WHATS INSIDE...06 QUEENSFERRY CROSSINGWe take a look at the history of the project as well asConquip’s involvement in many aspects of its construction.10 GOOD DEEDSA 100 mile off road cycle challenge, a trek to MountKilimanjaro and much more...12 BULK X TOTTENHAM COURT ROADFind out more about the bespoke BULK X we built forTottenham Court Road Station.16 C360 ELEANOR STREETTake a look at our involvement with the ventilation shaftson the Crossrail route...18 CANTICRANELearn more about our CantiCranes with our three brandnew case studies.20 CROSSRAIL LIMMO PENINSULABespoke solutions, standard equipment and greatrelationships...24 COMPETITION TIMEFind out the results of our second photo competition26 TESTIMONIALS / NEW TEAM MEMBERS /FEEDBACK / NEW VIDEOS AND MORE...30 BULK X BLOMFIELD ROADCrossrail’s deepest piled shaft and Conquip’s involvement...34 BLOOMBERG LONDONFind out about our exciting involvement with theBloomberg project in London...38 MEET THE TEAM ® 3 ENGINEERING GROUP
6 14 20 30 38 34 Welcome to issue #4 of CQ Update. Changes are aplenty in issue #4; firstly we have a new and improved look, we hope you like it as much as we do! Secondly, we have almost doubled the content compared to our last issue, the reason for this is to give you more background information on the projects, as well as our involvement in them. We also thought it was the perfect opportunity to introduce some of our team members - this may take a while though, we have added 22 new members to our team since our last update! We have been involved in some amazing projects over the last few months, and we really hope you enjoy reading about them as much as we have enjoyed being a part of them! Becky Ray [email protected] Editor – Conquip Engineering Group.OR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 5 ENGINEERING GROUP
QUEENSFERRY CROSSING“We use Conquip because nobody else offers the service that you do. Thereliability and diversity of what you can offer us, small bolt boxes to largecarrying cages and bins, Conquip have always come through the best. Untilwe found Conquip, we never could get the consistency of quality and service.I would happily take your business to the USA! “JERRY KENT - MARINE WORKS/CSB WORKS MANAGER - FORTH BRIDGE DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM6
Construction of the new Forth Bridge or Queensferry Crossing is already well under way. We take a look at the history of the project as well as highlighting how Conquip has been involved in many aspects of its construction... The Queensferry crossing is an estimated £1.4 billion project. The 1.7 mile (2.7km) structure will be the longest three-tower, cable-stayed bridge in the world and also by far the largest to feature cables which cross mid-span. There is already a road bridge there so why the requirement for another one? In 2004, inspections of the main cable found corrosion that had resulted in a loss of strength between eight and ten per cent, giving rise to fears of the need for significant restrictions in the future to allow for repairs. Some 60,000 vehicles use the bridge every day and it represents one of the most vital economic arteries in Scotland. Given these issues and the impact that major maintenance works would have, the existing Forth Road Bridge was no longer deemed viable as the long-term main crossing of the Firth of Forth. After extensive research it was decided that a new road bridge would be the best way forward. The original design for the bridge included dedicated public transport lanes and a hard shoulder, but this was later reduced in width as it was decided that the existing bridge could be kept in operation at a reduced capacity, and be utilised for public transport and pedestrians only. Construction actually started in May 2012, when preparations for the concrete foundations were made 14 metres below water level. Huge caissons (essentially moulds) were put in place to create a dry working area in which to form the foundations and complete sub-marine work. Apparently the largest mould is a massive 30 metres in diameter by 30 metres high and weighs in at a whopping 1,200 tonnes. These caissons were floated to their precise position using GPS systems and then sunk down to the seabed. The operation involved excavating over 45,000 cubic metres of material and the foundations for the South Tower alone swallowed a massive 16,869 cubic metres of concrete. In total the bridge is expected to use 150,000 tonnes of concrete, this is nearly the same amount used for the entire London Olympics park and Athletes Village. These facts and figures are taken from the Forth Bridges website, we recommend taking a look, it’s a very interesting site with a lot more detail on the history and construction, see below link: http://www.forth-bridges.co.uk/queensferry-crossing/features-queensferry. htmlOR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 7 ENGINEERING GROUP
What started as an enquiry for a concrete skip has developed into a relationship where FCC turn to Conquip Engineering Group for all manner of bespoke manufactured equipment, as well as countless items from our standard range. We like to think that the enquiries come our way because of our motivation to provide first class service every time, our equipment simply speaks for itself! Whilst we had seen the equipment leaving on the trucks, it was still a pleasant surprise when we visited site to see just how much of our equipment was being utilised and also the sheer scale of the project undertaken. Pictured left is a 91t lifting beam which is used to lift the bridge bottom deck panels, below are pictures of goods carrying cages, stillages, concrete skips, bolt boxes, portable toilet lifting cages, weld boxes and gas bottle cages. We have also supplied other lifting beams, access cages, rescue cages, crane forks, boat skips and tipping skips. We particularly like the 360 degree view from the centre tower of the bridge (from where a lot of the photos below were taken), use the link to see for yourself. http://www.forth-bridges.co.uk/queensferry-crossing/features- queensferry/360-view-from-the-centre-tower.htmlOR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 9 ENGINEERING GROUP
