FWOORRYLODU’SNFGIRBSTADEANSGSINENEEGRININEGERNSEWS JULY 2016 ISSUE NO. 005MASDAR: SPECIAL FEATURE STORIES:THE FUTURE OFSUSTAINABLE CITY Future CitiesEXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW Smartest Cities in the WorldWITH THE CEO Robotics Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning Exoskeleton Social Good Technologies JULY 2016 1 Future Cities & Robotics
GINEERSNOW TEAM Ems Bagatsing Sales & Marketing Director [email protected] Robert Bagatsing Editor-In-Chief [email protected] Engr. Alice Hernandez Senior Editor-At-Large John Vauden Charity Bagatsing Raymond Gerard del Valle SAensiiao-rPEacdiiftiocr Senior Editor Junior Editor North America Hina Sapra Abhishek Tarafder Engr. Dion Greg Reyes Senior Editor Matrix Media South Asia Junior Editor Information TechnologyTherese Matheren Engr. Cielo Panda Lauren Lloyd Del Mundo Senior Editor Junior Editor Video Editor North America Creative & Layout GineersNow is a subsidiary of Lincoln Martin Strategic Marketing Level 14, Boulevard Plaza Tower 1 MBR Boulevard, Emaar Square, Downtown Dubai, UAE P.O. Box 334036, Dubai, U.A.E. Mob: +971 50 4289684 www.LincolnMartin.comDisclaimer: The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for error or omissions contained in this publication, however caused. The opinions andviews contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Readers are advised to seek specialist advice before acting on informationcontained in this publication, which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the readers' particular circumstances.The Copyright Law of the United States of America, Chapter 1, Subject 107, called the “Limitations onexclusive rights: Fair use” states that, “Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, theoftahierrumseeoafnas csoppecyirfiigehdtbedy twhoartks,eicntciolund, ifnogr psuucrhpousseesbsyurcehparsocdruictitcioisnmi,nccoompmieesnotr, npehwonsorreepcoorrtdinsgo,rtebaycahninyg(including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copy-right. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—(3(1))ththeeapmuorupnotseanadndsucbhsatraancttiearliotyf(2toh)fentthhoueensepnp,raoiotnruftciritloeuendodiufuntscgheaedwticoihnoneparthyel rlepairugtishrouptnecodhstoewusts;oherekisc;oopf yarcigohmtemdewrcoiarkl naastaurwehoorleis; for(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.” and
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COVER STORYMASDAR:THE FUTURE CITYMEET THE KNOWING THECOMPANY’S COMPANYCEO:MOHAMED Q: Are you an educationalJAMEEL AL institution, social enterprise,RAMAHI non-profit or private company?I joined Masdar in 2008as Head of Internal Audit Masdar is a commerciallyand Compliance. Later, I driven renewable energywas appointed Masdar’s company based in AbuDirector of Corporate Services Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.and Financial Affairs. I The company has a missionsubsequently became Chief to invest, incubate andFinancial Officer, and then establish a new energyChief Operating Officer of industry in Abu Dhabi andMasdar. I was appointed around the world. MasdarChief Executive Officer (CEO) is playing an important rolein February 2016. in extending Abu Dhabi’sIn addition to my energy leadership beyondresponsibilities as CEO, I serve hydrocarbons. Masdar ison the board of a number of delivering on its goal ofprominent companies, joint becoming an innovative,ventures and special entities, holistic, ecosystem whileincluding the Dudgeon helping to realise a templateOffshore Wind Farm in the for sustainable urbanUK, the Masdar Solar Wind development. Masdar CityCooperative, the Masdar is the home of the MasdarInvestment Committee, Institute of Science andand Torresol Energy. Before Technology, the focal pointjoining Masdar, I was head of an innovation clusterof the Internal Audit and that is leading globalRisk Management Office at technology partnerships,GASCO, a leading oil and gas commercializing newcompany based in Abu Dhabi. technologies and drivingI have a bachelor’s degree in real-world innovation.business administration andfinance from the University of Q: How big is your company?Evansville in the US. Masdar was established in 2006 as a wholly owned subsidiary of the Abu Dhabi government’s Mubadala Development Company. Our company is located 176 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
kilometers east-south-east of the City to be complete withinthe city of Abu Dhabi near 5 years (up from 5 per centits international airport: our today) and to quadruple theoperations span the globe number of tenants in Masdarfrom Europe through the City Free Zone. We willMiddle East and North Africa continue adding residential(MENA) region to the Indian facilities, commercial facilitiesOcean, Asia and the Pacific and educational institutions,islands. as well as building out the clean-tech R&D hub.Q: Describe your mission, In clean energy, our goal isvision and values. to double the clean energy capacity in our portfolio in theMasdar is advancing next 10 years and to continuethe development and improving energy access incommercialization of some of the most remoterenewable energy and areas of the world.sustainable technologiesin both developed anddeveloping markets. Throughinitiatives such as MasdarCity, Masdar is helping INTRODUCTIONto realize a template – or“greenprint” - for sustainable Q: What is clean energy?urban development. Masdaris realizing solutions and Clean energy can be definedtechnologies at the critical as sustainable and renewablenexus of water and energy energy sources that increase– in a region where water the global carbon footprint.is more important than oil. Masdar has been at theMasdar is helping to equip forefront of the UAE’s effortsthe region’s future leaders to deploy clean energy atin energy and sustainable home and abroad, whiledevelopment with the skills driving sustainable economicto succeed in an increasingly growth, employment,diversified economy. Through innovation and prosperity.its diverse activities, Masdar Since its inception in 2006,is raising awareness among Masdar has positioned Abuthe wider community of the Dhabi on the front lineimportance and potential of clean energy researchof sustainability and clean and technology, investingenergy, helping to change over US$2.7 billion in cleanbehavior and motivate action. energy projects around the world, with nearly 1.7 GW ofQ: Where is this company renewable energy capacityheaded? What’s your future either in operation or underexpansion plans? development globally.Our long-term vision is to make Masdar has 360-degreeAbu Dhabi the preeminent expertise in renewable energysource of renewable energy projects, from development toknowledge, development and construction to operation: theimplementation, as well as company now has projects inthe world’s benchmark for the UAE, Spain, the Unitedsustainable development. Kingdom, Jordan, Mauritania,In the next five years, we will Seychelles and the Southfurther develop Masdar City Pacific.as an innovation ecosystem. • The 630MW London ArrayOur aim is for 35 percent of in the Thames Estuary,the planned built-up area of UK, is Masdar’s biggest JULY 2016 7 Future Cities & Robotics
international investment at Why bother? What's the present and the largest wind importance of pursuing clean farm in the world currently in energy? operation It is crucial that we develop clean energy to mitigate • Masdar has a 35% share climate change and address in the planned Dudgeon domestic and global energy offshore wind farm in Britain, demand. Our rapidly which is being developed urbanizing world will mean with the Norwegian partners that cities are likely to host Statoil and Statkraft up to 70% of the world’s population by 2050. We need • The Tafila Wind Farm in to reduce carbon emissions Jordan is the first utility-scale and provide sufficient energy wind farm commissioned for a rapidly growing global in the region. The US$238 population. million project is capable The UAE’s commitment to of producing 117MW generate 24 percent of its of electricity, delivering electricity from clean energy 400GWh of electricity sources by 2021 shows both annually and displacing our nation’s commitment 235,000 tonnes of CO2 to climate action and its • A pilot desalination willingness to invest in the programme in Ghantoot, Abu innovation needed to achieve Dhabi, is producing 1,500 such an ambitious target. m3/day of potable water over 15 months using four THE MACRO unique technologies from LEVEL OF four international partners. CLEAN The programme is ultimately ENERGY aimed at the large-scale deployment of one or more Q: Where are we today? What of these energy-efficient is the current situation of desalination technologies renewables? in the UAE and potentially Globally, an estimated across the MENA region, and US$329 billion was invested in other global locations. in new renewable energy capacity last year, an all-time • Masdar’s 100MW Shams 1 high [2015 Bloomberg New facility in the Western Region Energy Finance Report (http:// of Abu Dhabi is still one of the www.climateweeknyc.org/ world’s largest concentrated news-media/clean-energy- solar power plants, capable hit-record-investment-last- of ruepductoing17C5O,0200emtiossnionness year-bnef-report)]. Emerging by markets still account for a annually. relatively small proportion of this expenditure, but the • In partnership with ADNOC, Middle East and North Africa Masdar is developing a (MENA) region will steadily Carbon, Capture, Usage acquire a larger share of and Storage project that newly installed renewables sequesters industrial carbon capacity. At Masdar, we and enhances oil recovery are refocusing our efforts on the further adoption of • Through the Ecomagination clean energy and sustainable 2020 Partnership, Masdar development across MENA in and GE are implementing the first complete energy-neutral wastewater treatment process.8 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
