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Knowledge Management Bulletin Share, learn, innovate#1

Page 2 |KnowledgeManagementBulletinDear KMers’, I am very excited and pleased to welcome YOU to our first edition of Knowledge Management (KM) Bulletin! After a full year, during which we have initiated, with my team, atotal transformation of the KM strategy withinand abroad support organization, it appears tobe the good period for us to give you a glimpsethrough this small publication, on what has beenengaged.In this new sharing formula, you will find someessential information about our mission andgoals, key technical resources, and keyachievements.We hope that it will help you find your place inthis transformation and define how WE can worktogether in 2016Wishing you a pleasant reading!Pierre-Frédéric LEBOEUFSupport Knowledge Management Team manager

| Page 34   Our Vision & Mission6   Our challenges... vs Our goals8   A 4-years KM Strategy9   How do we get there?10   Key actions to drive KM transformation12   KM-ing best practices13   Search first, search better!14  Another big KM team focus16   Relevant & Timely content is KING!17   Who are we and how to connect with us?

Page 4 |Our Vision & Mission Before opening the black box of Knowledge Management, we wanted to give you a little sneak peek of the Why & How of working with Knowledge Do you know what is our purpose and vision? Our Vision “Connecting people and content in context” by re-envisioning knowledge management with users at the center, to deliver Knowledge-As-A- Service” Our Mission Nurture a Collaborative Knowledge Management Environment that drives teams towards their success, our organization’ success and our customers’ success Our Motto !?RE|USE Knowledge …less questions, more answers

| Page 5

Page 6 |Our challenges...After putting efforts for a couple of years into the initiation and development of many ideas, processes,tools, and refinements of these, we needed to align and integrate them within the overall supportstrategy but also transform our activities and best achieved results towards our vision.To understand how we can drive these changes, let us take a look at our main challenges, and howwe envision the future of working with knowledge. Mass production, low Who are our reuse & unfocused audiences? Do maintenance of consumers find what knowledge they need? Flying blind: quid of Searching around the usage? Usefulness? Covering business clock (20% working priorities? time)

| Page 7vs Our goalsConsumer-centric Learning from andapproach (demand with our usersidentification (crowd-sourcing content feedback,& relevancy focus) promotion…and creation)Predicting Integration in dailyopportunities throughmeaningful content activities - It’s theinteractions answer which finds people!!

Page 8 |A 4-years KM StrategyAchieving such goals means engaging into successive maturity steps. We first need to make surewe increase our ability to deliver fresh, relevant and accurate knowledge anytime, anywhere. Inaddition, we strive to create a smart ecosystem enabling us to facilitate the delivery of latest technicalknowledge offerings, while monitoring users’ demand for it.Following a detailed analysis of current activities and knowledge practices, we identified severalstrategic axes of work and divided them along four time dimensions. Now, what are these axes andso how will we shape the future of knowledge at work.

| Page 9How do we get there?That said, what fuels our vision and challenges us in the way we work every day?Let us begin with the working framework that we designed, adopting a holistic view of processesand enablers of the knowledge management strategy. We needed a unique framework in which allelements through which people reuse, share and create knowledge be integrated into a coherentwhole and fully aligned with support goals and processes.

Page 10 | Key actions to drive KM

| Page 11transformation in 2015

Page 12 |KM-ing best practicesGet your content found & better ranked!You may already know that our Support Knowledge Base, hosts huge technical knowledge in formof Question & Answers, Bug reports, User’s guide, Developer’s Guide, White papers, and more!To enable everyone to make the most out of our technical knowledge, we will consistently sharededicated tips and tricks so that you can get what you need much faster!In this first edition of KM bulletin, you will discover how the use of keywords and tags in differentsections of your content may significantly impact both indexing and ranking of your content insearch results.A user’s search query usually prompts the search among different fields: abstract, keywords, question,body of the answer, etc… Today we’d like to share with you hints and advises to optimize yourcontent and maximize its likelihood to be found and reused by other DS products users, in otherwords increase your readership!We’d like to share with you a few tips to make sure that your article is well ranked in search results:■■ Think “consumer” first: What is your article about? Which question from the user is it answering?How does your article differentiate from others on similar topics? Why is it interesting for users?■■ Use a widely shared vocabulary: use words that are usually well known or understood bycustomers (do not use DS jargon or internal terminologies).■■ Select keywords that are representative of your content: Identify what is the main topic ofyour content as well as secondary topics.Want to know more about authoring best practices and how you can increase your contentconsumption?Learn how to get your content discovered now!We would also love to hear your feedback or suggestions, and share them widely with our fellowcolleagues across GEOs. Don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will be happy to work together!