GOOD DEEDS Well done to James Stubbs from AJ Morrisroe & Sons for successfully cycling from London to Paris on Friday the 25th of July. ‘We left from Blackheath at 14.00 for the first leg , which was 94 miles down to Newhaven where we caught the ferry across to France. The second leg was around 153 miles from Dieppe to Paris where we finished under the Eiffel Tower.’LONDON TO PARIS... He managed to raise £1250 for Action Medical Research, who provide funds for medical research and development, to help causes for young children and premature babies. For further information on the charity see the link below. www.action.org.ukNIAMH’S 100 MILE OFF ROADCYCLE CHALLENGEOn the 7th of September Chris our Marketing Manager and 7 other riderscycled 100 miles across the South Downs from Winchester to Eastbourne in aday...‘It was quite possibly the most tiring thing I have ever done! We set off at 6am andarrived in Eastbourne at around 11.30pm, we raised over £4000 to help towards thecost of a potentially life saving vest for little Niamh who has Cystic Fibrosis. Thank youto all the kind people who sponsored me, and especially thank you to the staff anddirectors of Conquip who collectively contributed to over half of my total. It was a veryproud moment to hand over £700 to the cause.’MT KILIMANJARO... PJ CAREYS CONQUER MOUNT KILIMANJARO That Conquip water bottle is sat atop of Mount Kilimanjaro and we have so much respect for the two girls that put it there... Siobhan and Jackie Carey raised a staggering £15,000 plus for their two chosen charities; The National Brain Appeal and Theadora Children’s Trust. They completed this amazing feat in September after 5 months of training. Conquip Engineering Group were more than happy to donate £250 towards two excellent causes. Fundraising has now finished but you can still visit their page for further information: http:// uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/ jackieandsiobhan DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM10
TCH THE VID WA .COM EO WWW .CQEGROUPLIAM AND PAUL’S ICE BUCKET CHALLENGELiam from our CAD team and Paul who heads our Q&HS It certainly made a big splash and I think Liam was especiallydepartment have never been people who do things by thankful for the bucket of water Chris threw at him once hehalves... had dried his eyes! To see this hilarious video take a look at our website: www.cqegroup.comThat’s why when it came to the inevitable ice bucketchallenge there was no way they were going to share an NOTE: EVEN THOUGH WE BELIEVE AUTOLOCKS TO BE THE SAFESTAutolock tipping skip’s worth of water, they wanted to have TIPPING SKIPS AVAILABLE TODAY WE IN NO WAY RECOMMENDone each! That’s roughly 2000 litres of ice cold water (or STANDING IN AND AROUND MACHINERY OR ATTACHMENTS. EXTRAshould I say 1000 litres each?). SAFETY MODIFICATIONS WERE MADE FOR THE SHOOTING OF THIS VIDEO.OR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 11 ENGINEERING GROUP
BULK X TOTTENHAM COURT ROADCrossrail is working alongside TfL on a £1bn transformationof Tottenham Court Road Station, the biggest transportinvestment in the West End for decades.Built over 100 years ago as two separate tube stations, Tottenham CourtRoad was not designed to cope with the almost 150,000 passenger journeysthat are now made through the station every day. With the expected risein passenger numbers interchanging between London Underground servicesand Crossrail in 2018, the existing station is being upgraded to meet theexpected rise in demand for this key central London station for the years tocome.Alongside the upgrade of the existing tube station, Crossrail is building a newstation the length of three football pitches four storeys underground. A newstreet level ticket hall will be constructed at Dean Street, with the station boxcontinuing five levels below ground at a depth of around 25m, providingaccess to the new Crossrail platforms.Buildings have been demolished from the area bounded by Dean Street,Diadem Court, Great Chapel Street and Oxford Street to make way for themodern looking ticket hall.• 24 trains per hour service at peak times in each direction.• 260m length of platform tunnels.• 25m platform depth.• 102,000 passengers are estimated to use the Crossrail station each day.• 40 utilities diverted in and around Charing Cross Road and Oxford Street.• 500,000 square feet of premium retail, office and residential accommodation created at the eastern end of Oxford Street and Tottenham Court Road.• £1bn – total investment to build Crossrail station and upgrade capacity of existing Tube station.The Project also includes upgrading the current tube station to allow for theexpected 200,000 passengers a day once Crossrail is operational. As well asmany overground improvements including 500,000 sq feet of retail, officeand housing space, new public open areas, pedestrian access to surroundingstreets and improved cycle paths.All information is taken from the Crossrail Website:http://www.crossrail.co.uk/route/stations/tottenham-court-road/BULK EXCAVATION SYSTEM PATENTS APPLIED FOR DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM12
