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HMH Download CenterRelease 2.1User Guide for Administrators andTeachers

Legal NoticeCopyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All rights reserved. No part of the material protected by this copyright may be reproduced or utilized inany form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, broadcastingor by any other information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the copyrightowner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law.Only those pages that are specifically enabled by the program and indicated by the presence of theprint icon may be printed.HOUGHTON MIFFLIN HARCOURT and the HMH Logo are trademarks and service marks ofHoughton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. You shall not display, disparage, dilute or taintHoughton Mifflin Harcourt trademarks and service marks or use any confusingly similar marks, or useHoughton Mifflin Harcourt marks in such a way that would misrepresent the identity of the owner. Anypermitted use of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt trademarks and service marks inures to the benefit ofHoughton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.All other trademarks, service marks or registered trademarks appearing on Houghton Mifflin HarcourtPublishing Company websites are the trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.Contact DetailsYou can contact Houghton Mifflin Harcourt at:Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company,222 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116.HMH Download Center 2.0 Admin User Guide

Contents1. INTRODUCTION .........................................................................................................................................................1 1.1 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION..................................................................................................................................................1 1.2 RUNNING THE HMH DOWNLOAD CENTER.........................................................................................................................1 1.3 LOGGING IN .................................................................................................................................................................2 1.4 FORGOTTEN PASSWORD .................................................................................................................................................4 1.5 GETTING ADMINISTRATORS STARTED WITH HMH DOWNLOAD CENTER...................................................................................4 1.6 STUDENT ACCESS ..........................................................................................................................................................62. NAVIGATION .............................................................................................................................................................8 2.1 NAVIGATION BAR MENUS...............................................................................................................................................8 2.2 MANAGING YOUR ACCOUNT .........................................................................................................................................11 2.3 OTHER MENU OPTIONS ...............................................................................................................................................14 2.4 LOGGING OUT ............................................................................................................................................................143. MY DASHBOARD .....................................................................................................................................................15 3.1 LICENSES AVAILABLE ....................................................................................................................................................16 3.2 ACTIVE BUNDLES.........................................................................................................................................................16 3.3 TOTAL USERS (ADMINISTRATORS ONLY) ..........................................................................................................................164. PRODUCTS AND LICENSES .......................................................................................................................................17 4.1 PRODUCTS AND LICENSES MENU FOR ADMINISTRATORS .....................................................................................................17 4.2 PRODUCTS AND LICENSES MENU FOR TEACHERS ...............................................................................................................395. BUNDLES .................................................................................................................................................................44 5.1 INTRODUCTION TO BUNDLES .........................................................................................................................................44 5.2 CREATING BUNDLES.....................................................................................................................................................45 5.3 MANAGING BUNDLES ..................................................................................................................................................486. PACKAGES ...............................................................................................................................................................53 6.1 INTRODUCTION TO PACKAGES........................................................................................................................................53 6.2 CREATING AND MANAGING PACKAGES ON THE HMH DOWNLOAD CENTER............................................................................54 6.3 LOADING AND MANAGING PACKAGES IN THE HMH ETEXTBOOKS APP ..................................................................................667. SCHOOLS AND USERS (FOR ADMINISTRATORS ONLY) .............................................................................................76 7.1 INTRODUCTION TO SCHOOLS AND USERS .........................................................................................................................76 7.2 CREATING USERS ........................................................................................................................................................77 7.3 MANAGING USERS ......................................................................................................................................................82 7.4 MANAGING SCHOOLS ..................................................................................................................................................868. DEFINITION OF TERMS ............................................................................................................................................87HMH Download Center 2.0 Admin User Guide

1. Introduction1.1 Product DescriptionThe HMH Download Center provides an easy, convenient way for districts and schools to viewthe digital learning products they have purchased from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH). It alsoallows them to manage the distribution of those products to schools, teachers, and ultimately,students.This user guide is for district administrators, school administrators, and teachers to supportthem as they use the HMH Download Center to distribute digital learning products.This chapter describes the following topics: How to run the HMH Download Center application How to log-in to the HMH Download Center and what to do if you forget your password How to manage your account What administrators need to do before starting the HMH Download Center How students access products1.2 Running the HMH Download CenterThe HMH Download Center is a web application and runs within your Internet browser. TheUniform Resource Locator (URL) for the application is: this URL into the web address field of your browser and press Enter to run the HMHDownload Center.The following browsers are supported: Microsoft Internet Explorer (versions 8.x – 10.x) Mozilla Firefox (versions 17.x) Google Chrome (version 27.x) Apple Safari (versions 4.x, 5.x, 6.x)HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 1

