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Home Explore Body Systems Flip book Sheryl Police

Body Systems Flip book Sheryl Police

Published by sheryl.police.019, 2016-11-17 14:27:46

Description: Body Systems Flipbook.pptx


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(DAY 1) BODY SYSTEMS FLIPBOOKThe flipbook will cover the following systems:1. Integumentary2. Musculoskeletal3. Nervous4. Special senses5. Cardiovascular6. Respiratory7. Digestive8. Urinary9. Reproductive

FOR EACH SYSTEM YOU WILL RESEARCH AND PROVIDE:Place RESEARCH NOTES in either yournotebook or in a Google folder (for checkpointmonitoring):⦿ Assigned terminology⦿ Function(s)⦿ 10 vocabulary/terminology associated with that system (defined)→NOT word parts⦿ Description of 4 diseases/disorders in that system⦿ Name & describe at least 2 healthcare careers that treat the system⦿ Draw or print a labeled picture of the main organs/structures of each system

(DAY 1) INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM: HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=ORUMW-PYNJW1. Key Terms (define)◼ derm/o, dermat/o System Research◼ kerat/o◼ xer/o ⦿ function◼ xanth/o ⦿ vocabulary (10)◼ erythr/o ⦿ diseases/disorder (4)◼ pedicu/o◼ onych/o ⦿ healthcare careers (2)◼ myc/o ⦿ labeled system◼ pil/o◼ lip/o◼ rhytid/o◼ albin/o

(DAY 2) MUSCULOSKELETAL SYSTEM:HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=NP29EJPROPE1. Key Terms (define) System Research ◼ my/o ⦿ function ◼ myel/o ⦿ vocabulary (10) ◼ oste/o ⦿ diseases/disorder (4) ◼ cost/o ⦿ healthcare careers (2) ◼ crani/o ⦿ labeled system ◼ -pexy ◼ chondr/o ◼ arthr/o ◼ -plegia ◼ kinesi/o

(DAY 3) NERVOUS SYSTEM:HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=QPIX_X-9T7EKey Terms (define) System Research⦿ neur/o ⦿ function⦿ encephal/o ⦿ vocabulary (10)⦿ myel/o ⦿ diseases/disorder (4)⦿ ambu/o ⦿ healthcare careers (2)⦿ -esthesia ⦿ labeled system⦿ mening/o⦿ psych/o⦿ concuss/o

(DAY 4) SPECIAL SENSES:HTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=MFM3YA1NSLEHTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=IE2J7GPC4JUKey Terms (define) System Research⦿ irid/o ⦿ function⦿ -cusis ⦿ vocabulary (10)⦿ -opia ⦿ diseases/disorder (4)⦿ ot/o ⦿ healthcare careers (2)⦿ tympan/o ⦿ labeled system⦿ opthalm/o⦿ -metry

(DAY 5) CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEMHTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=_LGD03H3TE8Key Terms (define) System Research⦿ cardi/o ⦿ function⦿ angi/o ⦿ vocabulary (10)⦿ hem/o, hemat/o ⦿ diseases/disorder (4)⦿ brady- ⦿ healthcare careers (2)⦿ tachy- ⦿ labeled system⦿ thromb/o⦿ -emia⦿ leuk/o⦿ erythr/o⦿ arteri/o

(DAY 6)RESPIRATORY SYSTEMHTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=AW9OJLTLCLQKey Terms (define) System Research⦿ bronch/o ⦿ function⦿ cyan/o ⦿ vocabulary (10)⦿ laryng/o ⦿ diseases/disorder (4)⦿ -oxia⦿ oxy- ⦿ healthcare careers (2)⦿ pleur/o ⦿ labeled system⦿ pneum/o⦿ pulmon/o⦿ thorac/ot⦿ trache/o

(DAY 7) DIGESTIVE SYSTEMHTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=_QYWSCALNNGKey Terms (define) System Research⦿ cholecyst/o ⦿ function⦿ enter/o ⦿ vocabulary (10)⦿ col/o, colon/o ⦿ diseases/disorder (4)⦿ hepat/o ⦿ healthcare careers (2)⦿ gastr/o ⦿ labeled system⦿ or/o⦿ -pepsia⦿ chol/e⦿ proct/o

(DAY 8) URINARY SYSTEMHTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=CKGQP5TR-QKKey Terms (define) System Research⦿ -cele ⦿ function⦿ -lysis ⦿ vocabulary (10)⦿ cyst/o ⦿ diseases/disorder (4)⦿ nephr/o ⦿ healthcare careers (2)⦿ ren/o ⦿ labeled system⦿ -uria⦿ -pexy⦿ -ectasis⦿ pyel/o

(DAY 9) REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEMHTTPS://WWW.YOUTUBE.COM/WATCH?V=CKGQP5TR-QKKey Terms (define) System Research⦿ cervic/o ⦿ function⦿ salping/o ⦿ vocabulary (10)⦿ ov/o ⦿ diseases/disorder (4)⦿ orchid/o⦿ oophor/o ⦿ healthcare careers (2)⦿ men/o ⦿ labeled system⦿ mamm/o⦿ gynec/o⦿ colp/o⦿ prostat/o

BODY SYSTEMS (DAY 10) ⦿ Warm-Up: List the system (spelling counts!): 1. framework ,protection, produces heat 2. circulation of blood 3. eliminates liquid waste/filters the blood 4. sight, hearing, balance, taste, touch, & taste 5. produces a new human organism 6. exchange of O2 & CO2 7. eliminates solid waste 8. protection & temperature regulation 9. control center for body functions⦿ Activity: Completion of Flipbook Projects

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