GINEERSNOW TEAM Ems Bagatsing Sales & Marketing Director [email protected] Robert Bagatsing Editor-In-Chief [email protected] Engr. Alice Hernandez Senior Editor-At-Large John Vauden Charity Bagatsing Raymond Gerard del Valle SAensiiao-rPEacdiiftiocr Senior Editor Junior Editor North America Hina Sapra Abhishek Tarafder Engr. Dion Greg Reyes Senior Editor Matrix Media South Asia Junior Editor Information Technology Creative & LayoutTherese Matheren Jaycee Urriquia Engr. Cielo Panda Senior Editor Video Editor North America Junior Editor GineersNow is a subsidiary of Lincoln Martin Strategic Marketing Level 14, Boulevard Plaza Tower 1 MBR Boulevard, Emaar Square, Downtown Dubai, UAE P.O. Box 334036, Dubai, U.A.E. Mob: +971 50 4289684 www.LincolnMartin.comDisclaimer: The publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for error or omissions contained in this publication, however caused. The opinions andviews contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers. Readers are advised to seek specialist advice before acting on informationcontained in this publication, which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the readers' particular circumstances.The Copyright Law of the United States of America, Chapter 1, Subject 107, called the “Limitations onexclusive rights: Fair use” states that, “Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, theoftahierrumseeoafnas csoppecyirfiigehdtbedy twhoartks,eicntciolund, ifnogr psuucrhpousseesbsyurcehparsocdruictitcioisnmi,nccoompmieesnotr, npehwonsorreepcoorrtdinsgo,rtebaycahninyg(including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copy-right. In determining whether the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered shall include—(3(1))ththeeapmuorupnotseanadndsucbhsatraancttiearliotyf(2toh)fentthhoueensepnp,raoiotnruftciritloeuendodiufuntscgheaedwticoihnoneparthyel rlepairugtishrouptnecodhstoewusts;oherekisc;oopf yarcigohmtemdewrcoiarkl naastaurwehoorleis; for(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.” and ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 3
EdiNtoort'es aidctcWnWtohoaicneuhainchsgnroagaaslgeonroledereugu,“oortettouhah!wnarsneeonedtelaedhencvramgtepaehlirsolaineystltedes-soeeilnauaotrsygortnsaiti”h.nvoh!oeeneTWuirestirormhipseiteenhsoextdsowidciisaslnateiymenmgr?lnguoaacOeknvatereees-f., dcimnyhpnaooaoee.urwimEnnAtauteghl.bosrlol,otfFtepoihpineneteeshfdnd,uufeueelAprosapg“ftsutocriouytailrrreectwesaaaadnnrnhaefndsaupntetdtooenNuerwowerionfreeaefrggsbriticwyhlnwaee”helsiAlele.emlorrnmlsefeeoeoravarrguvreeiyeer--- ovhhwncriwtmBitbhCsnihelenoeeoeuvoaieaeellnnantmeltasoacpnlyhttdoignrolpt.sttoeeaow,dspynmsnrucm.eTaertfenrecsnIeornbrsashaeno’eiotnmevsdeoibnirntnmariticsuiuunddgmvi-,oitrncrtfrseyeamcetioeetwpn,snlhogenictnskoooihwasgoueseugniesnvvinenorishweslgtpane.tdginopitsaalbeocaifaaelafbelohuafgycodreabprlfnngehlernvisooaifclseyaeandsuouerhbetaantnscrstsaapcnfetl.gpevslrosuramecderuoieoufgrdwtHngomsowodcecseycttaaoisoreohsah,eealr.twivuticraimelmWneisteoisnrteorelaarifmmvgoonndthlnoblaeyeuuspoaeagallirrd’oeerss----ttl,., vmiirnpaTehtijewousnmoonncauyaohsasogontrgduwsppsrtesvtnmitonerrh-teeiootoomo.uoannomeofmrvdtgWaedunuugaetseutheutlyshstrndrahcw.hataseeselteotr.lufmaa.Ebnr,letLi.ymsi,eIvgatmktepefobWoeotionsaitbnuprenyrfnodaueyrteeaoeiiowleesjescntiuofaevddfryctsosuaeridei.oa,pdnrneirwlyuimtEiooygogna.hriinopevn,netnatptheu’fdhgettvtraoroohhaoiyiniybrhmtssuocnividyiashtanwevmtdivigtrotggsveemchcounhawlr-eioveyscomtrcaoieemtecroiwnvnbssiencuuancfpaitienlvlinornnahudoaactiinn’oggaerss------ IwieiwtmWdwnnonnioehtfageeefrof’tkoreverlhaigdrfevecnefey,lioemgn.efwrcmiwtonoeayWiuesstnsooshdsrprdeuattigihauhgferaafceaeacwenridttcvrsoeiaohesazfdsnanounarsotnicteceirthdiueohtngeoosynaitviftwsennsaooerGkrisnfvazopyyeisilaunoerlettaoerucewieoocnirenassvtinrceoeiglesawosciNrfilnnnseriaaeosotaebnhutbwvimelyndeeeer-., LonoImeTaamtfnanfee’hsfoictdwolset’hvysshwraieiGdnebobmbieatnilnyenhwnebeogilenstopvneeioeutrnanar.sltroeeasdstCetNaeranughtvritdroonhhyeafw.iacnrandtbeattLghghteanleeeeaesfcetaiih’tncscpwsmh“.rlilccesotaeaWlehoabtarnelnmloteasyeedeulwnt,iie.penappndveJprtgoooheeneeo.swriseversngoereittrybngrlhrueoelyeaseisdpa”s-tt.. Engr.SAenliiocreEHdietorrn-aat-nLdaregze4 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
ENGINEERSUNITE FOR ARENEWABLEENERGYREVOLUTIONcIoTnceHrnAinSg uBsEfoEr NquitAe soMmAe yJeOarRs nFowA aCsTitOhaRs sion and transportation losses so that less prima-a great impact on our lives, including the way we ry energy is required to provide the same energylive, and how our future might come to be. We services.need to take imperative steps to prevent such di- Through major improvements in energy efficien-sastrous climate change. cy, combined with a rapid scale-up in renew-The goal might sound simple, but it actually is a able energy that rely primarily on technologiesbig task that needs to be accomplished soon. Cli- that are already commercially available today,mate change is not a pollution issue that can be we could be halfway to an all-renewable worldimproved by simply setting random rules. There within the next two decades. Güssing in Austria,needs to be a defined set of laws to govern the Rizhao in China, the Danish island of Samsø, andemissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) to date. We several other communities are already undergo-also need transformation in the entire global en- ing revolution to achieve energy transformation,ergy system, as there is no benefit attached with using combinations of various innovations.the release of greenhouse gases. Developed and The world can easily undergo the solar energydeveloping nations alike will benefit in numerous transformation since technologies involving theways from the transition to an energy-efficient use of solar energy are now available at reason-and renewable world. able prices. Yes! These are possible, with the priceThe renewable energy technologies should be of solar photovoltaic panels declining over 99used to replace the thermal processes (such as percent over the last four decades, and the windfuel combustion or nuclear power), which in turn energy generation capacity has grown for morewould result in a major reduction in the amount than 20 percent over the past decade.of primary energy required. There are numerous Thanks to the increasing prices of the fossil fuelsrenewable technologies that are well-suited for and rapidly growing safety concerns, the day isdistributed uses, generating fuel, electricity, and not too far when the world will be a globally re-generating heat. Thereby, reducing the transmis- newable energy user!6 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
Photo by Getty ImagesHOW TO MAKE THE WORLDSHIFT TO CLEAN ENERGYWho wants clean energy for everyone? We all do! be cheap, what makes it expensive is the infra-Who in their right minds wouldn’t want renew- structure spending. Solar panels and wind millsable energy that’s good for the environment and are expensive to install but once it’s there, lifecheaper for our consumption? should be a breeze (so to speak).With climate change taking over our lives, gov- That’s where institutions like the World Bank,ernments and private companies have invested Asian Development Bank and European Bankbillions of dollars in order to shift from fossil for Reconstruction and Development, play a cru-fuels into clean renewable sources of energy. cial role in our energy shift. According to repre-According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, sentatives from New Climate Economy:everybody invested a whopping $329 billion last “Development banks can take on the risks thatyear. Unfortunately, that amount is not enough no other actors are willing to take. ... For everyfor total clean energy consumption. Ceres, a sus- $1 [development banks] invest, they can leveragetainability advocacy group, says that the world up to $20 in private finance… The markets areneeds $1 trillion in new investments every year! working. The cost of renewables are dropping.Where in the world can we get $1 trillion? Don’t People are seeing the promise to energy efficien-forget that’s $1 trillion for new investments. We cy.”also need money to sustain the amount we pay If governments and major key players in re-for shifting our energy from non-renewable to newable energy start focusing on implementingrenewable sources of energy! clean energy in our daily lives, it will give us aOne way to get that money is to have institutions huge relief when we see our bills and we get tolike the World Bank to invest on renewable ener- save the planet, too!gy. While renewable clean energy is supposed to ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 7
2016 PNEIOWNEENEERRGSYBloomberg ETSicrNCtBbtzohuouyhneieeenmtmiedewybnnytr.pnemhggtehaiewyrtninpeEshtetianBFeherereneisliitpnonnreaogroawornetnygmfeecnNycrnroubeteeteghsvePaiewnairols(iscgoleiBltzuBlnfoNyeertYNNereocdi,EoeoatneE1ernFrrawtsFdk’0s--)t. teastsainrraernnaagligddednnycssMshtpfoimoseooilmraacnramdhrtca,,cahraooetbtwifminlioioWteannmeendcniaaihl,ltestletnyhraeBsgsoitreNiroynlseoc,riE,haganetFgnaihgne.eid,e”rs-, Newlight Technol-New Energy pihtamTaaaninnrseohoosdaldtneepnuueisntnynssleaditotedcsnriedftahydepalntdBpeehbomxnpNseal1pcdlosoiE0aeeecgmwFlrdnayeto’nots,eseurtnoxpwsltaitdnpnaunionetnmahffrtweolrthylosttveeshhb.maortiyeeers-f”wgewanccaycfepahtaiolsueonnpafdtjsclfatmgudhlieoyo,rtlndneoasemutatintghi“snleonladWiegtetmstnugrssshiteheunoerefoeoitaaeicgvogesnlnvkoaelfwrwwdettofiattttaeooouh1hhhhbsyorrnnpok0yeeeees-f ogies (USA) usesFinance gives p“tcaesheTernrgtaiehdvtysieoststdehfhPdeyecifebyoraoaaynnrrcn,detoghteiwvhdereeseaeovrtfeeNw–prsaryeeciowrwtnsigetvcerrlioaEiutmrimnndeegs----, esHEcrnegreirybergeFdyoarcbePuysitoR.hneeenee2rw0s,1ab6alseNEdenew-- carbon capturenew list of 10 technology to con-companies vert greenhouse gaswho have been emissions into Air-significant in Carbon, a high-per-forwarding the formance materialenergy sector. that replaces a wide range of oil-based plastics by out-com- peting on price and performance. SolarKiosk (Germa- ny) offers modu- lar off-grid solar powered business centers, enabling last-mile distribu- tion of products and services to un- tapped markets in remote rural areas worldwide.8 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
Sentient Science 24M (USA) ad- FirstFuel (USA) The listed 10(USA) predicts dresses the world’s offers advanced data out of the manyfailures in wind need for affordable analytics and in- applicants fromcomponents before energy storage with sights that help im- around thethey happen, using a new, more cost-ef- prove and optimize world werematerials science fective approach energy consump- assessed basedand high perfor- – semi-solid lithi- tion in buildings. on theirmance computing um-ion technology. Emergya Wind potential scale,to determine the Verdezyne (USA) is Technologies (The innovation andearliest point in a bio-based chemi- Netherlands) is rev- momentum bytime when cracks cals company, with olutionising wind an independentinitiate and grow a synthetic biolo- energy by providing panel ofwithin rotating met- gy platform that localised, distribut- industryal components. produces a variety ed energy, at below experts with theMobisol (Germa- of chemicals from grid power pricing, help of BNEF’sny), since 2012, has renewable, non- to a wide variety of analysts andequipped more than food sources. customer segments. technology40,000 rural homes Vigilent (USA) is pi- AutoGrid Systems experts.and businesses with oneering the use of (USA) is a leadingsolar home systems internet-of-things, provider of intel-in Tanzania and machine learning, ligent and scalableRwanda – making and predictive software-as-a-ser-it one of Africa’s analytics to deliver vice solutions thatlargest and fastest dynamic cooling optimize supply andgrowing providers management in demand flexibilityof off-grid solar sys- mission critical across a diversetems to homes and environments such portfolio of distrib-businesses. as data centres. uted energy resourc- es. ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 9
