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Home Explore Super 20 Combined Class 12 for Tamil Nadu Board Science Stream

Super 20 Combined Class 12 for Tamil Nadu Board Science Stream

Published by Full Marks, 2021-10-25 06:21:46

Description: Super 20 Combined Class 12 for Tamil Nadu Board Science Stream

Keywords: Super 20 Combined Class 12 for Tamil Nadu Board Science Stream


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One-mark & Two-mark Answers for Unsolved Sample Papers Sample Paper-4 21. num = [] for x in range(1, 21): PART - I num.append(x) 1. (a) Constructors print(“The list of numbers from 1 to 20 =”, 2. (d) Namespaces num) 3. (b) Selection sort for index, i in enumerate(num): 4. (c) comma(,) if(i % 3 == 0) 5. (a) alternative del num[index] 6. (c) Lambda print(“The list after deleting numbers”, 7. (d) : num) 8. (d) Assignment 9. (c) + O utput: 10. (b) relation The list of numbers from 1 to 20 = [1,2,3,4... 11. (c) DataBase Management System 20] 12. (c) 2008 The list after deleting numbers[1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 13. (a) 2 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20] 14. (d) html 22. A list in Python is known as a “sequence data 15. (d) : type” like strings. It is an ordered collection of values enclosed within square brackets [ ]. PART - II Each value of a list is called as element. 16. Input, Output, Finiteness, Definiteness, 23. • On live data, it is being continuously Effectiveness, Correctness, Simplicity, updated and added, maintaining the Unambiguous, Feasibility, Portable and consistency of data can become a challenge. Independent. But DBMS handles it by itself. • Data Consistency means that data values 17. • Backslash - \\\\ • New line - \\n are the same at all instances of a database • Tab - \\t • Single quotes - \\’ 24. Database is a repository collection of related data organized in a way that data can be easily 18. It will change the global variable value accessed, managed and updated. Database outside the function also. can be a software or hardware based, with 19. (i) User-defined Functions one sole purpose of storing data. (ii) Built-in Functions (iii) Lambda Functions (iv) Recursion Functions 20. String is a data type in python, which is used to handle array of characters. String is a sequence of Unicode characters that may be a combination of letters, numbers, or special symbols enclosed within single, double or even triple quotes. Example: ‘Welcome to learning Python’ “Welcome to learning Python” ‘‘‘ “Welcome to learning Python” ’’’ G-72

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