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Home Explore Fall Support Report_ALT FINAL 11-3-17

Fall Support Report_ALT FINAL 11-3-17

Published by DRuvalcaba, 2017-11-06 11:15:55

Description: Fall Support Report_ALT FINAL 11-3-17


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From the DirectorSteven Eldred, Director O range County is one of the richest areas in the United States. According to Forbes Magazine, we have 11 billionaires living here. Orange County’s median household income is over $78,000, well above the national average of $51,000. OC is home to movie stars, entertainers and professional athletes. We have wealth all around us – just consider some of the fancy luxury cars we see on the freeway!But we also have another side to the county – the one that doesn’t get as much attention. California as awhole leads the nation in welfare enrollment – over 30% of the TANF recipients in the country live inCalifornia. California also leads the country in percentage of the population living in poverty – over 20%.And that number is surprising, given that California has a higher minimum wage, and higher wagesoverall, than much of the rest of the country. The 20% number is just the federal standard – it doesn’ttake into account the astronomical cost of housing in California’s coastal counties. When wefactor in the cost of housing using the California Poverty Measure, our rate increases considerably.What about our caseload? We have about 67,000 cases and our customers come from all corners ofthe county. While we have a relatively high Never- In This EditionAssisted caseload (35%), that means that 65% of our cases areCurrent or Former Assistance. Even our Never-Assisted cases Growth Goals and Strong Results……...……..3are most likely poorer families. High income cases are rare Getting the Job Done………... ………….………...3exceptions. CP Compromise of Arrears Program………….4Our Research Team looked at our caseload and measured it OC CSS’ DV Liaisons……………..……...…………...4against the federal poverty line, the Supplemental Poverty 8th Annual Employee Forum..………...…...…..5Measure and the California Poverty Measure (CPM). The CPM Employee Suggestion Program Upgrade.…..5gives more consideration to housing cost than the federal Taking Action……………………………….……………6measures, and so is more accurate for determining true poverty. Meet the New DDC……………….….….…………..6Our caseload came out as 70% of our customers are living below 2017 Staff Appreciation.……………………………7the CPM poverty line.That’s why we spend so much time and effort working on holistic Help Someone Grow…...……………………………7services for our customers. While most have jobs, and few are Week-Long Events & Activities...........……….8truly homeless, many are on the edge financially. One lost job, Apparel Web Store……..…...……………………...8one broken auto engine and they are in real trouble. Our local Commitment to Excellence.…..………………...9economy continues to grow, and there are more jobs and Team of the Quarter………..…..………………...10opportunity every year. Unfortunately, the cost of living seems Supervisor of the Quarter….....………………..10to grow at least as fast, and that’s why our customers need us Manager of the Quarter...………..……………..11more than ever. So keep up the great work, and together we K.U.D.O.S……………………..……………….….……..11can work to help those parents successfully support their Employee Suggestions………………………...…..12children. Service Awards…………………………………………13 -Steven Eldred 2

Growth Goals And Strong Results Jill HoweryRecently, OC CSS sat down to set new performance goals. To do so, we reviewed performance results for this Federal Fiscal Year (FFY).Wow! What an amazing year! We set growth goals for activities associated with:As this fiscal year comes to a close, the results came in very strong.Based on strong performance and commitment to excellence in everything we do, the leadership team carefully developed new goals. Wethen brainstormed new, old, and modified activities that we could do to achieve those goals.Looking AheadIn the coming weeks, the leadership team will be sharing the new goals and asking for your input on new ideas. CSS has many opportunitiesfor you to bring those ideas forward, including the Employee Suggestion Program and Idea Labs. There will be other new opportunities aswell.FFY18 looks to be another strong year, thanks to individual and team efforts – those efforts that have built a relationship with the familieswe serve.Legal Services Team C - Gets The Job Done! Itzel ParraWhether “working behind the scenes” or on the “front lines\" helping customers, Team C steps up every day to get the job done! Team C ismade up of seven seasoned team players, including Sr. CSSs: Adriana Lazarin, Leticia Ochoa -Trejo, Laura Valdovinos, GerrieWilliams, Veronica Ruiz, Monica Gonzalez and Supervisor Mary Roblee.Did you know Legal Services Team C has multiple responsibilities? The team simultaneously handles many assignments andtasks including: Modification and payment on arrears workups  Pleas Reviewing answers  Workers’ Compensation task for Orange and Imperial Counties Reviewing contempt cases  Managing SET e-mail box Probation violations  Clearing RA001 taskThis group also works the Minor Parent Project and services the Self-Help Desk located at Lamoreaux Justice Center (LJC) inside the FamilyLaw Facilitator’s office.Team C works closely with Legal Services Team A & B for coverage support and cross-training. They also participate in conducting qualitymeet and confer interviews to obtain necessary information for DDC’s and customer hearings. Their multi-tasking ability and hard workdoes not go unnoticed.Legal Services Team C, thank you for getting the job done! 3