NATIONSRTLHEEAENDESIWHNAIGFBTLTEOENERGYag2wecPnfcAoronne0aamherom0terdwaeiitroosnschcmganenooAeyrigisu,nrdgttgmetnraisctrinelhurotneeaeregemmevglinmeietmpnphtehsnhosetcoeawiewnllutonueuiohtrsneyadseiordw.cececnTogghdoitoneauhhuDfsinsdneennireegse,tetwcerrtnmrsnhaeyoioeeeetmeildrltiswsaeoolasbdrvtanil,hdeoembarenenl,noe-sds. t lwtcvPwawutteihhanasevaaiheentenrdeydiomhdtocdeestasohnr–oyntphfusasusoes:idivtnrrftwretoettgbthomthhrtyihatenione,eheslerlrnsebsyraieleasrueittaiiktmnotatdoiadesrecewkyuaeewsoxteylnsoomismesaesulbvfgbtaiaeaoefneiorlfdnsnenliimolpcetgdtoeidinoaaowsenda.natinraeepgiTteetvltrvinpthlhogeseiitlieecnnoyyrffaei.nnrsb-nbsoaoedem-s-t eiecIGbermwaBrsfeeonnnneuhrnnetnmteeodothenweerrouwonetiggwwtwegnh,rntyyeiaaeh.nghe,etn’bbssoictsiocttllnitaueeohomumhwnspmimefrenyoreapacnseotgteuneoeethtsmsolderirtidestgtrfhnolmafdeyffbegwosorvrieatlionfrcheelskfowmoinaneisnetcwtmruehhivhcetwtoreeheonmthenrnhsauefteettuboenusmnthsgnlthehltseoeuoerceeeiwurvaitnfrseeotegde.ats; ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
SWEDENThere is no stopping Sweden to commit tothe ambitious goal of going 100% fossil fu-el-free, because in 2015, they have alreadypushed investments on solar, wind, ener-gy storage, smart grids and clean trans-port; and even finding the competition todo just the same.Photo by InhabitatNICARAGUAIt was in 2007 that Nicaragua, throughtheir then-president, pushed renewableenergy through investments. In 2012,they already achieved the fifth-highestpercentage worldwide of its GDP in devel-oping renewable energy. Until June 2015,Nicaragua already produced 54% of theirelectricity through renewables. The goalin 2020 is to become 90% dependent onrenewable energy.Photo by GettySCOTLANDWind turbines works best in Scotland, aswind power already produced an equiva-lent of 97% of Scotland’s household elec-tricity needs in 2015.Photo by PV Magazine ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 11
COSTA RICAWhile other countries are yet to maximizetheir renewable energy, Costa Rica al-ready has 99% of their electricity in 2015coming from renewables alone. Theirunique geography is to thank for, that theyhave committed the whole country to usehydroelectric, geothermal, solar, wind,and other low-carbon sources. This smallcountry also has an aim to be carbon-neu-tral by 2021.Photo by Renew Economy GERMANYThere was a time when Germany had evento pay people to use electricity for severalhours because they have too much ener-gy from renewables. But apart from thatfeat, Germany, through their solar power,has been able to meet up to 78% of a day’selectricity demand.Photo by Rex Features12 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
URUGUAYIt took less than 10 years for Uruguay tobe 95% dependent with renewable ener-gy. Their investments in wind and solaris highly remarkable, considering there iszero subsidies or increases in consumercosts. Their government is also commit-ted to it with their supportive regulatoryenvironment and strong partnership withthe private sector.Photo by Reuters CHINADespite being the world’s largest carbonemitter, China was able to commit in in-stalling wind energy in 2014, the most inthe world. In the same year, they also hadthe second highest installed solar PV ca-pacity. China is slowly phasing out theircoal.Photo by Business InsiderISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 13
MOROCCO When Morocco realized that there is so much potential in solar energy, they just went for it and have gone big – they have the largest concentrated solar plant in the world which first phase opened this year. This is in support with the existing win and hydro plants, which will propel them to 50% reliance to renewables by 2020. Photo by Ecomena DENMARK Considered to be a global leader in wind energy generation, Denmark depended 42% of its electricity in 2015 – even with two wind farms offline. That enabled them to hold the world record for the highest percent of wind power ever achieved. But it doesn’t stop there, as Denmark has a 2050 vision of being 100% free from fossil fuels. Photo by Ministry of Foreign Affairs Denmark14 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
KENYAKenya has ramped up their geothermalenergy dependence from 13% of Kenya’stotal electricity use in 2010, to 51% in2015. Kenya also holds a bright future onwind energy by putting up Africa’s larg-est wind farm, set to provide 310 MW ofpower which comprises another 20% ofthe country’s installed electricity capacity.Photo by PV Magazine UNITEDSTATES OF AMERICAQuite a feat in solar power is that of theUnited States of America: in 2014, a newsolar energy system is installed every twominutes and 30 seconds, which earnedthem the fifth place on the installed solarPV capacity worldwide. Not only does theUS specialize in solar, but also wind: theyhave the second highest installed windenergy capacity in the world. But there issome imbalance between electricity gen-eration and demand, with only 13 percentof the country’s electricity in 2014 comingfrom renewables.Photo by Recharge NewsISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 15
PORTABLE MEXICAN Photo by SOLAR RESEARCHER MOBILE CREATES CEMENT CHARGERS THAT EMITS LIGHT Mobile phones low in charge can die in- stantly. And definitely, the worst situations Streetlights are the usual lighting system that cement is an opaque body that doesn’t could be anywhere that has no power used to light up roads, streets, highways, allow the pass of light to its interior.” source to plug our chargers. To avoid such and bicycle lanes. However, there is new He said that common cement is a dust situations, you ensure that your phone is a way to light them up without using elec- that dissolves when added to water. After completely charged before leaving from tricity. Ph.D José Carlos Rubio from Mi- which, it will start to become a gel. At the any premises so that you don’t have to choacan’s University of San Nicolas Hidal- same time, some crystal flakes are formed, spend even a second without them. Even go, UMSNH in Spanish, was able to create these are the unwanted sub-products in then, it is tricky to keep the battery going a light-emitting cement that can last up to hardened cement. Because of this, the with all those complimentary apps in your 100 years. researcher focuses on modifying the mi- mobile phone. Your apps are constantly According to Dr. Rubio, “Nine years ago, cro-structure of the cement to eliminate working and updating themselves, suck- when I started the project, I realized there these crystals and make it pure gel, so it ing up your data and battery’s life. But was nothing similar worldwide, and so I will be able to absorb solar energy and re- what would you do when your phone gets started to work on it. The main issue was turn it to the environment as light. discharged halfway and you don’t have an electric charging point? You feel helpless, EXTREMELY but not anymore! XD Design has come up LIGHTWEIGHT with a powerful solution. SOLAR CELLS Solar-powered phone chargers have been THAT DON’T POP launched in the market to make your life A BUBBLE simple and easy. Small and compact in size, these chargers are aesthetically ap- As renewables and the Internet of Things considered thin-fil substrate like per- pealing. They are simple and easy to keep have become the mainstream, the renew- ovskites, quantum dots and other organ- in your purse or glove compartment and able energy revolution is on its way ac- ic layers. And to demonstrate the light- are also quite convenient with their handy cording to a new study at Massachusetts weight solar cells, they draped a working suction cup. Institute of Technology. cell on top a soap bubble, without actually It can be used anywhere either you’re at It seems like a move to entirely renewable popping it. Wow! home, on travel, in the car or train. The energy within 20 years is really possible. This is definitely revolutionary. Imag- Window solar charger has a 1.400 mAH According to the study of Professor Vlad- ine the convenience and advancement it built in battery which can charge your imir Bulovic Wang and doctoral student could make to all our gadgets and tools if smartphone up to 60%. It is very simple to Joel Jean published at the Organic Elec- this is mass produced? We’ll see. use as you can easily stick it to your win- tronics, scientist can build light weight yet Stay tuned for more renewable tech up- dow and start capturing the sun energy. efficient solar cells. It has been said to be dates! Available with a USB output, the charger of a great magnitude thinner and lighter can easily be connected with any phone as described by Max Shtein of University Photo by MIT cable. of Michigan. It has tremendous implica- The complete charging time takes up to tions for maximizing power-to-weight. 13 hours. Charging by this solar powered Bulovic told the publication that the key mini USB cable reduces the time-taken to to this new concept is making three in approximately 3 hours. A red light indi- once process which includes the cell, the cates that it is still charging. Once the bat- substrate and the protective coating. The tery is full, a green light pops up on your substrate should not be cleaned or be re- phone. moved from vacuum during fabrication The technology is advancing and so does process to minimize dust exposure that the need to revolutionize our energy re- can degrade over all solar cell perfor- sources. It’s time that you start choosing mance. solar over the conventional forms of en- Materials were also meticulously chosen ergy! and tested for production process espe- cially in the in-line substrate, they also Photo by XD Design16 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
PURIFYING WATER FUEL CELLSTHROUGH LEDS CAN NOW BE POWERED BYPurifying water has traditionally been UV-C LEDs do not use mercury so the WASTEWATERthrough chemicals. Chemical treatments risk of exposure is impossible. UV-Cdissolve pathogen cells entirely, but cer- LEDs also have a start time of a few nano- twmsAhecaaaactrxteocircmrh.odeiuirznsled,g ttbthhoeeeygtwaehmnoaevorVeuaintfreotgduionnffirdaoemalTeecwwcthraaiycsrtiteetoy--tain downsides like toxicity to aquatic seconds and have no on/off limitations, hATstmaittswfgnurhhuenyehceaaaeeabldecatptrSlxtmseothcicctJmrrcmrhara.eiietodeanneslIoesiluntinornez.enestdlneatstdai,gihirftnsichcHtsetcbcthyohheaooeeesureerRdvtyrtltegtoeeedisrwamcevrfphamlnesopcoteatlahehervoroctirodeVatehduapasmtdlainmt, and creation of harmful by-products which allows for instantaneous disinfec- p“beMimsselTiieoelararfc.ckla-otessecrFtguiieoencispwcfnitgtaatgaytlhitos,nhetiwsieenanypwanbsguraatadzeitacnzemssttulrsheteshsirestttietaoraegaieennrngsanogtatateawimbvrnrpelgiteeenryuegnogwretstfihnetnaarseceygesyerm.onanuTrdstatsiahejneotiorido.g”rssfhave been identified. Other solutions were tion and flexible running times, in com- Trlidsasetihrccvfaetaeiatdrpertuteesgo—asrrelealsacaynroi.tdnceTmhrhfebufteorhieysnralmetwfco,weaoulttrlhhneske—.ednineotthnuhteeaternytgtdhwyweaomtoorwukwsthupiienbtunh--tdiscovered, and new treatment evolved, parison with conventional laps whicha better option, which is the ultraviolet takes 5-10 minutes to warm up to peak(UV) treatment. disinfection temperatures. ReplacementBut UV treatment also has its issues: con- intervals are also beneficial with LEDventional UV lamps usually have 20-200 lamps as they can last to over 10 years.milligrams of mercury, in liquid form The low energy consumption is also an-or in an amalgam, and can break during other plus for UV-C LEDs as it only re-transportation, handling, and operation, quires low voltage DC. Even a small solarwhich are then prone to risk of exposure. panel or battery can perform the disinfec-Now, the concept of using LEDs for wa- tion.ter purification emerged. LEDs are almost Applications of this water purificationomnipresent in our devices, and are al- technology will help remote communitieslowing for longer lives, fast on/off times, to purify water with solar power options.and low power consumption. LEDs have The effect of UV-C LEDs reaches thosebeen revolutionized to reach what we call who have a problem with clean UV-C LEDs, which will help in purify- This technology is already on the worksing our waters. through the BIOWYSE Project, who is currently working on a device that will use this technology in water disinfection in the International Space Station. Photo by Hospitality NetE-WAYS: All you have to do is to move into the re-CHARGING charging lane when the electric car runsLANES FOR low on power. When you are done, youELECTRIC can move back into the regular highwayCARS lane. That’s how simple this new recharg- ing system is. You can achieve those longIf you have an electric car, you probably trips with no stops anymore unless youknow how much of a hassle it is to stop are going to take a leak.and recharge every hundred miles or so. E-ways are already operating in a few ofThat wouldn’t be so much of a problem the states in the US like California andanymore once e-ways, or charging lanes Utah. Pilot applications of E-way projectsfor electric cars, will be implemented are also used for bus or trams routs inaround the world. South Korea, Germany, Italy, Netherlands United States, and England. Several European countries see how con- venient this technology is which have been supported through millions of in- vestment to advance e-ways. Photo by Stuff NZ ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 17