KEY FACTS CAPACITY: 5000 LTR PRIMARY FUNCTION: Excavation of the shaft on Tottenham Court Rd Station. ADVANTAGES: Space saving as system does not require traditional landing frame to dock. Quiet operation compared to traditional methods.OR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 13 ENGINEERING GROUP
This Crossrail project at Tottenham Court Road providedmain contractor BFK with many issues when it came toexcavating the shafts......the site is surrounded by residential property and runs 24 hours a day 7 daysa week, therefore traditional methods of excavation are too noisy, plus thesite is incredibly tight for space.The Bulk X is known to be one of the quietest methods of bulk dischargeavailable, but there was still an issue with the lack of space on site, there wassimply no where to put the traditional docking station.Our Design and Consultancy team came up with a innovative solution; whyuse a whole frame? If the skip could hook on, rather than land on thedocking station, then the use of the Bulk X would still be possible AND theycould excavate 24/7 with minimal noise.As you can see from the pictures this idea became reality, BFK were keen touse the Bulk X as they had seen the increase in productivity that could beachieved as well as the quietness of the operation. Therefore, our Design andConsultancy team were given the chance to manufacture and test this newmethod of docking.The docking station is held in place with both bolts and a concrete slab that ispoured over the legs, this adds stability to the frame. It would be possible toprecast and bolt down but for this project the stability legs were used.The crawler crane is set on a fixed radius and swings the skip towards thedocking station, where one of the two heavy duty hooks on either side of theskip attach and allow the chains to lower and discharge the doors.As you can see from the photos this system worked well, if you want to see itin action then take a look at the product video on our website... ® 15ENGINEERING GROUP
C360 ELEANOR STREETKEY FACTSDECK: Super Roller 2.9mand 3.2mPRIMARY FUNCTION: Toprovide secure landingarea for personnel beingtransported by access cages.ADVANTAGES: Spacesaving as system does notrequire complete landingframe to dock. Quietoperation compared totraditional methods. DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM16
Eleanor street and Mile End Road will house ventilation and emergency exit facilities between Stratford and Liverpool Street stations. The ventilation shafts along the Crossrail route have been designed to ensure optimal air movement within the tunnels. As Crossrail trains will be air- conditioned, they will release warm air into the tunnels and the shafts will help extract this warm air out of the tunnels. There will be two shafts that will extend around 30 metres below ground. Our CantiDecks were required on site at Eleanor Street, yet they weren’t the first CantiDecks we have fitted below ground level or on a Crossrail site. Although they were the first CantiDecks we had installed into the entrance of a tunnel and as you can see from the main picture; decks CD118 and CD283 had some unique modifications to allow the project to proceed. The original plan for the decks, was to fit them into the circular opening with a specially designed and fabricated propping system, due to some changes in the way the tunnel entrances were formed the original design became a little awkward to use. The CantiDeck team enjoy a good challenge though and with the aid of our Design & Consultancy team they went back to the drawing board and came up with a new solution. It was decided that a bolt down system would be better suited to the opening of the tunnel, our head engineer came up with a unique design which we fabricated in house, he then visited site with the CantiDeck team to modify the platforms in situ, along with load testing the new system and signing it off as fit for use. This highlights the flexibility of Conquip Engineering Group, when a situation arises we have the capacity to react and provide a solution that works whilst ensuring that down time is kept to a minimum. Primary function: To gain access to the adits to continue work while the shaft is completed. To complete the shaft it needs to be dug way below the bottom of the adits to concrete the footing for the shaft, then it is built back up to the adit level at which point the decks are removed.OR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 17 ENGINEERING GROUP
Since our last update we have installed our CantiCranes on three further sites, coincidentally Balfour Beatty being the main contractor for all three. At Artillery Lane E1, Balfour Beatty hired the CantiCrane system direct, the primary function on site was to allow the tower crane to work solely on the concrete frame and facades. The CantiCrane was used in conjunction with four Super Roller Platforms, these were installed in a stacked configuration allowing access to all floors of the structure at all times. Once the CantiCrane was in place on the top floor it was able to relocate the CantiDecks below to whichever floor was required, full training was given so that operatives on site could achieve this without our input. For the other two sites (Waterloo SE1 and Ravenscourt near Hammersmith) our client was Glencoe/Getjar, they were completing the RC frame. Ravenscourt utilised the CantiCrane and a single 2.7m Fixed Flush CantiDeck to relieve pressure from the tower crane on site. As is often the case in London the site had very little space at ground level, there was a small loading bay and most deliveries/collections had to be made from the road. In this instance the system was utilised to load plasterboard, studwork and pods, as well as waste removal from site. At Waterloo the primary function was to provide an independent installation system for bathroom pods; CantiCrane was utilised with a Fixed Flush and a Super Roller CantiDeck enabling the existing decks and tower crane to continue with the construction of the frame. Utilising the CantiCrane system in this way will increase efficiency and create significant project savings, if you would like to learn more about the CantiCrane system then visit our website where you will find a wealth of information, video case studies and video testimonials.OR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 19 ENGINEERING GROUP