2016, building on our many • Solar Hub testing and R&Dsuccessful projects overseas. facility, Abu DhabiQ: Where should we be 10 • Renewable Energyyears from now? Are we Desalination piloton the right track? Are we programmedelayed? Are we progressing? • London Array, UK (630 MWThe business case for offshore wind farm)renewable energy is now • Gemasolar solar powerbeyond doubt. A recent plant, Spain (20 MW)report by the International • Valle 1 and 2 solar plants,Renewable Energy Agency Spain (100 MW)suggests that doubling the • Tafila Wind Farm, Jordanshare of renewables in the (117 MW)global energy mix by 2030 • 600 solar home systems incould boost global GDP by 27 villages in Afghanistan1%. That equates to more • Sheikh Zayed Solar Powerthan 1 trillion US dollars and Plant, Mauritania (15 MW PVan estimated 24 million jobs. plant)Countries in arid and semi- • Port Victoria Wind Powerarid regions are increasingly Project, the Republic ofsetting renewable energy Seychelles (6 MW)targets in their energy mix as • Siwa Solar PV Plant, Egyptdemand grows, serving as a (10 MW)boost for investments in solar • Red Sea Solar Power Plants,and wind power ventures. Egypt (14 MW)At the same time, prices • Al Wadi Al Jadeed Solar PVare becoming increasingly Plants, Egypt (6 MW)competitive. • 7000 Solar Home Systems in EgyptMASDAR’S • Kiribati: 500kW Solar PV &INITIATIVES, Water ProtectionDEVELOPMENTS • Fiji: LaKaRo 525kW SolarAND PV plantACHIEVEMENTS • Samoa: 550kW Cyclone- Proof Wind FarmQ: What are the initiatives / • Tonga: Vava’u 512 kW Solarprojects that you are doing PV plant(or have done) that will drive • Tuvalu: 500kW Rooftoplow or zero emission? Solar PV plantMasdar is a for-profit, • Vanuatu: Port Vila 767kWrenewable energy company Solar PV plantthat has been fulfilling a • Solomon Islands – Solar PVmission to invest, incubate Plant in Honiaraand advance the new • Marshall Islands – Solarenergy economy around the Water Collection in Majuroworld since the company’s • The Republic of Nauru –inception in 2006. Nauru Solar PV plantOur completed projects are: • Palau – Solar Penetration• Shams 1, Abu Dhabi (100 and Water Access projectsMW CSP plant) • FSM – Solar PV plant in• Masdar City, Abu Dhabi: Pohnpei10 MW PV array and 1MWroof-top complex, Abu Our projects currently underDhabi development are: • Carbon Capture, Usage & Storage project, Abu Dhabi • Waste to Energy projects • Dudgeon, UK (402 MW offshore wind farm) • A 50MW onshore wind farm in Dhofar, Oman JULY 2016 9 Future Cities & Robotics
• A 200MW PV plant in Jordan • Electric Energy Storage clean energy generation. thin-film modules supplied by• Additional PV projects in Solutions Hub: exploring the Our already-operational solar Suntech and First Solar.Mauritania with a total potential of electrochemical and wind projects have a total Masdar also manages thecapacity of 12MW technologies to enhance the peak capacity of nearly 1,000 Zayed Future Energy Prize.Q: What are the future capacity of renewable energy megawatts (MW) and are From ensuring access toinnovations that your systems to store power, displacing nearly 2.5 million modern energy in rural Africancompany is currently enabling their wider adoption metric tons (2,389,725 m/t) villages, to empoweringpursuing? in the energy mix. of carbon dioxide per year. Bangladeshi women withThe pilot research projects • Geothermal Energy: a Another 700MW of capacity is careers as solar technicians,located at Masdar City, many project evaluating a possible currently under development. more than 202 million peopleof them led by or closely power source for district Among the most notable of around the world haveinvolving MI scientists and cooling. With geothermal our clean energy projects is the experienced the sustainablestudents, are accelerating wells already sunk to a depth 630MW London Array, which actions of the Zayed Futurethe acquisition of scientific of 2,500 metres within the is the largest offshore wind Energy Prize winners. Throughknowledge in the clean tech grounds of Masdar City, the project in the world currently progressive achievementsindustry and paving the way research initiative is the first in operation. The landmark recognized by the awards,towards the development of its type in the Middle East Gemasolar concentrated solar water security is now aof real-world commercial and may be converted into power (CSP) plant in Spain reality for millions of familiesapplications. As the a full-fledged demonstration was the first utility-scale solar across Bangladesh, India,surrounding community at project. plant to deliver electricity to Ghana and the Philippines.Masdar City grows, the R&D • The Masdar Solar Hub: the grid 24 hours a day. Renewable energy sourcescluster will also expand. Photovoltaic (PV) Test Centre: Masdar City’s 10MW supply electricity to 60 millionThe exciting and innovative operated in partnership with photovoltaic array produces people, and enough carbonnew projects currently being the Masdar Institute and TÜV about 17,500 megawatt- emissions have been avoideddeveloped at Masdar City Rheinland, the facility provides hours of clean electricity to offset the price of globalinclude: independent measurement of annually and offsets 15,000 deforestation for a year.• Eco-Villa Prototype: a project the performance, reliability tonnes of carbon emissions The Zayed Future Energyincorporating innovative and durability of PV modules, per year. The plant consists of Prize’s Global High Schoolswater- and energy-saving their panel coatings and other 87,780 multi-crystalline and category was launched in 2012technologies and design related technical equipment.features that significantly • The Masdar Solar Hub:reduce its environmental CPV Testing Facility: aimpact compared to standard joint initiative betweenvillas. The ‘Net Zero Energy’ Masdar and Instituto deprototype equipped with 80 Sistemas Fotovoltaicos derooftop PV panels can supply Concentración (ISFOC)up to 40,000 kWh per year of Spain, researching theto the national grid, easily performance of Concentratedoffsetting its own electricity Photovoltaic (CPV) systemsrequirements. in the Gulf’s desert climate conditions.• Seawater Energy & Q: What impact have youAgriculture System (SEAS): delivered (social, economica project supporting the and environmental)? Do younascent aviation biofuel have metrics or statistics ofindustry in the Middle East your accomplishments?and promoting increased Masdar has 10 years offood security through the experience as a renewablecultivation of oil-rich, salt- energy developer andtolerant plants from the investor, building state-of-waste water of an industrial the-art projects, from large,fish farm. SEAS is an initiative utility-scale power plants toof the Sustainable Bioenergy community grid projects toResearch Consortium individual solar house systemsestablished by the Masdar in locations around the world.Institute, Etihad Airways, In total, Masdar has investedBoeing and Honeywell UOP. more than US$2.7 billion in10 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
as part of the UAE leadership’s business environment was further power. Overall, renewable energy same. For example, ourcommitment to the Sustainable illustrated by the 64 percent is the fastest growing power project in Samoa featuresEnergy for All (SE4ALL) initiative. increase in registered companies sector worldwide, accounting collapsible wind turbines dueSince the launch of this category, in Masdar Free Zone (MFZ) last for the majority of new installed to the prevalence of cyclones.nearly 2,000 students have year. capacity, so the future for theparticipated in projects run by industry is bright indeed. ADVICE TOaward-winning schools and FACING Q: How do we provide cheap THE YOUNGacademies. Over 9,000 students CHALLENGES energy in poverty stricken areas? ENGINEERSin total have benefitted along & PROVIDING Masdar has led the way inwith 37,000 people living in local SOLUTIONS providing renewable energy to The momentum towardscommunities. Almost 1.5 million remote regions and communities the widespread adoption ofkWh have been generated, solar Q: What are the stumbling blocks away from the national grid. sustainable and renewablepanels with a total capacity or bottlenecks in the renewable For example, Masdar has led a energy can only be maintainedof 263 kW installed and CO2 industry? UAE initiative to bring secure through the collective actionemissions cut by over 1,000 sources of renewable energy to of our young scientific,tonnes. From a wider industry 11 remote Pacific Island counties. technological and engineeringOur annual Sustainability Report perspective, one of the main These projects include innovative talent.for 2015 demonstrates that we technical hurdles for sustainable solar and wind solutions that have My advice to young engineershave firm foundations to build on renewable energy, and therefore provided 6.5MW of clean energy would be – think big and workby outlining a range of significant one of the main points of focus and saved US$1 million dollars in hard. There is no limit to whatachievements. During 2015, we in terms of innovation, is energy diesel fuel imports. you can achieve with bold ideas,secured the production of 2,962 storage. With effective storage The most important consideration dedication and determination.gigawatt hours of total renewable technology in place, energy from when designing energy access You have the power to createenergy, displacing a total of 1.39 renewable sources will evolve projects in remote areas is to the new innovations that willmillion tonnes of carbon. Masdar from its traditional peak-sharing consider the specific needs of the secure our future.City’s personal rapid transport energy providing role to providing community and of the geography.(PRT) system was used by more reliable base-load generating No two projects should be thethan 33,000 passengers each capacity, enabling electricitymonth on average during the grids to absorb even more cleanperiod. Our attractiveness as a JULY 2016 11 Future Cities & Robotics