THE BID FOR GRID-LINKEDSOLAR POWER SOLARPROJECTS IS NOW GENERATIONAS LOW AS CAPACITY2.99 CENTS A IN INDIAKILOWATT-HOUR. EXCEEDS 5,000 MWCHEAPEST PRICE BID FOR SOLAR POWER - NOW IN DUBAI MARKWould you believe that the bid for solar People question whether there is money As of January 15, the total grid-connectedpower projects is now as low as 2.99 cents in this projects considering the bankrupt- solar power generation capacity in Indiaa kilowatt-hour? This is happening in the cy of SunEdison, Inc, the biggest develop- has grossed to 5,129.81 MW, as reportedUnited Arab Emirates and is considered to er. Banks are said to doubt whether these by the Ministry of New and Renewablebe the lowest price so far. The price is even projects can become good investments. Energy.lower compared to that of a coal-fired gen- So far, the company offering the lowest The following are the leading grid-con-erator. bid for the Dubai Electricity and Water nected capacity according to state:In a bid to develop 800 megawatts of so- Authority wasn’t named. However, groups Rajasthan – 1,264.35 MWlar-power projects for Dubai Electricity including Masdar Abu Dhabi Future En- Gujarat – 1,024.15 MWand Water Authority, the 2.99-cents mark ergy Co., Spain’s Fotowatio Renewable Madhya Pradesh – 678.58 MWshows that bidders are willing to take a Ventures BV and Saudi Arabia’s Abdul La- Tamil Nadu – 418.94 MWrisk in providing the cheapest solar power. tif Jameel were believed to be some of the Maharashtra – 378.7 MWAccording to Jenny Chase, head of solar bidders for the project. Andhra Pradesg – 357.34 MWanalysis of Bloomberg New Energy Fi- Mexico was the previous record holder for Telangana – 342.39 MWnance, “Nobody knows how it’s meant to the cheapest price for solar power. Now, Punjab – 200.32 MWwork.” the 2.99-cent price is 15 percent lower Uttar Pradesg – 140 MW than the previous record. However, there are states that need to step up their capacity: West Bengal – 7.21 MW Uttarakhand – 5 MW Haryana – 12.8 MW Indian government aims to have 175,000 MW of power generation capacity from renewable sources, including 100,000 MW from solar and 60,000 from wind, by 2022. There is still a long way to go, but given the circumstances there is a silver lining. Under the National Solar Mission, the government increased the solar power generation capacity addition target by five times to 100 GW last year.Photo by Economic Times18 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
SOLARENERGYFOR LESS In a world full of blossoming technology, code unlocking the system and off they astonishingly over 1.6 billion people still go. Wait, there’s more! Over a 2 to 3 year lack access to electricity. A new company, period a portion of each prepayment goes Simpa Networks, has come up with a con- toward the full cost of the unit. Once this cept to address the concern of the Indian is paid the unit unlocks permanently and people. Their market of choice is the 400 consumer has free electricity until the unit million homes in India with no access or lasts (said to be about 10 years). limited access to electricity. The technol- This brilliant billing system tackles the ogy is very simple, a 40-watt solar panel huge problem of affordability by pulling linked to a 26aH battery that can power the cost of acquisition and operation of 2-3 LED lights or charge a mobile phone. energy within the cost band of traditional The innovation comes in the form of how kerosene lighting or diesel power gener- this is marketed to the consumer. ation. Though Simpa is a relatively new Developing a concept used first by mobile player, I think many will be following the phone companies called satchel market- company as the concept could well be ing, Simpa Networks charge the consum- applied to first world markets too. Possi- er a small initial fee to acquire and install bly ending the need for a grid in the first their solar kit. The consumer prepays place? Think of the huge advances made in 5,10 and 50 rupee increments bought in battery technology and the advances through their mobile phone. Power is ac- made not only in solar but mini wind gen- cessed by code inputted through keypad eration tech. Soon enough, you may well on the system. The consumer enters the be dealing with a company like Simpa too. Photos by Simpa Networks ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 19
SOLAR ENERGY CO2 CAN NOW NEW GENERATED BE TURNED INTO DESALINATION FROM STREETS SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGY CONCRETE IN THE WORKS IN QATAR SolaRoad, a Dutch technology that al- Researchers at the University of Cali- Membrane distillation is an emerging de- lows solar pannels to be used in roadway fornia, Los Angeles (UCLA) have found salination technology, and Qatar Univer- projects made Caltrans Director Malcolm a new method of making concrete ce- sity College of Engineering (QU-CENG) Dougherty interested and has announced ment—by making use of limestone and is up for the challenge to forward this field. a plan to coordinate with Netherlands CO2. The research project led by QU-CENG Vice President Elisabeth Post. Dougherty Concrete production accounts for 5% of chemical engineering professor Dr. Farid wanted to develop more sustainable op- CO2 emissions produced globally. So, the Benyahia, with the funding from Con- tions for harnessing the application power research team wanted to take the oppor- ocoPhillips pioneered a process called of solar energy in transportation infra- tunity to make a cement substitute from membrane distillation desalination. The structure. captured carbon from power plants. The project has discovered that a hydrophobic Having implemented already in Kromme- team’s method uses CO2 given off during membrane disallows salty water to pass nie, North Holland last November 2014, the calcination process, wherein it is cap- through and allows fresh water vapour to solar cells with a translucent top layer of tured and combined with calcium hy- permeate and condense. Requirements of tempered glass are constructed on the droxide to be able to recreate limestone. this process are minimal to a low tempera- roads in this SolaRoad project. The con- They were able to construct 5cm cones of ture feed of salty water, often not exceed- crete panels allow for the sunlight hitting cement substitute, CO2NCRETE, which ing 80 ºC, and low usage of atmospheric the streets to be converted into electricity were shaped using 3D printing. pressure. for street lights, electric vehicles, traffic According to associate professor in civil The process has been tested in two pilot systems and even in households. and environmental engineering at UCLA plants at the Ras Bou Fantas power and Both California and The Netherlands Gaurav Sant, while cement production re- desalination plant and got promising re- have exerted efforts to push zero-emission sults in CO2, if it is possible to reutilize it sults. The tests showed that membrane transportation and energy development to make a building material which could properties need to be improved for long- in terms of sales. In addition, both parties be a new kind of cement, then it’s an op- term usage and to combine thermal inte- have performed programs that will limit portunity. gration with existing chemical processes the effects of climate change through re- “The big challenge we foresee with this is in Qatar. This will exploit low-grade heat duction of green house gases and genera- we’re not just trying to develop a building being dissipated into the environment, tion of renewable energy. material. We’re trying to develop a process which in turn, will reduce energy con- Photos by Symposiet solution, an integrated technology which sumption for fresh water production, thus goes right from CO2 to a finished prod- cheaper water. uct.” Sant said. Photos by The World Folio Photos by UCLA20 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
NEXT ENERGY POWER YOURTECHNOLOGIES SMARTPHONESDEVELOP WITH PEE“SMART”WINDOWSSoon, buildings and windows will be help- The next time you pee in the toilet, you Aside from electricity, urine is also con-ing out in energy conservation. may want to remember that your pee verted to clean water after it is processedThis is the goal of one Goleta startup— could power your smartphones. with microbes, protons and oxygen.the Next Energy Technologies. They aim Yes, you heard that right. No, you don’t Don’t expect too much from it yet. Theto channel solar power through special- necessarily pee on it. amount of electricity produced by the cellsly-engineered windows as a source of re- Researchers have pondered whether pee is just in the microwatts level. In order tonewable energy. can be used as an energy source. Now, produce more energy (to make it use-According to the company’s design so there’s a study in the Bristol Robotics Lab- ful), the research team ran a total of eightfar, Next Energy Technologies windows oratory (a collaboration of University of MFCs in a certain manner that producedcan produce 20 percent of a commercial Bristol and University of the West of En- around 642 mV, 206 µW and 312 µA. Ac-building’s power needs on average. gland) that proved that they can generate cording to them, this output is enough toAfter winning UC Santa Barbara’s Tech- power using a urine-powered cell. Think “charge a Samsung mobile phone.”nology Management Program New Ven- of how much your electric bill would According to Dr. Ieropoulos, urine is ef-ture Competition in 2010, they are finally lessen if you use your pee to charge your fective in creating energy because of themoving from research phase to commer- phones. Awesome, right? amount of organic matter it has. Withcial production—this is their goal for Ioannis Ieropoulos led his BioEnergy its organic level, electrical conductivity2018. team in creating this urine-powered cell and acidity, urine is able to power smart-According to CEO and cofounder Daniel to convert someone’s pee into electrical phones. However, if more power is neededEmmet, “They’re smart buildings. Win- energy. They even have a term coined for to be produced in this fuel cells, the peedows are going from being a passive part it – “urine-tricity.” With an annual pro- must contain higher amounts of proteinof buildings to active. It’s an exciting time duction of 6.4 trillion liters of urine, these content. Increasing the protein contentfor buildings.” researchers want to convert it into useful may lead to kidney damage.Most commercial buildings will be able to energy by processing it with its microbialearn back their investment within a year fuel cells (MFCs). These cells contain live Photos grabbed from YouTubeof installation, he noted. microbes where it consumes the urine andAccording to Emmet, Next Energy Tech- eventually, frees electrons. These electronsnologies is continuing to raise its series B are collected by the electrodes in the cellround of funding, they are already half- and generate electricity by connecting itway towards their $7 Million goal thanks to an external the help of local investors and familyoffices.Photos by Noozhawk ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 21
