LIVESTOCK LIVESTOCK NEWSWS NE DECEMBER/JANUARY | 2017 From the president Hawker and Cradock and producers management adds value to pastoralists’ should vaccinate stock for this as soon as possible. PIRSA veterinarian Jeremy incomes, has a positive effect on the flora and fauna and creates jobs and growth, Rogers is staying in the region visiting enhancing the state’s economy, as well as With properties, gathering information and being an effective control measure of this GEOFF POWER undertaking disease investigations. feral pest. Producers are urged to report any unusual Wild dogs continue to be an ongoing It has been a big end of the year for deaths or sickness in sheep and cattle. concern, with recent reports of dogs Livestock SA, with plenty of issues Livestock SA’s final board meeting spotted near Jamestown and to the north to cover as we head into 2017. for 2016 was held in early December, of Burra. The issue is not only a concern focusing on future strategic direction over for pastoralists, but all South Australians, The recently announced sale of S. Kidman the next five years for the organisation. as they get ever closer to peri-urban & Co to Gina Rinehart’s consortium, and There were some excellent outcomes areas, including the Barossa Valley and the sale of Anna Creek Station to the from the meeting, and I look forward Adelaide Hills. Livestock SA continues Williams family is good news for South to sharing these with our members in to advocate for more funding from the Australia. The Williams family’s business is coming months. SA Government to be allocated to wild a local, private company which employs dog control. In particular, $300,000 is and trains many young people. With the Minister for Regional Development urgently needed to employ expert wild dog Rinehart and Chinese bid combined, Geoff Brock’s recent announcement of trappers. Recently the State Government and the Williams family being able to $50,000 for a feasibility study for the announced the appointment of a state wild purchase Anna Creek, there is less foreign Coorong Water Transportation Project dog coordinator, but Livestock SA believes investment in this deal than what was was welcomed by Livestock SA. Water more needs to be done and will continue originally proposed. security continues to be a key priority to advocate for members on this issue. and we are keen to see a better deal for Livestock SA is pleased with the livestock producers that have no other Livestock SA wishes all members a very outcome of the Parliamentary Inquiry into option than to use mains water. We will safe and happy Christmas and New Year Unconventional Gas which has addressed continue to follow this issue. and a profitable and productive 2017. our concerns about the risks to livestock production in the South East. Livestock Livestock SA helped to convene a SA board member Jack England, together statewide feral goat management forum Details: To report animal health issues with many Livestock SA members, at Port Augusta on December 13, in please contact PIRSA veterinarians Jeremy particularly David Smith, are thanked for conjunction with the SA Arid Lands Natural Rogers, 0427 608 133 and Nigel Baum, their input into this inquiry. Resources Management Board. The forum 0427 604 191, or Trent Scholz, Senior was driven by industry calls to loosen Animal Health Officer on 0427 970 453. Cattle deaths in the Upper North continue restrictions on feral goat management to be a huge concern for producers in the to allow producers to take advantage region. PIRSA Biosecurity has advised of high goat meat prices. Livestock SA that pulpy kidney may be contributing to believes the harvest of feral goats through recent livestock deaths in the areas near LIVESTOCK Unit 5, 780 South Road, Glandore 5037 T: 08 8297 2299 | F: 08 8293 8886 | E: [email protected]
Livestock SA Livestock SA Mining review meetings Southern meeting Northern meeting In response to the review of the Mining Acts, Grain Producers SA and Livestock Livestock SA’s Southern Region next Livestock SA’s Northern Region will SA will hold mining review meetings in meeting will be held on Friday, January meet in February at Mungerannie 27, at the Robe Bowling Club from 6pm. Station, via the Birdsville Track. early 2017 at Wudinna and Cummins on January 31, Maitland on February 2 and While the program is still being finalised, The meeting will coincide with a Tim Collins, Regional Manager, Natural Great Artesian Basin workshop at Murray Bridge on February 3. Resources South East, will be one of the discussing water licensing speakers, providing details on the control requirements in the region. Details: Contact GPSA on of feral deer. Catering will be provided. 1300 734 884 for more details or visit to lodge Details: Contact Livestock SA on Details: Contact Peter Stock, 0427 817 08 8297 2299 for more details. a submission 326, or Tom Dawkins, 0402 406 965, to indicate an RSVP or apology and to give notice of any issues to raise. Beef producers information advice support Farmers’ Guidebook News In Brief to work health and safety Wine Grape Council urged to apply for industry South Australia LIVESTOCK Dog & Cat draft funded course regulations Applications are open for training by the Australian Institute of On 6 July the Dog and Cat Management Company Directors, sponsored (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2015 was passed in State Parliament. Livestock by Cattle Council of Australia and SA continues to advocate for members Meat and Livestock Australia in relation to the draft regulations, with For the second year in a row, CCA and public consultation closing last month. MLA are sponsoring grassfed beef Under the draft regulations, there will producers to complete the Company be a simplification of the registration proforma templates and policies with Directors Course to develop their skills categories from a minimum of eight to references to further resources. in corporate governance. The course only two – a ‘standard dog’ (that has is a comprehensive five-day program been both microchipped and desexed Details: Visit designed to focus on areas of business including applicable exemptions) and a or contact Livestock SA for a printed or management and skills development ‘non-standard dog’. With this change in USB copy on 08 8297 2299. that are specific to cattle producers. registration categories, Livestock SA is Participants undertake assessment to concerned that working livestock dogs Sign up to Blueprint achieve official recognition as a graduate may lose the current local government of the course. Applications are open registration concession that is available. eNews to all grassfed cattle producers that As working dogs are an integral part of Sheep industry stakeholders are have a desire to provide leadership in livestock producing businesses in South encouraged to sign up to receive the the beef industry. Newest CCA board Australia, Livestock SA would like the latest news on the South Australian member Amanda Giles, a Livestock SA regulations to mandate for a concession Sheep Industry Blueprint. The joint representative, encouraged producers for working livestock dogs. Livestock SA and South Australian Sheep to apply for the training. “Farmers need to contribute to their industry to ensure Farmers Guidebook to Advisory Group initiative was launched it is strong and provides a prosperous earlier this year with the overarching aim Work Health and Safety to increase productivity and profitability by environment for businesses to operate 20 percent by 2020. Livestock SA then in,” she said. “Take the time to complete Producers are reminded that they can partnered with the University of Adelaide rural leadership and governance training download the new Farmers’ Guidebook in a five-year agreement to develop and programs – whatever is out there and to Work Health and Safety on the implement the Blueprint, appointing available to you. Seek out opportunities, Livestock SA website, or request a USB Dr Stephen Lee as its manager. Whole build a wide network and broad view of the or hard copy (it will cost $20 to cover the of chain collaboration is key, with the beef industry, because one day you might cost of packaging and printing the guide). Blueprint guided by a working group of want or need to be involved in advocacy The guidebook is a comprehensive and sheep and wool value chain stakeholder or governance and it’s important to have practical guide to making farms safe members, chaired by Moorlands sheep the skills to do your role and your industry workplaces and has been developed producer Allan Piggott, who is also a justice.” Applications for the course close to help farmers understand their legal Livestock SA board member. at midnight on January 29, 2017. responsibilities as well as provide practical solutions to health and safety issues to Details: Visit Details: Visit help prevent serious or fatal injury on blueprint to find out more. their properties. It contains easy-to-use
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