WORLD’S FIRST CHILDEXOSKELETON HELPSDISABLED KIDS TO WALKWe have already seen many exoskeletons being developed for quitesome time, and most of them have been created especially forelderly workers and for people achieving extraordinary strength. Thiscompany however, has developed an exoskeleton made especiallyfor children with disabilities.The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has developed theworld’s first child exoskeleton which is designed to help children withspinal muscular atrophy. Spinal muscular atrophy is a degenerativeillness which affects one in ten thousand babies in Spain.This exoskeleton weighs 12 kilos, and is made of aluminium andtitanium. It is designed to help the patients walk—for some, forthe first time. This exoskeleton will also be used in physiotherapyin hospitals to prevent secondary effects that are associated withthe loss of mobility in this illness. This technology is currently in thepreclinical phase and has been patented and licensed by CSIC andits technology-based business unit, Marsi Bionics.12 JULY 2016 Photo by: Engadget Future Cities & Robotics
Photo by: MIT News Photo by: Medifit BiologicalsTINY ORIGAMI A ROBOT DID AROBOT REMOVES SURGERY WITHOUTSWALLOWED THE HELP OF ANYBATTERIES AND DOCTORMARBLESGood news for parents something with potential It’s not new that robots have tools that are intelligent,and toddlers everywhere. important applications assisted doctors in medical whether autonomous orNo need to worry about to health care. For operations and surgeries, but semi-autonomous, you canyoung kids accidentally applications inside the recent experiment indicates make outcomes better.”swallowing a battery or a body, we need a small, that robots alone can do Surgeons have the tendencymarble. Scientists from MIT, controllable, untethered the job themselves – yup, to have tremors duringthe University of Sheffield robot system. It’s really with the doctor no longer operations, which robotsand Tokyo Institute of difficult to control and in the operating room. This do not have. This is whatTechnology have developed place a robot inside is what can be derived from autonomous robots cana robot that can remove the body if the robot is an experiment with an offer far more than theeaten batteries and marbles. attached to a tether.” autonomous robot named humans: consistency. Having Smart Tissue Autonomous autonomous robots inIt’s an ingestible origami This small robot works Robot or STAR, who made operating rooms can reducerobot that unfolds itself from without wires since it can surgical stitches with pigs. human errors and improvethe capsule as soon as it be controlled by magnetic Composed of a robotic arm, efficiency, surgical time andenters the stomach. It crawls waves. It is encased in a a suturing tool and imaging access to quality surgeonsalong the stomach wall and piece of ice so that it can technologies, STAR operates in some of the 44.5 milliondetects the small object be swallowed easily. using a computer program soft-tissue surgeries in theand wraps itself around it, Every year, around 3,500 which has the intelligence United States a year.then remove it. Scientists small batteries are to perform surgical practices,also makes it possible for swallowed by toddlers. If especially stitches.the robot to help in healing not removed immediately,wounds inside the digestive it can cause stomach It was found out that thesystem. lining burns. robots were as good as, ifProfessor Danial Rus, leader not better, than the stitchesof the group behind this made by skilled surgeons.origami robot and director Peter Kim, the study’s seniorof MIT’s Computer Science author, believes that if robotsand Artificial Intelligence can do it on pigs, they canLaboratory (CSAIL), said: also do it to human patients.“It’s really exciting to see oursmall origami robots doing He said, “The main message is that by giving surgeons JULY 2016 13 Future Cities & Robotics
A revolutionary device is NEW ROBOTIC DEVICEnow being developedin the laboratory of TO ASSIST PHYSICALAndrosRobotics (AR) LLCwhich will help stroke THERAPISTSpatients and physicaltherapists in gait training. Photo by: Google/SitesThe device is called theRobotic Leg AdvancementDevice (R-LAD).The device will primarilyhelp physical therapists inadministering gait training.It will reduce the number ofphysical therapists requiredin treating a patient from2 or 3 to just one, withoutcompromising the gaittraining therapy. But itisn’t designed to replacethe therapists and is meantto compliment them.R-LAD is the brainchildof Dr. Maciej Pietrusinski,Founder and Presidentof AR, whose career isdedicated to medicalrobotics. The deviceis a by-product of Dr.Pietrusinski’s Ph.D.project which aimed todevelop a robotic systemfor controlling pelvicmotion during therapy.The original system wastoo complicated and tooexpensive which led to thesimpler R-LAD device.A prototype was madethanks to a $225k grantfrom National ScienceFoundation. This grantpaved the way for R-LADto place third among664 submissions in theInternational Roboticsfor Good competition inDubai.14 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
ENGINEERS HELP PARALYTICS TO GET BACK ON THEIR FEETPhoto by: Adrian Malloch The Rex Bionics Group is a leading With Rex, an individual can make technology based company that any movement like walking, moving produces robotic walking devices. sideways, climbing up and down the Paralytics in wheel chairs will now stairs, and even turning around. It is be able to walk, all thanks to this convenient to move on any surface company’s innovation. The robotic may it be on slopes, ramps or flat innovation’s physical appearance is surfaces. similar to a human exoskeleton, a sort It has a battery that can be of robotic suit, which could be the recharged and can run for around next alternative for wheelchairs. two hours. However, prior to Rex Bionics uses advanced purchasing a Rex, the person needs technological solutions, precise to consult a physician and qualified engineering, electromechanical physical therapist to make sure that actuators and exclusive system it is suitable for them. In order to of network to make this awesome use Rex, a person’s height must be robotics device possible. The primary between 4’8’’- 6’4’’, weight less concern of the robotic exoskeleton than 220lb and a waist dimension has been to improve the capabilities of less than 15”. of the people of military ground. The Rex Bionics ensures that they instruct materials that are used to build it their customers well on how to use are lightweight, so that the person it. They mention that it is suitable will be able to maneuver the device for any manual wheelchair user comfortably. The individual will strap to operate with the help of hand themselves to the exoskeleton with controls. This device has proved to the help of several Velcro and buckle- be very helpful for the paralytics. straps that are strapped around the legs and the belt wraps around the waist. Unlike most exoskeletons, REX is controlled through a joystick that is placed in the waist level of the user. JULY 2016 15 Future Cities & Robotics
‘2045 INITIATIVE’: THE TECHNOLOGY TO GAIN ETERNAL LIFE Dmitry Itskov, a Russian media mogul and multi-millionaire, has one goal: to be able to use technology to live forever. To be able to do this, he is currently heading a science-based project called the ‘2045 initiative’ which aims to “upload” human consciousness into an online avatar that can live forever. Itskov has given millions of dollars into pioneering the research since the initiative was launched. His team of scientists, believe that the human brain is very similar to a computer and will eventually be able to be transferred to upgradable “bodies”. Itskov claims that he has upped the urgency of his research. \"If there is no immortality technology, I'll be dead in the next 35 years,\" he says in an upcoming documentary, The Immortalist. “The ultimate goal of my plan is to transfer someone's personality into the new artificial carrier. Different scientists call it uploading or they call it mind transfer. I prefer to call it personality transfer.\" Photo by: International Business Times16 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