CP Compromise Of Arrears Program Lilia LopezWow, it has been almost two years since the CP Compromise of Arrears Program was implemented! This program is for customers whoreach out to OC CSS seeking assistance in making their voluntary agreement a reality. Customers are excited OC CSS now provides assistancewith this process. Benefits of this program include CP obtaining a lump sum payment and NCP having the opportunity to resolve anoutstanding arrears balance. So far, the program has resulted in the following successes: 48 Collections Exceeding Cases $1,000,000processed Arrears Waived $2,000,000The CP Compromise of Arrears Program is another example of the great services provided by OC CSS! Thank you OC CSS co-workers forreferring cases to this program and, please, keep referring them to the COAP mailbox. (hyperlink to mailbox)OC CSS’ DV Liaisons Make A Difference Maria Sanchez And Yolanda CruzOC CSS has made tremendous strides towards creating safe access to services, increasing program awareness, andconnecting with customers. And it doesn’t stop with customers; we are actively involved with communityproviders and partners in global discussions of Domestic Violence (DV) awareness.Have you heard? OC CSS has two Domestic Violence Liaisons!Yes, OC CSS has two certified Domestic Violence Liaisons, Sr. Child Support Specialists Maria Sanchez and YolandaCruz. We each attended an extensive 40-hour DV training course at Human Options, an organization that is a leaderin raising DV awareness in Orange County. The course provided an in -depth look and understanding of thecomplexities of DV, types of DV and helped clear common misconceptions. Although not subject matter experts,we both gained a greater understanding of this topic and possess the knowledge to educate customers and connectthem to DV resources. Our increased awareness has led to more comfortable conversations and connectednesswith customers. Showing empathy, sensitivity and gaining a better understanding of DV and questions thatcustomers coping with DV commonly encounter such as “Why don’t they leave?” or “Why is it difficult to find a job?”,makes us better caseworkers.As Domestic Violence Liaisons, we Host weekly/monthly on-site child support-related clinics at DV shelters and organizations such as Human Options, Women’s Transitional Living, OC Family Justice Center and Legal Aid Network with DV organizations and shelters to learn about their services Educate and connect OC CSS customers with DV advocates, advise where to obtain restraining orders and other legal assistance Participate in partnership meetings with other DV professionals and community to discuss the topicAs certified liaisons, we feel privileged to better serve and understand our community in this role.As conversations about DV continue at CSS, we will continue to support the community and DV partners with a warm handshake. Weare available to answer questions about DV resources throughout the community. Please feel free to reach out to either one of us for moreinformation. 4

