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Home Explore Find Affordable, Low Cost Health Insurance

Find Affordable, Low Cost Health Insurance

Published by ellen, 2015-01-10 08:06:38

Description: The best way to find affordable, low cost health insurance is to have an employer-sponsored
group health insurance plan. Group health insurance plans are the most affordable, low cost
health insurance plans out there, aside from state-sponsored health insurance plans. If you can
obtain a group health insurance plan from your employer, you will pay even less for your health
insurance than you would if you purchased a group health insurance plan on your own.
Most employers h...

Keywords: Find,Affordable,Low,Cost,Health,Insurance


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Title:Find Affordable, Low Cost Health InsuranceWord Count:320Summary:The best way to find affordable, low cost health insurance is to have an employer-sponsoredgroup health insurance plan. Group health insurance plans are the most affordable, low costhealth insurance plans out there, aside from state-sponsored health insurance plans. If you canobtain a group health insurance plan from your employer, you will pay even less for your healthinsurance than you would if you purchased a group health insurance plan on your own.Most employers h...Keywords:Find,Affordable,Low,Cost,Health,InsuranceArticle Body:The best way to find affordable, low cost health insurance is to have an employer-sponsoredgroup health insurance plan. Group health insurance plans are the most affordable, low costhealth insurance plans out there, aside from state-sponsored health insurance plans. If you canobtain a group health insurance plan from your employer, you will pay even less for your healthinsurance than you would if you purchased a group health insurance plan on your own.Most employers have certain requirements an employee must meet before he or she can be a抯part of the employer-sponsored group health insurance plan. These requirements range from thenumber of hours the employee works, to the employee status, i.e., whether the employeeworks full-time or part-time. Employers sometimes have time requirements as well. This meansthe employee must be with the company for a certain amount of time before he or she isconsidered eligible for the employer-sponsored group health insurance plan.Employer-sponsored group health insurance plans are usually the most affordable, low cost

health insurance plans for a variety of reasons. If you have an employer-sponsored group healthinsurance plan, the health insurance premiums are either divided between you and youremployer, or paid completely by your employer. This means one of two things:昚ou are only required to pay half of the health insurance premiums plus a low costco-payment.昚ou are only required to pay an affordable co-payment.Employer-sponsored group health insurance plans become even more affordable and low costwhen you factor in your spouse and children. Rather than purchase individual health insurancepolicies for each of your family members, or pay out-of-pocket for health care costs, you canadd your spouse and your children to your employer-sponsored group health insurance plan.Find out if your employer offers a group health insurance plan, and ask how you can enroll inthe affordable, low cost health insurance plan today.Title:Ins and Outs and others of health insuranceWord Count:279Summary:One of the great benefits of working at a full time job, is that often times your employer willprovide health insurance. This insurance doesn't come free, most likely a portion of your salaryis deducted to cover it's costs, however becuase you are under a company you can acheivegreater discounts through group rates.Keywords:health insurance, health insurance quote, individual health insurance, affordable healthinsurance, low cost health insurance, california health insurance, health insurance illinois,student health inArticle Body:One of the great benefits of working at a full time job, is that often times your employer willprovide health insurance. This insurance doesn't come free, most likely a portion of your salaryis deducted to cover it's costs, however becuase you are under a company you can acheivegreater discounts through group rates.Health insurance is simply a type of insurance that will cover the insured person or part whenthat person or party become sick or injured,etc. The insurer is not always a private organizationit can often times be a government agency. There are great differences between health careinsurance around the world. For example in Canada health care is part of our social system andis public, where as in the United States health care is for the most part private.