THE MORAL AND ETHICALISSUE WITH ROBOTSPhoto by: EW.com Photo by: geeksofdoom.com Take a look at science fiction Stephen Hawking, Steve that may turn to be very bad and you will find innumerable Wozniak and Elon Musk have if the robot ends up hurting examples of robots gone agreed to get autonomous people when fetching the evil. From the popular weapons such as drones desired item. Skynet and Terminators to banned. Such weapons are Another interesting test HAL 9000 to Ultron, there capable of identifying and proposed by Jerry Kaplan is are many robots that are destroying targets without the driving test. Self-driving out to destroy humanity. Of human intervention. As scary cars need to make a very course, such stories may be a as that sounds, the actual crucial decision when it comes bit of a stretch. Nonetheless, applications may be more to avoiding a major accident. there is a genuine concern mundane. Nonetheless, it For example, should the car about artificially intelligent may spark off another arms swerve to save pedestrians robots but it’s not because race. and harm the occupants or people worry about these Jerry Kaplan, a scholar the reverse? Now that is a robots taking over the world. of artificial intelligence, moral conundrum that even The concern is about whether believes that morality is humans find difficult to the robots in question are essential to robots. After all, agree on. Kaplan declares capable of taking the right humans can end up making that machines by their very moral choice at the right some extremely silly and bad nature are psychopaths. time. choices when it comes to Therefore, it becomes crucial Thousands of scientists their robots. After all, they that robots are taught and tech experts such as may ask the robot to fetch morality and ethics. A lofty something quickly. Now, goal? Well, we need that or Skynet is a possibility. JULY 2016 17 Future Cities & Robotics
It’s Scary What AI Can DoArtificial Intelligence has comea long way after its introductionin 1950’s. But what if robots andArtificial Intelligence replace thehuman race as shown in the sci-fi movies? Sounds intimidating,right? Some eminent personalitieslike Stephen Hawking seems to bebothered about this same issue forquite some time now.Nevertheless, reality tells us thatthere is nothing to worry about.The concern of the people is mostlycompelled by Hollywood movies.The fact is that though the fieldof artificial intelligence might bemaking huge progress but it isnowhere near being a threat yet.There will be enough time to gaugethe problem and solve it.This does not necessarily mean that Photo by: Technologyreview.com left:: Stephen Hawkingthe issue can be left to be ignored. Photo by: t-online.de below: Michio KakuIn any case, if you look into thematter very closely you will noticethat artificial intelligence needs toreach to some point where they willbe able to think all by themselvesand evolve into something all bythemselves which we will not beperceive and control.There is no reason to think thatartificial intelligence will rise upagainst us one day in an attemptto break free from the constraints ofhumanity. When you come to thinkof it logically, you will realize thatif you have a robot that performsaccording to your instruction, thenhow can you wake up one morningto find the robot to be doing someother tasks which it has not beenprogrammed to do? No way! Theyare not human beings that they willnot have their feelings and opinionsabout something. They do not havedreams and desires, and they workaccording to the goals that we setfor them.You might want to ask, is there Photo by: consciouslifenews.comnothing to worry about? Well, notreally, not at least at present. Fornow you can enjoy the privilegesprovided by the AIs.18 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
MEET ASUS’ ZENBO:THE FAMILY’SPERSONAL ASSISTANTROBOTAsus has just unveiled a In Asus’ Zenbo video A big reason for Asus’scute talking robot named showed some of the robot’s creation of Zenbo is that itZenbo. It was presented at capabilities, like giving could help assist the elderly.this week’s Computex trade reminders, interacting with According to Asus, Zenboshow in Taipei, it’s priced at family members, telling “helps to bridge the digital$599. stories to the children, movie divide between generations”Zenbo is an adorably- streaming, and its face is by allowing seniors to makedesigned, friendly home robot touch screen too!—which video calls and use socialwhich generally provides helps the family to connect networking with simple voiceassistance, entertainment and browse through the commands.and companionship to internet. Zenbo can also connect to afamilies and it helps address The Chairman of Asus smart bracelet which alertsthe different needs of the Jonney Shih presented and relatives via a smartphonefamily members. It has demonstrated Zenbo at a app if their elderly relativenumerous capabilities like press conference in Taipei, has a fall.moving independently he gave it various voiceand understanding spoken commands and asked it Photo by: Android Communitycommands. questions as it rolled on the stage. JULY 2016 19 Future Cities & Robotics
MEETTHE REALJARVISFROMIRON MANAutonomous, a companybased in the UnitedStates will be offeringus, mere mortals, theopportunity to purchaseMaya, a Personal Robotfor US$1499 come themiddle of 2016. Maya’sKickstarter programhad 274 backers pledge$161,537.00 to get theproject off the ground andit seems the first of 300of these Robotic Personalassistants will be born verysoon.Some cynics have ridiculedthe concept, and sure,the design may look likethe unplanned progenyof a Tennis racquet, iPadand Robo Vac after aswinger’s party. But theproblems that was solvedand the engineeringeffort that has gone intothe making of Maya issimply breathtaking!! The Photo by: Cloud Front20 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
company claims “She’s the whole package: your very own personal assistant, photographer, storyteller, telepresence device & the smartest home automation system.” Sounds good to me, and if the promotional videos are to be believed she will be effective to the point of being a nagging nuisance! But despite this, the company is dedicated to the development of such devices and has gone to painstaking measures to find the best componentry available in the market today. If you fancy yourself as a tech genius and would like to be part of the development process, the company offers a research version called Deep Bot for US$999. Though it looks like something an alien race would use in a death squad, Deep Bot is creating an open source opportunity for anyone willing to contribute to the evolution of this technology. While I think many of the features of Maya are already done well by people, I think the concept is pretty darn clever! The discussion and research it will foster, will make a huge contribution to how we can develop the technology to aid us in our daily lives. Who knows, with further development of these devices, we might even be able to program Maya to match the owner’s preference of assistance like aiding the disabled and the elderly.Photo by: Autonomous JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics 21
THIS Photo by: TurnerROBOTHAND CAN Many robots nowadays can the International ConferenceLEARN do a variety of tasks ranging on Robotics and AutomationFROM ITS from easy to difficult. in Stockholm.MISTAKES They are used in different If you’re familiar with Rosie, industries, but mostly in the robot maid from the manufacturing. Yet while Jetsons, the Adroit system these robots have an edge in is somewhat similar to its specific tasks, they can’t do technology. Its hardware a given list of chores or learn accomplishes tasks better certain skills on their own. than humans and is Now a new robot hand can controlled by a “Brain” learn how to master new which learns—just like the abilities over time, and it human mind. Vikash Kumar, doesn’t need help from its the lead researcher, and his programmers. This extra- team focused on building a dexterous robotic hand robot that could do general is the product of study tasks and be able to adapt. by 3 researchers from the According to the researchers, University of Washington. their creation can be used in They call this the Adroit many applications like space manipulation system, and exploration and healthcare. presented it on Tuesday at Photo by: Youtube/ ADROIT Manipulation Platform22 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN COMPUTERS START TO LEARN ON THEIR OWN How do computers learn something new? One might say Photo by: Stanford Info Lab programming, but it involves telling the computer every little step that it needs to perform in order to complete the new task. You need to know the steps yourself in order to teach the computer. However, what do you do when you don’t know the steps yourself? This is where machine learning comes in. With this technology, the computer is made to learn things and processes on its own. Jeremy Howard is a specialist in this field. He gave a TED Talk to show how much machine learning has evolved and how it will begin to affect the world at large. The first example of machine learning took place in 1956 when a guy named Arthur Samuel wanted his computer to be good enough at checkers to beat him. His solution was to make the computer keep playing checkers against itself and learning from the games. Suffice to say, it worked so well that the computer ended up defeating the state champion of Connecticut. Today, examples of machine learning are all around us. The most common application is the search engine. Google makes use of machine learning to get its search engine locate the information that you actually want. Remember those recommendations shown in Amazon? Those recommendations are provided by machine learning algorithms. Pretty nifty, right? Well, it can be creepy too like those friend recommendations in LinkedIn.Photo by: Your News Wire Take for example the team which created a computer program for automatic drug discovery. What’s cool is that the team did not have any knowledge in biology or medicine. They simply used what is called deep learning. Deep learning allows computers to actually learn Chinese. Now, what does that mean for people and their jobs? We might be heading into another Industrial Revolution, except, the results might not pretty. After all, deep learning will allow computers to perform 80% of human jobs easily. JULY 2016 23 Future Cities & Robotics