8th Annual Employer Forum Sophea Marr 64% of child support collections are made via wage withholding by partnering with employers!On November 8th Employer Express Team will host the Annual Employer Forum. This exciting event raises employer awareness andstrengthens partnerships. Our goal is to support employer needs and expedite IWO collections to promote timely distribution of child sup-port payments to families we serve.The event provides employers the opportunity to ask questions, address concerns and learn more about child support processes,including:  Child Support Services Overview  Wage and Insurance Verifications  Employer Express Team Background  Income Withholding Order (IWO)  EDD New Hire Registry  Lump Sum IWO  State Disbursement Unit (SDU)  e-IWO  Non-IV-D Cases  National Medical Support NoticeEmployers have the option of attending the interactive live forum in person or by webinar and will receive American Payroll Association(APA) credits.So, if you find yourself interacting with an employer, tell them all about the forum and encourage them to attend. For more information,view the event flyer by clicking here (insert flyer). You can also refer potential guests to the Employer Hotline at (714) 347-8008 to RSVP forthis event. Employee Suggestion Program UpgradeDid you know the Employee Suggestion Program has been recently upgraded? Upgrades to theprogram include an all-new electronic suggestion form and a vetting process by the EmployeeSuggestion Workgroup. These changes provide a forum for you to submit suggestions to enhance ourworkplace environment, customer service and boost employee engagement. Suggestions relatedto customer service, workplace issues, employee wellness, and employee safety can be directlysubmitted to the Employee Suggestion mailbox.You can submit your suggestion by:1. Visiting the CSS Intranet Home Page and clicking on the ‘Employee Suggestions’ link located Above: The new Employee Suggestion under the ‘Around CSS’ tab. form.2. Completing the new form with detailed responses and clicking ‘submit’.The information submitted will help us better understand the details of your submission, including how you think it should beimplemented. Once submitted, the workgroup will vet all suggestions and follow up with the appropriate area for implementationof approved suggestions. Employees submitting suggestions will receive status of their submission and the opportunity to see theiridea come to fruition.Many of your suggestions have already been implemented and have positively impacted CSS. We encourage you to continue sharing yourideas! 5

Taking Action To Make The World A Better Place Cindy Tran-ChangHaving been refugees who fled by boat in search of freedom, my family has much to be thankful for in this land of the free and home of thebrave. It was through kindness and compassion of the American people that I and many refugees have had the opportunities we do in theUnited States!I left Vietnam at 7 years old with my 3-year old brother. My parents and two additional siblings arrived to the U.S. three years later. Myparents started from scratch and we grew up in humble beginnings, yet thankful to live in a country where we were afforded an education,freedom to speak and opportunities to thrive.Being the oldest in a family of 6, our upbringing consisted of important lessons on gratitude, kindness, compassion and giving back. It wasthrough this upbringing that I found my purpose, my calling. Several decades later, I found myself spreading kindness through leadershiproles in service organizations in high school and college.Community advocacy, service and giving back to those in need are important to me and something I instill in my children. Now, I have thejoy of passing on my commitment and desire to give back through my three girls and spouse. We make it a family priority and we make itfun! My daughters learned early on that you can make a difference at any age. Now, they volunteer on a regular basis at variousorganizations, including:  Feeding the homeless through OC Burrito Project, Operations Warm Wishes and #lunchbagOC  Harvesting fruits and vegetables and packing fresh food for hungry families at the Second Harvest Food Bank  Clothing children and families in need with new uniforms, shoes, hygiene kits and school supplies through the Assistance League of Santa Ana  Mentoring troubled youth and middle schoolers with anti-bullying campaigns  Supporting terminally ill children and organizations like the Orange County Human Trafficking TaskforceThere are many tangible ways to make an impact and make a difference. Perhaps this will spark an interest and inspire you to look foran opportunity to take action to make the world a better place. Meet The New DDC Legal Team Services is pleased to introduce Diane Coto, the newest member of the Attorney Team. Diane is a graduate of the University of California Los Angeles, with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Sci- ence. She obtained her Juris Doctor degree from Loyola Law School Los Angeles. Prior to obtaining her law degree, Diane worked for the El Monte Unified School District as a third grade bilingual teacher. She was admitted to the State Bar of California in 2003. She has over seven years of experience as a workers' compensation defense attorney, and six years of experience as court -appointed dependency counsel for children in Los Angeles County. Welcome aboard DDC Coto! 6