1.3 Logging InAfter you enter the HMH Download Center URL into your browser, the Login page appears.To log in to the HMH Download Center, you need to have your username and password, whichyou should have received by email. Depending on your role, this email will come from differentsources as follows: District Administrator If you are a district administrator, the email will have come from HMH Customer Services <[email protected]> as it is generated automatically once your order is processed. School Administrator If you are a school administrator, the email will have come from either HMH Customer Services <[email protected]> (if you placed an order) or from HMH Publishing <[email protected]> if the district administrator set up your account. Teacher If you are a teacher, the email will have come from HMH Publishing <[email protected]>.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 2

Once you have obtained your username and password, you can log in to the HMH DownloadCenter by doing the following:1. On the Login page, enter your username into the Username field.2. Enter your password into the Password field.3. Click Log in.4. On Initial Login, you will be prompted to change your password and accept Privacy Policy and Terms and Conditions.After you have updated your details, the HMH Download Center will open, and you should seethe My Dashboard page.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 3

1.4 Forgotten PasswordIf you have forgotten your password, take the following steps:1. Click the Forgotten your password? link, which is located below the Password field. The Forgotten Password page appears.2. Enter your email address in the Email address field.3. Click Send Email. The HMH Download Center will email you a link that will enable you to access the HMH Download Center in order to assign a new password to your account.1.5 Getting Administrators Started with HMH Download CenterAdministrators must perform certain start up tasks before their district, schools, and teacherscan use the HMH Download Center effectively. 1.5.1 Creating UsersOrganizations implementing the HMH Download Center will first need to create users(administrators and teachers) in their district or school before they are able to distribute anyproducts or licenses. Only administrators can create other administrator users, and the followingrules apply: District administrators can create other district administrators, school administrators, and teachers. School administrators can create other school administrators, and teachers. Teachers cannot create any other users.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 4

Depending on your approach, you can create the school administrators, who can in turn createthe teachers in their school. Alternatively, you can create all the users required in your district,including teachers.You create users by using the Create User page, which you can open from the Schools andUsers option on the main navigation bar. As well as being able to create users one at a time,you can create multiple teachers in one-step through the Bulk Upload Teachers option.Smaller districts may not have identified school administrators in each school. In such cases,the district administrator may bypass the creation of other school administrators and just createteachers in each school.Detailed instructions for creating users are in section 7. Schools and Users (For AdministratorsOnly). 1.5.2 Getting Mobile Devices Ready for StudentsFor a successful implementation of the HMH Download Center, you need to ensure that allstudent and teacher mobile devices or desktops have the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt eTextbooksapp installed.You can access the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt eTextbooks app from the following locations: iTunes / Apple App Store for the iPad app Google Play Store for the Android app Download Center for the PC and Mac appsHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 5

1.6 Student AccessStudents are not required to log in to the HMH Download Center with a username andpassword. Instead, students will access the HMH Download Center via the Houghton MifflinHarcourt eTextbooks app. This app is available for both Apple and Android tablets and forWindows and Mac desktops/laptops.Below a list of supported operating system versions at the time of writing:Operating system (and device type) Supported operating system versionsiOS for tablet computers (iPad) iOS 6, iOS 7.0.4Android for tablet computers Android 4.0, Android 4.1, Android 4.2, Android 4.3OS X for desktops/laptops (Mac) OS X 10.7 , OS X 10.8, OS X 10.9Windows for desktops/laptops Windows 7, Windows 8.1HMH will review and update the app as new versions of operating systems are released. 1.6.1 Choosing a Device TypeStudents can get instructions on how to download desktop/laptop apps by taking the followingsteps:On the Login page, click I am a Student. The Get Started page appears.This has three panels labeled: iPad (iOS), Tablets (Android), and Desktop/Laptops. Click thepanel that is appropriate to your device.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 6

HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 7

2.NavigationWhen you log in to the HMH Download Center, you will see the My Dashboard page with anavigation bar along the top of the screen. This navigation bar provides one-click access to anyarea of the HMH Download Center. Your name and role will appear in the right-hand corner,above the navigation bar.Note: Clicking the HMH Download Center logo on the top left of the screen will always take youback to the initial Login page.2.1 Navigation Bar MenusDifferent menu options are available on the navigation bar, depending on the user’s accessrights. 2.1.1 Navigation Bar Menus for AdministratorsFor district and school administrators, the menu options are as follows:MY DASHBOARDThis option takes you back to your dashboard from any point in the HMH Download Center. Thedashboard is described in section 3. My Dashboard.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 8

PRODUCTS AND LICENSESThis option allows you to view and manage your products as well as allocate products toschools and teachers. This is described in section 4. Products and Licenses.It contains the following sub-options: Products Allocate Licenses Manage Licenses Allocation History Teacher Resources Admin ResourcesBUNDLESThis option allows you to create, view, and manage bundles of products for distribution tostudents. This functionality is primarily aimed at teachers. However, district and schooladministrators can also create bundles. This is described in section 5. Bundles. It contains thefollowing sub-options: Create Bundles Manage BundlesPACKAGESThis option allows you to create, view, and manage packages of products for distribution tomultiple devices. Only district and school administrators can create packages. This is describedin section 6. Packages. It contains the following sub-options: Create Packages Manage PackagesSCHOOLS AND USERSThis option allows you to view, edit, and create district and school administrators and teachers.This is described in section 7. Schools and Users. It contains the following sub-options: Create Users Manage Users Manage SchoolsHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 9