ATLAS THE ROBOT DOESN'TWANT TO BE PUSHEDAROUND ANYMOREIt’s 2016 and these engineers have finallyprogrammed a robot that can’t be pushedaround anymore. Boston Dynamics, anengineering and robotics design company,has just released an updated version of Atlas.This company is where people from themilitary and even the entertainment industryturn to when they need help with specializedrobots.And as expected, Google owns this company.In its Youtube video, it has described its latestaddition to the company’s weird but veryinnovative collection of robots:“A new version of Atlas, designed to operateoutdoors and inside buildings. It is specializedfor mobile manipulation. It is electricallypowered and hydraulically actuated. It usessensors in its body and legs to balance andLIDAR and stereo sensors in its head toavoid obstacles, assess the terrain, help withnavigation and manipulate objects. Thisversion of Atlas is about 5' 9\" tall (about ahead shorter than the DRC Atlas) and weighs180 lbs.”Atlas can now walk and move just like anormal human being. It can even stack boxeson its own. One feature that makes this latestversion remarkable is its ability to get backright up after it has been pushed over by astick.Is this the beginning of robots finally stickingup to itself and eventually picks a fight withhumans? Are we seeing a possible human-robot war in the future? Will these robotsevolve into something that would make themour enemies?Future enemies or not, these robots will beused to help soldiers carry equipments andprobably replace humans in deployment todangerous areas. So far, Boston Dynamicstests its robots’ efficiency by treating themto different kinds of tortures like kicking themand making them walk in icy steps.Still brutal even for robots. Good thing theydon’t feel anything. Photo by: 4erevolution24 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
Photo by: UAH ARUOTOBNOOTSMOCAUNS ALSO SAVE LIVESScience is doing everything in its Engineering Major, has been working At present, the robot is workingpower to bridge the gap between on the project for more than one according to the inputs that theyhumans and robots. The students of year. are giving but they are unsure asUniversity of Alabama in Huntsville They have written a code and to how accurate the robot executes(UAH) and their adviser have built inserted it into the robot which the code. However, what is amazingan autonomous robot that has will make the robot function. The about this robot is that this hasmanaged to grab a lot of attention. robot has a GPS system to be the capability to adjust its errorThere are a lot of robots out there, so able to detect its surroundings. automatically. Somehow, their robotwhat is so special about the robot? It is supposed to function in an fixes a problem that their makersThe project that they are developing unfamiliar environment without any cannot fix.teaches the robots the way they kind of assistance from you. You just This robot is definitely opening upwill control themselves in certain let it do the task. That’s it; but it can new opportunities in the field ofenvironments. These robots function be operated by a remote control if autonomous robots. With time,primarily like driverless cars. you desire. these kind of robots will come outDr. Farbod Fahimi, along with The robot is so smart that it can of the laboratory and find its placemechanical engineering graduate detect the surroundings and report in the hands of the military andSai Susheel Praneeth Kode and his about its conditions to you. That emergency response where they areresearch assistant, Tevon Walker, way, it can also cut off human needed the most.an undergraduate Computer element when it is not required. JULY 2016 25 Future Cities & Robotics
Photo by: PinterestScientists will soon prove a system that can saying. “Bride and groom,”that Artificial Intelligence automatically describe they would say “My bestmay be able to embody the images just like a person friend got married. They looksaying “A picture is worth a would tell a story. Their happy, and it was a beautifulthousand words,” because objective is not only to let wedding.”now, they are teaching the system enumerate the According to study seniorprograms to tell a story objects in the picture, but to author Margaret Mitchell,based entirely from pictures. explain what is happening a computer scientist atAccording to the researchers, in the photo and how it can Microsoft Research, \"Thecomputers will soon be able make a person feel. In other goal is to help give AIs moreto explain what is happening words, they are giving the AI human-like intelligence, toin videos, just like people do. storytelling capabilities. help it understand things onScientists at Microsoft For example, if a person is a more abstract level — whatResearch with their shown a picture of a man in it means to be fun or creepycolleagues are developing a tuxedo and a woman in a or weird or interesting.” long, white dress, instead of JULY 2016 27 Future Cities & Robotics
AN AI CAN NOWREAD AND ANSWERQUESTIONS BASEDON NEWS ARTICLESIn the future, you may common sense of how the Now, a group led by Manningbe able to chat with your world works [from reading] has designed an algorithmcomputer about the daily about things in novels or that was able to beatnews headlines, because watch[ing] sitcoms,” DeepMind’s results by 10now, an AI is being taught Last year, Google’s percent on the CNN articleshow to read, analyze and DeepMind team got a series and 8 percent for Daily Mailanswer questions about a of articles from the Daily Mail articles. Overall, it got a scorenews article accurately. website and CNN to help of 70 percent.One of Computer Science’s train an algorithm, so that “Some of the stuff theygoals is to be able to it can read and understand had just causes needlesscreate AI systems that can short stories. The researchers complications. You get ridlearn humanity’s existing used the bulleted summaries of that and the numbers goinformation. According to of the articles to create up.” Manning said.Chris Manning at Standford short and simple questionsUniversity, “Computers which trained the algorithmdon’t have the kind of to search for the article keygeneral knowledge and points.Photo by: Makeuseof28 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
MCRSWNAOUAAAMVRSTREIAEPSOR’RLSSETOIOTNYNASA scientists have been agency is expecting to take Photo by: Expresssearching for liquid water photos within a year.on mars, and they’ve found However, finding waterhints. Now, they want to doesn’t mean Curiosity willhave a closer look at it. NASA find life. As we all know,revealed that the Curiosity Mars’ harsh conditions likerover will be investigating fierce radiation might haverecurring slope lineae— prevented life in the firstthe dark narrow streaks on place. We may take a lookthe above photo—around at this investigation as aMars’ Gale Crater hoping to stepping stone for mankind.find water. By getting results, theIt will first take a photo findings Curiosity will collectusing its mast camera to may help plan a missionmake sure that there really for finding signs of life. Ais water. If it does find small success in this trip maywater, the machine will lead to greater things in thego and get samples. The future. JULY 2016 29 Future Cities & Robotics
BIG GUYS - HAWKING,WOZNIAK, HASSABISAND MUSK ARE OPPOSINGAUTONOMOUS WEAPONS Until now, it was just in the autonomous weapons. There science fiction movies, but are some high profile names now, it is known that the on the list of petitioners “killer robots” are possible. including Prof. Stephen Throughout the world, there Hawking, Tesla’s CEO Elon are around 40 countries Musk, Google DeepMind that are engaged in building CEO Demis Hassabis and autonomous robots. Apple co-founder Steve Probably, the day is not far Wozniak. They have joined when the humanity has to be hands to put a ban on the on war against the machines designing and development for their survival. There of weapons that can are talks that the world is autonomously “select and nearing an autonomous engage targets without arms race. To stop this kind of human interventions.” a destructive war, which can The letter of declaration have a devastating impact states: “AI technology has on the entire humanity, reached a point where the some great scientists of the deployment of [autonomous world have come together. weapons] is – practically They have filed a petition to if not legally – feasible the governments all around within years, not decades, the world to put ban on30 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
Photo by: Hawking Photo by: Woz Photo by: speakerpedia Photo by: Tedand the stakes are high: just the beginning. With An open letter from Futureautonomous weapons have the advancement of robotic of Life Institute summarizesbeen described as the third technology, more lethal the ideologies of everyrevolution in warfare, after weapons are going to come petitioner: “We believe thatgunpowder and nuclear to the forefront to kill people AI has great potential toarms.” and wage wars against one benefit humanity in manyHawkings and Musk another. ways, and that the goal ofreiterated that mankind’s According to roboticist Noel the field should be to dobiggest existential threat is Sharkey, the new world so. Starting a military AIto develop an AI that could robots will not look like the arms race is a bad idea, andspell the end of the human ones we see in movies and should be prevented by a banrace. televisions. The killer robots on offensive autonomousA few of the early examples will probably look like the weapons beyond meaningfulof machines that could hit autonomous machines that human control.”targets and kill without we have now. According to In the distant future, I hopeany kind of human help Sharkey, the machines will that mankind won’t have toare drones, quadcopters almost look like the tanks, jet choose between the red pillarmed with weaponry, and fighters, or ships. The main or the blue from Morpheus?various military targeting aim of the petitioners is tosystems. However, that is stop the kill decision to benot the end of it, they are given to machines. JULY 2016 31 Future Cities & Robotics