2017 Staff Appreciation Cynthia ReyesStaff Appreciation 2017 SPORTS theme and slogan “Teamwork makes the dream work!” was put into practice during the opening season‘Kick-Off’ event. The Leadership Team came together to help distribute popcorn and recognize CSS MVPs for all their hard work anddedication in helping make OC CSS a winning department. The ‘All-Star’ Luncheon was the season’s next big event, thanking staff for theteamwork they display every day while continuously working to reach our goal of providing quality customer service to the families weserve.CSS MVPs fanatically showed off their favorite sports team gear as they grabbed their lunch and were cheered on by the Leadership Team.Staff then made their way into the Huntington Room where they participated in games, socialized amongst teams, enjoyed the sportstheme vibe, and ate some lunch. The ‘out of the ball park hot dogs’ and ‘homerun chili’ were a huge hit!Watching the camaraderie and friendly competition for championship prizes between staff as they participated in the “basket toss” and“guess how many peanuts in the jar” games, was a fun experience. As they participated in the fun, attendees anxiously awaited theannouncer to call the winning raffle ticket numbers.This definitely was a touchdown event!A big hoorah to the Employee Recognition Committee for theirhard work and commitment in ensuring the success of this event.Thank you to our Managers, Supervisors and OCEA for their contin-ued support.Finally, a big thank you to our game-winning staff. Remember,“When we all work together, we all win together!” Above: Images of the 2017 Staff Appreciation event. Click to view gallery. Help Someone Grow Veronica McNamara In a recent support report article, our Director, Steven Eldred, shared his philosophy on a critical goal which is helping people grow. Those of us who were attracted to public service and enjoy working to improve our communities likely share a similar philosophy. You have probably seen posters on cubicles, walls and a recent lobby display promoting the “Help Someone Grow” message throughout CSS.So what is this campaign all about? The objective of this internal campaign is to encourage continuous individual and cultural growth at CSSthrough helping our peers, staff and customers. We are busy in our daily work and activities, but there is always time to help someonegrow. Helping someone grow isn’t a formal program or prescription, it is a culture and every well-intended gesture, no matter how big orsmall, can make a difference. Think about your normal work week. You spend lots of time helping customers, but what about yourteammates? Do you ever help answer questions on a complex case or teach someone how to do a task perhaps they are new to? Showsomeone a new trick in Excel?As a leader, did you acknowledge someone for an accomplishment and give positive feedback? Did you explain “the why”? We all havethese moments where we take time help someone grow and this campaign seeks to acknowledge and promote those moments. It’s also achance to say “thank you” to those individuals here at CSS who helped us grow along the way! Look out for communication about how youcan recognize someone who has helped you grow! THE GREATEST SUCCESS we’ll know IS HELPING OTHERS SUCCEED & GROW. - GREGORY SCOTT REID 7

Legal Services Team Week-Long Events And Activities Esther Ruvalcaba-Cañedo and Dee Dinnie While Legal Services Management Team attended the 21st Annual AB1058 Child Support Training Conference, the 8th floor staff seized the opportunity to plan week-long personal and professional growth activities. Legal Services staff is often split working in-court and in-house, so coordinating team activities can be a challenge. The goal of these activities was to provide skills training, connect with peers, collaboration and teamwork on all levels. To highlight a few events, the week started off strong with an Ethics presentation attended by CSS attorneys and paralegals. The presentation was delivered by Director Steven Eldred and San Bernardino Chief Attorney Marci Jensen-Eldred. Day Two began in the Huntington Room with one of three sessions providing an overview of domestic abuse and family violence. Segments included “Who does domestic violence affect”? The answer is everyone. Advocates presented their session and met their goal of raising CSS staff’s awareness of Domestic Violence.Rounding off the week was an Idea Lab activity and brainstorming session attended by all Legal staff. The session began with an activity,The Work Web, visually highlighting the group’s connectedness and dependence on each other ‘to get the job done’. It was nice to see howwe are all a piece of the puzzle.Next, participants were divided into seven workgroups and tasked to identify new ideas and opportunities for improvement of businesspractices and processes. Then, they came together as one group and discussed all ideas. It is interesting to note that there weresome common themes/ideas among the seven groups! The information compiled from this activity will be submitted to theLegal Leadership team for further review. THANK YOU Legal Services staff, Training & Career Development, Policy & Process Management, and everyone who helped make the week a success! OC Child Support Services Apparel Web StoreCSS employees can now purchaseCounty of Orange polo shirtsView the catalog and order your items online* Shirts can be worn during business hours. Prices range from Free shipping for orders delivered to CSS. Online orders only. $15—$30 Payments via credit/debit cards. See website for instructions and information. This is an ongoing sales For more questions, please email CSS-Facilities. event for CSS employees*Website is categorized as shopping. Users with standard internet access willnot be able to view website from their workstations. All sales are final. 8