CROSSRAIL LIMMO PENINSULAConquip Engineering Group have supplied many bespokesolutions and standard equipment to Crossrail projectsacross London, the massive site at Limmo Peninsula beingno exception.We took the opportunity to visit site in the Summer 2014, and were amazedto see how much of the equipment on site was from Conquip. We quicklyformed a good relationship with the guys at Limmo, Lee Bartley in particular,see his testimonial on the next page.Limmo was the first site to order the (then) bespoke 12 man access cage,the cage became so popular with the other Crossrail sites that we madeit a standard product in our next brochure. These access cages appearedeverywhere (far more than any other product we supplied to site), we sawthem on TV, in the papers, in newsletters and on the internet. As you can seefrom the picture to the right, the cages became quite useful for taking footageof the massive tunnel boring machines being lowered down the shaft.However, it wasn’t cages alone that we supplied on this site, we have morepictures than we could fit onto this double page spread and counted nearly60 items at Limmo, all being above ground. Much of the equipment youcan see here has been fabricated at our facilities in Alton, Hampshire, and it’ssomething we are very proud of, we have invested heavily into equipment,staff and training so that we can deliver the products you need, when youneed them.Amongst the equipment in the images opposite, you will see a 3000 litrework safe column skip, a 5 metre long goods carrying cage, portable toiletlifting frames and various goods carrying cages and stillages. DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM20
CROSSRAIL LIMMO PENINSULAAs most of our clients will know, Conquip EngineeringGroup are always keen to receive feedback, we alwayslisten to our clients and use this information to improveour products and services. When we asked Lee Bartley,currently based at Limmo Peninsula, for a few words wereceived the following:‘I first discovered the versatility and reliability factor of Conquip several yearsago whilst working at Blackfriars for Balfour Beatty. We had a variety of complexrequirements to achieve our lifting operations. I approached Conquip, alongwith a number of other companies, and relayed the difficulties that we faced.The technical assistance we received from Conquip was so beneficial that weformed a very healthy working relationship. Whenever I was presented with amultitude of obstacles, I would contact Conquip to enquire if they were ableto fabricate what was required. On each occasion, we were able to find asolution, and because of this, we started to use Conquip for all of our liftingaccessories too. We always received a prompt and reliable service.As that particular project was coming to an end after 4 years, I moved overto Dragados-Sisk, a company that was tasked with constructing the largestamount of tunnelling on the Crossrail project. This was a totally differentchallenge, but not without its own complexities. It was quickly apparentthat we would need the expertise of Conquip again. I was happy to workwith them again, and between us we overcame a great amount of on siteproblems that were encountered.As you can imagine, one of our major problems was to excavate thousandsof tons of earth from over 40 metres beneath the surface. Conquip designedbulk muck skips for this task at our site in Stepney Green. A purpose builtmuck pit was erected at pit top with a steel frame designed to discharge theskips. We were able to skip 30-40 tons of earth at a time very quickly thisway, because the skip was designed to discharge through the bottom doorsof the skip which opened once we landed the skip on to the frame, theseclosed again and sealed when the skip was lifted again. This saved us manyhours through not having to tip each skip, and was a massive assistance to usconstructing the largest man made cavern of its kind in Europe.I have no hesitation in recommending Conquip to anyone who needs expertback up and solutions. Time and time again, they have come through whenrequired. Looking around our site at Limmo now, there are probably no lessthan 100 items of skips, cages, slings, forks, chains all supplied by Conquip.The same applies to our other sites at Stepney Green, Pudding Mill Lane andChatham Dockyard.The administration, technical and maintenance assistance we have constantlyreceived from Conquip means that they will always be our first port of callwhen expert help is required. I hope to maintain a close working relationshipwith Conquip for the remainder of this project, and for all future challengesfaced on other projects.’Lee Bartley,Senior Appointed PersonEastern Running Tunnels (C305) CrossrailWe took the opportunity to visit Lee who is currently located at LimmoPeninsula and are very grateful for the friendly welcome and the time heafforded us on site to collect some photos of our equipment (a lot of whichcan be seen on this page). We are also very grateful for the exemplarytestimonial he gave us. DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM22