2.1.2 Navigation Bar Menus for TeachersFor teachers, a smaller range of menu options is available:MY DASHBOARDThis option takes you back to your dashboard from any point in the HMH Download Center. Thedashboard is described in section 3. My Dashboard.PRODUCTS AND LICENSESThis option allows you to view and manage your product licenses as well as the number ofavailable licenses for each product. This is described in section 4. Products And Licenses,which contains the following sub-options: My Products Teacher ResourcesBUNDLESThis option is primarily for teachers. It allows them to create, view and manage bundles ofproducts for distribution to students. This is described in section 5. Bundles. It contains thefollowing sub-options: Create Bundles Manage BundlesHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 10

2.2 Managing Your AccountTo view and edit your account, click Your Account. This option is located on the upper rightcorner above the navigation bar.On the Your Account page, you can do the following: Click Profile to view and edit personal account details such as name or email. Click Change your password to change your password.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 11

2.2.1 ProfileWhen you click Profile, the Your Account page appears. Here you can edit the details of yourpersonal account.To change your account details, take the following steps:1. On the Your Account page, click Profile.2. Select a new Title from the dropdown list.3. Enter a new First Name, Last Name, and Email Address as needed.4. Click Save Updates to confirm your changes.To return to the main Your Account page, click Your Account on the top left of the page.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 12

2.2.2 Change Your PasswordWhen you click Change your password, the Change Password page opens.To change your password, take the following steps:1. On the Your Account page, click Change your password. This allows you to change your password”2. In the Current Password field, enter your current password.3. In the New Password field, enter the new password. It should have a minimum length of six characters.4. In the Confirm New Password field, enter the new password again in order to confirm it.5. Click Change Password to save your changes.To return to the main Your Account page, click the Your Account link on the top left of thepage.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 13

2.3 Other Menu OptionsThe HMH Download Center also features a number of links that provide access to extrafeatures. These include: Support Privacy Policy Terms & Conditions of Use 2.3.1 SupportWhen you click the SUPPORT link, the Customer Care Online Service Center opens. Thispage offers useful resources to help you use the HMH Download Center. To download anydocument, click its listing. 2.3.2 Privacy PolicyThe Privacy Policy link is available on the very bottom of the main page. When you click thislink, HMH’s policy for user privacy appears. 2.3.3 Terms & Conditions of UseThe Terms & Conditions of Use link is located to the right of the Privacy Policy link. Whenyou click this link, the details of the terms and conditions for using the HMH Download Centersoftware appear.2.4 Logging OutTo log out of the HMH Download Center, click the Log out link, which is located at the top of thescreen. This will return you to the HMH Download Center Login page.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 14

3.My DashboardThe MY DASHBOARD page is your home page in the HMH Download Center. Here you cansee a series of large panels that show important types of information as follows: Licenses available This panel shows the number of licenses currently available for all products. Active bundles This panel shows the number of active bundles that you have created. A bundle is a group of learning products compiled for distribution to students. Total users (Administrators only) This panel shows the number of administrators and teachers that have been set up in your district or school. This will be displayed only for administrators. Teachers will see only Licenses Available and Active Bundles.Clicking any of the panels will take you to a page that allows you to view more information.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 15

3.1 Licenses AvailableWhen you click Licenses available, you are automatically taken to the Create Bundle pagewhere you can start the process of packaging products together into a bundle, which youprovide to students.For more information on creating bundles, refer to section 5.2 Creating Bundles.3.2 Active BundlesWhen you click Active bundles, the Manage Bundles page opens. Here you can view a list ofall the bundles of products that you have created.For more information on managing bundles, refer to section 5.3 Managing Bundles.3.3 Total Users (Administrators only)When you click Total users, the Manage Users page opens. Here you can view a list of all theusers that have been set up for your district or school.For more information on managing users, refer to section 7.3 Managing Users.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 16