Commitment To Excellence AwardsThe CSS Commitment to Excellence award is presented in recognition of outstanding achievement, exemplary attitude orcustomer service by CSS Employees. The following staff being recognized today were nominated by their supervisors andpeers. Tamara Beasley (Sr. Child Support Specialist, Post Order C) Nominated by Tricia Den Dekker, Karl Duran & Edith Soto – We believe Tammy deserves the Commitment to Excellence Award for her outstanding performance on the Post Order Teams. Tammy is a very hardworking individual and was recently accepted into the SELF Certification Program. She is always ready and willing to assist anyone regardless if they’re on her team or not. Tammy is cordial and will stop whatever she is doing to help someone else. She has outstanding leadership skills, patience, and the know-how to get things done. She’s even taken on the role of supervisor when a supervisor isn’t available and is the lead ‘go-to’ person on our team. Tammy supports supervisors adjusting to changes in their new role by stepping up and taking on more responsibilities. In spite of all this added responsibility, she has always treated us with respect; she listens to our concerns and offers her opinion as well as solutions. Tammy can take on any task given to her with no hesitation and completes it in a timely manner. She is very knowledgeable and gladly shares her expertise with us. Tammy has proven to be a strong leader, and with all her experience, we believe she should be promoted!Liliana Onofre (Staff Specialist, Policy & Process B)Nominated by Delia Murillo & Maria Ruiz – The Employee Suggestion Program was recently redesigned. Part ofthis process included creating a new employee suggestion submission form on the CSS intranet. After meetingfor a brainstorming session with IT, Policy & Process Management (PPM), and Marketing & Communications(M&C), this new form quickly transformed into a new SharePoint platform with a whole new way to processand track suggestions. Liliana was brought into the project to coordinate efforts between IT, PPM, M&C, andExecutive Management Support Teams and write up the program requirements. She met with all parties todetermine needs and objectives. Liliana quickly learned the Employee Suggestion Program process andunderstood/recognized the changes that needed to be implemented. She created a project plan along withdeliverables and due dates to keep all parties informed of the process. Liliana efficiently managed the projectand ensured all project owners met their timelines. Her exceptional organizational and communication skillsguaranteed the project stayed on track and was implemented timely and successfully. Her friendly,approachable nature made this process that was foreign to us attainable and more pleasurable. Liliana is a truecollaborator and has gone above and beyond to ensure the success of this project, which is why we believe sheis deserving of the Peer of the Quarter/Commitment to Excellence Award. Ruben Padilla (Staff Assistant, Marketing & Communications) Nominated by Delia Murillo & Maria Ruiz – Each year the Employee Recognition Committee (ERC) plans and coordinates Staff Appreciation Day to celebrate employees for their accomplishments and contributions to the department’s success. Planning this event is ERC’s responsibility but often requires assistance from other staff/ teams within our office to help with the details. We contacted Ruben, since we needed help setting up for the day of the event. Ruben graciously worked around our schedule and time constraints to set up all audio-visual requirements, including a microphone and PowerPoint presentation. He even took titles of songs we wanted to play as background music and created a playlist for us. Ruben was available during set-up and before the event to ensure all equipment was working according to plan. His attention to detail and his great customer service are commendable. His willingness to assist other teams and his friendly demeanor make him a pleasure to work with and deserving of the Peer of the Quarter/Commitment to Excellence Award. 9