Results for the 2nd Conquip photo competition... 1st Place winning £100 was Ricky Barden of CSL Transport, 2nd place was John Ringwood of JR Access Services and 3rd place was Chris Smith of Smith Contractors. Think you can do better?! Then why not enter our current competition and you could be presented with a cheque for £100. Visit: www.cqegroup.com 2nd Prize £50 3rd Prize £25OR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 25 ENGINEERING GROUP
TESTIMONIALS It’s always nice to hear when you have done well, we are no different and so occasionally we ask for feedback, we thought as a regular feature we would share some of it with you. Just a quick note of thanks for all the help you have given me over the past couple of days. The delivery problem (due to no fault of your company) was dealt with very quickly, with arrangement of a replacement to be delivered first thing the following morning which enabled us to continue work and no man hours were lost. The fact that this happened on a Friday evening and you were able to have a replacement for first delivery on Saturday morning is very impressive and credit to you for the work you did to achieve this. I appreciate how difficult this was on a Friday evening. You offered and gave a first class customer service. I found it very easy to work with you and look forward to doing so again in the future. Thanks again for your help Sean McClean | Cidon Construction Ltd NEW MEMBERS OF THE TEAM We have 22 new members of the team!! Becky Ray - Marketing. Becky has joined to support the marketing team and is already hard at work on new content for our website. Adrian Halliday, Ian Rout, David Searles, Chris Briden - Fabricator / Welders. They have all joined the team and will work within the new facilities we have in Alton Hampshire. Stephen Godfrey - CAD. Stephen joins the CAD team to assist with the evolution of our standard range of products as well as working on the ever increasing amount of bespoke projects we are undertaking. Dean Westhorpe - Foreman. Dean is a shop floor based foreman in our new manufacturing unit, he brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to the team. Mick Collyer - Weld Manager. Read more about Mick on page 40. Amanda Smith - Purchase Ledger. Amanda has taken over purchase ledger duties from Suzi Male who is now doing some excellent work in her new role as our Inventory Accountant. Miroslaw Podsiadlo, Piotr Napierala, James Forbes-Marshall - Press Brake Operators. They join the manufacturing team to assist with production. Mark Gray - On Site Engineer. Mark joins us due to the increasing demand for on site testing and repairs. Paul Crumplin - Laser Cutter Operative. Paul joins the production team to supply essential laser cuts for our fabricators. Andrew Butler - Finishing. Andrew is responsible for the painting / sign writing of all equipment. Adam Varga - Warehouse Team. Adam is our newest addition to the warehouse team and occupies the new role of goods in. Garry Spark, Neil Mortimer - Driver. Garry and Neil join our increasing fleet of drivers; Garry is a Class 2 Driver and Neil is our newest Van Driver. Charlie Bonner - Production Assistant. Charlie joins the production team. Jethro Knight, Gavin James , Jesse Long - Sales Team. The newest additions to our ever increasing Sales Team, they bring a vast amount of knowledge from their experience within the trade. DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM 26
GIVE US £15 BILLION RAILWAYYOURFEEDBACKWe always appreciate feedbackfrom clients...Good or bad we want to know, bylistening to our customers we are ableto constantly update our equipment,processes and service offerings.We are already working hard onupdating all of our spec sheets, workinginstructions and parts diagrams, thesewill be uploaded over the next fewmonths. Alongside this we are workingon creating product knowledge videos,which will highlight how best to useour products and the risks involved withmisuse, these will also be uploaded overthe next few months.Is there something that would bebeneficial to your company? Somethingthat you wish was available online?Let us know! We will look at everyrequest and try our best to fulfil them.NEW VIDEOS we kept our eyes peeled, although we didn’t have to wait for long.We thought it was about time we Within seconds of starting, our CA123updated our CantiDeck and CantiCrane cage was shown lowering personnelvideos, these are now available to view down the shaft at the limmo peninsula.on our website, as are a host of other That wasn’t the only product wenew case study videos including the spotted either; our concrete skips,Tower Hill case study. crane forks and muck skips featured in all three episodes. BBC2’s fascinating three part Aside from our excitement at seeing our documentary on the Crossrail products we have to say that the three project was a great watch... part documentary was very enjoyable and if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s well ...We had been tipped off that there worth a watch. maybe some images of our kit in use soIN THE NEXT ISSUE:Where do we start with the next issue!? There are some very exciting projects in thepipe line including more on the new Forth Bridge, the Mersey Crossing, Crossrailand some of the exciting new high rise developments throughout London.Keep your eyes peeled for the next CQ Update this Autumn.OR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 27 ENGINEERING GROUP