SHOES THAT PRODUCE ELECTRICITY CREATED BY ENGINEERING STUDENTS IN VIETNAM PAVING THE I am guilty of complaining everyday about What about studying his lessons under a ROADS OF traffic jams and unruly motorist. I cannot decent lamp? What about driving away tolerate getting stuck on the road, and disease carrying insects? FRANCE WITH wasting my time travelling from my office Engineering students from the Ho Chi 1,000 KM to home. I hate staring blankly at the tail- Minh City University of Technology, with lights of the car before me, wishing my car the support of socially responsible compa-SOLAR PANELS just flew. nies, have developed a way to convert the Sitting in front of my computer now, kinetic energy spent by the Vietnamese In France’s efforts to turn into renewable counting the hours till it’s time to go students in walking to usable electricity. energy, the country allots 1,000 km (621 home, I am again bracing myself for the They invented the Green Cross Kinet- miles) of their road to be paved with du- arduous journey home. I am imagining ic Energy Shoes that charges integrated rable photovoltaic panels to supply renew- my route, thinking about how I can outwit batteries while the children walk home. able energy to 5 million people, about 8 the other motorist in the race to an ear- Upon reaching home, the children can percent of the country’s population. ly dinner and a longer TV time. Then, I pull the batteries out of the shoes and use It is a product of collaborative research stumbled upon a video, which first frame them to power battery-operated lanterns. from Colas, a French road construction was a boy walking towards somewhere, With light, the children can study their company, and the National Institute of So- which I reckon was home. lessons or help in household chores. The lar Energy. This will hit the history books “Like millions of others around the family members will be able to at least see as the first time that solar panels will be world,” opened the video, “in Vietnam each other’s faces and spend some quality installed in public roads, to be applied on many children have to walk long distanc- time together over dinner or before going top of existing roads without having to al- es to and from school every day.” ‘Okay’, I to bed. ter such roads. told myself, thinking that it would actually My takeaway is that sometimes, we waste The patented panel design is called the be better for me to walk home, or may- much of our energy whining about things Wattway, overall 7 mm thick. It is made be jog, and maybe reach at the same time that we can’t change, like the everyday of a thin film of polycrystalline silicon, as when I drove. It would be healthier for traffic. Sure, we all have the right to get coated in a resin substrate to make them my body, and I would not have to spend pissed off about spending hours on the stronger. This enables them to grip more an additional hour at the gym since my road, but shall we not find comfort in the than other solar road panels and reduc- workout would have been done. thought of reaching a decent home? For es risk of accidents. The panels are also “Often where they live there is no power, the Vietnamese children living in rural weatherproof. so by the time they get home it’s near- areas, just having light at home is already The company estimates that a 20-square ly dark,” continued the video. ‘Uh-oh’, I a luxury. And they don’t complain about meter of Wattway panels can power a sin- told myself, ‘no TV?’ Then, I realized that how long their journey is – no minute of gle French home, excluding heating. maybe TV should be the least of that boy’s walking is considered wasted – because worries when he reaches home. What every step they make brings them closer Top photo by Colas about light? What about cooking food? to a bright future. Bottom photo by Science Alert22 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
MUSICAL Photo by Fast Company Photo by InhbitatINSTRUMENTTHAT GENERATESELECTRICITYThere are a thousand and one ways to chance of a better education and also ac-describe music. Immersive. Riveting. cess to services like the revolutionary mo-Awe-inspiring. Hell, music could really be bile phone banking system, M-PESA.” Sheindescribable at all. Music is what it is to said that based on the tests, SPARK hadits listener, so even if two people are lis- proven to be useful to the communities,tening to the same musical piece, the emo- and that the villagers had all embraced thetions it may excite may be different. technology.Did you, know, however, that there is a “During the testing phase,” she said, “thepercussion instrument that literally gives people who have tried SPARK said thatof “electrifying” music? Aptly called it was useful because they had light inSPARK, this instrument can harness elec- the evenings, which they used for do-tricity as it is played, so it can be used to ing homework, household chores andpower small electric devices, like a plug-in for lighting their way home in the dark.”light or a mobile phone, at a later time. As Kheterpal said that SPARK would enableSPARK is played, a magnet moves back- children and their families to eliminatewards and forwards through the centre of the need for dangerous kerosene light, anda solenoid, a coil of copper wire. A current provide light for women and girls in ar-is induced in the loops of wire and each eas where sexual abuse is a huge problem.time the magnet slides through, it charges Because it can also charge mobile phones,up a rechargeable battery. With its current SPARK can also facilitate the connectiongeneration, 12 minutes of shaking SPARK of families living in rural Kenya to medi-gives an hour worth of electricity. cal help or banking services.Project Leader Sudha Kheterpal, a band “The concept of SPARK is based on thepercussionist featured on records and heart,” said Kheterpal, “the seat of powertours of global musical artists the likes of for the human body, a symbol of strengththe Spice Girls and Dido, said that a pro- and courage and what connects us all astotype of SPARK had been tested in vari- a global community.” SPARK takes cuesous communities in Kenya. “In places like from a flint stone, which she said was aKenya, where 75% of the population live symbol of a new beginning; the birth of awithout access to electricity,” said Kheter- powerful new source of energy.pal, “having the ability to read at night orcharge up a mobile phone gives people the ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 23
HOME BATTERIESSUPPLY ELECTRICITYTO THE GRIDAmbri has made great progress by pro- Another factor that has to be considered Photo by Technology Reviewducing grid energy storage that can pro- in truncating the cost of compelling bat-vide long-lasting power. The storage of en- tery technologies is the reduction of theergy, like wind and solar power - with the cost of production. The manufacturinghelp of the battery technologies that are process of Ambri is very simple. Ambriavailable today, are very expensive. Nev- places the metal plucks as well as the saltertheless, new technologies that are being electrodes in a stainless steel cell. The di-invented today are coming at low prices mension of each cell is four square inch-and they are making sure that there is an es. The Chief Technological Officer of theextensive use of renewable energy. company mentions the production pro-Ambri’s effort changes the dimension of cess can be made and makes it amazingly cool. The executives of Ambri have mentionedThey make use of liquid metals like elec- that they are aiming to bring down thetrodes. It also uses a salt electrode to make cost of battery below $500 per kilo-products that are economic. Ambri mani- watt-hour. In such a case surplus windfests that the project developers of renew- energy will be stored in the night and thenable energy are gaining confidence and are will be sold off during the day or can helpready to develop new technologies for the meet demands of the peak hours. The de-storage of energy. mand for these types of batteries is veryAmbri is one of the companies that have high in California and New York.taken a vow of establishing a technicalbreakthrough that would cut down the THIS NEW BATTERYcost of storing energy on grids. There are STORES RENEWABLEvarious start-ups that have come up with ENERGY FORbatteries that are low-priced because they LONGER USEhave built materials that are available inhuge quantities. Sorrel Technology has created the Sorrel By heating up a combination of everyday Heat Battery, a Battery that replicates the metals surrounded by a state of the art way the earth’s core stores heat in order to ceramic casing, which keeps the metals store large amounts of energy for almost hot, the battery is able to store energy. The anything from a few days to few months. whole device is covered by a protective The way energy is stored nowadays is what safety covering. They use innovative sold- hinders us to adopt to renewable energy. state heat transfer to release the stored Renewable energy sources—primarily heat either to create steam, or heat up gas- sun and wind are intermitted sources. es which will turn drive turbines, and be Nowadays, consumers have to use their able to generate electricity. energy as they are generated, since there “This is the first time ever it has been pos- is no way to store the energy at scale to be sible to store large amounts of energy in used later. a readily reusable form,” said John Sene- Sorrel Technology believed that their schall, a spokesperson for Sorrel Technol- new technology solves this problem. The ogy. “We know this makes energy derived battery stored energy in its purest form— from solar and wind the energy of the fu- heat. The device’s metal core is heated up ture. It’s now a case of no sun, no wind, to 1750 degrees Celsius, and remains hot no problem. The Sorrel Heat Battery can for many months. This heat can be used to store energy for months. At the flick of a create power whenever it is needed. It is a switch it can be producing electricity as clean, safe and very cost-effective accord- and when it’s needed, in the most environ- ing to the company. mentally sound way imaginable.” The Sorrel heat battery have different siz- es: small units (for mobile uses); medi- um-sized units for domestic applications; and large units to power whole commu- nities.24 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
CLEAN ENERGY FROM LETBACTERIA-POWERED LEFTOVERSSOLAR PANELS POWERPhoto by Science Daily The researchers interconnected nine YOUR identical bio-solar cells in a 3x3 pattern HOUSEClean energy can now be generated from to make a scalable as well as stackablebacteria! For the first time ever, research- bio-solar panel. This panel continuously One of the single biggest landfills in theers connected nine biological solar cells, generated electricity from photosynthesis U.S. is just for food waste. Americansalso known as bio-solar cells into a bio-so- and respiratory activities of the bacteria in throw 40% of their food as leftover andlar panel. They then produced electricity 12-hour day and night cycles in 60 total that is about $640 per household annually.from the panel and were able to generate hours. Worse, they don’t care how it affects the5.50 microwatts. This amount of energy However, a traditional 60-cell solar panel environment according to a survey fromis greater than any existing small-scale on a roof of a residential house can gener- American Chemistry cells. ate 200 watts of electrical power. The cells The government plans to address the issueThis research uses cyanobacteria, a kind of from this study can only generate around by testing out new ways to convert leftoverbacteria that can easily be found in every 0.00003726 watts. So as of now it isn’t that and other organic materials into biogas.terrestrial and aquatic habitat on the plan- efficient yet. But this breakthrough can Food decomposition produces methane,et. This bacteria can be used as a source of open doors to future research and im- a greenhouse gas contributing to globalclean and sustainable energy. provements that can lead to success in this warming but can be used as fuel. It can be kind of energy generation. a renewable energy to produce electricity. Just this January, Philadelphia mandated constructing in-sink disposal to pulver- ize food waste from household drains. They will run through the city pipes and to a facility that will process the fertilizer products into biogas. This will save a few landfill truck trips for about $3 million trucking costs. Philadelphia was said to invest $50 million on its anaerobic digesters where biogas is produced. Washington D.C. was also said to spend $400 million in installing its new digester for wastewater treatment facility in 2014. It is indeed a good source of renewable energy as you constantly have a feed stock according to Amanda Bilek, government affairs and communications director at the Great Plains Institute, a green energy firm. ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 25