Team Of The QuarterBudget Team – (Jackqueline Ly, Yan Bing, Debbie Garcia, and LorenaValencia)Nominated by Jim Gorzo – Along with the entire FPS team, the BudgetTeam works behind the scenes to ensure the rest of the department hasthe resources necessary to carry out our mission. Budget Team isresponsible for accounting and financial tasks for the entire department.This includes development and control of the County and State budgets,submission of quarterly expenditure claims as well as DCSS Prior Approvalrequests. Additionally, they review all requests for goods and services,ensuring we are in compliance with both County and State accountingand financial policies and regulations.The quarter ending September 30 is typically one of the busiest times ofthe year for the Budget Team, as both fiscal year-end activities andpreparation of the Department’s 5-year Strategic Financial Plan takeplace. During this period, they were short-staffed, but still managed to allpull together to ensure the department’s many reporting deadlines andtasks were completed timely. This includes fiscal year-end processing,where they were able to calculate costs within 71 dollars of actuals on 55million dollars of expenditures.They also finalized the final expenditure claim for FY 16-17 allowing thedepartment to maximize our claim. They compiled and developed CSS’5-year Strategic Financial Plan, which allows the department to makeinformed financial decisions as we plan for the future. On top of all that,due to change in DCSS policy and the upcoming tech refresh, theyconducted an inventory of controlled equipment. In addition to the vastamount of number crunching, this also required that they collaboratewith other teams throughout the department and with our Countypartners. As previously mentioned, this was all done with 25% less staffthan in previous years.Congratulations to the Budget Team for their dedication and committed service to the team and department over the last quarter. Supervisor Of The Quarter Jodi Igo (FIDM/SLMS/Passport) Nominated by Kristin Geczi – I am nominating Jodi Igo as she has been one of the best supervisors I’ve had here at CSS. Jodi has an open door policy, which most of us take advantage of and use to get immediate help with whatever it is we need, all while still managing to get her own work done. Jodi is an exemplary supervisor in the way she treats her team. She even makes herself accessible to Call Center staff and most everyone comes to her when no other supervisors are available. Jodi is always willing to temporarily put her supervisory work aside to jump on phones and help with either Call Center or FIDM calls. She always calls our customers back ASAP and continuously gives out her direct number so customers can contact her personally, which I feel keeps customers at ease. Jodi is excellent at defusing escalated calls, making sure the customer is always calm and happy by the end of the call. Jodi’s sense of humor is awesome and I feel she is a great role model to staff at CSS. 10

Manager Of The QuarterVeronica McNamara – Veronica oversees the Program Support Services (PSS) unit asthe Administrative Manager II. As a senior leader, she provides strategic planning andoversight of four critical support units within the department, including Policy &Process Management, Research, Training & Career Development and Marketing &Communications.Veronica was nominated for Manager of the Quarter for her outstanding leadership inservice delivery to the department, collaborating across units and empowering herstaff for continued growth and development. Under her guidance, PSS manages 70high-profile initiatives along with managing day-to-day services. The initiativesexemplify critical thinking, strategic planning and big-picture thinking to support thegoals and objectives of the department. She consistently focuses on producinginternal and external products that inform staff, customers and community partnersabout the positive impact of our services. Some of these include implementing a two-year advertising plan to increase public awareness, conducting a poverty study tobetter understand our customers and the impact of child support and partnering withCustomer Service on the Homeless Population Outreach Program. These effortsrequire extensive collaboration across multiple teams, units and leaders.Veronica leads her unit by demonstrating effective listening, strategic thinking and proactive collaboration with her managers andpeers. As a result of these efforts, the department has a two-year comprehensive training plan, a collaborative planning process forperformance management and an effective approach to policy and data analysis. She values the importance of her customer’s businessobjectives and guides her unit to communicate effectively to meet their expectations. She considers her staff’s strengths to tailor herleadership approach and coaching style to build a long-lasting relationship that promotes open communication, career growth and positiveteamwork. As such, she is a co-lead for our department’s Help Someone Grow campaign.Please join in congratulating Veronica on this acknowledgement! Keeping Up with the Department’s Outstanding StaffMichelle Parga, Sr. Child Support Specialist, Establishment Team C CP thanks Michelle for taking time to kindly listen to her situation and for help.Russell Villasenor, Child Support Specialist, Enforcement Team 3 NCP said Russell has always been extremely helpful. Customer appreciates Russell very much and said he is deserving of recognition for his outstanding service. 11