Autolock, quite simply thesafest tipping skip available today.OR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 29 ENGINEERING GROUP
BULK X BLOMFIELD ROADAt the Blomfield Road worksite Crossrail are constructing aventilation shaft for Liverpool Street Station, it is Crossrail’sdeepest piled shaft. The shaft will house mechanical andelectrical plant as well as serve as an emergency escaperoute from the station.A 40m-deep box structure is being constructed on Blomfield Street toaccommodate ventilation, electrical, mechanical and systems equipment forthe new Crossrail station.Over 250 piles were constructed to form the walls of the concrete boxstructure, some of which are over 50 metres deep, equivalent to the heightof Nelson’s column. The Blomfield box is Crossrail’s deepest piled shaft.Laing O’Rouke, has been excavating the box and constructing the internalfloor slabs as the excavation progressed. The first concrete slab on groundlevel was poured and then the earth underneath was excavated allowing thefirst sub level to be constructed. In this way, each internal floor slab will beconstructed in a top down construction sequence until they reach the baseslab.Excavation down to 40 metres was just about complete at the time of ourvisit, so we were quite lucky to get access to the site in time to see our systemin use. Over 18000 cubic metres of earth and clay has been excavated andour system was used for a large percentage of that. The base slab was pouredearly in 2015, and work has now started on the internal structure includingbreaking through the walls to connect the shaft to the station tunnels, thiswill be followed by construction of the above ground structure which willeventually house the ventilation equipment.Adjacent to the shaft, a new communications equipment room, powersubstation and switch rooms have been constructed for the Liverpool StreetLondon Underground Station. This has allowed the demolition of the oldsubstation to create the required space for the Broadgate ticket hall onLiverpool Street. Turn the page to see how our Bulk X performed for them.Info taken from Crossrail Website. http://www.crossrail.co.uk/route/stations/liverpool-street/blomfield-street-worksite DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM30
KEY FACTS CAPACITY: 6000 LTR PRIMARY FUNCTION: Excavation of the shaft on Blomfield Road. ADVANTAGES: No limit on depth (unlike a grab). Safer as no personnel needed around the discharge zone (notice no taglines). Quicker than a grab.OR GIVE US A CALL 0845 520 1101 ® 31 ENGINEERING GROUP
BULK X BLOMFIELD ROADWe had to wait a short while to see the Bulk X in use,the excavation had almost come to an end and one ofour lorries had turned up to collect the boat skip that hadserved them so well, cameras at the ready we watched as itdisappeared over the hoarding, good timing we thought.The operatives on site then said there was another lorry outside with a deliverythey had to unload first, which was no problem, after all we were interruptingtheir day, not vice versa. To our delight the crane came back into view andhovered above a set of our crane forks, cameras at the ready once again, wewatched as the forks disappeared over the hoarding and came back into viewmoments later fully loaded, another chance to photograph our kit in action -it was turning into a good day!With the crane forks landed and no further requirements for the crane, wewere able to see what we had come for, the Bulk X! It was lifted from thebase of the 40 metre shaft and emptied into the stockpile area, (as shownon the previous page), we took full advantage of that with the camera too.The system worked flawlessly, the skip was raised steadily and then safelylocated onto the docking station where it discharged roughly 12t of muckand sand into the stockpile, transported back over the top of the shaft andthen lowered out of site, perfect, everything we needed in one take.With that captured, we wanted to know how it had performed, BlomfieldRoad and Tottenham Court Road had both had the innovative new systemaround the same time and whilst we knew that Tottenham Court Road werevery happy with the productivity and safety aspects we were keen to hearmore from the operatives on this site.Peter Bajrak, pictured right talking with our Design and Consultancy Manager,was very impressed with the system and happy to give us some feedback. Hementioned how they liked the system on site primarily because it was safe,you will notice there are no tag lines on the skip and no need for anyone tobe in the discharge zone. He also noted that the Bulk X was quicker than agrab, the capacity is actually 6 times greater than the grab that they initiallyhad on site, although it could be lowered slightly quicker. Overall our systemgave a huge increase in productivity, Peter also mentioned that the systemhad been very reliable and was easy to use. It just proves, sometimes thesimplest solutions are the best! DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM32