4.Products and LicensesThe PRODUCTS AND LICENSES option allows district and school administrators to allocate orassign learning product licenses to particular schools or teachers. For teachers, thePRODUCTS AND LICENSES option offers a reduced set of actions. Teachers can view onlythe products and the quantity of licenses that their school administrator has made available tothem.4.1 Products and Licenses Menu for AdministratorsWhen a district or school administrator clicks PRODUCTS AND LICENSES, a dropdown listappears, showing the following options: My Products This page shows a catalog of products and the number of licenses available for each one. It allows searching and filtering of products and provides detailed information about each individual product. Allocate Licenses This page allows you to allocate licenses of products to a particular school or teacher. Manage Licenses This page shows a list of all product allocations and allows you to modify the quantity of licenses allocated, if required. Allocation History This page provides a record of allocations that you have made, showing all the products and licenses that you have allocated to schools or teachers. Teacher Resources This page shows a list of Teacher-only products, which can be downloaded and installed on a teacher’s desktop/laptop, for example, Teacher One Stop, ExamView®. Teacher Resources allows searching and filtering of products and provides detailed information about each individual product. Teachers download these products directly from this page.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 17

 Admin Resources This page shows a list of Admin-only products, for example, Common Cartridges. Admin Resources allows searching and filtering of products and provides detailed information about each individual product. A district administrator or school administrator can download these products directly from this page. 4.1.1 Introduction for AdministratorsThe primary purpose of the PRODUCTS AND LICENSES option is to assist district and schooladministrators to allocate or assign product licenses to particular schools or teachers. A districtadministrator uses the PRODUCTS AND LICENSES option as follows: To allocate a specific number of licenses of one or more products to particular schools. To allocate a specific number of licenses for one or more products to particular teachers.The licenses may have originated from the district because of an order placed by the school. 4.1.2 ProductsWhen you click the Products option, the Products page opens. It displays a catalog of thelearning products and the number of licenses that the district has purchased. Districtadministrators also see additional information such as Order Number, Format, Grade, ExpirationDate, Total Licenses, and Remaining Licenses.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 18

Note: If a district or school has placed two separate orders for the same product, two entries forthat product will appear on the Products page.To view a detailed description of any product title, click the arrow icon to the left of the productlisting. The listing for that product expands to show a detailed explanation. In each productlisting, you can click four links to view different sets of information as follows: Description This link shows a detailed text description of the content of the course. Product Details This link shows other information about the learning product, such as the ISBN number, edition information, and the version date. The Status field indicates whether the product license is still active. Only active licenses can be allocated. Order Details This link shows information about the particular order for that product, such as Order Number, Order Date, Start Date, End Date (valid until) and Total Quantity. Units This link shows the different units that make up an eTextbook. Most eTextbooks are not downloaded in one unit but are broken up into smaller units of learning materials that correspond to different sets of chapters. This allows for faster downloading and accommodates storage constraints on student devices, which may have restrictedHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 19

memory/storage.Note: You can view only one detailed product listing at a time.This table describes the detailed data available for each product order:Name DescriptionDetailed Listing - A detailed description of the learning productDescriptionDescription The ISBN of the product ordered. In the case of eTextbooks, this is theDetailed Listing - eTextbook digital ISBN, which may differ from the print ISBN on the printProduct Details edition of the corresponding book.ISBN The grade code associated with a product. The code indicates the following:  PK - Pre KindergartenGrade  K - Kindergarten  1 - First GradeEdition  2 - Second GradeStatus  Etc.Version Indicates the intended audience for the product, either student or teacherVersion Date The status of the product (can be Active, Depleted, or Expired)Detailed Listing - The version number for the eTextbookOrder Details The date that this particular version was issuedOrder Number The HMH number for the order that contained this product. An order numberOrder Date is generated for each order placed by a customer. The order number is also shown on the order confirmation email.Purchased By The date that the order was processed and the product was made available toTotal Licenses the district/school. An order can be processed multiple times until all products in the order are fully processed and available.Start Date The name of the individual who placed the order Total number of licenses for this product (same as Total Licenses in mainValid Until listing)Detailed Listing - The date that the licenses associated with the order become available for useUnits (set automatically when the order line is processed)Title The date at which the licenses associated with the order expireFormatSize The name of each unit The format of the eTextbook, for example, PDF or ePub The size in kilobytes (KB) of each unitHMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 20

Name DescriptionVersion The version of the eTextbook 4.1.3 Customizing Your View on the Products PageThe Products page offers a range of methods to tailor the product listings so that they displayaccording to your current interest. By default, district administrators see only products that havebeen purchased by the district directly from HMH. By default, school administrators see only theproducts allocated to them by their district and the products purchased directly by their school.The product listings can be customized as follows:SearchThe Search field is located above the product listing. It allows you to search by keyword,product title, product ISBN, or order number.Column SortingBy clicking the actual text in most columns, you can sort the listing in ascending or descendingorder for that particular column field. For example, to sort by Order Number, click the text OrderNumber in the column heading. A down arrow will appear to indicate that the listing is nowsorted by descending order number. If you click Order Number again, it will sort in ascendingorder, indicated by an up arrow. This method works for all columns except Format.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 21