DOMINO’S PIZZA Photo by: digitaltrendsUNVEILSSELF-DRIVING Photo by: PCmagPIZZA DELIVERY Photo by: imgixROBOT Photo by: ArstechnicaIf you told my college self that in a According to Domino’s, DRU can deliverfew years, pizza would be delivered pizzas up to 12.5 miles away and willby a smaller and less depressed be using the sidewalk and bicycle lanesversion of the robot Marvin from The while following your GPS coordinates.Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, After ordering, you get a unique codeI’d have laughed in your face (and on your phone that will let you open amaybe barfed, too, because college specific compartment on DRU, whichwas an insane blur). incidentally can carry up to 10 pizzas inWell, my past self should have known separate heated compartments, alongbetter because Domino’s Pizza just with drinks.told the world that it is currently For those worried that little DRU mighttesting a new, totally autonomous, fall into a pothole, worry no more becausepizza delivery robot that will be driving this robot was built by Marathon Targets,itself to your door in the very near a company that works primarily with thefuture. The Domino Robotic Unit, or military in developing robots specificallyDRU, is apparently not an elaborate for obstacle-avoidance during live-firemarketing stunt but an actual robot exercises. Because when I’m having mythat’s been driving around Australia pizza delivered, I take comfort in knowingfor some time now for its trial runs it’s being done by a military-grade piecebefore Domino’s rolls it out to the of technology.world.32 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
ROBCOOTOSKTHFOATR WYOILULPhoto by: Moley RoboticsIf you have a problem with your own skills of Master Chef Tim Anderson, available to consumers until the fourthcooking, or wanted a chef in your own winner of the BBC Master Chef title, quarter of 2017. It will be supportedkitchen, that won’t be so much of a in a demonstration and putting the by an iTunes-style downloadableproblem anymore with the world’s skills into its system. The hands then library of recipes that the robot cheffirst ever robotic kitchen. replicate, even the pauses in between can cook at your own home whichThe robotic kitchen features four key and the OK gesture in the end, the are about 2,000 recipes. Just prepareintegrated kitchen items of robotic master chef’s abilities into its kitchen. a good amount of $75,000 at its firstarms, an oven, a hob and a touchscreen No wonder about that, since the launch.unit. It can be operated right at your nuclear industry and NASA uses the The robot kitchen is the brainchildfingertips via a smartphone or via the same kind of hands made by the of U.K.-based Moley Robotics,included touch screen; all you need to Shadow Robot Company. which prototype premiered at ando is pull up a recipe and wait for the If you are concerned with being international robotics show Hanoverrobot to serve you the food. stabbed by the robot, no need to fret Messe. The eureka moment for theIt isn’t a machine that just cooks; it as the robots uses a food processor idea was of Mark Oleynik in Januaryhas hands that can cook like a master and limits itself to knives. The kitchen of 2014. The first patents were filedchef. The hands get its articulation also comes with a protective screen in the following month; a prototype– its speed, its sensitivity, and its as an additional layer of safety. was built by Moley in September ofmovement – by recording the cooking This technology, however, will not be the same year. JULY 2016 33 Future Cities & Robotics
RTCHOOEBNOSFTTURSTUUACRRTEEIOOFNWe have seen many robots construction in the future. Robots can also be used with start-up Skycatch uses dronesintegrated with laboratory The future of construction off-site fabrication of the on high-profile buildingmachines and factory lies in modern technology buildings’ elements by 3D projects, which provides aequipment, but we have that will help in various printing them. bird’s-eye view of a site tojust started seeing robots aspects: drones to monitor Drones have become give progress reports, andhelping in the construction site activities and robotic recently popular and their speed up site logisticsof our buildings. It doesn’t bulldozers to push soil applications in construction through delivery monitoringend there: there’s more without the human touch. sites are already realized. US and real-time updates.with robots in the field of Japanese construction34 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
Photo by: dronologistamachinery giant Komatsu Other than drones are 3D one possible solution.takes it a step further and printing machines which will Technology is movinguses Skycatch drones to be prevalent in the future to forward and the constructionhave eyes for automated solve the housing crisis. The industry is adapting with it.bulldozers. Their function is to United Nations estimates There’s a lot more in storesend 3D models of a building that by 2030, approximately for this teaming up thatsite to a computer which will three billion people will engineers have to deal with.then feed information to the require housing and hasdriverless machinery. introduced 3D printing as JULY 2016 35 Future Cities & Robotics
LearnBuddhismftRhrooebmoBatXbMiyaonn’ekr, Photo by: The Malay Mail Online Photo by: Crowd Fund InsiderThis is what we get when we meet Master Xianfan who says that CUBETTO, ABuddhism and technology. this integration of science and PROGRAMMABLEA modern approach has been technology with spirituality is ROBOT FOR KIDSmade to introduce one of the but a natural alignment. He said,oldest religions in the world, “Science and Buddhism are not Just when you think that theBuddhism, and that is through a opposing [or] contradicting, kids of this era is all aboutbaby robot monk named Xian’er. and can be combined and playing games on tablets or iPadsIt’s more than just a cute robot as mutually compatible. Buddhism (where no fundamental skills areit will promote the religion in its is something that attaches much developed), an educational toy isown way. importance to inner heart, and created that aims to revolutionizeThe robot, which is dressed like pays attention to the individual’s the way youngsters think anda Buddha but only standing two spiritual world.“ He added, “It is a learn. Introducing Cubetto byfeet tall and purely electronics, kind of elevated culture. Speaking Primo Toys, a playful woodenhas a touchscreen on his chest from this perspective, I think it robot that lets kids aged 3 andwhich helps him answer 20 can satisfy the needs of many above to learn programming andquestions about Buddhism and its people.” STEM skills through storytelling.lifestyle. It can also move around The current robot monk is still up Using its screenless block-in seven different ways adding to for development to cater to more based control panel and tactilethe fancy of its appearance. functions. But if you want to have methods specifically designed forXian’er is the brainchild of an overview of Buddhism, Xian’er young minds, the toy set is able will give you that just enough in to introduce debugging, queue Beijing Longquan Temple. and recursions which in effect teaches the children to think JULY 2016 more logically. Future Cities & Robotics Basically, the kids have to command the cube robot to move around obstacles to reach its home. Think it's all too much for the innocent minds to handle? Not really because of the colorful, creative displays and easy to maneuver toy parts, Cubetto is able to provide joyful learning memories for the 'curious little minds with big imaginations'.36
WORLD’S FIRSTPOLICE ROBOTWORTH $3.2 BILLIONChina has unveiled the world’s Photo by: Popscifirst police robot at the 12thAnnual Chongqing Hi-tech Fair. Photo by: TelegraphThe robot is called “AnBots”,and was created by theNational Defense Univeristy—the Chinese military base forinnovation.Anbots is 1.49 meters long,and weighs around 78kg. Itis programmed to patrol thestreets at one kilometre perhour. It can run for a span of8 hours and charge its batteryon its own.The robot is 1.49 meterslong and reportedly weighsapproximately 78 kg. It isprogrammed to patrol thestreets one kilometer per hourand can reach a speed of 18kilometers per hour. It canrun for 8 hours and charge itsbattery on its own.It includes other features likebiochemical detection, explosiveclearing, intelligent monitoring,emergency call response andalso environmental monitoring.The Ministry of Public Securityhas also pointed out thelimitations of the robot at thelaunch, they mentioned itslack of social and emotionalintelligence, and the inabilityto catch suspects and it alsocarries the risk of cyber-attacks.They also mentioned thatrobots will never fully replacethe police, and that the systemwill be controlled by humans.Civilians will also be able to usethe robot using the SOS buttonon the robot. JULY 2016 37 Future Cities & Robotics
