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zulkarnain tugas ebook BHS INGGRIS-dikonversi (1)

Published by Zulkarnain, 2021-12-07 09:32:09

Description: zulkarnain tugas ebook BHS INGGRIS-dikonversi (1)


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NAMA : ZULKARNAIN NRP : 201080 PRODI : MTL B Here starts the lesson!

My argument about the importance of English in Maritime Industries I personally think that mastery and use of English in the maritime industry is very important and useful. Because English is an international language used by many countries, or a global language. In this very advanced era, we sailors, the use of English has become commonplace in the maritime industry, English is a skill that must be possessed by seafarers who want to work in ports, both domestic and overseas ports. We use English to interact with people from abroad.

THE FACILITATING ROLE OF MARITIME ENGLISH The role of English in the maritime industry is very influential. English is an important instrument for seafarers because most of the tools in the port use English and are a means of communication between ports when communicating with foreign ships that are docked at the port. Therefore, we as sailors must be able to understand English so that we can communicate well, at least we can understand what they are talking about.

maritime potential in Indonesia . In my opinion, Indonesia's diverse maritime potential, including the marine biotechnology industry, deep ocean water, marine tourism, marine energy, marine minerals, shipping, defense, and the maritime industry, can actually make a major contribution to the welfare and prosperity of the Indonesian people. But now there are still many Indonesian people who have not been able to take advantage of it all.

HOW TO INCREASE THE QUALITY OF INDONESIAN MARITIME by utilizing marine products to be a source of earning money as an economic activity prevent foreign ships from entering the territorial waters and stealing in Indonesia conserving water areas by catching fish with fishing rods and not with nets or trawls.

Personal plans and ambitions My plan after graduating from STIMARYO is that I will try to advance maritime affairs in Indonesia, especially in my area. who else will advance Indonesia's maritime quality. If you continue to work in foreign countries, you will add natural resources in Indonesia which are still very abundant.

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