In Search of an Energy Miracle enaeBnrgidlyl sGcohauadtneloldsenssnehhgtaeiosrseirfsdeahsecoaiinsslvgioenntsthhiwgeehhmwtaso.troclndantthobedeay,26 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
If you are reading this article on your mobile, tablet or Providing Themlaptop, then consider yourself lucky. And not only for Electricity is Importanthaving the opportunity to imbibe the nuggets of wisdomenlaced in it, but also, and primarily, for the chance of Many of the world’s un-connected come from rural areasreading it on an electric-powered device. in Africa and Asia. Unfortunately, as emerging regions,For most of us, it shall be easy to take for granted the Africa and Asia are facing other challenges, such aspresence of electricity in our lives. Some of us are just insufficient food security, inadequate health services,used to watching TV or listening to the radio, dozing off and public infrastructure underdevelopment, asidewhile reading under the light of a bedside lamp, surfing from limited access to electricity. These aforementionedthe Internet to connect with friends or research for an items often command the attention of the governmentassignment, or plugging mobile phones and seeing them and key stakeholders, so that access to electricityfully charged in the morning. For most of us, electricity frequently takes a ubiquitous, unobtrusive, that we forget that it’s eventhere…until it’s gone. However, the importance of having reliable electricityImagine for a moment that your computer, mobile or can never be overstated. With electricity, farmers cantablet shuts off at this point. Perhaps the power went grow more food, hospitals and clinics can operate moreout, or your mobile gadgets ran out of juice. What would efficiently, and roads and bridges can be built moreyou do? I am guessing scramble (read panic) to find the quickly. Though not absolutely, a reliable electricityfault and make your device work again. Long-press can help solve many of the challenges confronting thethe power button? Check the plug if it’s still engaged? world’s emerging economies, and it’s high time access toConnect your gadget to a charger? For sure. electricity gets its share of the spotlight.Now, your device works again. Am I hearing a sigh of With Clean Electricity,relief? Yes. Good for you. Now, go on reading. Life Will Get BetterIf in that short span of (imaginary) time, you felt helpless for the World’s Poorand unsettled with the thought of not having electricityto power your gadget, imagine what 1.3 billion people One of the staunchest advocates of providing sustainablewho do not have access to electricity feel? electricity to the poor is Microsoft founder, billionaire Bill Gates. Through his 2016 Annual Letter, published on last February, Gates said that if“ Millions of the world’s poorest one wanted to help the world’s poorest families (as it is families derive their living from usually the poor that is adversely affected by the absence farming, and the changes in of reliable electricity), one had to find a way to provide weather patterns spurred by them with clean electricity that they could afford. Heocflitamhneaditretchcrehoafponso,gdheeoannffcetechttehtiehrietragibnrlocewo..mthe ”Some of them have electricity for a few hours a day, some underlined “clean”, so that the electricity provided to the poor would not further contribute to climate change.have never experienced what it is like to have power. And what does climate change have to do with poor people, you ask? Much, and its effects are direct. Poor people, despite being the least responsible for emitting harmful gases that lead to climate change, are often the most severely affected by it. Millions of the world’s poorest families derive their living from farming, and the changes in weather patterns spurred by climate change affect the growth of their crops, hence theirImagine, these people don’t have electricity to cook their income and the food on their table. Thus, climatefood, so they burn wood inside their houses; families do change, on top of a limited access to electricity, sinksnot have refrigerators, so they eat spoiled food (if they them deeper into poverty.are lucky to have food); children do not have light underwhere they can read, so they study beside a candle or In order to avoid long-term adverse changes to thenot study at all; fathers and mothers go home from work world’s climate, scientists say that we have to cuttraversing dark roads or pathways, putting themselves our GHG emissions by as much as 80% by 2050, andin real danger. completely eliminate them by the end of the century.This is what life is for 18% of the world’s population, This may be a herculean order, in light of the fact that inand I am afraid it is not imaginary. 2015 alone, the world emitted 36 billion tons of carbon dioxide to produce energy. How is it even remotely possible that we can reduce 36 billion tons (and expected to grow year on year) to zero, nil, nada, niente? Gates has a simple yet masterful illustration of how the world might get its CO2 emissions down to zero. He explained that CO2 is a product of four factors: P (population), S (services used by each person), E (energy needed to provide each of those services) and C (carbon dioxide, which is produced by E). Gates said that in order to reduce CO2 to zero, one of the factors should be zero. Simple multiplication, isn’t it? ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 27
Hpreodexupcltaoinf efodutrhafatcCtoOrs2 :is aP (population), S (services usedby each person), E (energyneeded to provide each of thoseservices) and C (carbon dioxide,which is produced by E). Gatessaid that in oorfdtehretofarcetodruscsehCoOul2dto zero, onebe zero. Simple multiplication,isn’t it?But, reducing one of the factors to zero may be easier environmentally friendly technologies, carbon-freesaid than done. P cannot be zero, as it would mean we’d energy was already possible. Green technologies areall be dead. But seriously, population is expected to truly gaining traction and are becoming cheaper asincrease in the coming years, so there will be no way more people embrace them, but there is still wrigglethat it can be brought down to zero (unless a catastrophe room for innovation.happens, and we’d all be wiped out like what happenedto the dinosaurs). Green energy sources like solar and wind are intermittent, and technologies running on them should“ In order to avoid long-term still be optimized to become a reliable prime source of adverse changes to the world’s electrical power. Provisions for storing solar or wind climate, scientists say that we power will greatly help the cause, but available energy storage technologies remain prohibitive.”have to cut our GHG emissions Therefore, even as green energy technologies are fast developing, Gates called on his readers to feed inby as much as 80% by 2050, and thousands more of new ideas, “even ones that mightcompletely eliminate them by the sound a little crazy”. He called to mind Thomas Edison, who “successfully found 10,000 ways that would not end of the century. work”. He said that in order to find thousands of ideas that would not work, people have to try thousands ofS cannot be zero, because it actually has to go up to ideas, and in his opinion, this was not happening atimprove the living conditions of the poor. So, S as zero out of the question. He also called upon governments to spark new advances,Efficient use of E has made inroads in recent years, but much like what they had done for other scientificindustry experts still predict that energy use will go up research, like cancer treatment, outer space travel andby 50% in 2050. So, it cannot come to naught. the Internet.And we’re down to C, the amount of carbon emitted Gates recognized that energy research and transitionper unit of energy. Gates said that with the advent of to new energy sources takes decades, so he urged stakeholders to roll up their sleeves now.28 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
Let Us Be the “Miracle” “ Within the next 15 years—and especially if young people get involved—I expectThere’s no denying the enormous magnitude of the the world will discover a clean energyenergy problem that our world currently faces. But, as ”breakthrough that will save our planet andbig as the gap is the opportunity that comes with it. If the power our successfully finds a viable solution to the energychallenges and to the other issues that branch out ofthem, it would change the lives of millions of the world’spoorest people.To close his letter, Gates sounded his optimism, ashe said that he remained positive for he had seen“miracles” happen before. He said “miracles” did nothappen by chance; they were products of research anddevelopment, and the human capacity to innovate. “I’mso optimistic about the world’s ability to make a miraclehappen that I’m willing to make a prediction,” he said.“Within the next 15 years—and especially if youngpeople get involved—I expect the world will discover aclean energy breakthrough that will save our planet andpower our world.”Like Gates, we have all witnessed “miracles” at somepoint in our lives. Who would have thought that we canwatch people and events through a box with a screen?That we can put a computer inside our pockets? Thatwe can speak to our loved ones thousands of miles awayin real time? That people will get cured of previouslyincurable diseases? Without prejudice to religion, I saythat we humans can make “miracles” happen. There’s nobetter time than now. And if it’s not much to ask, can webe the “miracle”? ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 29
CAN NUCLEARHELP THEINTEGRATION OFRENEWABLES?nCiannerawtahliyagebsMiilsnesotteorgIrnridsate,ettiareonurnatmhtoioiofnrnreeaannil,fedwnreeuadlecbialtleeosaererdnohfederRaglpetyas-. ctndAiouuocuccncneloesotrardffriliewendsxig,oinb“etdiisotliancthnyloio.”dstgdfssaoauctlipaalirtatahinnteaelngythersiiiedgs,hianFbntroedergnirrncaehg-- t7Ge3ixA0oWpnMGoarWlottpfso,.oew4wx0hpeGirocWhrwtsois,autttlhhd2eePbrMeGepae.usrWomshniatenfhdoordcuotothnwtevhnebentio9g-‘tgton“hhanyFees,ritetrdhphnaererctoewhapUneosneKbhnwuso,eciawtInlbeteta?.lae’lNryMueiacxponkptrdaroGkirSsetrps,eq”aauhilwnoye.ltrpeaiWtdceGcshGeelasrerthmeraaadatlloyee- Ievasnotrealnaatctiroiomonpnntooraiwdaslespeutsrotstwufolraeeolvtrmlheypli—sla9a,ranoctmthousennitnvodpeGrn35opt0edimrGoumnWciaatnilnofycgnrooeannmore--f apiAntolsswltooee,wardFpprolarafnincrcetaessm. paptrientfigemrdseostwoonfsetlolhlweeirldenceutmrcialceniatdyr Photo by Extreme Tech30 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
CYCLING YOUR WAYINTO A FULL BATTERYCHARGE FOR YOURSMARTPHONEThe Levitation is a futuristic TetbcIihntheneaheplvtiothantehpo.nukelikDsdaptsiiehebadtessalhxdoitytg.aacroynteckuoeat?iurldmsyrTebawybhoyeihiffknsuDaeaktoteuinicszratyiitgteischhsantleieiis,csnucttLohpbeaooipivfsrkltoieeetbassraiettcktdiyooeeooncntnihuoes-. pndsmmrTwekleheiydoeibnteeaiuvrdlcsnmeiicfseeatraftnsobahegtenossuahlrtievtpsgetevehtryya.tetsouhnoehAurseccfoodhetmbcwah.dkiideiieskTstlsrleibp.heofiboisrnksmeowoeam.leasoalTrolyrsle,hatobdtareiwoultisbntmsdweygtcephyithcliosholnruseueaaitgamlknhstshidooee--.bicycle concept designed by bopHTlpdefraeohvaetvsetivtsstiheescaereiletsviwyesssebteeata.ishsknImotaewdifts,fieseaiasafasleleLst.UcaudEhterSuDaxeaBrnsrteegsyaspncetrhoWdsetirivhenbtiena-ygfFt?oaftiorshOLhreeciohstvhmt!tisaaitIpsorratgottticeiiitmoonar, snnnga-. eceslepsttDwwcAerhtmlrnayooeosiinegarcclewscrzualotylr.etesireltgcreIbdud!thrmoaiynpsepTcerfubhiua.prahfnacpeoelptgoaHlachapnsiatrbpeonteoyooetuwnaaocseosrwtrbeomclotutcetesrlleouharh.feagvorelnlieayAeitddamsoetdrirthiosUes,gfbugos.veniseyhrSfanciYtoeocBnthgihiotenuUysathiafsuyostsrateSeotccgrosarcsBcytua,iuenethenbapcrhnscerdnealgttheetcoutsiana,ratnbtaurreioraateedngansrhnsndldtw!.eileteyedeeeeycTistvtatalrotehthhehirnrihuncteecdaaidoaeecrs---tt.Dezien that converts the bike’s bhilinTWetsyahayvavmiaitisetttloahes.btgodeiliWekiovveLitnehmhieitnasetavpettcii?lcettraeahepYmhtanaiaewaoseobssonna.lloneyb.tYageoTottiewfhiehunolsoheen.ugymvTnogiothaitahatfdim.ttseihhmTnedapahgoatssoewgehsrsnbosaihgieebnuibhteciolillnhtdec-t.motion into electrical energy forcharging devices.Photos by Dezien ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 31