EFilriosts:CTohlelWisoiornld'sTolerant Drone Photo by: Flyability Drones have been around for people don’t have to risk going Flyability developed Elios, the therefore absorb the energy from some time and they are usually through extreme measures world’s first collision tolerant the collision while the propellers used for different purposes like to survey or inspect a certain drone. This drone is surrounded inside are still spinning and the taking aerial footages of events, area. However, one flaw in by a 15-inch exoskeleton-sphere HD camera and lighting system and taking aerial selfies. For using drones is that it could get (approximated size). The idea are still stabilized. This drone the engineering field though, damaged during inspection or of this drone was inspired by can be used in different extreme drones have a different purpose, surveying. This can happen if houseflies, which bounces off a and dangerous environments they are used to survey and the area being inspected is too surface and keep flying. Elios is that could cause harm to a inspect different areas that are tight—the drone would bump equipped with a free-rotating person like chemical spill sites, too difficult or dangerous for into different places, and could carbon-fiber exoskeleton which collapsed buildings and even people to do so themselves. get damaged. Falling debris, spins on a separate axis from glaciers. and weather issues could also the drone avionics inside. Using drones not only makes damage the drone. the job safe and effective, it When Elios hits a wall, the also promotes safety—since This is why the company cage will continue to spin and38 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
Photo by: youtube/Laundroid THE Anyone who has tried to live work, but it is committedLWFAOOULRNFDLIDRIDRNS’YGST- alone (and by alone, I mean no to shortening that and also household help, not even part- reducing the product’s size as ROBOT time) will most probably agree soon as it hits the market by with me that folding clothes 2017. is such a pain in the arse. I Laundroid’s trump card is its mean, come on! It personally ability to recognize the type of takes me some three tries clothing and to fold the item before I can successfully fold by means of its robotic arm. a simple short-sleeve shirt, let It has an automated opening alone a long sleeve one. I am in the center in which the user sometimes just tempted to can toss the piece of clothing. fold each of the clothing item The machine accepts the item, the way I want just to get the then after folding it, tosses it chore done and over with. If out neat and tidy. there is a device that can do The makers of laundroid plans the washing and the drying, to integrate the device with its why isn’t there that can do user’s home by 2020, in that the folding? the user can simply dump their Well, folks, our wait is over! used clothes into laundroid, Presenting the “laundroid” – and the machine itself will put a device that can wash and them in their proper closet dry clothing, then identify spaces once washed, dried each clothing item and neatly and folded. The creators, as fold them up. The Japanese early as now, envision that technology, produced by laundroid will be most useful Panasonic, together with in hospitals and nursing care Seven Dreamers and Daiwa, is facilities, which require an about the size of a refrigerator, exceedingly high volume of and is said to be capable of items to be washed, dried and folding a t-short in about five folded. to 10 minutes. A prototype of laundroid was Wait, what? Ten minutes! demonstrated at the CEATEC The creators admit that trade fair, Japan’s biggest IT laundroid’s present turn- and electronics fair. around time is exceedingly long compared to manual JULY 2016 39 Future Cities & Robotics
Photo by: Robotic GizmosTHIS ROBOT A group of students and According to Huang Xi, aCAN BEAT professors from the University student from the UniversityYOU AT of Electronic Science and of Electronic Science andBADMINTON Technology of China developed Technology of China, \"We were a robot that can play the the only team who made this sport badminton just like any robot fully-automated. We are amateur player. This robot uses in the business of making clever cameras, motion sensors and a devices. We might as well make special navigation system. it fully intelligent,\" It was named the Robomintoner, This robot has become very and was created for competition. popular in China. It played The UESTC team was given a ceremonial matches against task to create a badminton- Dong Jiong, an Olympic medal playing bot for the Asia-Pacific winning badminton player. Robocon 2015, wherein the Recently, it competed against robots would compete against table tennis champion Wang each other in doubles matches. Liqin. Photo by: Prog340 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
This Creepy Robot IsDesigned Just to StabPeople Photo by: Alexander RebenBiochemist Isaac Asimov has Three Laws debate with robots but on a different light that does this that actually exists...Thatof Robotics. The first law says, “A robot – by breaking the laws, he wants people was important, to take it out of the thoughtmay not injure a human being or, through to realize about the inevitable robot experiment realm into reality, because onceinaction, allow a human being to come to population that might harm us later in life. something exists in the world, you have toharm;” while the second law states, “A robot He does not intend to scare people with confront it. It becomes more urgent. Youmust obey orders given it by human beings his robot either, which by the way, is only a can’t just pontificate about it.”except where such orders would conflict black box with a mechanical arm. Nothingwith the First Law.” scary at all on first look, but when you Reben wants the people to start confronting place your fingers (for the fun of it) inside the physicality of robots harming theBut both laws are challenged by a roboticist a pair of brackets, the robot is alerted of people. He reiterates that it will raise a bitfrom California who just invented a machine your presence and it starts pricking your more awareness outside the philosophicalthat purposely stabs humans with needles. finger until it bleeds. That’s it. realm, so he broke the robotics laws.For a reason. He says, “No one’s actually made a robot He could have just chosen a robot thatAlexander Reben from Stochastic Labs in that was built to intentionally hurt and pinches the humans, right? But no, heBerkeley, California wants to join the ethical injure someone. I wanted to make a robot wants it bloody. JULY 2016 41 Future Cities & Robotics
AWTFTMPGAAIRREAORTTOTTCSRTTISSTHOOSLTTDTIOOHHN’-ESEGESUISN Photo by: Metrouk2There are a huge mass of people wholove tattoos, from simple, minimalisticdesigns, to hardcore awesome hyper-realistic tattoos. Some get tattoosbecause of many reasons, the mostprevalent one is because each tattoohas its own special meaning. That’swhy it’s important to many tattoorecipients to make sure their tattooartist is skilled in his/her art.But let’s be honest, it’s really difficultto find a tattoo artist who can satisfythe perfect tattoo art. After all,getting a tattoo is somehow a ‘forever’commitment—since they don’t comeoff unless you have it professionallyremoved.If you’re one of those people who lovespecial tattoos, you might love thattattoo art of JC Sheitan Tenet. Why?Because, not only does he do awesomerealistic tattoo art but he does it usinga prosthetic hand! Woah!Confused? Tenet is from Lyon,France. He lost is arm 22 years ago,and his existing prosthetic hand wasmodified into the world’s first tattoomachine prosthetic by French artistJL Gonzal. Here are some of hisworks.42 JULY 2016 Photo by: Metro UK Future Cities & Robotics
3D-PRINTED PROSTHETIC ARM HAS FEATURESYOU DON’T SEE WITH THE OTHERSWe have seen artificial arms The recipient of this first-of-its-that enable limb mobility, but kind prosthetic arm is Jamesnot with one with a laser light, a Young, a gamer who fell undertorch, a USB port, a watch, and a train which left him with aa drone fixed on a panel outside damaged left arm and a severedof the shoulder. lower left leg. It happened May 18, 2012.This design is created by aKonami developer and publisher James is happy to have beenof the Metal Gear Solid titles, provided with the arm. Hewho worked with a leading shared, “It gives me a hand –prosthesis artist Sophie De and not a device. It’s soft, butOliviera Barata and a technical firm, so it’s really nice to shake!”team. It is inspired by theprotagonist Snake in the new Photo by: Fashionably GeekPlayStation 4 game Metal GearSolid V.A product of 3D printingtechnology, the arm allows itsrecipient to pick up the tiniestobjects through commandssent by the shoulder muscles.It communicates with thesensors and does its tasks likea real hand, only with the extrafeatures. Scarlett JohanssonBecomes A Doll Robot Hong Kong-based product and own robot. He did not mind graphic designer Ricky Ma just spending more than $50,000 created a female robot that is just to finish what he wanted. modelled after the Hollywood Even if he had no background star Scarlett Johansson from in 3D printing, programming and scratch. The female robot electromechanics, he pursued with prototype is named Mark 1 learning it. To him, it was a sweat and is able to response from and blood project but it was all verbal commands. It could also worth it. make facial expressions. As an example, when the robot is told \"I figured I should just do it when 'Mark 1 you are so beautiful', the timing is right and realise my it will bow and smile while dream. If I realise my dream, I will replying 'Hehe, thank you.' have no regrets in life,\" Ricky Ma happily commented on his work. The success of Ricky Ma was all thanks to his persistence What do you think is going to and dedication to live out a be the consequence if humanoids dream--that is to create his become a part of our daily lives?Photo by: economictimes/indiatimes JULY 2016 43 Future Cities & Robotics