Employee Suggestion ProgramThe Employee Suggestion Program is available for all employees to submit their ideas and suggestions to improve CSS. We are alwayslooking for ways to improve and want to hear from you. Your suggestions impact efficiency, productivity, cost-effectiveness andcreate a safer work environment. These innovative ideas and recommendations greatly help CSS.Thanks to the employees below for submitting their suggestions.Sharen Owens suggested having Facilities issue temporary parking permits in PDF format instead of Word. Converting temporaryparking permits to PDF format is a precautionary measure that will prevent alterations from being made by unauthorized users. Thereformatting will assure a more secure way of assigning parking permits, ensuring only authorized visitors have access to CSS’ parking lots/structure. Way to go Sharen!Josie Ramirez suggested venturing into our local community and immersing customers with our services and sharing our variouspayment methods, such as PayNearMe. Providing access to information and delivering exceptional customer service both in-house, as wellas in our community, has been a long-standing goal and practice of our department. Marketing & Communications (M&C) currentlymarkets the availability of PayNearMe as one of the many child support payment methods. The PayNearMe option is promoted by: staff inthe Customer Service lobby, staff in Call Center, Facebook’s pay-per-click campaign, CSS’ internet home page, CSS’ How Can I Make aPayment page, and DCSS’ Child Support Payment Options page. Through Community Resource Center (CRC), CSS attends differentcommunity outreach events throughout the year. During FFY 2016/17, CSS participated in 28 events, 109 partnership meetings, and 180presentations. CSS Speakers Bureau representatives share the PayNearMe method during all events and presentations in the community.M&C and CRC play a crucial role in advertising and reaching out to our community to increase awareness of the services we offer, in effortsto empower customers and assist with their success.Josie also suggested using the same request process in Facilities as currently used in IT (Service Request practice). At this time, Facilities isworking on developing a response delivery system that would provide a service timeframe to our employees (customer). This new processwill ensure employees are better informed on the status of their Service Request and also guarantee that requests are completed within anappropriate timeframe.Josie also suggested having Facilities/IT create a tool to save printer/copier device names & locations for automatic identification whensubmitting service requests. Facilities and IT will partner to make updates to the printer/copier database. An asset check will also beconducted and the possibility of implementing simpler printer/copier names will be explored. This is an opportunity for enhancement andto improve office efficiencies by streamlining the process for submitting requests to Facilities/IT.Josie also suggested further exploring whether we’ve created a coherent, online & in-person, experience for our customers that isconsistent with the quality of brand we have established. Easy access to child support related information is crucial in raising awareness ofservices we provide. CSS’ website is a great resource of information available to the public. Currently, Marketing & Communications is inthe early stages of soliciting volunteers for a CSS Website Committee, whose purpose will be to brainstorm ways to enhance the quality ofthe customers’ interaction with the site and refresh the theme and color with an updated palette that ‘fits’ with CSS. The committee willalso focus on aligning web content with customers’ needs; ensuring content is meaningful, relevant & useful; simplifying access andstreamlining information. This new project highlights the department’s continued support and commitment to providing our customerswith both an online, as well as in-person, superior and thorough customer service experience.Josie also suggested creating a campaign to celebrate individuals immediately upon receiving a commendation from a person/team.Commendation letters are usually an informal method of recognizing employees who have demonstrated exceptional performance and/orattained outstanding achievement. It is a very special experience for the individual receiving the commendation, which is generally notcelebrated/recognized department-wide. CSS will begin celebrating these individuals by incorporating their stories, with their permission,in the quarterly newsletter. This is a great way to share their motivating stories and highlight the amazing feats of our staff with the entiredepartment. Sharing this information will hopefully be a reminder to staff of the positive impact their hard work has on the community andhelp illustrate the department’s mission. Great job Josie!Your suggestions and ideas help CSS become better each year. Please continue sharing ideas to improve our business processes. To submitan employee suggestion, visit the Employee Suggestions page on the Intranet. 12

Service Awards 25 years Ha Nguyen 10 Years NEW HIRES Julio Banderas Thuy Nguyen Nancy Garcia Araceli Perez Kristin Geczi Attorney III Julia Landes Veronica Ruiz Sabrina Gonzalez Diane Coto Judith Oliman Connie Santoyo Donna Johnson Joshua Lee Jackie Tham 20 years Cindy Tran-Chang Sean Kem Sr. Staff Development Specialist Iriss Barriga Patricia Pacourek Ashley Cunningham Susie Bejarano Anna Vega Michele Tsachpinis Denise Brown Lorna Vergara Trina Ziegler De Cardona Office Supervisor B Tommy Doan Juanita Villalobos Brandon Kasper Debbie Garcia Nelida Yanez 5 YearsFlorina Kisino-Keju Kristin Chavez Office Assistant Saida Lopez Jacqueline Chavez Jackqueline Ly PROMOTIONS Kiet LyChristina Madrigal Administrative Manager II Keith McHorney Monique JohnsonRaymond Mendoza 15 years Shiela Kenney Fabiola Salgado Juan Tinoco Lauren Washington-Collins Support Report Editor Violeta Garcia Assistant Editor David Ayala Ruben Padilla Jan Dunford Photographer Aldenise Belcer 13

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