Filter by GradeTo show the entries only for a specific grade value, click the current Grade setting, for example,All. From the dropdown menu, select the grade value that you want to view. The page willrefresh to display only the products for the grade you selected.Filter by StatusUsing the status filter, you can display only products of a particular status type. Click the Statusvalue setting to filter products by the following status types: All Active These products have not expired and have remaining licenses. Depleted These products have not expired but have no licenses remaining. Expired These products have reached their expiration date.Filter by License TypeTo filter by the type of product license, click the License Type setting to show a dropdown listthat allows you to filter by the following license types: All District Licenses School LicensesDistrict administrators and school administrators may use this filter. The information couldinfluence a district administrator’s decision to allocate more product licenses to that school.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 22

4.1.4 Allocating Licenses (Create License Allocation)When you click Allocate Licenses, the Create License Allocation page opens. This pageallows district administrators to give available product licenses to particular schools, a processcalled “allocation.” School administrators use this page to allocate product licenses to particularteachers.To create a license allocation, take the following steps:1. From the PRODUCTS AND LICENSES menu option, click Allocate Licenses. The Create License Allocation: 1 page opens. This is the first page in the two-step process of license allocation.On the Create Allocation: 1 page, there are two main areas: Products Available to Me on theleft of the page and Products Added to Allocation on the right. Products Available to Melists the products that you can allocate to a school or a teacher. Products Added to Allocationis a holding area that lists the products you have selected to allocate.2. To allocate a product in the Products Available to Me area, click + (add button) in the Licenses Available column on the right of each product listing. This product now appears as a listing in the Products Added to Allocation area on the right.If you change your mind, and want to remove a product from your allocation list, click – (removebutton) in the Licenses Available column.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 23

To remove all products from your allocation, click Empty.3. When you have added all the products you need to the allocation, click Continue in the Products Added to Allocation area. This brings you to the Create License Allocation: 2 page, where you decide the number of licenses for a specific product to allocate to a school or teacher.4. Enter the number of licenses you want to allocate for each product in the text box in the Quantity to Allocate column.5. District administrator: you now need to select the school to which you want to allocate the licenses. School administrator: you need to select a teacher. Start typing the name into the School field, and a dropdown list of schools will appear. Select a school from the list. In both cases, you can select options from the list in the School or Teacher dropdown lists. Alternatively, you can type the name of the school or teacher into the field.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 24

At this point, if you are a district administrator, the Teacher field will become active. If required, you can make the allocation to a specific teacher in the selected school.6. When you have specified the school and/or teacher, click Allocate to complete the allocation process. A message appears indicating that the allocation to the school or teacher was successful. Note: The value in the Licenses Available field will be reduced to reflect the licenses just allocated. To change an allocation, click Amend Product List on the bottom of the page. This will take you back to the Create License Allocation 1: page, where you can add other products to the allocation.When you make an allocation to a school, you will notice that the list of products allocatedremains on screen. This is so you can easily allocate the same list to another school or to arange of schools. If you want to do so, take the following steps:1. Enter a new value into the Quantity to Allocate fields.2. Select a new school.3. Click Allocate.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 25

4.1.5 Managing LicensesWhen you click Manage Licenses on the PRODUCTS AND LICENSES dropdown list, theManage Licenses page opens. This page presents you with a list of the product allocations thatyou have made. Here you can modify the quantity of licenses allocated. For example, you mayhave allocated 100 licenses to a school but later realized that the school used only 60 of thoselicenses. Rather than let the extra 40 licenses go unused, you can recall the unused licenses,so they can be allocated to another school.For every allocation listing, there is a field called Quantity Allocated, which you can modify.The column Available to add indicates how many additional licenses you can add to theallocation. The column Available to remove indicates how many licenses you can subtractfrom the allocation. The number of additional licenses that you can add to an allocation is basedon the number of licenses available to the district or school for that product. The number oflicenses you can subtract from an allocation depends on whether the licenses have alreadybeen given to a teacher or the licenses have been used in a bundle or package.To change the quantity of licenses in an allocation, take the following steps:From the PRODUCTS AND LICENSES menu option, click Manage Licenses.Find the listing for the allocation you want to change and click Modify in the Quantity Allocatedcolumn. You can now edit the number in the field as required.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 26

Click Update when you are ready to change the quantity. The values for Available to add orAvail to remove will be updated to reflect the new quantity.The Manage Licenses page allows you to manipulate how allocations are displayed as follows:Click the name in each column heading to sort the list of allocations by that field. Click thecolumn heading again to toggle between descending and ascending sort orders.In the Search field, you can enter a string to search for and list all the allocations that containthat string. You can also search allocations by product title and product ISBN that are allocatedto the user or school. This is useful, for example, for listing all the allocations of a particularproduct or for seeing all the allocations made to one particular school.In the Grade dropdown list, you can choose to filter the listing by grade value. 4.1.6 Allocation HistoryWhen you click Allocation History on the PRODUCTS AND LICENSES dropdown list, theAllocation History page displays a list of all the product allocations that you have made.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 27