ENGINEERING STUDENTSCREATE PROTOTYPE FORSOLAR THERMALADSORPTION REFRIGERATORrTiviiUsEtnneiihyntcSfgy.WergeATeiriogtnlmahfehSeseecrDcaaheyatitlirreatnAiwciinyncorgtdciiegntoltesoalynsoitnsatnaerounw,ndpoadDddotrnaei.neoEnCppaonnrtt.srpsoh,goRtefvfrihtorreneiooadarefetttmreyceeailrprgewaewitececnhaarokitogreat-ihdfetnfUForlosageeirnuaec.sSaittnttvoridtudvelihaecslrayer----l ccShAuisRtteaCcintHuaIrbTeilEaitnCydTE’csnoVneristguuylvtiiuAnsgw. fairrdmaonrdganari--TEPgStMaroehniaioncivdnsipai-etrblA.toteyie,ntlTailPmtahmyonreofetnisDwctptCeaeaeailvSsrvmeioitllsyloaPuwpraEprmnoopntEdnogeenrinctntthettehiereodgeeAnPryiwbAlnayaSgmnAro’sedaecgt,rie(SeiUncPtutahy.c3sSn’yes-). pgtihucacfAbedoreensirepocinesnsodivucisneetttisgosfooraemgetueeroagrtmhdly2ainniwensoidp2irtmnsisgeloetiosdgtp,ophepiofsornlntJnttamoneiushtotcnsfadhnioeelsfeotarsm-dcrhiestKfomayeeoedepnmlleicrniuprahfgotsecaCrsonrip.ttcthogohfiiohEtomoonufsolrvmsnowpieiwaeeefg.’eisdeencoy“ccdcTaaTraotahcnltyhdrhndaeasbptavoenvcnwmloityinhec’issinacnaegaondrcalelrtroeelhdliod.oql”spUiiaouueoeunuengp.nvcxcSraad’yees----ll. Photo by Twitter32 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
UNDERGROUNDBATTERIES WHICHWILL HELP SAVETHE ENVIRONMENT Photo by Lawrence Livermore National LaboratoryClimate change is a big problem reduce CO2 but a way to harness batteries underground for futurethat the world steadily faces and energy from it as well. consumption with their paperone of the main factors that affect A group of scientists from the entitled “Earth Battery.” Thomasthis is the enormous amount of Lawrence Livermore National Buscheck, author of the paper andCO2 in our environment. There Laboratory (LLNL), the Univer- leader of the LLNL Geochemical,have been numerous projects sity of Minnesota, tech firm Ter- Hydrological and Environmen-that hope to lessen the amount of raCOH, and Ohio State University tal Sciences Group described theCO2 in our system but none had have come together with a pos- project as “a cost-effective way toan idea like this team of scientists sible solution to store CO2 into store the energy long enough so itwho proposed not only a way to can be used later.” ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 33
New York Horizon Photo by Evolo7 FUTURISTIC SKYSCRAPERS TGHLATOBBATATLLE WARMING ttgwimImesynehnineagaceeneadgtnrtnnrohgisme,nttvseeVaaaakeiatrllortnseyteec,leirgsscoohbnstcihnthirirestuhsniasekemnaaopncykttvgyotlesinoesi.cocrnohgaTsrnfcgwmairehot.coplhtnimpaeImhsealtretieaeiwmsisaclsdruetorawepacitpornsdrhrthluitordeewghyeinvacndewindesmtlcphecutowtaaoomhlutnrdimihaevstryibhe,eflpwwefaraeeierersonnorntgsoerirodveettllnlnoiiadadrorntrred’ossncaohacnpheer.wyiaennmgeo,lehvvrgwtae.soiilrnrreoTtcaooerdtbhhnecnneaaiihdds----tl Valley of the Giants Bio-Pyramid Photo by Engadget Photo by Engadget34 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
Global Cooling Skyscraper Data Tower Photo by Paolo Venturella Architecture Photo by EvoloUrban Earth Worm Hydra TowerPhoto by Face Pla Photo by Inhabitat ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 35
PROS AND PROSCONS OFGEOTHERMAL Geothermal energy’s advantages are mainly because it is generatedENERGY cleanly and renewably. Electricity that is generated by geothermal plants don’t produce carbon emissions unlike burning coal, gas and Photo by Pixabay oil, they produce air pollution. A country can reduce costs of importing fuel by using geothermal en- ergy since this results in the generation of clean, domestic electricity. Therefore, there is no need for importing foreign resources.36 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
CONSGeothermal energy has its disadvantages as well. Geothermal energyproduction can release chemical gases like hydrogen sulfide, whichsmells like rotten eggs. This gas turns into SO2 or sulfur dioxide, agas that can contribute to heart and lung issues if inhaled. This is trueonly for open-loop geothermal systems. Closed loop geothermal sys-tems don’t release hydrogen sulfide. Open system also releases othergases such as ammonia, CO2, methane, and boron.However, the amount of hydrogen sulfide released from open sys-tem geothermal facilities is still far less than those produced by coalplants.Some geothermal plants also generate mercury, which has to be dis-posed of properly. ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 37
India Builds the Largest Floating Solar Power Plant Photo by Headway Solar World’s First Plant to Convert Desalination Wastewater into Freshwater Photo by Veolia North America World’s Largest Solar Plant at Risk for a Shut Down Photo by The Atlantic38 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
Indian economy is all set to lead the world at the lake near the Sendra tourist resortwith the world’s largest floating solar pow- of Loktak Lake and will be implementeder station ready to be installed at Loktak under the program for off-grid and decen-Lake, the largest fresh water lake in North tralized solar applications of the MinistryEast India, in Manipur. A 10-Megawatt of New and Renewable Energy.(MW) plant was installed in December Aside from helping the Manipur Renew-2014 at a waterbody in Rajarhat New able Energy Development Agency (MAN-Town by the city-based Arka Ignou Com- IREDA) in the finalization of work orders,munity College of Renewable Energy. It the college will be providing the requisitegenerates about 10 KWP solar power each technical assistance such as fixing theday. The new plant at Loktak Lake in Ma- detail design parameters, drawings andnipur is a 100-kilowatt (KW) facility and specifications for the already yielding encouraging results. With only two other countries, Japan andThe floating solar power plant at Loktak Australia, having floating solar plants,Lake in Manipur is all set to become the these are a rarity across the globe. India iscountry’s largest and only second float- now all set to be in the league!ing solar panel installation. It is installedA certain commercial water plant in Tex- EWM awarded Veolia a 10-year oper-as plans to convert wastewater from the ations and maintenance agreement fordesalination process into fresh drinking them to manage EWM’s commercial waterwater, extract contaminants and convert- plant in El them into reusable mineral products, According to EWM CEO Hubble Haus-as well as boost the drinking water supply man “Waste brine disposal has long beenof El Paso. the Achilles’ heel of inland desalinationGlobal water and waste giant Veolia and facilities. Our El Paso project will demon-Enviro Water Minerals (EWM), a compa- strate that it is possible to produce mul-ny which commercializes technology to tiple marketable chemical and mineralrecover minerals discharged in wastewater products from the waste brine while in-from desalination plants, have created a creasing the recovery of potable water andpartnership to make this wastewater proj- eliminating waste.”ect possible. The EWM plant is scheduled to begin op-According to these two companies, this erations in early 2017new water treatment plant is the first of itskind, globally.A $2.2 billion solar power project in Cali- create steam. Their unconventional sys-fornia, the largest in the world, is recently tem was put into hot water by environ-on shaky ground for being unable to meet mentalists for burning thousands of birdsits expected power output to deliver to to death; and now much to the delight ofPacific Gas & Electric and Southern Cali- their critics, the plant is near shut downfornia Edison. This has put Ivanpah power for failing to produce the required power.plant in a position at risk for a shutdown if Another issue that this power plant hasthey don’t redeem themselves in the one- faced is its much more expensive electric-year allowance given to them. ity compared to the conventional powerThe Ivanpah Solar Electric Generating plants that acquire solar energy from pho-System generates electricity through its tovoltaic cells. They have a year to turn170,000 mirrors planted on the ground this all around if Ivanpah doesn’t want towhich reflects sunlight to 450-foot high be forced to go into dark.towers with boilers that is heated up to ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 39
RENEWABLE ENERGY Achieving a 36 per cent share of TO BOOST GLOBAL GDP renewable energy in the global UP TO $1.3 TRILLION energy mix by 2030 would in- crease global gross domestic prod- gsDolorcabimaallawetniecleafralglryyesamcnaidlxinebgmyup2p0lo3ry0emnweeownutalbwdloeinsrlcidnrwetaihdseee.GDP, uct (GDP) by up to 1.1 per cent, roughly USD 1.3 trillion, accord- Illustration by IRENA ing to new analysis by IRENA. Renewable Energy Benefits: Mea-40 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY suring the Economics, released today at IRENA’s sixth Assembly, provides the first global estimate of the macroeconomic impacts of renewable energy deployment. Specifically, it outlines the bene- fits that would be achieved under the scenario of doubling the global share of renewable energy by 2030 from 2010 levels. “The recent Paris Agreement sent a strong signal for countries to move from negotiation to action and rapidly decarbonise the en- ergy sector,” said Adnan Z. Amin, IRENA Director-General. “This analysis provides compelling ev- idence that achieving the needed energy transition would not only mitigate climate change, but also stimulate the economy, improve human welfare and boost employ- ment worldwide.” Beyond finding that global GDP in 2030 would increase by up to USD 1.3 trillion – more than the com- bined economies of Chile, South Africa and Switzerland as of today – the report also analyses coun- try-specific impact. Japan would see the largest positive GDP im- pact (2.3 per cent) but Australia, Brazil, Germany, Mexico, South Africa and South Korea would also see growth of more than 1 per cent each. According to the report, improve- ments in human welfare would go well beyond gains in GDP thanks to a range of social and environ- mental benefits. The impact of renewable energy deployment on welfare is estimated to be three to four times larger than its impact on GDP, with global welfare in- creasing as much as 3.7 per cent. Employment in the renewable energy sector would also increase from 9.2 million global jobs today, to more than 24 million by 2030. A transition towards greater shares of renewables in the global ener- gy mix would also cause a shift in trade patterns, as it would more