BLOOMBERG LONDONThis development comprises two high-grade specificationoffice buildings in the City of London, which will includesome retail units at ground floor level, and a new entranceto the London Underground, Bank Station. BloombergLondon will also host a permanent public exhibition onthe Temple of Mithras which was originally uncovered onWalbrook in the 1950s...The project completion date for the main build is Spring 2017. The twobuildings will have a total of 9 floors above ground level with 4 basementlevels, this is to preserve the view between Blackheath and St Paul’s Cathedral.The larger office block will comprise 407,985 sq ft of office space and willhouse all of Bloomberg’s London operatives. It will also include a 18,913 sqft retail arcade lined with restaurants and shops, which Bloomberg say willbecome a ‘dining and retail hub in this part of the City’.The second building will comprise 224,954 sq ft of office space, and willbe developed speculatively for Bloomberg for its eventual occupation, butsubleased initially. It will also contain 10,903 sq ft of retail.Together the two buildings form the 169ft-high development and will belinked by bridges at floors 2, 4 and 6. As part of the Bloomberg Place scheme,the reconstruction of the Temple of Mithras is to be re-sited on the Walbrookas close as possible to where it was originally uncovered in 1954. There willalso be three new open spaces accessible to members of the public and athoroughfare between the North and South buildings.As part of the plans for the three-acre site, which is bounded by QueenVictoria Street, Bucklersbury, Walbrook, Cannon Street and Queen Street,Bloomberg will also create a new entrance to Bank station.Information taken from http://www.bbp-walbrooksquare.co.uk/ DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM34
BLOOMBERG LONDONWe had been waiting for a project like this for some time.We had often thought that CantiDeck holds the perfectsolution for bridging gaps, and the Bloomberg projectallowed us to prove this...We closed the order in December 2014, and then designed and fabricatedtwo bridges which were 11m in length, spanning a 10m gap, with a 4.7mwide loading area. The first bridge was installed on Saturday 17th January2015.The bridges have increased efficiency on site and provided safe loading areasfor both buildings, in addition to this they link the buildings and provideaccess for personnel from one building to another, eliminating the need totravel to ground level to gain access. The bridges also have lockable gatesallowing the site to restrict access when necessary. A third bridge is currentlybeing fabricated and is due to be installed early June 2015.Two additional loading platforms were designed and fabricated, and havebeen placed on the roof of each building, the primary function being toprovide additional safe loading areas for the crane. The largest of the twoplatforms is 22m in length and 5.2m in width and each assembly piece hadto be separately crane lifted into place.We visited site in April 2015 and received very positive feedback, for moreinformation take a look at the case study on our website. DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM36
TEAM PROFILE - OLLIEWe thought this would be a good opportunity to introducesome of the team and tell you a bit about their roles atConquip. If you are interested in seeing more then whynot visit www.cqegroup.com and take a look at our ‘MeetThe Team’ Videos...So who are you and what’s your role at Conquip?My name is Oliver and I am the Operations Manager.Could you briefly explain your role?I run the transport fleet by upholding the vehicle maintenance and compliance.I also manage the team of drivers by planning their routes daily, ensuring thatall deliveries are sent out to site as required. This also includes keeping up todate with the current legislation that surrounds inner London deliveries.My main role to the customer is to ensure they receive the product they haveordered, within the time frame they have requested.Is there a lot of legislation surrounding deliveries?Yes! When I first started at the company I noticed that a lot of our deliveriesare in London, so I arranged for us to join the Fleet Operator RecognitionScheme (FORS), this is a certificate that the company needs to hold in order todeliver in London. We are audited regularly to ensure that we are complyingwith the standards that have been set to hold the certificate. I also ensure wecomply with the current legislation with regards to working hours for drivers.Are there any additional aspects to your role that you haven’tmentioned?Yes actually, another main aspect of my role is managing the warehouseand the team of staff within, this is essentially the goods in and goods outwarehouse. Within this part of my role I ensure that the picking of the ordersand the order assembly is correct, which includes overseeing the loadingof the vehicles. I also make sure that there is a quick turnaround with alldeliveries to guarantee the customers receive their products as required.Do you have past experience within transport and logistics?I have over fifteen years of experience of working within transport andlogistics. I started my career as a van driver in 1999 and my role progressed todepot manager, this is where I received most of my training and experiencewithin the trade. I also hold my CPC; Certificate of Professional Competencewhich is required to be a transport manager.What do you enjoy most about your job?I really enjoy the variety that my role offers, no two days are ever the same! DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM38