There are several pros and cons to each system, and depending on the area in which you resideyou might not have a choice as to which system that you choose. Private health insurance hasbecome one of the most talked about and debated forms of insurance because of the impact thatit places on the different levels of society, for example the poor, middle class, and wealthy.Should it be that a person with more money, is allowed to have better medical facilities andattention, and is it not that a services such as health care are a basic human right? I'm not sure ifwe will ever see an end to this debate, as there is soo many pros and cons to each side, and I'msure that you can see who would be fighting for which side, and why.Title:Using A Health Savings Account To Buffer The Coming Medicare InsolvencyWord Count:940Summary:The Medicare Trust Fund will soon be out of money, and there will be no practical way for thegovernment to continue to provide the level of benefits that current Medicare recipients receive.The result will be serious rations, waiting periods, and a reduction in benefits. If you wish tomaintain your medical freedom, and have access to a high level of medical service, you must beprepared to pay for it yourself. The best strategy is to take good care of your health, and to b...Keywords:health savings accounts, hsa, health savings account, hdhp, high deductible health insurance,medicaArticle Body:The Medicare Trust Fund will soon be out of money, and there will be no practical way for thegovernment to continue to provide the level of benefits that current Medicare recipients receive.The result will be serious rations, waiting periods, and a reduction in benefits. If you wish tomaintain your medical freedom, and have access to a high level of medical service, you must beprepared to pay for it yourself. The best strategy is to take good care of your health, and to buildup your medical retirement fund as large as possible by using a Health Savings Account.The Coming Medicare InsolvencyThe total federal debt is now over $10 trillion. But if you also include the current unfundedliabilities of social security, Medicare, and other programs, the total federal debt is at least $54trillion. This number has been confirmed in three separate studies - by the American EnterpriseInstitute, the National Center for Policy Analysis, and the Brookings Institution.It is difficult to get a grasp of a number that big. That's $180,000 per person currently living inthe United States. It is four times the U.S. Gross Domestic Product, the measure of the finalvalue of all goods and services produced in this country in the course of a year.

As the program is currently structured it is unsustainable, and the fund is expected to bedepleted by 2018. That is a mere 11 years from now. The shortfall in Social Security andMedicare revenues will continue to increase as the years go by - it will exceed $2 trillion by2030. At that point, half of all tax dollars will have to go to Social Security and Medicare.That clearly can't happen. Instead, the system will face massive cuts in benefits, probably inaddition to large tax increases.Who Will Pay Your Medical Expenses During Retirement?So will Medicare be there for you? It depends on how old you are. Unless you are retiring in thenext couple years, I certainly wouldn't count on it, particularly if you want to insure that youhave access to high quality medical care during your retirement years.Last year Fidelity Investments reported that the average couple retiring in 2006 would need$200,000 just to cover medical expenses during retirement. That estimate did not include thecost of over-the-counter medications, most dental services and, long-term care, if needed. Andit did not include the charges that are currently paid by Medicare.If we cannot depend on Medicare to be there for us, the only smart solution is to save as muchmoney as possible. This will ensure that you can obtain the quality care you need. If you are notcurrently putting as much money as possible aside to pay for these expenses yourself, you aremaking a serious mistake.What Is Your Solution?As most readers already know, the very best tool for accumulating funds for future medicalexpenses is a Health Savings Account. An HSA is the only investment that provides a taxdeduction when you deposit the money, yet never taxes the money if it is used to pay forqualified medical expenses.Therefore, you should put as much money as possible into your HSA, and withdraw as little aspossible. The contribution limit for 2007 is $2,850 for an individual, and $5,650 for families.Those over 55 can also contribute an $800 catch-up contribution. Making the maximumcontribution each year will help you build a medical retirement fund that can be used to payfuture medical expenses, tax-free.Rather than withdrawing money from your account to pay for medical expenses as they occur,you should pay for medical expenses that are not covered by your health insurance, out of yourown pocket. Save your receipts (for doctor visits, eye glasses, aspirin, etc), and leave yourmoney in the account to grow tax-deferred. There is no time limit before you have to reimburseyourself, so you can make the most of this tax-free investment.As soon as possible, you may also want to transfer some of the money into mutual funds. Whilesome HSA administrators are paying interest rates as high as 5%, the only way you are going toreally grow the account is to get a much higher return on your money. Many HSAadministrators offer a discount brokerage option, so you can place your funds in virtually anystock or mutual fund.For a family that contributes the maximum contribution each year, it is quite reasonable toassume an HSA account value well over $1 million after 25 or 30 years. Medicare may be

broke, but at least you won't be.\"Medicare HSAs?\"The solution to the pending Medicare meltdown is very complicated, but it is clear thatgovernment-run medical programs don't work. The dismal results can be seen everywhere, fromthe former Soviet-bloc countries, to the broken down national healthcare systems of Canada andEurope. Medicare must be transformed into a program where seniors have an ownership interestin the money they are spending.Replacing the government's obligation to provide benefits with a voucher that seniors could useto purchase health insurance from competing private insurers, and/or deposit into a \"MedicareHealth Savings Account,\" would bring market efficiencies and competition into the picture.This idea is endorsed by both the American Medical Association and the American HospitalAssociation.Retirement HSAs may or may not ever come to fruition. But fortunately, HSA plans areavailable to those under age 65. If you do not yet have an HSA, get signed up for one now. Youwill lower your health insurance premiums, and can begin putting money aside for medicalexpenses you will almost inevitably incur during your older years.

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