than halve global imports of coal energy, an investment in one isand reduce oil and gas imports, an investment in both. That is thebenefiting large importers like Ja- definition of a win-win scenario.”pan, India, Korea and the Euro- Renewable Energy Benefits: Mea-pean Union. Fossil fuel exporting suring the Economics, builds oncountries would also benefit from previous IRENA analysis on thea diversified economy. socio-economic benefits of re-“Mitigating climate change newable energy and on REmapthrough the deployment of re- 2030, a renewable energy road-newable energy and achieving map to doubling the global shareother socio-economic targets is of renewable energy by 2030. Theno longer an either or equation,” study provides a first glimpse ofsaid Amin. “Thanks to the grow- the full range of benefits offereding business case for renewable by a renewable energy transition.GLOBAL INVESTMENTSON RENEWABLES ANDCLEAN ENERGY TOTALEDTO $329 BILLION IN 2015According to Bloomberg New carbon emission control project, Yingli Green Energy was also saidEnergy Finance (BNEF), the total will cover 10,000 companies emit- to build its first overseas factory ininvestment on clean energy hit ting 3-4 billion tons of CO2. Thailand aside from its clean proj-$329 billion in 2015 accounting Also, Solar and Wind tariffs for ects in China.50 percent of investment from the new plants were reduced starting With continuous growth ofAsia-Pacific Region. on January 1, 2016, according to awareness in environmental con-BNEF Chairman of Advisory BNEF. servation and sustainability, it isBoard Michael Liebreich said that Iran was also noted to develop expected that these investmentsthe figures are a stunning riposte high-growth in the renewables as would yield positive results in ad-to all those who expected clean en- it has already a feed-in tariff pro- dressing global issues on pollutionergy investment to stall on failing gramme and line-up of projects on and energy sources.oil and gas prices. He even added solar, wind and non-hyrdo renew- From a well invested 2015, maythat they highlight the improving ables. 2016 be a better year for all na-cost-competitiveness of solar and The European Investment Bank tions.wind power, driven in part by the also allowed lending all over €100 The European Bank for Recon-move by many countries to re- billion for climate action for the struction and Development andverse-auction new capacity rather next five years. the Clean Technology Fundthan providing advantageous tar- China National Building Materi- formed a programme to lend $125iffs, a shift that has put producers als recently signed a €1.6 billion million in developing geother-under continuing price pressure. agreement with Hong Kong-based mal in Turkey. The plan consistsChina was said to remain the larg- Welink Global in the United King- of constructing five geothermalest clean energy investor amount- dom for solar power projects and power to $111 billion with solar ener- energy saving housing in the Unit- In Japan, the Development Bankgy as its largest funding. China is ed Kingdom. of Japan and Japan Wind Devel-likely to propel towards less pollu- Meanwhile in South Korea, LG opment implemented the creationtion actions and less coal powered Electronics plans to invest $435 of the country’s first wind powerenergy sources as a part of its 13th million in building solar manufac- funding at $423 million.five year plan (2016-2020) to be turing plants.implemented in March 2016. It’sNational Carbon Emission Trad-ing Program, the world’s largest ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 41
China’s Wind Power Jordan MosquesCapacity to Significantly Adopts RenewableIncrease by 2030 EnergyWith China’s growing demand By 2030, the wind power capacityfor energy, the country’s govern- of China will triple from 149 GW Solar panels will be installed in about 2000ment must provide alternative and to 495 GW. That would certainly mosques in Jordan and are expected to be fullycleaner sources of energy. Having help power millions of households powered by renewable energy in just two of the largest populations in and establishments without com- After Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Hayelthe world, people have been sup- promising the environment again! Daoud signed a JD4 million agreement with theportive of its programs to generate China’s government has provided Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficien-more of its wind power resources. supportive policies including Law cy Fund (JREEEF), fundings for the renewableAccording to GlobalData, a re- on Renewable Energy, Wind Pow- energy project in the mosques will change fromsearch and consulting firm, China er Technology Special Planning the 20% allocated budget to 50% (the remainingproduces the highest wind power - and the Notice on Integrating and half to be collected from charities and philanthro-providing a third of the total wind Accommodating Wind Power. pists).energy capacity in the world. Srivatsaya added, “Recent gov- Although there are about 6300 mosques in Jor-“China’s quick adoption of wind ernment efforts have helped to dan, only some 2000 are in need of the projectpower can be attributed to a wider expand and upgrade the grid and since their electricity bills are too high and addingglobal trend driven by depleting China now plans to address con- solar panels could significantly reduce their ener-fossil fuel reserves, the declining cerns that may potentially impede gy consumption by 90%. The solar panels are saidcost of wind power generation the initial stage of wind power de- to have a generating power of 4megawatts.and a growing sensitivity towards velopment.” Photo by WPIDenvironmental issues.” says As-wani Srivatsaya, power analyst for Photo by EfergyGlobalData.42 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
Australia Needs to Accelerate Renewables to Meet 2020 TargetThe If Australia still wants to meet There a silver lining though: theneeded the 2020 target of 33,000 gigawatt same report indicates that 9,000power this hours, they need to accelerate on megawatts of large-scale renew-year is its efforts in forwarding renewable able projects have been approvedequivalent able. This is according to the Re- for development, but still uncer-to about newable Energy Target 2015 ad- tain whether such projects will be20 large ministrative report. financed.windfarms. The report indicated that in 2015, “A regrouping is taking place and only about 409 megawatts of re- we will see innovations in the wayPhoto by newable energy was committed, that investments are made in theZME Science which requires this year to pro- future,” Munro said. “We said it duce 3,000 megawatts to stay on was adequate under the circum- track with the 2020 target – a more stances and I think the require- than sevenfold increase from last ment to pick up the pace was quite year. The needed power this year is important and we are looking for- equivalent to about 20 large wind- ward to seeing that.” farms. Andrew Bray, the national coordi- The figures that were committed nator for the Australian Wind Al- mean to projects that are consid- liance, reiterates the need of retail- ered virtually certain to be built, ers to commit in buying energy for and have been backed by financ- new renewable projects. He thinks ing and power purchase agree- that energy retailers should al- ments to proceed. ready commit before getting fined. The 2016 commitments, accord- He also shares his insight about ing to the chair of the Clean Ener- the government making clear the gy Regulator Chloe Munro, reach benefits of the 2020 vision, which to about 400 megawatts only, far markets are unable to hold a grasp from the 3,000 megawatts neces- on. sary power for 2016. ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 43
UAE HOLDS A$1 MILLIONCHALLENGETO ENDWATERSCARCITYWater scarcity is a serious crisis, espe- vative Youth Award amounting to Photo by Microgrid Projectscially for desert countries like UAE. USD 100,000.00That’s why the UAE Water Aid Foun- “This award supports the efforts ofdation (Suqia) had announced the Dubai and the UAE to help alleviatestart of registrations for the Moham- the suffering of the needy around themed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global world.” Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer,Water Award. Chairman of the foundation.This aims to bring about sustainable “The foundation is working to pro-ideas that would help against water vide water to the disadvantaged andscarcity. distressed.” He added.There are three main categories to the This might be a good way to furthercompetition: The Innovative Projects the studies directed towards waterAward worth USD 500,000.00, The shortage around the world and itInnovative Research and Develop- might be the source of a new and re-ment Award consisting of National newable system.and International Institutions worthUSD 200,000.00 each, and the Inno-44 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
MMTRUOAAOAEIIUNNMT-NFMOPATARLABLIODUNVEILED The inherent problem of rainfall in the was given a funding of $400,000 in Feb- UAE has led them to the revolutionary ruary last year to evaluate the effects ofPhoto by Drew Custer idea of developing a man-made moun- building a mountain on the weather. tain to create more rainfall. The said mountain will help in forcing the US-based University Corporation for At- air to rise which will create clouds that can mospheric Research (UCAR) manages be seeded. Cloud seeding has been the the National Center for Atmospheric Re- solution of UAE through NCMS’s meteo- search (NCAR) which is now in ‘detailed rological department, however it just isn’t modelling study,’ according to NCAR enough. The department revealed that scientist and lead researcher Roelof Bru- $558,000 was spent on their cloud seeding intjes. activity last year. Bruintjes told Arabian Business, “What “If [the project] is too expensive for [the we are looking at is basically evaluating government], logically the project won’t the effects on weather through the type go through, but this gives them an idea of of mountain, how high it should be and what kind of alternatives there are for the how the slopes should be. We will have a long-term future,” Bruintjes said. “If it goes report of the first phase this summer as an through, the second phase would be to go initial step.” to an engineering company and decide UCAR, in a collab with National Center whether it is possible or not.” of Meteorology & Seismology (NCMS), ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 45
MAN ON A MISSION ELON MUSK: THE REAL IRON MAN OF RENEWABLE ENERGY Hailed as “a Renaissance man this era that needs them” by Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr., Elon Musk lived out the comic-book engineering prodigy behind Iron Man. Photo by WIRED46 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
d“WangEe'rRoEus RexUpNerNimIeNnGt inThHisEtorMy OrigShTt He has made it his mission to change is admired for – he appears at the frontnow, which is to see how much carbon the world and save humanity. How ex- of the pack of innovation mastermindsdioxide the atmosphere can handle be- actly will he be able to do these things? because of who he is as a person.fore there is an environmental catastro- He plans to lead us in the transition to It doesn’t take so much of psychologyphe,” says one of the world’s famous tech sustainable clean energy. Being labeled as and personality assessment to realizeentrepreneur, the 68th wealthiest man in the US (with the main reason why he is well-lovedJust like that, Elon Musk had us at his $12.3 billion in his pocket), he is set to by people. Musk shows us he is a hu-concern for the environment. make this happen. This is one of his mo- man being just like us – unlike othersIf you don’t know who this engineer is, tivations on why he started SolarCity, who feel superior in a crowd, Elon Muskthen you must have been living under a which is focused on providing the grow- speaking in front of an audience feelsrock. Any engineer dedicated to his/her ing solar energy demands of the United like he is just talking with a friend, evenfield knows that Elon Musk has made a States. How very noble for someone who when he is already delivering a speechreputation in business and engineering. has all the money in the world. full of tech jargons. The way he answersHailed as “a Renaissance man this era questions is so real, that his level of en-that needs them” by Iron Man himself, ON HIS ACHIEVEMENTS gagement is unparalleled.Robert Downey Jr., Elon Musk is the The moment he is thrown with a ques-closest person we can compare to the For all of his innovations and ground- tion, he speaks with dignity not onlyfamous Marvel character. If you think breaking projects, Musk has received nu- with his mouth but also with his inquis-about it, Musk lived out the comic-book merous recognitions. itive and searching eyes. Elon may beengineering prodigy behind Iron Man. Some of which are as follows: In 2010, interrupting himself at times but only toSome really do consider him as the real he was listed as one of Time Magazine’s make his piece a more understandablelife Iron Man. Well, that could be pos- 100 people who most affected the world. context to the audience. Ultimately, hissible. On the same year he was awarded by the greatest asset is to make big dreams be aBorn in South Africa, this Canadi- Fédération Aéronautique Internationale believable reality to his inventor graduated with a with the highest award in air and space, In their company, Solar City, Muskphysics and business degree in the