TEAM PROFILE - MICKMeet Mick, he is our Welding Manager and here’s what he has to sayabout his role at Conquip...What does being the Welding Manager involve?It essentially involves overseeing the welding and fabrication side of theworkshop; looking after the staff, their welfare and ensuring they get theright training.I complete quality inspections of the welds on all of our ‘non standardproducts’, this is to ensure that the welds are of the correct size and quality, itis also to provide assurance of the product quality to our customers.Do you need a qualification to inspect the quality of welding?Yes and I am fully qualified to be a welding inspector and hold my CSWIP 3.1certificate.What do you do with the information you gain from the weldinspections?I keep a database of all the inspection reports alongside additional information,for example; who completed the weld, when it was completed and if it metthe required standards. I keep the database up to date and add to it each timethat I complete an inspection.The workshop team all have an individual identity number that they stamponto the product that they have welded, this also allows for traceabilityalongside the database. If a problem was to occur in the future we would beable to find the required information easily.You mentioned managing the workshop staff, could you explainmore?Yes, a further aspect of my role is managing the workshop staff; I providetraining to ensure that all of our staff are qualified and competent for theirjob, I also give advice if they have queries throughout their daily tasks. Ideallymy aim is to have all of our workshop staff multi skilled and trained across allaspects of production.Are there any other aspects to your role?Yes, I also check the drawings that are completed by the design team toensure that they are up to specification with regards to the welding. Forexample; I will check that there is the right amount of weld on the designand that they are legible. Other aspects of my role involve helping out inthe workshop/warehouse when required, and offering advice with regards toestimates and how many hours of fabrication and welding time the designwill need.What’s your experience within the industry?I have 30 years of experience within the industry, having previously workedin the fabrication of specialist vehicles and spent time working for BritishAerospace Systems (BAE) building warships. I therefore bring a vast amountof knowledge to the company with regards to large fabrications and theimportance of quality and traceability.What’s your favourite part of your job?My favourite part of my job is being able to pass on my knowledge andexperience to the team, and to see them progress and develop within theirroles, I also find it very satisfying to see the team working together. Anotherreason I really enjoy my job is the reward of seeing and being part of thecompany’s growth and expansion. DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM40
TEAM PROFILE - ANDYMeet Andy, our Workshop Manager...What does being the Workshop Manager involve?My main role covers the refurbishment and repair of both ours and ourcustomers’ equipment. My day starts by planning the daily WorkshopSchedule for my team, which involves liaising with the sales & customer servicedepartments to determine a logical priority for products that are required ona daily basis. The workshop schedule is the daily ‘drum beat’ to the variousprocesses that we run, such as cleaning, inspection, repair and re-finishing ofall equipment, ensuring they are kept in time.In addition I also ensure that the required tests are completed and that theequipment complies with current regulations such as LOLER. Throughout theday, I ensure we have continuous stock available for next day dispatch, mostdays we will re-adjust the day’s plan as customer requirements dictate. I amalso responsible for ensuring the quality control of the equipment before itis dispatched. My role is very hands on and I often help with the loading andunloading of the lorries when required.Do you ever liaise with the customers directly?Yes, I am regularly asked to offer technical advice to customers. For example,if they have a problem once the equipment is on site, I will liaise with themover the phone to offer the best possible solution. Following this I also carryout on site training for equipment if it’s required.In fact I am regularly a point of resource for advice and information withinthe company as well as to our customers. I have worked for Conquip since2006, and have over 34 years of experience in the plant industry, therefore Ihave a very high level of knowledge regarding the pressures and constraintson construction sites.How does your role directly affect the customers?My role directly affects the customers’ experience with Conquip because Iessentially ensure that all the equipment the customer receives has passedquality control and that all the required tests have been carried out on theproduct. I also ensure that the product is sent out at the correct time and isready for when the customer requires it.What’s your favourite part of working at Conquip?My favourite part of my job is the day to day challenge of meeting customers’expectations. Each day is varied and never the same as the last. DISCOVER MORE, VISIT WWW.CQEGROUP.COM42
[email protected] 520 1101COPYRIGHTNo part of this brochure may be reproduced or copied in any way without written consent from the owners of Conquip EngineeringGroup. The company’s policy is one of continuous growth and improvement in service and products. We reserve the right to alterspecifications without prior notice.The information in this brochure should not be acted upon without independent consideration and professional advice as to fitness forpurpose, safety and service life requirements. Conquip Engineering Group will not accept any responsibility for any loss to any personacting or refraining from acting as a result of this brochure information.BROCHURE REF: CQU0004 Conquip Head Office : Unit 4 | Waterbrook Estate | Alton | Hants | GU34 2UD Phone: 0845 520 1101 | [email protected]
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