2015 Youth Employment Annual Report Boston Centers for Youth and Families Division of Youth Engagement & Employment is a one-stop shop resource center for youth in the City of Boston. Our goal is to meet the needs of young people by connecting them to a variety of opportunities, resources and free or low-cost events in Boston. 1483 Tremont Street, Roxbury, Ma, 02120 | (617) 635 4202 1
2015 SNAPSHOT$4.3 million 3,797 youth All of Boston’sestimated in employed neighborhoodstotal income annually represented by our employees of youth Over 200 employees partners 80% of young during the supervisors 80% of young school year participated employees and summer in trauma identify as people of training colorBased on feedback from youth employees that participated in the 2015 SuccessLinkYouth Employment Program… 94% now feel they have a positive role model 93% knew how to access resources in their neighborhoods 87% developed answers to the usual questions asked at an interview 97% felt prepared to enter a new job 95% felt the experience was valuable 100% participated in work readiness and life skills development workshops, including resume writing, mock interviews, financial education, occupational safety & health, anti-bullying, cyber- bullying, professionalism and other life skills and workplace development topics. *All data has been prepared and provided by Root 2 Cause Research and Assessments
SUCCESSLINKSuccessLink is Mayor Martin J. Walsh’s signature youth employment program thatreplaced the Boston Youth Fund's HOPELINE. SuccessLink engages over 200 non-profit, community based agencies in which youth ages 15-18 can apply formeaningful employment. Over 7,000 youth registered on SuccessLink for asummer job in 2015. The positions that the young people obtain focus onprofessional development and life skills. The partnering non-profit organizationsprovide various job opportunities and categories, including, environmental,agriculture, community advocacy, civic engagement, peer leadership,administrative, technology, camp counselor, childcare and many more. Registeringthrough SuccessLink also connects young people to BCYF YEE’s full menu ofservices, including career development opportunities, peer-led workshops,scholarships, and civic engagement opportunities tailored to their interests. 3
HIGHHiLghIGligHhTtsSAnnual Job FairIn 2015 BCYF YEE hosted a job fair atthe BCYF Madison Park where youngpeople participated in developmentworkshops, met potential employers,and registered for employment. Over1,500 young people pre-registered toattend and more than 600 were inattendance.This yearly event continues to drawhundreds of young people thatconnect to employers and prepare forthe upcoming SuccessLink summeremployment program. Community Dream Team YEE developed and implemented a new pilot program called the Community Dream. The Community Dream Team is a CORI friendly workforce and leadership development program for youth ages 18-24. Participants were immersed in projects at community based organizations or city departments for the summer and were also tasked with documenting the progress of their work through video. All participants met weekly for team building, professional development, reflection, and advising from Career Coaches, who were staff from City of Boston departments. 4
TESTIMONIALS“While I was on the Community Dream Team, my supervisorsworked to give me the best experience possible. The workenvironment was centered on helping us grow asprofessionals, build on our skillsets, and actualize our futuregoals. The feeling of constant support was wild; they werewilling to do anything to help us succeed!” Asia, 19 “BCYF'S Division of Youth Engagement and Employment's summer job program though SuccessLink has allowed me to become the young man I am today. I am fortunate enough to have expanded my knowledge on youth leadership and have used those skills to impact the city. It is because of YEE that I conquered my fear of public speaking by receiving amazing mentors who contributed to my efforts of speaking with President Obama, CNN, and city newspapers.” Malachi, 17“Having a BCYF YEE job has positively impacted me because ithas given me connections I would not have had otherwise.Through YEE, I was able to explore the city of Boston andnetwork with everyone from department heads to MayorWalsh. Working with YEE made me realize that I can make animpact on youth in the city, inspiring me to become aguidance counselor and to work with young people in thefuture.” Anna, 17 5
Thank You!On behalf of all Boston neighborhoods that were served, andthe countless lives that were touched in 2015, the BostonCenters for Youth and Families, Division of YouthEngagement and Employment would like to say thankyou for a successful year to:The 3,797 young people employed---for their limitlessdevotion to their jobs and dedication to the improvement of theircommunities.More than 200 work sites and staff for helping young peoplein Boston gain life changing personal and professional skills duringtheir employment at your organizations.If you are committed to positively impacting young people inBoston through employment programs, and would like to become apart of the City of Boston’s Employment program, please view theopportunities available on youth.boston.govFor more information, please contact Youth EmploymentManager, Jared Blandino, at [email protected], or callour office at (617) 635-4202 6
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