Nanjing Massacre
What was the Nanjing Massacre Also known as the “Rape of Nanjing” The mass murder and rape of citizens in Nanjing, commited by Imperial Japanese troops. These troops killed innocents and unarmed soldiers, as well as raped and looted many. -wmTQ
Nanjing has been around for centuries, and evidence shows human activity dating back to 6000 years ago. This city has been an important part of China for a very long time, and was primarily populated by Chinese peoples, with some immigrants and those visiting. In 1927 Nanjing was considered the most modern city in Japan. The Japanese have always been slightly separated from the rest of the world, and in response to western influence and colonization, they built a strong military and instiled strogn nationalistic veiws in citizens. Japan reverted back to the emperor in the 1930’s, and starting in school, children were tough military values and to be prepared to die for their emperor.
On september 18 in 1931, the Japanese planted a small bomb on the area of the Manchurian railroad that they owned, and blamed it on the Chinese, as they wanted the resoucredin this area. Having access to these resources was hoped to help boost the economy. This gae reason to invade the rest of Manchuria. Since they easily conquered Manchuria, Japan planned to invade the rest of China, which eventually led them to Nanking in 1937.
The massacre is a result the of second sino-japanese war, that started in 1937. This was due to Chinese resistance on Japaneses explanation, staring in 1931, after the second world war. Japan, who was ultranationalistic wanted to expand their power and influence, which the Chinese rejected. China was experience internal conflicts and the Japanese saw this as an opportunity for invasion, since China was not at their strongest. The war began July 7 1937, and ended september 9, 1945. However, there was minor fighting since 1931.
This massacre take place over 6 weeks, starting We Will Never Forget December 13, in 1937, and ended January and 1938. During this time, the second Sino-Japanese war was taking place. While the death toll is possibly very high, at over 300 000 dead, it is not certain due to the fact that the Japanese destroyed military documents surround deaths shorty after surrendering. Even those who could no put up a fight and defend themselves were killed; including children, infants, and elderly. Around 20 000 women were raped, including female children and elderly.
Japan started invading China due to resources, and wanting to expand their power. After world war one, Japan began to fall back under the ruling of an emperor, and adopted ultranationalistic views, believing that they were the superior race. Since Nanjing was the capital of China during this time, invading it was a huge accomplishment, and they would be able to complete their goal of “restoring” the race. Even those who surrendered were killed, as the Japanese believed that those who surrendered were cowards. An estimate 20 000 women and girls were killed from Rape.
NOVEMBER 22 The International Committee for the Nanking Safety Zone was formed, when Japanese troops began to near the city. DECEMBER 9 - 10 Japanese soldiers arrived at the entrance of Nanjing and demanded that the city surrendered within 24 hours, or else here would be “no mercy”. They had gotten through the last lines of Chinese resistance.
DECEMBER 13 1937 The first of Japanese troops entered the city of Nanjing, and rumours about the atrocities committed elsewhere in China had also been heard. As soon as troops entered, the crimes and genocide begun. Japanese soldiers killed, raped, and destroyed property and belongings. International Committee for Nanking Safety Zone formed an area in the city for civilians to be protected from the massacre. This zone was responsible for keeping around 250000 Chinese citizens safe from the violence. An area just under 9km2 was set up with four roads on all sides, and had camps within for refugees. The Japanese did not acknowledged this area as an official safety zone, but decided to not attack as long as the area had no military. So, the committee managed to convince all military forces to leave the area.
FEBRUARY 18 The Nanking Safety Zone International Committee was renamed Nanjing International Rescue committee and the area that the safe zone was closed. JANUARY 1938 The Japanese had declared Nanjing as restored and all refugees were forced to return back. Japanese soldiers still remained, however the mass killings had stopped.
IWANE MATSUI Matsui was a general in the Japanese military during the time of the massacre. When leaving to fight in the war against China, Matsui had stated that he was determined to capture Nanjing, the capital, and that war would not be over until done so. He hoped that this would cause the chinese government to fall, and that he would play an important role in a newly formed japanese government. When first entering Nanjing, Matsui told his army that those uninvolved in the fight would not be harmed, however this was not followed, and Matsui did not fight much against it. “The truth is that some acts are unavoidable” - What Matsui said in response to the events of the massacre.
INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE Even though the Nanking massacre was an atrocity, the world did not do much in response to the events taking place. Since countries were still suffering from the fallout of World War One, not much was put towards helping Nanjing. On october 6, 1937 when Japanese troops were continuing to advance in China, before the massacre, the league of nations was called upon for help. However, they did not do much, and only sympathy was given. The thought was that action against Japan would drive them closer to Italy and Germany. The safety zone was made by Americans and Europeans who were in Nanking at the time.
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