| Page 13Search first, search better!Enhancements implemented this year seek to bring you a smarter search and deliver relevantcontent that you can share further to your audiences, shall they be peers, partners, customers orend users. We have added two main features that improve Search effectiveness:■■ Optimized search results for acronyms, release levels, and other terminologies unique toDS solutions as well as enabling synonym matching and stemming variants.For instance, a user looking for material related to “unable to generate bootstrap in 2015x” could notfind any result because the relevant article was named “creating a bootstrap in 3DEXPERIENCE2015x”. Now synonym matching enables to bridge “generate” with “create” while stemming enablesto approximate “creation” with “create”, “creating”, “created” etc…How will it help you?The post “They are synonyms... but not the same: how do they match up?” gives you a moreinformed view on these changes.■■ Setting “stopwords” to avoid many irrelevant results. The engine skips those words form theuser’s query, which do not add any value.For instance, an internal user who searched for “abaqus with the starter pack license cannot makeuse of SDVINI” didnot get any results. After implement, the user is able to retrieve relevant results:the engine skipped words such as “with”, “the”,“of” as well as “cannot”, “use”What does it change for you?We’ve prepared everything you need to know in the post:“A little “split” confession: Why we can’t stop words from leaving us…”Following the implementation of those enhancements we are continuously improving the thesaurithanks to your feedback, here is on overview of new entries since the effective implementation datesin july & september:■■ Stopwords: 523 stopwords (+484 entries in the last 2 months)■■ English synonyms: 512 matches (+15 entries in the last 2 months)■■ DS acronyms: 118 matches (+48 entries in the last 2 months)■■ Computing terms: 468 matches (+21 entries in the last 2 months)Give it a try and push us new use cases proposals

Page 14 |Another big KM team focusEmpowering WW SupportIt has remained our constant focus to serve our worldwide support teams in achieving their goalsat the best! Whether it be by enabling them to efficiently handle the latest product release or bysharing knowledge on key topics which is relevant across geography or finally by providing them anopportunity to try their hands on newer functionalities.Knowing the information from experts makes a big difference to learn any new topic. KnowledgeSharing Sessions driven through a mode of Webinar precisely serves this purpose and greatlyreduces learning curve! In general, there are 3 main types of Knowledge Sharing session beingconducted at regular intervals. ■■ First one is specific towards support enablement of latest release of the product. It covers keyhighlights being introduced in latest 3DEXPERIENCE platform & how it impacts our customers. Thisis generally conducted few weeks prior to GA/ Beta program release.■■ Secondly, there are brand specific knowledge sharing, intended to focus on technical updateson brands like CATIA, ENOVIA, DELMIA, SIMULIA, etc and this too happens before GA/Betaprogram. This provides a glimpse of what’s new in respective release and its value.■■ Lastly there are domain specific sessions e.g. Apparel Accelerator. Such type of sessions aredriven all across year keeping in mind the relevance of the topic and how significantly it can impactour support team skills.Moreover, the recording of all sessions go on Support communities as reference content.

| Page 15Equally important, we drive Highlight sharing initiative across R&D teams primarily involvingSupport & QA to bring series of new product highlights in a form of blogs on support communityplatform. This serves as a constant source of information for everyone.And as someone rightly said, we understand what we do! Hands-on sessions are purely designedkeeping this aspect in mind! It provides step by step information on how user can explore new releaseand changed functionality of the product, its usage. All defined target audience gets preapprovedaccess and necessary roles to play the game! Post exercise all the feedback is collected via surveyand key inputs are shared with R&D for essential action items.Take up the challenge and join us!The webinar are open to all who wish to actively participate and willing to engage! If you wish toshare your key skills in specific domain with support audience and beyond, do not hesitate! You cancount on us for all the assistance you need to get it done! We would be more than happy to worktogether! We have also nominated this initiative to our 3DS Forward 2015 project | 3DEXP empowerment for Support teams and beyond....and we would be happy to seek your endorsement!

Page 16 |Relevant & Timely content is KING!In today’s world, the products are changing fast and are becoming more intuitive. Learning processis evolving and so are the ways of learning. The role of content and content managers (creators,refiners, promoters, reviewers…) is becoming more and more important as well as challenging.In the age of learning by exploring, content is the King. It’s relevance to user needs & its timelyavailability makes it go viral. So, at KM team we have shifted our focus from a “productivity” to “timely& relevant needs” approach. To bring the content managers together we are using the dashboardswhere one can -■■ See all topics under capitalization and track for its availability and progress.■■ Help authors with their valuable inputs & experiences■■ Brings completeness to the topic and content by collaboration■■ Leveraging the Virtual Teams of Tech SupportIdentification of ‘relevant’ needs is interesting as well as challenging. It involves both reactive &proactive approach. In this line, we are interacting with different organizations, connecting withstakeholders on key projects as well as running analytics on DS Knowledge base. There are manynew things planned that are coming soon to optimize efforts spent on knowledge activities. Staytuned!

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