The Allocation History page allows you to manipulate how allocations are displayed in thefollowing ways: Click the name in each column heading to sort the list of allocations by that field. Click the column heading again to toggle between descending and ascending sort order. In the Search field, you can enter a string of text, and a list appears with all the allocations that contain that string. This is useful, for example, for listing all the allocations for a particular product or for seeing all the allocations made to one particular school. In the Grade dropdown list, you can filter the listing by grade value. Using the Date Range fields, you can view only products allocated within a specific range of dates. To specify a date range, click in the first field to show a date picker that allows you to select a From: date. Click in the second field to show a date picker for a To: date. Click Search to show allocations for that time period. 4.1.7 Teacher ResourcesWhen you click Teacher Resources on the PRODUCTS AND LICENSES dropdown list, theTeacher Resources page opens. If you are a district or school administrator, you will see acatalog of the learning products and the number of licenses that the district/school haspurchased for each product. If you are a school administrator, you will see also see a catalog ofthe teacher-only desktop apps that can be installed via the Download Center, for example,Teacher One Stop and ExamView®, and the number of licenses that the district has allocatedand/or the school has purchased. You will also see a download button as well as informationsuch as Order Number, Format, Grade, and Expiration Date.Note: If a district has allocated and the school has also placed an order for the same product,there will be two entries for that product on the Teacher Resources page.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 28

To view a detailed description of any product title, click the arrow to the left of the product listing.The listing will expand to show the following types of information: Description Click to see a detailed description of the content. Product Details Click to see product information such as ISBN number, edition information, and version date. The Status field indicates whether the product license is still active. Order Details Click to see information about the particular order for that product, such as Order No., Order Date, Start Date, End Date (valid until) and Total Quantity. Units Click to see the different units that make up the content. Note: You can view only one detailed product listing at a time.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 29

4.1.8 Customizing Your View on the Teacher Resources PageYou can customize your view of the Teacher Resources page in a variety of ways.If you are a district administrator, by default you will see only the Teacher desktop products thathave been purchased by the district directly from HMH.If you are a school administrator, by default you will see the products allocated to you by yourdistrict and the products purchased directly by your school.You can customize your view as follows: Search The Search field is located above the product listing. It allows you to search by keyword, product title, product ISBN, or order number. Sort Columns By clicking the text in most columns, you can sort the column’s contents in ascending or descending order. For example, to sort by grade, click Grade in the column heading. A down arrow will appear to indicate that the listing is now sorted by descending order. If you click Grade again, it will sort in ascending order, indicated by an up arrow. This method works for all columns except Format. Filter by Grade To show only the entries for a specific grade, click the current Grade setting (for example, All). From the dropdown menu, click the grade value of your choice. The page will refresh to display only the products for the grade you selected. Filter by License Type Click License Type to see a dropdown list, which you can filter by the following license types: o All o District Licenses o School Licenses 4.1.9 Downloading Teacher One Stop and Examview ContentA bundle is a mechanism that teachers use usually to provide products to their students throughthe HMH Download Center. Teacher One Stop and ExamView® products, however, do notneed to be bundled in order to be used by teachers. (For more information on creating bundles,refer to section 5.2 Creating Bundles.)Because teachers normally use Teacher One Stop and ExamView® products to create theirown materials, HMH has provided a direct download link on the Teacher Resources page. Youcan download each Teacher One Stop or ExamView® product only once per session.Note: Teacher One Stop and ExamView® products cannot be used on mobile devices, such astablets and smartphones.To download any Teacher One Stop or ExamView® product title, click Download for Windowsor Download for Mac. An example of the steps required to download and install an Examviewproduct are provided below.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 30

1. Click Download for Windows or Download for Mac.2. You will then be prompted to Open or Save the file. Save it to your computer and make a note of the folder where you have saved the product.3. Once you have saved to your computer, locate the ZIP file in the folder you noted above and unzip the contents of the file.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 31

4. To install the content, run or double click the Setup program and follow the steps in the installation wizard.5. Ensure that you have accepted the Terms & Conditions in order to continue with the installation. Click Next.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 32

6. The installer will automatically select a destination folder to install the related files. Click Next.7. The Complete setup type is selected by default. Click Next.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 33

8. Click Install to start the installation process.9. When the InstallShield Wizard has completed, click Finish.ExamView Content will now be installed on your computer. 34HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide

