to knowledge economy in the business world, ycontribute to the maintenance of Emirates. how men work, hthe Emirati identity. Language, As you climb theneedless to say, is an essential What are the best and worst fewer women, socomponent of that. So we put a decisions you have ever made in be the girl in a bohigh premium on consistent, life? important to undequality education in the Arabic environment andlanguage as well as Emirati The best decision I’ve ever made surrounds you, anhistory and culture. is having my two beautiful navigate it skillfu children. I’m thankful every day effectively. HavingWe are very focused on the Arabic that they are in my life, and I get the environmentlanguage, so that we can support to watch them grow and be happy. working is as impthe UAE in maintaining its culture skills you bring toand heritage. We embrace the I don’t feel I’ve made any “worst”MOE’s Arabic language and decisions – every decision, even a In a few words, wIslamic and social studies miss step, is valuable and would you give tocurriculum, and are looking for educational. However, I must say business womenways to assist in further enriching that, I did study medicine for ait. We also want to continue to get year before changing fields, so I Women offer an aour Emirati parents more do sometimes wonder what could reservoir of taleninvolved. We are creating a new have been. Every time I see an multitaskers; it’sinteractive governing body

alk past the do tend to be better at it than valuable, in that it develops the in a hospital I men. So I would tell women to process-driven mind. I’m not an play to your strengths. And never engineer, but my education inuld it be like to be feel that you’re a step behind; this engineering has had a valuablenow?” is a crucial element. As I’ve said, lasting effect on my thought business is often a male process, and on my female dominated environment; it canout there, what feel like you’re starting from a What challenges are there left es you had to handicap. You’re not. Do for you in future? everything you do with confidencer, I was on a fast and resolve; you belong there as I have so many dreams, am Iion, a much as anyone. really going to have enoughsition, etc. But time!? This is my fear. I definitely s that I knew Women also have the can’t see myself retiring – I like toanager had to responsibility of balancing work. n. So whenever I professional and family lives, on, as hard as I something that’s still expected Aldar academies is my baby now, t thinking, “am I more from us than from men. and I want to build it to be thebased on my Here’s another area where our best education system in thee I’m a woman?” multitasking serves us well. region. We’ve got two schoolsand something opening next year for intake inmen have to deal I’d say women look at things in a August 2016. One is an Americanontext it’s more 360 degree way, which is Curriculum 1,800 student prima- erstand on what another value-add. Again, play to ry and secondary school on Yas reer trajectory is your strengths. The Business Island. This is our first American world might be a boys’ club for a Curriculum school and I’m verya woman in the long time to come; but we bring excited to provide potential Aldaryou have to know unique things to the table that Academies parents with anotherhow they think. they cannot. Use that. high quality option. We are also ladder, there are opening a new mixed primary ando you’ll invariably Are there any changes you all-girls secondary school in Abuoys’ club. So it’s would like to see to support Dhabi, which will offer the Eng- erstand this women and mothers in lish National Curriculum and the business? International Baccalaureate the culture that Diploma programme, so this is nd learn how to Well, in Europe I would focus in yet another new and excitingully and job sharing, because motherhood option for parents. g a firm grasp on there often requires putting their in which you’re careers on the back burner, some- Aldar Academies is building aportant as the times indefinitely. Here, nannies dynamic family of schools that o the job. tend to augment childcare to a offers world class education great deal, which takes some fueled by passion, top notchwhat advice pressure off the mother. professionalism, and a dedication o the UAE to innovation. Ultimately, myn of the future? In the UAE, I’d like to see more number one goal is to deliver women in science and engineer- innovation to the education sectoralmost limitless ing fields. Engineering is a good of the UAE – and is that job evernt. We’re discipline and needs more really finished? women. The training alone is a cliché, but we


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