HOW THE Photo by: Apartment TherapyJETSONS Robot MaidsPREDICTED Let’s start with Rosie the robot maid. In 2012, we already have a Rosie version through Honda’s Asimo, who can walk, talk, andTHE FUTURE interact with humans. Some other robots can now do housekeeping like she does.One of the many fascinating cartoons that we’ve watchedas a kid must be The Jetsons, because of an element Flatscreenscontrary to other animations: the future. The makers ofthis cartoon have imagined what the world will look like in The video calls of the Jetson couple were done on flatscreen2062, through the lifestyle in its characters George Jetson, televisions, on top of having to watch the news. Right now,his son Elroy, his daughter Judy, and his wife Jane. And oh, the best tool for entertainment and information is throughnot to forget the family’s space dog, Astro and their robot those thin and wide TVs.maid, Rosie.It’s not 2062 yet as how this Hanna Barbera 60’s cartoonis staged, but there are some feats seen in many of theirepisodes that are already happenin – a safe conclusionthat the writers of The Jetsons somehow predicted thefuture.Video ChatRemember Jane getting to call George while he is in his SpacelySprockets through video call? Yes, that’s it, but that’s only twoof them – there’s a lot more in the cartoon that used video chat.It’s prevalent now with the camera technology we have and theInternet connection. Communication has become easy in themodern times because of video calls.44 JULY 2016 Photo by:Smithsonian Mag Photo by: Venture and the city Future Cities & Robotics
Photo by: chipchick Photo by: Article 3Flying Cars JetpacksThe transportation in The Jetsons is primarily flying car, if you can recall Human flight is achievable in the said televisionGeorge driving everyone to their respective locations in their opening billboard. series through jetpacks. We also have that now inAlthough we are not there yet with flying cars, maybe in 2062, but humans our aim to also be elevated.have made significant improvements with Terrafugia Transition, which can getup to 62 mph on the road.Dog Treadmills SmartwatchAstro casually takes dog walks through a treadmill, which already The first smartwatch that shows images and videos mightexists to exercise their favorite canine. have been in The Jetsons. Even when the screen is so small, it still works with George and even the humans just to watch the favorite shows.Photo by: retrokimmer Photo by: Youtube JULY 2016 45 Future Cities & Robotics
Photo by Hubspot Photo by:Cartoon ScrapbookTanning Beds Mall ArchitectureTanning beds, at the time The Jetsons was aired, wasn’t The malls we have now are shaping to look like thevery relevant at all. It is only after over a decade that shopping centers in The Jetsons. Instead of thetanning beds were introduced to America in 1979 through conventional concrete and wood, we already use hugeFriedrich Wolff. amounts of glass for the exteriors.Cloning Vacuum Tube TransportIn one episode, George decides to clone himself to do The Jetsons haven’t stepped on the levels of elevators anddual duties: be relaxed at home and be busy at work. stairs, but of vacuum tubes that will serve as transport.But in the new century, we only have until animal Today, undergoing study has been done by US and Chinacloning because of moral debates regarding the if such system can work in real life. The transporters mightpossibility of having to clone a human. That is not the hit 2,500 miles an hour as predicted by scientists, whichsame way George cloned himself though as such only will enable the commute from America to Europe beexists in fiction, but through biomedical engineering. shortened to an hour rather than 6 hours via plane. There is a catch though: the clear elevator shafts are already existent.46 JULY 2016 Photo by Devops Photo by: Flickr Future Cities & Robotics
WORLD’S FIRSTROBOT-RUNFARM OPENSIN JAPANAutomation is on the way to theindustries. Spread, a Japanesevegetable producer, announces itsautomated farm run by robots inKameoka, Kyoto prefecture.It will the world’s first “robot farm”in an attempt to address laborshortages by the country’s shrinkingworkforce and aging population.The robot will do the re-plantingof young seedlings, watering,trimming and eventually harvestingof crops. The feat is said to boost theproductions from 21,000 to 50,000lettuces per day and a consequentplan to raise it up to half a millionlettuces daily in five years. It will alsoimprove efficiency and reduce laborcost into half according to Spread’sglobal marketing manager, JJ Price.With the success of the firstautomated farm, surely, Japan plansto build more robotic plant factorieselsewhere, even across the globe.Photos by Getty Images JULY 2016 47 Future Cities & Robotics
UTsehleeQssueReonbootfs All hail the queen of shitty robots! She who works on useless automation! by Dion Greg Reyes For Swedish inventor Simone Giertz, robots are not entirely as useful as we think they are. There are ways to utilize robots in everyday life to the point that they are already useless. And this is evident in her YouTube channel, filled with videos of robots and their out-of-this-world applications, that has already gathered enough followers – more than 200,000 of them – to say that the Internet is indeed a weird place. Her shitty machines speak of her imagination and abilities. She already considers making such machines a job (she earns quite a fortune with her ingenous robots) and never plans to stop from manufacturing and posting about them. Using only Arduino UNO boards, she has brought robots and contraptions to a different dimension that no other engineer could have ever thought of. If you visit her YouTube channel, you can find48 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics
there her robot that feed her with cereal, herrobot that puts on her lipstick, her robot thatchops vegetables, and her robot that argues onthe internet by banging itself on a keyboard,among others. All are products of self-taughtrobotics. She built stuff on her own being so idea-oriented - she figures out building stuff by herselfrather than just learning them in theory.It usually takes her an afternoon of work forprojects that only require minimal programming,and one to two weeks full-time when she’sworking on more complicated robots like theApplause Machine, which claps for you whenyour hands are full (such a groundbreaking ideafor a robot, huh).Living in an old tugboat makes her wish to have aproject of a submarine houseboat someday. It’s adream robot project that is up her sleeves whenshe has enough time, skills and money for it. Butshe will get there, undoubtedly, having to do herunusual job on a regular basis that she enjoys. Sheleft her job in San Francisco for this kind of life inStockholm.All hail the queen of shitty robots! She who workson useless automation! All photos are screencapped from Simone Giertz’s YouTube channel. JULY 2016 49 Future Cities & Robotics
Robots that Will Make the Kids Want to Learn Math and Science by Dion Greg Reyes For the kids, learning math and science is Play-i almost always boring. The methods of teaching such subjects to the young ones do not usually The robot tandem that encourages kids to engage appeal to them especially when the styles are in computational thinking without knowing too traditional or lacking with techniques or it, Play-i robots are a product of a successful innovation. You can see in their eyes that they Kickstarter campaign. No doubt about that show no interest at all because let’s face it, they because it holds a lot of promise in teaching kids would rather choose to play with their toys through learning activities. Play-i robots are ball- rather than immerse themselves in the seemingly shaped and composed of two: Bo and Yana. Bo is difficult to process world of math and science. made up of four connected spheres that children But with advent of modern technology through program to glide along the floor on three wheels, robots, this might change. avoiding obstacles and delivering small items in There is a certain charm with robots that children the process. Yana is a single sphere laden with can be so enticed with. Using that charm, the sensors. Both are connected with a variety of robots can capture the attention of the children Apple iOS and Google Android mobile devices to be directed to a fun learning process, teaching using Bluetooth 4.0. them about math and science. The children will “The goal is to keep interaction open-ended and be immersed more than ever in wanting to learn free-play so kids discover what they can do with with the enhanced interactive tools. the robot. The robot draws them in while posing “Kids recognize when they are learning something new challenges over time,” says Play-i founder themselves—robots give them that. Building and and CEO Vikas Gupta. programming these devices is part of becoming a creative science and engineering kind of Photo by Robot Launch person.” That’s what Larry Johnson, CEO of a research organization specializing in educational technology called New Media Consortium said. Robots have been proven to be more effective educational tools starting from the lower grades up to graduate school. Here are robot platforms specially designed to teach children:50 JULY 2016 Future Cities & Robotics