4.1.10 Admin ResourcesWhen you click Admin Resources on the PRODUCTS AND LICENSES dropdown list, theAdmin Resources page opens. If you are a district or school administrator, you will see acatalog of the common cartridge products and the number of licenses/number of seats that thedistrict/school has purchased for each product. If you are a school administrator, you will seealso see a catalog of the common cartridge products and the number of licenses/number ofseats that the school has purchased. You will also see a download button as well as informationsuch as Order Number, Format, Grade, and Expiration Date.Note: Common Cartridge Products must be downloaded by a District or School administrator,and cannot be allocated to a teacher, or added to a package, or bundle.To view a detailed description of any product title, click the arrow to the left of the product listing.The listing will expand to show the following types of information: Description Click to see a detailed description of the content. Product Details Click to see product information such as ISBN number, edition information, and version date. The Status field indicates whether the product license is still active.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 35

 Order Details Click to see information about the particular order for that product, such as Order No., Order Date, Start Date, End Date (valid until) and Total Quantity/Number of seats. Units Click to see the different units that make up the content. Note: You can view only one detailed product listing at a time.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 36

4.1.11 Customizing Your View on the Admin Resources PageYou can customize your view of the Admin Resources page in a variety of ways.If you are a district administrator, by default you will see only the Common Cartridge productsthat have been purchased by the district directly from HMH.If you are a school administrator, by default you will see the products purchased directly by yourschool.You can customize your view as follows: Search The Search field is located above the product listing. It allows you to search by keyword, product title, product ISBN, or order number. Sort Columns By clicking the text in most columns, you can sort the column’s contents in ascending or descending order. For example, to sort by grade, click Grade in the column heading. A down arrow will appear to indicate that the listing is now sorted by descending order. If you click Grade again, it will sort in ascending order, indicated by an up arrow. This method works for all columns except Format. Filter by Grade To show only the entries for a specific grade, click the current Grade setting (for example, All). From the dropdown menu, click the grade value of your choice. The page will refresh to display only the products for the grade you selected. Filter by License Type Click License Type to see a dropdown list, which you can filter by the following license types: o All o District Licenses o School Licenses 4.1.12 Downloading Common Cartridge ContentHMH has provided a direct download link on the Admin Resources page. As there is nolicense management for Common Cartridge products, you can download Common CartridgeProducts as often as you like.Note: Common Cartridge products cannot be used on mobile devices, such as tablets andsmartphones without the use of a learning management system (LMS) that supports suchdevices.To download Common Cartridge products, click Download. You will then be able to upload theCommon Cartridge to your LMS for example.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 37

10. Click Download.11. You will then be prompted to Open or Save the file. Save it to your computer and make a note of the folder where you have saved the product.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 38

4.2 Products and Licenses Menu for TeachersIf you are a teacher and click PRODUCTS AND LICENSES, you will see a dropdown menucontaining the following options: My Products Click My Products to view all the products and the quantity of licenses that have been made available to you by an administrator. Teacher Resources Click Teacher Resources to view and download teacher-only products, for example, Teacher One Stop and ExamView® products. Each download will consume one license. You can make learning products available to students by creating a ‘Product Bundle’. You then give the bundle code to students, so they can download the products via the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt eTextbook app on their mobile device or desktop. You do not need to create bundles for Teacher One Stop and ExamView® resources. You can download these directly from Teacher Resources.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 39

4.2.1 My ProductsThe My Products page allows you to view all the products and the quantity of licenses thathave been made available to you by your school or district administrator. You can see a detailedproduct listing for each entry by clicking the arrow to the left of the listing.The My Products page allows you to customize how your product allocations are displayed asfollows: Click the name in a column heading to sort the list of products by that field. Click the column heading again to toggle between descending and ascending sort order. This is possible in all columns other than Format. Use the Search box to find products by keyword, product title, product ISBN, or order number. Use the Grade dropdown list to filter listings by grade. Use the Status dropdown list to filter listings by the following status values: o All o Active These products have not expired and have licenses available. o Depleted These products have not expired but have no licenses available. o Expired These products have reached their expiration date.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 40

4.2.2 Teacher ResourcesWhen you click Teacher Resources on the PRODUCTS AND LICENSES dropdown list, theTeacher Resources page opens. If you are a teacher, you will see a catalog of the learningproducts and the number of licenses that are available to your school. You will also see adownload button as well as information, such as Order Number, Format, Grade, and ExpirationDate.Note: If a district has allocated and the school has also placed an order for the same product,there will be two entries for that product on the Teacher Resources page.To view a detailed description of any product title, click the arrow to the left of the product listing.The listing will expand to show the following types of information: Description Click to see a detailed description of the content. Product Details Click to see product information, such as ISBN number, edition information, and version date. The Status field indicates whether the product license is still active.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 41