Uni- the FAI Gold Space Medal, for design- along with his cousins Peter and Lyndonversity of Pennsylvania, went to Stan- ing the first privately developed rocket Rive aim to power homes using solarford for a PhD in physics but dropped to reach orbit. Musk was also named by energy. They plan to make clean ener-out to hustle with the tech business. Esquire magazine as one of the 75 most gy available to homeowners, businesses,He is known as the “It boy of the Sili- influential people of the 21st century. schools, non-profits and governmentcon Valley”, a risk taker, and many more Forbes listed him as one of “America’s 20 organizations at costs that are loweramazing calls. To back these up, he is Most Powerful CEOs 40 and under”. than if they were to use energy gener-called as such because of achieving un- He is recognized as a Living Legend ated by non-renewable energy sources.believable heights. He is a rare genius in Aviation in 2010 by the Kitty Hawk Solar City has completed installations inwith futuristic ambitions. He pioneered Foundation for creating the Falcon 9 27 states with more than 90 operationthe following companies and projects rocket and Dragon spacecraft—the suc- centers. The company makes switchingaligned with his aspirations in the areas cessor to the Space Shuttle. In 2010, he to clean energy easier by analyzing theirof internet, energy, and outer space. was the Automotive Executive of the customer’s energy usage and identifyingMusk is currently the CEO and CTO of Year (worldwide) for showing technol- the different opportunities for improve-SpaceX, a company that focuses on de- ogy leadership and innovation via Tesla ments. According to their website theysigning, manufacturing and launching Motors. In 2012, he was awarded with are the only company “that offers inte-advanced rockets and spacecraft. He the Royal aeronautical’s Society’s highest grated sales, financing, design, installa-is also the CEO and product architect award, a Gold Medal. tion, monitoring and efficiency servicesof Tesla Motors, providing the world from a single source, without requiringpremium electric vehicles. As if being WHY HE’S DIFFERENT the services of multiple third-parties.”CEO of two big companies isn’t enough, FROM OTHER INNOVATORS Another reason why we admire Muskhe’s also the co-chairman of OpenAI, is his crazy ideas that could ultimatelya non-profit artificial intelligence re- Because of his great contributions, Musk become true in the near future. A funsearch company. is regarded as the most relevant person- fact you might have missed about Elon ality among space nuts, business freaks, Musk: He wants to make human life on clean tech lovers, electric car enthusi- Mars to be possible. As he phrases it, he asts, and coding nerds, among others. is “making life multiplanetary.” But there’s more to Elon Musk than his wide variety of innovation fields that he ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 47
“It’s not as though we can keep burning coal in our power plants. Coal is a finite resource, too. We must find alternatives, and it’s a better idea to find alternatives sooner then wait until we run out of coal...”ON CARBON PRICING Photo by Electrek HOW HE INSPIRESAND ENERGY ENGINEERS ANDEDUCATION In one of his speeches, he expresses his INNOVATORS take on coal and and carbon pricing:At the World Energy Innovation Fo- “It’s not as though we can keep burn- More than a guy having a public speak-rum held at the Tesla Headquarters last ing coal in our power plants. Coal is a ing command is a guy who cares a lotMay 4th, Musk challenged the masses finite resource, too. We must find al- about humanity. His dedication andto be educated in order to spark a “sort ternatives, and it's a better idea to find commitment towards helping societyof revolt” to end the “unrelenting and alternatives sooner then wait until we proves so, through Tesla Motors whichenormous” promises set by the fossil run out of coal, and in the meantime, produces environmentally friendlyfuel industry. put God knows how many trillions of electric cars; through SpaceX whichMusk also announced his support for tons of CO2 that used to be buried un- will provide sooner or later an unprec-carbon pricing as a means to lessen the derground into the atmosphere.” edented transportation system thatamount of subsidies that the creation “The reality is gas prices should be will benefit generations; and throughand use of fossil fuels present. Though much more expensive then they are be- SolarCity which gives clean, abundant,subsidies are provided to electric vehi- cause we're not incorporating the true and socioeconomically decentralizedcles, it still does not equal the subsidies damage to the environment and the source of electricity generation.that the gasoline powered vehicles get. hidden costs of mining oil and trans- All these and more are enough reasonsMusk proclaimed that this “weakens porting it to the U.S. Whenever you to admire our real-life Iron Man. Withthe economic forcing function to tran- have an unpriced externality, you have the magazine covers he is in, the me-sition to sustainable transport and en- a bit of a market failure, to the degree dia companies parading his name, hisergy.” As Musk showed his stand on the that eternality remains unpriced.” special television appearances, his fanseffects of climate change in the country, are deeply reminded of how great Elonother people present in the forum have Musk is. There is no shame to be calleddifferent takes on this “new direction” an Elon fan boy or a fan girl, becauseof the electricity magnate. Elon Musk’s accomplishments and himself are indeed worth celebrating.48 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
ESWRAnuferfebneorsecngitwgdyaiPeblsalecines IS GREEN CREDIT STILL VALUABLE?Renewable energy has been in- Going green is the latest trend. Every big corporate iscreasing incredibly. Wind power claiming to have gone 100 percent green these days.and solar power share of the to- But some say that it is just a feel-good scam.tal U.S power generation has in-creased from 0.5% in 2005 to 5% When we say 100 percent green, we imply The government has not issued any de-in 2015. This growth shows both that the company is getting all of its power fined set of rules to verify that the com-the innovation that has been low- from wind, solar, geothermal, or biofuels panies are actually using the renewableering the costs and different subsi- plants. Companies might be claiming to energy sources. While some countriesdies which include accelerated de- do so for the environment, but their ac- claim that they have laws that mandatepreciation, tax credits and grants, tual purpose is also attaining a Renewable third-party audits, many do not. Gettingloan guarantees, and state renew- Energy Certificate (REC). there still involves a complicated set ofable power mandates. The RECs certifies that a company is ob- decisions, compromises, tough conversa-Renewable energy’s value is usu- taining all its power supply from renew- tions with utilities, and financial maneu-ally lower because investments do able sources of energy. According to a vering. What drives this trend of goingnot always target the highest qual- study shared by the National Renewable green are the reducing prices for renew-ity resource—solar power goes to Energy Lab of the U.S. Department of able energy certificates, strict governmentwhere subsidies are, not where the Energy, around 13,000 customers bought policies, public and shareholder pressure,sun shines. 10.5 billion certificates in 2007. Nobody and a growing body of evidence that isInnovation has brought low- knows exactly what these cost, but the provided by opting for renewables overer costs for wind, solar and their lab’s best estimates a range from $100 mil- fossil fuels. Hundreds of companies likecompetitors. This has lowered the lion to $500 million. Intel, Cisco and IBM had already pur-cost of U.S natural gas, where- The practice of purchasing the certificates chased RECs but continued to buy pow-in the price of natural gas deliv- has also been supported by the Federal er from conventional utilities generatingered to the power sector in 2015 agencies. Annual awards are handed over electricity for fossil fuel. It has now justis equal to one-third of the price by the EPA to the companies who pur- become a big business for green credit.than it was in 2008. chase green power through REC suppli- However, the I-REC Standard issued aAs the cost of power production ers. This, in turn, encourages competition stand about issuing certificates and gen-has fallen, it is the same for the between universities and other organiza- erators stating that they provide energydemand for electricity. Electricity tions vying to be the greenest among them attribute tracking systems that are easilyconsumption in the U.S. has fallen all. implemented to consumers in all regionsby 1 percent because of subsidies If this is not enough, then we also have the as for compliance. They believe that con-and standards targeting energy ef- World Resources Institute and the World sumers are given a choice to where theyficiency. In other parts of the U.S., Wildlife Fund that published a guide consume electricity and get resourcesthe costs of wind and solar may be book, the Renewable Energy Buyers’ Prin- within their region. They added that at-competitive with new coal or nat- ciples, on helping companies formulate tributes and uses of renewable electricityural gas facilities, but new renew- strategies to go 100 percent clean. The purchased is also disclosed by investment competes with simplest avenue available is to purchaseexisting, lower-cost power plants. renewable-energy certificates (RECs), orThese findings result in utilities credits, that enable companies to claimrelying more on the use of natu- 100 percent renewable sources withoutral gas than renewables. This is getting their power directly from solardue to the fact that natural gas is panels or wind turbines.still more efficient in following thechanges in energy demand. ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY 49
HPAGEDEORTPMOLEAPNATOYY If there’s one country that is way ahead of RUESNEEPDWOUAWEBETLROE us when it comes to renewable energy, it would be Germany. Why? Because they SEUNREPRLGUYS are already paying people to use electric- ity! The overwhelming heat and powerful winds enabled this in Germany to hap- pen. The country’s solar, wind, hydro and biomass plants provided 55 GW of the consumed 63 GW, which is about 87 per cent. The power prices getting below zero for several hours on May 8, Sunday, indicated that the commercial customers were be- ing paid to consume electricity. Christoph Podewils of Agora Ener- giewende, a think tank and policy labora- tory in Germany funded by the Europe- an Climate Foundation and the Stiftung Mercator, said, “We have a greater share of renewable energy every year. The power system adapted to this quite nicely. This day shows again that a system with large amounts of renewable energy works fine.” This feat in renewable energy by Germa- ny is good news especially that they plan to hit 100% renewable energy by 2050 – but ultimately a bad news for the gas pow- er, nuclear and coal plants, as they have to be shut down. SOLAR MICROGRID REDUCES CARBON EMISSIONS BY 50% Stone Edge Farm Estate Vineyards first from Aquion Energy and power conver- installed their solar microgrid and other sion technologies from Ideal Power. renewable technologies some time ago, According to Matt Maroon, the vice pres- and their aim was to cut carbon emission ident and product management for Aqui- by 50 percent. on, the project is one of a number of mi- The vineyard was able to reach this goal crogrids that now uses Aquion Energy’s within a year. Now, they are aiming to at- batteries. This particular on includes 14 tain below-zero carbon emissions by us- Aquion M-Line Battery Modules which ing renewable energy and storage. are 25 kWh each, and provides about 350 They are located on a 16-acre organic kEh of energy storage capacity in total. winery and farm from Sonoma, Cali- These will be connected to a 32-kW solar fornia. The microgrid includes batteries array. Photo by Clean Technica50 ISSUE NO.004 RENEWABLE ENERGY
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