 Order Details Click to see information about the particular order for that product, such as Order No., Order Date, Start Date, End Date (valid until) and Total Quantity. Units Click to see the different units that make up the content. Note: You can view only one detailed product listing at a time. 4.2.3 Customizing Your View on the Teacher Resources PageYou can customize your view of the Teacher Resources page in a variety of ways as follows: Search The Search field is located above the product listing. It allows you to search by keyword, product title, product ISBN or order number. Sort Columns By clicking the text in most columns, you can sort the column’s contents in ascending or descending order. For example, to sort by grade, click Grade in the column heading. A down arrow will appear to indicate that the listing is now sorted by descending order. If you click Grade again, it will sort in ascending order, indicated by an up arrow. This method works for all columns except Format. Filter by Grade To show only the entries for a specific grade, click the current Grade setting, for example, All. From the dropdown menu, click the grade value of your choice. The page will refresh to display only the products for the grade you selected. 4.2.4 Downloading Teacher One Stop and Examview Content.A bundle is a mechanism that teachers usually use to provide products to their students.Teacher One Stop and ExamView® products, however, do not need to be bundled in order tobe used. For more information on creating bundles, refer to section 5.2 Creating Bundles.Because teachers normally use Teacher One Stop and ExamView® products to create theirown materials, HMH has provided a direct download link on the Teacher Resources page. Youcan download each Teacher One Stop or ExamView® product only once per sessionNote: Teacher One Stop and ExamView® products cannot be used on mobile devices, such astablets and smartphones.To download any Teacher One Stop or ExamView® product title, click Download for Windowsor Download for Mac. For detailed instructions, refer to section 4.1.9 Downloading TeacherOne Stop and Examview Content.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 42

HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 43

5.Bundles5.1 Introduction to BundlesA bundle is a mechanism that teachers use to provide products to their students. Teacherspackage a group of products for their class into one or more bundles. Each bundle has anassociated bundle code, which teachers give to their students to download the products. Thestudents in turn, launch the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt eTextbooks App on their mobile device ordesktop/laptop. The students enter the bundle code and can view the list of products that theteacher has put in the bundle. The students can subsequently download each product to theirmobile device or desktop/laptop.Although the bundle tool is used mainly by teachers, district and school administrators can alsocreate bundles.When you click BUNDLES, a dropdown menu containing the following two options appears:Create BundlesUse this option to create a new bundle.Manage BundlesUse this option to view and edit bundles you have already created. You can also recall bundlesin order to re-issue the products and licenses to other students.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 44

5.2 Creating BundlesTo create a bundle, take the following steps:1. From the main menu navigation bar, click BUNDLES.2. From the BUNDLES dropdown menu, click Create Bundles. The Create Bundle: 1 page appears. This is the first page in the two-step process of creating a bundle. On the Create Bundle: 1 page, there are two main areas: the Products Available to Me area on the left, and the Products Added to Bundle area on the right.  Products Available to Me lists the products that you can add to a bundle.  Products Added to Bundle is a holding area that lists products you are putting into the bundle.3. To add a product to a bundle, find the product listing in Products Available to Me and click the + (add button) that appears on the far right side of the product listing. That product then appears in Products Added to Bundle, and the + button disappears. Note: You are not able to create bundles that contain a mix of Student and Teacher editions. To remove a product from your bundle, find the product listing in Products Added to Bundle and click the – (remove button) on the far right side of the product listing. To remove all products from your bundle, click Empty.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 45

4. Once you have finalized the contents of your bundle, click Continue on the lower right of the Products Added to Bundle area. The Create Bundle: 2 page appears. On this page, you can specify certain details about your bundle.  Begin by naming your bundle in the mandatory field, Bundle Title.  You can also type information in the optional fields, Subject and Assigned Grade.  A bundle Type will be assigned automatically, appropriate to the type of materials you have used in your bundle. The type will be either Student or Teacher.5. Specify the period for which the bundle will be active. This is the range of dates during which students can download the products from the bundle. Specify the mandatory Start Date and End Date values by clicking the calendar icon beside each of those two fields. Notes:  The End date must be after the Start date. If this is not the case, you will see the following error message: “Please ensure the end date is after the start date.” These fields are particularly useful if you want to make titles available to students only for a specific time, for example, a semester. Once the semester is over, the licenses can be recalled and the bundle re-issued with a new bundle code to another group of students.  Bundles expire at the start of the end date. For instance, if the end date is January 21, books will expire at 12:01 a.m. on that day.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 46

6. In the mandatory Licenses field, type the number of licenses for this bundle. The maximum value for this number is the lowest number of licenses available among the products in your bundle. For example, if there are 7 licenses available for one of the products in your bundle, and 15 licenses are available for another product in the bundle, the maximum number of licenses you can issue is 7. If you want to change any of the products in the bundle, click Amend Product List. This takes you back to the Create Bundle: 1 page.7. When you are satisfied that all the details of your bundle are correct, click Create Bundle. A message will notify you that your bundle has been created. The message will also contain the bundle code that students will need in order to download the bundle using the Houghton Mifflin Harcourt eTextbooks application. Be sure to share this code with your students.HMH Download Center 2.0 User Guide 47

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